Who's the best Youtube intellectual?

Who's the best Youtube intellectual?

jim; hes the only one to take the blackpill and realize that everything is shit

Destiny is unironically smarter than any of these 'youtube intellectuals', I'm not even baiting/

he should lead a social movement

Society for ethical CP?

the lion whose name is Northern


Epic memes friends. Like it or not, Destiny is really smart. I'm liking him more and more. He's a bitch for clinging to certain core opinions but his analysis on everything else is perfect, comes out fluently and instant. He's a genuine genius.



tbh I'm not even enjoying the streams I'm just waiting for Destiny to debate someone. I'd love to see him get matched up against Ryan Faulk. He's debating Mike Enoch on BasedAlaska's show and that should be great, but Enoch isn't smart he's just good at shooting the shit.

Is there a good video that showcases his intellectual prowess?


I'm not even joking when I say this, read a book.

no, but there is a tweet where he admits he got banned from twitch for threatening to murder someone over league of legends

his debates show it off pretty well

That's definitely more stimulating, but without memeing, many intellectuals who have written books in the past are equally as laughable, but less exposed in their personal hypocrises and biases.

reading counter arguments in chat and misrepresenting Wikipedia articles is not intellectual ability

3rd guy is dFUryTAh?

Hes a downs syndrome Adam Sandler

Maybe JF's latest book?

oy vey

He rarely does that. In fact I remember several times his opponent lying getting called out in chat and he completely missed it.

You're really bad at this, you know that right?

I actually watch Destiny videos, not streams, but alright. I don't deny I like his debates, especially against retards.

Enoch btfoed 2 liberals and an ancom on Andy “Race” Warski’s stream yesterday. He will dunk on Destiny.

7 year old asians dunk on destiny

Is destiny on some type of medication?

Tiny is a colossal fucking faggot holy shit

Faulk's been in the game for over a decade. He's BTFO'd all these arguments to the moon and back.

Is that the same Enoch that has a half-black brother and a Jewish wife?

And the cycle is complete

There is no such thing.
t. imageboard intellectual

Ok, how about intellectuals on YouTube, does that sound better?

It can't logically happen, once you cross that threshold you're no longer an intellectual.

So JF is no longer an intellectual because he streams on YT?

Aydin Paladin.

Nope. I thought maybe ritalin or amph but he's said he isn't familiar with ADHD.


Jean-Francois Gariépy

I like Mike Enoch but you sound like a faggot.
A faction of the alt-right have turned into the new r/kotakuinaction. Just look at this faggot's enthusiasm reciting memes created by an e-celeb about himself. It's the most reddit shit imaginable, almost "the most redpilled motherfucker around" tier.

Eric Dubay. The fact bluepilled halfwits like soygon of cuckod are considered “skeptics” is testament to how literally retarded his fan base is.

never heard of him

only faggots call themselves this
Definitely, yes.

You should check him out.

Wish I were Destiny
Wish I lived with Destiny
Looks so comfy in his coat

Destiny is on youtube too. You're a retard for treating any of these people as worth more than anyone irl.
>During my undergraduate and graduate studies, I've had diverse interests including biology, anthropology, philosophy and internet sociology
JF is a neuroscientiste shit and dropped academia for not paying shit to milk the alt-right of their shekels. Get real and sort your life out you lonely faggot.

Oh, this changes everything! Destiny is on YT too? I guess that means everyone on YT must be morons then.

You should shoot your dick off.

I'm sorry you got triggered.

You use that word too liberally.

Judging by where your mind went with that you have the mental capacity of a lower than average 14 year old. There's no point trying to be a normal person at this point, just try not to piss people off irl reciting all the opinions you obviously took from the internet.

No, if anything I don't use it often enough.

He's from reddit. Look at how he types.

Surely you must be from Reddit yourself then, if you are able to see that from my posts.

No I'm just able to tell you type like a faggot and I assume you get it from reddit.

I yield! I yield!


That's how you ruin words, besides being a general faggot.

I believe you, user.

You are right, You should shoot your dick off doesn't sound like the words of a triggered individual at all. What a fag right?

you're right, it doesn't

I was just being honest. If anything you're the one who seems steamed about it seeing as the words are still in your head. How about, you should get a vasectomy you pretentious faggot?

Well, you'll have to forgive me, my IQ is just below that of a 14-year-old. I didn't know that the way adults argued was to tell someone to shoot their dick off. Maybe if I watch some Rick and Morty my IQ will get higher and I can finally become enlightened like you.

And yet here you are still, sounding quite agitated. Could it be that my words are still in your head?

So basically everyone who disagrees with your gayass our agitated and triggered? Hmmm.

Did I say that, Linkara? #notall

You said that.

Where? I could have sworn I said the following: And yet here you are still, sounding quite agitated.
Not sure how you took that to mean everyone who disagrees with your gayass our agitated and triggered.

That's what you meant in your own gayass words. I can translate gay.

This is the worst attempt at humour/banter I have seen in some time.

Your judgement means nothing to me.

That's not what you really mean. I can translate moron.

No, that's what I really mean.

Then why are you still responding to me? Hmmm.

I'm a masochist.

Amongst other things maybe.


I'm 100% sure that Destiny fell for the meme that progressives control everything, and as such, he is positioning himself for advancement by parroting talking points he doesn't really believe in.

Nope, just a masochist.

Hey, now, don't sell yourself short, user; You are also a low energy shitposter and painfully unfunny as well.

didn't read your post, just responding



shortened form of ditto




Anyone who calls themselves an intellectual usually isn't one.
t. academic

You are worthless to me

You're just blankly repeating the meme in its most basic form. This is like a much more subtle form of how someone would post if they're pretending to be a newfag/redditor/retard. Like you just heard it from an e-celeb. You're really stupid. Do you post on Holla Forums by any chance?

t. low-IQ

You're the kind of person who still posts Chad memes

You're the kind of person who is new enough to still keep up with that

I'd say David Supernigger AKA FaceWhatsAhead but he's been banned from YouTube and every major social media website. He was on Vidme but then Vidme went down. He's not on Daily Motion or any other video site that I know of. I don't know where to find him anymore.

Remember kids; memes are serious business, and best left to us high IQ individuals.

can't mock JF since he has a PhD

that isn't even sped up is it?


Love this guy tbh.
no homo



(((Jew))) spotted.

Matt Christiansen

-t. razorfist

their streams are so calming

That laughing frenchman is pretty funny I guess.

t. terran gell

No he does these weird convulsions in his chair all the time. Probably because of an adderall addiction.

The fact that he has a PhD, and talks about race really fucking gets on your nerves, doesn't it?