Ever notice a lot of people have the same handfuls of games as their favorite of all time...

Ever notice a lot of people have the same handfuls of games as their favorite of all time? This taste in games seems incredibly boring, they they just like what's fed to them and do no work to find new games for themselves. To me, I think this leads to a lot of the lazy mentalities that there's "nothing good ever made today."

I see it often in real life with people listing the same handfuls of games, zelda, mgs, etc. as their favorites. Don't get me wrong, I think a lot of these are great games but you can't even mention games that are similar they might enjoy because they have no idea what you're talking about. Same goes for Holla Forums, and it's a little frustating dealing with hordes of people who like the same handful of games. It's always morrowind, deus ex, vtmb, etc. It's very boring seeing these games around, and makes the person who clamors for them look equally uninteresting.

Is that the most boring taste for someone who is interested in games to have?

Other urls found in this thread:


Usually it's not about actual games it's about approval whoring

yes, and what is more uninteresting than everyone having the same taste in games? To me, if any of these "approved" games are in your top 10 I'm much less inclined to want to engage because you have nothing interesting to add or talk about.

Hi Holla Forumseddit

Not my favorite but I wish to see more discussion about not so much talked about ps2 and xbox games

Kinda jealous

Glad as hell. I don't want cancer surrounding my favorite game either.

I don't have a singular "most favorite" game because there's a shitton of genres and a lot of videogames in general and comparing them against each other is often like comparing apples and oranges.
I do, however, have a favorite FPS. Or a TPS. Or a racing game. Or an RTS. Hence the multiple favorites you baiting retard

of having a father or having an overly expensive pc?

I think this would be nice, and it's great to have these games that may not be great, or even good, but may do something great worth mentioning. Comparing and contrasting what it does right or wrong can give a very beneficial perspective on games in general.

most of my favorite games were discovered well past my childhood. I think the only one that really stuck was doom.

The only excuse as I see it comes from say Counter Strike being a more effective ice breaker then Maiden Rape Assault Violent Semen Inferno or whatever.
Then there are shitters who just lack the initiative to try new games.

how is it compared to Shadow of Rome ?


You know how anons talk about meme games.

They don't mean games that reference jokes from Imgur and so on, it references to a game that is popular through memetics- the spread of information.

Most people like to be social. They like to talk about things that other people talk about to fit in.
So when a game is toted as "everyone is playing it" (whether they are or not) everyone tries it so they can have an opinion on it.

Pokemon Go did it. Undertale did it. AAA have done it for the last 10 years.
They're banking on it with Shenmue 3 and Final Fantasy 7 remake.

Rather than a diverse market where we are all enjoying our own things, the market has become normalfag pandering where they have to be told what they enjoy, and all anyone talks about is the flavor of the month.

A redditor trying way too hard to fit in on Holla Forums.

I never played Shadow of Rome but it has different Equipment with stats and a level up system. You level up by doing QTEs and other stuff in the Gladiatior Academy and then you go off to do your fights in the arena. Your goal is to pay off your debt to free yourself but the "real" endings are behind a storyline with a bunch of decision like throwing a fight so the other guy can pretend to be good. If you dont the guards will attack you after you kill him but if you kill them too you get an ending. Its fun although clunky

-If your favourite game is one of the "usual suspects", you're personalityless sheep
-If your favourite game is a game nobody knows, you're a pretentious hipster

What's better, fam?

My favorites are healthy mix of both.

There's a guy that has your same mindset and reached the same conclusions, but for anime instead of games.

However /a/ considers him a retard because he likes k-on among other things so it's up to you if you want to take him seriously or not.

I think he raises a couple of good points that could very easily be applied to vidya too.

My favorite game is a horizontally scrolling shooter on a system with a library filled to the brim with shooters. So what the hell would that make my game?

I've seen this guy around, don't have much interest in listening to him. Neat to see the same idea reflected.

saturn or pce?

It is those games because those games set a standard back when they came out and made every other game that followed them try and copy elements (if not the entire game outright) from those ; they are objectively good –even– especially when compared to the shit we get today

What would be even more boring if not down right terrifying , would be if faggots like you got their wish and people stop talking about them because they forgot them ;then everyone would simply accept whatever shit was churned out as the new standard for what 'good' is supposed to be and with noone remembering those games and comparing them to the new doubleplusgood games , it's gonna become exactly that


You're either a casual with shit taste or a hipster faggot. There is no middle ground, fag.

Not sure how people even make those, if they've played neough games. Some games are great at one thing while shit at another, while others excell at other things, and it's hard to say 'this is a better game than the other'. At best, I'd be able to give several games I really liked in a given genre, in no order.

I play even new releases and, to be honest, there has been precious little released in the past three years worth a (positive) mention. This year is by far the worst - there were few interesting games announced, and even those sucked dick in the end. The lineup for this autumn and winter is especially shit.

Feel free to make a thread about the games you'd like to chat about, then.


Most people who play games really don't have all that vested an interest in them. They just take what they see front and centre – big names and big games. Anything else that permeates this are usually viral indie titles.

Like, why do so many people support Man U or Arsenal? How come few care about athletics until the Olympics roll around?

Its just a thing to devote some level of interest towards as a conversation starter or time waster.


Anyone who seriously gives a shit about what some stranger on an imageboard thinks of them needs to go back to reddit or tumblr.

Without the need of approval from others Holla Forums pretty much would have no reason to exist.
It's the main motivator of 90% of anyone that browses Holla Forums.

That's where you're wrong, pal. Most of us are here to shitpost and post smug anime girls.

More then one dimension to your average user

Pretty sure that not going outside is the main motivator of anyone who regularly browses imageboards. The whole approval thing comes from being a bitch.

Not that contrarifags are any better.

Some of my favourite games are fairly recent, such as Hotline Miami 1/2 and Undertale.
Then there's Project Brutality, which might be a winner for my favourite mod of all time, and that's not more than a year or two old.

I think the main issue is that modern AAA gaming is stuck in a rut, with only certain games and developers going out of their way to make a quality experience instead of putting all their money into the cinematic experience (within gameplay and without).

Of course, one of the main explanations for why certain people have the same games as their favourites of all time is that some games just do things right.
You'd be hard-pressed to find someone who loves Shmups that doesn't have some mix of DoDonPachi, Mushihimesama, and Ikaruga in their favourites, for example.
The same could be applied to shooters, or RPGs. Games like Deus Ex nail the RPG/FPS hybrid perfectly and make an excellent game out of it. Same with System Shock 2. Neither of them are particularly inaccessible (unlike, for example, System Shock 1, which can turn a lot of modern players away with its archaic control scheme and very high learning curve right in the first five minutes), so people would obviously put them into their list of favourites.

Why? Combat is just turns + bullethell stage (with JRPGs providing better turn based combat and side scrolling shooters providing better bullethell half the time). Writing alternates between tear-jerking and feel-good shit, depending on how you play, and while it's not bad in its execution, there are many games that surpass it in writing department. Visuals are shit. Or do you like it simply because of the whole "positivity" thing? Tell me what you want from an RPG, and I'm confident I'll be able to recommend you a game you'll enjoy more.

this board has stronger group think than any other place but pol. then they call sjws cultists

Honestly, I'd say Undertale's demo was better than the full game.
The demo fucked with the player. You wouldn't know everything going in the first time, and Flowey would berate you for whatever mistakes you made.
Then, when you went back and did it again to prove him wrong, he knew what you did, and berated you even harder.
And if you decided to just fuck around and kill everything then things started changing drastically.

The full game felt more like an expansion pack to the demo, with the demo being the actual full game.
It's like someone saying they love Diablo II. It's almost assumed they mean Lord of Destruction.

Same as user. It's not my all-time favorite game, but Undertale was heavily similar to games I loved that I grew up on, from SNES to Game Boy platform games. I think Earthbound was a more mechanically sound game, but Undertale cut a lot of shit out to get right to the "experience/fun" part of it, because Earthbound/Mother combat isn't that great.

I think while there are many people who simply do not care about video games and are only into it because it's the 'in' thing, I also feel like there are plenty of people who really want more, but are totally unaware of what games are out there due to how shitty gaming media is and how there isn't really any decent forum for discussion.

Same thing with music within genres.

You bring up a good point. Sadly, if you want to see change, you can't expect anybody else to do it. If you want to talk about a game, make a thread about it. Of course it might get shit on, but you need to get your hands dirty to catch the catfish.

I think you might want to take a break from the computer today

Of having a father, of having a father who knows how to build computers, of having a son with whom I can build computers

There is only two things that are relevant for me:

- If the game good
it doesn't need to be a classic or a awesome game of shit like that, but the person need to have some taste.

- If the fag actually know the game really well
that's the more important point in all of it. You can't go saying you love this game/ it's of favorite game of all time if you don't play that game religiously, if you don't know it secrets or trivias, you don't even need to know everything, but someone that likes a game that much will try to find more information about it.

My father favorite game of all time is Taipei for Windows XP. He plays that game every single day, using the date as a seed number for the game generator, and i think he have way better taste in games than these people that say they love the tomb raider series but only ever finished the reboot games.

Most people (including most in this thread) do not care to think, or look for something original. Most people walk through most of their lives without more than a handful of original thoughts. Even the creative types (myself included) rip each other off in various ways with rarely anything truly new actually being invented.

People are sheep. That's not to be elitist or anything, or simply to insult, but people being sheep is the best analogy for people that was ever come up with. People look to authority and follow various authorities blindly like sheep following a shepherd. These "shepherds" come in the form of media, schooling, parents, government officials, law enforcement, and so on. If any of those are corrupt and there isnt another shepherd informing people that that other one is corrupt they will usually continue following it.

People are blind sheep.

That game was great, I remember playing a better version of it in japanese.

Colosseum is an rpg, you get to do a maximum of 5 battles a day, one day a week, the rest of it is spent training. You get to keep some of the equipment you recover and enemies drop skill tablets you can equipo to do silly shit like whirlwinds and roundhouse kicks. Combat is pretty fun, but compared to Shadow Of Rome this game is about building your character, rather than learning your combos to maximize score. Also I don't believe it has a story, you simply have to earn a million (denars?) to buy your freedom, at which point I believe there are several endings, but I can't recall them. Definitely a game worth playing. There's an extended cut of the game (in japanese) that's easier and has some new equipment.

Feels bad when noone knows all your favorite games.

You're right, naming games you like should be about trying to throw obscure titles you may or may not enjoy simply because you want to separate yourself from the sheeple.

Aside from casuals, did you even think that maybe those games are actually their favorites, even while knowing other games? Those games are good, so no wonder people have them as a favorite.

Môj brat.

I don't even have any favourite games.
My normalfag friends take this to mean I don't like games.

One of these things is not like the other-

It's because those games are good. There's not a lot of people who don't like steak and those individuals have defective minds and faulty blood.

How is it any different from other fanboys ?

you won't convince me people are enough invested in say assassin's creed or cowadooty to replay it's games every year save for when a new game comes out

Holy shit OP. Stop the presses, you figured out the code to my dubs.

Undertale is fun

>you will never meet another slovanon
zlý pocit bratu

I think it's also about recognisability.
People pick their favourite "cult" game to say as their "favourite" even if it isn't, simply because they expect their professed game to be recognised for the benefit of discussion.

This is only tangentially related but a couple of months ago I didn't go on Holla Forums for several weeks and afterwards I didn't see 3x3 threads anymore. Are they against the rules now? I liked them

Yeah, I'm gonna stop publicly talking about the games I like just because they're popular and other people like them. Now I'm only gonna reference obscure titles for forgotten systems in order to maintain my gamer cred in front or random anonymous people.

пшеки соснули

I don't really see what's wrong with having objectively good games as your favourites, especially if they were so good that they set the standard for games to come.

I have the PSP version of this called Gladiator Begins, didn't really like it at first because it was kinda slow in the beginning, but once you have learned enough new moves you can do some crazy shit and it becomes really fun.

Basing your tastes off of what is obscure is just being a hipster fuck. A game being somewhat mainstream does not magically make it worse. That said I've got no idea why anyone would pick Zelda, MGS or Morrowind.

wew it's almost as if some games were objectively better than others.

Morrowind is my second favorite of all time because of the writing, setting, freedom, and art direction. I can absolutely see why someone would hate it but I think even a person that hates it should be able to understand why someone else loves it. We don't all value each element of a game the same. You can't just say something like "gameplay is more important than writing" and believe that everyone else feels the same way that you do, just as you can't say "red is a better color than blue." It might be true for you, but you can understand why someone might prefer the color blue.

If we were talking about a game that is surpassed in every major regard by some other game (like you could certainly argue that Demon's Souls is near universally better than Ocarina of Time), then I'd agree, but if you can find me an open world game (or any) with a setting nearly as interesting as Morrowind's then I'd be pretty surprised.

They can still be made, there's no rules against them

The only thing Terry Crews could steal would be your heart OP.

Make a thread about your taste nigger, Im playing World in Conflict right now, its fucking great.

But it's kind of weird, because there are actually some absolutely incredible Zelda games out there, Castlevania game, and so on. I think that people recognized how amazing those games are and then people who don't know anything about gaming simply jumped on them never giving a chance to other games.

As much as I hate hearing about how Stacy likes Mariohh, I still fucking love Mario.

These are my favorite PS2 games.

Came a me OP.


Surprise OP, you're a hipster.

PC version is only better because of mods, which are harder and harder to find because everything is hosted on dead forums with dead DDL links. Did you know JPL closed down and took its JPOG mods with it?

At any rate I played the PS2 version first so it holds a special place in my heart. Plus IIRC its the only version with shadows for the dinosaurs.

Surely there are mirrors or an archive right?

It's kind of because stuff like Thief or Deus Ex are just really good games that are unmatched by other games or just really enjoyable stuff so most of the people who play them list them in their best games.
I have shit tastes low standards so anything that stands out to me as particularly fun, even very flawed games, make it into my top games list.

Nice. Grim Victory is a better track


😁Ocarina of Time is the greatest game ever made😁

Kill yourself

Morrowind isn't objectively good, though. It's a buggy piece of shit with tons of horrible design choices that can only be fixed with mods, and I refuse to count mods if we're talking about a game's objective quality. Morrowind has one of the most retarded leveling systems in RPG history, extremely dull and repetitive combat, hit-and-miss writing, and a ludicrous amount of technical problems. It's also particularly ugly for its time.

There's no "better"

How can you say that when Oblivion is right after it?

I couldn't list my favorite of all time because my taste changes over time. While Indy 500, Carrier Command and Rick Dangerous were once my favorite I'm not about to re-install any of them and the last time I played them I found I couldn't get back into them.

That is just retards not bothering to look for games or playing on systems that legitimately don't have many good games.

Oblivion's leveling system is basically a minorly dumbed down version of Morrowind's with enemy and loot scaling.

I thought most people on Holla Forums play on the PC though.

It's a cultural thing. There is a shit ton of data to parse, and no one person can ever hope to do so alone. In other words, there are hundreds of games out there, and you'll never be able to play them all in your lifetime, even if you rejected every other facet of life and dedicated yourself to playing video games exclusively. This means that if you're interested in video games, or anything for that matter, you're going to inevitably consult with others on what is considered to be "the cream of the crop" or the "must see experiences". I know it's easy to think that there is a consensus that is impenetrable and stagnant, but there are a number of factors that influence people's minds on a large scale; Personal experience is only one aspect of this dynamic.

In short, people who genuinely love anything are going to express this to other people of similar interests, and discussions will be had, agreements and disagreements will be made, and ultimately the cultural "fate" of the original content will be decided. Sure, some people want to "fit in" and therefore they'll latch on to whatever they feel will give them brownie points, but these people often make themselves look stupid on their own through their lack of knowledge, especially when they run their fingers without LURKING MOAR. Additionally, this is fine. So, you said something dumb. So fucking what? The worst that's gonna happen is someone, potentially a lot of people, will call you a faggot and move on. If you really give a shit about the topic at hand you'll forge your own personal path and perhaps use the recommendations of others as checkpoints rather than as gospel.

Go away Todd

/a/ thinks he's a retard because he really is one. He says shit like budget has no impact on animation. He also did a series of MLP analysis videos. He hasn't even seen all the anime in that fake 3x3.

This may come as a shock to you, but your entertainment is irrelevant to what others enjoy.

Never played that one, but damn, I had so much fun with this one.
If I remember correctly, the samnite, both male and female could use fart as a effective weapon, at the time, it really put a smile in my face.

I fucked up the name of the file, oh well.

8/v/ is like 50% idorts, 30% PC and 20% console only (handhelds included).

Also you have shit taste

Todd doesn't call his own games objectively shit. Oblivion and Skyrim are much worse than Morrowind, which was already bad.

As said, Oblivion has basically the same system, just even more dumbed down. It's why I said one of the instead of the.

The whole album has a clear, crisp electronic sound, and a new sheen of neon bright that shines shinny&chrome and gives songs a big boost. He's been compared to Nightrunner and Lazerhawk but I think Street Cleaner has a far more calm, underlying sense of rythm. In 2014, Street Cleaner released this; Payback, his most accomplished album. I think his undisputed masterpiece is "Outnumbered". A song so electrifying, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics ,because it doesn't have any. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of 80's retro-futurism and the importance of the it's impact on contemporary culture. It's also a personal statement about the creator himself.

*grabs Proton Axe*
*teleports behind you*
Hey, user!

FarCry and Call of Juarez were highly influencial.
Why dont we talk more about those games?

Fuck you, Zelda: Majora's Mask is my favorite game and your assumption that because Zelda is a popular series it is somehow "worse" than lesser-known similar games is hipster-tier contrarian bullshit.

It makes me happy that I'm seeing people have actually played Redout. I thought it would go under the radar here like Nitronic Rush did.

Because while they are great they didn't really influence the fps genre as much as you think.
Also a bunch of faggots have never played it.

**Call of Juarez:

You can look up Far cry yourself.

Farcry was a great game. I'm still sad at what farcry 2 ended up being.

Delete the two astreisks on the second link. I fucked up the spoiler.

Is this a new meme?

No shit, you can't help it but be judged based on your taste, especially on the internets. So when I get asked what's my favorite game of all time I obviously go for the MGS to just rid myself of the trouble, instead of being asked to justify my personal favorite game of all time as if the whole thing is not entirely subjective after all.

There is a faggot from Freech/intl/ who spams Holla Forumsedddit, reddipol, Holla Forumsedditor ect. on Holla Forums and this might be him.

Is it really a surprise that good popular games are liked by more people than non-popular good games?

If I have only heard of 10 games and I liked all of them I can say those are my 10 favorite games despite there being many more games. That does not mean there are other games that wouldn't supplant these later. It's through exploration and discussion that people find more games to play.

Also just because something is popular does not automatically make it bad either, what was once enjoyable on its own should always be enjoyable on its own.

The whole thing is subjective anyway and you shouldn't really pay it any mind, what of it if someone likes a game that someone else also likes? You shouldn't strive to be interesting either, just strive to be content, if it makes you uninteresting to outsiders then so be it.

It hurts live

Wow, what game is this? Never heard of it.

Must be good.

I said aside from casuals you dumb fuck. Even then, who said anything about replaying them every year?

Because every single time I try to make a thread about stuff besides Holla Forums chosen list, it gets shitposted to death within minutes.

Generally most "Holla Forums approved" games are actually damn good, it's just weird how there is this mentality here that anything outside of this list is pure cancer.

I don't mean modern games either, I can totally understand why AAA Regenerating Health FPS #2094834 gets shit on.

Then again there seems to be a lot of meme spewing cunts on here trying WAY too hard to fit in as of recently.

Sage for OP being a kino faggot

I wish more people shitted on your favourite dota cancer.

Thank you for providing a shining example of what I'm talking about.

There has been an influx of what I believe is cuckchan here since last week. From what I've seen there isn't a real restriction on making your own game threads, nor a "Holla Forums approved" list of games. It's simple: Decent and good game threads are met with both good posting and shitposting. However, games that are considered shit will be shitposted to death, not because of a hivemind mentality or an effort to fit in, but because most of us think the game is shit and decide to go shitpost in those threads. If you make a thread about Dota or Tumblrtale you can't be surprised at the amount of shitposting, since most of us dislike those games

So it is a dota game?

Overwatch threads should be banned.

So people that shitpost are doing the board a favor

No, but you are a shitposter.

I won't stop you

Sometimes yes, sometimes no

I agree with you, but there are loads of threads about "Holla Forums approved games" that still get shitposted constantly. For example, its almost impossible to make a Hotline Miami thread without that one fucker coming in and claiming the game is shit because its a "furry simulator", whatever the fuck that means.

Hell, there was a thread for Alien Soldier here a few days ago that got the exact same treatment.

Don't even get me started on the derails that happen every time someone posts a smug anime girl. I have no idea why that shit triggers people so much.

Shitposting is a given in any thread regardless of it's quality or what topic it's about. I mean, shitposting isn't necessarily done because you dislike the game or anything, sometimes shitposting is done for the sake of shitposting. It's more prevalent in shit game threads because of what I already said. Difference is, in good game threads (and if you got lucky and there aren't much faggots lurking) you will see good posts outbalancing the shitposting.
Smug anime girl is the pinnacle of debate, you can't help but feel annoyed when smugs are thrown at you. That goes double if you're an anime hating faggot



Why are you triggered so much?

Maybe good posters leave and new bade ones come in.




I'll give you the setting being better in Morrowind but otherwise Gothic 1 and 2 are superior in almost every other respect. I'm not sure setting alone can carry the game unless you really loved it.


if more people left than people came in then it wouldn't be an influx , would it now?

Users leave and arrive every day. The influx isn't as big as an exodus, but it is noticeable in the current posting quality

Basically this

No. What would be better is making a thread about a game you do like instead of intentionally going into a thread for a game you dislike, that's insanity.

In the former case both people have a high quality thread and experience while in the latter both people have a bad time.

It makes more sense to just hide threads you don't like and make threads you do like instead of actually wasting your time trying to convince someone else they shouldn't like what they like.

Influx of shit I mean of course, not influx on users as a whole

why do mods always ignore my reports


Holla Forums overrates pre-2007 WRPGs at the expense of other genres. It's mostly objective about post-2007 WRPGs, except for The Witcher which is just a bad series that gets an unreasonable amount of praise. Morrowind, Deus Ex, and VTMB are definitely candidates for best WRPG of all time, but listing all three as your favorite games of all time (which some people do here) just indicates that you're not giving other genres the credit they deserve.

This is where I disagree with you. These games become "approved" in the first place because they're actually good games. I have no problem at all with someone putting Morrowind or Deus Ex in their top 10. It's when your top 5 are Morrowind, Deus Ex, PS:T, BG2, and VTMB that I think there's a problem.

Because they know what's right, at least in this regard

keep strawmanning faggot

the real question is given that cuckchan has now meta threads across all boards >>>Holla Forums684198 and this place doesn't anymore and all the dramafags and attentionwhores are over there trying to influence things , what are you doing here?

Shit, I know I should be glad he's close to his son or some shit, but I'm just pissed off my laptop can't play morrowind without dropping frames. Fuck celebrities.

Why would I bother? I'm just pointing out the fact that posting quality has declined recently and how it was just in time for cuckchan to be taken down for whatever reason.

there you go, the only decline i've seen recently was when (you) entered this thread

Learn to read


Video games have been in existence for only a few decades and most people only play games from 1985 onward. Video games are really only made in USA/Japan/Some parts of Europe. Video games take more skill and effort to make than any other entertainment form.

When you combine all of these together its no wonder there are only a few hundred games people enjoy.

Also forgot to mention Sturgeons law.

The movies have garbage tier writing, and so does most of the EU. The difference is that occasionally something not retarded comes from the EU like KotOR 2 which makes it universally better than the movies.

I also really like the first two Gothics but the "Gothic is superior to Morrowind in almost every way" meme is fucking retarded, it's like the Dragon's Dogma vs Dark Souls arguments. Gothic has a generic boring voiced protagonist, a solid but ultimately simple story, mediocre art design (at best), mediocre music, is much more focused on the "main quest" as opposed to lots of competing factions you can join (not to say that they don't exist), and it doesn't have quite the same huge disparity between your power level upon starting the game and by the end of it. At the beginning of Gothic you're a schmuck who can barely take on basic animals and by the end you're pretty much as powerful as the protagonist of regular action game, whereas in the beginning of Morrowind you can hardly even fight mudcrabs (depending on your starting stats) but by the end you are a full on god capable of leaping over mountains and smiting anything at will. That doesn't mean that Gothic should be like this too, it just means that the games are very different and what one finds appealing about Morrowind might not exist in Gothic. I much prefer the combat and skill systems of Gothic 1/2 but those are really the only two major things that it does better than Morrowind, and if those are the only things that we're measuring then you can come up with quite a few RPGs that are better than both.

huh fuckin weird right

obviously because those are generally agreed to be the best games.