Trump unveils new strict 70-point immigration enforcement plan

Trump unveils new strict 70-point immigration enforcement plan



Keep those filthy pajeets and chinks out ,lest you become like Australia.

Well there goes my prospective life in America; at least I can move to New Zea land and get out of this gun hating nanny stat e.

More great news for Canada. Once my country is completely infested with your niggers I won't even be able to come to America and work for cash will I?

Seems good, but does anyone have a link to the actual plan? I can't seem to find anything on it.

I personally had an immigrant when her Visa expired that I had been dating accuse me of domestic violence. There is a protection built into Bill Clinton's immigration act of 1996 or thereabouts. It triggers additional visa protections when a Visa is expired and the police thought she was sexy as fuck so they of course white knighted the situation, the sheriff deputies at the courthouse coached her on the (((legal process))) (they do it for woman but not for men) and then sent legal notice to an address I had never resided at fulfilling the legal requirement of due process and notifications. All told cost me about $500,000 in lost profits, income, and legal fees. In talking to various (((lawyers))) shopping for (((legal advice))) I was told I was (((lucky))) because he had clients were the immigrant moves into a man residence, gets an order of protection, has the man ejected from his own residence, moves her white knight into your own home for protection, proceeds to sell all of the personal property inside the residence, all the while hoping the man is jailed so she can utilize this longer window of opportunity to do so. And it's now become a (((civil matter))) separate to any criminal proceedings is what the police will tell you.


I am missing the part where its says you must be white to be eligible for immigration.
Fuck off with your compromises, it only delays the decline of whites, not stopping it. Yeah, wow, Trump does more then all other puppets did before, its still fair to say its simply not enough.
At the very least they should have included a quota on immigration that restricts non white immigration as long as there are less then 90%-95% white Americans.

Just how far do you think Trump would go if he had pro-white policies? We're lucky we're getting this far already. You think the cucks and traitors would allow this if it only allowed white immigration?

I'm not being pessimistic about it, it is great to see that Trump pushes in the right direction. But i think all the praise and enthusiasm about these things are a bit much, if that's all it takes to satisfy most people here then its gonna be a long battle. We should not stop demanding more until the security and welfare of white people is achieved.

I agree. We need to keep the pressure on Trump and to try and get those rats in the WH to budge and allow him to do so. The praise is too much, sure, but we're getting little victories.


why does he have his hands in that position? That looks absolutely retarded

Here's my simplified three point plan.

(1) Stop new ones coming in.

(2) Round up all the ones already here

(3) Shoot them.

We could automate the places where they typically work.

Trump should have pushed for automation, that way the liberals couldn't use the tomato picking excuse.

And make it for whites harder too? Don't kid yourself, whites would also do these jobs. Be it because of collage, school dropouts or even kids improving their allowance. Automation is an awesome goal we could achieve in a couple of years, the problem is the whole current system would just fuck up half the population whose jobs could be automated. The technology skyrockets since 50 years and we still work 8 hour shifts. (((They))) won't use it to your benefit.


It's not a proper at ease position

Why are we getting things that should had been done in the first place as part of the deal for amnesty?

Really? Are you telling me that we're not going to give those who over stay their visa not a felony, but a slap on the wrist? People who sell pot get a harsher punishment.

reminder that illegal immigration is false opposition. Even if we kept White immigration totally open and free and banned all non White immigration today and deported all non White illegal immigrants and allowed the almost non existent White illegal immigrants to stay the, the USA would still become majority non White as soon as the boomers start to die off which is soon.

The ONLY way to save the USA as a White nation is to retroactively rescind all citizenship to non Whites who gained it including their children post 1965 Hart-Cellar Immigration act and then to ruthlessly deport all maybe 100 million of the fuckers and say no non Whites allowed.

Republicucks have attacked illegal immigration forever to appear strong and appeal to an underlying White angst but, that doesn't matter when they can just come in legally and then be fully accepted by the majority of White Americans who are cucks to universal egalitarianism in the form of liberalism or christinsanity. We need a mass culling of Whites to exterminate the egalitarian ones or our race as a whole will not survive. These people actually want a liberal society that treats everyone equally they just don't want to feel uncomfortable by being attacked for being White while they have their nigger pets and other non Whites flood this country and the rest of the west

Why not pedestrian overpass to canada?
Better free gibs for Illegals.
No illegals for America.
More diversity for Canada.
Everyone wins!

Work on fixing your shithole up there man. I know Canada has it worse than us, but you guys have to find and cultivate challengers to the communists at the top of your country's power structure who openly hate you.

It's basically like that now, as we speak. There is no border security up there whatsoever. It's all woods and dirt roads, at least in Northern VT. Me and some friends cooked hot dogs on the side of the road and were technically in Canada while doing so. We could have snuck into the woods and gotten to Montreal eventually. Some towns even have the border running down the middle of the street. One side of it is Canada and the other is the USA. People were writing alarmist articles about it right after 9/11. Funny how people's views change so dramatically and nonsensically with kikes in control. Fake zio-nationalism turned right into self hatred and communism.

They aren't at ease though. They are about to bring out families dead relatives on home soil for the first time. From the front (so the families perspective) you wouldn't see the hands at all, so it's just uniform and flag draped coffins. Some mark of respect or some shit like that. They make it into a bit of a show so you buy the hero bit, and we take care of our boys.

lol no
Nope. Because anchor babies are not–and never have been–citizens.

Literally never gonna date any goddamn remotely dark fuckers. This made me angry to read, sorry to hear tho user, pic related.

Hitler was christian, what the fuck is this?

If a man even relates the facts of that story he's labeled a misogynist to deny him credibility in American society.

These immigrants "GAME" the living hell out of the system and do use (((magic words))) that earn them instant protections. The same applies to the rest of American society White men have to deal with.
BLM, CAIR, antifa, they are all doing it against white American males. It's why many people call for the DOTR.

(((magic words))) like NAZI, Racist, White Supremest, Hate Speech, Alt-right, teabaggers, etc are all used.

Chinks and pajeets are materialist and loyal to zionism. They will be given extreme preference. All of the rabid anti-White hatred and none of the dangerous anti-jew blowback. Why do think Trump takes millions in campaign donations from the likes of Shally Kumar, held rallies in streetshitter occupied Edison, NJ, and appoints batshit insane Hindustani arch-zionists like Nikki Haley to be his administration's face at the UN? Been keeping tabs on the US military's collaboration with India lately? I hope you didn't think any of those jobs were coming back from China.

He's right about everything he wrote. Mass removal is the only solution. You can't just declare that anchor babies are not citizens – even if I agree with you. It needs to come from official channels and be backed up with brutal force on the ground level.

If a man even relates the facts of that story he's labeled a misogynist to deny him credibility in American society.

These immigrants "GAME" the living hell out of the system and do use (((magic words))) that earn them instant protections. The same applies to the rest of American society White men have to deal with.
BLM, CAIR, antifa, they are all doing it against white American males. It's why many people call for the DOTR.

(((magic words))) like NAZI, Racist, White Supremest, Hate Speech, Alt-right, teabaggers, etc are all used.>>10730339

Anything about points based system for us Europeans? I wouldn't mind 6-12 months in America for a bit if not for longer.


Points based system is what Canada uses. It won't be for White Europeans.

how much cheaper would it have been to pay a hitman to solve the problem for you?

Speaking of immigration, we DO know it’s Columbus Day right?

Euros that infest the coast are the greatest threats to our Bill of Rights. Fuck off, we're full.

Perhaps it will be different for America.

Moishe, please.

This sounds nice and all but this shit has to pass congress still right? So lets not get are hopes up.

Hey retard. "At ease" in a military context doesn't mean "In an eased state of mind". It means assume parade rest, which is the opposite of the Position of Attention (hence the wording of the order). If you care about respect, maybe learn that the shitbags not having an ounce of fucking discipline and standing whatever the fuck way they want is actually what is disrespectful here.

For example, the man in the front right is doing it exactly by the book. The man front left is doing it in an acceptable manner, but is kindof a much more relaxed or informal way of doing it. Some people just don't have the flexibility to do it properly. Guy in the back looks like a literal special needs student trying to clap his hands together behind his back, which causes him to stoop, which makes it look even worse. How this is his way of doing it, and no NCO has unfucked him throughout his entire career, is beyond me.

It won't be.

Why are there any fucking asylum standards?
Fucking WHY? Why are we babysitters to shitty third-world nations, STILL?
…. Are you fucking serious? You don't even get fucking arrested for a misdemeanor!
Sanctuary cities are nothing more than the local government refusing to aid federal government on this topic, without the feds doing anything to impose accountability upon them. Just arrest one fucking mayor. Just one. That's all it'll take.

I'm tired of your cuckoldry, I'm tired of seeing you display "sliiiiiiiiightly less of a cuckolded nation" as "uncucked bro woohoo!", and I'm tired of the same on behalf of Trump.


Are you fucking stupid?



Your the faggots that come here as tourists and bitch about "Arrogant & Scared Americunts" CCW or opening carrying weapons. Fucking stay in your country and solve your shitskin problem.

1.Stop giving them gibs
2. prosecute anyone giving them jobs
3. Announce anyone caught border jumping will be shot on sight
I made a 3-point plan.

And anyone who is the descendant of an anchor baby, aka all spics past second gen.

Forget shooting them, just place a minefield there.

I'm calling bullshit on their IQ. Japan - yeah!

But China? No. It doesn't have the same spread, not even slightly, and that 105 average is guesswork at best.

This was on national news in my country.
(Central Europe).
The absolute madman, he is actually doing everything he promised


i disagree. their verbal scores are low but their math scores are very high. don't underestimate them. if you've sat through a calculus class in college you should know there are some retarded whites and women who can't into math. you might be competent but you aren't necessarily the norm.

Muh Drumpfcucks am i rite? XDDDD

Why is there a second thread?
Why is everyone bumping a duplicate thread?

Immigration can't be fixed in one fell swoop. It's either going to be fixed incrementally or not at all. Which do you prefer? Also merit-based is code for white-only

Did I rustle your jimmies?
Please fill out the following report and tell me where the pain hurts the strongest

It's still fucking amnesty you tard

it can't be fixed by basing it on amnesty, and historically it WAS changed in fell swoops.

no it's not, it's code for pajeets and chinks and jews and anyone who puts up enough money. Almost every western country has similar rules and it's not being used as you suggest

It most certainly is not. Only have to look at Canada and Australia to see how wrong you are. It will be utterly dominated by Asians, who have already become the largest immigrant group in California and New Jersey, I believe, and are set to to take that position for the whole country if they haven't already. Asiatics, largely of the Chicom and Hindustani variety, provide all of the anti-White, anti-working class benefits that zionist conservatives live for, while producing none of the anti-Israel, anti-jew blowback or Holocaust indifference that Muslims and Mexicans do.

Shareblue on suicidewatch

this isn't even reddit-tier, go back to facebook

And can you believe the US tried to invade you fuckers for the land? I'm so glad we don't own Canada.

Maybe you can harder? It the election…oh wait )

Do you need a handkerchief


I had a disloyal wife pull this shit (she was not foreign–don't even go there, you faggots). It is one of the kikes primary ways to encourage treason inside the home.

Rest assured, homewreckers are a form of traitor, and are thus worse than enemies. They should all die. However, if the level of financial damage and humiliation had been as bad as what you had, I would have killed her ass or had her killed (she knew it and just stuck to humiliation).

Even if there wasn't a kike command structure above these faggots, they would still all burn for shit like this alone. Remember it, and turn your hatred into years of activism against the enemy, as I have.

And never actually engage in domestic violence, kids. Kike laws aside, that is no way to treat a lady. If you have to vent some steam, do it somewhere else and come back and sort your shit out in a sane manner.

Stay away from immigrants and the mentally ill.

Yet another chan poster that earns six figures.
Only the 1% are here.

Given that will never happen people are better off prepping away from cities once shit hits the fan. Since the end game is a massive population reduction worldwide, ensure you and your family are around to rebuild in the aftermath.

So Washington, Jefferson and Coolidge don't real?

Russian? Polish?

Chair Force

Okay, fine. Let's say its fucking average 100. I think that's reasonable, but fuck it, lets do 95 and 90 too. Okay faggot?

Over 130 at…


stiffest reforms of an administration in the lifespan of the average liberal journalist? stiffest cock up our asses? who knows.

truly disgusting. hell even the nigger in that picture did better

That's a good question. Why don't we deport them to Canada so that they would never return to the US?

If the liberals start whining we could simply tell them to KTS.

roll back the 19th amendment

First of all fuck you you degenerate, i hope to fucking God you where blue pilled trash back then!?

Redpilling becomes inevitable the more the environment is filled with subhumans and the more they show their true anti-white nature. The backlash is going to be horrifying.

Western propaganda from the allies during WWII. It was meant to say Hitler betrayed the bible and looked down upon the common man. All of us here know better but not through the eyes of the (((western media)))

Really though.

have you not seen the hindu rallies in india literally praising trump as the next avatar of vishnu

Why the fuck would I care if Hindus like Trump? That doesn't mean anything to me. Trump doesn't mean anything to me.


like you are anything close to trump, faggot

No, you're right. I'm not a zionist.


Doesn't matter. Democrats and controlled opposition Republicans will never vote for it and will instead kvetch and draft up amnesty bills that they'll all support. The fucking worthless traitors.

Go get lost in the shuffle at cuckchan. The campaign is over, you don't need to hang around here anymore.

I havent been on cuckchan since 2014 faggot. You really have no idea what's going on, huh

No, it's pretty clear. You aren't White and you're upset that people don't want street shitters in this country.

What race is she?
