Why can't devs fucking do ladders right, Holla Forums? Why is it so hard to do a fucking ladder in a game...

Why can't devs fucking do ladders right, Holla Forums? Why is it so hard to do a fucking ladder in a game. Post games with shit ladders.

I just died because ladders in Far Cry are terrible

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>Any game where you have a short long animation to get on the ladder.

I usually like Source's approach to ladders where you have certain points where you can easily get on and off so you don't fall off at the top. You can jump off at any time and you usually go up them pretty fast. Going down can be a pain, but it's not as bad as some games.

Ladders in old games are the #1 deadliest thing, especially if you're going from top to bottom. There's no mantling or sticking to it, so you easily run right off the thing and fall to your death. There were always tons of corpses are the bottom of ladders in DAoC keeps.

Don't worry user, Fallout 4 has finally mastered the ladder technology.

There was nothing wrong with slop surfaces.
Bring back Quake 1 level design.

Ladders are just portable stairs fam

I was afraid of ladders when I was a child

Because of the superstition thing ?

Truly a pinnacle of videogames technology

I used to hate the ladders you have to press a button to grab it

But the old way is just retarded


Seriously how fucking hard is it to

Good thing Just Cause 2 did ladders properly.

Bethesda, the best ladder makers.

It's not.
Going down is the problem.

STALKER has the best ladders.

Shooters from the 1990's are especially guilty of this.

It's a wonder the game even runs at all

Going down the ladder is the problem.

And in the case of Far Cry, the screenshot I posted has a ladder that opens immediately on to a scene where you are faced with an attack helicopter with a minigun. The thing is, you can't shoot while on a ladder, and if you try to aim down the sights while near the ladder, it will bump you back in to the ladder, which means you can't shoot. So you've got to move further ahead of the ladder and then shoot, but there are other men who can immediately see you and start shooting if you move too far forward. Doing it on harder difficulties resulted in many needless deaths because I had to learn where the enemy placements were ahead of time through trial and error because I couldn't fucking shoot from or within the general vicinity of the fucking ladder.

Just…let me press the use key on a ladder, and then use the W and S keys to ascend and descend, and let me shoot with a sidearm or something while I'm on said ladder. This solves the "sticky or slippery" ladder problem since you can actually choose if you want to fucking use the fucking thing.

Half Life/Team Fortress/Counter Strike has best Ladders.


Video games are special

Does it?


And they waited for diagonal moving animations for skyrim.

I'm usually not a fan of contextual prompts and like the more organic approach. Ladders are the exception to this rule though. Push button to un-/mount ladder is perfect. Fuck the entire "walk into a ladder to climb it" thing. It works all nice and well when going up, but when trying to climb down, it's like there is a 50/50 chance that your character just walks off the ledge. Especially when you're under fire or in a hurry for other reasons.
Question from someone making his own game:
Should I just have W/S be climbing up/down respectively, or should I factor in the direction the character is looking in? So that W will go down, if you're looking down. I'm undecided on that one.


the less variables the better, make the movement controls a constant or people will fuck up when multi tasking 4 different things at once, unless you're doing one of those walking simulators.

Typical casul who hasn't died 100 times to ladders in deus ex

Hope you weren't getting immersed or anything

Not in this shit of a prequel.

stalker ladders are shit

hl2 has this ladder magnetism thing that works wonderfully. Just press e when you're near it to get on, or press e when you're near the end to get off. Easily the best ladders in games, still maintains a sense of free form movement too.



it was OK but incredibly tedious and slow.

You know, a mechanic that I really miss is jump to grab ledge from socom, why doesn't this happen more often?

The only time you switched to third-person in Prime was to use the morph ball, what's your point?


Not on Windows 8 and 10, hilariously.
It would only take a small patch, seeing as the community made mods to fix this, but we all know Bethesda is too lazy to do that.

Metal assault ladders were really bad, but the whole game was bad.

It's sad how little modern game developers actually know about gameplay and game design. It's all the same copypasted no-fun bullshit that gives you minimal control for the sake of the most cinematic appearance, with a different theme and visuals to separate different games from one another.

Those were the best ladders you fucking casual faggot.

First person morph ball would be nauseating. I couldn't even imagine how that would look.

It doesn't make sense to take 0 damage, but it's mighty convenient.

I have to agree, for as janky as that old style of ladders can be it's far better than the cinematic scripted animations that take fucking forever and take you out of the game.

Let me explain to you why you're a shitter
unless you're on realistic and his first shot is a headshot
Or you can be a bitch and jump from the carrier, wait till the helicopter fucks off and detach the raft from the bottom

Congrats OP you got buttfucked by the easiest setpiece fight in the game

Bit of trivia, apparently Retro was having so much trouble implementing the morph ball in the game that they were considering removing it altogether, but Miyamoto told them that if they couldn't find a way to make it work the project would be cancelled.

They didn't specify what they meant but I would guess they were talking about how the camera tracks the ball, since the second analog stick wasn't being used for the camera. Could have been talking about the tubes also, I guess, in Prime 1 almost all of the tube sections were essentially 2D.

Ladders need to be made great again.

Could you imagine trying to find your way through those tubes in first person? It would certainly harm the pacing of the game.

My perfect ladder system:

To this day shitters don't know the true power of source (and goldsrc) engine ladders.

Realistic shooter game:

Non-realistic shooter game:



Wow so hard. Those keys are free for a reason.

Reminder that Donkey Kong perfected ladders in 1981

Nigger, it would be easier to name games with good ladders

is it really true you kids have not played mgs3 youtube.com/watch?v=vgaYe4ZYYyY

we dont "play" movie games

It used to have 3 gigantic ladders in the tutorial. Why god why?

Theres a total of