Are there any decent podcasts going since Alt kike Mike and his buddies sent everyone running for the hills...

Are there any decent podcasts going since Alt kike Mike and his buddies sent everyone running for the hills? Nice to have some podcasts to listen to while getting /fit/ but no one's really mentioning any new ones.

No Jewish wives or homosexuals please.

Other urls found in this thread:

read a fuckin book nigger >>>/zundel/

fash the nation
Letters From a Charlottesville jail (cantwell)
Fascism Now!
grandpa lampshade
Third Rail
Salting the earth
The Convict Report
Rebel Yell

More or less in order of goodness

Hard to read a book when you're on a bike retard.

I listen to the David Duke show while doing my morning exercises.

Fag. Why are you riding so much for? Newspaper delivery? School? No car?

Good fucking lord sometimes I wonder if I am truly the last one left. Gen Y/Z Holla Forums is pure cancer.

Podcasts are still a thing?

On another note am I the only one depressed by the fact that there are now people running around who are too young to understand where the term podcast comes from?

Exercise if you hadn't read the title.

And no, an audio book is no good. A book you have to focus on or you miss vital information which can fuck up the story. A podcast is an hour of bullshit where if you miss 30 seconds because you were focused on traffic it made no difference.

I don't listen to race mixers. I speficially said no race mixing types.

You are, it's all JIDF shills now.

Spencer is a jew
anglin is a jew
duke is a jew
hitler is a jew

welcome to Holla Forums in the current year

Just make a script to open up Holla Forums threads and read them aloud.

Short answer, no. Long answer, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

Get out.

No thank you.

This is objectively the only valid answer.

Nice try, Jew, but that's exactly what a Jew would say.

This is a proper Aryan answer. Dubs confirm.

No you didn't. You said no jew wives or homos.

i just put Holla Forums in a TTS converter program and broadcast it 24/7

So do you listen to your headphones making sure nobody knows what your listening or do you bring in a boombox and make sure everybody knows what your listening to?

Yes I fucking did cuck.

how the fuck would i know he's a guest on a kike show?

Yeah millennials are the best

Try out Cum Town. The MPC fags turned me on to it. Its a "comedians talking shop" podcast but Nick Mullen is /ourguy/. Its him and a greek trolling their kike friend. Kind of a nice light-hearted break from rahowa-based podcasts.

fuck off

Why the fuck would anyone want to listen to some bot try to pronounce all this shit, when you could listen to audio books or just fucking read.

Audiobooks nigger. Seriously. Podcasts are a waste of time, audiobooks are the best form of audio amusement.

Why would I listen to a kike and his friends? Traitors should hang

Fucking hang yourself, retard.
Grandpa Lampshade is a good guy. Listening to him is not bad, but read a fucking book you actual niggers.

I don't care what anyone says both counter currents and red ice tv put out good podcasts.

If you don't like the idea, just try and eventually you will teach yourself to pay attention whilst multi-tasking.

Besides Alex Linder's Vanguard Aubiobooks, which was already posted, these two are the best.

Along with Carolyn Yeager's archives.

Radio Aryan is run by a paki mate. Sven used to make videos on christcucking. Showed his face and he's either a paki or a jew.

It's a shill thread user. He posts this every two weeks


I like Mysterious Universe. Two aus faggots who talk and are pretty good. They bring up /x/ and /fringe/ tier topics. Pretty decent

It has been a while since I have had a good chuckle here. Thanks

Goddamn it fuck off smiley. Go listen to max igen and take your meds.

That's here, user.

He isn't Tony Young. Tony has part of his ear missing that's visibly intact in pictures of Sven.

Listen to comedy podcasts and have a break and a laugh. You don't have to be in Holla Forums-mode 24/7.



I'd enjoy a good comedy podcast. Now find me one not made up of niggers, women or numales going "TRUMP IS ORANGE!"

Fuck all the altcunts.

TCTA Unleashed / WTFR - WHERE THOUGHT IS FREE Network - Shaun Surplus = If you want real deal grounded White Nationalism.

Incendiary Radio with Robert Reyvolt = If you want level headed connect the dots style coverage of exposing all fronts of jewish bullshit and shining a light to news events against White values.

Radio Free Northwest - Harold Covington = If you want strategies and dreams for the White race.

Truth is the New Hate Radio - Resurgence Media Network = If you just want to stay safe and pussyfoot around with being one step above altcuck shit.

Nowadays they're all going to have some of that.

Race Wars

There might be actual stand-ups on here but who could know.

Cum Town is that

The kike is the beta bitch soy boy who the other two shit all over constantly. They aren't GTKRWN but they're jew-aware. IRL friends with the Chapo Trap House fairies too so you get a bit of insight into the enemy camp.

So all of them are worthless because they're degenerate and full of kikes.

Podcasts are shit. Do you really need some kosher civnat aut-kike faggot telling you what you should think and sprinkling in the faggotry to keep you weak and in the fog. May as well be listening to Alex Jones as a source of info.
Hell, if you absolutely must listen to talking, what's all this faggot shit? Do you millenial faggots not know what a portable radio is? There's shit broadcast all over the AM and FM dial every day free to listen to.



I've seen a few post.

They're all funny. It just depends on what you can roll your eyes at, and what you just can't put up with.
Cum Town is probably the most fun one, but I haven't listened to them in a while and heard they were getting soft.

Sounds gay as fuck and has a dedicated subreddit (what a surprise)


How can you complain about kosher civnats and then recommend people listen to zog controlled am/fm boomer talk radio? Do you have any brain cells left to rub together at all any more or did Rush Limbaugh steal them?

I used to listen to Shaun Surplus when he was on Renegade. Not sure what their falling out was over, but he puts on a good show. I still listen to Renegade even though it's a revolving door these days, Kyle Hunt is doing some great work for our people.

I also recommend Reyvolt, but I can never seem to listen to the whole three hours without falling asleep.

Is he still claiming everything's a hoax?

since Weimerica Weekly shut down, the only really good podcast out there is Myth of the 20th Century.


Good lord, if you hadn't added that line, I'd have thought you were serious.

It's shills, and even worse, TRSodomites and other useful idiots, you retard.

"muh anything productive" - non-white Holla Forums mod

Consensus cracking @

You really don't even try anymore do you? I didn't even say go to /zundel/ instead of /pdfs/ faggot, in fact the header of my board is "in conjunction with Holla Forums and /pdfs/'' (because it is) so stop muh board drama-ing. There's a lot of Holla Forums content there, and it's not as well organized as it should be so /zundel/ is but my input to the reading community. We get it, you don't read books, you don't even read your own posts before you hit enter, but some of us do and if you are going to derail entire threads because somebody is relaying knowledge (or even just suggesting it) then you are just making a meme out of yourself.

It's fascinating to see you actually argue your dislike for something instead of just deleting replies. Could you talk about books though? Of all the times I have asked you to confer your thoughts about literature, you either dodge or link me to various boards (a truly genius deflection btw). You are so worried about your israel citizenship status that you think some ausfag with a .zip file is going to come along and wreck your career/life? You wreck yourself with your own sloppiness and arrogance faggot.


