Shock Report: NFL’s Oakland Raiders Threw Game After White QB Refused To Kneel For National Anthem

A new report from The Armstrong and Getty Radio Show has sent shockwaves throughout the sports world after it was claimed that members of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders may have purposefully allowed their star quarterback to get sacked multiple times after he refused to kneel during the National Anthem.

If true, this would essentially mean that an NFL football game was illegally thrown over anger that one of the teams star white players did not believe that kneeling during the nation’s anthem was the correct way to protest supposed racial injustice in America.

In other words, an epic level scandal.

During the anthem, virtually the entire team was seen kneeling other than the teams coaches and star quarterback Derek Carr. Unfortunately, this may have not set well with the team’s offensive line as they were apparently the players who spearheaded the entire idea to kneel as a team in the first.

“This is one hell of a scandal with the NFL, could ruin the whole league,” claimed the show before detailing the fact that Carr was sacked two times in a row on the teams second drive and that the team’s usually dependable center snapped the ball at the wrong time in three different instances. Extremely capable receivers also made multiple “weird” drops of passes thrown by Carr that T.V. announcers even noted at the time.

The radio show then revealed bombshell “insider information” from an “extremely reliable” source who claimed that members of the Oakland Raiders did indeed throw the game as a sort of punishment for Carr choosing to not use the countries anthem to make a political statement.

“He wants to stand alone, he can stand alone on the field,” one of the teams offensive lineman said, according to the shows source. Keep in mind, the offensive line are literally the guys whose job it is to protect the quarterback, in this case the star player who didn’t kneel.

Amazingly, the circumstantial (and possible direct) proof didn’t end there as the show then claimed that this same source also revealed that a local team reporter got wind of the story and asked a team official for comment. What he was apparently told in response has all the hallmarks of a team trying to cover up a major scandal.

“If you report on this, you will be blackballed, you will not get access to the Raiders period,” the reporter was supposedly told. “Your career covering the team will be over”.

While there are obviously major legal and ethical issues if this is true, it also paints a sad picture of a football league divided by a political and media establishment all too happy to cause as much racial divide in the country as possible. For as long as Americans focus on differences between each other, the global elites power remains completely unthreatened.

Other urls found in this thread:

It begins

Meme responsibly folks

or not, whatever you want

They better all get fired then. Niggers will be back on welfare in a week.

Trips for great vengeance, furious anger and day of the rope starting over some niggerball drama.

Remember "don't mess with football"? Looks like (((somebody))) is really messing with football big time. I wonder what will happen when this American distraction is made too unpalatable and normafags abandon it. Do the useful idiots pushing this really believe blacks will win let alone survive a race war? Are they that stupid? If niggers continue hating America they will be purged from America, end of story.

Blacks have an avg iq of 70, they think they are invincible.

Holy shit.

sports entertainment in america is anti-white, anti-american, and pro-cuckold. the glorification of ethnic athletes in america is deranged and it would be positive for a mass "awakening" (however small) if more teams let their patriotic players get abused on the field. the ratings are tanking and players self-sabotaging over "muh feels" is the ultimate step into the trap. 2017 will be remembered as the year of many beautiful steps foreward for the white race - one of these steps is the destruction of the entertainment industry (sports IS included) and its stranglehold on culture. football in particular has an unbelievable hold on the public because of consumer culture. the super bowl might have to give tickets away for free at this rate considering no one with half a wit will spend the thousands on bleacher seats to see some porch monkeys cry and whine about america for their shekels. fuck 'em.

give these niggers enough rope and they tend to seriously lynch themselves.


Be a shame if some anons started waving Liberian flags at NFL games.

dubs confirm
plus can confirm from experience. niggers have the ultimate invincibility complex which is why they die doing the most retarded shit/gangbang for money thinking it is "good idea"

Rolling for these nogs to get massive amounts of shit/removal from the team.

/fingerscrossed anons

End the subsidies to the NFL and watch it burn.

Repost from the other thread:

Reminder that this is gamergate for normies. Do not underestimate the impact this could have. The normies will be cornered and will have to pick a side now that they will loose another of their distractions and outlets of their rage and tribal larping. They care very much about their various sportsballs, and if that is ruined, they will have to care about politics because they were forced by the left to do so and they will recent that fact too. Propagating this as far and wide as possible and not letting it go will only benefit us. This is one step in the direction of the normies actually waking up.

But they won't. You see how the teams official buried it. He seems to want to virtue signal rather than win. Faggot. Spread on twitter wherever to normie fans. They'll have none of it. Raider nation fans have like a Viking obsession. Inflame them. One thing I love about this scandal is it revealing how pussy blacks really are when it comes down to it. Totally refutes all their gangster rap shit.

Post your face when virtue signaling becomes a national sport.

This is a massive opportunity for us.


Call your representatives and rally locals to force them to end it. Demand your tax dollars back.


Fucking wew, I love stupid nigger acceleration.

Exactly, prepare normie redpill material for when they start to vent on twitter or irl.

There's a better chance of someone curing cancer than MSM reporting this. The only coverage it will get is InfoWars.

That's not even the important part. If this story gains legs and you wizards make it go viral the NFL will be dead. There are no worse optics, not even if that locker room flag burning pic is this bad. Every white sportsball cuck would picture himself getting smeared by blacks. It's personal.

i can't believe it's actually illegal to throw a football game. it makes sense though those laws go way back when that baseball team threw the world series and caused massive butthurt. send these niggers and kike coaches all to prison

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Trump mention this kneeling bullshit one time at a rally, and the media and niggerballers ran away with it to infinity? If so, that is hilarious.

people bet money on these games

He did at the last Alabama rally. Called the kneelers sons of bitches and said they should be fired. After that was delicious nigger butthurt that kick started this into high gear.

Best timeline tbh.

Just wait until he starts wishing America and the world a Merry Christmas.

It's not the legality that will destroy the NFL (how many lawyers do you think the NFL retains at any given time?), it's the principle of the act. Think about it.
Kneeling during the anthem is a way of shitting on patriotism in America but throwing a game is a way of shitting on the game itself. Football fans may or may not be triggered by kneeling during the anthem (i bet not too many really care) but 100% of them will be furious if they know people are throwing games for personal politics and vendettas. That is what will really sink the league for normalfags.

If quads, NFL done by Jan

Double dubs checked

Betting is legal and this could be grounds for a class action lawsuit.

Close enough.
You probably will have to wait until February…

God I hope this doesn't get memory holed. I hope normalfags will remember this and get permanently dissatisfied with jewish sports bullshit.

jonestein picking up on it.
you weak ass faggots better buy some secret 12 too.

almost all these rich niggers have been busted with one type of serious crime or another only walking free because of the (((NFL)))
If they get fired they'll be rotting in jail within weeks


Seems like a pretty mainline radio broadcast which claims to have a solid source, with even Bill O'Reilly considering it a reasonable possibility. Not totally out of the question to see it on Tucker, and as we know, some of these players won't be able to resist bragging about it for the social brownie points.
The NFL is a perception-is-reality kind of outfit and the anthem protests are one thing, but the integrity of the game being openly questioned is not something they can afford.

That's up to you. Spam it everywhere relevant. Take it to cuckchan and makes threads in succession. Say what you will but those faggots can get shit trending beyond damage control.


doubledubs demand we drown normies in the truth until they all start shitting little red pills

Honestly you must be one of those acne ridden faggots who intentionally loses in video games if you don't understand why only the lowest form of faggot intentionally fails at their job.

looks like 3 of the negro's didn't kneel either, did they get fucked with on the field too?

They're not kneeling though, they're just sitting down. Are niggers that lazy?



A whiteman playing nigger ball realizes his mandingo linemen who are supposed to "Protect him" will turn on him in a heartbeat. This team is ruined mentally.

This is an amazing metaphor for things to come

We have to be careful. Don't get too cocky. The Left are coming at the part of the seems and the normies hate what they see.

The normies are really starting to latch on to us. Pepe is starting to become the cool kid on the block.

I'm just saying be careful to not blow the progress that we've made while the left really freak out the nation.

i'm talking about the one's standing up
but yes this is less dramatic and considerably more lazy than take a knee. they could argue take a knee is in the respect to dead niggers etc, but sitting down is considerably more just fuck white people

Well get ready for some of the easiest shots you'll ever make.

This is what winning looks like. How many normies are gonna say, "Wait. What?"
And remember that shit they saw posted on the internet, or heard from some crazy neo-natsee.

In about a year some fat jew is going to make a blockbuster movie about the brave handegg players who knelt to fight the oppressive Drumpf regime

nigs about to be btfo of their contracts.

Maximum comfy engaged.

Sticky! This could be the biggest sports scandal of the decade. This is Pete Rose tier "integrity of the game" stuff. Banned from the NFL kind of shit.

If this is true….. this is the knockout punch holy shit. I don't know how they would survive this

Oh fugg this is too funny. I live in DC and the local sports radio has been jerking themselves off live on air about how amazing the Washington Redskins did against the raiders (a middling team blasted what would have been a championship contender). If players get indicted over this shit and they have to face up to not only their team being shit, but idiot malevolent blacks being behind them being duped about their team being shit, AND niggers being really salty devil's after all, their heads will explode from the difficulty.

Dismantling the modern "Roman Games", run by Jews is actually an important issue. I don't watch these sports, for obvious reasons, and I have no idea what the take the knee thing is about, as I've largely ignored the issue, but it has gotten to a point now that I am interested in looking into it. Football being used for race war by Jews, is also an opportunity for us, to point out the madness people have already been living with.

This is a surprisingly good idea.

*Yet this "eceleb bullshit" is fine to post.
They are both important videos for pol/aks


Have a look at this:

The NFL get's destroyed but another leauge takes their place and has pepe as a mascot.

Rose only bet on his team to win though, he never threw games. Totally different level.

That would be seriously funny.

Why does everyone care about a bunch of niggers placing their knees on grass? Who gives a flying fuck?

wew, talk about kikery

Lol as if they wouldn't collectively commit perjury.

hockey and nascar are the last sports that haven't been filled with niggers, not sure if the teams are owned by jews.

I think there's 1 female driver and 1 nog in nascar and they are both shit.

holy fucking quads
hail victory m8

Even better than a class-action suit would be 50,000 small-claims suits in different parts of the country. None would be over $10,000, so it isn't worth it for the NFL to send a lawyer yo Eugene, OR, or Little Rock, AR, or Frog's Balls, FL, but together they would be devastating.

We give a fuck because of the effect on normies.
Go back to sleep.










No what they'll do is commit sellout-doku. Niggers dime on each other like it's going out of style.

Not legally in America…

what would people sue for though, tickets? gambling losses? can you sue for gambling losses if a game is thrown? there's gotta be some kind of precedence for that. i doubt you can sue for tickets and it would only be for that game, no way your going to be able to sue to recover cable TV costs.

sports betting is totally legal, just not in all states, you can definitely bet on games in vegas

How many of his grandchildren will he be wishing a Happy Hanukkah?

OP is a fag, so here's coverage of the game itself from 5 days ago:

Carr was sacked four fucking times.

I know you're a faggot, a retard, and/or a troll but I'm going to clarify anyways for anyone lurking.
Normalfags care because the kneeling is being done during the national anthem as a protest against "racial injustice and police brutality" myths. You're supposed to stand and put your hand over your heart during the anthem and by kneeling, they're showing extreme disrespect to patriotic sports fans. It's also piling on the racial tensions that groups like BLM have been stoking, and normalfags are getting pissed because they can't escape from the sjw jaboonery.

Holla Forums cares because this is another leverage point for redpilling normalfags, like gamergate was. it's a gift that keeps on giving because we can expose that this isn't just about "racial injustice" it's about hating white people and hating america. Once we can get normalfags to understand that, we can get them to turn on the nogs and commies and have them do most of the heavy lifting, culturally speaking, to overturn this type of sjw cancer.

gallows when

They really fucked up and they know it. All because they couldn't even set aside their differences from their workplace. Purposely throwing the game to punish one player on television where everyone can see how off the game was. All because of Trump's tweet, I wonder if they'll regret how bad that are really going to get it from the fans and those investigating this scandal.

Ever since current year, life's been pretty good

Legal in Nevada, Montana and Delaware. Probably one more state at the very least.

lol checked

Also, can FOREIGN betting sites pursue legal action in the US through the states where sports betting is legal?


We need a decent video to spread.

Surly nobody saw this coming.


this is manufactured controversy. Just to point it out from a different angle, WLP from 10/23/1999 Hello

>There are many other Jewish leaders and organizations involved in this effort to stifle Buchanan. The Forward article lists, for example, leaders of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, the American Jewish Committee, and so on. One of the most interesting recommendations in the Forward article is that the Jews themselves should stay in the background in their campaign against Buchanan and should use Gentile “front” men as their tools against Buchanan: men such as Republican candidate George Bush, Jr, New York real estate developer Donald Trump, and Arizona Republican Senator John McCain. The idea is to keep the public from understanding that the campaign against Buchanan is a Jewish campaign, lest there be a public reaction against the Jews and in favor of Buchanan.

Sports betting is legal in Nevada. Also Fantasy football is a form of legal gambling. It's a Multi billion dollar industry and the NFL knows its vital to keeping interest in games. The betting lines are all made legally in Vegas and the illegal bookies use those numbers for thier illegal bookie operation in the rest of the country.

I want to believe but im also painfully aware of just how bad the Raiders has been the past two decades. Being so bad that it seems like they're throwing the game is something they naturally do.


their quarterback was sacked one times last year and four times in this game

This. Many, many small lawsuits can topple basically any organization through scrambling the legal system. For precedence on this tactic, look up "Operation Snow White", and read up on Marty Rathbun's meeting with Fred T. Goldberg. It will explain how the Church of Scientology managed to bring the IRS to its knees by launching thousands of lawsuits against both it and individual members, harassing them until the "Church" was granted tax exempt status.

Sounds like all those niggers broke the rules and no doubt breached contract. The only thing to do is fire them all.

It's all coming to a head.

for those of you with short attention spans,

use Gentile “front” men as their tools against Buchanan: men such as Republican candidate George Bush, Jr, New York real estate developer Donald Trump, and Arizona Republican Senator John McCain.

WTF? I hate Trump now.

Really? I haven't kept up with football in years but 4 times in one game must be throwing.


and the center snapped to him before he was ready three times

filtered. reported. kike.

More like extreme disrespect to American and all of the soldiers who served and/or died to protect it. That's the biggest issue normies are taking with this, as its effectively spoiled niggers spitting in the faces of those who gave them the freedom to play sportsball in the first place.


I hope you're talking like a normie for argument sake.

Not necessarily, but for this defense I would certainly say so.

I don't know a lot about football, but apparently their team is really good at protecting the QB, normally.

Yeah, no. His reply was the right one. You're using the kosher neocohen "reason" why Americans are pissed off at these disrespectful and spiteful groids


I'm sure there's already one in the works.

Not surprising. Alinsky dsciples have had it out for football. Emasculation is the name of the game and these useful idiot puppets have most likely never even heard of "the next 200 years" LBJ before, let alone studied ANY history.
As a side note, perhaps someone should tell them who NY is named for?

There is One America News Network. Problem is, many people don't know about it.

Did any other white players not kneel on other teams? Need to know so I can bet on their opponent in their next game.

What I was getting at is that the Raiders offensive line is excellent but that it's not unheard of for a poor offensive line facing a good defense to allow 6+ sacks so "must be" isn't always correct; if a team like the Cleveland Browns allowed 6 sacks in one game that could easily be explained by the Browns being garbage. In this case I would say it is intentional, though, because there were also three low snaps and a number of catchable passes that were dropped.

You are incredibly stupid.

Europoor here, I always thought the Raiders were the "cult" football team, with hardcore fans all over the USA? Their logo is better than most for sure.

Tucker will cover it. Bill O'Reilley was ON that show! This will not be swept under the rug. Get it to our man Tuck.

You can pressure white men to infinity and they still won't buckle, which kikes really like to take advantage off, but fuck with a white mans hobby and you unleash a fury of thousand suns. I mean look at all the cases where men even chose their hobby over their wives. Gamergate, Hollywood nearly crashing and now NFL. Why are kikes this damn stupid? If they just comfortbly made money and sit in the background no one would care, but these morons just have to provoke us for no damn reason. They have no one to blame but themselves.


Let's use this opportunity to also meme into reality white sports, like Armored Combat.


Oakland is the nigger brother of San Fran.
Also a lot of rappers in the 90's liked their logo.

Hand out thousands of small Liberian flags to normies walking into the stadium they won't even know what it means


Too many.

Thankfully my city voted against a new stadium and our team got butthurt and left for another city lmfao.

good! its where these subhuman savages belongs, on there knees

Have a fan dress up as Zod and walk onto the field before them while they kneel.

The brighter nigs realize that whitey gives them money, and that they don't care about other niggers anyway.

Do "thousands" even exist? I mean, really?

Didn't realize that, never been to California.

Must be a really shitty area.

Yeah I vaguely remember that, I'm old.

How all the NFL team owners are kikes?
How blacks are stuffed full of steroids from the time they're teenagers?
How whites are purposefully excluded from professional sports by the kikes whenever possible?

That has to do with gang affiliation. It's part of the Folk gang.(Which is ridiculously kiked in its symbology for any Anons unfamiliar with it) The Raider guy represents their King David, who was apparently a prominent Chicago nigger in the 1960s and 70s.

chiggity checked

appreciating those symmetric digits

Dubs confirm you must also buy Super Male Vitality Pills.

Kek they left are going to be screeching about ChristmasGate in a couple of months.

Rich user can get them made up for pennies each, like those little flags you put in the ground to honor veterans.

Maybe on the west coast, I usually see normalfags wearing either the home team patriots or eagles jerseys

Forgot to include pics.

I don't follow niggerball but usually the logo is prominently displayed on the belongings of people who want to appear "hard", aka ghetto poor people and niggers of all classes. They have a reputation for being a shitty team for a while but their fans have one of being violent hooligans. We don't have football firms in the US but the Raiders fans are probably as close as you'll get.

I am OP of the thread who is forced to use VPN as I'm banned from posting a reply to my own thread for

Yet this "eceleb bullshit" is perfectly fine to post because is goes along with agitating the CIA Helter Skelter psyop they're running here.
They are both important videos for pol/aks, both are psyops to take down the nationalist right.

My other thread got deleted by a pack of hasbara jews who are resident here, policing these boards for Kushner (keep on cheering for neocon jews, kill da moozlims, keep on the Trumptrain sponsored by the CIA),who swarmed into the thread and harassed my post until the mods who openly work with these kushnerbots ban me.

To try and post interesting stuff on Holla Forums these days I have to run the gauntlet of jewish JIDF policing these boards) hand-in-hand with the mods) to keep Holla Forums kosher

The video if you're interested that got me banned is even better than the NFL story as it at the very least proves '''all of the" organisers named on the poster of the Charlottesville CIA-kike psy-op are paid state agents or jews themselves.


Niggers think being "from duh hood" makes them the toughest, most masculine badasses to ever walk the earth. They all think they're some modern day hardened gunslinger from an old Western movie. They're so stupid, no matter how many times I listen to them their mentality still amazes me. Their concept of masculinity and ours are so different. As we all know, given historical record (they have none), we can tell whose is more successful.

wew lad.

The phrase is: "Coming apart at the seams." What the fuck did you even think "at the part of the seems" meant?

not one news story regarding this indexed by google

Drink the chemicals under your mother's sink.

I see, interesting.

Get fucked niggers


Anyone got any info on big money betting against the Raiders this game?

I do see more nogs with Falcons Jerseys although I don't live in the Georgia area than Raiders Jerseys but that is not to say they aren't there.

Oh btw, I watched your American MLS "soccer" league a few times on Eurosport. God, what a shit show hahahaha. The first time I watched, I watched it with my cousin and we were literally laughing out loud at the names and logos of the teams.


And the fans all look like beta males if not outright faggots. Many, many keks were had that day.

/r/ring drawfaggotry of Vivian in handegg uniform.

Here's the clip in question:


"He wants to stand alone, he can stand alone on the field."

Straight up out of the prison yard ala The Longest Yard. It is the Raiders so the jail yard play isn't too far fetched.

They explain why nobody's reported on this too.

I'd laugh but FIFA and European football is rigged and corrupt as fuck too. Sports are for inbreds.

All white sports teams in the near future?

oh boy… heeeerrrreeee wweeee gooooo…..

It would be an absolute travesty if someone were to convince niggers that the nfl sides with the boycotters and are gonna start phasing out nigger ballplayers

Fuck niggerball, make the players get real jobs shipping all non-whites back to Africa on boats that are built to sink and don't send any rescue vessels. Everyone wins.

Checked. It'd be a terrible shame if that happened

Posts like his are a diamond dozen in this doggydog world.

Not all double dubs are quads but all quads are double doubles. Nice Job.



Good, you little faggort. You're a pathetic wannabe e-celeb who posted a thread shilling your own jewtube channel. I hope your ban never expires, your VPN also gets banned, and you get banished to the tor wasteland.

This NFL scandal has nothing to do with e-celeb bullshit. Nice butthurt though.

Eat shit.

Killed yourself yet?


Look at how quickly this kneeling shit has spiraled out of control.

The old adage "If you give them an inch, they'll take a mile," was probably actually coined to describe nigger behavior. They're so committed to Kangin' it up that they'll intentionally lose now that they think it's a way of getting back at Whitey. I thought we'd reach Peak Kang but now I think this nigger shit is just getting started. Who knows what they'll be doing by mid-season.

What would be funny is how long it took for hardly anybody, especially the niggers, to catch on.


Pretty sure that comes from when they were the L.A. Raiders.

you middle school retards really need to be kicked in the balls. We get that you have no life and have an autism attack every time a news event happens that you think you can comprehend. And we don't want you in our movement.

Lonely, pathetic, self-pitying posers.

The entire point of this retarded NFL 'scandal' is to distract from reality and you are taking the bait like a fucking retard


I think we need to go fullborn and shift the overton window. That would make everyone to the left appear to be even further to avery age joe, Annietown, USA

That almost looked comfy until I saw the bare concrete floor… it.. it looks like a basement.

Your new here aint ya. Pull up a chair, grab some tendies and some mt dew. You are in for one hell of a wild ride. And your here forever.

What oh-so-important reality are 'we' being distracted from? Care to enlighten us? And why aren't you making your own thread about it since it's way more important than this?

Actually you are only supposed to put your hand over your heart for the pledge of allegiance to the flag.
You are supposed to sing the anthem with your hands at your sides.
I dont quite know when but it was about 20 years ago people started to put their hands over their heart but I think it zoomed up after 911.

What do think the penalties for not standing in the NBA? Adam Silver claims there will be penalties for not standing

Silver is an arch-jew and will encourage every protest against whites

wew reported


is there a hashtag for this yet???
that is where it needs to be discussed right now.

Yes they were when they were the Oakland Raiders and back in the days of George Blanda and John Madden coaching. They used to take every freak in the NFL and won the super bowl in 82.

Blood is a pain in the ass to get out of carpets.

I wonder how many bookies and low level mob bosses are in a real tricky situation right now because of those filthy niggers

It's when Men wore hats 24/7 in the old timey days at sporting events. They put thier hat over their hearts. Baseball players have been doing it for decades also.

Weren't they at the last super bowl? Maybe the whole Patriots being implicitly white and Falcons being implicitly black makes them support them?

Yeah, Americans don't watch that shit. If anybody likes soccer they'll just watch the world leagues. Everyone knows our teams are trash.
The kind of American who likes soccer is the same kind that shops at H&M and votes Bernie.

I can feel the oy veying seeping from you. Please enlighten us, Schlomo, what the distraction imploding is distracting us from.

Holla Forums has always considered niggerball and other sports to collectively be an insurmountable mountain of normalfag cuckoldry. One we knew we could not directly attack with any effect and had to work around despite overwhelming evidence of the kikes influence and corruption permeating every facet of the sports. The yids just blew an massive fucking hole into their own mountain of control and cracked the very foundations of their empire itself with this nonsense. It is so out of left field even in our wildest dreams we never really thought this could have been an option.

The kikes have given us victory. The normalfaggots themselves are set to pull down the rest of that fortress all themselves, while we sit in the background shooting spitballs and laughing. I would like to say we are winning, but did you really win after the other side basically blows the game for you themselves?

You are correct user remove your hat for the anthem unless in uniform.

your incoherent post means nothing. here's the thing about what I think you were trying to drag from your mire of a mind: if the jewdicial system does nothing, that means football rigging is completely legal. what does that mean, you ask? it means no one will bet on niggerball because it will represent reality as a much as the WWE does. this means less people will care because there is no money to be made aka no incentive to watch. if the jewdicial system does persue the raiders, that gives sportsball faggots proof that the game is rigged. either way, they are fucked as long as enough attention can be brought to the issue.

Clearly this was an understatement, too.

You aint lurked long enough to know we already know all this shit. Why are you preaching to the choir? Alt-right is alt-kike.

We are the real deal. And fuck e-celebs.






Local news and radio shows are more important ways of spreading this than they would be for most happenings because the intended audience is absolute dumb middle aged and older normies and these are the people who listen to your local radio talk show, local news, etc.


Angles to push with normies, talk radio, news, etc.:

look, the mods are definitely faggots and kikes, but please don't derail a useful thread. it's not productive to the cause and makes you only look butthurt, even though I agree with you.

Like throwing red meat at a hungry coyote. Just wait.

It's there.

NFL Nigger caught lying about police brutality

Reminder that the cops weren't even white but the nigger still race baited



Strawman’s Hot Indecent Takes: A win for the Patriots is a win for racism


If you put any infowars products in your body it should void your health insurance. Polite sage for off topic.

And once the body cam evidence came out instead of just hearsay the story vanished with no reporting of the truth.

And what's your opinion of the water filters?

*you're, friendo.

wew criminally underchecked dub dubs
white when it's convenient jews lol now that's rich

The filters process your vitamins into triple potency.

Yes. Bodycams are the best thing that kang nigger and racist holder ever thought up. It showed that everything people have been saying about niggers for years as right and then guess what happened? The niggers did a 180 with the demand for bodycams and wanted to shut it down because like typical leftism it will never reflect reality.

Just to put this all in perspective, the Oakland Raiders, prior to Sunday, allowed fewer sacks than any Raiders team since 1982. All four sacks came almost immediately after each other.
I had been a fan of the Detroit Lions, worst team ever and only team to go winless in a season and I have never heard this from even the worst losers the game has to offer.
Although when Joey Harrington was their quarterback, a white bread piano player from Oregon, retired players came out after retirement to admit doing this to Harrington and nobody was fazed.
There you have it. The media was asking about why they allowed so many sacks and that was part of the response. They really did do it intentionally. That quote is pretty much an admission of guilt.

Stop replying to derailing shills.











burn responsibly then

(user asked for quads)
(KEK agrees)

YUGE because gambling is mega important to coonball. People don't understand how significant it is. I'm talking close to 50% of the audience. If games are thrown, people won't bet them. They don't watch if they don't have a bet on.


The team is ruined period. Even if Derek Carr comes out with a Black Panther dew rag and shouts, "KILL WHITEY," they will never forgive him. There is no way to apologize to niggers even if he tried. The team is ruined not just mentally but they will never forgive him and they will allow him to get brain damage before they protect his blind side again. It's over for that team.
They'll be talking about them at the midway point in the season, saying how they don't have a chance to get into the playoffs.
They will be at 3-5 at the midway point. Started out 2-0 and it's all downhill from here. Mark my words.

We need to foment this into suspicions about all teams. This could end the NFL if we can spread it.

Doesn't matter now. This is a league wide issue and the players have gotten together amongst themselves and you don't know who is doing this and who isn't. All these guys get together in the offseason and hang out with each other. I know this to be a fact. There is a 100% chance that this was orchestrated by players from multiple teams and other teams will do it too. Just focus on spreading the case that we are sure about. The other teams are doing it too. These guys all talk and hang out on weekends and in the offseason.

Meme responsibly.

You give them an inch and they will take a mile. It is true what they say.

As for the QB, he was the only one who did his job but whether he wins or lose is irrelevant. He doesn't have to, he's just like any other overpaid athlete and can sit on his ass and do nothing but at least people know he tried. The lazy monkeys however are in bigger trouble, because fans and owners want victories.

In the National Felon League, it is like prison, racial lines. It's almost like blood is thicker than social constructs like nationstates, huh.


You're no better than an MMO addict. Sort yourself out.

No? I'll stay, but thanks anyway.

Nice hyperbole. Watching one game a week for two hours is just about the same as playing a game for several hours a day, a few days a week. If you had a valid point to make, it'd be lost in your absurd exaggeration.

>(((they))) start messing with football
Has Chadposting gone too far? Or has it not gone far enough?

Wait till the Thanksgiving weekend or the Superbowl. They'll do it at both, and you watch, there will be so many redpills, people will overdose on them.

Actually it's 3 hours of nothing and only 11 minutes of actual game-play when you take away time waiting for the center snaps to the quarterback.

oh my… This super secret B-vitamin… the one that cures chronic fatigue from the tainted water supply caused by aliens telling our government what to do, but don't actually try to do anything about, just buy some water filters and b12 drops cause that will solve all your problems

This may be shitposting, but damn if /comfy/ shitposting is not the core of excellence.

Even when the boomers somehow find there way here they still manage to fuck everything up.

You're a genuine cuckold.

What's SG1? Is there a Stargate RPG?
t. former nerd

We need a football version of this meme.

Where's the video "proof." I don't believe some faggot that watched the show, and then talked about it on a radio show. That's listening and believing.


I used to be a football cuck. It was nice to watch. People also pay decent money among fantasy leagues as well. Buy in can be good money. I've won such, I'd be seeing blurred vision if that had been my team. Anyone on it, the defense probably killed people's teams. So make sure you're tweeting the fantasy league Twitter accounts. I'm sure the usually great bet with Raiders defense, or Carr, and the receivers that alligator armed the ball triggered them. More Raiders fans need to be upset, that's a puzzler, they're insane. I would be before this place pulled me in and I see things differently. Back then I'd been pretty vocal. I can pretend to care again, though, because it's not the football I grew up watching, any longer. They were thankful, then. I know some podcasts that'll get the word out. Do I destroy everything? and support 1A encouraging unfairness if punished, or am I finally the triggered White guy; that can't enjoy anything after a long workweek. That I DO see an oppressed people, Whites.

Make sure to vote out every traitor for this b.s. divide. Never vote Democrat! Focus also on annihilating that fucking party. Both parties need to be eliminated and we need more.

To compensate for breaking niggerball habits, for anyone just now done; I'm teaching hunting skill to those many people not watching anymore that I know. People will need it. My father taught me woodworking, watching birds, fixing muscle cars, trucks. Just sit up there in a tree stand on State land, if you don't wish to hunt. Deer, and the other amusing things that happen are amazing to observe. I don't whack em and stack em, only take a deer, maybe two this year, because community might need some. Anyway, I do just take a lot of photos of nature, the deer, even bear. Talk about adrenaline. Just listening to nature, in the morning as She awakens is spiritual. Much better than niggerball.

Even though I bowhunt now, my father I sat and bonded over games, though. He's passed on, but he fought in Vietnam and he'd have a fucking aneurysm if people didn't take their hats off at any event we went to. Bless him. So In his spirit, I hope the game completely destroys itself. I'll enjoy that for this. This is just another bite at erasing history. Wanna rewrite the anthem, fuck off. I'm sick of these (((parasites))) eating my history.

I'm also choosing to boycott, I'm boycotting a lot of stuff, anything. We gotta start breaking Christmas for big corp, stay local. I encourage others to do this. Is there a running list of (((their sponsors))) to tweet intents of boycotts for? I'm also working from a list at the store. Probably all shit I need to boycott anyway, but a list will hurt if everyone truly boycotts. Here's to (((nigger ball))) , and the Democrat party falling… hard. Falling in such a fashion their own supporters will kill them.

I literally just got offered free Lions tickets. My reaction?

I never thought I would see the day when these fucking proles stopped watching football.

Truly this is the best timeline.

I couldn't bring myself to put on the Honolulu blue this week. I've ridden rough road with that team. I shuddered looking at it, wore a Pantera shirt, instead. Read a book during the game. I hope they never achieve that Superbowl.

Something I realized not long ago was that what we have now isn't the football we had as kids, which is when a lot of people start following a team, especially if it was the team their father or grandfather liked. I started following the Seahawks when I was really young, back when Steve Largent and Dave Kreig were starting for them. I look at that team now and it's a subversive doppelganger of what I used to enjoy. Almost every single player on that entire roster is black. One of their defenders started doing the black power fist when he tackles white players. They're all doing the kneeling shit and Pete Carroll is very supportive of it. These people have openly given me, and our people, a big swollen black middle finger.

I'm reminded of George Carlin's standup routine about sportsball, where he talks about "rooting for the clothes," the idea being that fans cheer for what amounts to the uniform worn by employees of a private business entity, and they stop caring about these players when they go get a new job at a new company and wear a different uniform for work. These people are wearing the clothes of the players we enjoyed watching in the past… and that's all. It's an empty activity. People watch sportsball to forget about their lives and their jobs and relax for a few hours, and now it doesn't even do that. Every time you want to just watch something for entertainment, the entertainers and their bosses are telling you they hate your country, your race, and you, and they still expect you to pay them for that. Whatever we enjoyed about following sports in the past is gone and it's never coming back.

Something I realized not long ago was that what we have now isn't the football we had as kids, which is when a lot of people start following a team, especially if it was the team their father or grandfather liked. I started following the Seahawks when I was really young, back when Steve Largent and Dave Kreig were starting for them. I look at that team now and it's a subversive doppelganger of what I used to enjoy. Almost every single player on that entire roster is black. One of their defenders started doing the black power fist when he tackles white players. They're all doing the kneeling shit and Pete Carroll is very supportive of it. These people have openly given me, and our people, a big swollen black middle finger.

I'm reminded of George Carlin's standup routine about sportsball, where he talks about "rooting for the clothes," the idea being that fans cheer for what amounts to the uniform worn by employees of a private business entity, and they stop caring about these players when they go get a new job at a new company and wear a different uniform for work. These people are wearing the clothes of the players we enjoyed watching in the past… and that's all. It's an empty activity. People watch sportsball to forget about their lives and their jobs and relax for a few hours, and now it doesn't even do that. Every time you want to just watch something for entertainment, the entertainers and their bosses are telling you they hate your country, your race, and you, and they still expect you to pay them for that. Whatever we enjoyed about following sports in the past is gone and it's never coming back.

That’s me never betting on NFL again, unless I can handicap for such factors.

I can't believe im finding shit like this. Getting the blacks to believe this stuff would be absolutely horrendous. Don't you people see the damage that could be done by taking stuff like this and posting it all over twitter?

Rare moment of reporting accuracy.

How can you handicap for typical nigger behavior when all the players are niggers?
Just go to a casino and bet it all on red tbh. Same odds pretty much.

Pick one

Pick one

go fuck yourself.

Looks like Vegas will need to change their 20-point lines to dime lines or even nickel lines, because niggers are throwing games. That's what happens when you let niggers in.

Care to elaborate user? I don't interact with them that much, and those I do are ones that ain't from the hood but are immigrants who aren't smart but at least act with civility.

Hunting and other outdoors activities are truly the best replacement. I've drifted away from a lot of old hobbies but hunting and camping not only fill the void, they are vastly more satisfying.

War between the states
too many whites died for the niggers

Has A. Wyatt Mann seen this amazing specimen yet?

Check the stub fine print breh. It's a "show" for entertainment purposes only.

If its traded then it isn’t (supposed to be) fixed.


Icey wash two did there

spreadable mp4. it doesnt matter as much if it's real, just meme it so. Niggers cant help themselves and it's already spread this far on its own. here's to the NFL's collapse.

Her sacrifice was not in vain. She brought back Reg's treasure. And now the adventure continues.

Onward, to Idofront, and then AnCap Village.

Some of the unused tracks on the OST were absolutely written for the following arc. Listen to this, if you're a mangafag that knows what's coming.

Nice. What system did you settle on?

As long as we don't pull a Spencer Rally we will win this cultural war because of how the left is falling apart at the seems.

This is nothing more than a cry for attention by the collective conscious of the left.

comments disabled

I'm really tired of these article AND THREAD titles telling me how I'm supposed to feel about the news.

Would be a shame if the white players filed a hazardous workplace claim. Might result in the formation of an all white team.. yaknow.. for safety sake.

Underrated post.

It's not about being rigged and corrupt, you didn't at all get my point. It's about the MLS being a blatant and absolutely pathetic, try hard ripoff of European football culture, going so far as even copying fucking Soviet era communist club names and logos!

Must be fun for a European player to go to the US to play for the end of his career though, honestly. Beckham and Schweinsteiger play in LA and Chicago respectively. I doubt they put much effort into their play yet they are stars and live like kings I'm sure.

That explains it lol.

Pretty good but that bottom half gave me a panic attack. Justifying undermining??? FUCK

Put a sock in it, kike.

Gotta love how the OP was gassed for posting content proving Trump is kiked and the election including this board was a CIA psyop.

This is great if it turns out to be true.
If they cannot work together with a team mate despite differing views based in race, how can we live and work together in a country which is essentially a massive team?
They will never stop their whining wanting speical treatment.
Their resentment will never end.
We must ensure normie sportsball fans get this message loud and clear:
If we can't even get along with each other in sports, how can we in the real world?

I'll give him one thing, he's got a face for radio.

Where there is life, there is hope; and where there is hope, there is a chance; and a chance is all we can ask.

Don't forget, they're also being paid millions and millions of dollars, which makes it even worse. Even if they were to be paid out the ass to play a game, they will never get along with you in the real world.

do pajeets now get to claim niggerdom and get oppreshun bux?


Kneel before Zog!

When/what is the major normieball match that everyone tunes in for? The superbowl? If I understand correctly right now there are small matches that nobody really cares about.
Do you guys think they will kneel during a major match that 10's of millions of normies watch? Or do you think their owners will tell them they're fired if they kneel during the big game?
You can expect some great shitposting from President Trump if they kneel when everyones watching.

Right opportunity, wrong implementation. Newfags will learn that the LEAST effective way to turn Normies is through calling out that which they cannot see. Sure, nobody is talking about THIS INSTANCE of nogs throwing the game. Our options are:

(1) Meme the hell out of this repugnant act against the sanctity & integrity of Football. Get some people pissed, and others the chance to spin it as a "well the QB was white so who cares?"

(2) Meme this as a natural and appropriate response to the insensitivity of this privileged white QB. Make it clear far and wide that anyone who refuses to stand in solidarity with the plight of America's black man is a racist & a traitor to the team.

Give it three months. Watch the Normies begin to ask.. "wait a second.. this isn't right; the game is sacred." The most powerful awakening is the one discovered by the person.

Nice side effect - American football will never recover. At the end of the day, that form of Soma must be pulled from the masses.


This is just so fucking funny. I didn't plan this, did one of you do this? Did… Did the kikes do this by accident?


Well keep going lads, you know what to do.

if this is true the entire team should be suspended.

Whether true or not, this story should spread like fucking wildfire. Have to try to get it trending. Then every White QB on the league is going to think his niggers letting him get hard as possible and the fucking paranoia alone would destroy the league.
fucking perfect catch-22: The white QBs do the kneeling bullshit with their niggers and the brainless scumbags who watch it get pissed off and boycott. He doesn't kneel and the niggers let him get pounded. It's perfect.

Ahhhh I can see it now - no more niggerball and soon no more niggers. Make America White Again
DOTR tonight

Not one news source has published a story about it online.

I see what you did there you fucking wizard you

Well it's not a fair war if you help us too, Satan.

Thus the reason the Jews covering it up so tightly. This one story getting out and wide coverage could bury the entire fucking league. The QBs would refuse to fucking play.

is it on Twitter? or anywhere?

Kek is telling us to spread the ever loving fuck out of this. Meme it hard dudes

shits no where cuz no one feels like putting in the work to share it. Feels real lonely out here pushing this shit to normalfaggots that see it only coming from me so think its horse shit

don't know, got banned again for sending the Jewess editor of National Geographic pictures of ashes in an over with "THE NEW ISRAELIS" written on it.

Do any of the White QB chimp handlers have their own twaaters? Could just start bombarding all their accounts with this and make them paranoid. If others are up for it, will make an account and start but we'd need the numbers of the useful idiots on cuckchan to really make it work.


BEst way to get it started would be to keep sending the story to a semi-reputable blog with even modest view amounts. That way the story is properly formatted and looks real. None of thee dumb fucks know the difference between what's credible and what isn't.

Who might take it? Gateway Pundit? Daily Wire far too Jewed. A decent chance Alex Jones might, although he's too big now and in texas he wouldn't want to risk wrath of Jewy Jones. What would be a good place to get the story covered?

I found this funny too since real is the Spanish word for royal. A title which was bestowed upon real Madrid by the king of Spain.

Who bestowed the title of Royal on to Real Salt Lake? The king of the USA?
The page got scrubbed but the link still shows in jewgle.


Jesus, the fucking kikes spotted the potential here and scrubbed it before it could spread. How to get it in print? Maybe to the DM if they printed it under "OUTRAGEOUS RACIST CLAIM MADE BY LA RADIO HOSTS."
Cocksuckers are denying it of course. Heaven forbid they sta-kneel by their convictions. Niggers.

The king of the mormons kek
I work with an all Mormon shop crew and I tell them about Kek and the Ogdoad and our fight against moloch all the damned time. One guy is redpilled and gets it. The other dudes are like neck beard dude wuts.

Email it to bannon at kikebart
He'll run with it

plz more of this meme, these are my absolute favorite of the new crop.

My grandfather was a huge football fan. He was different because he was a union guy when unions were actually okay (private sector), the guy actually like behrnee syandars in 2008, before he even ran. Regardless, he considered himself a patriot, even though I think some of his ideals were unduly influenced by media, and I think he'd be mad at this bullshit. He was in the military and not a big fan of the coloreds despite his politics. He'd always build things for me in his woodshop and built his own house. I'm still mad he was lied to so much by the media, told the party he was supporting had anything to do with helping the working man.

Daily reminder the White Sox threw that World Series because their kike owner (((Charles Comiskey))) was a shekel hoarding cunt who didnt pay his players shit. Back in the early 19000's ball players didnt make tons of money, even in those time. They all held regular jobs in the off season because being a sportsball player wasnt paying the bills.

We should go back to this.

Tell me, what is the future like? Did we finally rid the planet of shitskins or did we force them underground?

Add one more to complete the trifecta

We need to. I think athletes getting paid the ridiculous money they are is just a sign of a completely unbalanced, decadent society.

soccer aka poverty ball is for brown third worlders

And for celebrities too.

One thing about Ecelebs is that some of them are not super rich and so they still live in the same world as the rest of us.

On top of that, many people have been questioning the integrity of pro sports in general for a while now. People been screaming the Sumer Bowl has been fixed for years, as well every NBA fan screaming that shit.

This (((taking a knee)) thing is the gift that keeps on giving.

Just like any 'civic nationalist' country, specifically the US who promotes and exports this cancer to the rest of the world The only reason it works in Russia is because the minorities are not given platforms nor 'promoted' by media, education or government. If you go against the grain and not welcome the russian way of life you get a visit from the FSB. Any radical muslim is stepped on with a government boot while the muslim leaders are pro-russian. The same can be said for the middle east where all sorts of tribes and sectarian difference occur yet live in 1 large country.

The kike poison has destroyed the US from within. The leftist have allowed their pet chimps in since the 60's without any acceptance by the populace and they're still fighting to get more in.

War is the ultimate conclusion of these policies, many players in the world will come to aid the nationalists.


It's right next to Berkeley and plenty of anitfa live in Oakland because they can rent shitty wherehouses where they crash/live. Normal people get chased out of Oakland if they do things like fix up their historic victorian house or try to be friendly to nig neighbors. Rockridge and Piedmont are the only areas of Oakland where a white is somewhat safe.

This info should be spread on all the local craigslists in as many categories as possible. Plaster the telephone poles with this at 4AM, drop 1000's of cards with the info right on Rockridge's trendy outdoor coffeehouses with a drone.

Fucking what? lol

Your team will be over you idiots

I'm calling it now , the niggerball is done. This is its' death rattle. It's final convulsion before it shits all over itself and expires

Enough (((coincidences))) have happened with the apehoop league in my life that I'm sure the important games are absolutely fixed. The former referee Tim Donaghy admitted he took bribe money to help throw games. He even did a stint in prison over it. He's just the one guy who was willing to spill the beans, which means that referees knowingly giving uncontestable bullshit calls is probably more normal than it should be. Combine that with the number of absolute bullshit calls that the high grossing teams like the Lakers always get in their favor and it's hard to think that everything isn't being manipulated. At least with WWE you know everything is fake and you expect something akin to theater; pro sports is allegedly real.

unfit to rule, perhaps?…

The time for responsibility is over. We may be seeing the end of the national niggerball league.

Wow, we got some serious digits in this thread.

I don't think that it's done, but the perception of it would have to change a lot, especially among blacks…

consider the following,,,
1) the NBA has already said that players must stand, it's not a choice for them
2) the best way to restore marketability to the NFL is to make the same rule for them
3) blacks that don't do it will get dropped, and blacks that do stand will be seen as uncle toms

the NFL is in the entertaining position that they can't save both their black and their white audiences now. They can't do one thing that will please them both.

they have to choose which one to appease, and in truth their main concern is money–from fans–and (-I would bet that-) more of that comes from the white side than the black

So then the obvious move is to pre-empt the blacks being on the losing side and rattle their chains so they chimp out even more. Point this out to them. The jews choose whites because they have money. Its the jews fault they're in this position.

I forgot about the Tim Donaghy shit. That was a pretty big scandal. The (((sports media))) definitely tried to downplay it as much as possible too, in true kike fashion.

NIGGERS is the proper term for these untermench

negro is also acceptable

I generally find slang derogatory terms presumptuous,,, and there's no need to pretend that the situation is any worse than it really is.
besides, most of these NFL kneelers (if not ALL of them!) will begin standing again when it starts hitting them in the bank account

in semi-related news: South Africa's ruling party (all black) is in charge of everything now, and yet they are so preoccupied with corruption and infighting that they still can't manage to do anything useful (pic related, color-reduced for smaller file size)

Tob Geg. You are doing god's work my lad.

Porch monkeys
Pavement apes
boot lips
step n fetch it
spear chucker
blue gums

This guy is the same cuckold from the other thread and claimed he's "conservative" whatever the fuck that means in current year. Civic cucks must hang with their pets.

You brought this on yourself libs. You just had to ruin every normie's wave of escaping and entertainment. Keep going. Wake everyone up with your communistic bullshit trying to force its way into every aspect.

So how long until like with european football/soccer does the US see niggers charging the football stadium grounds and chimping out in the seats and on field after NFL is financially forced to side with the whites and make standing mandatory?



It's a microcosm of society sure. The only way to live in peace is to be separated. This has been innate knowledge for millions of years.

Starting a low level race war between the white and black players is brilliant. It's a shame we didn't agitate more in the past to amplify Kapernick, the BLM martyr


don't quote cuckantino,pls.


I fucking double dog dare you niggers to kneel and throw a black power fist in the air


maybe how if anyone it is far far far more likely that a nigger will be murdered by another nigger rather than a white cop. stuff like that.

or maybe fans will notice…

This is incredibly good news.

Killing the NFL is one of the best things that could POSSIBLY happen for us.


anyone surprised?

The only best course of action is to accelerate the desperate fractured left into trying to force their shit into every field of regular normiesphere bread and circus entertainment and bring it all down.

=the time to be responsible has passed=

Yeah, it's all over the NFL teams fan forums. It's out there for sure. The fans know. The media not reporting on it is redpilling in of itself.

Also pointing out that with niggerball destroying itself, the niggers won't have pigskin molestation to vent their nigger violence out to. The nigger aggression will be vented in other areas, areas that the mass populace will notice more of.

If/when niggerball destroys itself then niggerhoops will be the first to show signs of the pent up aggression. The NBA has already stated their stance on the subject but you can be damn sure there will be more than a handful of uppity players and coaches that will push back.

night blender
reggin (backwards)
saggin (backwards)
best of all… nigger

i don't know how it's gonna end, but keep in mind that rumors can be as damaging if not more, than widely discussed topics.


Oh look, the pedo is back. Reported.

Degeneracy must never prosper, pedo-user.

How did you escape the /bog/ ?

Nigger will always be a classic

hey guys, how many generation back in your family line can you name?
Curious because if you give it some real thought and you are the upstanding humans you seem aspire others too you must be able to count back at least 25 named generations right?

Sadly though, with all of your moral character I doubt you can actually name 3 generations of you family line, and here's another reality question.
Have you parents been honoring their parental duty, have they assured your heirs have been born already?

Working on number six with the white wife, faggot. My pedigree goes back eight generations, after which it subsumes into a particular European house, which means who-knows-what beyond that. From the very first, we have striven to breed only the most cultured, intelligent, and physically fit spawn possible, which is how I am confident that you and I are not related.

I would encourage you to terminate your own life, but I fear you'd just fuck that up, so just go outside and prune the hedges or something. There's a good fellow.

I have no idea what level of shill this is, but I can trace mine to literal Germanic royalty in the 14th century

We've only gone back to about 1035. Any further and it gets sketchy with single names and location of the birth and that is only if they are names worth noting.
A genetic memory just came to me for you hebe. The 11th Earl of Warwick's left testicle sends his regards.

Whoever is running this op is a god. There hasn't been this much fiddling since tor. So many pieces, so many moves ahead. Show me more. Open my eyes. I must learn.

what cucks, can't even accept reality, who actually believes these guys? anyone?

They're really going all out if they think this is going to give them good press. The sub-60 IQ players are probably just along for the ride, but these other guys are absolute madmen. The people who think this kneeling fad is good a. Hate football and b. Won't start watching football because of this. So are they shooting for private donations or something? Viewer-wise it's a net loss move.


this is the guy the nigger raiders thru under the bus.

I don't watch nigger ball. But isn't the kneeling a black power thing? Why do they want the white players to kneel too?

I see, the kike believes it is Maud de Beauchamp's left ovarie sending the genetic greeting.

Compared to the beginning of the MLS in the late 90's the teams names and logos have changed so many times. They changed the DC United logo several times as people were complaining about it being a Nazi logo after 1 year in 1997.

Underrated post.

Holy shit! Is this real?


14 generations. About 400 years back. In many parts of Europe most peasants didn't have surnames until the 19th century. My surname originated with Anglo-Saxon nobility but my paternal line can only be traced back directly 14 generations.

Nobody is going to trace their lineage back 25 generations unless they're on a direct line of royal secession. When you go far back enough on a timeline inheritance is to the first son. Other sons of a generation tend to disappear to history.

The ancestry of the Japanese royal family is known back over 100 generations. But that's an anomaly. Most royal families in Europe, direct lines at that only tend to only go back around 30 generations. Unless you're an heir to a throne or your family broke off from direct succession within recent centuries you're not going to trace your line back 25 generations. And I'm talking about knowing the name of every father not just knowing your name originated at a certain place and time.

I took the Raiders +3 earlier in the week. I don't know if this is going to be good or bad for my pick. The NFL really chose poorly, holy shit. Just unbelievable.

Was this written by a bot?

Yeah, that's something you inherited from us and Germany.


Celtic FC, being an Irish Catholic founded team, actively supported the IRA.

Stoke City's road is named "Sir Stanley Matthews Way" and every major city in the UK has two teams.

One for the natives, one for everyone else.

Manchester City is the one for actual Mancs, and Manchester United is the one for everyone else.

This is known and can be exploited HEAVILY.

We had ten thousand football lads march in London after the terror attacks too.

American Football is huge. Normies go nuts for practices, training camps, every pre-season game and of course ALL regular season games, not to mention the post-season.

The superbowl is the championship at the end of the season, it's a huge pop culture event which reaches even people who don't give a shit and never watch a game. But to think normies don't care about regular season games is mistaken.

We could wipe the slate clean and start over but would eventually wind up back where we are. Team owners and GMs would eventually start petitioning to raise the salary cap so they can attract more talent and help cover medical costs, etc etc etc. Little by little player salaries would climb back up.

For a while, UK teams had to live within 2 miles of the grounds iirc.

Or born there.


The three commandments

Alejandro Villanueva of the Pittsburgh Steelers

The entire Steelers team decided to not even come out to the field during the anthem (which seems even more disrespectful than simply kneeling). But Villanueva came out of the locker room by himself and stood and saluted during the anthem.

Villanueva graduated from West Point and is a retired Army Ranger who fought three tours in Afghanistan. He counterprotested his own team and refused to take part in their faggotry

And then their nigger coach extorted an "apology" out of him. Probably threatened to either be benched or cut, I don't believe he just had a change of heart when the guy when to Afghanistan three times.

You know how damn tough and dedicated you have to be to make it into the Rangers?

Imagine what kind of Jewish treachery he was threatened with to get him to apologize for honoring the national anthem and saluting our flag

Correct. Posting this again now for the sticky and since no one seemed to care yesterday.

Courses of action:








Local news and radio shows are more important ways of spreading this than they would be for most happenings because the intended audience is absolute dumb middle-aged and older normies and these are the people who listen to your local radio talk show, local news, etc.


Angles to push with normies, talk radio, news, etc.:

Niggy Tardust

Hopefully, they pick XXXTentacion to do the halftime show.

Guy's probably fully redpilled now, at least.

Make sure this gets onto sports betting odds forums.

Any gambling autists on this?

True badasses don't come from the hood, they live out innawoods, stalking their pray and sending handmade mailbombs to Pedowood kikes.

Check out Carr's tattoo on his right wrist, you guys can probably do something with this.

Just read that niggerball players tonight are standing BUT doing the link-arms limpdick protest.
Fuck you you're still protesting the anthem, isn't the linked arms shit meant to mirror the BLM anti-police blockade?
I've waited months for nba to finally start again and this fucking kills me, I'm watching hockey tonight.



prey, fml

hey /pol raids inc.


I think WLP's wording is on spot, however its important to note that Trump was texting the grounds for a presidential bid in 2000,but dropped out before he was even involved with(((them)))

I think WLP's wording is on spot, however its important to note that Trump was texting the grounds for a presidential bid in 2000,but dropped out before he was even involved with(((them)))

We wuz employed.
Wuz, being the operative word.

i thought this was interesting so i went back and actually watched the coaches film from those "incidents" and i have to say, on at least two of them the line simultaneously gets pushed completely back into carr in less than 2 seconds and on the second one, the ball was snapped early directly into his stomach which gave him no chance to escape

stuff like this of course happens all the time, but having it happen twice in the same game with what was considered the best line in football makes me think that there's actually something to the claims. bring out the pitchforks and get these cheatin niggerz out of the league yo

Underrated post..




Didnt you know? Niggers lives matter honky!

Before any autists reeee, sarcasm

I gave it a shot

HOW DARE YOU!!! It takes THREE weeks to get on to welfare you degenerate!!!


We just need a Jim and a BFK with a bad Jessie Ventura imitation now.

So much this. The entire gaming community is constantly shitting on game developers and journalists these days, we can do the same thing to the niggerball scenes and permanently damage them.

Holy shit this is actually endearing. Well done.

Gonna have to go with WLP on this one

Very good point, I never registered this. Since GG, the veneer of politeness has fallen away, nobody gives a shit any more.

They should tone down the niggerspeak in those, people will think they're actually made by a white guy pretending to be a black guy.

that isn't so obviously kneeling; make the negroes arms lower, and look more like hes kneeling

The NFL is just a bread and circus. I would rather have blacks in their grips than whites. You should hope they pander to blacks.

I'm a direct descendant of King Edward IIII. Also, my direct ancestor's daughter was the wife of George Washington's ancestor, so George Washington and I share grandfathers back to the 1500s or so.

no the kneeling is a form of protest against the United States.

Is this story not being picked up? It seems like an incredibly big thing to happen and work at. Or just the memoryhole for this?

This whole debacle has made it perfect clear to me that blacks should be erased from the universe itself.

It doesn't matter what you do for them, even if you give them millions of dollars they will always bitch and whine like a child.

There is redemption for this race, I'll make any excuse for any other race but no, blacks?

They are irredeemable.

It's time they go, for good.

Deep down everyone knows it now more than ever.

Shit tons of ancestry goes back to George Washington dude, Im a distant relative of George Washington by marriages and shit.

Derek Carr knocked out of game
Team supposedly has one of the best offensive lines in nfl? I don't watch the shitbags, just saw this mentioned on tigdrops

I'll just leave this right here…
"Legal and ethical implications abound. The possibility of conspiracy to cause physical injury and conspiracy to commit fraud may top the list but are far from alone in the litany of abuses. In Nevada betting on sports events is legal and Fantasy Football is another form of legalized betting based on sports outcomes. If this game was thrown (and for now that's a big if this whole story hinges on) then NFL and the players could be headed straight for a whole host of troubles.

Aside from legal issues, there's good old fashioned ethics and fair play. As much offense as patriotic football fans (baby boomers are a large population of NFL viewership) as the kneeling issue already was this final slap in the face (insulting the sanctity of the game itself) may be the tipping point.

This is Pete Rose level misconduct issues though and, if found to be true, would rock the NFL organization to its core."

pic slightly related, I am in fact Bill Hicks.

Good news gentlemen, Trump's new tweet ordering them to stand has resulted in even more kneeling, and now they're kneeling at college and highschool games too.

God I hope so

Actually pretty good

Can you feel the hate growing in the air? Take a good whiff if it lads. This is a TREMENDOUS development.

Trump's new tweet ordering them to stand has resulted in even more kneeling, and now they're kneeling at college and highschool sports games/cheerleaders too.

Niggers are also doing the BLACK POWER fist after scoring a touchdown or tackling a player.

I'd like the goldwater more if it was called the buchanan and had him write a few pieces.

dear lord you give them an inch and they'll take a mile there is simply no appeasing them

Go back to reddit.

I might contact the website scoresandodds about this. They show all the betting lines and more information about every game for bettors. Has anyone thought of this or done the same? It definitely has an effect.

Checked tornigger
The time for burning buildings down around these ballniggers is at hand.

/r/ b& for the niggerlover here

Awesome, drop me a line when "The Buchanan" has taken off and Pat is writing op-eds every weekend there. I'd LOVE to take part.

Meantime, I think Barry will do fine for me.

If this is what it takes to get the DamnYankees North of the Mason Dixon to admit we were right about niggers, then I'm fine with it.


Are you prepared to suffer a hundred million casualties for victory?

Cause thats about how many will be lost.

Shocking, really. Really shocking.

Hey, let's go make a MEME out of this, right BASED poster?

This won't do anything but help us, right? It's not like the scandal revolves around a whole situation of which there is zero possibility of our actual influence and thus the perfect stage to make sweeping cultural changes and falseflags. Oh, btw, you're standing for white supremacy if you don't kneel.

I would love a repeat of the thirty years war.



Im not even kidding.

Outside of a nuclear tempter tantrum, Whites *will* win a Race War.

But White casualties alone for North America, and yes the continent will go up, will be around 100 million. Thats nearly 40% or more. Most of it due to starvation as the system breaks down, the rest due to disorganized in fighting, the stupid, the unfortunate, and the unlucky.

And of course, certain chickens coming home to roost. In addition to food, medication will vanish into the ether. Anyone who needs, really needs, meds to live, is done.

H and as the Syrian Civil War, and many others show, moderates win on thing, they attract nobody. So if whites win, its going to be hardcore White Nationalist that would make Hitler blush. Thatll add a few million casualties due to intentional purges.

Overall, after Canada is taken and Northern Mexico absorbed for a shorter border, Id reckon the new America would have 90-110 million white people in it.

What? 40% of people are not gonna starve to death. I'd be amazed if 50 million people total, on all sides, died. Most of the human biofilth is just gonna go to South America. I'd be amazed if even half of New York City died, let alone 40% of all whites.

This gives you the perfect opening for explaining the issues within gamergate amd lead them down the path of corruption that gg found.

That emotional connection of disgust and anger is where the bridge is found. Push that fucking bridge.

Yep. And after all the second chances, the forgiveness, etc, they still betray whitey when it counts.

Thats gonna send a message.

You dont understand things do you? Food Production is hyper centralized now, so by shutting down food transportation, shit gets FUN and real fast. Then the war begins.

Some kike shill said 'tell me when groups of people start doing it' in response to all those videos of white men setting their NFL crap on fire.

Well Chaim, here you go. Groups of whites are now setting things on fire.

Where are the MGTOW shills to blast women when you see pictures like this? It's hilarious how this protest is a perfect preview of the coming race war. Most whites still love the country, blacks hate it and want to tear it apart.

Has there ever been a more promising phrase?

All he has to do for forgiveness is buy them KFC.

The niggers keep pouring gas on the fire

Apologies for watching, but it should come as no surprise that Carr was knocked out of the following game with an injury and replaced by his black backup.

Why isn't anyone talking about this? This is a huge (((coincidence)))


If your team has any white running backs or receivers, you better be running the option. That way your nigger line doesn't know which plays to screw up.

I thought it was already?

what have we done..

Its Spartacus all over again. So oppressed.


The Raiders have lost every game since then. They won’t win again.

Everyone knows nigger qbs suck at the position. They literally always look overwhelmed while playing it. Go somewhere else Carr. Leave the treacherous nigs to lose forever after. Guarantee marshawn Lynch is illiterate. Though his last name is unintentionally informative.

Any nigs kneelee in the immediate aftermath of Vegas? We need somebody to get close at an autograph session or something and ask "Isn't it a time for unity?". Without thier handlers nearby, they're bound to just blurt "Na man, only Whitey got shot".

I laugh that shit colored nigvers belive they are the same as nubians, nubians actually had a trace of culture, thanks to egyptians pushing them to be somewhat more civilized, most if not all western niggers have 0% nubian in them.

Looks like victory is in sight. Bring those niggers to heel.
But I'm torn. On one hand, pro-white action has led to real change. On the other hand, making the niggers stand for the national anthem means normalfags and boomers can go back to their breads and circuses.

The damn Yankees wanted to ship them back to Africa while you confederates wanted to keep them as pets.
Based, my dude.

You're fucking retarded. The white working class Southerners wanted the niggers gone. Certain (((interests))) in both the North and South wanted them to stay as a cheap labor force. Just like with the fucking spics today. There is nothing new under the sun. Now go kill yourself Yankee cuck.

I was in bar in one of the few 'safe' places in Oakland, CA in 1991 and saw a sticker the 'Oakland Traitors' back then when the team was based in L.A.
Twenty-six years later still staying classy…

I like the Last Vegas connection.

Enjoy some memes from the last quarter-century.

Sorry, pictures got eaten.

So what you're saying is that you have no argument for singling out Yanks as the sole force behind wanting niggers to stay in America? Basically the south was just as bad as the north in that regard?
Thanks for clearing that up, faggot.

We have IDs here faggot, I'm not that user. Glow moar D&C cunt.


Typical American with various lineages traced:
14th century - Swedish/Norwegian
12th century - German
14th century - English
16th century - Irish
and a traceable (royal) Scottish line that goes back farther than Scotland itself
There were no major question marks.


Daily reminder anons, if they bend the knee it means they willingly surrender to our God Emperor

look for romes green and blue chariot teams and how that related to politics
its not that unusual



it really isn't unusual, it's in fact listed on bilderberg meetings documents as "sports as a vector for integration" - I'd attach the screen cap, but am abroad and not on my pc.
Normals have always cared about this bullshit more than the complex schemes that rule their lives, simply because they can join in the group they "prefer" (i.e. muh daddy cheered for those niggers rather than the others, "I like those colors better", "that guy is hot", "I am from there!" etc.) and identify as such; in politics or any field dealing with complex mechanics, they only understand that they don't quite understand what's going on and don't have the means to participate, thus feel stoopid and uninterested.

Skin goes deeper than uniform.