WE WUZ GREEKS: Niggers cast as Achilles and Zeus in upcoming Troy series

The BBC has cast a nigger to play the greatest Greek warrior and another nigger to play the king of the Gods.


This is a travesty. Spread this around and give this POS the Ghostbusters treatment.

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Ambrosia! Bix nood! Check out muh swan dick, bit.

Actually, that does sound like Zeus.

I'm Greek, and this doesn't even phase me anymore. A few years ago I would have been livid. What a world we live in.

Pretty sure we had a thread on this

At this point I think it's obvious that the kikes do this shit on purpose. It serves two purposes, it demoralizes whites when they see their greatest heroes and legends repainted as lowly niggers, and it also reinforces the KANGZ myth because niggers are so stupid they actually believe they were every ethnic group and every great person in history with no proof whatsoever. BBC already has made productions showing Celts as including niggers and Romans as being niggers too. If you're still watching television, stop. It's not going to be like the 1970s again where the shows have all-white casts and normal storylines without racemixing or feminism. This is what TV is now.

GET GOING GYRO, step the fuck up man, we've always got your back, from a slav.

I'm honestly more offended at the fact that hardworking brits' tax dollars are paying for this travesty.

i haven't watched tv in 6 months and i feel no loss, infact my mood has improved.

International jewry is becoming more overt and blunt because the tactics they used to use against us have stopped working. They're upping the ante because they are starting to seriously lose control of the narrative.
So now they've got a nigger to pretend to be Zeus in some propaganda piece, it is a worthless at this point since more and more people see through their bullshit.
Soon enough, jewry will be eradicated from all of Europe.

We wuz the first every thang

Jesus Christ.

This is good news. We should always be happy to have a concrete, irrefutable, normie-friendly example of the kikes' efforts to erase us. We sound less crazy to their (((conditioned))) minds.

Speaking of crazy, here's the executive producer of this abortion's biopic on the UK Jewish Film website:

And their mission statement:

Is Holla Forums ever wrong? If so, I've never seen it happen.

I used to turn CNN in the mornings just to hear the latest narratives, but now they piss me off so much I cannot even stand it. Cancelling cable is something I held off doing for far too long.

Kill your Talmudvision. I made the break in 2002, while my TV was trying to convince me Saddam had WMDs, and I immediately stopped going insane. A whole world opens up when you kill the electric Jew. It's as if your brain has been paroled.

Sorry that your race was wrecked by the Turks. Your ancestors should of fought back harder.

Checked. Holla Forums is sacred truth. The only times Holla Forums is ever "wrong" is when we thwart schemes in the making or draw too much attention to their numerology and they have to delay something.

Checked for harsh truth and sloppy typing. It's should have, lad. I know you knew that but we are grammar Nazis.

Confirmed. Holla Forums is the last line.

It was wrecked by the British/French. Some definite help from Venice who plundered them in the Fourth Crusade. But hey, shit happens. What really fucked them up were the French and British promising support after WW1 against the Turk.

No help came. Italy even tried to, but was told to withdraw to Rhodes. Now we have the eternal 'turkish question' where Turkey's shitskin loyalty comes into question at every conflict, and moderates moan that they are 'too vital to let go'.

Well shit son, if only we had a friendly, christian, western country controlling the straits… It would also massively balance the two. Turkey is literally iraq-tier fucked without Constantinople. Their demographics are terrible and their economy would be in the toiled without the Greatest City in The World*

*before kike fuckery

BBC will never recover. Within a generation they'll be in the ground like CNN. I honestly find the blatant casting of black roles to be hilarious at this point. Like, how can you even be mad? It's going to wake up a shit load of people including those that'll never be on our side position wise.

I'm firmly of the belief the (((elite))) are doing this all on purpose. Still am not sure what the end goal is of randomly ramping things up so hard the past 5 years and making the race issue a thing at the same time. Whats the play Holla Forums?

There isn't a play. The kikeocracy that infests the whole rotten empire is largely distributed, like us. Individual drones in offices carry out their programming as intended, and if they don't they can be replaced. As a result, some flunky at the BBC probably heard the Jewish executive producer's idea to "mix it up a little" and thought nigger Arcadians was fresh and hilarious and a guaranteed smash hit.

These people are defective, user. But they're all defective together, which makes them dangerous and depressingly predictable.

They're destroying historical monuments, rewriting history books, insisting that they are "white", and doing everything they can to kill whites and lower white birthrates. It's not a difficult deduction: the parasites are planning to switch from "we wuz jews" to "we wuz whites".

Never ever underestimate the hubris of the kike. Anytime you're asking yourself "why?" when seeing some illogical action of the kike, remember the absurd levels of hubris within the black heart of the kike.

Don't pay for the electric jew the least you can do is run Kodi or not have it at all.

true Greeks still exist and in an amount that can recreate the lost population. the work is up hill but still possible.


I saw a Britcuck Romeo and Juliet thing a few months back that had a bunch of niggers in it as well. What the fuck are you doing Great Shitstain?

Actually, Byzantine Empire infighting led to the Crusaders screwing them.

They had allied with the Byzantine Emperor, for safe passage and help in the Crusade.

The Byzantines and their fucking feminized bickering and infighting made them ruin the Crusader alliance and kill the Emperor. The Crusaders honored their dead ally.

I like Byzantium, but their infighting was sunni/shia tier.

Why do (((they))) (((diversify))) heroes with blacks and never villains? Is it some sort of (((psyop))) no normies never equate blacks = evil?

And why is it always blacks? If diversity truly means a wide assortment or variety of representation, why always blacks? Can you imagine the chimpout on social media if a traditionally black role was (((diversified))) and played by a red, brown or yellow?


This. Everyone needs to do this. Tv is destroying psyches and marriages and families and nations. But someday we'll have to wrestle film back from them. Film is a wonderful and powerful medium.

i would love for this to happen, but i think it might be impossible
true greeks are not as many as you think

A nigger is the perfect embodiment of Zeus though: cheating on his woman with literally anything that moves and spending all the time running away from his bastard children.

Same here, stopped watching TV in 2001-02 took a complete break from it until 2009 when I began watching movies and historical dramas and then listening to college lectures and classical literature audiobooks. If you want to learn more about this download the audiobooks:
Iliad - The Story of Achilles - Homer/W. H. D. Rouse/Anthony Heald & The Odyssey - Homer/W. H. D. Rouse/Anthony Heald

And then be Odysseus

Zeus actually takes care of his children.

Stop associating aryan gods with niggers.


you have to fight back, my semi-white friend.

They already cast a black chick to play their own gold-headed Queen Guinevere. What more could you want?

Every UKanon needs to remember the names of the producers of this on DOTR

roof roof, look at that bulldog jaw and nose. hideous



Poor taqiyya, mehmet.

I think its safe to say TV died with Twin Peaks. I might even say Twin Peaks the Return is the finest TV made.

White wolf a fucking nigger. That is some jimmy rustling shit. There's no way that Poles would stand for that.

what your map doesn't reflect is the haplogroups for Africa. Egypt was a bottle neck for niggers they couldn't get past until the 19th century.

This is even more clear when one looks at the 2nd graph.

2nd graph

Haplogroups are just ancestral groups. They're not meant to measure your genomic similarity, or your hetrozogzity, or your best fit genetic cluster. They're just ancestory mapped out. Hence why Haplogroups, are NOT appropriate to use when talking about about genetic clusters, aka, race.

When Jews face any opposition whatsoever, their historical go to technique has ALWAYS been to double down. This has always been their great downfall. Jews are a suicidal bunch of neurotic Semites.

>Northwest African admixture E1b1a E1b1b

On a large scale, maybe. On a small scale, people losing an argument often disappear-or-deny, as certain authors have recorded.

What happened in France?
Nobody really cares about 0.5-1%, I'm just curious. What happened in France?

Yeah, it makes it apparent that Ethiopians and Cushites, had more human admixture than the rest of niggers if that wasn't obvious enough by the fact that they don't have prominent monkeyfaces and that they actually developed some sort of civilization before Religion of Cuck™ got to them.

Liberté, égalité, fraternité happened.


What the hell is a true Greek supposed to be? Some Nordic looking motherfucker? Southern Europe is fucking hot all year round. Hotter climates result in populations having darker hair, skin, and eyes. The ancient Greeks of the past even described the Persians as being more light skinned than them. Helios islands literally translate to "islands of the sun".


Funny how Bretagne and Pays Basque managed to protect themselves against the hysterically universal French republican ideal.
I remember having read somewhere that the Basque has one of the biggest H1b haplogroup representation among europeans.

There's something that always found curious about this "cast a black guy on a white guys role" thing.

When I was younger, an uncle gave me a book with stories from a bunch of countries. Some sort of compilation from a lot of places. You know the fairy tales you hear when you're a kid? They have those everywhere. I read some about Russia, some about Australia and even some about Africa. Each one was it's own kind of fucked up (diferent cultures, pretyt alien to a young kid) but I liked them all.
Including the African ones.
When I was old enough to visit a library on my own, I happened to enjoy the usual authors you can find there but did find some books about African folklore and popular stories.

The thing is: those stories are interesting. Widely diferent from our own, strange and in some cases non-sensical, but they're pretty colourfull (lmao) and showcase a diferent set of values that serve to show whites how blacks think (back in their country anyway).

And yet, I don't see anyone casting these stories. Why?
Is it "cultural appropriation"? Do they think nigger stories don't sell? I just don't get it, they have ONE, ONE good thing they could do with their culture and just discard it in favour of replacing whites. What the fuck.

I was thinking that guy from the first "Clash of the Titans" movie I watched when I was a kid was a pretty good representation. But I dunno.

It will flop, who cares? Let them lose money.


That's not the point. You got kids watching this shit and they start absorbing this subversive shit into their soft skulls and sponge-like brain. It's Jew propaganda. And yes, that is something "you" should care about.

tanned =/= melanin enriched

I know a lot of people here are dumb enough to think that all darker skintones indicate niggerdom, but living under the sun for a long, long time will indeed darken your skin to gain a colour darker than your average nog.

Now imagine someone with darker skin, but it's face has caucasian features, he doesn't smell like shit all the time and the hair flows normally.
You've seen those "albino niggers"? Something like that, but in reverse.

See my post here: , you shouldn't be using haplogroups to tell race. You should be using genetic cluster analysises or principle component analysises.

which greeks do you think are turkish admixtured then, the blonde ones?


Dude, everyone knows going out in the sun will make you tanner. But "darker than a nog"? "caucasian facial features" and "hair flows normally?". You kidding me? Cmon now. No one is buying this mythical black skinned aryan negro with non-brillo hair and no musky nigger smell. Might as well be a creature in a sci-fi show. You might want to find your mythical caucasian negro and post a pic to better describe your little theory.

Yes, you are correct that 'melanin' doesn't always mean niggerdom. But it's a good indicator. Because the same conditions that give rise to an evolutionary increase in melanin (more year round sunlight), also give rise to conditions conducive to a nigger 'society' (no evolutionary pressure towards proactive planning, less nuclear family unit preference, no empathy). Cold(er) climate = more intelligence (don't eat next year's seed crop), more social cohesion (empathy, etc), less melanin (less overall sunlight). This is standard r vs K stuff. > but living under the sun for a long, long time will indeed darken your skin to gain a colour darker than your average nog.

Here's the thing, we have recorded land transfer that have taken place between Turkey and Greece. Greece essentially treated ANYBODY with any Turkish ancestors as a Muslim Turk. For example, if a Turkish man wedded a Greek woman, the child was always considered to be an Religion of Cuck™ic Turk from then on out. Once the population transfers occurred in 1923, Greeks sent back anyone who was a Turk, while the Turks sent anyone who was a Christian Greek.

You come off as the "spain is niggers" dumb idiots.
I'm not gonna insult you. Instead, I'm gonna tell you to take a month of vacations in southern europe and see for yourself.

It's faze not phase in this case. Just sayin.


Lel, even after a ton of people still have a boner over Brad Pitt or whoever played Achilles in Troy. Good luck rationalizing why a tan blonde man is now a nigger. Nevermind Zeus, which the Greek Pantheon became popular again after those kids books came out along with the failed abortion movies. This pile of shit will Cisbuster itself, the biggest issue is making it clear that this isn't cuck porn where the financial drain is bigger but instead kikewood where repeated disasters can cost them billions of hard-stolen shekels


Southern europe? You mean that part of europe that was overrun by muslims for hundreds of years?
Gee I wonder why their complexion is darker.

No, I mean the part of Europe that killed muslims daily until they got bored with it and Reconquista'd their pig-fucking asses out.

Spain was overrun by Muslims for centuries. Until they were finally able to exterminate/expel them before doing the same to the kikes and afterwards founding a global empire that rivaled Britain's in every way. Not to mention Italy, who you can thank for Rome, the Renaissance, the culinary arts that France then advanced and perfected very much to their credit, all your stupid fucking fancy jewelry, yachts, clothes, art, etc. To say nothing of France or Greece. You cocksuckers need to quit the d&c, otherwise it's not merely the Middle East you'll need to watch nervously. There's either European Solidarity or there isn't, I'm tired of seeing people on here talk about European greatness and diversity before shitting all over it. Usually in the same goddamn sentence

Same. TV and video game free since 2006.
One night I played I played I played without interruption.
The sun rose and I had a revelation.
I did put the TV and the console in the trash.
Never got back.

I really can't imagine who's watching this garbage. But seeing as it's the BBC, it doesn't matter if nobody watches, they still get paid from taxes and feel no effects from creating utter shit.

I don't think anyone will even ask them.

Must've stuck him in the sewage drain.

I doubt Sapkowski would let them do that, not for cheap. And if it has Ciri there's no chance he'd allow it.

fucking checked, the turkroaches want to claim Greece bad

Hulk Hogan going to be in it too?

Pelike (two-handled urn with flat bottom) depicting an acrobat shooting an arrow with her feet. Greece, 4th century BC. [640x909]

in other news today is friday.


Out of chaos comes order.
How could they create a new world without first destroying the current one?
They want all the various factions to slug it out until completely exhausted, at which point, they step in with a convenient, fair sounding plan to clear up the mess of our ruined countries.
To make sure such a terrible destructive war never happens again, they will implement their ready made one world government, in much the same way the EU was founded in the ruins of Europe after WW2 so "this can never happen again"

Fun fact: Greece was about 1% muslim in the 1990s, was about 50% at the 1800s. Either they converted or kebab was removed.

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard

Right? This is probably their greatest opportunity to do so, generally racial consciousness is at the highest it's been in a long time, blacks have the chance to rediscover their roots and history, to portray themselves as historic Africans, and instead we have Caesar and Achilles as black.

Africa was untouched for tens of thousands of years before colonialism, there must be some gripping stories to tell of some African warrior philosopher kang.

I don't even know anymore.

Go back and read what was posted again. You obviously didn't understand any of it.

If those Brits are still paying their TV license, they deserve this.

NO FUCK THAT. Fucking kikes.

Anson Mount has to play Geralt. Pics related.

The only problem with this plan is that spics, niggers, and commies are terrible at fighting so every white who isn't a giant faggot is going to stomp the shit out of them and their whole plan is going to fail as every thing gets better over night.

Not like there is no organic role for a black person in the witcher uniiverse, fucking sake the 1st dlc of witcher 3.

They should cast pewds.

To be honest Zeus was living the thug life impregnating hoes left and right.

CD project caved when western journos criticized them for having no muds in the game. Then they claimed it as some sort of victory.

I know I know, but atleast it was not a completly retarded way to bring them in, way better than making the witchers black.
They live long and by the time they were (still) created there was even less of a chance that muds find into their region.

But pic shows waht everyone knows they dont give a fuck about story or wahtever all they want is to see dark skin and fell oh so porud nigs are just accessoires to them.

That guy actually thinks people would trust traveling niggers. People don't trust traveling niggers today let alone in fucking medieval times.

As a Greek this only strengthens my points whenever redpilling friends and family.
The more they try and demoralize us, the easier it is for us to let others open their eyes and accept the truth.
Don't be surprised when Golden Dawn absolutely crashes every opposition in the next elections.


It was a shit move by CDprojekt, we all know what happens when you try to make these subhumans happy.
Speaking of subhumans, is this Tauriq Moosa talking to himself!?


So….. Your all going to go to have this rally in Africa with the Cast???? Okay….

Or when they all get arrested on false charges again. It might just take a bloody revolution in Greece with how iron fisted they're trying to hold them back.

Which is exactly what (((they))) want.

How about they get actual polacks and not a bunch of amerikwans?

Is that a shoop?

This was their plan B by the way. After they couldn't get niggers to behave by giving them infinite welfare forever and all the affirmative action, they wanted to test the hypothesis that hey maybe you can end bad nigger behavior and racism by replacing all the white cultural icons with niggers.
In 20 years or so when this plan has failed as well, they may have to admit that genetics and race actually are essential factors that determine behavior. I doubt it though.

no, they have niggers and chinks in a movie about an ancient welsh king

there is no pleasing some people.

western gaming is cancer

no itll be too late by then if whites are still falling for jewish tricks

You're missing the third purpose: to make the idea of a white-only (or even overwhelmingly white majority) society literally unthinkable. They want to make kids who grow up watching this kind of stuff believe that the west has always been "diverse".

The funny thing about the arab/jewish merchant is that he's quite obviously referencing the kabbalah with that "never-ending creation of the world" stuff (tikkun olam) and mysticism of words, being a "runewright" and all. He's screws you out of 30,000 crowns in order to maximize his "services" for what turns out to be a rather lacklustre addition to combat. Plus he still jews you at full price if you lack the necessary glyphs and such.