I love these extremely limited attempts at cinematic cutscenes, why didn't more games used them?

I love these extremely limited attempts at cinematic cutscenes, why didn't more games used them?

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the music in the op post sounds like it's having a fucking stroke…


look at this glorious shit

I need more, someone post more


Because they take up resources that you could spend on the game.

And yet Ninja Gaiden is no slouch of a game.

And it'd be slightly better if they spent those resources on a bit more environment or enemy variety.

and what if, and bear with me on this.
they put more effort into backgrounds and enemies as well as cutcenes.
effort is not a zero sum game.
and even when the publisher makes it so, they could spend less on advertising.

Yes it is, there are X amount of work hours that you're going to be able to put into the game due to deadlines and budget. If you spend some of those hours on cutmemes, then you'll have less to spend on other aspects of the game.

Have you even played Ninja Gaiden? It's got enemy variety up the yin-yang. Environmental variety too.

Just because cut scenes are over used and abused now doesn't mean that should be entirely verboten.

The more the merrier

I'm not saying that, but Ninja Gaiden doesn't exactly have a good story to tell. In fact I'll defend shit like cutmemes, walking sim exposition dumps, and clicking through dialogue in VNs if they benefit the story.

skip to 1:42
I always loved the bgm of this scene

There are not endless ideas present for every line of work the project has.
And venturing in to implement new features or ideas is not a guaranteed gain in a direct relationshio with the amount of extra workhours you give it.
It's ALL a creative process, so to spend time improving something people need to have an idea that they think might improve something. And if they spend time on it, it could turn out to be a poor idea, and have to be reversed.
You have to provide evidence that the team on a given project actually had to drop an idea that would have made the game better for spare resources to say that the game would have been better if they didn't spend resources on something else.

I mean, look at most of the studios around NOW, and the games they make.
They're god fucking awful, and it's not even a lack of resources, they really think most of this shit is good.
It's clear that they're not getting better no matter how many extra hours any of their features get.

Maybe not in some deep or important narrative way but they do at least string the game together and justify the variation on environments Ryu has to fight through.
Certainly it explains and justifies it better than arcade Ninja Gaiden does. Which offers no explanation at all for why he fights through the city streets, then across two lanes of traffic, then through Las Vegas, then through the Grand Canyon, then through an abandoned train stop somewhere in the Rockies, and then finally through the Nostradamus-Pillar Man mansion.
Also note than NES Ninja Gaiden was released at the tail end of 1988 so it would have had more power and cart space than those early NES games to dedicate to cutscenes. I doubt they negatively impacted the player content to any real degree.

kill yourself


The fact that the main character gets caught from behind by a female science nerd really put me off the story. He's supposed to be some badass but this dumb bitch sneaks up on him and LOLSTUNGUNS him in the back?

That's some shitty ass ninja right there.

That's why he switched to mass-murdering demon hunter later on in his career.

great dishonor

What the…?

Bonus per kickass music.
Somewhat a newfag here. How to embed videos?



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now go, before the newfag hunters arrive.

they wanted to but they couldnt. look where we wound up.
why is it okay with nostalgia glasses?

Stop fucking throwing "meme" into every fucking word, jesus christ.