My feeling when I think about refugee children drowning in the sea

I don't understand how anyone has it in his or her heart to become a racist,, and to live with hatred and embrace hatred for people simply based on the language they speak, the faith they follow, or the colour of their skin….. Since this website was mentioned on the news many times now I would like to ask my question here… Think about the poor people who are not as well off as you… Do they not deserve the same chances you got simply because they happened to be born in a different place? Think about the people who are being and have been persecuted for something as meannigless as the colour of their skin… Did they deserve it, for something they had no control over?

How can you have this much hatred in your heart….?? People are dying everywhere… It's time we stood together as one world already…

because it's funny? I don't know nigger. Watch a video of Somalians getting shot as they try to hijack a ship. Shits hilarious.
sage for obvious dead thread that'll be removed within a second

It must suck to be broken.

Also, Rihanna has herpes.

So what you are saying is that other races are incapable of caring for themselves or improving their situation and as a result its white people's job to help them. How racist of you. This is a racialist board that believes in the preservation and exultation of a race by its own members as they see fit without outside interference.

You're getting replies.
You still there?

This is pasta and anyone who replies to it needs to immediately consider suicide.

Fuck forgot to sage your shit thread.

Wasted dubs…

Read the fucking Quran, read some history, study the societies of the world and then try to picture a future where what you describe will end in anything other than bloodshed.
Humans are fundamentally divided, racially, culturally and religiously. There will be no unification and no peace with intermingling what is different.
Multiculturalism is a failure, globalism is a failure, the fairy tale of humans of all creeds understanding anything other than the most basic of brute force cannot ever be a reality because the vast majority of humanity simply cannot do it.
Europeans are the only race of the world that exhibits the empathy you so much desire, no other non white nation of the world has it. Look it up and take the red pill.
Perhaps then you will manage to find a way to make real some of the things you idealize now.


Forgot to sage

Based user.

Have you ever lived around niggers or spics or asians or muslims? If you have and still feel all feel feels then you're clearly a shitskin yourself. If you haven't lived around them then you will never understand how worthless and LOW IQ these people are. kys.

OP tried this same thread in 4chan and got quickly btfo.
Some of his precious comments:
How many mothers and children do you see in this picture?

Even frogs don't give a fuck

Hey rabbi, whatcha slidin'?

I do indeed laugh at the 3500+ children who died at sea, because it shows the laws of Nature and particularly Darwin's natural selection at work. If you can't swim you shouldn't be on a boat. They aren't fleeing war but seek economic wealth aka materialism. They could apply at a local embassy for such things, or you know not jump ship like a cockroach risk their lineage and try to better their own environment? Or might that have something to do with confronting the fact the apes they are surrounded with can not be domesticated let alone regimented into a working society?

We will kill you and every nigger child you try to protect.

White children>shitskin children.

Kill yourself. Empathy for other people who will only grow up to be your enemY.
Remember the movie lone survivor?
Where the one navy seal wanted to just shoot the "innocent kids" and he said look at him, he's Al Qaeda.
Well the white liberal cuck officer let hem live and what happened?
They ran and told their terrorist families and like 20 or so soldiers got killed.
Sympathy will get your people enslaved and your future children killed.
Look at South Africa. Yay. The whites relinquished control to nigs and how are they repayed? Being genocided.
Everytime white people show compassion they are taken advantage of and we're tired of it

Are you all this new?

I don't hate people with other cultures, I just don't want them in my country because I want to preserve cultural homogeneity.
That's only natural, like the Tibetans don't want chinese people in Tibet

They have the same chances. No one prevent these people and their country to make their country great.

Look at Singapore for example: Poor as fuck in the 1950s now a first world country.

I have no feelings for them because:

No one forced these people on a boat and furthermore these people are commiting a crime: Illegal immigration.

Of course I don't have sympathy with criminals.

