#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Calm Before The Storm


- pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated June 3rd)
3. GG WIKI IS BACK. UPDATE IT - [ gamergatewiki.com ]
4. PUSH DIGIFIRA: digifira.com
5. Gawker dot com is down, but it's cancerous outgrowths remain alive. Keep a keen eye on Kotaku et. al. and use Univision's Ethics Policy against them.

- twitter.com/icejournalism/status/758023920918421505
- twitter.com/mombot/status/763725521628700672


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: v.gd/HTjBk3
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:

s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/46266865/Escape_From_Woomera.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1473476697&Signature=6vIwVyim1f1+7OKYGKBvEalXPnA=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Videogames_and_politics_Why_was_Escape_F.pdf

I wrote emails today

I don't got a bellybutton

Man, I sure wanna suck some yummy cock.

Who here has hooked up because of gamergate?

Lewdgamer recruiting for paid positions, help rebuild.

Washington Post hitpiece on Ralph.

What kind of…hmmm, positions?~

Send emails, don't derail, spread the #CONLogs and the most important



old bread: archive.is/L5GQ5


Just write articles about porn games and I get paid?




they are still looking for people?


Have some old reposts

So aside from Ralph being a gigantic sperg, and the hitpieces firing up once again, what else has happened this past week? I didn't have any interweebs.

Daily reminder, CON leaks not news, some fat clickbait blogger getting arrested for being drunk is news as long as it makes gamers look bad.

As that was only written three days ago and there's been no edit saying its closed I would assume so.

can you post summ sauce on dat link

I'm not seeing them, but I'd gladly post the CON leaks and the DeepFreeze link of the writers of said hitpieces.

Josh doing "muh mentions" after backtalking Based Mom.

I'm talking like the WaPo one above. That's a damn good idea though.

Saw that on Twatter. Had a giggle.


offtopic but for those wondering what Milo's up to he was on CNBC yesterday.

So, can someone fill me in on how the goons drank the coolaid? Was it due to their EVE cash?





When people say the "positions" of Alt-Right, isn't it just paleoconservationism?

Wow. He's not that cute.

i remember they were looking for people in this hell hole to write stuff, a few months ago.

its too big of an umbrella to classify like that in my opinion.


Happening coming


Well I guess they're expanding again?

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, good luck on surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


I disagree with it but outside of Switzerland I'd take the US over any other modern country.


In a just and fair world these people would be executed for treason.


Wow. a trap TRAP.

Good one user.

this is some next level rusing

Is it gay if I lost my boner


extremely gay

But I like Danielle, not Gilda



Its clearly a strap-on you eteranal Holla Forumsirgins.

Then how do you explain that they aren't as fat as murrikans?

No fucking shit.

Any journo/twitter addict spergout or salt lately?

It sustains me.

That's why I like it you raging autist.

Other than Scooby Wu name-searching himself to try and salvage the "I'M CONTINUALLY HARASSED BY GAMERGATE, AND THAT'S WHY REV 60 FAILED" narrative, not really.

its mostly niggers & spics dumbfuck

Rank Country % Overweight or obese
1. Nauru 94.5
2. Federated States of Micronesia 91.1
3. Cook Islands 90.9
4. Tonga 90.8
5. Niue 81.7
6. Samoa 80.4
7. Palau 78.4
8. Kuwait 74.2

Here's my take (I mentioned in the last thread that I was registered on SA for about a year and that I'd lurked there since about 2009): the biggest thing that led to SA becoming massively more left-wing was the largely apathetic style of the old user base and an influx of users from tumblr. A lot of that coincided with a big moderation shake up and some serious server issues too. Prior to that I think SA was more left than say 4chan but not too extreme. Maybe some oldfag has a better understanding of what happened.

there was this guy that got btfo by the dictionary

Very funny Ahmed

Remember that feminists hates the very women they said that they "fight for". Look at this for example. They are livid that Sabina Atlynbekova is getting all the attention for being a beautiful woman, empowered and all(she's the superstar of the Kazakhstani National Volleyball Team) but these feminists? Nope, she's not hot at all.

Good morning by the way.


Jesus Christ, talk about jealousy.

For her

Social media is a disease.

Women are becoming more irate by the day. While SJ was all about them at the start it has now shifted to niggers and shifted again to trannies. Their case is 'done' and they don't like it.

Trannies vs Feminists on social media soon. Order now.

Alt-right is a term made up by liberal media to make a sandbag "right-wing internet bigotry" group. It might as well be called the meme-right.
I think it'd be more accurate to say that there is a growing distrust of institutions that are considered authorities of knowledge like msm and universities. Shit like social sciences, arts, and culture that are being forced and don't actually reflect anything in real life.
Milo is somewhat on point that people care about western values.

I need the source, or is it possible to find it on imageraider?

I'm not so sure they're feminists user, I think they're just jealous white women. Particularly since in SJW circles oriental is considered racist.

Lana Rain I think bruh.

If you were disappointed the last image wasn't a trap, you'll be disappointed again

I know nothing about this whole alt-right shit, given I've never taken the time to properly learn about it, but I do find it hilarious how the alt-right is suddenly the driving force behind everything bad about the eeeeeeeevil right wing of politics.

Literally been around as a force for less than a year, but everything is the alt-right's fault. PEPE

Lana Rain.
If you find videos, post the source.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior

I know it's not a trap, I've seen the webm.

I'm not fapping right now, but when I finally cave in, I will.

This is why the Japanese games industry is inferior.


For last thread man (888aad)

Freech /int/ is completely alien to me, when I hear /int/ I think of /int/ - krautchan. It was where Brits went when britchan.net was down, but we all moved to britfa.gs - where I was a mod in its heyday afterwards. .net was taken down by .gs with social engineering and a good time was had by all, but that's half a decade ago now and we strived to never be relevant because of the cancer hitting 4chan at the time, but we spawned U WOT M8 - so we have that.

Trolling Holla Forums is simple, never derail threads that are going fine, because that is cancerous. You should ruin threads that are being derailed into a circlejerk. Whenever people start ranting about the jews, niggers or whatever ills that plague their society, simply point out that capitalism is doomed to fail due to Marx's theory of late capitalism - that eventually enough people will hoard enough wealth that it becomes impractical to continue the current system, reading Das Kapital is plenty for this and it's really short, you don't even need to read it all, as well as CPJGrey(sp?) ranting about the FPTP system, since it is pretty much the same concept.

Never take what you say seriously, remember that the Frankfurt School never talked about multiculturalism, and that Anders Breivik was a shut-in loser with a peasant's grasp on geopolitics who shot kids. If anyone challenges Stalin, say that he never shot anyone and he dindu nuffin, and even if he diddu sumfin, they were probably kulaks. If they start referencing this as evidence it only shows they have no humour. Never forget that National Socialism is more of a failed ideology that Communism, point people to the world map to remind them of this.

Just don't take yourself too seriously and have fun with what you're saying. Don't be pretentious and remember we're all trolls here. Holla Forumsacks lose so often when challenged because they genuinely believe what they say, which is what makes them shitty posters.

sometimes I lay awake laughing about this, it's been a wonderful year

Posting what I have


Also did Mark allow unspoilered lewds or are moderators just lazier now? Honest question.



Why is Lindy West attacking Sommers

Do these people even listen to themselves talk?

She was the editor of Jezebel, takes being called shrill as a compliment, and looks like she's cranky no one has delivered her Solo and the Wookie yet.

Why the fuck do you think?

That sentence hurt my head. Like, I read it, thought about it for a moment, and I felt a headache come on.


also using the gg autoblocker apparently, never heard of her before and I'm blocked

Are people calling them out for not reporting on the CON logs in the comments? Not going to directly visit the site just to check.

Cheers m8

Been looking for decent Holla Forumsesmoker bait. The only stuff I thought up myself was comparing them to furries because they attention-whore so much about their interest.

Fuck, forgot about that. I guess some 14 yr old is about to get a valuable lesson in nature.

Also, do you really think reposting old stuff is shitposting or are you just keeping the lore alive?

Same, when I used to use twitter cuck shives autoblocked me

I masturbate to people saying they're cumming inside of me so nothing personal

Speaking of, I never thought I'd care what a Dictionary has to say outside of the work of being a dictionary. The new world of marketing via shitposting is scary, and I am glad to live in it.

or maybe they have not found anyone? or the new ones couldnt handle the lewdness?

do we have a /lit/ ? are they masturbating over this?

Holy shit


Just checked, only 4 comments exist.Only on Alt-Right stuff, nobody talking about CON yet.

Gonna go out for a bit, if you faggots haven't read this from last March, here's Daniel Goldenstein's latest master piece, and it sold like shit as always.


Friendly reminder that PW is most likely pozzed as well.

Top zozzles. Several posters have been saying they are the new MLP, to which they post the alternate version of pic related. Here is my edit.

Never let this place fall to backslapping fuckboys and shills though, all Holla Forums has to do is fuck off and stay on their own board.

someone posted this translation in the other thread but I can't into moon myself so not sure if its accurate.

these are learned doctors of language and leftists are those seeking to redefine language to be in charge of it and control it– but they will never have power over the dictionary and they will never be able to revise history over real historians. Sometimes, I think they should be put up against a wall, but then I remember their goals are impossible and just a tool to get into power.

If that is the proper line then yea its pretty stupid, she could have just said she finds that offensive, not tumblr garbage.

I played the first 3. I have no interest in playing past those ones. The convoluted-ness of a few of the cases really tried my suspension of disbelief. The first one remains the best. Also fuck you judge, that evidence does apply you old cunt

I only ever played the first one to completion, tried the sequel, hated the music and the cases, 3rd was ok but I hated how I had figured out what happened but if I didn't present in a specific order I'd get penalized.

Why only Shakespeare, yet another Dead White Male?! Merriam Webster is a fucking white male alt right goobagabba language hate speech promoter and rapist!

In all super seriousness. If that is confirmed to be official Merriam Webster, have they considered selling that as a poster or some other merch.

Its their pinned tweet.

Welcome to trolling lad.

'course not. It's simply making sure the whole site doesn't become Goldshire for natsocs. If I had any faith in 8/pol/ I might've gone over there and stopped them from goosestepping in the same direction and question each other once in a while.

It's a shame that they've got the Holla Forums board title because that's the place people should go to when they want to talk politics on Holla Forums. Holla Forums would do just as well with /natsoc/ and it would be more honest.


Its cancer.

In that they both refuse to stand up?

We're in agreement, kind of?

As someone who beat this ←bitch down and fucked her real good, I can confirm that it gets the point across.

Why are you even in this thread?



So a Slate editor named Roth writes or tweets what appears to be some extra retarded concern trolling. Webster tells Roth that no one cares how he feels. Which is correct. Roth is so assblasted that he writes an article about it, which even by the headline alone just shows how retarded Roth is. And Webster is still correct. Is that the gist of it?

Because I like anonymity.
Its not taking it out of context. You're saying that imageboards are just to fuck with other people on here. If anything it reminds me of an old reddit screencap I posted here where people on r/4chan were talking about how 4chan is just for shitposting and anyone who wants to discuss things seriously should just go to reddit.



Are we coming full circle?

I saw posted here*

That's about the size of it. There was tons of salt on twitter about it as well, but it honestly got hard to tell what was trolling and what was people actually mad at a dictionary

Note on imageboard culture yes you >>10662316 shove it
First off shut up.
There's always whining that X version or Y year of Imageboards is better because you were born in it or something then "my fragile culture got washed away with the wave of Summer" and "my great oldfags just disappeared!".

     ,-´~ヽ/|    τ| ◎   ∥Yeah but did your year have -SOY SAUCE-?     ヽ゚∀゚)ヽ|    /(⌒)    ノ |  凵 |   く _,,(__)__)
Nobody cares
As much fun as it was Holla Forums and derivatives and trolls trolling trolls was not very conductive to discussion and reddit easily started mimicking you later because they loved the lolsorandom dash it had in it. I am not making this up. We have everything to lose and not much to gain by this whole "Irony" mess either.
Guess what happened to other oldfags of your time period? Well unless they retreated to some offshot imageboard like 8ch(except usually smaller), they likely grew out of it and came to greener pastures. They likely fondly remember their times but at most its like one of those games you liked as a children but would hate to actually play it because you'd realize how easy it actually was.
So my question is, why don't you follow them? Your old times are not going to come back, everyone else has repeated the cycle you have to no effect other than waving their status around and it never got anywhere. Guess what? The very first people that went into 4chan were the likes of YTTMBM or Funnyjunk and-- if you thought "but that's CANCER!" well guess what you're right. Most people would consider their time period cancer were they born after or, more importantly, before it.

my acc has just 3 days of activity and the only reason I think she blocked me for was that simple "like"

Specifically it was the Catlady Brigade of radfem moderators who aggressively banned anyone who disagreed with leftist ideology. One of them worked for a British marketing company called Teenage Research Unlimited.


Pics fucking related since I am here.

It wasnt users from tumblr
it was SA users who never grew up trying to act like adults on social issues while still shitting in diapers
tunblr had nothing to do with that shit

It really is amazing just how fucking petty these people are. You know, back when Twitter changed rules to cover "blocked by too many people" as a reason for banning, I thought to myself "how about you ban the people who block everyone?"

I was blocked by "why mark kern is sad" on the first day. I'm pretty sure all I did is follow a few people. maybe tweet once.

how did you get past having to enter in a phone number

Why the fuck are you still making these threads? Gamergate is deader than Josh's sex life. Are you so desperate for friends you have to cling to a failed movement?

Hi Ghazi

Which member of CON are you? Can we make a game of guessing who?


I may just add that I made a post on Christmas day. Just to wish other anons a merry christmas.


As I predicted, the line was dumb and unnecessary. In the original she's like "C'mon man, cut it out!" and in the localization she's like "SOMEONE NEEDS TO CHECK HIS PRIVILEGE, SHITLORD!"

Well, it's just one line so far. People still going through trying to find more?

Shouldn't you be in cuckchan? hotpockets are working overtime banning anything related to Gamergate, even fucking video games.

Does she cheat on her [current] boyfriend?

It didn't required me to input one. Twitter doesn't always forces you to put one when you create an account

I'm trying to not follow any known person associated with GG. I'm trying to not be caught by their blocklists so I can post stuff on tags and still be visible

leave Null out of this, he's already suffering enough with that witchfinder guy destroying his anus

The most obnoxious shill post of all time. Creating a 10 story long reply box sure convinced me!

What a pathetic attempt at shitposting.



Probably pre-emptive shitposting since the CON Trello's leaking this weekend.

Did Trello just get leaked or something?


commission this person?
yes or no?

Post YFW you've never been so shittershattered you manually spammed a Mongolian image board.

Unsuccessful troll is unsuccessful

I filtered AND reported ;)



I'm sure it will be nothing at all

So… What did we do to cause all this butthurt?


I'm thinking the same. Nothing really new happened to bring on the shills

Trello leaks coming, crooked shitting herself on stage, take your pick

Trello leaks must be something damaging, there may be a dance thread this weekend.


well he is a furry artist so it fits

CON Trello leaks on the way.

made fun of ralph

the presence of shills and spam is a good omen.


I was reading on plebbit that thats supposedly where they coordinated doxxing attempts/stored their little "portfolios" on people

Please no.

I can't handle dancing loli asses.


filter is broken, it's hiding random posts instead of the only ones I requested to

works on my machine :^)

We existed, user. We existed.


Oh shit, you fuckers know what happens if matter and anti-matter ever agree with each other right?

Yeah, they get removed.

What makes Switzerland so great?

Explain the Trello stuff, I know about CON but not about him

Basically its everything what the US strives to be without getting in everyone's business. Also great borders, 98% white population and gun rights.

they use it to keep profiles not dox ;) of their targets

I love my country too much to consider moving. But I hope it's nice over there for you.

Oh I can believe there are people who are mad for real at a dictionary in current year. Mad as in angry or mad as in insane, or both at the same time. Dollar to donuts it'd be fairly easy to find some bluedye problem glasses genuinely wanting to change the dictionary definition of "fat" to "beautiful at any size esp. of the human identifying female variety".

Er guys?

Strong economy, controls border, armed populace, free speech protections, internet privacy protections, internet piracy is legal.

Not the same guy

If we don't get these CON Leaks out, the damage to the industry will be even worse than it is.
I know some of us are helping out, emailing, letting people know, but I know there is a lot of people here doing nothing.
It's time to get off your ass and start helping.
If you don't, the longer it will take for CON to be taken down, to have the Trust and Safety Council revamped, to show major companies that people like Feminist Frequency aren't people you want to be associated with.
The amount of censorship going on in the Gaming Industry right now is ridiculous, it's too much, there shouldn't be any censorship full stop.
Games aren't coming to the West, games that do are being altered, some games are being destroyed completely.
Remember Fire Emblem Fates?
That is just one example of multiple games that have been destroyed completely, to push their agenda, to get back at us.
Another game taken away from us.
We can stop them, it will take a while, but if we get these emails out, start letting people know about these CON Artists, we will be one step closer to that day, the day that all games get to be released in their entirety, the day you can buy Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 in store, fully localized, uncensored.
Don't be afraid to ask questions here, on what to do with specific information.
Don't be afraid to ask if there is something else to do, cause there is a lot of stuff we need done.

Go here if you want to help, it has further information. - pastebin.com/AURpTBEC

Oh yeah, they were repeatedly calling it a "dossier" in their Skype leaks… While patting Methwhale on the back for bragging about doxing someone.

Haha, I was unbanned! Thanks mods!

I was banned in whatever the fuck happened. Easy on the trigger fam.




Oh, I wasn't saying that there weren't people mad at a dictionary, just that the horseshoe was perfectly symmetrical.

I mean, i don't know why the hell they care so damn much, the media isn't just going to turn on their sorry asses, i just want to watch them fucking squirm at this point and hope for the slimmest chance that one of these pieces of shit gets caught with their dick out and at least a slap on the fucking wrist

Or you will continue to sperg online to people with all the power begging them to punish themselves because you say so.

I'm not putting money on it. You will just make more patreon welfare queens.

Filters aren't working for me. Is there a fix anyone knows about?

I feel like it's worth mentioning this shitter and the complete lack of replies they have because they were responding to me and I was responding to them. But there is no evidence of this in their post. That's right, the delete all function also purges any reference to your existence in the posts of users who did nothing.

Don't give a fuck, if they get caught compiling shit on people they are going to burn, don't even try and deter us at this point, cunt

Not seeing a real problem.

And who has burned so far? Absolutely no one you went after. Hogan dropped Gawker 10 times harder than you did so you can't claim credit for that one.

You fucking faggots look at what I wrote.

You're replying to a shill

Well, if you refuse to believe my words, you can always wallow on about your own old Holla Forums culture.
It was called "sea of piss" for a reason.

Incoming drops of Dan Golding's "studies" and "papers"! Archive them all!

s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/46266865/Escape_From_Woomera.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1473476697&Signature=6vIwVyim1f1+7OKYGKBvEalXPnA=&response-content-disposition=inline; filename=Videogames_and_politics_Why_was_Escape_F.pdf

Get on it!

Remember, its others that are just trying to call people shitters to make themselves look good, not him.

pdf files.

Wait, that's news to me. Sauce me, please.

That's nice but it's no sauce.

That one deserves to be printed, framed and hung.

Well I was the first to use the term shitter, but 68808d is a faggot if they will let smug anime pics impress their vision of what the internet should be.

Fuck off 68808d you massive faggot. You don't know shit about the internet and you're a little bitch to boot.


This is getting sad.

What did he mean by this?


Where's the outrage, feminists?

It's possible there's more than one too. Some edgefag is desperately trying to piss all over the genuine heroes thread.

Check your ID for interesting facts. Loads of shit missing.

It's quiet too. There's a storm coming.

It's because the Trello bomb is set to drop, isn't it.

You got banned and your posts deleted by accident. When that happens any links to the post are killed. I'm not sure why this comes as a surprise to you, guess its because you're a newfag when it comes to Holla Forums.

You weren't kidding.

Has anyone seen the CON wiki article talk page recently? Holy shit

It sounds like a lost episode of the Twilight Zone.
It is the Year 2016. There are people who are employed as editors at a publication. The very same people, are mad, at a dictionary. Or perhaps they are just plain, mad.

No outrage, only justified privilege checking. :^) Also she's from Kazakhstan, godamn their anthem is really gud.

Strong possibility at this point. CON scammers might be having a coughing fit.

archive it, they have purged the talk pages plenty of times before

On my phone right now so cant. Can someone be a hero andmdo it


One of the mods has gone wild, he's deleted fucking everything.



Fuck off nigger, learn how to use the modpanel

Cheers fam. Would love to know who that peterthefourth sccumbag is

something else is coming tomorrow

thx mane



holy fucking shit, the man is going nuclear


PeterTheFaggot is probably munching bags of ritalin to not sleep and keep focused on defending his maiden's legacy

easy my sperg friend

That degenerate faggot who's getting 6 digits a year after losing Gawker is so pissed that he sent waves of unpaid retards to shit up h8chan.
Suddenly it makes sense why every wannabe troll post can't handle obvious banter while having the apparent mental capacity of a sack of bricks.
Their goal is to distract.
They cannot stop our glorious crusade! Our Unlimited Benis Works cannot be stopped! 2nd pic related


If its as clear as he makes it sound I'm going to have a lot of fun rubbing this in some people's faces.


That faggot and some other user are really going at it. That's even hatesex jokes.

That was either a mistake or goons STILL haven't figured out UIDs yet.

Given the filename structure of his posts, halfchan reject or some Holla Forums shitter who got triggered hard seems to fit the bill.
Better than even odds it's the halfchan reject, though.

What is going on in this thread?
Nothing is making sense. Too many erased posts being referenced.


Gawkerman's getting his shit kicked in again by the FTC and they're releasing data tomorrow.
There seems to be an attempt at a coordinated effort to shit up hatechan.

He seems like a really cool guy. He can make a point and always foresee a positive outcome.

The deleted posts and posts replying to those aren't really important, so skip them.

Mods are flushing shitposts. That and this

Just about Gawker? Aw man, I wanted something interesting.

We're supposed to be getting leaks of CON's trello this weekend as well.

Cheer up, we're still getting those CON Trello leaks this weekend.

To be fair, those are mainly Island Niggers and kebabs.

we had spammers and I think mods banned one of us by mistake so all of their posts got nuked as well

it wasn't me, but I don't shitpost on here, either.


Libtards hate heroism? Makes perfect sense.

Literally in NorthBySouthBaranof's case. Look him up on Encyclopedia Dramatica if you haven't heard this story before.

God damn I love working with music

Am I gonna have to go through those Goldberg studies? My brain still hurts from everything I dumped in the Ludology thread


They always do unless it's their heroes, of course. You pull up a bust of Pallas, and it's evil incarnate to them. You show any avatar of pure holiness or righteousness and they'll always, without fucking doubt, try to sully them without failure.
Oddly, they'll also try to gild the crimes of anyone who actually is baby-puntingly evil. Gotta turn black and white into mottled gray whenever you can of course.

Speaking of which, there's a good chance that this PeterTheFourth is his or Dragondragon's sockpuppet.

…At this point, wouldn't it be more prudent to do a rip of the whole site to archive for later dissection?

Not really, because you'd have to keep re-ripping. Those idiots, if inspired enough, could easily throw poorly-written and poorly-researched papers at it every day.

Although, it isn't a bad idea.

Reminds me of Josh bitching about how people celebrated Bin Laden's death only for him to later celebrate Scalia's.



Jesus Christ, it really is Ryulong again.

Not sure if you're joking or serious, so I'll respond earnestly. This Josh, though I don't have an either archives mentioned

He tried to weasel out of that by saying he doesn't celebrate the murder of anyone.

What, now that the usual suspects are under intense scrutiny, suddenly, another chucklefuck is at the ready to defend m'lady 24/7 for two years?

This is the sole reason why I'm kind of surprised that nobody has taken to pig farming yet.

I thought that faggot's name was just John?

The first person to revert the addition was jps, an oldfag who scrambles his identity regularly. That revert was his only contribution to either main or talk. Do I smell a meat puppet?

You forgot body disposal, though there's pieces of shit I wouldn't even make them eat.

I never paid that much attention to the wikipedia side of things since I gave up on it early but I vaguely remember that there was talk of 4 different editors gatekeeping the gamergate article, not just ryulong/bernstein. Any chance he was one of the other ones?

I'll stick to my bees.


Its John but someone messed his name up and called him Josh on twitter once and it upset him, so a lot of people stuck to calling him Josh after that.

Not only that, but I think he spent several months tweeting "my name's not Josh" to nobody in particular.

I prefer /k/'s Blind GF Guy

That and there's always the problem of

Now that is fucking quality OC.

They're fucking pets you raised with love and caring. They should never betray you despite their instincts as long as they have any sense of will.

That dude was fucking awesome. I envy the shit out of him.

Do you not like bacon user?

I love bacon. Who says I wouldn't tearfully make his legacy a delicacy after he passes?


The meat would be very gamey, tough, and stringy if you ate it after it died from old age.


Are you referring to pic related?

Fucking abomination of a human being. Fucking wow.


whose bitch is this? she tried editing her own wikipedia page and the started to cry someone was reverting it, then apparently it's "gamergators" inserting shit on her page?


She used to work in Lucasarts

she mad, she's even retweeting year old stuff

That's actually standard practice for Wikipedia. People with a wiki-page are not allowed to edit their own page as people are viewed as an untrustworthy source of information on themselves.

Chances are someone went through deleting things as a standard practice and she instantly assumed it was some goobergabbers out to get her.

I really wonder sometimes. Our userbase is big but not nearly as big as cuckchan. Our difference is that we have a greater tendency towards activism and our site structure makes the obstruction of discussion difficult. But yet we seem to have a lot of people just listening, just observing. As if they're afraid of what we'll think of. Or just want to see where the discussion will go.

but she's nobody, why the fuck did she just threw a "muh gamergater" in there? I'm cheking the logs and can't see anything remotely connected to the evil goobers



Single purpose accounts, edit warring, and trying to own an article are also against the rules. Wiki drama would be so interesting if I had the sheer autism to follow it

Because they're all retarded crybabies.



I'm having a dilemma right now. I want to get a suicide kit from amazon but can't be bothered to wait. I've already taken a pill cocktail of who knows what but can't guarantee that it will kill me. Can anyone be assed to direct me to where I can get proper information on finishing myself off?



I just got this from Archon, yup, that Archon. Critical Theory is also being taught in legal studies. I wish I'm kidding.


Pills most likely aren't gonna kill you unless they're some truly powerful shit

Go here

If you're going to hang yourself, you need to do it in a way where you drop a good distance, and your feet don't hit the ground when the rope is stretched out. The point is to break your neck, not choke yourself

If you've got ice, fill your tub with them and slit your wrists

Fap to Zoe Quinn's nudes for immeasurable desire to kill yourself.

Nothing wrong with critical theory. The problem is critical race theory, which actually has nothing to do with critical. They adopted that name just for legitimacy, because before that it used to be called, and I'm not joking, racial realism.



no soul left unturned

did she just finish having sex with that walrus? LOL!

Does anyone think Scalia was murdered? He died with a fucking pillow over his face.

did he have any info that would put a clinton in jail? If so; yes.

No user don't do it, killing yourself is megagay. I hope you're not serious. Go on the darknet and score ketamine, there are doctors who consider it the first anti-suicide medication because it's so fast acting.

Call a suicide help line or something. Killing your self isn't worth it. I've been in the same position.

Critical theory is cancer. Holy shit, how can you say this with a straight face when it's literally everyone picking apart every part of media to find out what's problematic about it? It's lead us to where we are today.

Well it's not my fault SJWs are misusing it. America kind of has a tradition of fucking up things that were harmless or good, such as rock music, unions, government healthcare and video games

Nice quads, but I personally plan to kill myself once I start getting old. Suicide will also guarantee me getting sent to Hell.

I'll blow myself up so it's quick, appeals to my love of destruction and explosions and my body won't be left to rot or be defiled in any way. It will also destroy my most beloved posessions, so no one can ever ruin them.

user, you stand on the cusp of the whole world deciding between freedom and socjus. The Great Battle of Our Time is going to be decided in just a few short weeks.

Don't you want to know what tomorrow will bring? Your own life may be sucking, but you live in a whole world with all sorts of interesting things going on.

Take a break from yourself and focus outward for a while. Then look back on yourself when your mind is clear, and you'll know what to do to fix whatever is bugging you - even if its just moving on.


Hey guys, let's play a new game I came up with. It's called GG vs BLM. In the name of their respective movements, have GGers or BLMers…

The answers may not surprise you.
Feel free to add more.

No, you're wrong. Critical theory is bad from inception. The only problem now is it actually became popular. It was literally invented by Jews thinking that every piece of media ever invented had to be combed for bad think to stop World War II from happening again. Your college education is shit. Throw that junk you were taught in the trash like everyone else who realized the truth about it.

Most people don't even know what GG fucking is. It's only the butt blasted internet libshit media that remembers at this point.

Isn't critical theory that retarded shit about muh feelings matter more than facts?

Does anyone think goons have had an adverse effect on the comic book industry? I remember when Rob Liefeld came out and said he didn't like one of the characters he created being retconned as gay, and then suddenly the goons started pushing the meme about bad anatomy in some of his old panels into high gear to the point that's the only thing people remember about him now. I mean Liefeld isn't perfect, but he didn't deserve that kind of barrage of bullshit aimed against his reputation. In retrospect, I'm only now realizing that shit was politically motivated.

Yes, and that the author's thoughts on his own work doesn't matter.

New: oneangrygamer.net/2016/09/gamergate-was-right-foia-reveals-gawker-committed-multiple-ftc-violations/11432/

Kek here, holy shit.

What's his name again?

Copied from wiki, a completely unreliable source. Honestly I've never been able to understand exactly what critical theroy even is, since it differs from every single person that talks about it. In the same manner as alt-right. Almost as if having a nebulous and abstract term allows everyone that uses it to say "This is what x is." and the loudest and dumbest with the most connections gets to choose what they feel/are paid to report on is the right choice

The guy who was right about everything.

It's academic marxism applied to everything that isn't economics. That's all you need to know. Toss it in the fire.

Go away Jim.

Sounds like he didn't fight back against it hard enough.

I will become the Kamiya of the cucked west, just not shitposting 24/7.

More like the guy who's so uncreative he's resorted to making videos about deviantart

Get medical assistance for the pills you have already taken then get professional help for the suicidal tendencies. Do these things for 5 important reasons.
1) suicide is like pressing the tab button to the end of the game. you wouldn't encourage anyone else to do it so you shouldn't be hypocritical by doing it yourself.
2) You will miss out on the trello leaks and the salt produced from that
3) you shouldn't leave it to everyone else to do your share of the emailing
4) infographics don't create themselves
5) don't be such a selfish little bitch

As opposed to this thread which has been just the same reaction images and half baked jokes and memes recycled for the past 2 years to the point it's beyond cringe?

You're the guy that went crying to him aren't you

Comic artists have to be constantly working. How are you going to fight back against a bunch of goons shitting on you 24/7, making people forget the fact you were one of the most successful comic artists of the 90's? I remember one of the feminist friends I have that I tolerate bringing up the fact he was a homophobe and than posting some of the panels the goons were circulating. I quizzed her about him, and she knew nothing about him other than that. It's funny because the same faggots that hate on him love Deadpool, and probably don't even get that Deadpool is his brain child.

Nevermind all the recent leaks and articles proving we've been extremely effective for long after he threw a tantrum and started dredging the bottom of a decade old barrel for content

Not this shit again.

Jim was a faggot for the uncharacteristic way he handled leaving GG, but he's not one about everything else.

No, also you tolerate people openly shitting on Holla Forums constantly in this thread now as well. Then you wonder why most people in GG fucked off.

You mean stuff Brote did and you're taking credit for and haven't successfully weaponized yet.

Right, it was Brote mentioned by name in an article as the single largest thorn in Gawker's side, creating a Chernobyl tier exclusion zone for advertisors. Silly me

So now that Ralph is in jail, is this gonna be the new ralph shill? Anally Perturbed Jim fanboy?

le butthurt leaderfag of rectal torment

You mentioned recent leaks. Brote did that. Also the articles about Gawker talk about shit that happened in 2014-2015.

Band together with anyone that isn't a goon and show how retarded they are without even a semblance of guilt or defensiveness.

Talk shit to me about my creations or opinions just for not tolerating some bullshit tumblr agenda and I'll attack relentlessly until I've completely dragged those little shits through internet mud.

When you get the balls to stop letting people like Val represent yourselves to the rest of Holla Forums, I'll start taking your thoughts on why IA seriously.

Val represents Val, same as the rest of us represent ourselves. The megathread isn't a subreddit with a representative.

Where the fuck do you think you are, user?


It's too late. The goons already successfully astroturfed Liefeld's reputation to the point you could probably go into Holla Forums and have idiots repeat the memes about him. I just think this is an example of them using those tactics previous to GamerGate. Also their critique of him was also a lot of rage about him not drawing the female physique realistically (too skinny, not enough like Whale Simone, etc.).

you're treating the thread like it's a republic or some shit. Val represents his own faggot ass. Nobody elected him to be a French fucking cocksucker, he just is

So trash fatties, rainbow hairs and enablers as viciously and shamelessly as possible when dealing with the same. Got it.

So you want us to not tolerate them? How SJW of you.

And our Holla Forums is a huge pile of shit so who cares, it has its moment but its got completely ruined by Holla Forums harbor.

Terrible, terrible shilling.

Nice try, Val. Pretending to be a Jimmy Fanboy just so you can pretend someone thinks you represent anything.

You almost had me going there.

When you have a thread that is supposed to be a bunch of anons posting, and you have one namefag who pushes leftist pussy bullshit, and other anons tolerate that, that namefag represents the thread defacto other wise you wouldn't give him a pass for making himself the special snowflake of the thread through identity whoring. When a non-regular reads the thread, they're going to remember what Val said the most because he's the only one with a fucking name.

You keep saying that, anons tolerating someone, you're talking like an SJW.

you smell new

Mombot give them you homo

That was a different leak, dumbass.

Yup, you let the D&C shills win and you don't even know it.

shes got multiple ones dipshit

Our Holla Forums is garbage, has been for a long time.

Fuck off with your revisionism.

It's funny because you're D&C shilling and claiming I'm a shill. Shit like this would be called out as D&C in 2015, but now you're comfortable with it. You won btw. Holla Forums fucked off from GG and GG lost a lot of it's strength because of that.

This is the same "user" who has been shitting up the bread for the past couple weeks. He makes up 10-15% of the bread by throwing out posts with one to two sentences, offers nothing of value, complains about namefags, acts like Holla Forums is some messiah, and likes to pretend he's the smartest guy when he's just being an autistic faggot.

No the Holla Forums that helped us left 8 Holla Forums after pol harbor when the board filled up with edgy stormfront kiddies.

The place is a mess and probably the most shill infested board we have.

What's the difference between "good" Holla Forums and stormtards?

The quality of debate.

Holla Forums before the 2nd exodus obviously, the board was focused and great.

i cant think of any artists to commission
literally every one I emailed last week is full or didnt reply because they were just off chance ones like asking some kemo artists I saw on pixiv and cant find anyone else

what a shame

I'm talking about "Which part is just rabid when it comes to Jews and actual niggers while the other just bitches about anything about related to 2D lesbians, 2D brown or 2D porn in general?"

A lot of the same people are still in Holla Forums. They didn't all leave as a result of Holla Forums harbor. They had a few threads recently where they explained why they left GG. This thread had a huge butt blasted response to it pretty much. It wasn't even Revolt shilling, because I can tell the difference.

Oh and some Holla Forumsacks came in here recently and were interested again after the CON leaks, and you called them shills due to the insane paranoia about shills and are shitting on Holla Forums again. So so much about that I guess.

The later mostly ended when the goons got bored of shilling the board. The recent anime threads weren't nearly as bad, and especially after the media tried to shit on anime over Trump.

I know you guys don't like him much but I don't really wanna see the guy die either.

Wish he would fuckin lose weight.

Point out what those were. I'm in almost every thread and don't remember anything about Holla Forums.

I love boogie though. Feel really sorry for the guy.

Fresh Socks!


It's less that I don't like him and more that I don't like how wishy washy he is. It's like he has an opinion but then decides to backpedal on it when he receives backlash. He has a complex where he wants to be loved by all and that makes him more disingenuous and more gullible than I'd like. When the mask falls and he shows some backbone he can be a cool guy but he just always shrinks away and puts it back on. He's that one guy who tries way too hard to be loved by all but fails, only truly being himself when he's putting himself down.


I'd never head about boogie before GG, but I remember at the start when nukenig came onto one of his streams and tried to convince boogie that agg will never agree to sit down and talk it out.
Boogie came across as an incredible naive person. I kind of feel sorry for him because from what I can gather he really wants to believe all everyone wants to do is just get along.

He has friends on all sides and he hoped he could gather people together to find solutions and a common ground. Again, gamergate wouldn't have even started had all these retards just gone "okay, we fucked up, sorry". Hell, even PRETENDING to be sorry would've amounted to nothing. In the slightest.
Boogie hoped he could make everything calm down and people discuss instead of yell. Sadly it was much too late, and the opposition much too greedy and vindicative for it to calm down.
It was naive but it's important that there are people trying to show how everyone feels and thinks. It allows everyone to better understand.
He's also the very first "e-celeb" that came in the GG threads themselves in the very first days it started, and I really like him for it

By all means, I'm going to keep dumping more and more gas whenever possible. This entire shitstorm of personal attacks and demonization is only amusing to me when a retard doesn't piss me off.

She's an old school Holla Forumsirgin who used to make GG updates now hosts a show called Dead Gamers Talking. Newfags should check out her old vids.

Lucifer, I…

Liefeld drawings at least in the 90's having bad anatomy is not a meme, it's facts. That doesn't mean a large part of comic fandom was invaded by cancer and cuckolded. But don't fall for revisionist bullshit, Liefield has all the rights to his freedom of expression and good on him for finally calling out the wannabe fiction sharia squad, but his drawings really did have some really bad anatomy.

I'm honestly glad this just got more and more antagonistic. It shows these pieces of shit for what they really are and how they have no right to be tolerated or respected.

Everything I say about their kind is nothing more than insulting and informative about their demonstrated pettiness, self-righteousness, prudishness, hypocrisy, overall cowardice, pretentiousness, egotism, unwarranted sense of entitlement and rejection of common sense in the face of muh feelings. And it feels great to spread that sentiment of being fed up with any civility as far as I can. You have no idea.

Durr. Make that

I have no idea who this is

That's a definite yes.

Using basic logic, we can assume a couple of things, that he died convulsing, or died quietly, or was killed via smother.

Convulsing is out, because the pillow would be off his face, quietly is out because for fuck's sake who sleeps UNDER their pillow?

The only reasonable or plausible explanation is murder via smother.

It leaves no real wounds.

am i late?

Yes, very much so.

I hate how Assange still hasn't dropped his "guaranteed incarceration" leak.

Not at all, it's the very first time we've seen it user. No one in five days even noticed such a thing. Thanks a lot for warning us !

fuck you i was banned.

I knew of one self proclaimed college commie (a Josh Mcintosh clone basically) who constantly tries to shit up a forum I knew by bringing up the perfect and nevah been done befoh glorious marxist commie ways, and the above sentence pretty much describes the disease to a T.
And the proper prescription for it.

What did you do wrong you poor thing ?

Sometimes calling in a favor from high places does not guarantee game sales…

alright, nigger

Let's talk about system making and upkeep

when you make a system, if it is abused, it is your fucking fault. It is flawed, no matter the intention, it is exploited for evil, no matter the intention.
Capitalism isn't what you'd call squeaky clean, but it gives people freedom and ability to carry out their own will, free from the state. And it's good enough to be used by pretty much every country.
Communism, on the other hand (supossedly being devised for the benefit of the community) is full of holes and ripe for abuses within the system. No matter the intent behind it, it is INFERIOR to capitalism because it destroys countries and makes them ripe for international abuse.

This is how a system is judged


Academia is infected by a disease. That disease, is critical theory, which has many tenants that are exploitable by absolute


Who will not stop until the country is dead. We have need of critical THINKING, not critical THEORY. you are a fucking shill for one of the most EVIL mindsets in this generation.

I'll give you a clue

Don't forget to spoiler your porn next time, user.
Glad you're back hun.

Holla Forums bans based on DOST now, if they believe the person pictured is 17 or younger, this applies and you are banned.


Worthless shithole.

go to bed Dan

Marche, don't act retarded.

Maybe for poor people perhaps


And who can forget Sixteen yr old Courtney Stodden?

I'm going to rage.

Don't bother, user. They're americans. They don't really function like normal people.

Mudslimes don't either.

Well these people tend to consider fucking a 9 year old girl is nothing special, so I'd wager they don't indeed.

just go already

says the frog

Anyone under the age of 18 legally a minor, has a guardian, and goes to juvenile court in the case of a crime.

Do you think most people make a child, teen, pre-teen, seperation do you? Hm, the law doesn't.

I don't. That's why I insult stubbornmoralfag retards who do with such venom.

If you're interested in the gaming industry, you should.

is she new?

I too, have no clue who this is

Is Trails of Cold Steel any good? Its on sale right now and I just got an early b-day present and can buy it.

No. See

Her only focus has ever been games and the game industry - no id politics or asinine gossip - hence never gained a large audience.

yes even more so if you played other games in the series

ye still got no idea who she is? is she your girlfriend or something is that why you are viraling her?

Sox is an Agoraphobic Lesbian, shes not like Shoe who sat on Youtube for 5 years making videos imitating Boxxy before she stuck gold with GG.

No this is not Boxxy its Shoe.

Looks like 99% of what she does is google hangouts, that's more likely the reason why she doesn't have an audience.

Weekly reminder to hate your waifu/husbando or else good luck, joy, success and happiness may befall to the people that you don't like and despise

Never forget, love bears fruit.

I liked it.

oh so she is a sjw?

Never played any of the cold steel games.

trails in the sky and SC are on steam and highly recommend them

Shes under the poverty line so no.

oh a tranny


You know that over half of the people don't read things if it has no images, right?

To people itt that even entertained the idea of buying a Crapcom game, do everyone here a favor and kill yourselves.
Some things just deserve to die.

I swear I don't do this on purpose



Is this PetertheFourth guy actually Ryolng?

She briefly did have a twitter early on, but got either got suspended or deleted her account. It was back when Chobitcoin was still spamming twitter & a lot less burnouts fucking with the hashtag.


he posts on ghazi a lot

Good evening anons.

I hope you find the heart to love the Local Hero, Joe Hendry,

She's an inveterate gamer, go figure
She has a male fiance, don't believe everything ED says

No newfag she's not my girlfriend

so she is your fiance?

Would be nice but no. Just an user hoping DGT numbers don't drop low enough they stop doing the show.

I have no idea what that is

She's bisexual, not a lesbian or straight.

She used to do daily gamergate recap videos before things slowed down. Frequency of videos slowed as well until eventually stopping. Her videos always got posted here back then, not sure if you guys just have bad memories or what.

King of pol?

She's nowhere near as spergy as him.

So she was his giirlfriend?

Yeah, no

No but he seemed to have a crush on her and every other girl he came into contact with.

If you were any newer bullying you would be considered pedophilia.


Is someone pretending to be marche or is he just having one of his periods?


What are you? Poor and possibly homosexual?

I want to be like Antonov.


You can't. No human can possibly that perfect and pure.

there's literally nothing wrong about being poor

Also why is greentext a different shade of green now? I don't like changes

Did you change some of the settings for viewing Holla Forums?

Holla Forums detected.

New board option defaulting to on. Open the [Options] menu in the top right corner and uncheck the "Pepe colored quotes" box in the general tab.

Nope but I just found out why it happened

It's definitely seems changed and changed back on some boards.
I noticed it while shitposting Holla Forums

that doesn't look different

Mark has fixed it

The greentext was a lot "greener" about 2 hours ago. Now it looks that it's back to normal, at least on this boards.
Better ask on /sudo/

Did codemonkey fuck with it or something?

oh, now I feel stupid

wait, scratch that

In case I fuck up the crossboard link.

I'm testing and shitposting on Holla Forums, and the greentext still looks a bit neon green over there.

Why this much pandering?

well Holla Forums doesn't have bugs and shit anymore, there's no problem if codemonkey wants to waste time with gimmicks

Make it opt-in instead of opt-out. He's not a BO, he's not supposed to be fucking with default format, he's just supposed to be fixing bugs.

I'd rather have him implement adding the ability to attach waifus like the Xchanx scripts had.


Is…is he saying that he don't like being responsible for his own decisions?
Fucking hell, we're dealing with fucking babies here.

sage for slowpoke as fuck.

I was being ironic

I was kinda forced


Mate, some of us have gone to reddit for various reasons.
Fuck, I still have an old burner account that I used to upboat one of Holla Forums's hitler quotes being attributed to Dawkins.
I feel kind of bad about it now that he's spoken out against the religion of non-religion that he himself made while antagonizing the feminists, but at the time it was fucking hilarious.

CM seems hotheaded and a small guy when it comes to non technical fixes and so called improvements and tweaks.


He listens pretty well though and doesnt go full josh and make shit not a fucking imageboard looking

This just seems like harmless fun that makes this place more unique and homely than other image boards
Silly things that dont change anything are fine


And this is why we have Archives, just fuck his shit up!

And the funny thing about that is the posts about legal action are most likely to be archived.




You guys have laughed at this already, right?

Boards can create their own CSS. BOs are supposed to be the ones(with community input) deciding how their boards look. You can see this at work if you go to practically any board other than Holla Forums and Holla Forums. Admins should not be doing anything that isn't opt-in.

I think I've just heard the cries of someone demanding to get bullied….

I hope Univision just fires them all.


Kukala mu majka.

Not gonna judge a book by it's cover, anyone know what that person has written so far?

Pretty sure they wirte tranny bait shit

Most likely some shit on how paedophiles aren't monsters.

Insightful gems like what you see on her twitter.

seems ever so slightly less cancerous than your average Kotaku writer.

so is there any normal people in the big gaming sites?


Okay first thing I find is an apologetic for No Man's Sky. We're up to a good start folks!


Here's "her" blog:

True. Fingers crossed.
I wish he'd at least make the fucking effort to pass as a female instead of being a stubbled male insisting you use his proper pronouns, jesus christ. Take a pointer from Blaire or someone instead of probably getting triggered if someone doesn't share your identity politics

Unless you believe it normal for people to be duplicitous like Schreier, Hamilton or Totilo, then no.

Because it's so fucking hard just to write about video games.


Why is this such a recurring theme? I lived next to the red light district in Bangkok, looking like a grill is not that fucking hard.

Normal games are for children you guys. Grown ups like me play walking simulators.



spoiler it you philistine

Why are some greentexts darker green than the others now?


Please don't bully me with your penis.

I don't think that's necessarily what he's saying, for example he seems to love Skies of Arcadia.

Here's the obligatory patreon page


Gross, now i have to hate Skies of Arcadia because of him.

you should know better by now

Only if you're retarded.

If you're gonna do that you'll eventually run out of things to like.

This. All day long.

It's over, i have to find a new main now.



No shit, Sherlock. He writes how that game or Fina made him become trans. Even there's a possibility of Sailor Moon characters turning people trans or raging lesbians. Or even when people wanted to wear that dress that Cloud wore.
Heck, watching one old episode from The Bold and The Beauty made me once hard when I was a kid. And that was a scene with a male stripper.

Clinton going full social justice warrior with her -ists and -ics.

That's not going to help her.


https:[email protected]/* *//kluwe-continues-to-prove-his-cluelessness-523fbe71ded1



Horse confirmed it; trello leaks soon


Next time in shit that never happened


It better not be another tease


CM being better than josh is a bare minimum standard of improvement. Thank god josh got fed to the pigs for his part in the infinity debacle. But all CM has to do to be a yuuuge improvement, is stick to what he's good at. Strictly technical fixes and maintenance. When he strays outside of that it becomes shit real fast.
-Please welcome our newest community manager Jackson!
-Um hey guise, Jackson here, seems things might involve more work than what I'm ready for and you guys seems really not cool with the community manager phrasing thing. Well, so long!

I don't care about xir or shiz life and how many intersections it fucking has to do with a game it writes about. IT'S NOT ABOUT YOU, JUST FUCKING WRITE ABOUT THE FUCKING GAME REVIEW WITHOUT PAYOLA, YOU GODAMN FUCKWITS.



Oi it seems the Brote stream making fun of Revolution 60 has been deleted? I don't frequent these threads so I'm not sure if this is recent or not?

which one? I'm watching the stream from the 7th right now cause I missed it

He got embarrassed about how drunk he got and took it down himself.

Learn from their mistakes.

unfortunately drunk brote vod of rev60 is GONE. people have offered to pay him $300 for it. he talked about some shit and regretted it. eventually his speech became irish gibberish (???) and then he signed off and he doesn't remember doing that.

at some point he talked about how when he went to PAX he kissed someone from funhaus on the back of the neck as a joke (???) but then the guy turned around and was legit nice and happy to see brote so he felt awful but also really glad. they also then went to look at burnie burns who also recognized brote and brote was a happy fat canadian lad about it. all the other stories told during the rev60 stream were about brote's weird ex girlfriends and awkward sexual experiences, like yelping like a woman during an orgasm and then regretting it etc. some things about brote's psych situation and mostly it's getting better. like i said, way more interesting than the rev60 playthrough that was happening. many people messaged him later hoping that he was okay and that he didn't die. he drank almost an entire crystal skull vodka very quickly!

Why are people so fascinated with that guy? I don't really get the appeal.

It's his YUUUUUGE autism.

Brote has good taste, that shit is good.

Listen to this call of a majestic beast and you will understand

these filthy goobers are so icky, right?

Jesus christ Brote spent nearly a half hour doing two combat sequences, how the fuck is this game even legal

meh, slow day today. Will dump some porn and then leave.





I'm still baffled that she thought saying that was a good idea after what happened to Mitt Romney


Then why the fuck does no one on the left do a thing about it? This is what gets me. I've seen a fuck ton of people going "Look at all these supporters of Trump, uneducated and poor idiots." Like, first off, how fucking arrogant are you to believe that THAT is the portrait of people who disagree with you? Second, if it's so bad that "those people" aren't "smart enough" to know to vote for the "right people" why the FUCK do you NEVER do something about it?

How the fuck can you blame people for wanting to vote for the candidate who actually talks about their issues? Has Shillary addressed the poor, non-college educated portions of America directly? Even once? Like fuck, I'm not a burger, but god fucking damn it, this election is fucking retarded.

I fucking hate politics.

But user, you forget, they're the (((smart))) people who focus on the (((big))) issues and can see the (((global))) picture.
That's what's wrong with them. They've got their heads so far up their own collective asses that they have an entirely different perception on the concept of naval gazing.

It's a shame because that stream was frankly hilarious

That's up there with "well-intentioned extremism" and "when you're a hammer, everything starts to look like nails" as one the best ways to describe SJWs to normal people / SJW-lites who aren't too far gone.


Reminder that Val is a pedophile.

that Trump guy, amiright

Cleanse. Purge. Kill. In fealty to the God-Emperor of Mankind.

What the heck is she talking about

He's living inside their heads rent free

She's a communist, what do you expect?

Imagine if they get laid and they shout Trump's name as they get fucked like that one guy who came to GG.


Not importing boatloads of niggers and kebabs is counter productive for human cooperation.
Never mind that the foreign aid programs ALL western countries contribute to help ten times as many uneducated niggers and kebabs by teaching them basic agriculture, industry and education for the same price each imported one costs to support.

Just stop replying to him already

Also relatively newish vivian


Reminder that it's a huge security risk for CON, an anti-abuse platform, to be having all these leaks and abusers like Rob within their own ranks.

Why would anyone go to them for help? They may have their shit leaked too!

S-stop making me lust for my daughter


you shouldn't be able to see her buttcheek from that angle, no? It looks weird.

Even a dangroud faggot like him knows well enough not to interrupt the Trello drop this weekend, and n

You're so fucking creepy. Jesus, I hope you don't have female siblings.

That's setting up for a future event. He's not interrupting the Trello drop.

Just be glad your name and his name aren't Sarah Nyberg.

Yeah I see what you mean, it'r really weird especially with the jeans on

I hate to fucking defend Val of all people but we shitpost that all the time when we post vivian lewds, don't get butthurt. Val is creepy in other ways like his interactions with kitetales but the "o-our daughter shtick" isn't new.

How do you know Val isn't as bad as Nyberg? I mean there's a difference between liking hentai and identifying as a "lolicon."

I see the jimfag just woke up.

Yeah, I know Vivian is our daughter, but Val makes sure to RP it out every time Vivian lewds are posted, which no one else does.


Yeah, I watched them when they originally came out. Still pisses me off because I was perved on by a family member like that. Lena Dunham too, god do I hate that cunt.


there's a board for that


Hi, Peter.

No. How's about..

I miss when we sent people to >>>/gulag/

Commie scum.

And it handles like complete shit to boot.

Val may do it more often, but he's not the only one that does it or has does it.

Nah, I just liked how different it was. We don't send you >>>/out/, we have a camp.


And they say we're conspiracy theorists.

I'll take Things That Probably Never Happened for 1000, Alex


Jesus christ milo

Also, "activist". All that nigger did was foment riots.

This male transvestite was exposed for being a paedophile and perving on his cousin, but didn't get any jail time.

Yeah, that's just fucking out there.

Holy shit.

Is there anyone who doesn't, at this point?

Who, Seals or Nasheed or Burch?

Me as well but this internet has gotten difficult for me and it reset the IP each midnight.

Kind of annoying.



Oh damn that would've been intresting but I can't blame him

No you fucking retard I just don't care


why are you on Holla Forums then

You forgot the part where Lyle got in a Skype call with him, and Brote thought the random mook he was fighting was talking to him.

watching goons try to influence general opinion thru condescension and indifference while outing themselves as butthurt virtue signaling numales is a delight on twitter


I'll care when it starts affecting me

I'm stunned.

I really hate goons. I wish there was something else that could be done to fuck them over like what happened with them losing their spaceship game.

It already is dumbfuck you're just too obalivious to it cus you're more interested into fapping off to waifus then doing shit. By the time you SEE shit effect you outright you will be powerless to do shit

He's allowed to give no shit, user. If he doesn't care about a game being censored or only plays the nichest game from Japan or whatever else, he can entirely ignore the complete issue. I agree that it's a bit irresponsible, but you can't blame him for just distancing himself.

I'd like to point out that the yogcast DLC did not affect any DLC released for All Stars Racing Transformed, even if he hadn't been there we wouldn't have gotten any of those characters.

You don't even know what type of games I play and you're already assuming I've been affected?
How have I been affected?
Also isn't saying that I'll be powerless to do anything also mean that you guys will be too?
I don't think you guys are doing nothing here I'm just too lazy to put in the effort to help/care


I sense a meme in the making.

I wish you were also too lazy to post


If hillary wins yes we'd be pretty much fucked without lube

new sharia law approval for games or some shit Sweden has comes to mind for games exploiting women


me too

literally right up there with Binders Fulla Women

Jesus christ what the hell game is this?


I haven't seen load times this long since Sonic '06. You know, the game where the entire level loads into RAM three times before you're even dropped into the world.

Hillary is a fucking space alien. I don't know why the Democrats keep forcing her in front of people. She's worse than Romney. At that Commander in Chief Forum, she was basically shouting at a vet about her e-mails like a lunatic and kept repeating the same thing over and over again about classified e-mails having a header like a malfunctioning robot.

"LOADINGU~: Westaboo Edition," also known as ReCore

wait that titles that they showed off e3 2015?

THAT'S OUT? I've heard fuck all about it since it was revealed

Looks like they were really going for a retro feel

Didn't Bloodborne have huge as heck loading times or was that just on the PS4

The best part: >Unity

Is PS4 Pro going to have better performance, because I actually don't own a PS4 and want one, but I'm not going to have a 4K TV.

Fucking hell. As if somehow fucking up an Unreal Engine game wasn't bad enough.

I honestly thought it was NMS

Yea but they fixed them later.




I hope they stay there and get pay cuts because of their shit writing and censured publicly (or arrested) if they take bribes.

but being womanly on the inside is what counts, user. Outside appearances is just superfluous.

Shame on you, user.

I'm so sick of my own country. The incidents they list, all but one are already crimes, and the other is probably just a bunch of lads shouting shit on a night out, especially since Nottingham has two universities in it filled with drunk students.
None of the shit it lists has anything to do with hate. They're mostly boundary issues, by boys and men who weren't raised right.
But no, women will get even greater protected status, and the denigration of men in society and in law will heighten all the more.
Fucking sick of this shit.

The UK's problem is they don't have a constitution with free speech protections. You just uncuked yourselves from the EU. Why not use that momentum in the voting public to demand more changes?


Since we are near the end of the thread I'll just leave this here


I will never understand why.



I like butch girls, and a lot of the people listed are fucking disgusting. Also they included "feminist" in the labels, as well as pansexual, which is just hipster for bisexual.

I think that's satire

But what about your supporters Hillary.

It's satire bro

I mean bearded gay jew gives it away


The KKK loves Hillary

Probably, doesn't stop the dyke from looking like Carl the Cuck

that one looks like it could have been captioned "Gaben-queer"

How are some of these not self-parody?

You're on to me apparently.

Are you sure? Seems pretty Poe's law to me with how much SJWs don't want queers to have self respect.

Isn't it telling how we can't really be sure anymore? I don't know the source so I can't really tell if it's satire or not


The left's arrogance is off the charts honestly.


For what purpose.

you don't say, it weights at least a dozen gays

Of course, they screamed racist/bigot for the past two elections, why won't it work now?



that works, I like it


There's so much fucking lefty cancer in that hashtag, its unreal.


And this shit, this image is so fucking old.

Great to see their still protecting Squirrel Girl, so I guess the cancer isn't being excised. Also wtf are these titles:


They can keep doubling down all they want while ignoring the anti trump people attacking trump supporters, but this shit is what sank romney back in 2012, and what he said wasn't even near as bad, she's fucked, they refuse to acknowledge it

Christ, can no one find a good PR guy these days?


If Shillary actually sincerely apologized for her shit she'd likely lose a massive chunk of her idiot supporters. She put herself in a no win situation.

Well, that's what happens when you spend decades pushing people into a massive "us vs them" mentality.

Surely someone on the Dem side HAD to have realized that hyper-polarization was going to eventually come back to bite them in the ass. I mean, they can't all be complete idiots with no foresight whatsoever, right?

Nice non-apology Shillary

What do you think user

I think the Democrats better get ready for America becoming great again, at this rate. And they'll have no one but themselves to blame.


>faggots who can't handle their birth gender and try to "fix God's mistake" ironically enough would feature a shotgun and not hundreds of thousands of dollars in surgery and drugs
And all of these groups have completely disparate ideals. Infighting was a guarantee and the fact that they've managed to get this far is nothing short of a miracle. Like God's watching and says

I feel they're double down so strongly because they're gonna steal the election, but I hope so man, the dems have gone completely insane and must be stopped.

Hillary has been having an ongoing melt down. I don't know what's going on, but I think she's seriously losing it at this point. First the horrendous performance at the Commander in Chief Forum and then this. I always knew she was shit at campaigning, but I didn't know how little self awareness she has until now. She must be surrounded by total brown nosers.

I can't wait for what stupid shot she does tomorrow.
She fills my heart with joy with every coughing fit.


No, that's the game Hillary's playing.
Trump is playing 5D Hypercube Chess.

You had one job.

Hillary is playing fucking Candy Land.

It's Parkinsons.

Alright, you know what, I take it back. You're right.
It's her handlers and the MSM that's trying to play 4D Chess.

Didn't she fucking hit her head and have a stroke last year?

Fortunately, they're losing to Mr. God Emperor.

But why did she hit her head?

They're trying but they keep shitting on the board wild trump is playing 128D metaphysical Fibonacci rhombicosidodecahedronc chess.

the joke just isn't the same when they both are white

Pic related. It fits, the only question is whether or not this is Emps just enjoying his shapeshifting fuckery again.

his wife's son could be trans-racial

God Emperor's fuckery of the Anti-Trump camp knows no bounds.

Some OT OC
with a polite sage.

Do we have a baker?


quality human bean

Bunch of hateful spiteful monkeys.

The thread is past bump limit.

I like the darker green.

Also, I guess I'll bake and release at 700


He's smiling because he can use the men's room now.



Can you add this to ongoing discussions

You can cut the http:// part if you get the too many links error

He retweeted that?


high quality shoop, can barely see the fork on his hand and the newspaper on the desk


That guy looks kinda like that retarded tripfag on halfchan who hated weed. Forgot his name.

Well since it's shitposting to 700 time.

Back when Obama first ran for POTUS, maybe there was a few advisers that was at least competent and can gauge the publics pulse and call a spade a spade. Not so much in current year, since what I'm seeing so far the Dems playbook seems to consist only of doubling down, counting on the MSM and nu media who can be bought to be in their pocket, and instead of widening the base it's commencing the ideological purity purge.

This shit is amazing.

The actual madman


If he's the one with that Ozymandias avatar, yea, that guy.

He shit up so many decent threads.

So….timeframe on the Trello leaks?

Never to ever

Posting this because thread's almost up.

Weekend is not over yet.

Hopefully sooner than when panda claimed to have a figurative bomb to drop on the anti-gamers should gamergate last 3 months or so.


It's for a friend, not for me.

Dude, that's like, totally gay.


How so?

Feminine benis


God damn the NYT is just bad


Trump has more jewish supporters than I realized

Gee, I wonder where they got that figure from.

Dude, it's fine to be a faggot. I at least understand wanting nothing to do with women. But trying to lie and say that liking cock doesn't necessarily make you gay is just sad.


They wave a confederate flag so therefore theis and that.

Webms without souns seem pointless