Why do Soy boys like Marvel so much? What appeals to them about these movies?

Why do Soy boys like Marvel so much? What appeals to them about these movies?

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They're safe and generic.


Chris Hemsworth's Thor is one of the greatest comedy characters of our time.

Plastic soy?

Marvel heroes are more convenient.
Think about it, the classic hero-type who is honest to himself, who doesn't blame others for his misery, who takes responsibility, who works hard, who does unpleasant but necessary things, who overcomes adversity and takes fate into his own hands is quickly dying out. This kind of hero reminds the soy boy in a painful way that he hasn't grown up, that he's unwilling to take on responsibility and that he doesn't want to put in the hard work. This hero gives bad feels.
It's much more convenient to have a hero with god-like powers. Often these heroes didn't get their powers through hard work but instead by accident, luck or origin. They face adversity but are often never in real danger because of their superpowers. The soy boy can fantasize about being this hero and dress up as him but he knows that he can't be this mythical figure and that he doesn't have to take on his responsibilities. This hero gives good feels.

If roars count as cuckface, are godzilla and the t-rex cucks too?

but Plastic Man is a DC character, created to be their version of the guy from Fantastic Four. you know, Mr. Whatshisname

You can't tell a cuckface from a "roar" because of your autism and high estrogen levels.

Rocks a carnie, if you pay him he'll do a job for any one.

nice use of the lingo


Power fantasy i'd wager. They get to fantasize about how they'd use those powers, and with the pozzed nature of comics atm they get all the opinions they want about minorities and whites being evil, and they get to pretend to be tony stark, saving minorities until eventually passing the torch onto a young genius black girl who succeeds you, and is instantly better than you just because.

That's why Batman is the best superhero, he doesn't even have superpowers and neither does his arch-nemesis.

What is the difference between a bugman and a soyboy?

The Joker.

yeah duh


Because the characters in the movies are neutered.


You need to understand women's base behaviour to understand this. Their entire mentality is "can I break this? If it breaks then it's no good and I need a better one".

To apply this to men you get a simple shit test.

This doesn't work on spergs who don't understand the rules of the game but that's spergs being spergs and they would do it any way.

They don't, they just pretend to like so they can pozz everything about it when they aren't even buying the comics.
The same way they "like" games and are incapable of beat the tutorial of cuphead.

I can't fuckin' keep up with this new-speak bullshit, fuck.


4chan and chans have always been unironically racist but dumb ass 40year old suburban fox news conservative dads (the same people who said pokemon and anime was satanic in the 1990s) conflated user saying nigger with "Oh… these cool kids must like my lame milquetoast conservatism" and thought 4chan was just college republicans 3.0.

I've said it once and I'll say it again: the zim zam trial was the last time period in which chans were decent, the 2015 presidential campaign ruined Holla Forums.

Numale, bugman, betacuck soyboy detected!

But OP, you're both stupid and wrong. Soyboys don't genuinely like anything that's popular, they just go along to get along. They say they like whatever will get them female approval. It's a very simple process. They become bitter and unable to feel joy, so they explode in fits of rage which that screech out over the internet. They just get close enough to women to rape them or get a quick thrill and then flee.

The Boomer Conservachad

The Virgin Faschild

Boomers were the first bugmen retard.


Bugmen is a term for Chinese people, you dummy.

Why? The fuckers has more balls than most beta-males.
Part 1:
Part 2:

A bunch of butthurt teenagers are going to give you (You)s.

Correction, O is in the image, A is not.

Look up "walking on greggshells". Opie was a bitch and what killed the show. He backstabbed Anthony again and again. When he got fired he was glad. Then he started having fights with Jimmy and they had to split up as well. Then Opie got himself fired after killing two different incarnations of the show. Jim and Ant still have their jobs. They were the talent on the show, Opie was the hole. They were always mocking his mantits too.

Oh, we got one of you faggots here….

You belong in this picture, neither Opie, Jimmy or Ant does. All this bs radio-drama is something for soycucks like pretend tough-guys over at reddit.

Find a picture of me making the gape face, and feel free to add it to the collection. Except, I don't make that face. Opie does though, constantly.

He repeatedly backstabbed the others and lied about them. Everyone on their staff had an issue with him. He ruined every bit, none of his jokes were funny, whenever Ant would start arguing with a caller about race Opie would passive aggressively start playing with his phone. Then the fanbase turned against him he tried to make up lies about Ant betraying him. "He knows what he did!" When he then fucked things up with Jim he claimed he was a shark and it was Jim's doing and told all the other comics Jim and Sam were the ones firing them, this recently came out with Rich Vos and Bonnie, Opie told them that Jim & Sam demanded they be fired.

He's a slimy, smurmy little beta HOLE.

I am 500% sure you weren't here before 2013

That was 5 years ago, fam. You've got to realize that you're an ultra-minority now if you've been using image boards since before 2010, and that you are in fact an old man surrounded by teenagers, and people barely pushing 20.

Yes, I hear about nu-males, soybois and bugmen on Fox News all the time. You absolute moron.

Thanks for making me suicidal

You're such a dipshit TYT watcher. No retard, it was ALWAYS the left censoring shit.

Hillary Clinton introduced a ton of legislation to censor video games, as did Joe Lieberman. It was Tipper Gore that founded the Parental Advisory Board to censor music. Like every other unpopular thing they did the left latched that shit onto the right and pretended they had nothing to do with it. The Fairness Doctrine? Another leftist policy. Sarkeesian's complaints were word for word the same as Jack Thompson's only swapping gender for violence.

get a load of this faggot.

Back to reddit faggot, this is a pro-O&A board.

Honestly, DC heroes have always been better than Marvel's in terms of ideals.
The vast majority of Marvel's heroes deal with street crime, even the heavy hitters, while DC shows the hero benefiting the entire planet.

A child being shown how to save the planet is better than showing them going out to Harlem and picking fights with jigaboos.

Plastic Man is from '41, then DC created the Elongated Man in '60 and only then did Marvel copy it with Mr Fantastic in '61, by the King Jew, Stan Lee.

Deadpool was a copy of Deathstroke

That's easy. Bugman is a forced meme that only you use and have attempted to attach to amerimutts, soyboys, neets, and chinks because you're desperate for somebody to use it in some capacity. Soyboy is a well-established meme with one definition that arose organically and is used by everyone naturally.


Go fuck yourself, Spuds Buckley, you're a "damaged boo hoo hoo" beta bitch and you know it.

Why , for the same reason they love conservatism & right-wing fictions. It's a power fantasy that helps them escape from their hopeless, powerless lives.

now this guy gets it!
the right-wing tards were brought from reddit by Holla Forums. they didn't get the joke and flooded every hobby board with their nonsense.

Go cry about your radio-dramas on reddit faggot.

Holy shit, this picture unnerves me. I finally understand why they can pump out such shallow, predictable, and pointless movies, yet still make millions.
They've farmed the emotions of a generation, for cheap.
Also explains why the movies have gotten worse over time. Viewing them becomes a habit.

Everything today is based on nostalgia, this is a reflex of people refusing to grow up. I blame 8 years of Obama.

Because they like shit

And now it's pandering to them

Seriously even the hobbit films have better direction (in spots) than anything in any Marvel film I've ever seen. They are the most forgettable films ever created possibly.

Please tell me if that's the same faggot who assaulted by a nigger whilst streaming Pokemon GO.

And then a picture of herself playing a gameboy showed up and become viral on tumblr while ignoring her true colors, she really deserved that defeat against DRUMPFFFFF.

Blacks in the back just where they belong.