>B..but she's a Mary Su

Checkmate, sexists.


Other urls found in this thread:



Yeah, sure - that sounds legit - equally dire my fucking ass. Men sold into slavery would be worked to death.

Oh this is gonna be fun, what does this mean "biologically" now? What quantifies "survive". Does submitting count?
Oh wow, I was joking at first, but damn that is so selective it hurts.

It's almost like if adult men need more food to survive when compared to adult women and children.

We live in funny times.

Women are raped and/or sell their bodies during famines so it makes sense why they'd survive.

That picture contradicts their headline.


biological superiority of an average woman getting their ass handed to them in nearly any fight

maybe they can tolerate pain and stress better i dont know

that's just a meme

“Men consume tobacco, alcohol, and psychoactive substances in greater quantities, drive less safely, and eat less salubriously than women do; this results in elevated risks of cardiovascular diseases, lung cancer, liver cirrhosis, and accident fatalities

Yes, we evil, evil, nasty, smelly men die younger because we can't control our urges to inject ourselves full of toxins and inhale big macs. It has nothing to do with men being 99% of firefighters, frontline soldiers, truckers, construction workers, tower climbers, loggers, fisherman, garbagemen, linemen, or every single other dangerous, labor-intensive profession.
Petite little Sarah who has only ever been an overpayed recliner pilot can't comprehend the pain and risk of real labor.

lol no
w ww.scientificamerican.com/article/women-feel-pain-more-intensely/

We really do. This is blatant click bait. The article is just filled with blatant flaming info, it wants to be shared on all the facebookies and tweetweets.

I don't think thats how that works. Are people still trying to use that? So this basically would mean women with a single X chromosome, who are more or less "normal" would also be "less likely to survive". I remember hearing this on an episode of venture brothers from the straw anarchist feminist they had on there, and obviously much older then that.
With how the article was cherry picking details, you can blatantly use any sinking ship that uses "women and children first", and then have an article title "Men more likely to die on a ship then.", but it will probably by passively aggressively written like "women more likely to survive sinking boat then men!" .




pretty simple test for this hypothesis: a man has a woman punch him in the face as hard as she can and then he punches her in face as hard as he can. after burying the woman's corpse, repeat with another woman. and then another woman. until women learn what the word 'strength' means.

they start off claiming it's biology. then it's attitude(women don't quit). then some random undocumented anecdote about stranded grannies. it's poorly constructed bait.

they also sabotaged themselves with this admission
now why the fuck would the weaker sex be worth more?

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting


Then maybe they can start going off to war instead.

yet when i go to work the females are the ones that cant move a container or deliver a heavy ass package if they tried.

nice bait femtard

of course
even in livestock females tend to get it easy

Maybe in the mind of a soyboy that checks out.

Yes, which is why some high school boys defeated the US female soccer team, or why women can't reach the mens' world records in the Olympic games. Guess that pesky patriarchy is at fault for making women run slower or throw the javelin not as far.


Reported yourself
It is relevant because of Mary Sue trope and feminists pushing for thin women beating up giant men.

The nordic "man"

I hate to beg the question, but what do they mean by biologically stronger? As in strength? Because that's not true at all. As in surviving? Well when you're the gender who doesn't fight off invaders, then yeah that just comes with being a female. I don't know what life-threatening crises is either. As in something like an illness or something more caused by man?

Did they somehow factor sexism, so by eliminating the differences between men and women, they find that women are somehow stronger?


Technical kekcopters


*blocks your path*


Lol, you can feel the virginal rage emanating from them. Absolutelysad.

ironic faggtory is still faggotry

Women are more valuable to captors and are always treated more softly and protected. I'll never take the feminist line about women being mistreated throughout history seriously, not because it isn't true in an absolute sense but because relative to men it's not a serious concern, most societies practiced slavery there's every reason to believe that the vast majority of men led bleak shit abused lives regardless of the fact that the society is a patriarchy.
Farming, slavery, shit was tough if you weren't a noblemen and none of that covers the fact that without social mobility being able to afford a wife was an arduous and long period.

Whether you say it bitterly or plainly women are acted upon and improvement in their lives is attained by being attractive enough and submissive enough to powers that be. In that sense truly powerless women are orphan girls, ugly women, old women without families, and widows.

Men in principle have more agency and ability to change their course, in practice I imagine in almost any society in any point in history the average woman had a happier life, hell even in america in the 20th century for decades women outpaced male happiness.

Your post is bad and you should feel bad making it.

What a crock of shit.

I'm not being ironic. You can feel the virginity pulsating from this thread.

doubling down on your faggotry is even worse user


then why does it sound like you're in pain?

B-but women can be faster than men!

your butthurt is blatant, tranny-kun


where's the tv and movies?

Hasn't there been a test where it was observed that giving childbirth was like getting kicked in the balls? I don't know about you but I can get up from being kicked in the balls after about 5 to 6 seconds. It's uncomfortable but it's hardly worth screaming over like women do when giving birth.

Wamen choose lighter weights because of environmental sexism. Once we ban all sexist videogames, they will lift 320kg

Women have stronger immune systems because they have to carry a baby inside it and stop things getting into the womb to fuck with it.

Women have lower requirements to survive caloric wise.

Even if a man is sick he's still expected to work. see the "man flu" shit where a sick man is just mocked no matter how serious it is.

Women are also much much more likely to be given assistance if they're failing where men will just be left to die.

The history record is correct but they're ignoring the reasons it's correct

If you don't like it then leave

I'm curious, why did you care enough to write that? The writer certainly didn't care about truth, reality or even common sense, but they certainly cared about getting attention like yours.

Cry more bitch nigger

Goy society needs to die

I'm starting to understand why Mohammad was a-ok with stoning women.

You know this is a lie and you choose to believe it because is justifies your hatred. You may as well call yourself a feminist.

scientifically proven my ass
did they forget this happened? or all the other survivor shows that did the same thing
every time the men did better by far

You're no better than the male feminist with your "women dindunuffin".

Why are you whiteknighting individuals who literally piss on Christians and their ministers, shillchan? Or are you still living the dream that your enemies will convert if you die like a good goy?

Howl all you want, you know I'm right.

And Islam is a religion of peace.

Birth is like getting kicked in the balls twice BUT getting a blowjob at the same time.

I'm not claiming women are saints or even good, they are spoiled children. I'm claiming feminism doesn't speak for them and if you actually got off your morbid obese ass and polled any group of them outside of LA, you would find women do not think they are physically stronger than men, nor they desire to be.
Now go on in your MGTOW homo circlejerk.

Then why do 99% of women support feminism?

And this is (((America))), the rest of the world is even less so.

>worked to death in slavery to be fair women would be raped until broken


what a noob lel

Get off the internet you stupid fucking faggot

10/10 scientists there denmark

more than 80% of statistics are made up on the spot


dob geg

These fucking researchers.

Prof. Dietrich Jung, PhD
University of Southern Denmark

Prof. Mark Sedgwick, PhD
Aarhus University

Prof. Mervat Hatem, PhD
Howard University, Washington DC

Associate Prof. Kirstine Sinclair, PhD
University of Southern Denmark

Line Mex-Jørgensen, PhD research fellow
University of Southern Denmark

Gry Hvass Pedersen, PhD research fellow
University of Southern Denmark

Anne Sofie Pedersen, PhD research fellow
University of Southern Denmark

Martin Ledstrup, PhD research fellow
University of Southern Denmark

Someone post that island reality show picture where the female team fucked up so bad they had to destroy the show's premise and send men to help them otherwise they would starve to death.


tits or gtfo

How much of a White Knighting faggot do you have to be to assume anyone making fun of women is a virgin? Just tell me that.

Making fun of women is statistically proven to increase your chances of getting laid.

Just ask any Chad.

only kissless virgins hate women sweetie

What gets me is that the White Knight upset over our besmirching of women's physical strength, expects the rest of us to believe that they have gotten laid before.

Glad to know only a worthless faggot would have that opinion.

reported for homophobia sweetie

Reported for aids faggot.

I guess that answers my question.

Internet roasties are a plague, but don't mistake a screeching minority for the voice of every woman (though don't assume they all dindu nuffin either).

I feel kind of bad for you, it sounds like in your world you can only make fun of something if you feel disdain for it.

This just in: Children are stronger than adults, we went back through history and it turns out they're the most likely to survive sinking ships and hostage situations!

It's pretty insulting enough that a man's life is considered more disposable than a woman's.

Those digits were wasted.



Surprise! Women in many societies are helped, cared for and protected by men, while men often have to deal with their own problems by themselves! Who would have known? Could this be linked to the evolutionary psychological impact of the fact that just a single man is needed to repopulate a tribe, but a tribe with few women is screwed, and therefore women are considered more precious and men more expandable?


This is actually their argument?! AHAAHAHA!



Going back to the tribal eras.. You killed the men and kept the women for breeding. Rape and pillage didn't mean everyone got raped. Just the women, because of their biological value.

hmm so they couldn't choose to kill the women and rape the man? sexism much?

Can't be helped. Everyone was a shitlord back then.

You guys remember that one reality show where men and women were placed on separate islands to test who can survive longer? The women were totally hopeless without the men. I saw that a while ago and laughed my ass off.

You mean the one where the women just sat on the beach and braided hair for hours while the dudes built full-blown shelters and tools? I think I know what you're talking about, although I saw it so long ago that I barely remember any of it. They sent a guy over to the woman's island didn't they?

Yeah, that was it.

There was also that naked survival show where a pair of guys were teamed up with a woman.. The guys did all the hunting and cooking and shelter building while the girl cried and bitched and threatened to throw all their supplies in the river.


You know what it was called? Can't find it.

Kek, absolutely fucking comical

She's even planking wrong in the picture. Her abs aren't tight and her ass isn't clenched leading to a bodyline that isn't straight.
Women are retarded.

Gee, I wonder if their cunts have any relevance in the equation?

And then she starts crying. Every fucking time.

Holy virginity Batman!


Ikr? This thread is what happens when you give beta incels a place to voice their bullplop opinions without repercussions….Disgusting!

I would say they are only hurting themselves but imagine being the mother or sister or aunt of one of these horrific beasts…Can you imagine him glaring at you like a succulent pork chop every time he leaves his smelly troll hole? Shameful!

(((study suggests)))

I KEK Everytiem

define woman in modern terms

has dick?
sexual orientation?
what is a woman?

is tv this shit or is being retarded a meme on this board

All the men on the for instance, Titanic. Were the Father in families. So as the head of their household it was their duty for the women and children to go first. I mean. I would have gone along with it. I assume it was the Captains or crews decision.

they teach boys in sweden that women are smarter as well
truly a progressive country, mine is

Sweden needs to make homeschooling legal. Homeschooling is the future.

I don't doubt that data but do you have a source? Seems interesting.

Great movie OP.

Notice that most casualties during both world wars were men?
That must be because women are better soldiers than men are.

The scripted and fake part came in when they had to alter the scenario. Why would they alter it after the fact, if it were entirely scripted?

Now, that isn't to say I don't believe the vast majority are scripted and fake. Does this mean that any particular "reality tv" show is, though?

Stay frustrated :)

wow what a revelation thanks jews

So laws against wife beating are sexist because women can take it?

This thread died for nothing. This is not related to Holla Forums in any way.

C-checkmate. (((she))) was always a stronk wymyn.

males BTFO

Fuck off with that staged shit,
