Are you ready to give up "nerd culture" yet? That especially includes anime

Are you ready to give up "nerd culture" yet? That especially includes anime.

Other urls found in this thread:

Anime and games can be fun, but the whole nerd culture thing really needs to die. It's total autistic cancer. The nerds in school were always much worse and more judgemental than the actual popular kids because the entire subculture is built on ressentiment.

Yeah?? Almost the entirety of the alt-right is fucking nerds. How is this a bad thing?

No, no way.
I'll watch, listen, and read whatever I damn well please.

the nerd identity is a spook

Are you the kind of retard who thinks anyone who watches anime is a weeaboo?


Then your post doesn't make sense.

It makes them easy to stomp, not that they'll ever leave their basements.


Why does it matter if you are a weeb/furry/whateverthefuck? I'm none of those, but I don't care how other people live their lives as long as they aren't harming others.

You want a fucking fight cause you got one.

So? Popular normalfags are arrogant cunts.

Threads like these make me think being left wing isn't worth it

These faggots need to shut the fuck up. I never got laid, I got beat up, and I was only comfortable around my professors at Uni after I graduated HS. Fuck these people. Nerd culture will continue because nerds continue to exist, and they don't have to be white. These people are fucking retards and they are now using nerds as a punching bag just like in HS. I didn't get bullied for liking comics and anime. I got bullied because I did well in school and these other faggots wanted to pull me down to their level. Always bitching about how I talked down to them somehow.

Yeah, you faggot SJWs like comics. That doesn't make you a nerd. Come back when you spend your days reading about physics, math, and other subjects that we know you're too fucking dumb to understand. A shame because you could do it if you only wanted to.

Most of them aren't user, the problem is you most of the time. Literally ressentiment.

If the alt-right was made of nerds, they wouldn't be making threads on how physics is bullshit because Jews. Same thing with Holla Forums and actually defending some idiot who believes in ghosts.

Go for a swim in a lake of rotting horse cocks slathered in rancid mayonnaise, I'll enjoy the forms of entertainment I choose, draw strength and inspiration from them as I see fit, and contribute subversive content to that culture where I can.

You talking about stirner? Cause stirner doesn't believe in ghosts.

They're objectively scummy people.

I wasn't even a "nerd" in school, I was fairly average and didn't stand out, but I could easily observe their arrogant behaviour, the way the "popular" kids thrived off putting others down, the lackadaisical attitude they had. Pathetic.

Most of them are. No nerdy kid ever told me to move from the spot where I was eating lunch. No nerdy kid ever tripped me in the hallway or knocked my books out of my hands. No nerdy girl ever mocked me with the rest of her friends. The popular normalfags were cunts. No two ways about it.

The only thing resentment did for me was made me go to /fit/.

No, look at the catalog. There's a fucking idiot posting about muh paranormal shit.

Yes they have you have no idea

The only thing resentment did for me was make me aggressive and depressed.

Oh that thread.

That's because you were in the nerd social group. They all consider themselves "average" and "not standing out" too.

I saw that happen to a lot of people too.

The modern schooling system is godawful. Under socialism it will have to be overhauled completely.

I'm depressed too, but that has nothing to do with my time in HS. It's mostly a sadness for this world.

Shut up, anfem. Nobody likes you.

Nerd culture for children is fine. The infantilization of adults is a real issue.

Nice assumptions there. You don't have a clue.

None of these people ever wanted to be my friends because I wasn't a fucking asshole interested in TV shows and stupid shit like that. I was weird from the start. Stop trying to excuse the way these people act.

Eh, shit just carries over easily. There isn't really a cut off point from my sadness building up from when i was about 4 until now, with varying sources.

Also remember guys

Fuck off.

Daily reminder that school shootings are justified.


He's exaggerating, but you need to kill yourself, fam.

sorry to hear that m8. you on any meds?

Make me, bitch.

That would mean you didn't kill yourself. You have to do it yourself, dumbass.

No. I dont want meds, I dislike mind-altering substances, it makes me feel like im not in control or myself.

Yeah I know what you mean. I was reluctant to take medication.

Free will doesn't exist.

TDCS can help to a degree and it's not a drug.

Good idea, NERD!

I know it doesn't. Doesn't mean I want to take "instead-of-fixing-the-conditions-of-living-take-this-feel-pill" drugs.

I bet you're into asian girls with short hair who know about architecture

People for whom being the popular kid that got to bully the weird kids in high school was the high point of their entire lives, grasping desperately for reasons to morally justify their unwillingness to examine the juxtaposition of their self-image as good people with the reality that their net impact on other people in their lives has been negative.

Well, antidepressants are supposed to be taken when you're also under therapy. They aren't free get out of jail pills.

Thats a really specific description of a girl I would be into, but im not the ones you responded to.

I'm not in therapy. I was in it before and it did was not helpful at all.

I mean, I'm not against them. Did a short-haired Asian girl with an interest in architecture hurt you?

Then you should've gone to a different psychologist. If no therapy works then you're fucked, I'm afraid.

Its been 7 years since i last went though. I am not too keen on barraging some poor sod with my incoherent ramblings about human existance and capitalism and shit.

Somebody post that tweeter screencap about how chads are the true heroes

personally I feel nerd culture is a a slow fad, like how everyone was alternative in the 90's and every one was a hippie in the 70's, most people didn't actually belonged to that culture they were just buying what was being sold at the time. Myself included, I only got into nerdy stuff because there is really nothing else to fo in these times.
I'm impatient to see what comes next.

What do you think of Lebbeus Woods

I've never heard of him. I'm not into architecture. I don't think his building sketches look very efficient, though. They look impressive, if that's saying anything.

I think I know get what you're trying to say. Very funny, but no.

it's not a "fad" for some people, a lot of people had these interests before it became cool and hip to wear harry potter t-shirts and like the avengers.

I mean look at the normies sperging out over Pokemon Go. Despite mocking people who played pokemon for the decade before that. Laughable

Holla Forums is Chad
/tumblr/ is Chad

Everyone is Chad!

sigh…Unfortunatelly the real female posters on chans would never tell us so.
You're just looking for attention, that's ok. We can still talk about architecture tho. I like architecture.

Holla Forums isn't chad. He's a dweeb that thinks he's smart because he plays vidya but doesn't actually get the grades.

So basically you've never been in drawthreads ever


Holla Forums is also secretly gay and unhappy.


Not going to give up on anime and vidya but I never really considered myself to be part of nerd culture. People should just enjoy what they enjoy and not give a fuck what others like.
The main people who seem to be butthurt that the alt-right took that cesspool of a "culture" is "woke" liberals.

You forgot your shitposting flag, Anphlegm.

This. /thread

i hate that word

Does Holla Forums have draw threads?

Nevermind, I've seen them around. I just haven't been in one because I have nothing to contribute.

Fuck if anything I'm chad but this shit makes me fucking sick. I don't like anime at all, but I don't give a fuck what other people watch. At fucking all. Anyone who claims to be part of a liberation movement should not either.

An intelligent chad and leftist? ahahahah. Fuck off

Leave the midwest and come to an actually populated area. There's all sorts of people you can deny exist and avoid in anxiety.

Cities are shit.

Utter hellholes


"Nerd culture" is also present among liberals and the left, not only the right. I see "nerd humor" bullshit everywhere on liberal websites. Frankly, if liberals abandoned it, maybe someone could resurrect its carcass, but, more likely, it'd just continue its slow rot, much like every other "counterculture" has.

I hate those types

And great food

its for real, I have a vast collection of OG nudes and have tried all kinds of sexual experimentation. I've never really had trouble gettings girls I wanted.

Most likely because I am well educated and make an effort to look good.

Think about how picky you are, mostly, that is how picky girls are.

Its okay though I went to jail and am now what would be considered pond scum

Here is a peer reviewed paper on nerds, I knew things were bad, i just did not know they were this BAD.

and worthy of marketers' attention, you need look no further than South by Southwest
Interactive, an offshoot of the trendsetting Film and Music festivals of the same name.
Held annually in Austin, Texas, SXSWi is a conference for "uber-geeks and digital
creatives" ("Interactive FAQ," 2009). My student ID got me in at a discount for $225
back in 2007; the price tag reflects the role as a professional event, rather than a
nominally consumer-oriented convention. Nevertheless, the offerings are much like those
of fan conventions, composed of panels, after-parties, and a (relatively smaller)
exhibitor's room. The big difference, I found, may be in how marketers try to ply
attendees. As we'll see here and throughout this section, the idea of geeks as.

reality, though it may also represent divergent constructions of geekdom - some of which
seemingly actively designed to cut out those who seem less easy to pin within the "target
market." I went to South by Southwest looking for techies, not necessarily for marketing;
but where geeks are chic, so too are they courted by those who want their business.

where I was staying. I had arranged to sleep on the floor of a room shared with a bunch of
my friend Phoebe's former co-workers from her past life in the tech world, before she
answered the siren song of graduate school. I found my new roommates, a trio of guys in
t-shirts, sprawled out on the beds and the desk with their laptops when 1 arrived.

technological fiddling "nerding out" entailed, but I did know that each had his own blog,
Twitter account, and collection of RSS feeds to pull down news related to his particular
interests. The desktop wallpaper on one computer caught my eye; it was the album art for
the most recent Ladytron album, an electronic pop band that had been getting popular in
indie music circles. We made our introductions, and they gave me the password to the
wireless router they brought from home so we wouldn't have to pay for internet access in
more than one room.

folklore. Seven panelists - stylishly dressed men and women of a range of ethnic
backgrounds - greeted us enthusiastically to South by Southwest Interactive, "where
nerds rock out." One of the women on the panel polled the audience: "How many of you
are noobs? How many of you are South by Southwest virgins?" ' To introduce the
panelists, the moderator asked them to give their names, their web addresses, and why
they rock. One panelist noted of another: "He does have the hipster glasses, so in terms of
hipster culture nerds, he does rock." The "hipster glasses," of course, were the thick-
rimmed sort that might have been called "nerdy," without further elaboration, back before
they became a fashion statement.

Meant to say nerd culture, but yeah anyways its fucked beyond belief by upper middle class liberals.

I'm ready, I was the biggest anime dork back in the day, for me it was the early 2000's.

But back then it was niche, there used to be an anime club that would buy fan dubbed VHS tapes recorded off of Japanese TV. They'd even leave in the commercials.

I can't enjoy it anymore because of the Alt-Right, they're all neckbeards. This is comming from someone that was for all intents and purposes considered a neckbeard in his own time, that's how pathetic they've become.

Come on fam, stop it with the bootstraps stuff. These guys are getting rejected because their poor.

Not to say taking care of yourself won't improve your chances, but like everything sex and relationships are commoditized, and in the market there are winners and losers.

So don't get down on yourself if losing weight and dress nice still don't get you any pussy.

Yeah, uh, no. I think I'll keep liking what I like, including class struggle.

It was intended as a confidence booster.

I specifically said I'm well educated and that is only because I was well off and my parents gave a shit. That goes part and parcel to having the time to develop a style. I'm under no illusions

Also I'm not really Chad, just probably slightly more Chad than people on here maybe

I've never been overweight and I dress ok. I don't have much money though I'd hoped I could find someone who wouldn't mind.

tbh even if I was rich I'd probably still be a virgin

Better advice would be for these guys to go to the Philippines or Cambodia. Where they're low economic status still reperents a step up for the poverty stricken women there.

This whole improve yourself shit is just porky bullshit. Captialism isn't a meritocracy, people don't lose cause they deserve too. Material conditions my mate.

I feel this. I can't grow a neckbeard, but I've been on the internet so long I can't even fucking fathom how dorky it is now.

I thought it would get better

i'd probably get mugged abroad

Watch some videos on how to stay safe traveling abroad. If you follow those rules its not more dangerous than traveling to the Southeast United State lol

How about instead of giving up on things we like, we drive out the cancerous retards fucking them up?


You'd first need money to move and then somehow get a decent job over there. Stupid idea unless you're STEM in which case you're already making decent money.

The thing is due the the collective price signals the Alt-Right is producing Anime is all moe now.

I used to watch anime because they would produce sci-fi actions series like Trigun, which for some reason Hollywood was reluctant to do.

I know there's Star Wars but I see that more as a fantasy drama set in space. I'm talking about sci-fi with some kind of ficinal science playing a role in the story or world.

Star Wars could litteral take place in any time period.

Holla Forums and Holla Forums's taste of anime is one of someone who barely got out of dubbed toonamicore.
I bet they still stream.

You don't need that much money. There English as a Second language jobs too. They pay shit, but if you're just there to get pussy or find a wife I don't see the problem.

Nerds are actually outcasts and losers who people think are awkward, creepy or worthy of ridicule. They have never not been, just because taking on their style as affectation as briefly popular in the 2000s, and Revenge of the Nerds was a popular movie. It's not a novel or important insight to say that nerds are losers for a reason.

The only reason this seems so surprising is that millennials have only grown up with Zero-Tolerance for Bullies as a result of columbine.

But imagine if columbine happened today? Would people take steps to identify why these kids felt lie killing all their classmates, even if their steps to resolve it were disasters on their own, or would they turn their anger towards white, muh privileged males?

I just mention this because my hypothetical reaction to Columbine in 2016 is tied to this renewed antipathy towards nerds. There is no longer felt a need to sympathize, empathize, or even pity those losers. And yes, the alt-right is full of losers. The alt-right attracts losers. They give them sense of belonging and fraternity in much the same way that Social Justice became a psycho cult magnetizing a different kind of outcasted freak.

It's been totally usurped by people that hate the ones who started it. Last time I went to comic con I was a little shocked by the fact that almost nobody seemed to know anything about the panels they were speaking on. Normies are real. The normie invasion is real.

Columbine wasn't caused by "Nerds" or "Outcasts" per se.

The two kids that did it weren't popular but they also bullied kids themselves.

Being the bully isn't something that is associated with a nerd.

Also I don't think there would be ANY reaction. Just more bullshit hand wringing. If Sandy Hook didn't effect anything nothing will

sports are for nerds and so is politics

They already speak English in the Philippines. Maybe Cambodia, but your whole argument for moving was to have an economic leg up and I don't think being an ESL teacher will be enough income to really stand out unless you're aiming for those living in the slums/country. Plus you'll need a college degree to teach in most countries. At best you'll get attention for being an exotic foreigner, but only from girls that are into that. None of this will fix the real shortcomings preventing you from getting girls in the west.

You really don't need money to get girls unless you're too poor to afford dates. Then that might be an issue, but some can look past that. Meeting girls comes from having a reasonably large social circle and not being a complere sperg more than anything. Even if you're ugly you can either make up for it in other ways or lower your standards. Believe it or not, but most people don't meet their significant others through random bar hookups or showing off their money. I think too much time online has skewed the perspective of the people that browse sites like this.

But weren't those two kids, Dylan and Klebold, both nerds and outcasts of the kind described in the OP?

I mean, being a bully might not be associated with being on the bottom social rung, but might it be in reality?

Future nerds aren't helping themselves in the slightest by publicly associating with Not Socialism as a minor

I say

Let the humiliation begin once their balls drop and society starts to crumble. A three pronged solution to a three pronged problem.

We need normie gulags tbqh

Worked as a contractor for the Army for 10 years. Seen the most Alt-right numb nuts assholes get has as fucking hell women from Korea, Poland, Czechoslovakia etc.

The fact that you're a US citizen represents an improvement in their life.

What's wrong with picking up a girl from the slums.

You don't have to live there to pick up a woman, you can save up and visit, also there's services that will introduce you to women but I'd really recommend trying to learn to pick up women yourself, it's not as though the laws of gravity are suspended in these poor countries so you're going to have to learn to socialize with women, but believe me it will be way easier.

Hell when I lived in fucking Germany talking to women was way easier than here. Germany contrary to popular belief is less neoliberal than the US so their women are nearly as materialist. Germans have union labor protections written into their constitution for pete's sake.

Women in the US has equal ability as men to commiditize their sexuality, that's fine but it produces an extremely cut throat dating culture.

Any person would get demoralized in such a shark tank, especially when the entier culture makes men blame themselves instead of capitalism.

By definition if you yourself have someone to bully you're not at the bottom of the social hierarchy right?

that pic is creepy

I think most of them actually do stream. It's hilarious when they talk about the medium being right-wing or somehow under attack from the left when almost all of its prolific directors were leftists and the classics are drenched in leftist themes. The hyper-consumerist aspects are certainly right-wing, but you normally see them bitch about that part being Jewish anyway.

What about the UK? where does that fit in?

The fact that everyone on leftpol can string together coherent sentences makes them miles better than the Alt-Right assholes I've seen get some hot ass tail in Asia and Eastern Europe.

Wealth is relative, the delta between an US guy and a US woman is going to be small to nonexistant comparied to a woman in Cambodia, Poland ect.

So yes you do need money, and you need to represent a step up in lifestyle for a woman to be interested, pretty much any guy in the US will repesent that to someone in these countries.

Never been there so can't say. I hear it's about as bad as the US though.

You're going to have to let go of your racist spooks for my advice to work. Also familarize yourself with their culture, you're going to get blindsided by some of the expectations these women have of you if you don't.

"Racist spooks"? I hate racism desu


I always thought Big Bang Theory was popular because it was comedy at the expense of nerds.

Anime is awesome if you aren't a faggot with the typical American taste in moefaggotry and generic shonen

See I was that kid until the day I punched one of them the fuck out. Then I became the popular kid.

Pure unadulterated fantasy.

Do you think we are stupid? We have all had this fantasy.

Jesus Christ, they could pay any faggot on Holla Forums a box of chicken tendies to fact check this bullshit. They aren't even trying.

You're a casual if SoL, idolshit, or magical girl shit turns you away. There are some fucking amazing anime being produced in all the different sub-genres. Also, just because someone happens to watch this or that anime doesn't necessarily mean that's their preference. Most of my favorite series are older science fiction, but when I'm watching 15+ anime a season I'm going to be dabbling in everything.

Do you know who Space Adventurer Cobra is? If not, you dont even know enough about Trigun. Try learning the history of anime and youll never run out of Trigun type shows. In fact, theres no anime like that now specifically because Japan had 2-3 decades of shows like that. Theyre burnt out.

Whats wrong?


I'm talking about those awful cringey webms. Fact check may not be the right term.

It is more of a "ain't us liberal nerds so quirky" sort of thing than anything else. A large amount of American liberals have based their identity off the consumer friendly hip yet quirky nerd identity which such shows have promoted. These newer liberal hip nerds flooded into the hobbies of the older ones.

Those of the older nerd subculture which is viewed as uncool who didn't adapt to the newer more hip "nerd culture" felt as if they got displaced from what was originally their own "culture" and as a result either went into isolation or become more reactionary.

However all these consumer cultures are a cancer designed just as markets for porky to market things to, fucking hell these days they have shit like "gamer chairs" and "NERD watches". It is fine to enjoy media like games and anime but this consumer culture shit is really cancerous.

Why watch 15 shows a season? Jesus christ. I usually pick like, 3 or 4
This is my problem, you have too broad a taste to tell good from shit
SoL is a waste of time (even the name of the subgenre indicates this) unless its Patlabor
A handful of Magical Girl is good if the main character has spunk like Cutie Honey and isnt a literal little girl
Theres ONE good moe character in history and her name is Puru from ZZ Gundam. I wont budge an inch on this you pedophile



Never have once saw anyone who used that buzzword unironically actually knew what they were talking about.

Most outcasts also bully, but they can rarely bring themselves to admit it. It's just bantz when they do it to someone lower on the pecking order, just like how some Chads sincerely think they aren't bullying or degrading others when they get their bantz in.

Sorry that it triggers you, but ive been an Japanimation fan since before you were born you little shit.
When will the turboweebs realize there is literally no difference between them and Americans that have to catch every single police procedural/CSI/Law&Order type show? Being the asian equivalent of a trend following pleb isnt something to be proud of, just because its an uncommon taste here. Its like loving cheesey K-pop or Bollywood shlock
All your Moe will never be as Kawaii as Dirty Pair or Lina Inverse. Deal with it

That was bretty good stuff. Ever watch DNA2?

Moe is a buzzword dumbass, anyone who has seen a lot of anime would know it isn't actually a genre. If anything its more of a sign that someone is a Toonami idiot.

Of course moe isn't a genre, it's just an effect of lower budgets in the anime industry.

And a demographic shift in writers and animators.


Too broad? I just watch a lot of anime. Love animation in general. You wouldn't know what there is to offer in SoL if you don't watch very much of it. Love that you finish by calling me a pedo. You're just a casual. You don't know shit about the medium though I can't deny some decent taste(Patlabor is my shit).

reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeead a book nigger


Reading is for faggots, my self theory does not need books written by old reactionaries.

shut the fuck up

shut the fuck up

This only pisses you off if you're a filthy redditard faggot.

you mean getting mad at someone saving pics from tumblr? i agree

Honestly, you're just mad now.

φιλοσοφία is the highest pleasure
your self-theory is just amsturbation

Is there a difference between a loser who spends most of his time playing vidya and reading shit online and a nerd?

ok i guess i'm seeing things then

I guess you're also a """redditard""".

That's not me, you stupid faggot. I was just saying that only redditards start calling it "sectarianism". You could just have said you looked it up on google images.

You mad, nigga.


i'm not the other retard as you can see i was also calling him out on his stupidity


You can't literally ever use sage "wrong".

Yes you can, allow me to demonstrate in an upcoming post.


Fucking sage, you fucking faggots. Sage is a downboat.

sage isn't a downvote and by using sage your post didn't bump the thread.
Congratulations, you used sage correctly and demonstrated there's no way to use it wrong.

smh niggas from leddit can't even sage right

The problem is, that it's an exercise in futility to try to sagebomb a thread when people invariably keep bumping it.

Want more?

I'm not talking about sagebombing (which, like you said, is futile, and also really fucking stupid), I'm talking about not bumping a thread with petty in-fighting and allowing more interesting threads and/or responses to be at top.

Honestly, shitposting is more interesting than those other threads, otherwise I'd be in them.

fun fact it's pronounced sah-gay

Since when there's a propper way of sage? You don't like a thread and post "sage". Easy.

like high school all over again


A sufficiently knowledgeable Holla Forumsack will sometimes express how Miyazaki, Leiji Matsumuto, etc. are obsessed with environmentalism, avoiding conflict, human solidarity, etc. and it annoys him who "preachy" they are.

Same goes for Kojima et al. on the vidya front, really. But Kojima is a clever bastard.

*how "preachy"

nah OP I love anime

Fuck off SJW.

Who sperg out outcast here?
I pulled a knife on my bully and almost slit his throat, and afterwards became his best friend.


Reminds me of school.