Youtube Necrophiles

So, do you, Holla Forums?

This is not a shop.

Makes sense now.


oy vey

And other youtubers game him shit for this because, that's right, they are hypocrites who do it for the money because drama is all that sells on youtube. They're are just as vile for participating in this internet witchhunt.

bump for curiosity

the timing for this is weird

Logan is /ourChad/


Most of them didn't even watch the vlog. All the cries about him mocking suicide were blatantly untrue.


you clearly didn't watch it either, he says two seconds afterwards in the post above "dude you've never seen a dead body before?" and then laughs, not that it really matters because suicide is for pussies

it is very, very clearly a nervous coping mechanism, especially in the tone and nature of his laugh(ter)

I would react in the same way

It's a coping mechanism, he's just a dick. I would laugh too because I'm the same way when I see shit like that. Most of my veteran buddies are like that too.

*it's not a coping mechanism

Only leftists hate /ourchad/.

Kill yourself. You're either deluded or D&C.

I don't even know who this guy is. What degeneracy is he pushing?

Lives completely off YouTube in some shitty sharehouse with a bunch of 20 y/old retards who have no intelligence.
The lot of them go around pulling off various pranks in the style of Jackass with the subtlety of a nuke in 1945.

Ends up with lots of random violence, swearing, abuse, drug/sexual references.
All unfiltered and marketed/tagged to get views from a younger demographic, which his YouTube analytics prove is little boys and girls.

Also pushed stupidity as a viable method of living through life, and encourages others to drop school and move to YouTube as a career.

You have to be over 18 to post here.

imagine my shock


Based chad tbh, no homo.

why would anybody wear this?

for attention/approval/being edgy