Boss Rush vidya

I really like boss rush games. The intensity of all the fights, the focus being put into amazing bosses that push both the game and player to the limit and just great music and gameplay. But when I think about it I haven't really played many "pure" boss rush games. As in the boss rush isn't really a seperate mode or a level like with Megaman or post SoTN-Castlevania, but the boss rush is the game. When I think about it these are the only three games and I kind of guess Gunstar Heroes? I've played that actually fit that criteria and in my opinion they're all fucking 10/10s, except for Furi which I can't really talk about because a bug is keeping me from progressing past the third boss, but it seems like a solid 9/10. So, got any recommendations, or if you want to talk about Furi, Hero Core or Alien Soldier, please go ahead.

The Jailer is the key
Kill him and you'll be free
I'm curious since I was away during its release, but what was the general reaction/consensus on Furi?
And how come Iji's the only Remar game I see discussed around here?

yfw reallyjoel's dad mode

go back to minecraft

It's not really doing one thing all the time, is it? Usually the bosses have some neat gimmicks to switch things up or the game has a higher difficulty mode.

Wow, OP is bizarro me, I hate boss rushes. Even in "normal" games, the bosses are usually the low points for me, so the last thing I want is nothing but bosses. Unlocking Boss Rush mode in later Metroidvanias, for example, is the opposite of a reward to me.

But hey, that's cool, whatever floats your boat.

Thanks for the bump I suppose. Yeah I wasn't really a fan of the boss rushes in the later metroidvanias, especially Dawn of Sorrow. I don't know what it is about that game but I really dislike everything about it including bosses.

I would consider The Desolate Hope a "Boss Rush game", since everything you do outside of the boss fights is both A. done to prepare for the boss fights, and B. piss-easy, while the bosses are chaotic and ridiculously difficult if you don't take the time in the piss-easy platforming and top-down shooter segments to overpower the hell out of yourself.
I actually made an annotated longplay of it Just look up "desolate hope annotated longplay" and you'll probably find it.

Also, I think that the reason that Remar isn't talked about all that much is because he quietly decided to stop making freeware and get together with some friends and make some iphone games. Some REALLY GOOD iphone games, I should add, except for the one with bouncing rabbits, that one was kinda mediocre. They operate under the name Ludosity now.

i loved furi, the music is great, the story it's not some 2deep4u indie garbage, art style is pretty neat, and most of the bosses are interesting or fun to play against

what's the bug that doesnt let you get past the third boss?

I'll check out the desolate hope, it looks very neat. I'll also make a note to check out your playthrough after finishing mine, thanks. Shame about Remar going mobile.
And oh my, The Desolate Hope is a free game. Thanks a bunch user

I looked it up and my outdated GPU has an issue with the water reflections in the fourth level which causes the game to crash. But since they did not bother with graphics options I can't really do anything about it and I can't do their steam-beta fix because I pirated it.

I loved Furi tbh fam. I haven't had a game that felt so satisfying to git gud at in a long time.

That's the time guy, right? What's the bug?

Not a bug on the third boss, but after the third boss.

Also that third boss was super fucking cool. The time stop gimmick, his voice, the shitton of projectiles and waves to dodge, the little pause before attacking, and waveshaper putting out some amazing tracks for it. I didn't even know who worked on the ost and I recognized waveshaper immediately.


You sure? I was playing it with no issues on a M&KB.

They might have fixed but when I played it the controls weren't as responsive as with a controller. I ended up just playing with a controller which I hate.

Huh, I played it about a week or so from release and I didn't have much trouble with it.
But then again I didn't have much trouble with Dark Souls's M&KB so I guess my standards are seriously low

i beat it with m/kb nigger, you just suck
it was a bit difficult, trying to aim + dodge is fucked, but its not impossible

i only beat it in furi difficulty

how the fuck did you get an A on the third boss.second hardest boss in the game.

What's so hard about him? The biggest problem I had with him was his last phase where he erected like 8 or so pillars with loads of projectiles to dodge, charging my dodge only put me in bad positions so I had to rely on actual maneuvering and it's the reason why I took so many hits anyways.

You do know the dodge can be charged, right?

Bosses act best as a way to get the player a high level challenge for techniques they've recently learned so they can master said techniques and put them at use in their most meaningful ways.

Boss rush games like furi and titan souls are just horrible.

I really liked Furi and have been meaning to finish it. It was pretty fun and gitting gud so that you could beat the bosses felt great, favourite boss so far is probably the knight guy. I got stuck on the sniper lady because I cannot beat that fucking barrage at the end and dying means I need to go through the entire fight including the chase again. I'll get back to it sometime though, it was pretty fun and the story actually got me interested in what was going to happen.

boss that comes next to the burst sniper bitch is also great, and hype as fuck

I just need to get past her. The only boss I really struggled with was the knight who was followed by possibly the easiest boss of the game. Fun game though and I am enjoying it greatly along with it's really comfy music.

spoilers there's a "secret" ending there on the boss that's next to the knight, you can actually stay and get some additional dialogue, it's a nice detail

Isn't that for before and after every boss? It's a pain in the ass to do because the walking speed is so slow but I liked doing it the first time.

im talking about the song, the winged boss

I guess I'll understand if or when I get to that.

Is there a way to find an advanced options menu for unity games or am I under the whim of the dev? I tried everything, looking for ini files or anything to edit, external files, shortcut commands, nothing.

How do you do that? I tried staying but she just kept saying "Don't leave me" and nothing happened.

just stay for a few minutes, walk around for a while

also the game ends and you have to play everything again if you do that, so be careful

post your favorite song in the game

sage because multiple posting

Bosses are too video gamey for video games. It's 2016, get with the times grandpa!
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

So I take it I'm shit out of luck if I want good entries for this genre?
Also thanks for all the furi discussion.


My brother from another mother

One last bump before I head out.

Finally, someone who played Hero Core. My nigger.

I just beat sniper bitch and got to this guy, he seems pretty neat but he's kicking my ass so far. The little extra movement he has to his animations is fucking my timing up so i'm failing nearly all of my counters. Getting a perfect counter also seems to be the only way to damage him.

I feel like perfect counters are really badly executed in furi, since the animations for them repeat plenty and it doesn't particularly do much damage.