The thing that annoys me so much about PC pirates is that it's funny how much they complain about companies "not...

The thing that annoys me so much about PC pirates is that it's funny how much they complain about companies "not listening to their customers." when a large majority of their customers don't even buy their product. Maybe PC gamers should actually buy their games before complaining about companies who actually listen to people who buy their games (console owners).

People on Holla Forums just want to complain about everything.

They pirate everything on purpose to make sure no one will ever cater to them so they have endless material to complain about and be constantly unhappy, deep down it's the only way they know how to live.

Even this thread is just complaining, it's in Holla Forums DNA.


Maybe game companies should bring back free playable demos.

Have you considered another website might be more your speed? Perhaps Voat? Reddit? Gaia? 4chan? Even the Youtube comments-section seems like a better choice for you.

Maybe consider making games that are actually good and stop pandering to casuals. Casuals will mass-buy whatever is hyped by Holla Forumsirgin types anyway, if you're still concerned about your shekels.

#1 reason I pirate games today. If it has a demo then it does not get pirated.

its easy to think its a large majority over a very small minority of extremely dedicated neck beards

origin has a "satisfaction guaranteed or you can refund for any reason"
steam has a "play for a couple hours and refund if its not what you expected/there's technical issues"
which i actually prefer over the "have a carefully crafted level that showcases all the nifty features in the game while not reflecting how the actual game will be like"


Don't worry, Denuvo is coming.

Mountain Blade did it right by giving you the full game until level 7.

Pirating is and always will be a very small minority normal faggots like spending their shekels.

Isn't that a micro-transaction? That's not a good thing.

*doot* *doot*
this in wemb please; woe me for not saving every time it posted

Thank you for your completely original observation backed by nothing but anecdotal evidence. Maybe publishers should work on making good games if they want customers to buy them.

Oh wait, it's just easier to push out 20 TV ads over the 2 months preceding launch and sell 5 million units to normalfags who don't care about quality or wasting 60 US dollars on a bad game they'll drop after a week.

Have you been living under a rock? All the consoles this gen with actual games can run pirate copies now.

are you retarded?

How does it work? Does a prompt come up to make you buy the game at level seven? Does it appear in the menu? Is it a separate application?

The game stops you from continuing and sends you to the store page for the full game afaik (If you get it through steam).

Its been awhile though.


People pirate games because companies are treating us like shit (and also because games are shit and not worth paying for).

The whole "you caused DRM by not buying" argument is so objectively stupid that I can't even tell if anyone using it is stupid or baiting. PC gaming was just fine until DRM became wide spread. Console gaming was just fine until they got DRM, and there are fucktons of ways to pirate games on consoles (which the media and retards like OP conveniently ignore because it doesn't fit their narrative).

here are the details.

That kind of sucks.

Yo! I take it back! This combined with Denuvo would be perfect!


look here

Its one of the better systems that ive seen. It lets players play the full game and experience it for awhile while still offering incentive to buy.

I was also wrong about the game locking you out, it just stops you from leveling. You can keep playing the demo version but your character will forever be lvl 7.

ITT: Retards acting morally superior for stealing luxury items.
Not much different from Tumblr's shoplifting culture tbh.

If you're gonna be a pirate, you could at least act like one.

Also: >Stealing things you think are bad
I legitimately don't understand. This is the kind of thing reviews/gameplay videos/borrowing/rental services exist for.

More devs need to start putting out demos for their games.

developers dont make games for the kind of people who use this board because they dont pay them to

Seems like a rational middle ground in the current amoral market



Are you worshiping a meme?

Do you not have any friends you could borrow from then?

It worked for them because they actually made a good game. Imagine if the new COD or Battlefield had this system, people would try and drop it because it is shit.

The only reason they keep playing the game is to defend their purchase ie. "I got 60 hours out of Black OPS so it was a good purchase!"

Are you not?

You can also do it with the non-Steam version and just stick a cd-key in.

OP isn't gonna respond to anything, you guys are wasting your time explaining so he can throw an epic screencap to facebook for likes.

I'd kill myself if I was worshiping a shitty 4chan meme.

What is Denuvo?

An old meme in a box.

I hope to god this thread is bait and I'm falling for it.

There's a thing called the Pareto principle, and studies have shown that it applies to software piracy. The vast majority of videogame piracy is done by a disproportionately small minority of gamers. The same small group also spends disproportionately more money on videogames, so that while they are theoretically hurting your bottom line, alienating them also hurts your bottom line. This is why antipiracy measures never have any noticeable effect on a given game's success (unless they are so restrictive that the masses get annoyed by it).

There IS a group which pirates regularly while rarely buying anything, but this group is small and mostly poorfags, which means they are not worth bothering to cater to and certainly not worth the cost of sophisticated anti-piracy measures. This group is entirely worthless to the gaming industry, and the only contributions they make are A) giving ammunition to the retarded execs who want to add more anti-piracy shit, and B) shitting up Holla Forums with retarded ">buying games" greentext. Luckily neither of those things matter in the grand scheme, because Holla Forums is already shit and software piracy can't be stopped.

So literally shit that good games have done for decades. Yay progress?

I am most certainly not

Games are a waste of life, but unlike drugs I can get them for free.

Why pay to destroy myself if I have the option not to?