House Passes H.R. 3354

This bill is bill to fund the federal government for the fiscal year of 2018, emphasis on the Border Wall, Military funding, and of course sleeping with Israel (the slut) and getting Israids. It passed the House today, now it is simply a matter of passing the senate and the Wall gets fully funded, from that point DACA would be the primary issue with Trump's latest actions.

Other urls found in this thread: -115HR3354HR3268HR3267HR3280HR3355HR3358HR3362HR3353-RCP115-31.pdf

Wheee! Shills BTFO. I still suspect some Punished Trump moves re: Israel, but Bibi's been BTFOing lefty American kikes (even denied a bunch right of return lately) so perhaps there is a wedge that can be driven in between the kikes here?

Forgot the link
Although the policy site hasn't updated yet, here you guys go.

Life is good

inb4 kikes screaming about chess

We've already passed funding for the wall in 2006. Surely this time it will be built! Sage for Trumpcuck damage support.

Did you read the first part? The House basically cooked up an all in one budget bill.



Life must suck for you cucks lately.

Do budget bills stop spics from crossing the border? If not let me know when we actually have a 35 foot physical barrier.

lol this has no chance of passing Senate.

Define "all"

I'm hoping for a shutdown. Do you know how many of the gold bricking Fedgov employees are leftists? Maybe it lasts a long time and states realize that they don't even need a USDA Lesbian Advocacy Consultant at $450k a year.

It will be gutted in Senate, then filled with pork, then sent back to the House to be fully cooked.

Nice bill. Shame about Pissraeli support.

Incredibly gay, I think we've all seen Trump will send them money, but fuck up their wars. Time will tell how much of either is really important.
before you matniggers jump, go look up the Syrian ceasefire agreement between the U.S. and Russia. It destroys literally every stated foreign policy goal of Israel in the region.


This, Mcuck and Lindsay "cram it in " graham Will kill it asap. Shutdown is the only good solution in that case.

Normally they pass the usual 12 budget bills separately, but instead they decided to combine them into one bill early.

Once it's gutted, the welfare for Israel will be the only thing left, with maybe a border fence concession for certain areas. DACA will also be written into it. I'm calling it now.

Almost none of that is actually policy talk, its how they try to pitch it to normalfags.
And Holla Forums is falling for it. How far the mighty have fallen.

I'm never gonna fucking get tired of winning.

Trump is negotiating DACA separately from this bill. Why would Schumer remove his only cards?

I fear you are correct user. I only hope it gets vetoed and the repubs and dems get to look like the massive niggers they are during the shutdown.

Oh, look, its this faggot again. You're the only one who uses that lame ass (((_))) reply meme faggot.

Tell us some more about how your illegal-alien Welsh gf is here on DACA and you're so upset she's going to get deported because you're worried she'll marry a nigger because she can't marry you because she lacks papers from Cuck Island.
Tell us.

Go on. -115HR3354HR3268HR3267HR3280HR3355HR3358HR3362HR3353-RCP115-31.pdf

What? He's already booted it into Congresses hands and negotiating with the Dems like Reagan did. Shouldn't you be waiting for DACA to not pass Congress separately before making these sorts of claims?

It will be filled with kosher meat but you are correct otherwise.

I didn't ask for a link, I'm just saying - I rather doubt this is as clear-cut and benevolent as it might seem when you wade into the actual wording of the bill. It almost never is.


100% this.

>no one uses that lame ass (((_))) reply meme faggot
Saw it here first Mr. Filtered. Nice imply though.

No because they're both eventually going to hit the senate's hands anyways and the virtue signalling retards will get baited into putting it in the bill.

Nice seeing you newfag, here let me spoonfeed you.

To be fair, wood can be as durable as anything else as well as being more aesthetically pleasing

The hilarious part in all of this is Trump has all the cards (DACA expires) and still chooses to cuck with nothing in return.

Whatever support he had left is finished.

Hey user, are you feeling demoralized yet?
me neither

Nothing beats concrete.
Theres no excuse to not have funding for a wall while funding kikes and leeches who are destroying this country. NONE!

Aside from these shitty waste of text in green, it's all good, otherwise fuck off with the alt-left memeing faggots

Luckily Israel is being divided. Recently their supreme court made it so even super religious kikes have to serve in the military. One of Bibi's members called for Arabs joining the military too, whether or not this is just jewish conniving i don't know, but its great to see Israel become more liberal and cause violence between the regular kike and the super religious kike.

not since donald j hedgehog hit the scene user.

Wood is also incredibly expensive.

Hey user, are you feeling demoralized yet?
Removing the MAGA safe space will end up as a positive long term.

That faggot is Donald Trump.

Saving a ntr/cheating degenerate artists work, disgusting. a shame, because I like his style

Nothing to do with it. The myth of Trumps MAGA gives whites a safe space (see cuckservatives for the last 50 years). The illusion that voting matters and someone else will take care of it.
