Truly, from the bottom of my heart I regret voting for this man. Cruz was a better representation of republican values...

Truly, from the bottom of my heart I regret voting for this man. Cruz was a better representation of republican values. Hell, Bernie was a better republican than Trump is. He is not just a failure as a president, but a flat out traitor to this country.

Me too, Pablo. Me too.

I cannot forgive you guys. It's been nearly 10 months since the election, and the wounds haven't healed. They've only gotten worse. They've been ripped open by Tiki torch mobs, by Trump's defense of them, and his never ending narcissism. I find myself more angry now than I was in November. It's an anger of pain, of torment over what has befallen our nation. It's an anger at injustice, the injustice of the Trump administration and the injustice of the lies and smears against Clinton, and the willful ignorance of those who spread them.

I will not forgive Trump voters. I will not forgive the people who spread and continue to spread Kremlin propaganda, whether it was targeted at the right or potential Democratic voters. I will not forgive my wife's son who voted for Gary Johnson. I will not forgive Stein voters, write-in-voters, or all around rat fuckers. I will not forgive the people who spread lies about Hillary Clinton and in so doing ensured the country would fall into the hands of a White Nationalist, a Nazi enabler, and a fascist.

In November, 2016, America stood at a cross roads. Representative democracy, what some decried as the "status quo" lay on one side, and fascism on the other. The 67 million Americans who voted for Clinton chose democracy. Hillary as an individual was the least of what was on the ballot. Instead, it was a choice about the soul and future of America. Would we be inclusive or hateful? Would we embrace progress or turn the clock back to the era of Jim Crow? Would we move forward as an representative democracy or would we descend into fascism. 67 million Americans chose democracy. The rest chose fascism, whether by voting for Trump, someone else, or not voting at all. I fault all of them, every last one, for what this country has become, for what Trump and his Tiki torch Nazis have done to it.

It may not be emotionally healthy. In fact, I'm sure it's not healthy. But I cannot forgive, and I will never forget.

0 for effort.

Stay mad, Comey.

Will you forgive the Latinos who came out in droves to vote for Trump, trying to prevent more Mexican sludge from following them and making this place a crime lord wasteland too? How about that low nigger turnout, my man? Or all the Bernouts who flipped, and all those “liberal” white friends who lied to you and voted for Trump?

You campaigned against a fucking frog, you dipshits, of course you lost. Praise Kek, you fucking retard.

You all got played by kikes as per usual. Sinead was right again.

Should have just opened up a pizzeria while you were at it.

Wew. The funny part is, given how she is, she is bound to play her hand hard and get shoahed by her own people.

low energy

Have you ever noticed that when people have points which stand on incredibly shaking foundations built entirely of cognitive dissonance they need huge spiels describing them in order to even convince themselves that they are convincing others that they themselves believe what they are portraying?

WOW. Is that MOAB thing true? Source on that?
Spoopy as fuck


Yes, that's why the left can't meme.

Okay, reported.

Nice try Applied Memetics LLC. Tell Dan to fire you

You actually appear to be the only retard in this thread.

This is your mind on Drumpf.



kek'd when it happened, honestly. I rarely call my shot and this is a reminder why.

Pfffftttt ahahahahahaha

Do you know how I know you aren't a Holla Forumsack?


you ruined your thread before it even started retard.

Yeah because the alternative was so much better

She was right though.
Trump is just another shabbos Goy. There's no denying this. Politicians won't save us.




go back to the fucking donald with this virtue signalling shit

They are shills. Nobody who browses Holla Forums regularly and is jew aware would be this delusional for this long. These faggots are getting paid, that's why their responses are always the same, they have a script that they have to follow to earn their shekels.


What are those? They are cucks.

so you're telling me you're twelve and that there was even a remote possibility of Cruz winning once Bernie got cucked out by Hillary and the DNC.

You vote for who is the better choice, not who will do exactly what you want.

Cruz is a total zog bot. And to boot, he is just a blow hard. I mean, what has he done that gives him clout? He doesn't get shit done, and just grandstands and has endless platitudes about how this or that could be right and just be truly conservative to isreal. Cruz was one of the lamest ducks of this election that only found more popularity than jeb because jeb was a total cum rag of a man, which isn't saying much for cruz.

i'd actually give a lot to be able to glimpse into a different universe where Jeb won, just to see him finally smile

What Happened?

This would have been the future with jeb!


TRS go home.

Who is this and why do I not trust her one fucking bit.

I genuinely kek'd

You mean red christcuck flavored democrat?

Newfag detected. It's Sinead Mccarthy.

Non of the people they wheel out in front of you are there to represents the american people. Non.
And few cases that are lose or quickly get broken in and kosher. It happens every fucking time.

Agreed. If you haven't already then check out this video. It's one of Dr. Pierces best broadcasts and it elaborates on the point you are making.

I feel for you frogfag, you had a shot with Le Pen and your own countrymen cucked you into more rapefugee fun.

Truly, from the bottom of my heart I regret votingstop right there cuck

you can't remove the jew with votes

nah, but still agree he's being trash. one day we'll have more information of whether or not the kikes tied his hands or not, but until then i suppose he's as similar as any other fatcat political

Kosher nationalists aren't going to be saving anybody. If France had elected Le Pen they would be experiencing same disappointment that racially aware jew wise Americans are feeling now.

inb4 Ikampfy deleted the thread and bans everyone who posted in it
This is what you idiots get for falling for his bullshit. You were all warned, but you opted to throw your values for truth away. Congrats. I'm sure all that wasted time was completely worth it.

OP's mom;
Truly, from the bottom of my heart, I regret not swallowing the load that produced this little shithead.

Ok you had your fun Pedro now you have to go back.

Swallow a primed grenade.

Everyone who bumped this thread needs to die, too.



Cruz is a chinky eyed sniveling ZOG piece of shit who can't keep it in his pants and Bernie is such a literal cuck he backed fucking Hillary. No matter what, Trump is still the best candidate we had and did more than anyone else in a long time while he could but ultimately it's not his fault. People like you failed him by not voting the right people into congress, only traitors.

Watching the lefts sanctimonious asses get blasted was well worth the vote.

We aren't the ones that chose his (((cabinet))) are we? Also lol at you getting mad that the goyim are starting to question the zog emperor. You are going to have to start working for your shekels again Moishe.

Maybe, but that is well in the past now. It's time to stop making excuses for his cuckoldry.

No bump for you.