>https:// ww w.nytimes.com/2017/09/13/business/dealbook/martin-shkreli-jail.html?mcubz=3

Quickly, someone send him a msg on kikebook.

what about all the liberals that wanted people to fuck with trumps hair?

as much as I hate this fuck, this is bullshit

Traitor cops protecting criminal aliens. Nothing new there.


Judge Matsumoto said that while Mr. Shkreli had edited the original post to say, “this is satire, meant for humor,” the next day he put up another post that echoed the first: “$5,000 but the hair has to include a follicle. Do not assault anyone for any reason ever (LOLIBERALS).”

So because his followers may not understand satire, he has to be imprisoned? His kosher law school failed him.

HRC is a daughter of Soros, Michelle is Reggie Love with some facial reconstruction. This is important.

Judge Matsumoto is such an antisemite

good, fuck this pharma kike. i hope he gets raped to death by a pack of wild niggers



He should have just uploaded what he had. Then the info would be out there and he would no longer been a threat that needed to be dealt with.
Or uploaded the cache encrypted with a deadman switch that would publish the key if he didn't ping it every 48 hours.

I have the feeling a (((pure coincidence))) will happen and he gets shanked in a prison riot…but not before getting the location of the data and names of everyone he gave a copy of it to.

normally i'd be against someone getting locked up for being a retard on online

but this guy thought it was so important to troll that he basically fucked everyone around, even 'anonymous'

What's the point of free speech if the government gets to choose what is and isn't allowed to be said. Doesn't sound very free to me.

It looks like a clock with two circles for the outside of the frame. Very weird.

In >>>Holla Forums they have old saying, you ask soviet government "Do I have the right?" they say "yes". You ask "may I go then?" and they say "No you may not".

He has already been convicted and was out on bail. When out on bail the judge can set all sorts of terms and revoke the bail at any time.


He was going crazy awaiting sentencing.

Fun to watch!!!

I wonder how sentencing will play out now for his two guilty convictions for securities fraud and one for conspiracy to commit securities fraud. Admittedly, it would be kind of bs for him to get a big sentence given the underlying performance his investors obtained…but given the powers that be that don't like this guy he's likely a bit fucked!

Any good code for a deadman switch?

i try to keep up on things but i have no clue who this faggot is…. is he an eceleb?

He has at least $4M in one account. If he was smart he would have a mill or 2 hidden offshore or in a crate.
Then he could have RAN after his conviction to some 3rd world country with no extradition. He could buy a new identity and vanish.

What's next, will the act of posting these .webms be considered a threat?

Do it now

I always knew Rangiku was a filthy whore.

fffucking checked m80

Japs are no longer honorary in fact they can all go fuck themselves

I think your bot is broken.



check yourself cis scum

Hillary IS an alien and also a criminal. Clearly the DNA proof of her extraterrestrial origin is being protected by the cops, which is an act of treason by supporting a hostile invading power. Ayys.

lol okay schzio

no such thing as extraterrestrials. kill yourself you larping faggot.
hrc is RHneg meaning she is edomite, bloodline of cain betrothed of the serpent. she is critter hybrid.
critters are descendants of lucifer, and live here on earth - some transdimensionally

but of course people don't read past the headlines, and people still give him shit

Checked and yes! Kikes fuckin kiking.This is something to look over, as is the Chris Cantwell kangaroo court bullshit too.

I am sure Holla Forums could come up with something good.

I came up with one that uses shell scripting 'sleep' and 'mail' but its kinda crude.



Ah, that's why they're going after him. Good luck to him, he's done for.


he should disenfranchise some grassroots Conservative organizations; apparently it works like camouflage that makes one invisible to DOJ prosecutors.

Dumb ayy jokes aside, no one but shills call anyone schizo. Will now assume Hillary Clinton is an interdimensional demon ayy until a blood sample proves otherwise.

Have you even looked into the company he's head of, who he associates with, or what the drugs his company pushes do to people? I'm sure you haven't kike-loving redditor.

Utter bullshit. When Eminem threatened the president in a rap song no arrests were made. Liberal media didn't give a shit because it wasn't "their guy" in office.

Checked and agreed.

You don't even have to look back that far. Go on twitter or youtube and just look at how many people are blatantly threatening to kill Trump.

Redpill me on this. I'd heard Rh- was a predominantly white trait here on Holla Forums. So my Rh+ genotype was aryan after all?

Except Reggie Love was Officially dead in 2011, and Michelle Obama was on the electoral stage at least as early as 2007.

I know that some hate Shkreli, Holla Forums hates everyone, but I consider him a valuable agent of chaos.

Martin Shkreli is not jewish. He is, may Allah forgive me for uttering this word, an Albanian.


He reneged on the Wu-Tang deal. Fuck him.


Hitler was more lenient than I, now come on Ahmed, step into the >>>/gaschamber/

You are a newfag, retarded, or both.

Are you lost sand nigger? We don't want shitskins on this board.

You know damn well (((they're))) going to drug shkreli up so much he'll be nothing but a braindead wreck in need of (((mental assistance))) before (((passing away due to complications))) on either hospital visit or in whatever cell or bed he's supervised in. And whatever fucking hospital he'd be put in would likely have doctors with their careers, lives, and family threatened to poison his shit up (just a dab of specific jelly fish toxin can make a heart go still. It's used for heart surgery). As much as I hate to say it. Consider Martin Shkreli dead. As dead as Seth Rich who died from a (((robbery)))

It's a meme, you fucking nigger. A shitty one based on screencaps of some sandnigger news/talk shows, but still a meme.

Lurk five more years.

Never seen it here, ever. Do you sand niggers need to be reminded what happens if you drink from another tribe's well? Holla Forums is not for you. Now run along and take your gay ass fucking meme back to reddit.

Die in a fire.

Stop derailing the thread, newfag.


Now I see where you idiots came from, and it explains why I haven't seen it here. You should really stop quoting the meme, you just sound ridiculous.

From what I understand he's going to be imprisoned until his court hearing on January 18th, where he might just get more sentencing afterwards. Except he's not at "Club Fed" like he thought he'd be, he's in maximum security prison.
How fucked is he, realistically?

That's insane. If true, I really don't see him making it until January 18th. Not to mention the enemies he's currently garnered, but he really does have a penchant for running his mouth.

You can't just go around threatening people who aren't the President of the United States you know.

KYS filthy LARPer Serb. The only kebab you will ever remove is the kebab cock up your ass, and for only a few minutes.

Judge Kiyo Matsumoto

Daughter (pictured left): Miya Lee

Dyke bitch and a gook… that's what gets to judge you in the Jewnited States of America.

Daughter's full name is Miya Colleen Matsumoto Lee, and she goes to Columbia University.


She was appointed by George W. Bush but isn't even nominally "conservative." Trump needs to be selective with his judicial appointments: only straight White men for starters.

The Matsumoto in the pic is unrelated but it shows you the character of Asians in our legal system. They consider themselves as part of the out-group and so they subvert our society.

How fucking new are you, mate?


Confirmed: everybody who says "Ahmed" unironically is a shill.

Memri TV is a Zionist kike front, a shill like you should know all about it.

dont worry this is all part of his plan


literally who?


FYI he's not gay, he's Allbonian.


what exactly is he after?

Hot Allbonian sex?

Hot Allbonian sex?

Hopefully her turn comes soon.

Offering money for hair isn't offering money to do something illegal though. The judge is a bitch

like a true jew he just cannot shut up and he has to spew his autism everywhere. Unluckily, he is not a member of the elite club so there is nobody to protect him from law enforcement.

Maybe. Some time soon a bunch of Japanese men are going to drag you to a hospital, put you in a female nurse outfit, and make you do hilarious and degrading challenges for 24 hours, all of which will be shown only on Japanese tv.

Who do think pay the insurance companies … ?

Lol when Trump pardons him

If true he's dead. The only reason to put him there is to kill him and blame it on feral (hell blame on those Nazis that run prisons we always hear about despite inmate population being 99% of niggers and spics).

He was stupid enough to facefag and post this bullshit despite the fact we live in dem dominated world

RIP the only Albanian deserving of life.

To do stupid shit and then have kike lawyers to bust him out. But i assume the metaphorical scalp of a liberal cuntqueen is one hell of a temptation.
I for one would have taken a strain of hair from bottom, mid (preferably a male) and her so it is complete.

cuck of the year post

update: judge denied bail

also, is he good looking or is it my imagination

trump openly condemned him tho

Soviet Socialist States of America

Looked much better in that picture.


Yeah basing on that photo collage, where he is right now sure as shit ain't his environment. He's fucked unless he requested solitary confinement.

no he's a pudgy beta albanian faggot

he can get any gold digger though, or most girls really because of $

Only Japanese men can be honorary Aryans. Also only nationalistic ones, who would never emigrate to another country.

Just Saijin.

You legit have autism.
Kill yourself.


5 million dollar bail revoked for shitposting on the internet, muh freedom

Shkreli did nothing wrong