TYT's newest video celebrates white genocide while simultaneously claiming that it doesn't exist

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Christians are sub human niggers. The sooner our people reject the cuck morality of that jew filth then we can move on and save our selves. Christianity is a mental disease. Christianity is AIDS for our race. It causes us to fight ourselves rather than attack the enemy

Memes exist for a reason, OP.

Hello, Chaim

He's advocating for the end of Christcuckery. Learn to read.

No one here watches tyt faggot.
Eat a dick.

Choose one and one only. Also what is this religion D&C thread? Why is there no webm? Why does OP suck all the cocks?

tycucks are a Soros jew mouthpiece. The statistics are bs. White Christians are still a majority in the US.


I'm getting the suspicion that it's actually Imkikey doing this. It's always the same shit.


The video is specifically about white Christians, user, Christianity as a whole is growing in the US thanks to spic immigration. The video is related to the genocide of whites and doesn't really have anything to do with religion. Said user is just pulling the same meme as TYT, shilling for the genocide of """Christians""", which is just a cover for him supporting the genocide of whites.

Pic related my friend


Less whites identify as Christians, that doesn't mean less whites are being born. The problem is shitskin invaders, and the shitskins already here, birth rates are not a serious issue. You can't outbreed a genocide.

Jews were forsaken by God, they're not 'chosen' people at all they're called the synagogue of satan. Christians have also been persecuted and slaughtered en masse by jews for hundreds of years, continuing on into modern times with the bolshevist revolution, where Christians were rounded up and murdered and Christian churches destroyed. The jews also have hateful fanfic in their talmud describing how Jesus and Christians are in hell boiling in a pot of semen, urine and excrement.

To imply that Christianity is jewish shows that you're an illiterate retard, hence my suspecting Imkikey of trying to force this 'muh kike on a stick' meme.

Not an argument

It's a combination of both really, lower white birth rate compared to that of spics and more whites converting to atheism

I'm hijacking this before you shills turn it into a shitpost thread.

Yeah it's 100% confirmed now.


See right here for why that meme is so fucking retarded:
Also this meme is one of the oldest memes from Something Awful, so Imkikey is actually a goon himself while he accuses others of being goons. Looks a lot like Leftist projecting. This illiterate turkroach just keeps getting better and better.

Yeah, fuck off Imkikey
The mod is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him Imkikey and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

No i'm not saging, it's time to put an end to Imkikey's forced meme. When everyone on the board knows about jews vs Christianity then his autistic IP-hopping will amount to nothing.

We know it's you Imkikey, you autistic fuck.

So what you're claiming is that Jesus wasn't Jewish? That Christians don't worship Yaweh?

They compare numbers to non-white Christians, actually. They state that Christianity is on the rise, but the white Christian demographic has nearly halved in a small period of time. Then, Cenk the Retard, incorrectly sings Steam's Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye song twice in the video.

Good, less people larping as christians the better.

Jesus was a Judahite, not an Edomite. The jews mocked him when they killed him by labeling him 'King of the jews' (because he wasn't). God and Yaweh are not the same, God had forsaken the jews and they want nothing to do with Him nor His word.

Try reading a book you illiterate turkroach.

NSDAP stood for Christianity. Try again.

No according to the christians own book in matthew 1, john 1, and luke 1 Jesus is a descendent of isreal/isaac.
Stop bumping this D&C thread.

How do you two rationalize the fact that you partake in a foreign religion that has no connection to Europe?

Looks like some roach infestation.

This place has really gone to shit since T_D started coming here and Imkikey began enabling them, RIP Holla Forums, I guess we'll have to wait until another big migration happens to a new site where there are actual decent mods/BOs

Well that's because he is king of all, including jews and kikes according to Revelation 17:14 you faggot.
Why is this thread not anchored? Why are you kikes still bumping it? Die to yourselves faggots.

Hello, /salt-left/

This tbh.

Yeah it's 100% confirmed now.


This isn't new information. We have endless videos showing Jews and non-whites promoting and gloating about white genocide. A discussion about the subversive nature of Christcuckery is far more interesting. Christianity is what allowed white genocide in the first place.

Glad that the shitskin made the video. Its going to redpill a lot of centrists. Once Alex Jones et al pick it up, then that's the traction we need for a larger white identity movement.

No Jesus is a Jew as I said here you faggot.
There is no rationality about it. It is of faith, it makes no fucking sense to me either.

The NSDAP invented "Positive Christianity" as a pragmatic measure to reform you tards.

This is your brain on illiteracy.

Confirmed for illiterate IP-hopping turkroach.

They didn't invent it, they identified it.

Stop trying this meme, user, it was proven to be a CIA tactic long, long ago
Also, moeshit =/= anime

Christianity as per the Bible is the cause of white genocide. It is the kikery subverted parts like catholicism, bapists, methodists, and name any other mainstream kikenomination.
Kikes are the cause of white genocide, their pets are just tools. If you killed all Christiansbesides you would start revelation then the kikes would just switch to a new golem like importing sand niggers and niggers.

Why do you worship Jesus when he was just a Jewish thief who stole form the philosophies of the stoics and the cynics?

At least there's some other celebration.
Bodies of Rohingya Muslims drowned fleeing Myanmar crackdown

is not the cause of white genocide*
fucked up there.


Gas yourself for still bumping this thread.

Name one good thing Christianity gives us that the Greeks and the Romans didn't already.

This is D&C and had nothing to do with the topic. Kill yourself shill.
Christianity contributed nothing you care about. So why even ask?

What did it contribute that you care about?

Kill yourself.

is there a youtube video that compiles this stuff?

well sowweee, raggedy ann

Pretty much everything invented and every form of Western culture from the 4th century to the 20th century, why?


Pic. Now it's your turn.

If paganism is so great then why did all the pagans ditch their own religion and convert to christianity?


Atheism is dying. It is in a decline, and as such people are going to identify with something greater than themselves. You can bow down to ancient religions, and invoke ancient gods who have largely become comic characters (and women) in recent decades if you want. People aren't going to go back to the ancient European religions. So the strongest likely source is going to be Islam. So celebrate the death of the white Christians all you like. Me, I'll just sit back and hope I live long enough to see what this game plan is. Are the Marxist retarded or do they think they will be able to bring Islam to heel? Either way I tend to approach all religions on a case by case basis.


How did you get the old UI back, user?




Would you say God is Jewish? Do Muslims worship a Jew? Do Jews worship a Jew?

Well that depends. Since kikes and muslims literally worship Satan (you) would have to figure out if Satan is jewish.
Jesus is jewish. God is the father of Jesus so by extension must be jewish.
If you really wanted to find out if Satan is a jew why don't you just ask him while you are in tel aviv? I hear ass cream sales are at all time highs.

The abrahamic god is indeed jewish, and muslims worship Allah, and muslims are semetic, the same as the kikes.

I do not understand why people just don't worship their ancestors/ancestor gods.

Sage next time if you are not just a kike larping as a sand nigger.
The reason people don't worship them is the kikes. The kikes love money far more than any other race. They are born to jew goyim.

The father, the son, and holy spirit are all God. God didn't come to earth to worship himself. God existed before Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. God is God.

The abrahamic god is the ancestor of Abraham and other kikes.

He's not my god.

Out of curiously, what religion are you?

Also "turn the other cheek" is mentioned in a passage regarding slights There was a culture of vendetta in Ancient Rome while in Christian Europe there was a culture of organized duels and trial by combat. The problem wasn't killing your enemies it was acting outside the law and created a escalating cycle of tit for tat in which Tacticus mentions as a problem as well as Polybius.

I'm an ethnic chinese, my religion is worshiping Guan Yu, one of the generals of the 3 kingdoms period.

You missed the first post faggot.

Odd, seemed like a shit thread to begin with. Why waste your effort here? Most comments would just have been shitting on TYT, why derail THIS thread?

How's the weather in tel aviv?

I always laugh when christians made a fucking wall of text to defend "turn the other cheek", it's a pretty fucking cucked passage and it's no way to behave period.

Talking of Tacticus, that guy was a pagan-boo and he hated Christian-influenced roman and preferred the germanics because their gods were similar to him.


Diocletian managed to deal with all that.

That was and is an ANCIENT Holla Forums meme, people only started caring about it in the past year when Varg started being shilled here.
And look at this shit

A kike on stick is still a kike on stick, schlomo.


It's becoming all but obvious now though. The shills have been hitting the boards hard the past few days and one of their major areas was attacking Christianity in any and every conceivable way even though the thread never mentions religion.

Jesus, maybe because Christianity is a jewish religion?

There's no problem attacking Judaism and Islam, is there?


Go fuck yourself you slant eyed insect. Your entire people have been bioengineered by bolshevik kikes

Nigger wut? Now that's new.

>what is the (((educational system)))
Lurk two years.

Just means the niggers turning on spics, arabs and gooks all fighting each other will come faster.

Go on, usher it in as fast as you can with your white-hating policies. You're going to see the biggest "Miss us yet?" meme in the past millennia

Chinks are one of the oldest races tho, with actual history and culture.

pic related and you still aren't saging you stupid fuck.

chinks got culturally enriched along the way, the ones today don't have the same blood as those of the great history of china

God is Dyeus Pater the sky father and chief god of the Indo Europeans

Are all Christians this retarded? I suggest you read back what you wrote.
Two separate issues.
TYT are the same fags who think Catholics are nazis despite the pope sucking nigger toes. Keep shilling the dialectic.

Adding to that Christianity is a thin, Semitic veneer on Pagan gods and practices. Jesus should be respected for his noble goal of trying to stop the Jews acting like kikes but ultimately has been used as a means of fusing Europeans to the Semites

Yeah, sure buddy. Crack NDSAP theologians figured out what alluded Catholic and Orthodox theologians for centuries. More like they played fast and loose with no respect for the source material because they recognized the jewish nature of the source material.

For all the numerous and extensive faults of the Chinese, worshiping a jew is not among them.

He was a communist jew who pissed off establishment jews. You'd worship him for that? The ideology he was preaching would be subversive in any society.

It wasn't Christ who destroyed the jews, that was the Romans. And what destroyed Roman society? The ideology of the communist jew. Christ did more damage to the Romans than he ever did to the jews, and the Romans did more damage to the jews than Christ ever did.

If you want to worship somebody who kicked jewish ass, worship Titus.

I said he should be respected user, not worshipped

I don't respect any communist, let alone a jewish communist. I don't care how much he made other jews kvetch.

If Titus was truly worth mentionimg how do you explain the fall of Carthage?

Yep, Titus and Hadrian are still shit talked by modern Jews, 1800 years hence.
Truly the saints of Europa.

Scipio Africanus did nothing wrong.
Romans should have still been vanquished and one of the Diadochi should've been the one to unite the Mediterranean though

option in the top right, 3 dots or whatever

Well don't then, just as long as you worship Dyeus, the true god


Christians are weak they can't even protect the white race this is why whites are leaving.

That was over 200 years before Titus curbstomped Jerusalem.

Sage for tyt

what's the meaning of this tagged rug plz?


Then why did jesus whip bankers and get JFK'ed by kikes?

Everyone who's a christcuck may as well watch this.

Should go back to worshipping your native land's paganism rather than jewish drivel.



Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that anime is a front for pedophiles.

Only virgin losers that masturbate to kids watch anime.

They are pedophiles and future pedophiles.

Reminder that goons are this mad.

Whites are less than 60% of the US population. Less than 50% of whites are Christian. So, at most, white Christians are 30% of the USA. This number can easily be liquidated in death camps once we take over.


Vid related, christianity is jewish.

Wrong. The Gospel clearly establishes that he was ethnically jewish. Twice it details his lineage, tracing it back to Abraham.

They celebrate Armenian genocide while simultaneously claiming it never happened, so this isn't much of a stretch.

Cuckstianity was adopted from the top down in most countries, and in others it was through mass bloodshed.

It's always been the Marxist against the nationalist, religion is on the sideline as it is always molded by the authority around it.


The current catholic pope is down with marxism though.

Pagans lack a centralized structure, only the damn wiccans are friendly to marxism.

Not even all Catholics follow the kike pope. The centralized structure of that religion has been on the decline for years. Sage for offtopic, forgot it before.

The majority of catholics (and now even the damn protestants) follow the Pope's will.

Only some remote right-winger christians oppose him.

They deleted my comment saying Muslims are worse than Christians. Feeling pretty smug right now.



That isn't an invention. I'm talking culturally, you idiot. And Britain is currently non-white. Great job.

Read the fucking Gospel you halfwit.

If Christianity is so great then why are all the Christians ditch their own religion for secularism/atheism?

Reported for derail.



It's a response to a dumb point made by a Christcuck.

It's not, but the literate here (read: actual Holla Forumsacks) will see that. Kill yourself before we get our hands on you, or you're going to wish that the holocaust had actually happened.

You're a spiritual Jew if you worship Yaweh. You wont be getting your hands on anyone, you fuckwit.

Does this image trigger you?

Good thing no Christian worships ✡YHWH✡, then, isn't it, you filthy fucking yid?
No, I'm not a leftist like you, so the concept of 'triggering' only applies to the one on the gun pointed at your head.

>>If paganism is so great then why did all the pagans ditch their own religion and convert to christianity?
>If Christianity is so great then why are all the Christians ditch their own religion for secularism/atheism?

The people who claim that Christianity is based because Jews slander it are about as intelligent as the people that claim that Jeff Sessions is pro-white because the Huff Post calls him a bigot.

Christianity is an entirely Jewish fiction.

Christians just worship brown rapefugees

Shoo shoo.


This is why actual pro-whites hate you kike worshipers.



Get a life, loser.


I suppose this is a good time to remind everyone that European Christians reviled the Talmudists because they killed Christ, among other reasons like killing and eating children. Conversely, the Hebrews hate Jesus as well as any references to him or the cross. Judaism and Christianity are almost as complete and total opposites as two schools of faith can get.

Trying for the high score again?


I'm not IMKIKEY and I've been pushing 'kike on a stick' for months now. You're just fucking retarded.


Not only that the real coonman is actually the biggest Christ spammer around

Honestly, any thread around Trump, or where religion is mentioned at fucking all is basically shills shilling to shills at this point, and it's really fucking obvious.

This, pretty much.



Reported for admitting to being a paid shill.


Christians worship a communist Jew. Fuck you. If you had any decency you'd worship your ancestors, not a fucking kike.

Reported for not even trying.

Christ wasn’t a socialist. He was a religious radical. He advocated charity by the individual. He did not want a complex temporal power structure established to tax people at gunpoint to subsidize poverty.
Santa Claus, likewise, rewards virtue with toys and evil with coal. If anything, what he represents is a purely capitalistic idea–regardless of background, race, creed, etc., by virtuous and diligent behavior one will be rewarded materially. Whereas slothfulness and evil reaps nothing of value.
A Wonderful Life is about valuing family, not about establishing a top-down economy.
A Christmas Carol isn’t about a capitalist who turns into a socialist. It’s about a capitalist who overcomes the bitterness of his childhood and learns to value his family and his friendships more than his business. He doesn’t stop being a capitalist; he still solves all of his problems with money.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmas is about a terrorist who realizes that his diagnosis of capitalist society as being corrupt and materialistic was wrong. He realizes that though the society acknowledges capitalistic values, it also has a spiritual core independent of that system. His realization that the two can exist in harmony allows him to come to terms with his own bitterness and join society, rather than living like a hermit up in the mountains.
Charlie Brown, ironically, is the only story with any socialist values at all, and they’re negative. Charlie Brown used everyone’s money to make a terrible economic decision and invest in a bad tree that didn’t fulfill its intended function. The people were then forced to band together to make the best out of this smoking ruin on their own initiative. In essence, A Charlie Brown Christmas is about a government using the people’s money poorly, and then the public sector having to make the best of it with their own innovation.

I'm surprised you aren't reporting "for intl" this time. What's the matter, you got tired of people recognizing you every time?

You need to change up your routine more. You've still got a very distinct flavor of autism.

Christ (really Paul since the main kike was already dead) was a subversive who stole from Stoicism and Cynicism in order to subvert Rome with a foreign religion.



Bump, shlomo.

lol try harder

Reminder that National Socialism and Christianity are the only ideologies that name the jew.

Reminder that white genocide is happening despite what the paid shills say.

He's mentally ill. Sometimes he spams threads that 'trigger' him hundreds of times, because he really cannot handle the notion that some people on Holla Forums don't worship his special favorite jew. The best thing you can do is call him out when you recognize him, and point out how pathetic he is for sperging this hard. He hates that, it really gets under his skin.

Posters like him are why I constantly slam the glorious Atheist maul down on that puny little wooden carpenter every chance I get.

I mean, you can't handle the notion that some people on Holla Forums are actually Christian. You hate it so much you shit up threads that have absolutely nothing to do with the topic. The best thing to do is actually to report you and point out how fucking obvious you are.

You posted this exact same thing in the last religion thread, where it was disproved. Remind me, who else never remembers the arguments from a few days before?

We will not swallow your jewish poison pill, you semite lover!

And yet you think I'm the one that can't handle dissent? You guys would be hilarious if your condition weren't so tragic.

I'm not Christian, and I don't give a shit about what you believe in. I'm not reporting you because I disagree with you. I'm reporting you because you bring your shit into unrelated threads and shit them up.


This guy doesn't even remember comments he read a minute ago. If he doesn't like what a comment says, his brain blocks it out completely. He's got a very restrictive memetic firewall. Anything that suggests Positive Christianity might not be 100% factual reality is thrown out and reported!

I'll buy that… for long range target practice!

Reminder that National Socialism and Christianity are the only ideologies that name the jew.
Reminder that white genocide is happening despite what the paid shills say.

TYT openly said they're happy whites are going out, but there are people here arguing about Christianity?
Christians can be total fucking cucks for Israel but that doesn't mean you dismiss some extreme libshit rhetoric.

Reminder to report all those shills.
Reminder that National Socialism and Christianity are the only ideologies that name the jew.
Reminder that white genocide is happening despite what the paid shills say.

Clearly the Christian God is the same God as Yahweh unless you want to retcon the entire Old Testament out of the Bible. Yeshua (Jesus) clearly worshiped Yahweh, read the Torah, believed in the God of the Israelites, recited the Shema, etc.

That second pic is 10/10.

I'll buy that… for long range target practice!>>10585382

Oh look, the blumpkin is sperging out. How cuuute!


Just to be sure, I scrolled up and double checked. I didn't bring this conversation up. I came into it when it was already well underway. So I'm not buying your story. You're freaking out and reporting because you can't handle dissent. The cognitive dissonance of being a National Socialist and worshiping Jesus, in an environment that doesn't constantly bend over backwards to pay lip service to you with Positive Christianity, causes you to freak out and hit the panic button.

Oh fuck nigger, I didn't know I was a Christian now. I genuinely don't know why I'm even trying to argue with you.

Hey did you actually look at the pic I included? It's a guy named Cicero who lived before Christ was born, giving a quote about Jews being evil. This disproves that only Christianity names the Jew. If you weren't sperging so hard you might've actually caught that.

We would be immune from this if either you ignored the obvious shills or redpilled yourselves on (((christianity))). This bait only works because of deluded blue-pilled "christian nationalists" sperging out in fanatism at the mere criticism of the anti-european jewish tool that they think is "their own".


Why should race traitors be tolerated? Anyone who states he is himself a Semite is banned no questions asked, so why aren't those who worship a fictional Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity also banned?

Nah, kike.


If pagans and atheists me don't lampoon the christfags on sight, they will take the board over and cuck the living shit out of it like they did to StormFront.

Yeah no kidding, but that will never get through to him. And the fact that it was the Romans, not Christians, who blew the fuck out of Jerusalem will also never get through to him. The information is filtered out before he can even consciously process it. Such is the nature of his profound psychosis.

We won't be immune to this until Christian posts are deleted promptly and Christian posters are banned. Ignoring them will only allow them to establish a false consensus through weight of numbers, or perhaps you weren't around when they had multiple general threads at all times and "Holla Forums is a Christian board" was a common saying. We've had to work hard to relegate their efforts to the most transparent shilling which is seen today, and that only works because their lies are refuted at every turn.

It was tyt that did the derailing. They even say the religion is pretty much irrelevant mid way through when they point out that mexican Christian vote democrat.
The problem is normies will only focus on the religion which makes the video close to useless. Bannon(a christcuck) even pointed out that the church wants the white replacement(genocide).

So they get redpilled and stop believing in false d&c (millions of bs denominations) paths created by kikes such as christianity.

Surprising how you're in all shill threads…


Really it's a compulsion that Holla Forums taught me. When I see jewish subversion, I must call it out. Well I see Christ as jewish subversion. How could anyone expect me to stay silent about it? If it can't be called out on Holla Forums, then there is nowhere in the entire world where the truth can be spoken plainly. What a horrible thought. This jewish subversion must be called out, because the truth matters.

Precisely. If only people listened to him…. but of course they couldn't.

Agreed. The rule should be against posting pro-Abrahamistic posts so one rule covers everything from the Torah on to all derivatives, be it the Bible, Qu'ran, Book of Mormon, etc.
Pic related: a good Christian woman who chooses life.

Do you have to shit up every single thread with your reddit D&C?

I've never seen one of these Christcucks change his mind in a thread when exposed to the truth. They are pure shills here for the single purpose of promoting their treasonous cult. They do not engage in debate, they repost lies which slander our ancestors and lionize false, foreign ideals. I've never even seen someone come out and post something like "I've been watching this thread from the sidelines and it made me realize Christianity is a Semitic religion responsible for destabilizing our ethnostates and destroying our cultures, thanks." The only ones who are still Christcucks at this point are beyond saving. I could see putting up an informational sticky for newfags, but there is no need for ongoing discussion on that subversive ideology.

Watch this board get raped or even taken down if the Christian-pill is fully spit out by the user base. There is a (((reason))) it's pushed so hard and transparently. Autists would tire and go make their own corner to be autistic in. These operatives keep coming and coming and coming.
Christians would say these two are Sisters in Christ(tm)!

You're mentioning reddit, (((1))) poster.

Why do you fags worship this kike? All he did was push the idea of Russian subversion during a time when that was main stream and used stalin's supposed homophobic policies as proof of the evils of authoritarianism. Nothing but "muh captlism" drizzel.

Next major exodus MUST be to an imageboard which bans Abrahamism and derivatives as an active policy. Maybe call it SecChan, dual meaning between secure chan and secular chan.


Ethiopia posting is pretty fun. Josephus claimed that Moses married an Ethiopian, the account of which is also in scripture (Numbers 12). In Numbers 12, Miriam and Aaron are blasting Moses for having married a Cushite (meaning black), which corresponds to Josephus' account. And God comes down in cloud form and defends Moses, even cursing Miriam with a skin disease. (Antiquities of the Jews Book 2 Chapter 10).

Also you have the account of Philip in the New Testament being sent by God directly to baptize an Ethiopian to Christianize him. This Ethiopian was a servant to the queen of Ethiopia. Ethiopia went on to be the first Christian nation! I don't see how it's possible for Ethiopians to not be Christians and the brothers of white Christians, surely God approves!

Yes, and his description of the subversion matching today's reality around us is uncanny.

Christian white nationalists are NOT to be taken seriously. They are either lemmings or operatives.

The man's personal politics are irrelevant. The fact is, he accurately described the methods of social subversion.

That's why none of the bunkers like endchan or meguca are any more appealing than this place, they allow the same sort of Christcuck filth to pollute their boards.

Don't forget that the Israelites sent the Ark to Ethiopia for safekeeping, an event with such an impact on local culture that the Christian churches in Ethiopia have representations of the Ark as part of their iconography to this day.

Which makes me think, someone really needs to storm the compound where the Ark is kept so that we can study the stolen Egyptian technology.

The subversion going on now is the subversion he advocated. There where non kike(mostly white nationalists) saying the same and more who don't get spammed.

It's an amusing theory, but Exodus never happened. Jewish priests made it all up during the Babylonian Exile. It's the original holohoax, slander against a superior civilization perpetrated for political gain. In particular, the jewish priests were looking to cement their social status among the jews while being exiled in Babylon. The jews were polytheists and believed in regional gods. When in foreign lands, you worshiped foreign gods. That's how the jews depicted in Exodus behaved. That's why the Egyptian priests have power. The "moral" of Exodus, if you can really call it that, is that although foreign gods may have power in their lands, the jewish god always has power no matter where he is. Even in far-away Egypt. And because the jewish god always had power, the status of the jewish priests should always be respected, even when the jewish priests were in a foreign land (Egypt, in the story, but Babylon in actuality).

Yuri described it, and had first hand knowledge of what he was describing. It's really that simple.



Ahahahahaha the buttmad Christautist got banned hahahahahahahah everyone laugh at the loser!

Back to /r/salt-left

All yuri does is obfuscates the source. His personal politics are relevant.

I like it.

Exodus seems to be a conflation of two narratives. The "slavery and delivery back to Israel" aspect does relate to Babylon rather than Egypt, but the story of Moses and the Egyptian origin of the Ark carry some weight. It is unclear if the Moses figure was a Canaanite raised in the Pharaoh's house or an Egyptian traitor who left to use their knowledge to rule in a foreign land.

I had a thought. What if it isn't goons invading us but christians false flagging as goons to cover their tracks and sow christianity? Problem, reaction, solution: be christian operatives who act like "atheist goons", get reaction out of Holla Forums adverse to atheists, offer christian solution to victim Holla Forums to "vanquish the goons" but ultimately to be ideologically/memetically subsumed by said christian operatives.
I think it's not old SA fags so much as it's Christian autists getting Tor banned so they can keep reporting anti-christian posts to one of their christian mods on the inside and essentially ban as many as possible with no recourse to Tor.

Yuri identifies the source as he perceived it. Nobody describes it as well as he does, nor with the same first hand knowledge.

If you don't like the guy, then fine. But to act like it must be some sort of conspiracy that he gets posted a lot is absurd. The source of our affinity towards him should be plain as day, even if you don't agree with it.

Will doxx the mods soon. Watch.

You kike shills are the same ones creating the stupid anime D&C right now as well as the constant white men vs white women (but based non-white women, racemixing is good) D&C. Fuck out of threads that have nothing to do with any of the topics

I'd say that part is all fiction. The ancient equivalent of jewish action movies displaying fantastical victories to wow the audience. I also don't believe they could turn sticks into snakes…

If it were real, it would obviously be the sort of artifact the Egyptians would have had. But I don't see any reason to believe the jews were ever in Egypt in the first place. There is no archeological evidence for it, even mainstream jews begrudgingly admit this (all the while maintaining their ancient slander of Egyptians is still justified because "muh tradition".)

My main problem with christians is how "equality" is so ingrained on them, due to the kikes bidding. The only thing in the world that has absolute equality is the darkness, the void. Everything alive and each organism is unique and completely different from others to the point of figerprints - and they are in competition. Everything created from the light has absolute inequality. That is why bankers and jews push equality so much, that is why all their ideologies, including christianity and marxism, revolve arround it, hat is why they worship the void black cube - they worship equality, equality in darkness, devoid of all good. That is why they put that tephilin cube in front of their "third eye".

Then he perceived it wrong.
Of a Russia that no longer exists if it ever did. The western Jews just used the Communists subversions as an means to an end.
How is it? He's a kike on a NS. I don't see Rand getting posted all the time. She had first hand experience.
The guy was a fag lover who went around give talks to civil rights groups. All of a sudden that doesn't matter.

Nope, it's intl and goons. They have played both sides for years because of us fucking with them and vice versa.

The key factor is that they always play it off like a certain group is entirely the cause of the problem today, which is never the case save one exception: Jewry. Their attempt is to simply steer everything away from Jews and their anti-white campaigns whenever they can. Hence this thread which would have an actual purpose putting forth energy to spread it and create dialogue about anti-white propaganda in media is now being wasted on propped up, fake religious/anime/women divide and conquer derailing.

Also, the association between "atheist" and "goon" is also false. While many goons may be atheist, the number of atheists using Holla Forums far outnumber the total number of goons trolling Holla Forums. It's simple word-association brainwashing. Atheist Left / christian Right is a programmatic element. Since this is a rightist board, it's to keep you rightists in a system of unthinking and non-objectivity (notice how paganism is somehow more 'acceptable' than atheism is here?).
On a lefty board they have their own forms of religion which are either a pan-humanist Atheism-like but denies science where inconvenient or christian. Christian?! Yes christian. Both Left-christian and Right-christian emphasize different parts of the christian memeplex. The sin there is an atheism which lacks pan-humanism (like NSDAP and its racial science).
In all cases, christianity is a control mechanism. Anything which keeps a target from objectivity will be used. If it's not christianity, it'll be dudeweedlmao yes I'm a pothead, or it'll be Archaic Revival and Burning Man, or it'll be genderqueer intersectionalism. There are whole buffets of bullshit to feast on as an alternative to objective thought thanks to projects like MK-ULTRA and researchers like Bernays and Skinner. The '60s revolution was a very very deep wound. The OSS's continued survival after WWII was a curse which has eaten this country alive since.

Obviously you've never actually listened to Yuri if you think the Soviet Union no longer existing has any impact on the mechanisms and processes that have been set in motion.

I see your angle now though. You're jealous that Yuri gets attention and Rand doesn't. Your lolbertarian kike whore was a terrible writer and never explained anything as succinctly as Yuri, nor with the first hand experience.

That wasn't what I was saying and this exactly the type of shit we should be avoiding.
You can separate someone from their own subversive politics. It makes no sense. I hope Yuri was gassed.

There would not be Semites in our nations able to push those agendas if not for Christianity. Christianity is the first seed of liberalism from which all other forms of "progress" have grown. The ideals at the core of Christianity are indistinguishable from Marxism except that it is theistic rather than atheistic. That is the only difference between those ideologies which does not come from Christianity shape-shifting to fit the mold of European religions as part of its infiltration into European nations.

It's not that there were jews in Egypt, it would have been one errant jew if not an Egyptian traitor who left to go rule over the jews using technology he took with him. If the jews didn't have the Ark at some point, they at least had enough stolen knowledge to describe such a thing as well as the sort of temple needed to house it.

Perhaps the only way to know for sure is to bust open the temple in Ethiopia where it is supposedly kept.

It's not just due to a scheme or the ideology itself, Christcucks are so corrupted because their spirits are affected by their worship of a fictional Semitic idol and a Semitic tribal deity. Through this, they take on aspects of that vile race no matter what their philosophy is.

Empirical study of the world (not scientific dogma as it is preached in academia) and anomalous phenomena lend more weight toward a "pagan" reality than an atheistic model. That's why Materialistic atheism is despised here, but people who don't devote themselves to a deity are only bothered by Christcucks who must defame those who don't worship a Semite.

On mobile.

My internal response to encountering a fanatic pagan is "aww how cute." My internal response to encountering a fanatic christian is "oh I'm so sorry."
I think our opinions may differ on definitions. My Atheistic position is:
Reflect on this deeply for a moment.



Yeah, you're no better than christcucks.

tips fedora

Also, to the other posters, you're exposing yourselves with that weak, inflamatory bait, even when you're defending the European religion. I'm not even sure why would you be doing this instead of learning from it, maybe you're actual kikes. I hope the mods lock this thread as the derailment is irredeemable as of now.

That is some esoteric shilling there m8.

It seems far simpler that the arc never existed in the first place. Besides, I'm not in the business of giving the jews the benefit of the doubt.

Pfft, git gud scrub.

But I thought Jesus was the son of god?

Zero effort.

the ironing!

Shill harder than that, yid.


(Heil Hitler)
Incorrect, for the simple reason that the very word "Jew" or "Jewish" does not exist in the original Biblical text.

Come on Holla Forums get your shit together.

Did anybody ever discuss the video or was this thread dead on arrival the minute religion was mentioned?

Jews have subverted and destroyed pretty much every nation they were in. It had nothing to do with Christianity or anything of the sort.

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