Why do feminists double down so often in defence of Islam, and even radical Islamism at times...

Why do feminists double down so often in defence of Islam, and even radical Islamism at times? Let's take a moment to view the issue, perhaps more logically than they, from their perspective.


Have they somehow convinced themselves that Islamism isn't at all at odds with feminism? Even as examples of Islamism causing rape, sex slavery, sexual segregation, etc. happen in their own backyards? Or is it that modern feminism is primarily driven by posh college elites who won't ever have to even witness the consequences of their actions until it's too late? I'm genuinely confused as to why so many people would choose such a self-destructive hill to die on. This all applies with the LGTBQQRST++IP123 or whatever, but the feminists really steal the show here.

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Women just ape what authority figures tell them to. The government, media and universities tell them feminism is good so they say feminism is good. The government, media and universities tell them muslims are innocent refugees and Islam is good so they ape that.

I'm probably just being naive, but I find it difficult to understand how so many people can hold two totally contradictory beliefs and never so much as think about them both at the same time.

They have no self reflection. Its as simple as that.

The thing is that they don't have any actual beliefs. They're just rats in a Skinner box, pulling a level to get a pellet. The lever being expressing support of feminism and islam and the pellet being social acceptance within the leftwing collective mindsphere.

I suppose that would explain why the bulk of them either freeze up or cry the moment they get any pushback or challenge to their "beliefs".

Because it's a brown ideology practiced by shitskins.

cognitive dissonance is a sign of mental disability. now go ahead and be surprised

Because they are not trained to have any ideological consistency, they are trained to be anti-white. Any positions they hold (regardless of any inconsistency with other held positions) first and foremost serves the purpose of either destroying, defiling, or degrading the white race.

Once you realize that this is the impetus of leftism/progressivism, then everything starts to make sense. They are simply following orders from the jews, whose purpose is to destroy us.

This is why they can support Islam and feminism. This is why they can cry about college rape and demand integrated schools where negro football players can rape whites cart blanche. This is why they can support environmentalism while demanding their governments help 3rd worlders overpopulate.

Internal contradiction really did kill the Soviet Union. "1984 wasn't an instruction manual" isn't just a meme. A society incapable of openness for any reason is nothing but a sick system writ large, and it is doomed.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend

Islam and Feminism are both governed by the same spirit; the same rabid, hypocritical worldview. A demonologist would tell you that that spirit is the demon Asherah, aka Diana, Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astaroth, and Allah.

Feminists are leftists first and foremost. Leftism makes it obligatory to support Islam. Thus in order to be a feminist, you must be a leftist and in order to be a leftist you must support Islam.

Also see: Cognitive Dissonance

When a feminist thinks of Islam, the feminist subconsciously omits all of the parts about Islam that are polar-opposite to feminist ideals. This is why forcing leftists to confront evidence that completely violates their scope of reality is extremely important. Leftists have gone past the point where they reflexively deny and bury all data that contradicts their beliefs. Forcing them to see the truth by violating their various "safespaces" is one way to shove reality as it truly is back into their lives.

This is of course only worth time and effort if the leftist in particular is not completely far gone. Once leftist has taken a hold of someone's life, they're probably past the point of no return. They will eventually be a casualty in some clash of race and they will die thinking that at least they were not racist.

It's a collective, unconscious cultural shit test. Ignore the fedora-tier video maker. The message is correct.

I'm getting a captcha everytime I click New Reply even though I already completed it. Testing if it has something to do with the YouTube embed. Link: youtube.com/watch?v=8XGBpi6SvqE

Blackpill: It's because they want to be dominated and have their rights taken away - by the invaders. It's biological, when a tribe invaded, the men fought, so that their genes could survive, they'd be killed or slaves otherwise, while the women submitted and had the invader's children so their genes could continue. I think women realize on a subconscious level that we are being invaded, just by looking around and seeing so many nonwhites and I think they're much more likely to be swayed by the mass anti white propaganda we see in pretty much everything. Women go for the winner, and right now we're not winning. I'll add on to that by something I read on here the other day; it feels like we fought and we've been conquered, and we arethe populace that didn't die in the battles, mass propaganda against us, whites are stupid, whites are evil, males are evil (if they're white), straight men are evil (if they're white), whites are inbred, etc. We're taxed out the ass to feed the invaders through welfare(slavery), non whites are given preferential treatment for jobs and school. The thing is there wasn't a battle, we got infiltrated. It's a battle for the minds. It's truly saddening when a white man fully buys into the marxist shit (although I think there's less and less of these types of men). The fucking plastic and estrogens in everything really don't help and unfortunately it's really hard to get away from it.


It has to do with identifying anything they think of as weak and pathetic. That includes themselves and all types of brown people.

Read Kazcynski's Manifesto.

When women are presented with an option to have a pile of money or an illiterate rapist they pick the immigrant every time

dont look for logic

No that's a total leftist argument. They always push nurture over nature. See: Society trains boys to be aggressive. Society trains whites to be racist. Blacks are trained to be worse at IQ tests etc
There certainly is a lot of propaganda behind this but that doesn't explain why people become mentally ill all of the sudden.

There are two levels to feminism. One is the socio-evolutionary aspect which applies to all women and one is the ideological one that applies to the hardcore feminist intellectuals.

The first one is basically this: Women test men to see if they're strong. It's a shit test. A girl might poke at a guy to see out of what material he is made. For example starts to randomly bitch at him for something he isn't even aware of just to see how he handles the situation and how assertive he is. It's their way to determine which men are assertive and strong enough to get to pass on their genes. Women are the ones who decide (unless they are raped which basicall violates that process and takes away the one thing women have absolute power on- hence it's considered especially awful to them but not for physical reasons). All of this basically happens subconsciously- just like a man might try to impress a girl with risky behavior essentially signalling his commitment to risking his physical well being for the eventual offspring- without realizing why. Studies have shown that women detest aggressive and assertive behavior on a conscious level but when monitored their bodies show higher sexual attraction to exactly these traits. That is because women both are the ones who are in charge for selecting who's genes get to pass on AND maintaining social and emotional peace in the group/tribe/village/household. Feminism is this kind of a shit test on a mass movement level. Western men have become more 'civilized' and the cave woman part of their brain hates this. Movements like feminism paradoxically made men even more effeminate hence an even higher backlash of more aggressive feminism (shit test). Deep inside they just want men as a whole to shut them up. It's very irrational but that's women for you.
Now add to that foreign men who exactly do that. Since women were never in charge of guarding and protecting the integrity of any society they don't feel it's wrong to open the gates to foreign barbarians. They just see them as exactly those men they deeply wished limp wristed white men would be again: assertive, women beating, aggressive men who are deeply rooted in traditions and not dependent on what women think of them.

The other ideological factor is basically that hard core feminists on a deep level want to compress the sexual market. Alot of them feel undesireable or are past 40 (child birthing age) and are afraid that those young aspiring bikini models steal away their men. That is why one of the first thing feminists pushed for after voting rights was a higher age of consent. 16 year old girls tend to be of higher value than some 30 year old woman, especially since men usually married later than women but with younger girls back then. Another thing is feminists looking to push other women to not make themselves look attractive for men. "Screw make-up. Don't try to loose weight just to appeal to men!" Basically cutting your hair short, dying your hair green and become fat. Another way to compress the sexual market. Of course Islam with their covering up of women appeals to that aspect very well- especially the fundamentalist versions were the bride has to hide her face until AFTER (!) the marriage is concluded.

:DDD look at that chart
the retard thinks that womens sexual value starts at 0 at age 13
what a fucking retard

to add, I believe only a very feminine brained person could ever buy into leftists politics. Leftist usually have different brain chemistries than rightists. Lower threat detection, less excitable frontal lobes. There is also a difference in hormone levels. Leftists are biologically inclined to be subversive and parasitic.
There is also the survival aspect. For weak specimen of our race, they see it as a better survival strategy to bring down the white race so as to equal the playing field for themselves. Maybe a white leftists instinctively knows that mestizos and niggers are lower functioning than him, so if he can import enough of them and stifle the reproduction of his own people, if he survives that automatically puts him higher on the social rung than if he were to compete strictly against whites.

Yeah, it's like she has never seen the official chart before. :^)

fucking hell I just realized I now live within 10 miles of this place

They put "Islamophobia" alongside homophobia on purpose. It is all brain conditioning. years of subtle brain conditioning.

I also blame dubya. Thanks to him starting another mideast clusterfuck right at the start of the internet age, saving muslims became the first ever liberal meme. This let them conflate (((neocons))) with WASPs, and the meme never left the sjw hivemind.

the answer is simple
its because they want to be dominated; they want absolutely every single aspect of their entire lives to be completely controlled by a man who will not be opposed by anyone, or will unsuccessfully oppose him

since the government will not oppose islam, most islamic invaders can satisfy that… except for the part where they murder her after they find out that she cheated on him

Yes, and approving of Islamists is essentially just virtue signaling by them

Hmm, let's try that.

I think that sums it up.

Listen, I appreciate that a lot of you Holla Forums guys feel empowered to join the rest of us in civil society now that papa bear Trump is telling you it's okay. But let me send you a message: This is a blip. A temporary intifada. I know it feels good to have your worst instincts validated but don't be fooled. Use this opportunity now that you are out of your parents' basement to meet a few people that aren't like you. You are afraid. We are not.

This cannot be stated enough when explaining to fence-sitters/ normies
If you can get someone to look at current and historical events through this filter, you've got them
Over time they see the pieces click into place right in front of them and their skepticism melts
Then they become angry that they were deceived all this time and want to know who is responsible

So are you going to answer OP's question or not? Would you prefer to be run over by a dodge Challenger instead? Maybe by a guy dressed up as George Washington this time?

nice projection, but I believe I know my fear levels better than you, sport

I want to be there so I can tell the little girl that acting like a nigger does not suit her.

And she should not associate with people who tell her to act like that.

How does one know all those demons are the same being though?

Could you dissect it for our benefit? I'm not sure I understand where you're coming from.

My perspective is that it's a refusal to acknowledge self-error, such as not admitting that the problems in your life are your own fault. For shitskins its because they really are just that stupid and don't have a true theory of mind, but with feminists its because of generations of pink perfect princess propaganda artificially inflating their egos.

How are they contradictory? One wants to undermine and destroy our culture, our history, our heritage, our people, and our civilization. The other wants to undermine and destroy our culture, our history, our heritage, our people, and our civilization. As feminists and other assorted leftist scum are tearing down and destroying our statues and monuments, and censoring books and videos online and in educational institutions, Muslims are over in the Middle East and Europe destroying statues, art, and monuments, while specifically in Europe they're advocating for Sharia Law, displacing Europeans, erecting mosques in places where lefties tore down churches etc. They're pretty much the same thing to us in that they both have the same exact effect–they both seek to oppress and destroy us.

3 things:
- Lemmings parroting what they were told.

-Self-loathing narcissists that want to destroy the West.

-A giant, society-wide shit-test.

"At last they're not white" Blindly going the opposite of what the ebil white man say. Could be useful.

Pretty accurate post. It has all to do with the strong horse; people follow the strong horse. The west/whites were so strong for so long that -and although I'm about to meme here, it holds true- "victory has defeated them." Eventually when you've kicked the ass of everyone else, the only ass left to kick is your own and whites are doing an amazing job at it. The west/whites have been taught and many genuinely believe that there is strength in being weak; "The world must think just like us! They're only mean because we cause them to be!" It's a very narcissistic world view, a very feminine worldview. And women, by their nature are for the most part not that loyal and they're absolute masters at having delusional, contradictory thoughts. Hate to break it to you but it's true. It doesn't mean they're bad, it means they are what they are. If you're a white guy who makes $80,000 but another white guy comes along who makes $250,000 don't be surprised when your girlfriend suddenly "just is too tired for sex". She will often claim that her "sudden" loss of interest in you is just a pure coincidence but that "coincidence" would happen again with her if a new guy came along who made $400,000 in all likelihood. If you're a white guy who is set to be replaced in every part of society that is white (hint: that's everywhere in 2017), don't be surprised if your girlfriend puts her best interests before staying loyal to you or her race. Do you think she's going to love her little black child any less just because it doesn't look remotely like her? She's hardwired to, and they're very different than men in that sense. Sure, we love our children too but the mother-child bond is much stronger, and there's the knowledge that there is zero doubt that the child is hers no matter what.

Obviously that's not universal and I'm not saying you should go find your yourself some anime gf from Thailand or anything, but the situation is what it is. I'm not sure how to fix things or if it's even possible but it's just the situation.

Anti-Ego /fringe/ and Buddhists and Christian jew slaves BTFO

You need to be egotistical to survive and create a good society or just go be a fucking ape

you're so fucking insulated, it's sad. lol

lrn2embed friendo

He's just memeing. His post is a slightly reworded quote from the new season of American Horror Story that's discussed in this thread: 8ch.net/pol/res/10572998.html

It is possible to fix the situation, but it will require sacrifices most people aren't willing to make. It starts with reducing your tax footprint through any means necessary. Work under the table for cash in hand and launder money to evade taxes. Begin setting up underground markets for products and services. Take advantage of technology like 3D printing to produce goods that you would otherwise need to buy at a store. The formation of a parallel economy for our use should be prioritized before any widespread violence begins.

Because all women are liars, fucking whores, chesters and child killers. They are worse than children's and deserve pity. If they love Muslims so much. Let the cunts get raped all they want. Let all women root. None of them are worth saving.

Women cream for guys that put them in their place. It's a well known fact. They can't respect a man that's weaker than they are both in body and mind.

I'm going to force this meme.

Its not fear you see, its anticipation.

Fenrir is released when the earth shakes, trees are uprooted, and mountains fall.
Mexico is quaking, irma is tearing forests from the earth, are you ready for ragnarok?

There are 4000 religions. You do not need to know every name. For humans it is enough to know that there are bad experiences and good experiences. Everything else is jerking off your imagination and creativity. Useless ballast, because you have only to decide wich side you pick and what kind of person you want to become.

Most leftards and woman included think they are smart,so smart indeed when the kike tells them to ignore the obvious as exceptions and you'll se wonderful people and…yes they are right in a way you can enjoy a glory hole if you ignore there are 3 drag queens on the other side blowing you.

Unfortunately that's how I picture leftards the simply choose to ignore reality and think they are smart because they see over and past those defects,if we made being racist more special more of those self centered assholes who think so highly of themselves would become racist
(see edgy teens)

Because they hate white Christian men just as much as Muslims do.

Also, there is no such thing as "radical Islam," there is only Islam. Stop repeating cuckservative talking points you cock-gargling Reddit shitstain.

A thread died for this useless purple pilled MAGAPEDE shit.

Fifty Shades is the best selling book with women of all time. Just think about that for a second. Fifty literally FUCKING Shades is the best selling book with women of all time.

History shows, the only time women rebel and go feminist is when the men stop being men and actually listen to what women tell them. That's not what women want at all. You want to know what women want? Read Fifty Shades, look up how women literally write countless love letters to serial killers in prison, and then look at what happens to women in Africa and the Middle East

Here, I'll show you

Women equality index


All the worst ranked nations in the world that treat women the absolute worst are all African and Muslim.

The ones that treat women the best, namely the white race? They get treated the worst by their own women. Because treating women right means not being a man. It means being a effeminate numale faggot. It's like that negroid Muslim said, the solution to making women respect and love you? Beatings.

None of the feminist get to choose anything.
None of the feminist get to think for themselves.
They are trained not to think.
They are trained not to listen at all.
They are trained to be led by deceivers.
They are trained to have a common opposition that is picked for them.
They listen to their leaders and are bound to group conformity.
They are trained to repeat mere slogans and trigger words.
They are trained to react instantly to the triggers of the day.
Their triggers are meant to be emotional overwhelming.
They are meant to be triggered all the time so they feel no other cause in their lives that is more important.

They are well trained attack dogs, useful idiots whose sole purpose is to help split the human race into fractions and make them vulnerable to predators and social engineers. They will do anything including things that are diametrical to their own self-interest, because they are trained not to think.

The question you have to ask is who is controlling them and what the endgame is.

Your first mistake was believing females are people.

Islam isn't at odds with feminism.
Feminism, as a branch of Cultural Marxism, is solely concerned with the destruction of the White race.
Islam is a feminist ally because unbridled Islamists undermine White male-female relations in a number of ways.
In fact the portrayal of Islamists as rampaging rapists works in favour of the end goal by fostering a comparative image of brown Muslims as "mean alphas" versus legally compliant, polite, accommodating, peaceful, weak White men as the ultimate in boredom.
Google "hybristophilia".
Women are attracted to untameable men and repulsed by obedient, peaceful and weak men.
Look instead at the record-breaking success of "50 Shades of Grey" for a true insight into the White female psyche and desires.
tl;dr Islam helps feminists by contributing to the division of White men and women.

That's the opposite of the truth. Soviets went down because they were too open and allowed massive CIA penetration. They cucked once Stalin died.

I'm skeptical of the sexually based "cultural shit test" theory. The party line pushed by the left and regurgitated by women is one of innocence and harmlessness. If anything, it is the misplaced motherhood instinct to care for all the wounded baby animals of the world (ie shitskins). I see far more women being lured in alternative sexualities than I do chasing after mudshits. The women who think they're such "strong horses" are the ones the go to them and get a dose reality vie sex slavery or beheading. Also, women don't shit test the men they aren't sexually attracted to, so if they're so attracted to muslims invaders, shouldn't they be shit testing them?

they're willing to take the bet that brown skin = good for feminism.

they're willing to take the bet and make a huge bid in favor of female genital mutilation and women locked up with bee keeper outfits on the slight chance that it might hinder white males, even if its a slight chance for brown skin they're choosing it , thats a yes from western feminism. if it means hindering western males they vote yes reguardless of beekeeper outfits and the whole kitchen sink attached.

They will double down to defend any minority, no matter how vile, against evil white cis man. It's their programming and cannot be undone. Our best bet it most likely to get their pet niggers and kebabs to kill each other and watch the leftards preform mental acrobatics to justify it.

Yep, they didn't get their reward pellet.

women love being dominated, whitey doesn't do that for the most part atm. can't fix these whores tho

Short answer: they want the d(himmification).

I'll acknowledge those dubs, but that doesn't answer my question. Why would Ishtar and Diana/Artemis be lumped in with beings that have bad track records?

Feminism is cancer-AIDS

Modern leftists don't use logic or reason, they only memorize "facts" and use them in arguments. Liberal authorities tell leftists muslims are good for X, Y, and Z reasons, and people like feminists support islam because of X, Y, and Z reasons, echoing back "facts" while not knowing what they actually mean. Probably because liberals are being exploited by (((forces))) that take advantage of their over-reliance on emotions.

Leftists are also completely hypocritical in their difference in treatment between Christians and muslims. The muslims are far more right wing than far right Christian groups, yet leftists will cry and moan about how Christians are nazis who hate gays, women, etc. and then turn around and defend muslims.

Obviously, this goes a lot (((higher))) than just retarded leftists spouting talking points and not being able to draw connections between their talking points or other facts. But the result of illogical feminists supporting a religion where women are treated as objects comes directly from their inability to think and the fact they depend entirely on repeating memorized buzzwords, statements, and "facts".

Leftists don't look at this as a situation where muslims are at odds with their own goals. They see a situation of
and they operate entirely on emotion and programming.

Because my friend, just like "that was no real communism" that is also not "true islam".

And it never will be.
these people will live in denial until the end.

Those aren't feministsm just crazy cunts. It's such a goof how ignorant these fuckers are, that it's hard not to believe someone isn't trolling the lemmings.

Diana LVCIFERA, Diana the Bringer of Light.
One mans heaven is another mans hell and vice versa. What is good for you must not be in the interest of the whole humanity and if you want something often you have to take it away from somebody else. So good luck in separating good from bad.

Machos all over the Mediterranean and South America are telling western pussy-whipped beta-males what is going on since the last century, but they though their bitches are something better and not whores at all. They all are unconsciously and they crave for the macho dick and toxic masculinity they claim to despice.

Feminism is in it's core pure marxism. Look up the main founders in the start of 20' century. All marxists.
And the sole purpose of marxism if to destroy Western civilization and everything it stands for.
With ANY tool available. Islam, degeneracy whatever.

Kill yourself and never post again.

Because the enemy of my enemy is my friend. This isn't a permanent alliance though, since actual Muslims hate feminism.

JEWS. That's why.

Same reason sodomites love Pisslam. They are anti White.

Don't. Lie.

You can try to fix it. Watch what happens. Post about it here when you're done. I dare you.

If you do anything that you suggest, you get shut down. End of story. Good things don't happen around here.

Many people here held their beliefs even before Trump ever run for president.
Also, Trump is not the end but hopefully a step in the right direction.


/salt-left/ please leave

Funny how they support the patriarchy by making use of show business as their main form of communications. Oh wait, I forgot… feminists deny feminism in itself and cherry pick their mindsets… you know who else does this? That's right - crazy people. Crazy people, jews and niggers all indoctrinating our youth.

Jezebel too?

Because they are stupid and, much like children, can not fully grasp the consequences of their actions.

Jordan Peterson is another controlled op, who loves to virtue signal about "the ebil NAHTZEES" like the rest of them.

Fuck him and fuck you too

He's one of those guys who uses the "See, I hate Hitler too!" ruse so that he won't be completely dumped by the mainstream. I personally don't care, I can separate the wheat from the chaff and don't need someone to parrot my own views back at me 24/7. But I've used some of his work to introduce the pill more than once with great effect, as he makes good arguments backed by statistics and facts. His ebil Nazi shtick doesn't matter if you can make good arguments once that door has been opened. Same with any of these guys.

Goodnight, everybody!

Even in the event of the above happening, they still won't wake up. They'll be like, "Well, at least it's not WHITE men hitting me." Or they'll blame white men for "abandoning" them to the wolves.

Either way, they'll still find a way to blame white men.

Fucked part is, Progressives 100 years ago were totally Hitler. It was WWII and the complete rollover to semitophilia which has seen Progressives become the soggy wet noodles with problem glasses they are today.

And with that, they're trying to sell the bee keeper outfits and the hijab as 'feminist'. For example, I've seen non-Muslim feminists claim the hijab is more feminist than Western dress because it symbolizes the woman's submission to God over men, or somesuch crap.

good to see someone actually reading my comic

Most women lack foresight and believe shit will never happen to them.


I wonder her reaction when she read this:

Quran Surah An-Nisa, 34
Men have ""authority"" over women by [right of] what Allah has given one over the other and what they spend [for maintenance] from their wealth. So righteous women are ""devoutly obedient"", guarding in [the husband's] absence what Allah would have them guard. But those [wives] from whom you fear arrogance - [first] advise them; [then if they persist], forsake them in bed; and [finally], ""strike"" them. But if they ""obey"" you [once more], seek no means against them. Indeed, Allah is ever Exalted and Grand.

Sunan Ibn Majah Vol. 3, Book 9, Hadith 1853:
Abdullah bin Abu Awfa said “When Muadh bin Jabal came from Sham, he prostrated to the Prophet who said: 'What is this, O Muadh?' He said: 'I went to Sham and saw them prostrating to their bishops and patricians and I wanted to do that for you.' The messenger of Allah said: 'Do not do that. If I were to command anyone ""to prostrate to anyone other than Allah, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands"" . By the One in Whose Hand is the soul of Muhammad! ""No woman can fulfill her duty towards Allah until she fulfills her duty towards her husband"" . If he asks her (for intimacy) even if she is on her camel saddle, ""she should not refuse"" .' ”

Jesus wtf am I watching? Tell me this is a World Peace sketch.

lol I love how there's someone with a "…and we want fair pensions!" sign in there. The left is truly the most terminal form of cancer.

Feminism is about attacking white people, not men

The proponents of LeEbinGenderWar are usually MGTOW/MRA/youtube-skeptic cucks who are to pussy to talk about race or at least in any serious context. Feminists don't defend mudslimes for being chads/more alpha/whatever. They defend mudslimes because it's what their jewish handlers have programed to do

100% this

It took me a while to realize that people aren't very good at reasoning (starting with principle and drawing conclusions) but are very good at rationalization (take conclusions and craft a narrative to explain them). Our thinking is much more primitive than we realize. Jews just don't like non-Jews, and whites are the most threatening to them at the moment. If it's bad for us, they like it. There is no actual reason or principle behind it. For these same reasons, my Ancap acquaintances can extol the necessity of property rights, then brag about their small time embezzlement. Or environmentalist acolytes can drive a Prius to cut emissions while ignoring all the Chinese kids poisoned by waste from Lithium smelters.

It's about narratives, not a logic.

All women want to be dominated.
You want women to get better? Get more men to be better, stronger.
Compromising and apologizing is weak.

All liberalism is just a front for being anti-white. Conservatives always talk about liberal doublethink but the reality is all their contradictory positions make sense when you realize they don't honestly hold any beliefs, they are only motivated by self-hatred. True ideological and intellectually honest leftists are very rare.

Its a copypasta from the new season of american horror show, some chink has a monologue about da ebil wyte men then him and his wife get killed by clowns in their house

This is the correct answer.


So are you guys sided with Feminism or Islam?

Because feminists are really just women craving to be put in their place. Duh.

I like it, Thundercock SS

It's pretty simple, OP.

But say all the jews and non-whites were wiped out. Would it be possible that then, without any shitskins left to virtue-signal for social approval over, and without the jew to poison their minds any further, would the liberal whites gradually lose any and all semblance of liberal brainwashing and revert to the people they would have been if not for the jew in time?

This. I learned this tactic from a DUDE WEED LMAO evangelist. He wants to wipe his ass with hemp toilet paper. That's why they are so effective (and annoying at times).


So, like, you're a torfag in the current year? That's, like super grody and racist. Gag me with a spoon.

Please don't try to make sense out of something that is inherently illogical, you'll only confuse yourself. The female, on one hand, hates expressions of male power (gender roles, racial purity, ethnic nationalism) but she hates 'weak' men even more than that. In her primitive monkey mind, she perceives the white man's restraint from violence as 'weakness' and the disinhibition of shitskins as 'strength'. This psychology is rooted in the need for 'proof' or immediate assertion of dominance, which itself begets shit-testing and abusive behavior to try and provoke violence (you'll notice females will almost never shit-test niggers or muslims). Not all women are susceptible to this hormonal "possession" but enough are that it's a serious problem in need of research and a solution. Further, when jews signal boost 'oppression' and other victimhood cues they are intentionally triggering defiant behavior in females, and that's why you see so many white women marching with #BLM.

Jewish/"progressive"/anti-white influence/brainwashing.

They don't think. They repeat whatever emotional reaction they've been taught by aforementioned Jewish influences to have.

i don't think i can deal with this.

Feminism is a shit test, male feminists, liberals, and especially "Religion of Cuck™ is the real misogyny" cuckservatives fail it repeatedly, snackbars don't. Sage for dumb question, lurk moar faggot.

Don't waste good antibiotics on corpses user.

I believe that the answer to this little disconnection of expectations from reality becomes clearer when you also look at the history of Communism and those who have supported it. And who are supporting it now.

>Hitler manages to crowbar himself into this social scene despite the fact that he was not a rich kike and immediately hates almost all of his peers

This shows me that the human brain has a tremendous capacity to believe in the sunk cost fallacy and to desire peer acceptance to the point where people like modern feminists and Communists will die, whether they know it now or not, for the perception that they will be remembered as heroes, even though history shows that they are simply puppets and nothing more.
These people are mostly losers with no self-respect, this we already know. However that makes them dangerous for the same reasons that we are dangerous. It seems to me that almost all Communists and feminists and white Muslim converts etc etc. have never truly felt like a part of any community and are filling that void with a "community" which uses them and then casts them aside like a bloody rag. But they want this feeling of acceptance so fucking badly that they simply overlook this even as it happens. Feminists are undesirable women who think they can make themselves stronger by denying their instincts. They drift from relationship to relationship like a fucking loose flag in a thunderstorm, trying to fill the void in sort of the same way that the "bitter spurned alcoholic man" archetype does. This is why Americans had such a strong culture of independence from government and from creditors, it makes you much stronger and less susceptible to this slavish mentality. Communists, feminists et al. rarely change sides because they are cowards. Most of them are much too scared to risk being what they think is alone again now that they finally have a "community" that accepts them. The sunk cost fallacy at its worst.

You unironically want to kill people. Every time I go on Holla Forums all I read are just pages of anons talking about removing nonwhites and how every black is some low IQ mongrel. I always thought that the Holla Forums white supremacist angle was always some kind of leftwing smear campaign, but after the election Holla Forums has become a nazi echo chamber. It's not an invention of CNN, you people are literally Nazis, and there are those of you who want to fucking kill people. Yeah we all throw around the word nigger for lolz, but that doesn't mean I want to ethnically cleanse the United States.

I've been on 4chan since the 2006 Habbo Raids, I don't fucking recognize this place. We used to be really libertarian. Holla Forums strongly supported Ron Paul in the 2008 and 2012 elections, but have since turned their backs on his teachings. Now storm weenies run this place.

Then nazis have the gall to complain about how they're persecuted, how many threads were there about poor Anglin and his inability to find hosting for the Fag Anglin's Thai Fuck Shack? The entitlement, not only do we have to hear how you want to kill all nonwhites and degenerates, but we also have to build your platforms for you too. Jesus Christ, the delusion.

Religion of Cuck™ is a bad boy she is going to change

>ctrl+F (((feminism)))
just how many kike shills are on Holla Forums these days?

Yes, yes I do. I've known people killed and rapped by niggers. Watched as kikes turn the lands of my forefathers into a 3rd world shithole. I'm a little angry because of this.
If you don't like it, then go fellate shitskins elsewhere. You won't be missed. The only thing Libertarians have to offer is permission to screech about the monopoly money budget and our supposed rights/liberties. Newsflash, they are basically all gone at this point. In the end they will always be just as ineffectual as the cuckservatives.

women are NPCs user, they have so little agency it's laughable, once you realize that you will understand why everything went to shit when they got the right to vote

judgybitch.com/2015/06/09/feminists-dont-challenge-radical-Religion of Cuck™-because-real-misogynists-are-terrifying/

9/11 solidified the idea in people's minds (and this has been helped by further brainwashing and more recent events) that Religion of Cuck™ is the new Alpha in town. Women are programmed in their genetics to bow down to the conquering tribe because this is what grants their offspring the highest chance of survival. That's what's happening here.
It's a primal instinct - a fear driven response.

close enough right?

Yes it's college kids and elitists who have one Muslim friend "who is super nice but not religious" not realizing that the friend they described is not Muslim but just Arab. Quite ironic because they crusade against racism while being racists through ignorance. Being brown doesn't make you a Muslim just like being white doesnt make you Christian.



Yup,he was a philologist,he taught at university level and he was thus well versed in Greek mythology and philosophy,also he could twist the language so it fitted exactly what he wanted to say.

From kikepedia
Nietzsche received a remarkable offer to become professor of classical philology at the University of Basel in Switzerland. He was only 24 years old and had neither completed his doctorate nor received a teaching certificate ("habilitation"). He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Leipzig

The reason it doesn't make any sense is because you are assuming, incorrectly, that feminism is about the promotion of women's rights when it is not and never has been. Feminism is an ideology that is designed to convince women to attack white men, and only white men. That's why they give coloured men (not just muslims) a free pass.

A feminist will harass a white man for "manspreading" or "mansplaining" and then turn around and defend muslim rapists in Cologne, paki child molesters in Rotherham and nigger rapists who attack white women in America because it isn't about women's rights and never has been.

Underrated post.

I call it the "mad mother" syndrome. Women naturally have a strong nurturing instinct;, that same very strong instinct that causes, say, a bitch to raise an orphaned lion cub amongst her own litter. This instinct, because it is so strong, can be manipulated easily e.g., tricking a bitch into raising the offspring of another species, or convincing a woman that she must nurture and care for all "oppressed" groups rather than just those of her own gender. Does this comparison make sense?

There is also the prevalence of birth control medications. When a woman's body is tricked into thinking its pregnant (like with the pill), it goes into kind of a "job done" mode, and so she may find herself being attracted to less masculine men, only to regain that preference for manlier guys upon cessation of the pill. Combine this with the hormones you get in crappy food, and you've got a super strong driving force ready to be pushed into a certain direction. The mad mother, with hormones raging in all different directions, is fed a steady diet of ideological snares, and quickly is ensconced in a sympathetic echo chamber stretching from facebook to tumblr.

Now, as for Muslims specifically. I think, beneath all this, there is still that fundamental female instinct lurking somewhere (in most cases). This is the normal female instinct, remember it never goes away just gets twisted in wrong directions. You gotta try see what they see. I guess when they look at Muslims they see a masculine image, like the young guys going around in turbo cars blasting Arab trap music, or in like a professional environment where they tend to be overly courteous to female colleagues, as gender roles in Muslim societies are much more pronounced than in the West where they've been degraded. I could go more into this curious psychology here but I think I've gone on long enough. I hope I've made some sense, please tell me if I may clarify. This is based on long experience with Muslims (and women).

TLDR; manipulation of natural female mothering instinct by hormones and ideological brainwashing.

>>>Holla Forums


a good is example is that dumb cunt who went to Africa to prove liberalism works, got raped by niggers and then said it was white mans fault

anyone wanna do some editing?
make these women consciously aware they're babying fully grown men who ran away from their problems
also, would be good if we countered the exploitation of men's exploited instincts of whiteknighting these women at the cost of their own manhood

They ally with anything that wants to destroy Western civilisation. Their masters have brainwashed them that Western civilisation is "patriarchy" and must be destroyed.

It's simple the left (commies included) are their own contradiction. That's how the jew operates, it will only contradict to keep people brainwashed. The jew also never gives a truthful solution to the problems they themselves create. The jew in itself is a contradiction as it is a leech in human form pretending to be whatever it needs to be but cannot be.
Understand this and you'll understand the left. Communism, socialism, liberalism, anarchism and all -isms from jewish origin serve to contradict and not provide any solution but only destruction.
Religion of Cuck™ is a part of too, they are best buddies of the jew as they both want the natural order to be gone.

That's why the jews hate Fascism and National Socialism so much as they are based on truth, nature and provide answer to the problems it points out.

Seig heil my friends.

I see the word filter that only serves to disrupt conversation is on again. IsIam is what I meant.

To add this is why lefpol keeps screaming "read a book" even though they clearly don't read anything at all themselves and no matter how much communist bullshit they read an answer they will not get. They know they have zero solutions to anything.
They want kill and remove anything that their jewish overlords tell them to kill and remove but provide no real solutions, this is why every revolution they have (all funded by the kikes and capitalists) ends up in a big mess that people real solutions have to solve. This is also why leftpol cannot argue for shit and only screech like children as communism is for people that think like children.

Take black rap music for example. Songs about calling women whores and bitches and how they just want to fuck and dump them. But for some reason, feminists never complain about them.


If you accept that Religion of Cuck™ is at fault, it breaks the anti-White narrative.
==All== of the left units to White Knight Religion of Cuck™ because if the dam breaks on Religion of Cuck™, people accept that it is evil and that pozzlems should be kicked out, it won´t stay at that. Race comes next. If you break one foot of the Eiffel tower, the whole thing goes down.

Ego is why you have no self-reflection.
"I´m an individual, I think on my own, I CAN´T be manipulated like you say!"

Leftypol stirnerists BTFO!

It is /r9k/ again. Report all wizard/incel posts.

Good. Saved.

How n-PC were they?

Pick one!

How "smart" where they in the 1920s and how "smart" are Hillary supporters today? Look at the Frankfurt School (((Intellectuals))), look at these neckbeard, balding male feminists today.

It sure isn´t China or Cambodia that are being overrun with faggots, latrinos and pozzlems, become completely pozzed.

"Intellectuals" are the enemy. "Intellectuals" are not opposing the System, they are White Knighting it non-stop against "Hate", "Racists", "Trolls" etc.

They are the enemy. The enemy gotta be dealt with.

Nope. You lose.

Thanx! Not yet, thought.

That is good.

kek they strip on snapchat to that shit and then say white males are objectifying them, its fuckin crazy


If you accept that Religion of Cuck™ is at fault, it breaks the anti-White narrative.
==ALL== of the left units to White Knight the Religion of Cuck™ because if the dam breaks on Religion of Cuck™, people accept that it is evil and that pozzlems should be kicked out, it won´t stay at that. Race comes next. If you break one foot of the Eiffel tower, the whole thing goes down.

> (((First post)))

"I´m an individual, I think on my own, I CAN´T be manipulated like you say!"
Ego is why you have no self-reflection. Leftists are ego-tripped as fuck.

Leftypol stirnerists BTFO!

It is /r9k/ again. Report all wizard/incel posts.

That is good. Saved.

How un-PC were they?

Pick one!
How "smart" were they in the 1920s and how "smart" are Hillary supporters today?
Look at the Frankfurt School (((Intellectuals))), look at these neckbeard, balding male feminists today.
It sure isn´t China or Cambodia that are being overrun with faggots, latrinos and pozzlems, become completely pozzed.

"Intellectuals" are the enemy. "Intellectuals" are not opposing the System, they are White Knighting it non-stop against "Hate", "Racists", "Trolls" etc.

They are the enemy and the enemy gotta be dealt with…

Nope. You lose.

Thanx! Not yet, thought.

That is good.

That's some impressive drawfaggotry, quadanon. Keep up the good work!

Scratch that, tripanon.

It's heartbreaking, but life is long, and that young girl may yet find the light.

Feminists will join with any anti-white, anti-western values entity. They don't care if they rape and kill women in their own country, just as long as they will help feminists tear down western values. The force behind all feminism is angry, vicious jewish lesbians who want to exterminate all white males.

I am confused by the age groups of these girls.

Is this a traveling trope that schools hire for diversity assemblies?

Are you fucking stupid? He made a video all but crying because someone in the media called him right wing. When he tried to correct them he refused to even tell them what to write but spat 3 essay long e-mails at them.

No kidding?

Guess what the racial proportions of NAP advocates are?

More embarrassing.

Is this bait? Are you a woman? Killing people is an essential part of human nature and evolution, war gave birth to civilization you stupid cunt. Wanting to explore, adventure, pillage, raid, loot, and rape women is a natural and healthy desire for males that can be directed at non-white people, slavs or aliens from intergalactic space.

Just because we are blessed into a society that holds human (and subhuman)life as sacred doesn't mean it is,and subhumans are right in that.

I always thought the problem with Religion of Cuck™ isn't that there are goat fuckers willing to die for it but that our society wasn't willing to kill them.

Every time.

Once the shill is reduced to Tor, it's better to just make fun of them.


God damn text replace ISIS hotwheels ass fuckery.


Women do whatever they believe is most accepted. Since the media tells them regularly how great Religion of Cuck™ is, women inevitably parrot those ideas thinking that it somehow makes sense.

The media accomplished this by playing the "no true scotsman" card which allowed them to play the Motte and Bailey defense on Religion of Cuck™. In other words, they pretend Religion of Cuck™ is wonderful and whenever evidence comes out that it isn't, the media can then say that wasn't true Religion of Cuck™ AND that because that evidence came out, that it is proof that the person that brought it up is a bigot.

They do this with a variety of topics, whether it's feminism, Religion of Cuck™, or even pedophilia.

This video is proof all hope is lost. Please nuke us, Kim.

I guess tyrone was right all along! In the eternal words of Adolf Hitler: "Strength lies not in defence but in rape and pillage; bix nood muh dik, muhfuggah."
Pic related, a well-balanced man with healthy desires.


Seriously though, sorry to hear about the people getting raped.

I'm a libertarian, seen this flag before?

Feminists really just hate white men

They've convinced themselves that there's a place at the table if the muzzies destroy the nazis. They could care less if whites die off so long as people are paying attention to them.


I am in some ways as well(at least in a whiteopia), certainly never seen that flag though. Looks like random shit added.
Oh well, as long as 14 words comes first.

Eat shit, LEFTIST.

Because their ideology is just an excuse and they are a pressure group financed with the sole purpose of furthering (((their))) interests?
Is there any doubt at this point?

Goddamnit I couldn't make it through that clip OP, the cringe is maximum.

Though I agree this is a compelling conundrum.
To answer OP, my best guess so far is that feminists are a cult of ugly and messed up women who have rationalized the rejection they have felt from men in general as grounds for hatred instead of self-improvement, accountability or humility.
From there everything that justifies or compliments that hatred is justified.
The logical conclusion of this is that when there are no more dominating western males left, there is no one left to reject them, and they will get to breed by whatever fills the void as the new default alphas.
It doesn't matter who those alphas actually are, so long as these feminazis believe they'll have a place in the mating game.
They do this because they are truly shallow creatures desperate for an alternative to suicide or acceptance that they are inferior for breeding. In this way feminism is something of a collective death throe for these women, desperate to get knocked up one way or another and lay their eggs before they die.
All of their effort is going toward this - they don't care how much they exhaust, embarrass or otherwise conduct themselves. Breeding is all that matters. They don't care about survival, they care only about improving their collective chances to reproduce.

Feminazis are a cult of losers who seek salvation by cucking western civilization.
They are motivated by base desires to reproduce because they largely have no worth beyond that. Subconscious tribalism has taken over and they are practically mutating into a new species.

If this weren't enough they also want the previous, now rival species removed too because they are threatened by it.
They know deep down Religion of Cuck™ doesn't hold up against the Western world in the long run and they themselves don't hold up against the women who are truly more beautiful and capable.

The only conditions where their increasingly twisted, hideous and stupid offspring will thrive is in a ruined world.