So it appears that Bannon is Trump's Cheney. How do we stop Bannon from puppeteering Trump

So it appears that Bannon is Trump's Cheney. How do we stop Bannon from puppeteering Trump.

Bannon is what stands in the way of communism or socialism ever becoming a thing in America.


Ok please explain. Is it because he says he's a leninist?

Bannon is going to be Trump's Karl Rove, not Cheney.

I don't think Bannon is skilled enough to be a Cheney.

We can't stop Bannon but we can stump on trumps policies one way or the other, protesting is the beggining, we just need to radicalize liberals to have a stronger oposition

And even if we can fascism will destroy america's economy and spirit, after that the issue is how to survive and what to do after fascism had falled.

Steve "Totally Not Irish Mob" Bannon

Maybe we should communistify Steve Bannon and spread it all over social media and Breitbart


NazBols are trash kiddo

But "Bannon is what stands in the way of communism or socialism ever becoming a thing in America" is delusional. Bannon's a minor problem at best compared to decades of "red menace" propaganda and the equation of liberalism with socialism.

People actually believe this.

is anyone outside of Russian aut-rightists actually NazBol?



Is Bannon a Nazbol?

Bannon is what stands beatween Bush 2.0 and deathcamps

I don't think Trumps the type of guy to do death camps.

I think hes more of a deportation and police brutality kind of guy.

Death camps seem too costly for a businessman like him.

guy kinda reminds me of rob 'crack smoker' ford… not sure why

still, there is a social tragedy waiting to happen

You mean like the countless ones that have occurred under obama that no one talks about?

*any president since the 1960s

I want reddit to leave so we can get back to focusing on class issues again.

Bannon is a nobody. He's basically a Sean Hannity or Alex Jones.

The one you should be worried about is John Bolton.