Hatsune Miku Takes Down Twintails in New Shampoo Ad


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Is that Mickey Mouse im hearing?


japanese mickey mouse.

Wasn't there one with Jason Statham or something?

its a robot

Wait, why does it look so shitty?
I've seen Miku in many shorts and music videos, many of them fan made, often in her 3D form, and she looked way better modelwise and animation wise in every single one of them compared to these.

Are these outsorced to thai animators and mass producted or something?

i fucking hate scarlet johannsen

An ad for an LG phone used the Miku version of Ievan Pollka.

Also Lady Gaga had Miku open for her at a gig once.

And Anamanaguchi wrote a her a song.

And and deadmau5 is a fan.

Also also fucking Kobayashi.

So a virtual kike puppet?

Also Senbonzakura was used in an ad for a camera or something.

Plus songs have been used in Gaki no Tsukai for overlay/transition before.

We're all virtual kike puppets, user.

do they really have to use a CG pop idol for a shampoo commercial? CGs dont even fucking use shampoo, they're CG.

japan sounds more and more sad each day.

Neither sounds nor looks like/as cute as Miku.

They know 2D is superior to 3DPD


Yes, because japs know real women are absolutely disgusting.


no wonder their birthrates are going down the shiter

Welcome to the work of Korean Kike Kommercials

But user, so are those of westerners.
The vast majority of new births are from minorities.
For example ask yourself: will you breed?
Of course not.
So now you understand how the world works, and who gets to actually breed.

Lux sponsored the Hatsune Miku Symphony that was recently held, so this was done in kind. Similar to the god awful Toyota ads we had for Mikunopolis.

idiocracy is inevitable, glad I won't live to see it.

One would think Japs of all people would know how to make animation that doesn't look like it was made over the weekend on a budget.


For whatever reason, the jap's 3d animation is still a ways away from becoming "good", it could be time constraints though and there are some exceptions.

That ruined it for me >

ellen baker a cute

no thanks


>Miku will probably be at the Tokyo Jewlympics

And it's the same jewess that will play as the main character in the Ghost in the Shell live action movie
By the way, learn to sage

Tell that to the people animating Dragon Ball Super.

Us too!


Is there a reason for calling it that?

She probably will be
I imagine there will be slight drama with athletes saying Vocaloids are weird and stupid on twitter

Because the zionist use the olympics to drai n the economy of the host country while using it as cover up for coups?

I expect a whole big case of whiners crying about Japan in general when it happens.

And that every (or almost) athletes are doped and that the Olympic committee knows and knows who, thus they can easily turn this into political power, they can disqualify anyone they want and powerful countries with lots of political clout can influence these decisions too. Also it's a perversion of sports and an hypocritical globalist event, the only event where you are allowed to be nationalistic is an event that doesn't matter the fucking slightest to be nationalistic, I could go on.

Internet cafes?

Would having sex with the project mirai version of Miku be similar to sex with a midget?

Internet cafes, dog cafes, maid cafes, butler cafes, Gundam cafes, whatever goes through their mental Olympics.

Watch 2024 be Britain, in revenge for Brexit

I can't wait for people to try and get upset over Japan's transportation system.

As opposed to cafes, hash houses, etc

I want to take a moment to thank Yahweh for abortion, birth control, making The Reich go to war, making western women so fucking retarded, our jewish overlords and their propaganda.

Would not be surprised.

Greece got fucked further after the Olympics over there ended and HUEHUEHUE land is going to be more shitty than it already is.

But London hosted the games before Rio, it's too soon for them to have it again

so that shampoo is for otakus?

Anyone have those pics of her without make up?

I always laugh when I know she had surgery on her nose same with portman because it's always the same with these disgusting kikes.

what's upsetting about japan's transport? I went there and never had a problem.

Dude what. Japans trains are really simple and super fucking organised. Not a second late.

You underestimate people's tenacity for being offended.


These people must suffer.

If Japan does this to them they would have a fucking existential crisis in Londons tube system.

My eyes are bleeding from trying to find the Disney or Pixar trademark

Miku a shit no matter what she does with her hair.

Why do people go to other countries that aren't their own to get offended and wanting them to change?

Speaking of Gundam Cafes..
SIEG ZEON!!!!! This is a real bar, a true mead hall.

But hold on a second, they're trying to sell the product to real women. Are they desperately trying to make real women look up to 2D as role models?

Why the fuck is this frog girl so appealing?

They've realised that the only way to fix the birthrate problem is to make the 3D women become more like 2D women.
The makers of this ad are trying to save Japan.

Well they did a shitty job at that

This ad is fucking garbo tho bud.

isnt that miku with pink hair color?

Miku Maissu

I know, that's why it's not gonna work. This will just make 3D women hate otakus even more.

So what is the message here? It seems a tad propagandaish.

Try looking at the shampoo's ingredients.

Herro prease see miku rear women are just rike her. Horywood jewess approve prease buy

Takoluka is best Luka.

Dirty thoughts are bad, user!

Their national network, sure. Their intra-city subway system (Tokyo's especially), on the other hand, well see pic related. Even Japs from the countryside get mental breakdowns trying to navigate it. And some of the larger subway stations are more complex than most modern RPG dungeon maps though, I suppose that's not saying much.

Also inb4 SJWs get triggered by the women's-only pink carriages

I see that you too are a man of culture

I wonder if the public transportation route option on jewgle maps works on that mess

Well that explains a few things.

also yes I know about strange journey there's just no catchy pictures for it like this.

I should really get around to playing SMT one of these days.

That doesn't even look like real Miku.


She was also a guest in Dave Letterman's show.

