STRAWPOLL: Do you support amnesty for DREAMers in exchange for border wall funding?

I support the deportation of every single shitskin

No. Blow your brains out.

I considered voting "OP is a faggot" purely because OP was faggot enough to include a pointless choice like that, but in the end its as Trump said.

The Wall Funding should be shoved into the next Defense bill. If the Cucks won't fund it then use an executive order to defund the defence funding by 250 billion.

I might have been naive enough too if I didn't know that the Democrats used the exact same trick on Reagan thirty years ago.

The actual physical wall is not entirely necessary, even though I and many Americans want it. Simply getting rid of anti-immigration enforcement roadblocks like DACA, sanctuary cities and actually punishing companies that hire illegals would be an economic wall

Also a wall doesnt matter if you just allow them to fly over it with the right papers

So much this

There is NO COMPROMISE with anti-white genocidal traitors.

deport them to hell
fuck sharing a planet with them

This. Enforcing our laws and reducing legal immigration would solve our immigration issues even without a wall, the wall just makes it easier on the border patrol and harder for future administrations to roll back the changes.

No. All beaners have to get the fuck out of our country. DACA faggots are just the first bunch that have been given a pass, time to strip all the birthright citizen bean people of their citizenship and deport their asses too.

checked, deport them all


Absolutely Not.

Anti-Trump shills are bombarding the poll.


We just need 5 more!


go back to reddit.


Absolutely fucking not. Amnesty is forever. You make that deal, they'll fuck you over after the fact on border wall funding and pull funding as quickly as they can, after the damage has been done.

Never trade something up front for a promise in the future with an unreliable enemy.

They're already here.

And they need to go back.

you go back with them, user

No. We don't need to trade for rescinding unconstitutional executive orders. If Congress won't fund a border wall, we can easily find other EO's to rescind, or otherwise find leverage against them.

No i don't fucking support it, the law is the law. They came here illegally and they have to go the fuck back where they came from. No exceptions, no trade-offs. Trump finally gets something good done and it's IMMEDIATELLY undermined because 'we make a trade'. And when it comes to the wall you will come with something different? Fuck off.

Remember Goyim:

You're an anti-Trump shill if you don't support the notion that (maybe) repairing a hairline fracture in your hull is a bigger concern than Lake Erie's worth of (muddy) water in your boat.

i guess you want the wall for the wall's sake. because it's supposed to have a purpose, beside allowing you not to look at mexico.

Nope. Sure fucking don't
Hang all shitskins total genocide of all non-whites now

No. No compromises. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile and then demand five more.

Well that and I guarantee if this sort of deal were done, they wouldn't actually uphold their end of the bargain. They never fucking do.

The history of US politics can basically be summed up as the conservatives compromising with the liberals, but the compromise only actually means conservatives giving away half as much, and the liberals still gaining half of what they would've wanted. It's never a REAL compromise. It's just "lol okay we promise to not fuck you over as much". Look at gun rights, for example. Constant whittling of rights, constantly compromising, and for what?

Why so many voted Yes?

In general, absolutely not. But a thread was floating the 4D chess idea of using it as leverage to get democrats to vote for shit like the wall.
In that scenario, I think applications SILL need to cease immediately, but those people don't necessarily need to be deported. I mean, we have millions of criminal illegals ON THE BOOKS. Get through that entire list before starting on the DACA database.

This. He should let them have accept the wall first, then still fuck DACA afterwards for pure fuckery.

correction: I meant "those people", as in people whose applications were approved, not the applicants I was talking about right before.

This is how I would explain the situation to people.

Because they're fucking morons who think that everything we want will come true if we just keep 800k illegals around, rather than realizing it would just be Trump giving them what they want, and they'd be free to not uphold their end of the bargain

/r/the_donald invaders, paid shills, trolls, chess cucks, and retards who think Trump is secretly the second coming of Hitler.

It's also not entirely necessary to feed people on welfare. We should just spend that money on the wall instead.



Its a quarantine so yeah I personally would

Guaranteed OP is a fucking "based Spic" thinking he can finagle his way in. All mestizos have to fucking leave. Period.

if you do a DNA test and prove you're ethnically European, you can stay as long as you promise to never speak that disgusting bean language…


Obviosly I voted OP is a fag, but my opinion is no.

The thing about the wall, is it should be needed - if the US had a reputation for actually deporting illegals as soon as they were found, illegals wouldn't try and get into the country. Programs like DACA are the reason the wall is "needed."

Why? He's right you know.

Holy shit OP is a major faggot


Its like in school when your friend at lunch asks you if you would get your arm cut off for 5 billion dollars.

The Wall is non-negotiable. So much of Trump's campaign was based around that, so many memes. It was definitely one of the big reasons he got in.

I'd rather be anti Trump then anti white

never compromise.

>there are 36 t_d shills lurking this board right now

That's a horrible compromise, but… yes. I think that crawls over the threshold of palatability.

You're trying to force a problem that simply doesnt exist, op. The DoD has billions of reserve bullets and millions of trained soldiers already on the pay roles. As any reasonable person can see, no problem exists except our weak elected officials who commit treason against the American people everyday.

You're trying to force a problem that simply doesnt exist, op. The DoD has billions of reserve bullets and millions of trained soldiers already on the pay roles. As any reasonable person can see, no problem exists except our weak elected officials who commit treason against the American people everyday.

No, trading amnesty for a wall is closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. DACA people should be deported now. Prioritizing "criminals" is stupid; just get rid of every one you see.