Fuck you, Holla Forums!

Fuck you, Holla Forums!


Jon Bernthal. Goddamn it says it right in the titl, brainlet.



updated version

Funny how Jewish the skinhead looks. Is Rick & Morty more redpilled than we thought?

He's going to make alt-right porn and he will swallow with a smile.

Why would anyone on the right like this considering they replaced the Punisher with a pathetic limp-wristed kike. To top it off its on Netflix of all things. What a joke, kikes being synonymous with heroism, they're in their own little world.

But then again the alt-right is infested with kosher MAGApedes, I wouldn't be surprised. They're probably all heart broken over this revelation.

Brah look at this dude.

Literally, who?

Dolph Lundgren is my Punisher.

everyone looks jewish on that show tbh

oh boy nothing like a good cripplefight




stfu, court jester and entertain us

Its hard to see him as the punisher when he got humiliated and beaten up in sicario.

You know according to MSM, reddit, twitter, kikebook etc you’re alt right just for posting here?

He's right


Thomas Jane is the only true punisher.

The Punisher was never good.

This. Edgelord trash.



His face doesn't even change every time he gets hit. Low effort trash.


No user, he's 100% yid.

Delet this.

Tom Jane punisher was best Punisher.

What else is he going to say? Fuck my kike NSA partner I love the alt right?

yeah, I see what you mean, but this guy is a total shitskin so I don't think he would like the alt-right even if there weren't a negative stigma with them.

Get outta here with that shit! The Thomas Jane movie sucks ass. It failed to capture the essence of the character. Instead of him kicking ass like he does in the comics, he mostly just gets his ass kicked. He barely kills anyone in the movie and spends his time drinking and torturing goons with popsicle sticks. Motherfuck'n lame!

>(slow heavy metal music playing)

The Irony of Italian, Roman Catholic Frank Castle being played by a Kike is somehow fitting for the current state of Marvel.

Do these Netflix Punisher alt-right fans actually exist?

Fuck you, Holla Forums

I posit a true Punisher movie could never be made.

Ever. Especially nothing based on Punisher MAX. Marvel is run by kikes and leftist pussies, who're too afraid of the true source material for hard edged characters like Frank Castle.

They already made it back in 1989.

Close enough, really.

The show's just kind of lame.


This sucked. It's based on Garth Ennis' bullshit run.

Are you gay or something, is that your problem?

I don't like Garth Ennis. 80's Punisher is the only one worth reading/watching.

Fuck you, Holla Forums

This is the only Punisher, tbhfma

Is that 2086?





what is alt-right desu

Ennis is a tool shed of the highest order but he wrote some good Punisher stories. Mother Russia Valley Forge, and Born were excellent.

The movie sucked ass, but his portrayal in the game was fantastic.

Wow sure showed me! wtf I love antifa now



Come on, that couldn't possibly be true!

Fuck you, Holla Forums