Legion is just around the corner. In case anyone needs a reminder on why it's probably going to be a terrible expansion:

Legion is just around the corner. In case anyone needs a reminder on why it's probably going to be a terrible expansion:

-Plot is…corrupted with more retarded story-telling by Metzen and crew. Almost every character dies corrupted, or has to be redeemed. I'll let someone else go into how stupid the story has become with Illidan as the destined hero, "Sargeras wasn't so bad," and half of the characters being…CORRUPTED. My head hurts when I think about this shit.

-Garrisons are coming back through class quests and halls, and…are probably even worse than WoDs. Blizzard learn nothing from the WoD backlash.

-Possible sjw-catering bullshit all over the expansion (e.g. Sylvanus and her armor even though her design was always bad, Azeroth being a female titan or some stupid shit).

-Class pruning and reworks have been criticized for ruining certain specs if not an entire class (Warriors got fucked over big time). Off-healing specs almost lost their revive spells, which made the community lose their shit, making Blizzard change their mind.

-Jay Wilson (the guy who almost killed Diablo) and Wyatt Cheng (the guy who ruined Diablo 3 and it's expansion with forced playstyles and terrible power creeps no one likes) are involved with Legion, but Jay left the team. Expect some god-awful power creeps from Cheng or worse.

-Blizzard removed any add-on/options that changed the camera view or your ui in the initial release, and come 7.1 they will be removing more addon stuff.

That's right, come 7.1 Legion will start to remove [certain] raid add-ons that helped you with range and positioning. This one is controversial because some raid bosses were almost impossible without them, and Blizzard used to be cool with addons in the past (Durumu in MoP was a fucking nightmare without addons, and I heard Archimonde on the hardest difficulty was impossible). Blizzard won't admit their recent raid boss designs suck.

-Some dungeons are already getting shit on like the new Violet Hold (one room of the same shit all over again, but you don't get different bosses this time). Karazan is coming back as a mythic 5 man (9 bosses), but Blizzard is keeping their mouths shut about it.

I'm not going to be surprised to know Legion has day one problems, or worse; however, a part of me wants to play this trainwreck of an expansion.

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder WoW was never good.

Obligatory WoW was never good post.

WoW was ok once.


Good thing, it used to be mass revive on everything.
Like 20% of changes are positive and 80% negative.
Tanks are fucked over, no dps cooldowns, no nothing, just regular rotation gives you damage reduction.
1 button rotation for demon hunters is not a fucking joke, its really 1 button + autoattack.
Also game turning into diablo. Legendary items is not overly long quest chain, but a random drop from random mob. Also some areas clearly designed from diablo, probably from blizzzard north stolen work.
Guldan dindu nuffin, traitors dindu nuffin, no one din du nuffin. They probablu turn lovecraftian gods into dindus.

Besides a priest spec, the only way you can get a mass revive is through the guild spell. No other spec had it iirc.

So which specs or classes were the lucky ones? I'm gonna laugh if they ruined Monk again.

I['m still baffled by Sylvanus being the Horde leader when she's been a crazy, sleazy bitch since Vanilla.


Need some photoshop of him as Illidan or a Demon Hunter.

Is the one button rotation for real? Like, it's just one button and then when your big damage stuff comes off cooldown you use them, or it it just 1 skill that mathmatically works out to be the most damage all the time?

Yea, there's no way one rotation can be that simple and retarded at the same time.

Tell Blizz you needed to buy photoshop for dank OC. Maybe they'll give you a bigger shill check.

W was good though.

scissor me timbers

But I can do it for free on paint. Besides, fuck Kotick for ruining Blizzard.


There's no way all these "Be careful it's gonna suck!" threads every 1-2 days aren't shill threads just trying to keep awareness of it going so SOME stupid fucks here end up buying it. Slide and check'em


What the fuck?

Well, right now its one fucking button. There are also dps cooldown. Implied that it will ahve more percs and skills on 101-110 + leg weapon, but right now its one fucking button. You generate resouce with autoattacks and spend them with one button. Just like in good old days. But now you just have 10 buttons instead of 40 and lots of utility.

stay mad

It was a porn dump already. He was on his third post.


oh well, stay mad tho

If you say it a third time, you summon Gilda Mars.

be angry friend :^)

How is it a shill thread if most of the posts are shitting on some really stupid things like slowly removing addons that were needed to kill a raid boss because they can't make good bosses since…well, even during BC or Wrath?

That sounds really stupid.

What a fag.

Didn't BM Hunters already have a one button macro build in BC?

oh well

Until the last few expansions, hunters were the "organ keyboard" class even with macros. You needed a couple of macros to justify anyone bringing you into a raid.

Hotpocket confirmed a wownigger and a blizzdrone

Every class has no more than 2 pages of skills. Some classes is like one page of skills + a few passives. Raid utility removed, off-class skills removed. Wanna tank a little bit as frost/unholy dk? Too bad, stances removed. Whole gameplay right now is managing stacks and CD for dps or tank. May be heals is something different, but heals are gay anyway.


Wait, what? So now they're pure dps, but only one of them is probably good for any endgame content?

why even bother talking about plot in wow at this point? i seriously hope no one plays this game for the story.

no. they're better. they're class halls so you share them with other people who play the same class meaning you won't be fucking stranded in your settlement, you'll actually see and be able to interact with other players of the same class. they also have portals to dalaran so you can easily enter the main city from them. in fact, they feel a lot less disjointed and a lot more like a part of the city and the game itself.

possible end of the world next year but it's still a stupid argument to make

that's nothing new. blizzard has been ruining specs and classes throughout the game constantly then buffing them up again etc. etc.

this sounds like a good idea tbh. why make such a powerful spell commonly available to everyone. fuck that.

blizzard has been recycling old content since wotlk. if this is news to you you're just fucking uneducated on the subject

i won't be playing the game but half your post is just empty speculation and bullshit.

> Porn dumps (3+ posts with spoilered or unspoilered NSFW pictures) belong on >>>/vp/ or any other porn board of your choice.

What kind of hot pocket is it?

49 shekels for this terrible game I don't even want to play but I want to chill with my e-friends


They're still shitty garrisons forced own your throat one way or another, and people wanted less garrisons. It's stupid to remove revies off of the off-heal specs because your raids won't always have that one heal class with a revive spell. Besides, it wasn't like every off-heal had a revive either.

I only brought up Kara because the dungeons have been 50-50 from what I heard about the beta. They're either interesting or shit like new Violet Hold.

Nice try, shill.

Awesome post, fellow V!

topkek. you made the thread, fuckstick

i actually think this expansion at the very least won't be the plate of cold diarrhea that warlords was for one big reason: blizzard has to know that this is it, this is the one that will make or break their game

warlords permanently pissed off a lot of long-time players to the point that they don't even play anymore. i know that i played from the last vanilla beta all the way to about a week into warlords and that's where I quit, and the same with like my entire guild and a bunch of irl friends i have. blizzard might have forgotten how to make good games but they do know how to make money and they've gotta know that this is their hail mary

I don't know how it's full of shit when more than half of it's confirmed. Even Fat Boss is trying hide their mixed feelings about Legion.

your main resource builder, i.e. the button you spam until you can hit another button, can be talented into a passive that generates resource from auto attacks

it's the most boring thing i've ever seen - i took the talent thinking it added resource to autoattacks in addition to your main ability, but nope, it replaces your main ability

Non healing hybrids still have revives if you're talking about specs like Enhancement shammy or feral druid.

It's not hard to call someone's post bullshit when you blatantly ignore the points being made.

What does your "muh community! muh city integration!" have to do with shitty facebook games being the grind loop a second time? Nobody fucking cares if you can see other people or not in your class hall when it's doing everything else wrong.

As for class pruning, if they keep making the same exact mistake again and again then why do you keep playing? The sweeping changes in this expansion are extreme compared to the gradual steps of old expacs. The only thing comparable is the talent rework and that still wasn't as extreme as this.

think of a rogue that, instead of using SS, generates combo points from autoattacks

Made me check and now I'm disappointed.
2 posts out of 104 is "full of it"? It's like you've never seen an actual porn dump.

Removing camera modifications through add-ons and some raid addons will finally prove if Blizzard can make a decent raid boss (which they can't). You really needed those addons and stuff like DMB for bosses like Durumu, and apparently Archimonde on Mythic. Fat Boss was joking how splash damage will probably make or break guilds if Blizzard is trying to remove addons that help with range.

Wouldn't every guild stop using melee dps altogether?

why is disc priest so dogshit this expac holy fuck. why is resto shaman so gimped holy fuck

Some have better numbers.

2 buttons is too much for darkness hedgehog. And its not like there are other buttons like it was before. They coldnt even make a 3 specks for this shit.

The reasoning for recycling used to be "almost nobody ever got to experience this content"
Everybody and their grandmother got to do karazan back in the day, unless you were a useless class/spec, and refused to change.

Any one can tell me why announce kara now? Are they gonna roll 7.1 before end of year? Why the hell they have such hard on rushing content early when end of expansions have so long stale period?

They managed to turn their license to print money into yet more shit. tfw no hot Tauren female Demon Hunter

I want to marry that tauren

It won't be big lose to kick remaining 2 out of raid.

Blizz tried to make raid addons less useful in TBC by changes in what was announced at combat log, if made Void Reaver way harder when boss modes did't tell you who was targeted by arcane orbs, but both big wings and boss mod found way around it

Great ideas. Removing things from the game is improving it.

I recently went back used the free trail thing just to see how it has changed and everything just seems "weightless" mobs just feel like roadblocks more than anything. I know I was only a low level, but all the rotations seemed to shallow and boring. I remember it being sort of like that in MoP but it feels like it is just getting worse. I wish they fixed the old talent system rather than scraping it for what is in the game now.

There is more buttons on low level right now than it was before. And there is no rotation on low level. And old talent system was "each class has one good talent build and the rest is shit". But now you dont seem to progress at all with level. One stupid talent each 15 levels and 1 skill each 10.

makes sense since its an elf unit in war3?

I just hope it flops hard.

Why do we even have these threads?

I mean I could understand it if they were at least correct but whenever you guys bitch about WoW it's just making shit up and spreading misinformation.

I'm fairly certain he's referring to the mission table in the class halls, which heavily borrows from the Garrison mission system, as I understand it.

Except revives weren't that powerful. They just made recovering from wipes a bit faster, and healers getting mass rezzes pretty much makes it a moot point anyway (although wipe recovery is fucking fast as is).

You're conflating rotations getting hypersimplified, becoming completely different from what they once were with things getting nerfed to the ground. I'm sure the OP means the former. Marksman hunter is probably one of the biggest jokes in the game now in terms of ability count.

That doesn't make it okay. Although some recycled content is fine, if revamped dungeons fall under the umbrella of "recycling".

but it's true, demon hunters were a nelf unit. It'd be wierd to have a Tauren Demon Hunter etc.

Doesn't matter, Hearthstone and Memewatch have probably made them equivalent or more than WoW's total money

you'd think after they added the heirloom items that level up with you they'd just scale every dungeon, or at least raid, in the game so you can do it at any level and still get some nice stuff or experience.

Top kek


Why are you even fucking posting here?


tfw this game is going to be the savior of WoW.

I seek comfort in finding people as retarded as me. Isn't that why we're all here?

They could have at least waited for the fucking beta before doing anything.

Metzen pls go

no only complete faggots would still be playing wow.
least play fucking ffxiv if your gonna play wow jesus fuck

The Lich King is dead, and World of Warcraft died with him

It won't be a flop because Blizzard knows the best method to milk WoW.
Player retention isn't their goal with Legion, it'll probably have as little content post-release as WoD. That's their business model for WoW now: build a lot of hype for the expansion, get people to buy it then get started on the next expansion while doing at most minor updates to the existing game. They don't make money off of patches so they just don't put any effort in them.

it won't flop cause of the amount of droning still going on but it will probably have terrible bugs for the first few months like WoD

Friendly reminder to the hardcore addicts that the only way you can voice your discontent is to not buy the expansions when they come out.

The game is basically a B2P model at this point and they rely on pumping boxes before saddling you with 2 year long patches.

I felt like A team knew and wanted it to be the finale of WoW. I felt like it was done after we killed him on H 25 and I unsubbed.

BS, every healing spec has it and the guild spell was removed.

Considering the A-Team moved to Titan after WotLK, that's pretty much what happened.

Unfortunately, that became Overwatch. RIP in peace.

Lich king on the side of players now. Giving quests and shit.

This is one of the worst threads I've seen in awhile that wasn't like, 100% not vidya.

I haven't touched Wow for 2 years when WoD implemented so many shitty things, and Capcom products for 4 years after getting burned by SFxT and UMvC3. It is possible to drop games & their developers.

I almost resubbed to play Legion until I heard about Garrison 2.0, and Blizzard removing addon features.

Recycled content isn't bad when it's done right.

Tauren Demon Hunters sounds almost as bad as the other races being Death Kni- oh. =(

Kinda funny how heirlooms ruined groups more than helped them when you think about it.

That approach cost them nearly 3-5 million subs and maybe more because people sick of WoD's shit content (Blizzard won't announce subcription stats anymore). I think this expansion actually killed a couple of top raiding guilds.

I didn't know they removed it in WoD.


Every thread is the worst thread.

Just happened in the 7.0 pre-patch. In WoD the guild spell still existed.

Never underestimate Metzens idiocity.

And of course is Arthas in control, not Nezhul how it was supposed to be.

Daily reminder that Arthas is a little bitch and in the end of the Frozen Throne Nezhul should be the one in control of all the powers of the Lich King.

"I have been revived through some lore mechanic bullshit…I mean SUPERNATURAL ELEMENT THAT SAVED ILLIDAN, and now we're best buddies; however, I'm about to be corrupted."

"To redeem me, you must collect 20 bear asses. Hurry, I feel the corrupting going through my veins!"

10g 53s 69c
Item that doesn't help your spec.

Tyrande has no idea how to lead our people

Most of this stuff is true though. Blizzard is changing how you can modify the camera via addons, and according to Fat Boss 7.1 will be killing any addon that helps you with range distance like dbm. Blizzard literally made an announcement about the camera changes, knowing it will probably upset some players (you need to change your camera view for some raid fights).

People have been bitching about the class pruning and reworks because classes like Warrior got really fucked over (Monk is still a joke). Dungeons are hit and miss (again, new Violet Hold).

Rogue got fucked over the most, but they were overdue due to sidestepping most of the WoD prune and being godly at ignoring mechanics , how ridiculous was a top 10 defensives list in modern WoW?

That's why I said some recycled content is fine. So long as it's something beyond a cheap rehash where most of the changes are just retuning, but the mobs are identical with maybe some different ones thrown in, it can be acceptable. 4.1 was probably the best showcase of these two types of recycles.

The only thing that could get me to resub at this point is if I get the feels and miss my characters again.

The one good thing that WoW even brings anymore and the faggot hotpockets delete it.

Not to be an ass but why does anyone care about a MMO story these days?

It's just a grindan game.

I think they could have fudged it a bit and gotten orc and Draenei as demon hunters too. It is not like they have not done far worse.

Because FF14 managed to do it better than WoW ever wished it could and Actiblizz is jelly as fuck. See all the new cutscenes hamfisted into the game now.


What is open-world character progression? leveling up by grinding?

Blizzard has been copying features from other MMOs as early as Warhammer Online, if not before that.

But didn't they just rip off Game of Thrones with their expansion?

I know that. Blizzard is successful because it successfully copies other games and companies. Blizzard copying FFXIV shows that they're scared of that game, and felt they needed to copy it to keep WoW alive. Squeenix should feel flattered.

They're handing out gear for absolutely everything, and it can be Warforged/Titanforged, and the value of the stats will go up as the expansion continues, so shit that's meant to be done regularly doesn't become obsolete when new shit to do is released. Also artifact item grindan.

Oh, that sounds good. Still they wouldn't allow players to level up different classes with the same character, so they could be better.

This is why I love this hell hole. I was a second away from pulling the trigger on the pre order, this thread brought be back to my senses. but really is there even a good mmo on the market right now

It was memes and references, as usual, and even they cant afford lawsuit with hbo.

If you like survival sim versus hordes of russians you can try Haven and hearth. Permadeath and shit.

No. They even turned Black Desert Online into a full P2W hell and is losing players like crazy.

I just want to roleplay a giant merchant and trade with players regardless of faction.

i preordered it, boosted a lock, realized demonology is no longer fun (rip grimoire of supremacy) and then got my money back.

There are pathetic addictions and there's this.

The supremacy pets are still in the game, they are just glyphs now.
Tanky infernal performs better than the voidlord, which was the only meaningful gameplay change that the talent offered.

How am I even so good even tho this thread is shit

Yeah, but you can't use Doomguard or Infernal as cooldowns with Supremacy

Blizzard is trying to compete on 'story' now?

Well they're fucked then.

The main thing WoW always seemed to do a bit better than others was giving you a variety of ways to play and some varied dungeons. And now it sounds like they're not even adding new abilities this expansion, which is something…

I'm baffled how I didn't see this earlier. But fuck it, at least Overwatch players look like they're having fun. With WoW it's the same tinge of desperation that you saw in the angriest parts of the forums during Vanilla, only across the community.
I should thank the A-team for wrapping this one up when they did. As casual as WoTLK got, you could tell they cared about it.

I do this shit because it drives me insane how people get worked up over WoW's characters as if Blizzard are creating nuanced drama when in fact they're just really bad writers. It's the same mentality that made people act like Garrosh, Cataclysm or MoP's stories weren't just asspulled

Damn the market it really shitty. Still not giving bizzkike my money though

I re downloaded it and put gold up for my sub. Had a few wines and ended up buying the expansion.

does blizzard do refunds?

Honestly look at the preorder """"perks"""" they don't even include a free month. blizz's kikery is out of control


Well if you complain enough and cite some laws you usually can get a refund if it has not been to long. Or you can chargeback if you want to go though with that.

Iif he does a chargeback, his battle.net account would be banned.

So win/win

It was a nice little world while it lasted.

This worries me.


Yeah, they just lock your boosted character so you can't log into it.

i bet her rectum isn't even cavernous

fucking poser

Wow gameplay is fun, most of the complaints are overreactions. This is a shill thread though and should be saged.

Was fun, sure. Its current over-simplisticy homogeneity is no longer that.

sure, when you can find it

when you're able to tear yourself away from your fucking garrison

when you're able to find 9-24 other motherfuckers who are also bored with LFR and aren't fucking braindead from 4 years of LFR

or, of course, when you can find a vanilla private server that hasn't felt the mighty girth of blizzard's legal department yet

So complex and mysterious. The meta game was better though, garrisons/lfr and too many difficulties were a fucking mistake.

This is just nonsense

Not really. Its boring, oversimplified and tedious. They gave me one of those free week trials to try to entice me back, and it was the most boring shit ever. I didnt even need my soul pouch anymore for my shards. And all this seperated people takes away from the feeling of community you'd get, like waiting around the pvp battlemasters in your council chamber and just shit-talking other guys you knew from other guilds there.

ur face is nonsense

You never played vanilla, did you?

Invested 4 weeks due to a lack of other shit to play to see what they did.
Most is so dumbed down that it is unplayable.

Only spec i enjoyed was Shadow Priest.

>Surrender to Madness is a fun make or break skill vid related

I can see how this is challenging in mythic content.

Yeah all those useless spells like buffs and class specific abilities. Haha, Fray Island, what's that? Call of the elements? Those things are just a nuisance.

until you download fucking healbot for dot classes, thanks blizz

Varian dies. Sylvanas questline is about killing Greymane. Thrall is still alive. Burning Legion are sorta good guys now because they're trying to stop "The Shadow Lords". Elune is the only true goddess. The Light and the Naaru come from Elune. Elune also made the Titans. Azeroth is a titan egg. Demons can be purified and become paladins.

On the plus side, there will be more draenei porn in the future.


but that would have been true even if legion didn't exist

we could have had draenei porn without having to endure a world in which legion exists

Eventually the draenei porn will die out when Warcraft itself dies out. I'm fine with shitty expansions coming out if it means more blue goat bitches for my dick.

The only shill here is you for saying Wow is fun in its current state. Nice try, Metzen.

All she did, ALL SHE DID FOR THE HORDE was signal the retreat (without telling or even hinting the Alliance). Her entire character was leading to a point where she was becoming no different than the Lich King, and then SUDDENLY, Vol'jin the worst Warcheif the Horde ever had just decides "Hey mon, les' let dis walking political disaster be warcheef because da spirits!"


Hey man, not like Vol'jin could just hand it to Baine or something. People don't masturbate to Baine. They masturbate to Sylvanas. That is why Sylvanas is going to find a way to redeem herself without having to permanently die. If she dies, we'll lose some porn artists!

Also the worst Warchief is obviously Thrall.

Oh that's not even the funniest part, look up the lore for the new sword "Apocolypse" that the death knight class will get. If you think everyone with the Ashbringer is stupid, imagine everyone with a weapon that can end most life on the planet is.

just googled it

fanfic bullshit.

you know they've been doing nothing but nerfing StM since the alpha right

Just reminds me of how some of the corrupted shit in Darksiders II looked.

Let me guess, even the blade itself is corrupted.

Even TBC knew no one wanted to do old shit so they just hit old cap and boom away you go to new shit.


I bet you would love the corrupted version of Ashbringer that Ret Paladins can get. Or rather, the corrupt version of Ashbringer that Ret Paladins can turn Ashbringer into, since they get a purified Ashbringer.

Look at what they have done to the Ashbringer, one of the skins is literally just a broken sword

Sounds like a libertarian paradise.

Seems neat. Probably useful for melee too, I could definitely see the appeal for this as a windwalker since you're forced to tab target for SCK.

It's not like previous expansions were all that complex honestly. I used to main a sub rogue which was pretty fun, but the majority of specs were just as simple as they are now.

I mean people keep talking about two button rotations, but that's what Assassination used to be like in ICC. Mutilate, Mutilate, Envenom, 1 mutilate if I got that ruthlessness proc then envenom, don't be retarded and overlap envenom buff, refresh HfB once in a while (maybe I had to throw up rupture in a 5 man, but in a raid someone else definitely had a bleed rolling I could use)

Every fucking time. Can't just be some runeblade with a bloody past; has to be made by vampire demons.

Admittedly I haven't paid a huge amount of attention to Legion (I quite way back toward the start of cataclysm), but something makes me think that every one of these relic weapons or whatever they are have some corrupted variant. Just seems like the dumb sort of shit they'd pull.

Also, why are there five of them? Might be wrong, but were there supposed to be three specs or something (and as such I'd assume one per spec)?

That purple one honestly looks much more fitting for a Death Knight weapon, and less stupid looking than most in .

oh no, their is just 5 "skins" for each weapon of each spec. The other 2 DK artifact weapons (A CURRUPTED mace for Blood spec, and literally just frostmourne reforged into two swords for the Frost spec) are both boring as fuck and don't have the hilarious lore of the 'Apocalypse'.

Unholy Death Knights should have gotten Armageddon sword from Naxxramas not this fanfic bullshit

The undead were made by the Burning Legion to begin with though. Doesn't seem all that strange to me.

The entire theme of Deathknights is corruption pretty much, is it really surprising their weapons are of the same vein? The monk weapons are pretty tame for instance, you literally run around making beer for the BrM staff.

Ok bud

So are the skins just a visual? No stat variations between them?

Yeah, I suppose in a way they're still demonically related. It just strikes me more that the undead aspect should be given priority.

Might be wrong, but as far as player death knights went, if memory serves back in WotLK it was more that they'd been reanimated and forced to do the Lich King's bidding until Tirion and Darion broke them free. I'd think there's a difference between that and Burning Legion/Old Gods corruption and/or mutation, but maybe it's just me.

Yeah, that would have been a better choice in my opinion. I mean, it's one thing that Frostmourne is essentially already used for another spec, but I'd have thought it would likely be better to go with some more well known things where possible than an Original the Weapon as a relic (I suppose some classes/specs would have an easier time than others about that). So maybe that for Unholy and that Icecrown Citadel legendary axe for Blood, or something.

yep, you upgrade through a rune system were basically you make your weapon more and more op, the visuals are gained through achievements and quests so you can have an unmolested doomhammer or ashbringer

I'll never understand how so many people are so fucking bad at fucking strafing.

A lot of people still keyboard turn in CURRENT YEAR.

I don't know, Im still on the edge of trying this one.
I skipped panda express and tried warlords xpac. Had fun for leveling then it went down hill and i bailed. Thinking about trying again but garrisons are just a bad idea. Why cant they just fucking abandon them? If i wanted single player i would play modded skyrim.

get lost shill

Haven't done much pve since patch dropped but PvP changes are great instead of grinding bgs/arenas without PvP gear and just having a shit time because no matter what you do you are never beating the guy with the full PvP set you can now just jump in and it is more based on skill over gear which is how it should be. The ability pruning also I hated when I first got back on but once I got used to it now each spec plays differently and most of the abilities that had little to no use. So for PvP atleast I'm keen for the coming season.

That second one from the left, made from tonka toys, seems to have a dildo attachment.

There's fun gameplay to be had if they tune the numbers correctly and make the missions more about progressing to collect the big rewards than constantly logging on every 8 hours to make ridiculous gold. Did you experience the garrison shipyard? It was a step in the right direction. I didn't find myself religiously checking it. There was a point where I enjoyed myself working out the missions because the addon Master Plan was broken for around a week. I found myself with guildies making a mage tower and farming ogres in bloodmaul slagmines and frostfire ridge to sidestep a lot of the legendary ring timegating. Once I obtained the heirloom rings from the shipyard, I even found myself fulfilled and feeling like I had "beaten" the garrison shipyard. If the class hall mission table can give me that kind of experience again, I'm all for it.

Would Blizzard make money selling ridiculously expensive Combat Flying Mounts that let you fight while flying and not be dismounted on contact? Fuckit have them indoors too. If they're dumbing down the game go all out in a blaze of glory

Though I still find it funny that people are upset they have to play the game to get to the expansion areas. Not every expansion can be the Plane of Time ala EQ1. :^)

One step forward, ten steps back.

Oh look, another expansion.
Why don't they just create world of warcraft 2?
Thank god I jumped off the blizz train after WotLK

But… you don't need to clear coil to access heavensward, you just need to do main scenario quests.

People who still play / want to play this shit deserve to suffer. Don't bother reminding / warning them.

Go back to the battle.net forums, peasant.



And I still read horror stories from my friends that play that game saying the WoW refugees cry about having to hit level 30 to access to the new classes and beat the main story.

Well, the main scenario questline DOES have 233 quests before you reach the expansion.

But the way I understand it is that the expansion just continues the main quest but the new classes can be picked up in the main area of the world without having to get that far in the story.

The three new jobs introduced in the expansion require you to enter its main city, which is gated behind quest #234

I'm torn. Part of me says that's bullshit but the other part of me is wondering why it's bullshit when the game requires you to play it to unlock new shit.

-Blizzard removed any add-on/options that changed the camera view or your ui in the initial release, and come 7.1 they will be removing more addon stuff.
That's right, come 7.1 Legion will start to remove [certain] raid add-ons that helped you with range and positioning. This one is controversial because some raid bosses were almost impossible without them, and Blizzard used to be cool with addons in the past (Durumu in MoP was a fucking nightmare without addons, and I heard Archimonde on the hardest difficulty was impossible).

So shitters need to learn to play and not just download an addon now? That is a good change

It makes sense because FFXIV is a story driven game and has a focus on unlocking things as you progress.

It's bullshit because plenty of people joined the game to start playing as a Dark Knight or a Machinist, and those 3 jobs are gated behind killing six separate beastmen gods, a physical incarnation of chaos, and a giant ass dragon.
And a few dozen fetchquests.

Note; The last one is Astrologian. I can count, I just can't think about what I'm saying as I type.

Progression is fun in WoW. Gameplay is only fun because it gives you rewards like gear and exp.
There is good reason why people hunt Time Lost Proto Drake for months. It is much more fun to get most rare mount in the game than it is to clear dungeons for duration of that time.

Its just such a dull game now.


they finally separated it holy fuck.
hell i think most grindfest korean games have done this how is this a hard thing to understand that needs to be done to pvp
gw2 still has not done this and their first game did
ffxiv did this straight off the back because its instanced already since there is no world pvp and that games pvp aint bad just hell of long que times

It's a pretty cool way of doing things honestly.

Keeps everything based in the actual story of the game which is sorta key to everything.

One of the problems in WoW is that the world just started feeling smaller and smaller as you began to just skip through portions of it. So in FF14 they have you only actually open up the world to really do things as you complete the main quests.

May sound odd at first to need to take some time to get to where you can unlock the other jobs/classes, but it's a game where you can play everything on one character so you'd be doing a variety of classes anyway.

Mortal Online > WoW

I'm ready anons, from Garrison commander to my newly promoted Faction leader title.

Feels good mein

Aside from how Sylvanas has become the most iconic Horde leader who isn't Thrall, she has more qualifications(if only through battle) than the other non-Thrall Horde leaders short of Lor'themar. And Lor'themar just not popular enough.

WotLK ruined Arthas. He didn't even have his humor.

You can thank Arthas' Darth Vader Syndrome for that. He was was one of WC3's poster boys so of course they'd have WotLK focus on Arthas so hard while Ner'zhul fades off until a novel kills him .



source: forum.nostalrius.org/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=44362

also i'm not the guy who posted that there but i don't expect Holla Forums to believe that

so, time for some math

if i recall correctly, a server population cap is maybe 2500 or 3500 players, im not sure which
most of the servers are less than "high" pop

i dont know what the ranged for medium, low, and new players are, so ill just do this instead

given that there are maybe 110 servers across the images, give or take a few, that means that if all the servers were listed at full and full meant 3500 players, then there could only be 385000 players at once as of when those pictures were taken if all the realms said full, but they didnt

so given the populations of the servers, its probably alot closer to 80000 players at the time of screenshoting

what a flop for an MMO that big

does anyone know the ranged for low pop servers, new players servers, and medium, servers?

wow niggers leave, I hope this expansion flops so blizzard can swallow their pride, admit they wasted everybody`s time with the last 3 expansions and launch a vanilla server

Kill yourself if you are playing retail right now

i love this face , he is like

":) well at least i die now before it become shit"

wow became shit in wotlk the next expansion simply continue what wotlk build.
but it really became 100% pure BS in warlord where you can easely have help from deinei from another dimention …

i mean, fuck what s stoping the burnign legion to do the same and use countless alternative reality to help them and rape azeroth ?

fucking heresy everywhere

With double dubs, I believe in anything you say, user.

Seriously, though, I'm waiting to get home from work and ask my brother (who pre-purchased this shit) to see if he got any queue on his server (when WoD released, there was a 2 hour queue at minimum).

That's part of the problem, though - WoW doesn't have iconic, likeable characters anymore, specially the Horde. Anyway, Baine should be the one leading them, not Ms. Stab-You-in-the-Back Windrunner.


He's a big guy.

why not a blood elf ?

Because, I guess, Canada got the privilege of having the first homosexual leader. No point in pandering to that audience anymore.

Does anyone has the time and patience to harvest some salt from the official forums?

While it's safe to presume that WoD had more people at launch, I recall Blizz being DDoS'd at launch, plus you had everyone in the same 2 questing areas at the start, whereas it's more split due to level scaling in Legion questing areas. I recall Blizz making server pop caps smaller as a temporary band-aid fix, which inflated queue time.

Apparently lag isn't a huge issue thus far.


EVE has great content if you explore in Sansha space for mad dosh to pay sub/skill injectors and roam with a small, bantsy gang in Null/WHs. Also the saltiest tears.

If you mean WoW clones, then no. Go play on a doom private server.

I can blame Sylvanas' popularity to all the fucking undead players?

For fuck's sake, I could even stand the Blood Elves, but I always hated the Forsaken in the horde, just a bunch of edgy faggots. Of course I only talk when I played private vanilla servers 8 or 10 years ago. I just wanted my monster faction where they weren't horrible people all the time.

So past Khadgar is in the main timeline now? Thought they wouldn't bring anything over from warlords, guess gave them too much credit. They likely thought the movie was gonna be huge so they wanted Khadgar in the game.



I don't care OP I bet you suck cocks btw Anyway, anyone who plays or thinks of playing WoW deserves cancer so that thread is kinda useless.

It wasn't really Arthas they showed, no. Thankfully I can excuse that as the Lich King merger, since despite Arthas taking dominance it isn't him or Ner'zhul; they both vanish for an amalgamation that doesn't compliment either.

shut up i'm happier saying this is what happened

Dude, NO ONE is excited. We're right there with you and begging for it to flop.

the point is to keep you giving us money, goy.

Guys, Why am I not excited to play Legion? I have Legion running right now but I can't push myself to play through any of the zones even though they look very well done.

Why must I be one of o' little faith?

It's even worse when you note that the Ebon Blade are around and serve as the "Undead Who Aren't Ridiculously Hostile To (Insert Player Race Here)."

The Forsaken as established in Vanilla shouldn't have been Horde to begin with. Like the Night Elves, they got a membership in a faction you had to do some serious stretching to fit them into. Which traces back to the faction system, a badly fitting artifact of the pre-WC3 RTS games.

bumping to remind Holla Forums that


Daily reminder that the release of GW2 and the internal destruction of ArenaNet killed off any chance of the MMO genre ever being good and WoW is just another symptom of this.


And the answer is because you're all too aware of what's to come. You've been through this song and dance. You've seen this movie. You're going to appreciate how pretty the zones are, but you know that once they're done, that's it. You're not going to continue your subscription after that. You know that the zones are only meant to be a primer for the endgame to come, but you also know that the endgame will underwhelm. There'll be almost nothing to do. You had the pretty cutscenes with the terrible writing since TBC that Blizzard hasn't bothered to improve. You had the joy of finding new talents and moves before confirming that most were useless, which came a lot sooner than it did during Cataclysm. You aren't even looking forward to the raids anymore because you know they'll be too casual and end too soon, and you won't care for anyone in the raid who LFR paired you up with; you haven't cared about them for years. If you had any friends left with WoW - the real reason most people still give Blizzard money every month - they're feeling just as empty right now too, because they see it all. Or they saw this long before Legion and left, and you have no way of reaching them again.

You are not one of little faith. You are one who is finally seeing the light. The World of Warcraft you loved, that you're still true to, is gone.

So anyone else pleasantly surprised launch wasn't fucking horrible like all previous blizz launches? I'm taken comepletely by surprise.

What past Khadgar? It was always current timeline Khadgar.

IS that the EU list, user? Because that old beta server was my home.
If any of you are from there and reading this, Jangas remembers the good times.

100% This.

Wow became a victim of its own success. They got greedy and wanted to pull in more short term subs instead of the long term autists that sustains the games longevity.

So they pandered to the casuals. Easier raids, LFR, Garrisons. All of these things destroyed any semblance the community. There was no need to join a guild, make friends, etc etc. No need to actually put in any amount of effort or preparation to overcome hard bosses with people you know and trust. There are no more challenges, unless you count pointless achievement grinding. Oh yea, have fun with grinding the faction rep for Broken Isle flying.

And now the sub count is so low they won't even publish the numbers anymore. Casuals leave because they have the attention span of gnat. Loyal autists are leaving because Blizz butchered the lore and gutted the core gameplay. Its lose lose for everyone.

Wow was great once. Remember it fondly, because it will never be what it was again.

From what I understand it isn't a static number, and it's based on server latency or something, so it stops accepting players once the server can't handle much more.
I believe the cap is much higher than 2500-3500 for retail though, but I have no idea what the actual numbers are. I know the low pop servers typically have 200-300 people.

So is this Expansion Illidan Dindu Nuffin: He A Good Boy?

I think he's like jesus now or something.
something something prophet to save everyone, he's just misunderstood etc.

I saw a cutscene were Illidan calls the players ignorant fools for attacking him. So Blizz has the players do something that makes little sense, the years later goes, "Haha you're so dumb for doing that, what were you thinking!?"

Metzen and Co. have a habit of trying to tell the players how they're supposed to see what happens. See them having one of the Panda's magical zoo animals come down to say how amazing Varian and how trash Tyrande is.

This is basically wolk remake with amount of content of one wolk big patch plus diablo 3 stuff. But now every evil faction from wolk is dindus. Blue dragons, fucking lich king are on player side now. Malfurion is damsel in distress. NO FUCKING NEW SKILLS WHATSOEVER IN FACT A LOT OF SKILLS WERE REMOVED.
They also incredibly lazy. Treasures only have 2 different models, a fucking LEGENDARY QUEST is reused completely for some other random quest. Probably a few times. I bet they removed most of FB bullshit only because they were too lazy to make it.

Next step is Guldan who dindu nuffin, these ableist orks was responsible because they bullied him. Also legion didndu nuffin, it was sexists all along!

Dont get me wrong, I liked Illidan story and I did think he really was blamed to much for everything, but you cant just "lets redeem everyone!".

Bite your tongue. Wrath was great and the narrative wasn't shit until the Icecrown raid; Legion is some odd retread of the tired 'demons, guys!' shit with a healthy dose of Metzen-brand 'everyone gets corrupted' thrown in.

Got the game today for free through work, wouldn't have bought it otherwise** and just finished the Demon Hunter quest. Here's the skinny as far as I can tell:

>Alliance and Horde try to fight back, get their shit pushed in, Vol'jin dies and makes Sylvy the new Warchief. Some big name guy on the Alliance dies, but I don't know who he is because I'm not a faggot
>you invade some demon world, fight a bunch of nameless, worthless, lore-less demons to feel like a badass I thought it was really lame, personally
>you go back to Black Citadel, Illy is dead and jailed in crystal, and you get captured by Maiev
>fast forward to present day, Legion going apeshit, Maiev busts you out as a last measurevaguely like Suicide Squad, I guess
>Gul'dan steals Illidan's body, which means he's probably going to show up as a boss later who, in shit Blizzard fashion, breaks free, kills Gul'dan, redeems himself, then dies

From playing just the Demon Hunter quest, the expac doesn't feel rushed, but it positively reeks of 'Make the most of what you (Blizzard devs) have' and 'understaffed team'.

Plan to use my 100 boost on a new DK to exploit the 'If you're 60+ and boost, your profs get boosted too' thing and cheat up Enchanting.

Wouldn't recommend anyone pay full price for this in addition to a game sub. If you can get one or the other for free, then it's worth coming back.

Just remember that you're being fueled mostly by nostalgia and the game won't be anywhere as good or as fun as you remembered.

This sentence shouldn't make me angry over some user on an image board but i'am so fucking pissed i can kill a bear right now.

It was great and they decide to make cheap copy. Really lazy copy.

It was faulty before then. See how Arthas failed so hard as a villain ("ILL GET YOU NEXT TIME FORDRING! NEXT TIME!").

Illidan dindu nuffin he just wanted to save Azeroth and smoke fel weed in his crib

Well, he was always incompetent at everything. But he usually win.


Arthas was never shown in WC3 to be even close to how he is in WotLK when it comes to battle. In WC3 he was direct yet brutal, winning (and remember, he was framed as tactically skilled) battles with no schemes unless ordered.

WotLK has him try some silly plan instead of steamrolling his enemies ASAP and lose his wisecracks. I could have ignored the other slip-ups if Arthas could have been more like his WC3 version and crack some jokes.

its a shame what they did to him

Destined to lose. You cant have competent leader of undead faction opposing players. And I believe it was implied that he was holding undead under his control so they dont go on rampage to destroy everything. But thats also bullshit.

That's.. probably not a good thing Blizzard.

In fact no one in game could be competent because players would feel bad if npc is smarter than average player.

I thought that was because he more or less was the LK at this point, no?

woah that was some heavy posting you did there bud. i hope you don't offend our OP XDDD


i think that might be every realm

No. It's not like you play to be part of a community anymore either, it's practically single player at this point.

Was Lich King the last good expansion?

I think the endgame wasn't as good as BC.
but it had some nice areas.


I watched a stream and I thought they were running around in grizzly hills, before I saw that it was the legion zone (idr which)

Nah. He was a tactical genius, strong fighter, and with lack of remorse / hordes of walking dead behind him he could be extreme and give even less fucks.

who here is still upset about what WoW did to warcraft lore?

Val'sharah at least looks druidy compared to Moonglade.
Completely agree about Asszuna, I've not tried the other two zones yet.

Yes. Cata had a few (and I stress 'few') good things in it, but it was the real beginning of the end.

On my box copy it says that the fucking Vrykrull are back as an enemy force. What the fuck? Isn't Legion all about demons? Why the christ are the Vrykrull back? More and more it feels like Legion is the 'Oh shit guys, we have half a year and 20 people. What old stuff can we reuse?'

Also, I saw tons of comments about how smooth a launch Legion was, but when looking at posts like , I can't help but wonder if it was only smooth because so few people bought it.

Has Blizz bragged about sales numbers at all? If it's been quiet, then it's a bad sign.

There was a point where I stopped being upset and just transitioned to full numbness.

I think that was when I saw the 'you killed Arthas' cinematic for the first time.

Not only are the Vrykul back but Warriors use their version of Asgard as their order hall. They even have an "Odyn" and everything.

Holy shit that's lazy. Might as well get Hogger down there as a fucking raid boss and call it a day.

Blizz doesn't post their subscriber or sales numbers anymore. This is probably because their critics use the numbers as evidence of how Blizz is mismanaging WoW.

The reason they no longer post the sub numbers is because they didn't want to scare the investors during the quarterly calls.

I was commenting more on the practice of 'If a company releases a new game and doesn't brag about its sales, you know it was performing just at or below their target.' Blizz had no problem trumpeting subs and sales during Draenor's launch, if you'll recall.

I know little about the new expansion but I'm going to bet it has fuckloads of the following:

thank you for the advice, I screen-shotted both of your replies as evidence of what will happen in the future to people who still continue to play WoW. None of my friends play WoW anymore, most of the guild I raid with is made up of Autists who can't get their own head out of Blizzard's asshole, and trade/general/LFG chats are full of reddit-tier garbage.

Honest to God have been thinking that Legion was going to flop just like WoD, I knew it from the moment it announced the Order Halls and Artifact weapons, it's very right that I knew I didn't like it, I'm most likely going to force myself to play a bit longer but with the lore being shit upon, the key spells being thrown out with barely anything new added in, and shitty uninspired zones that look like Copy and Paste night elf towns and Draenor's Shadowmoon Valley rip offs.

I don't want to drop WoW, I know it's going to shit faster and faster, it started with Cata and it went to fucking pandas, then WoD and finally Legion will be the last sword to strike this beast down. I don't want to fucking admit that all the time for these last five years has gone to waste, I don't want to see my favorite game finally die guys. I'm a trainwreck of feels over this.

Underrated post

So they really killed off Gul'dan?! Lame.

It would be a good change…if they knew how to make a decent raid boss (which hasn't happened since…I don't know, Wrath).

That fight had some shitty rng where even if you knew how to strafe, it could still screw you over. Fuck that fight.

There will be a good MMO someday
I'll make it
It'll be a long road making other games first, but I'll make it

What? He's not dead. He's the primary antagonist of Legion.

I hope Legion burns.
I shouldn't be surprised, but still.

Why does it feel like every faggot outside of this board is hype about this shit, yet the last ~2 expansions were released completely under the radar? Why is this game still getting expansions instead of a new game where it isn't entirely played with your numpad for once?

also full story behind that image with only one member left?

What happened to warriors? Go into detail for me. I loved the stuffing out of warriors just because they were so dynamic, even when they were useless without gear.

i wonder what the total cost would be if you played this since the beginning and never stopped and bought all the expansions.

Nerfs all over the place the last I remember, and when I looked at Legion's patch notes every number they had went down for no reason. I don't even want to imagine what skills they lost.

Maybe. But if so, that doesn't stop them from letting Arthas have his wisecracking.

That might be a point if the Arthas book didn't have Ner'zhul get stabbed by Scourge Arthas (who got remade in the book to be apparently more like his WoW version, complete with crying over taking Terenas' ashes).

If those 'low pop' realm pictures are accurate, not many people are hyped about Legion, user.

Two reasons, if I had to guess:

1. The last time Blizzard tried to make a new MMO they failed so bad the project was killed and they were forced to salvage and kitbash Overwatch from its ashes. This has probably made them very skittish about trying again.

2. WoW's subs have not yet fallen to the point where the game costs more to dev and maintain than run, even after all of their WoW dev team reductions and half-assery.

There will be a point where they sunset WoW, but I can't imagine it will occur before they at least announce a new MMO. Could be three years away at least.

World of Warcraft launched November, 2004

If I'm counting correctly, that makes WOW is 10 years 10 months old (130 months)

Let's roll with the assumption the player is a hardcore blizzfag that lives in burgerland:

The blizzfag will keep playing no matter what, so he splurges for the 6 month plan at $12.99 / month.

The blizzfag is a devoted fan, meaning he picked up every single collector's edition at full retail price:

World of Warcraft CE: $79.95
Burning Crusade CE: $69.99
Wrath of the Lich King CE: $69.99
Cataclysm CE: $79.99
Mists of Pandaria CE: $79.99
Warlord of Draenor CE: $89.99
Legion CE: $69.99

So 130 Months x $12.99 + $79.99 x 3 + $69.99 x 3 + $89.99 =

$2228.63 USD

The actual number is probably lower then that because the CE's typically give a month or so of 'free' game time, but then this also doesn't factor in the very high likelihood of the blizzfag splurging for TCG/In-game shop exclusive mounts/pets. It also doesn't factor in the super autists who either multi-box or have multiple accounts.

They're still extremely gear-dependent, probably the most gear-dependent in the game. And now that melee will have a BiS melee weapon throughout the expansion, Warriors and pretty much all melee are in a really good spot. I think it's pretty obvious it's going to be a melee-dominated expansion for that one reason alone.

Fury builds rage mostly by autoattacking, and tries to get Bloodthirst to crit so it can become enraged and use a medium-damage rage-generating ability it can only use when enraged. It has a low-damage off-hand attack it spams that buffs the crit chance of their next Bloodthirst. Once it has enough rage it dumps it with a high-damage attack and starts over. Fury has pretty much no survivability, and becoming enraged actually increases the damage it takes, which I think may cause it issues in a raid environment.

Arms is a Colossus-Smash-centric spec now. It has a passive that gives it a ~1% chance per rage it spends on anything to refresh the cooldown on Colossus Smash. Colossus Smash now increases the damage the Warrior does to a target it's applied to by a flat amount + Mastery. Its mastery now increases the damage of Colossus Smash, and the damage increase Colossus Smash causes on a mob. Arms' major issue is rage-starvation. It requires a LOT of haste to auto-attack faster, as auto-attacks are its only source of rage generation. Right now, as Arms you spend a fair amount of time just waiting for your next auto-attack so you can have rage so you can push a button.

everything is gear dependent now, melee classes are at a disadvantage because they need a weapon to hit shit with.

Also the BiS weapons can be buffed or nerfed at blizzard's will now, so if melee ends up being stronger Blizz will just nerf the weapons.

At this point they might as well remove weapons entirely and the only thing that matters is weapon type.

I'm doing just fine with Ragnarok Online private servers in the mean time. Just gotta find that one class you want to stick with forever and ever. Pic related.

2004 was release year. That was when everything was new and interesting.

2012 was panda release year. That was when everything was already casualized, pandered, and gimmicky.

Even if Blizz hadn't gone down the casual route, people change in 8 years user. Kids become teens, teens become adults. Priorities, interests, and hobbies change in that time. And while Wow has a fuckton of content, you can blow through pretty much all of it in less then 2 to 3 months.

There are probably thousands, if not tens of thousands of guild that have similar if not identical stories to the picture.

It's ok user. Nothing lasts forever. Yea it fucking hurts to see people you play with for so long just stop logging on one day, but that's just how it goes. You just have to hold on to the good memories.

That why the first episode of Overlord almost brought me to tears, because I can identify exactly with how Ains felt.

The artifact weapons are BiS. Their ilvl also scales with the artifacts you slot in them, so they get even better. They're the only weapons in Legion. There are no weapon drops in Legion.

Oh so they stole the awful design from fucking LOTRO of all things
That was one of the things I hated the most about that shit game after a certain level you just stop getting weapons and instead you have le epic weapon that levels up with you
fuck that, weapons are the most important loot

The artifact system is just the old talent system + the Path of the Titans system they never used back in Cata. The Legion invasion event was just Rift's rifts watered down. The open-world character progression is copied right out of FFXIV. The entire expansion is composed of rip-offs.

Resubbed a few weeks back just to get an idea of how things are these days, mostly just ended up grinding a character in those invasion things for stupid amounts of experience. Ended up deciding I probably wouldn't stick with it longer than a month and didn't buy the expansion. I may look into it again in the future if people genuinely end up liking it and Blizzard actually fucking supports the game with a steady stream of content, but I really don't see that happening after the way they handled WoD and the fact that all they've announced so far are more lazy throwback dungeons/raids. If nothing else I discovered that I really like the Monk class.

They say they're going to give the expansion more frequent content updates than they did with WoD but who knows. They already have everyone's money for the expansion. They could do nothing for the next two years and their addicts would still keep subscribing.

FFXIV clearly has them scared because that game gets frequent content updates and now Blizz is trying to do that with WoW.

exactly, this makes the weapon slot basically useless.

In before Blizz gets rid of the slot entirely.

It doesn't cost Blizzard that much with all the money they made from the past 10-12 years. Hearthstone and SocialJusticeWatch are keeping them alive too, so they don't really care if this expansion is…CORRUPTED and DOOMED.

Despite profit from old Wow, SocialJusticeWatch, and Hearthstone they can't afford another WoD because WoD almost killed WoW.

It's a shame Monk is a garbage class with terrible armor sets. It proves that Blizzard has no idea what they want to do with it after Panda Land.

There used to be a lot of top raiding guilds that lasted for over 7-10 years, and most of them fell apart since Cata. I think WoD killed most of the top raiding guilds out there (not because of bullshit like Mythic Archimonde, but no one wants to raid one shitty dungeon for two years).

Servers like Silvermoon, Argent Dawn, and Mal'Ganis used to be full of people, and you had to wait a while to get in. I can only imagine what the worst servers are like (Nesingwary, Farstriders, etc.). It's gonna be bitch to do any kind of endgame content on those servers now (Nesignwary and Farstriders were so bad they had to pair them with Mal'Ganis and other popular servers). You were screwed out of endgame content if you weren't in the only good guild on a dead server (which is impossible to find on something like Nesingwary).

Players wanted housing in Wow for years, and garrisons looked like it was going to give them what they wanted. Nobody expected them to be a mandated, shitty Facebook mini-games that not only killed professions, but also ruined a lot of social interaction.

I saw some streamer do the quest line for the Paladin artifact (spoiler: it deals with…CORRUPTION!). Quests have Facebook-mini-game cooldowns, and class halls are basically garrisons, but with people (wtf?).

Yea, you can only repeat raids so many times before it gets old. I was part of a guild that lasted…. 6 years or so with max numbers, but the leadership was weak and we started hemorrhaging the old guard (re talented players). We always got new applicants, but hardly anyone stuck around after the honeymoon period was over.

Player housing is a great idea, but Blizz really fucked up the execution.

- They shouldn't have put in a bank/auctioneer plot
- They shouldn't have put profession masters in period
- They shouldn't have made characters auto-learn spells when they leveled up

Putting those in the garrisons essentially destroyed the community because there was no longer any reason to hang out in the capital cities. I mean honestly, the only reason Thunder Bluff has any people at is because its a tad bit nicer place for alt bank toons to hang out. The only reason undercity has anybody at all is because that is where the heirlooms are sold.

They could have made player housing more of a cosmetic piece; allowing players to put in separate rooms, furniture, have separate architectural styles, etc etc (like Aion). Instead every player ended up with a garrison that looked pretty much the same at max level.

And the worst part about this was they admitted Garrisons weren't that great of an idea, not because of shitty execution but because players didn't understand how to play the facebook tier minigame.

Like SERIOUSLY? How mentally challenged do you have to fucking be to fuck up playing a facebook game? It makes my fucking blood boil.

So in legion, we have gar- I mean class halls, which are dumbed down version of an already dumb facebook game. Its shit.

I started playing it two days ago. It's actually not that bad, they fixed a lot of shit they fucked up in Warlords of Draenor. But, then again, I think at this point my expectations are so low that I'd take anything.

To be honest they kinda fixed them, by removing everything because they were too lazy to do work on it. You dont need to babysit this shit all the time.
Everything is so fucking lazy. Reused "dungeons" for a few times in one location. They really just hired gooks to do all the work. Whole expansion is just like a fucking wolk made by cheap gook coders. Same fucking everything. I bet Illidan will be killed by his fucking father. There are like 3 or 4 different quests with father and son being on the opposing sides of fucking war. "Oh no I was a shit father!". No new skills, no fucking anything.

20% positive changes, 80% negative.

I resubbed for a month before launch. I just remember logging the day after the big "skill rework" patch to see 3/4 of my spells were gone.

I still can't believe they tied Garrisons to the leveling experience rather than have them be an end game alternative advancement.

How hard would it be to tie in a few important Garrison functions to spending your weekly raid lockout?

No, let's not only give it to everyone with no investment, let's make it mandatory and thus worthless. Then pretend the idea was bad and that it wasn't just blizzard fucking it up.

Out of curiosity, which changes do you consider negative? So far it's a step up in every aspect, in my opinion. They sort of unfucked the professions, put less emphasis on the garrison and improved half of the classes. I admit that they made the other half worse, but it's something I guess.

I screamed when I saw that my totems are gone. What are the shammies without totems. Casual garbages cannot into easy peasy totem management.

I really feel bad for the Bliz world building team. They built really decent worlds (Outlands, Cataclysm, even Pandaria), but their work get shat on because the game design dept could not do shit, and the writers are fucktards.

How to fix the game? Get old abilities back, get the old talent tree back, remove garrison, remove current writer team and sent them to shrink, and stop shitting on professions.

Totems are still there, but now they get placed when you cast a spell that used to be used by a totem, like earthgrab.

So that casuls can't be confused by totem placement. Holy fuck what has WoW come to.

I don't play, my brother does.

What's frustrating is that they had the perfect chance to make use of the skills nobody uses/cares about with their not-Diablo legendaries so there'd be build variety. Or even just open up more fucking gameplay.

You could give people a reason to care about totem placement with shit like:

The biggest issue with garrisons, at least to me, is how overpowered they were. The resources you could collect in a garrison building were equivalent to upwards of an hour of collecting out in the world, even with flying mounts. Profession materials were basically time-gated and required, you guessed it, a garrison. The amount of gold missions awarded was obscene. They really should have made multiple nerfs to basically everything that wasn't the Pet Battle building or the large Engi building. And probably the waystone building.

Having done Durumu on mythic 25-man before those add-ons, I'll say that it was completely possible. Add-ons just enable those bosses for bad players.

At this point even if they fixed all of the class complaints of simplification there's no reason to go back because there's no people.

The world was dead, last time I checked.

And this was even with cross-battlegroup zone phasing. Or is that not how it works, and it's only between the few servers that were merged for being low-pop realms.

Anyways if there were actually fucking players, I might consider playing again.

Because the game really isn't about any of that. It was always fun because you had people to shitpost with, and continents weren't vast deserts solely populated by NPCs.

That and LFR killed a lot of the casul guilds.

That died in WotLK when they turned parts of the game into a lobby with the LF system.

To be fair, even back in vanilla, some servers were pretty barren. Over time, people from low pop servers have been flocking to high-pop servers because, surprise surprise, WoW is a game best enjoyed with others. So server transfers was arguably the beginning of the end of the community. Now it's most servers that suffer from that issue once everyone hits level cap.

I think it's also because of how much faster you can blow through zones, because of how much less downtime there is. Makes it so people end up spending less time actually in zones.

Guild halls would've made a lot more sense imo, let the guildmaster choose which Capital city to put it in/near and have it be instanced based on your guild. Instead of profession masters you can meet up with your guildmates to do the shit.

How to fix professions:
Copy MHs equipment system. Instead of bosses dropping random items people may not want, and sigils(or whatever they're called now) have the bosses drop mostly crafting materials to be rolled on.

its not even just simplification, Blizzard has been trying to "balance" a single player game for years. they've been constantly removing player choice in order to do this all the while not realizing that if every option is the same the choices become meaningless. The "take the player not the class" mentality necessitates the balance because they created a scenario in which any class being stronger makes the other classes suboptimal.

Removing of all utility, simplification of everything, No fucking stances for DK, no fucking glyphs, some rotations fucked. In fact so far in 10 levels I liked one fucking quest where giants play pokemon with regular humanoids. Many years ago lich king had more interesting quests in every aspect. DH starting area is pure garbage compared to DK.

No game rules forever, my son.

Rest now, and find your peace.

For the record, have the Durumu kill that I did

"While we're add it, let's implement Facebook and Twitter features, and try to make a forced meme out of some gay bird you're forced to level with your garrison! "

"What's that?! Nobody wanted the Twitter and Facebook stuff, and they're begging us to make the Ashran content more bearable?! Well…WE WILL JUST BAN THEM FOR NOT SUCKING OUR DICKS!"

I still can't believe they thought a meaningless patch that added Twitter and Facebook into WoW was the best WoD patch.

You're still using add-ons to change your ui/display (they count). You just don't have dbm on.

A lot of top guilds insisted you had dbm because it made gms' lives easier when people needed to know their range.

LFR was a good idea gone horribly wrong. It wasn't too bad with DS, but in MoP it became a complete clusterfuck Blizzard couldn't fix. On a dead server like Nesingwary, LFR was handy (until WoD made LFR even worse and insulting).