Fluoride, tinfoil hats and the slaving of your people

This thread is for the discussion of fluoride poisoning on the population. One of the most notorious effects it causes is PINEAL GLAND CALCIFICATION.

I've been deeply concerned about WATER FLUORIDATION lately. Few people know about this problem, and fewer even care. Lemmings don't even question what's being put in their water, because the government is caring for them, ofc. So I saw this picture of the little monkeys and chemtrails ( ← ), and realized something: Calcified pineal glands might be the real tinfoil hats.

Pineal gland calcification it's the phenomena of progressive destruction of one of your most important endocrine glands. The pineal it's the sole responsible of creating MELATONIN, which is the hormone that regulates your sleep and wake cycles. It also plays a role in cardiovascular stabilization and fighting against cancer for its antioxidant properties. This small pine cone shaped endocrine gland is often called "the third eye" (it has fucking photoreceptors inside of it) and it may be the connection between our physical and spiritual worlds. It is also believed that it produces DMT, or some related compound that may play a role in dreams, visual imagination and creativity.

I believe it's one of the main reasons of why normies seem so hard to redpill, why they spew bullshit without a second tought: they are being sedated, poisoned, and dumbed down. You are too, but a reduction of 10 IQ points will be harder for the normies than the intelligent Holla Forumsack. Have you ever been talking to someone and they don't seem to process even a single word of what you say? Some call it "The fluoridated stare".
The following is speculation: the calcified pineal gland can be used as an antenna, and if René Descartes was right when he regarded it as the principal seat of the soul, you get a direct line to the very core of every human affected by this. There's also all this metaphysical functions it is said to do

So it works this way: you ingest fluoride, a super reactive halogen that has no business in your body. It is the most electronegative element, so it will react with whatever it can. It can wreck havoc in your cells being a powerful oxidant like oxygen, or it can go to your brain and deposit in your pineal gland (it's not protected by the brain blood barrier) where it will act as a magnet, bringing filthy illegals to your brain: Aluminium and Calcium

"This calcification process is caused by constant exposure to substances like fluoride which build up in the body over time. Toothpaste, public water systems, hormones, food additives, excess sugar and sweeteners in your diet or even regular exposure to cell phones has been linked to the phenomenon of calcifying the pineal gland." - med-health.net/Pineal-Gland-Calcification.html

"The [F] of 11 aged human pineals and corresponding muscle were determined using the F-electrode following HMDS/acid diffusion. The mean [F] of pineal gland was significantly higher (p < 0.001) than muscle: 296 + 257 vs 0.5 + 0.4 mg/kg respectively" - The Effect of Fluoride on the Physiology of the Pineal Gland - slweb.org/luke-1997.html

"There is a barrier between the body and the brain that stops metals reaching the brain. In 2013 Akinrinade ID and his colleagues from Bingham University in Nigeria, showed that the relationship between fluoride and aluminum is important in escaping this barrier. Fluoride combines with aluminum to form aluminum fluoride, which is then absorbed by the body where it eventually combines with oxygen to form aluminum oxide or alumina. Alumina is the compound of aluminum that is found in the brains of Alzheimer's disease." - psychologytoday.com/blog/iage/201407/is-dementia-caused-aluminum-through-fluoridation

Another fun study: Pineal gland calcification and defective sense of direction - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1419179/

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Luckily for me, and after a long time being seen like a weirdo, I got vindicated by the Colegio Medico de Chile (One of the highest and most prestigious health autorities of my homecountry) when they released this study:
Consecuencias de la fluoración del agua potable en la salud humana (consequences of water fluoridation on human health)- scielo.cl/pdf/rmc/v145n2/art12.pdf
They gave this warning: "El Colegio Médico de Chile es enfático: se debe suspender la fluoración del agua potable y de la leche, modificando el decreto y el reglamento sanitario correspondientes. El envenenamiento deliberado y sistemático por parte del Estado debe detenerse sin tardar." (The Medical College of Chile is emphatic: water and milk fluoridation MUST be suspended, modifying the corresponding laws. The SYSTEMATIC AND DELIBERATE POISONING by THE GOVERNMENT must stop without delay.)

Stopping the process, yes. Reversing it, hard. You will probably never recover 100%, but it's possible to minimize the effects, and clean it as far as you can take care of what you ingest. This is also why its IMPERATIVE that CHILDREN DON'T EVER TOUCH ANYTHING CONTAINING FLUORIDE, THIS IS SERIOUS.

No, another big damage it does is acting as a THYROID ACTIVITY DISRUPTOR. Specifically, HYPOTHYROIDISM. This means that the thyroid gland can’t make enough thyroid hormone to keep the body running normally. It causes mental health issues and brain fog, high blood pressure, slow metabolism (APATHY, depression), weakness and fatigue, and many others. Sound familiar? Half the population could have some degree of hypothyroidism and few would notice.

"Fluoride and iodine are both halogens. The fluoride, the negative ion of the element fluorine easily displaces iodine in the body because it is much lighter and therefore more reactive. In fact the activity of any one of the halogens is inversely proportion to its atomic weight. In other words, one halogen can displace another one of a higher atomic weight but cannot displace one of lower weight thereby, results fluoride- thyroid-iodine antagonism which in turn lead to interference with iodine uptake." - A comparative study of fluoride ingestion levels, serum thyroid hormone & TSH level derangements, dental fluorosis status among school children from endemic and non-endemic fluorosis areas - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3890436/

So this poison interferes with the control panel of the body, making it produce defective Thyroxine (with Fluoride instead of Iodine), which in turns means it has to work extra hard to get a decent batch of REAL thyroxine (causing GOITER). Scary shit.

Not confirmed, but still this could be interesting read: Truth about fluoride doesn't include Nazi myth - politifact.com/florida/statements/2011/oct/06/critics-water-fluoridation/truth-about-fluoride-doesnt-include-nazi-myth/
"Repeated doses of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride will in time reduce an individual's power to resist domination by slowly poisoning and narcotising a certain area of the brain and will thus make him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him". "Both the Germans and the Russians added sodium fluoride to the drinking water of prisoners of war to make them stupid and docile."

Stay safe, ditch your toothpaste.


calcifying the pineal gland also disrupts the "silver cord" connection to the rest of one's soul energy, united at the source.

disrupting this umbilical soul energy connection allows for easier TDE (transdimensional demonic entity) possession i call em critters

bump, no tin foil here this has been proven many times and is an entry level conspiracy. get a reverse osmosis or a water distiller

good thread, death to the fluoridators, malpracticing dentists get the rope

this post is retarded though, what even are you talking about

dubs for water filtration

Bumping this important thread. Been using reverse osmosis filters for about a decade and go to great lengths to either bring my own water everywhere I go, or faili that getting medical grade distilled water. Using fluoride-free toothpaste and investigating how to make my own toothpaste (salt, baking soda, essential oil and glycerin). But it's not enough, who's to say if things like canned soup, broths, juices and other processed food isn't chock full of fluoride and other shit?

Ketogenic paleo diet really is the path to health. When you start eating clean you'll quickly realize 80% of products on supermarket shelves are of no use to you, so your shopping trips will take a flat 15 minutes.

The final frontier will be to get a reliable source of non-pesticides, non gmo vegetables, and no growth hormone, no antibiotic, no artificial/corn fed beef and clean chicken and pork. Ideally for "sane" prices.

Good OP, I've done small and sporadic research into fluoride and here are my take away mitigation / reversal practices:

Turmeric, eat it everyday with black pepper and coconut oil (it hides well in pasta sauces, curries, stews etc or take it encapsulated which is a lot more expensive but usually us standardized for % curcumin et al).

Boron, this is a trace nutrient we are very deficient in due to modern agricultural practices, Boron is the only mineral (to my knowledge) that can chelate fluoride from your bones where it also accumulates particularly when subjected to fluoride during childhood when your skeletal structure is still developing. A tell tale of a high amount of fluoride in your bones is fluorosis of the teeth which presents as mottling and pits where the fluoride has displaced normal bone tissue & enamel.

On a more esoteric level I've read about 432hz being a frequency that can activate the pineal gland, I've tried meditating using pure and binaural tones of this as well as the golden ratio frequency of 528hz. I can't really comment of the efficacy of such practices but worthwhile as implementing this along with the above dietary changes correlates with my awakening and red pill (I'm of mind to attribute it all to dietary from a rational viewpoint but there's no way to differentiate and given there are peripheral benefits to meditation so why not do it all). I also dream more and am sleeping a full 8hrs a night (previously 3-5hrs).

Final tip, water filtration needs to explicitly state that it removes fluoride as the particulate size is not captured by most run of the mill filters… Also boiling tap water increases the concentration as it does not evaporate with the water.

I wish /x/ wasn't dead, there's always tons of interesting information in this threads

consider ever cup of tap water drunk to deposit a teaspoon of confetti into bone marrow and nerves

Fuck off.

calm down now alex jones

Flouride is a problem, but
Retarded shit like that dilutes the point and shits on any point you may intend to make.

E/x/ept they're full of shit. There was an /xpol/ but it got abandoned quickly and even thought it's changed hands a couple times since then it's still dead.

its just bone cancer and brain damage

MMM Hexafluorosilicic acid drink up

Great to see the moderation thinks poisoned water supply isn't a worthy topic, but generals with their associated sub-communities, "let's embed shit in images like virus shillers and hidden cp posters do XDDDXXDXDXDXDXDXDXD" and "dump anime girls" threads are perfectly fine.

I bought a brita thinking it can filter floride. Turns out it can't. What can I do to filter floride?

and how many gallons of tap water have been put into the ground for farming and watering etc? all the animals and plants are full of fluoride too

berky, propur, and reverse osmosis with remineralization

Reverse osmosis is cheap and high throughput but you need to change filters often especially when there is a high concentration of shit in your water (or else once the filters get saturated they'll star dumping the shit they captured back into the water). There are some concerns regarding VOCs left in the water but they are a minor issue vs all the other shit they filter out and if you are anal about filter changes, should not be an issue.

Other option is distillation. Machines are expensive, there is maintenance to do ( need to regularly clean the boiler since all the junk will cake onto the bottom) and throughput is low (can take several hours to generate 1 gallon of clean water, never mind the high energy requirements. There are some concerns that the low end home machines don't do an amazing job and that some shit will be left in the water after distillation, but it is certainly better than tap or bottled..

Suggestion: get a multi stage RO system and gut gud at filter changes.

That's good tap!


Nobody shilled for veganism. It's still true that we should be eating LESS meat.
We are not just meat machines. What you do with your consciousness matters. The pineal has been called "the center of intuition", so as every muscle in your body, its a "use it or lose it" situation.

Seems like whenever a useful thread comes about it's quickly shut down

This is the note A in Verdi tuning (aka scientific tuning). Any connections here?

Not saged ;)

Harvard Study Confirms Fluoride Reduces IQ

Bump for VERY important health issue. Why are Whites such cucks now? The fucking water would be a good place to start looking. Nigs don't drink water. It's all purple drank and whatever the fuck bottled who knows where and made just for them.

they drink plenty. subhumans consume the most garbage anyways.
i dont understand why trump or somebody hasnt done anything about this. is he in on it? would he get JFK'd if he brought the issue to attention? how much does it cost the taxpayers? even the soil is full of fluoride and it's only getting worse. i dont understand. i dont want my children to be unable to avoid exposure to poison that's everywhere.

boron is good

Bone char is super cheap and filters fluoride just fine. It is what every Third World country has been using for decades. See the papers on-line.

I use an old Target Up and Up filter, drill a hole in the side, empty medium, refill it with a few ounces of bone char, and cover the hole with duct tape. Put it into any standard water filter pitcher. I pre-filter it through one Up and Up then once through the bone char. It will also take out hexavalent Chromium 6, which is probably much more of a problem.

All of the various filter mediums are available in bulk. There is no need to pay for expensive filters. You can customize based upon your local water report tests, which are on-line for most parts of the US.

does fluor in dental paste have anything to do with it? cause I use it.