Region based on America

Was this a metaphor?

Its called an 'allusion' and holy shit if thats true then good on game freak.

Don't forget the important part: he tried to do so by pretending him and his group were part of a movement that was trying to do it for the greater good. Like PETA for pokemon.

I don't have the screenshot but there was an instance where a plasma grunt said something along the lines of "We don't tolerate people with different opinions!" I wonder who GF could have been referencing.

Found it.

A true American hero indeed.

That sounds like Samson option to me, but….

All American people are Jewish-related.

t. european

No It's the democratic party.

This. Your elections are quite the joke as well to the point is has become a game to see how many times your politicians can bring up muh israel muh greatest ally any time.

there are many to choose from, but considering theyre a stand-in for PETA probably them


user, you are thinking too much, thats not good for you


Well I mean Peat does have an 85% fatality rate for animals they "save".
And puts them in gas chambers, or was it freezers.

Exactly, Team Plasma mistreats the pokemon they have, but they don't murder them.
They're just ISIS.

how is isis and plasmas theme similar?

Gee, you tell me, user.



Fixed that for you, Holly.

a special forces team?
you know, they have to do misdeeds to be seen as bad guys. theyre mean to be terrorists in the end, yes. but isis arent eco terrorists. we couldnt just have a 100% accurate copy of peta for a fun villain

They're not eco terrorists. You're thinking of B/W. In B/W 2, they stop giving a fuck and ice an entire city. They had to have killed someone by doing this.

oh, my bad.
what justification do they use this time around if it isnt to save pokemon for less than it costs to buy a cup of coffee?

So Ghetsis is Diane Feinstein?

I think it was something like "fuck you I have Kyruem".

Wait, this actually happened in B/W 2?

This is not a joke. Team Plasma says they're going to freeze all of Unova until everyone gives up their pokemon to them and they have the only force of arms in the region.
It's the same goal, just with a more direct approach.

Uh both kyruem and heatram eat people.


Excellent rebuttal tbh fam

new pokemon has giant teddy bears that will maul you if you try to touch em

