Why aren't Whites destroying Nigger Statues? Does Quid Pro Quo not exist anymore?

Why aren't Whites destroying Nigger Statues? Does Quid Pro Quo not exist anymore?
Here is a list of nigger statues that should be destroyed. For every statue of ours that they destroy we should destroy two of theirs. And to all the fags who think this is a bad idea you are kike cowards.

10. Tupac Shakur — Atlanta, Georgia
9. Medgar Evers — Jackson, MS
8. W.E.B. Dubois — Nashville, Tennessee.
7. Harriet Tubman — Harlem, NY
6. Crispus Attucks — Boston, MA
5. George Washington Carver — Newton County, MO
4. Joe Louis — Detroit, MI
3. Adam Clayton Powell — Harlem, NY
2. Malcolm X — Harlem, NY
1. Martin Luther King Memorial — Washington, D.C.

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DIY, my man.


"HaHA I have the moral highground" cries the moderate as a nigger pounds his face.

write homophobe and misogynist on MLK statues


because we need a list of all nigger statues in the US to properly get started

They'll have a field day anyway. The media is already against us. Even if you don't do anything at all, they'll just create a false flag and associate people like us with that false flag.

When we begin getting revenge we won't be targeting statues - I have no intention to erase my enemies from history, we need to remember.

heiled and for good reason

Because whites are scared and demoralized.

None of those people did anything important. Only cucks in Boston will care if they are torn down.

go away shill

They're ugly too. Not even good art.

who the fuck cares what the media thinks? the media is already looking dubious in the average americans eyes. and when i say american i'm not talking about spics niggers jews slants etc. the president of this nation got elected by saying things like "the american dream is dead" "fake news" etc. Who the hell cares what the media thinks? Certainly not the Americans who elected Trump!

If only we could get the left to destroy MLK statue because he was a bigoted homophone against gay marriage

The problem is we'd be arrested immediately in a literal nationwide manhunt and probably murdered if we so much as spit on those sacred statues, whereas the deep state backed antifa can do anything they want with near impunity.

Because we have jobs. The people destroying statues have nowhere better to be.

I like statues. History is important to remember. The good and the bad. Fuck off nigger.

Pay a homeless nigger to do it.


He was also a commie controlled by kikes and hated whites.

This. Whites just aren't motivated to do this sort of stuff, because 90%+ of whites in America don't believe in racial identitarianism. They object to shit like affirmative action because it conflicts with their naive, classical liberal worldview. They suppress their instincts deep down, and live in confusion and demoralization.

Why does the FBI encourage so much crime? Does Entrapment not exist anymore?

Just saying it's not Quid Pro Quo when one side has free fucking rain to do whatever the fuck they want while the other has no right to even assemble anywhere without the ZOG and their bots trying to get them killed by the (((peaceful protestors))). Imagine what would happen if you got caught trying to vandalize a nigger statue.

Because we're doing things that actually matter, not slapboxing with inanimate objects to feel tough.

The media would crucify you obviously. However at some point there will be some type of extreme nigger violence that will make whites mobilize. Or maybe it just takes a group of Whites who aren't afraid of getting a truck a chain putting it around a god damn nigger statue and tearing that piece of shit down. Quid Pro Quo. Will the niggers, and the jew media be upset. Hell yes they will. But I doubt Trump will even try to antagonize his voter base by chastising whites for tearing down a nigger statue after niggers have removed multiple white statues. Trump isn't stupid and he won't shoot himself in the foot like that condemning whites solely.

i white faced a mlk statue with spray paint that was 30 minute drive from my home ,. i went back to check on it 3hr later and a city worker was washing the paint off ,. i guess unless you pull a bart simpson and chop it's head off nobody cares ,., i saw that torched lincoln statue was thinking of something like that but arson charges just ain't worth it


I don't give a fuck what the media says, I call them kikes on twitter all day long and I've been blocked by countless numbers of them. I'm not PR cucking, I'm telling whites not to throw their lives away because this would be fucking suicide in this climate. The law would come down on whoever did this so fucking hard, multiple felonies immediately and the processing would be quick, and whichever zogbot is in charge of their placement is going to be sure to put them in with nothing but niggers.

The same reason things have gotten so bad now, because we've grown passive and weak. Our enemies can do anything with impunity because we wont fight back.

Sure thing shill

checked and /thread

Because we understand the importance of preserving history even when that history is unpleasant, upsetting or offensive. The savage and the indoctrinated lash out at inanimate objects and obsess in unhealthy ways on the past. Those with the ability to maintain and grow great societies record, preserve, study and learn.

If you erase the memory of MLK for example would we be stronger or weaker? Should we go to the archives and burn all the books from antiquity that contain details that offend us? That is what Islam does, and has Islam ever matched the towering achievements of European man? The Africans act on impulse and smash, burn and destroy anything that makes them angry. What have they ever achieved? Don’t conflate war with lowering yourself to the gutter level of your enemy.

It can be summed up as such; We “Archive Everything” They “Shut It Down’.

Because niggers have absolutely no honor or loyalty whatsoever you moron. They honestly don't give two shits about these statues, which means you ask for an action with barely any consequence.
If you really want to fuck with niggers, start putting some blood and other shit that looks like curses on the statues because they're much more scared of magic and all that crap.

Basically, on statues of blacks you put "curses", on communist statues you put yellow jew stars. Those actions buttblasts them 100 times more than simply destroying them. These are also actions you can keep repeating, angering and scaring them over time and not just once.

Why do you want that white people behave like niggers?

I smell a shill, reporting your thread.

Destroying nigger statues in white nations does nothing to destroy the memory of the nigger in question. We will still be instructed in his communism. There should only be two monuments to the enemy in the United States:

1. The Federal Reserve building, gutted and replaced with a museum of usury
2. The DC holocaust memorial, gutted and replaced with proof that it didn’t happen as well as the 70 years of ramifications of believing it did

Because white people with white interests don't have the media on their side. Just look at the amount of coverage 1 dead cunt in Charlottesville vs the 13 in Barcelona one day later got.

also what he said:

Then you must also admit that our statues are getting destroyed and we can't archive that once its destroyed because it won't exist in physical reality only in the pages of a book. I understand what you are saying but we are being attacked historically. The niggers have successfully taken down White Statues destroying our archives of our History. Because after all a statue shows those who can't read a fucking book who is in charge and who is important as a visual reference. Hence a statue and not a stone wall with words carved on it. The media has already gone with their whites are racist agenda and in my opinion we should push this to the extreme to wake up more whites. Let the media call every white person a nazi for all I care because it will only make a white person question the media. If a nigger statue is torn down the media will call it racism but the average person will realize that niggers have removed white statues just because the media calls it racist and another massive anti white double standard will be revealed.

No, preserve immaculate records of everything, not just what YOU think is most significant, you total ignoramus.

Lead the way

nigger statues aren't worth preserving or saving in any shape or form.

The answer is not to start removing even more historical records in response; it is to stop it happening. I would rather cut down with bullets those who attempt to destroy history then throw my hands up in the air and say ‘if you can’t beat them join them’.

All history is worth preserving. I can’t believe I am having this conversation on Holla Forums. Would you honestly want all non-white artifacts in our great museums tossed out? You are no better than a savage yourself! Are you even European?

Damn that would make the Jews incredibly salty after we crush them if there's any left

You've got to be kidding me, statues literally being left up cherishing communists should be 100% removed and relegated to a museum with context added to them.

Yep. No more pussy-footing around on this subject, whites are scared and non-whites are emboldened. It's as simple as that.

So are you trying to propose that the Holohoax Museum is worth saving? Get the fuck outta here kike.

Of course whites are scared, we've been victims of the most insidious propaganda and demoralization campaign seen in the history of humankind. Historians will look back on our modern times in disgust and call what we're going through now the most evil and heinous crime ever done to another group.

He said history and artifacts, not fiction and forgery. Anyways,

That is very different to smashing them to pieces with sledge hammers now isn't it. Although at this stage in time doing so would set a dangerous precedent, the entire nations statues could end up in museums (tucked away, perhaps even ‘accidently misplaced’. And replaced with?

No Museums based on falsehoods have no merit to the historical record.

Kill yourself you PR-fagging fucktard.

Having said that I might keep dismantled deep in the archives one shoah museum, it could have some value. The vast majority should just be taken down and recycled.

These events happened, communism is real; the figures that have promoted it are real. If we were to lose memory of them it would be to our detriment. You utter savage!

Because we want them to tare down all the statues and make white people hate Communism you stupid fucking FED.

>let me give you a list to go full ANTIFA for (((MSM))) Holla Forums

I fuck your wife while you're at work shitposting for the goverment.

Maybe you don't realize but we're not civnats, I don't pretend that all statues have value, only the statues of my heritage and that of white heritage matter. Statues of communists, and degenerates that worked towards destroying hierarchy, the family unit and ultimately my race do not matter. If I had to pick between removing statues of white ancestors or removing (even destroying) statues of MLK and the rest of the commie pawns, the decision is easy. Their legacy can be in a history book or museum about how the Jew and Marxist puppets almost destroyed white western civilization and serve as as reminder to never extend altruism towards anyone other than your people.

yeah dude, let's enact white shariah too lmao xDD

Listen, FBI, if you really want those statues removed go ask antifa, they seem to have free reign when it comes to statues.

Presumably you haven't torn down a nigger statue yet, so you're just as capable of answering your question as the rest of us.

When you remove the physical record you remove a significant amount of evidence. Words on a page are great but physical artifacts support them. The British Library is great for example, but the British museum fulfills an important role as well. Documents illicit accusations of falsehoods, should we win and light restored to our world, hundreds of years from now I guarantee you that if all remains of the wickedness of communism is the written word then accusations of fabrications will begin to arise but if they are supported by certified artifacts the revisionists will have a harder time pulling such a trick.

Use for example written records of ancient civilisations, often dismissed as legend or allegorical. But once evidence of such civilisations are excavated and presented in physical form they move from written fantasy to factual history. Had those sites have been pummeled into dust before being covered by the sands of time then we would not accept them to have ever really existed.

Do not erase history, it has important lessons to teach or future generations.

Thanks for making this thread.
I was thinking the exact same thing what if we smashed mike kings mall statue or even gave it a "white face" make over.
Can one even imagine the outcry and charges they would come up with?

Why the fuck does the arm not have a boxing glove on the hand?

What if you?

Let me guess, you're just an "ideas guy" who wants other people to do what you think of. More like a federal agent who's sent here by his boss to agitate.

You're a funny fucker, FED

Not exactly soft targets.

That's officially Big Black Arm, the statue fisting the white bois in the ass

Nope neither am now just too old to be of use in such an endeavor.
And I was only postulating or theorizing if the people on the right did such and such.
Which is witnessed in my final sentence that you neglected to comment on.

And I always wondered ever since the joe louis fist went up in detroit why it had no boxing glove on the hand.

So what am I to make of you user?

When feds ask you to do something illegal, they always have an excuse for why they can't do it themselves. Fuck off and kill yourself.


Nah, fuck off FBI

Fuck both of you 2 faggots I was pointing out the inequity of the current day situation.
Wrap a chain around the joe louis fist attach it to your bumper or rear axle drive off and watch your bumper or rear tire being torn off your car.
Pure dumb fuck kids getting their ideas from movies and tv.

so a statue of a nigger is worth saving? Why? That statue represents Jewish control over whites, after all whites would never have made a statue to a nigger like MLK.

If whites try to remove a nigger statue the national guard will get called out. when niggers do it the police allow it to happen. I would be ok with whites across the world seeing that extreme double standard. We have been forced to support these niggers long enough with welfare and its about time the world sees that the governments that used to represent whites dont do that at all and in fact hold whites to a double standard. Once whites across the world accept this as the truth of the matter then whites will finally unite without fear.

Is it a job that one person can do with a truck and a chain? I've never removed a nigger statue before but I am definitely interested in doing so.


I think the important thing to keep slamming that Overton window more and more to the right. A time will come, and it may not be too far away where the police and military will stand down (or even defend us) because they understand better than any other people which side the bread is buttered on.

I don't think the average person here comprehends much the narrative has shifted since 2015.

Cops are shameless traitors to their people. They thrive on the hollow "power" their zog masters grant them. They will never be your friend.


this is you


destroy the black power fist in Detroit, the riots will be spectacular

ITT: Nigger Worship

Niggers suck at war, depend on Whitey, and lives trashy lives for all their Black Powah. It's easy to run around tearing down statues when you don't have to actually contribute to society.