Why is nothing fun any more?

Why is nothing fun any more?

Literally every game that comes out nowadays is an overhyped rehash/reimagining/reboot of a tired formula.

Remember when you get unique games like SimAnts and the Army Men series?

It's like nobody want to make unique shit any more. Even when people do make something interesting they feel they have to MEME THE WHOLE THING UP and make it a FUNNY JOKE SIMULATOR or some shit.

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There are quite a few but they don't get much if any advertising.

Basically, the modern era is drowned out by shilling and constant scandals have confirmed this.

Even the owner of this very board was caught trying to make shekel deals for shilling.



The problem isn't that things are formulaic today, it's that the formula stinks. DOOM clones were a formula, but they were still absolutely terrific. The 2 big formulas that seem to stick out to me today are: Open world action games that desperately want to be RPGs, and these slow shooters that aren't good from a tactical or arcade standpoint. That's my 2 cents anyways, I'd be happy to play similar games if the game they were aping was good and they knew what they were doing.

Ever since medical technology became semi-decent, humanity has been defeating natural selection and each generation of children has been a lower quality than the last.
Stupid people who lose limbs by not following safety procedures on the job now get prosthetics and continue life, instead of bleeding out and dying as they should have. Fat fucks who should have died from the diabetes they gave themselves, instead live on with medication and procreate with other fat fucks or chubby chasers. Useless sacks of shit who get addicted to drugs beyond the point of no return get government-funded rehab and hospital treatment and then welfare once theyre "better." The list of examples like this goes on.

The world is full of shittier people than have ever existed before. Theyre weak, stupid, degenerates of low genetic quality, with parents teaching them shit values and society reinforcing them. There's no work ethic anymore. No morals. No creativity and problem solving skills. No respect for people who are superior to oneself. Mental illnesses, disabilities, and horrible life choices are glorified while working out and improving yourself is scorned.

Nothing is fun because nobody exists who is capable of making a quality product anymore, except the old guard two generations ago who are nearing retirement age.

What are you gonna do about it, user?

Super-villainy. Some kind of eugenics virus.


I'm an engineer, what the fuck are you doing with your life?


You're just digging yourself deeper, mate.

How does it feel to be a pleb?

There you go glorifying stupidity just like I said. You're part of the problem.

You're looking at it all wrong. Typical self-persecuted STEMfag. Let me put this in terms you can wrap your big brain around.

Weird games only exist in the indie world because it's too expensive to make a AAA quality (as in graphics, audio, extensive features) to just yolo in a market that probably doesn't exist. And the indie world can be discarded as a mess of early access shit and pretentious developers.

I think the real issue, at least for me, is that I'm getting too old for this. Higher standards, partially raised by generations of ever improving graphics, features, audio, all that shit. Hell, having been a PC only retard for the last 15 years made PS1 era games unbearable for me because of the bad controls and shimmering graphics.

engineering is fun though isn't it i tought???

Only two kinds of people choose and commit to being engineers: Chad Murdercock who wants to make a lot of money and be in charge, and bitter, angry virgins with near-crippling autism.

I'm an engineer, and fun things (mostly vidya) are still fun for me.



One of the criticisms of the new generation is that it is spoiled by amazing graphics and admittedly millennials may be a terrible generation full of sjws and easily offended cunts but time and time again it shows the best and most popular games are not even graphically intensive in the slightest. They just need to focus on the "fun" aspect.

But you're wrong and your thread is shit.

8ch pls, why do you do this to me

Do you read TIME by any chance?

my time is far too valuable for that

here you go

There are good games, they are buried in pile with AAA shit so you gotta dig deep to find them.
Meme shit is easy to make and sell. Good/unique games are worth nothing to strategic planners of AAA publishers, if it's safe shit that is well advertised like overwatch it's the best thing ever.
sage for shit thread

Play Mount & Blade
Play Dominions
Play Spacechem
Stop playing AAA mainstream shit. It is not made for you. Unfortunately these days most games are made for the lowest common denominator so if you want more good vidya you need to look harder.

user it's not the game, it's you and a lot of other people in this board.
You all forgot how to have fun.

Videogames used to be about being awesome. I guess AAA try to do it but they are do fucking shallow. Maybe its because I'm older now and need more complex vidya to have fun.
There are still good games out there, just need to look harder for them.

Omg u drive trainz 4 a living?

My discovery is that the most prevalent two ways to get inspiration these days are either from what was really good, or from what makes money, and either method creates a derivative and dull product. The old way of thinking took inspiration from anything and everything. Legend of Zelda came from the feeling of adventuring in the woods as a kid, Doom came from Dungeons and Dragons, and heavy metal, these are just examples off of the top of my head, but if you do your research you can find all kinds of things. However modern games take inspiration from slightly less modern games, so we've reached stagnation.

>Literally every game that comes out nowadays is an overhyped rehash/reimagining/reboot of a tired formula.

Yeah, *literally*.

You know 7.62 High Calibre? It's a ripoff of Commandos 2. Fallout 4? A watered-down STALKER. Hotline Miami? It's Grand Theft Auto 2 except the vehicles and open world have been removed for arbitrary reasons. Risk of Rain? It's a side-scrolling diablo clone passing itself off as a "roguelike". Speaking of "Roguelikes" nothing that comes out is, ironically, anything like Rogue (except Crypt of the Necrodancer)!

nihil sub sole novum, letteralmente

Wow, literally 4 whole games

There's a growing attitude in modern society that "if you're good at something, never do it for free". So greater and greater numbers of skilled people don't bother trying to maximize fun (not even their own), rather they just maximize marketability. Which naturally leads to floods of low-effort meme games, superficial joke simulators, and mediocre shit overall.

That series had like maybe 3 good games. It was mostly shit.

Holy shit is this not the most bullshit vacuous normalfag thing I've seen all day. You're probably one of those faggots that donates to kikestarter games don't you?

Gaming was good and then along comes the internet and now everything is shit.

I blame the internet.

shoo shoo underage

video games are for fags

for you

That's debatable now. There are some good games released once in a blue moon, but ultimately I find myself playing older games now more than anything, either ones I played to death or look for ones I haven't played. A lot of new games really have a lot game design issues I'm just not a fan of.

Published on Dec 4, 2015

Holla Forums thread

You're very right, OP. Even if a lot of the unique games from the past didn't have the best game design, they were at least fun enough or novel enough to be well worth playing.

Nowadays, nearly everything is formulaic as fuck on top of lacking uniqueness, barring the memegames you mentioned.

That looks like good, cheap fun, exactly what I was talking about. I'll need to look into that.

Just be aware that it will more than likely kill you as well.

It's dead.
Buy 15 copies and gift them all on Holla Forums.
I have it, but it's dead.

Oh go fuck yourself people. I would have bought that otherwise.

pg7 interested bump for others

This guy has it. Almost everything in videogames has been about how to make a copy of something that's already successful. The fighting game craze? All just copies of SF2. Some of them were actually good, but most were complete shit because they didn't understand the genre. DOOM clones? Lots of random shit, but still some great classics because it's basically DOOM. What are modern games copying? Walking between setpieces with little to no actual danger (See: Uncharted, Tomb Raider, Max Payne 3, etc).

Well that's just sad…

Air Attack, Heroes, Land, Sea and Air.. all great games. Of course the best 3DO has to be Battle Tanx.

What I really dislike with these threads is the lack of the OP to just ask for good games similar to what he wants.

If you're looking for Army Men vidya, try The Mean Greens. Sadly it's multiplayer only but I remember it being pretty fun.
As for sim ants, beats me.

Actually I think you'll like this, Deadly Tower of Monsters. It's a fun little game where the premise is you play out this B-movie where the director and the editing guy narrating over it, because the b-movie is being "re-released" and it's a DVD extra. And the whole freefalling gimmick is pretty neat. It's pretty fun and quite humorus(until the 4th act where the jokes boil down to "this movie is shit wow this act is all fourth wall breaking"). It's a pretty unique game in that lots of the "monsters" are either animatronics or stop-motion.

i remember when games werent run by what are essentially the same fucks who do movies that set their projected profits sky high and consider anything that doesnt meet it a huge failure.
just what is with that? what is with big companies and the desire to constantly grow? whats wrong with breaking even and doing what youve been doing?

Because this is what happens when kikes take over an industry. What you are seeing now is an exact repeat of what happened when they took over the movie industry. Not only do they make it about profits instead of visions, they specifically try to prevent anything that can be truly inspiring in any way because that would even in a tiny way strengthen the host population they are trying to subvert, hence the at first sight incomprehensible purges of quality content already made by companies like EA from games by studios they buy. They would have made a bunch more money by leaving it in, but it would have acted inspiring on their host and that is unacceptable.

This also plays into their media which of course is only about marketing their shit while attacking anything that's actually good until everything is in line with their anti-white propaganda.

Apart for the rare gem that makes it through by mistake you are only going to see three kinds of games from now on:

1. The churning out of the generic game equivalent of the generic Hollywood movie. Everything about it a cynical assembly of generic shit because you need to have x number of games ready to fill the y period release slots to keep your profit machine running.

2. The appropriation of anything considered too male or too white and "re-imagining" as SJW LGBTBBQ mixed race propaganda.

3. Games feigning to be some kind of serious dramas about important topics with weight to them which in reality are only about showing how traditional straight white men are evil and root of everything bad in this world and how the mongrels and freaks are really superior in every way but kept down by the white man.

Gameplay will be ever more absent because it is hard to make and gets in the way of the anti-white propaganda. Read up on the takeover of the movie industry and you'll find that the result on content is a carbon copy of what you are seeing now in the games industry. Or you know just stick your heads in the sand. Your choice.

Friendly greetings from your pal Holla Forums.

Why isn't any of army men on GoG or something.

I would buy that shit immediately. I'd pirate it but its not anywhere I trust.

From the thumbnail I thought that video was going to be an Ennio Morricone/Item Bounce mashup. I'm disappointed.

The problem is capitalism.


buy me a copy

I'm also an engineer, a RedHat engineer.

is it a problem with capitalism or are there just a few kinks to iron out with it? are they required to act like a virus or do they choose to?

Next month

Thanks for ruining Linux you faggot.

The problem is Jews. Psychopaths can't help acting like viruses and the Jews are essentially a race of psychopaths. Since psychopaths among the white population are relatively few and usually shunned it is different for them to network and create larger structures that they control.

When you have Jews everything changes and since destruction is always easier than creating the structures the build are enough to destroy a civilization unless it is dealt with.

could you rephrase that?
the world has become reliant on jew like behavior, a lot of people couldnt see things any other way. its just basic selfishness after all, anyone will do it given the opportunity. why, look at whats happening in western society and korea.
im not sure how much this conversation has to do with capitalism though since im not honestly all that well versed on the rules. as far as i know capitalism just means money and big corporations which i know is far from the whole picture. sure, capitalism and judiasm could be considered to go hand in hand but ive been of the belief that most governing systems could work if they arent run by criminals, but they usually are.
that brings me to another question, could an honest society even compete with a dishonest one when inevitable conflict arises?

i should add that i dont just mean warfare, but other conflicts of interest, such as whats often goes on between russia and countries that dont drink jet fuel

open world isn't bad though, alot of them are to be fair, but open world as a thing isn't bad.

I also wanted to add that I hate forced linearity in games

I don't know about that. Look at the guy who invented the polio vaccine. He could have made a ton of money with it, but he decided to focus on just helping people instead.