What games do you want to see at the opening ceremony in Tokyo 4 years from now?

What games do you want to see at the opening ceremony in Tokyo 4 years from now?

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BTW there's a huge super Mario tribute right now during rio's closing ceremony.


I want the Aum Shinrikyo comeback tour


Not Metroid I can tell you that.

Maybe Monster Hunter, or Donkey Kong theme plays when they announce African Countries.

I don't care unless the Tokyo Olympics host a massive mixed martial arts tournament called The King of Fighters.

Entry-level videogames, mostly Nintendo. Let them take the hwat and have normalfaggots eat them up, I don't want Touhou or Gravity Rush, for example, to be there and now have more normalfags shitting it up, same goes for anime.

Seriously , Captain Tsubasa?

Mp4, webms are shit.


Watch during the 2020 games there will be more and more people start to criticize Japan's "misogynistic" and "racist" culture and media.

More muslims and shitskins will move there and start to culturally enrich them. Feminism starts to be a considerably large ideal.

Japan is fucked.

not unless we can remove slimes and shits before 2020

HAHAHA sonyggers really are on suicide watch.

Sick burn bro, you sure showed me.

I want a Mecha battle


Do it for the weebs

Wait, was that the logo Tokyo actually submitted for the 2020 Olympics?


Well its Rio, half the population there is probably named "Mario" so I'm not surprised

like gundam build fighters?

I thought that shit was already set to go down, Japs vs US

Feminism in Japan is so much better, focusing on the strengths of women and actual injustices (Like, comically, an absurd shortage of daycare that means women cannot reenter the workforce). Microaggressions are unheard of and when they asked Japan to censor porn, /all the female doujin artists/ stood up and told them to fuck off.

Ever since it was announced Tokyo got the 2020 games you've seen that been stepped up a few notches
Luckily by then you'll see a pretty big wave of people who are against this pozzed crap and won't let it allow


Nigger are you confusing Italy with south America? Are you literally retarded

I know that happened
But I was imagining Millitary scale stuff
Did the battle actually end up happening

I don't want to see weeaboo trash there either but jesus.


Whatever you guys want, I don't play Japanese games!

Mario (and the feminine form Maria) are both Latin names user, I've seen both Spics and Italians with that name, although the feminine form Maria is much more common in spanish-speaking countries, stop being a fucking idiot

I almost jizzed all over the place when I saw Tsubasa, actually.

Not Vidya, but Chargeman Ken

France is Latin too dumbass, that doesn't mean they're called Mario
Mario is the least used name in Hispanic countries you dumb cunt

Who trainingforTokyo/ here now?

Don't know about the 2nd part but still…

Expect a lot of fags to whine about Japan's culture and fight over changes like changing the temple symbol because It looks too much like my 6 gorillian in my mind & loli


Not gonna happen, Japan is already going extinct as it is.

They don't need this.


I know several Mexicans with that name you faggot. and France is barely fucking Latin compared to Spanish and Italian, French is closer to Germanic, same as English

I am, not.

No, actually, I am not.
I'd like to though.

Wear a wig and take some Hormone Pills and you can make it to the olympics, don't even need to chop off your dick


Man, get a grip.
Seeing the burger education system at work always is depressing

Thinking about picking up a sport and participate in the Olympics. A woman practiced a sport for 3 years and the won the fucking silver for it. What's stopping me from practicing the shit out of a sport and maybe win something too?
I'm mainly going to see the show and the what the village is all about ( ° ʖ °)


das racis

Will Korea do anything vidya related for the 2018 winter olympics, or will it be 90% K-pop and idol shit?

I want to fucking cry user, fuck you. :(

Oh you think its a joke? Its already started


Sure theres backlash now and no plans of change, but once the 2020 Olympics are near, expect them to appear out of their shadows and see them scream like monkeys

Bloody Hell Sweeden

And yes I'm aware its from months ago, but always keep your guard up

They're hue monkeys you fucking mongoloid.

Eat shit and die, even 2D Koreans are pig disgusting.

That used to be a fucking bannable offense.

Some of those changes do make sense (Ones that have no cultural context to foriegners) but the shrine one should be untouched. It's absurd to raise outrage over something that can be resolved with a single sentence.

I thought the one on the right was Sweedish, Hues aren't that white

That gives *potential*, anywho, with enough practice I can at least participate even if I don't win anything.

:^) wouldn't have had the same effect.

There's tons of sports for normalfags to get in with the Olympics

Just Work hard for the next 4 years and participate in the Tryouts and find competition centers.


I said it used to be a bannable offense back on cuckchan faggot.
Go back to your containment general with the other Redditors.

Well I say wear a wig take some hormone pills and compete in what ever Womans event you'll win at

Maybe you don't, but

Overwatch is shit

I want tits and ass everywhere and I want citizens and officials to tell anyone bitching about not being current year to fuck off.

that is a dangerous slippery slope to go down. at first it's "common sense changes" and soon it's "we'd love to take in more refugees mr. soros, islam is a religion of peace after all".

also on that page
literally anuddah shoah

I want cute Jap girls in sailor fukus parading or doing something adorable.

Japan greenlighted blanket surveillance of those filthy shits and good riddance.




I fucking removed the flag. Fucking stop it.


fuck you

Yea, I'm not /fit/ (I'm super skinny) and I doubt that with just 4 years I'll be able to do very ardous physical sports, so I'm gonna look for more technique-based ones. Thanks for recommending.

None, i hate that piece of globalist propaganda and mainstream broadcastings. Fuck your Mario.

I wish I was superskinny, Now I'm just builtfat, AFTER being obese during my teenage years. That's what you get when you have a single mother who doesn't help you watch what you eat. I suffered from a lot of self hate back then, I looked like a pig with facial hair.

It was gross, glad that's over with though.

Comiket's probably already been cancelled for 2019 and 2020 because the Tokyo Big Sight is literally the biggest fucking building they have in the country and they need it for the cripple Olympics and indoor events. Every other event at the Big Sight is probably shitcanned too.

When I said watch what I ate, I mean when I was a child, either way, I still wish I knew about proper dieting when back when I was a teen. It would have helped a lot. That's what happens when you don't browse /fit/

I have a lot to thank them for.

It is time.


I seriously wanna fuck frank

You mean get fucked by, slut

Why not both?

But what about London
It's economy didn't crash and in fact is stronger now than it was in 2012, though it is extremely non-white


Or not, i dunno lol

Huh. I was fat when I was a kid, but then I hit the 12's and I started to get fucking skinny. I eat a fucking lot and I don't change a tiny bit. It's kind of a burden too, if I want to get muscular I don't see it happening in years. You, on the other hand, have it easier than me.

Well then the country crumbled! Not financially but still…

Or maybe Brexit


Maybe once it's gone, the Imperial family can push the rest of that pig Chinese imported trash back into the Sea of Japan where it belongs. All it does is muddy the pure worship of traditional Shintoism, and subvert the authority of the Imperial family which has been mandated by the heavens.


Mario has reached the point where he's not some nerdy shit anymore, he's popular culture mascot like Mickey Mouse or Superman.
He appeals to everyone.

I don't think Japan's in bad shape, though.

Nigger, Mario has been the best selling game series of all time since like 1995, where have you been?


this weaboo gets it


Yeah, you're right.

I'm just lazy

two atom bombs

