Da Guhd Empurha to Announce New Afghanistan War Plans on Monday


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Right after the eclipse.
Oh boy, here we go.

Who knows, he could come up with an actually sound strategy, there ought to be plenty of possibilities strategically, tactically, diplomatically, territorially.

Good, the Taliban needs to be routed. No negotiations.

This, hopefully
Im not a chesscuck but maybe he will not do a "blow shit up and produce (((islamic terrorists)))" tactic like the past 15 years of deployment in the middle east.

Maybe he will use this to destabilize the sauds ? maybe hes trying to fuck russia ?
This is the kind of thing that will show his true colors a bit more.

Are there any oilfield/pipeline plans in afghanistan right now ? Or is this a special occasion ?

t. CIAnigger


My guess is he's going to increase troop levels by around 5,000. I think we have around 10,000 there now. The Obama surge in 2011 worked. Obama should've extended the surge for another year or two longer. If we want the war to actually be won soon. Another surge would be needed. 75,000 infantry with air and ground support for two years would end the war. Change rules of engagement in combat areas where all civilian houses can be searched at anytime.

But they wont do that.

They'll increase special forces and mercenary activity and maybe add some air and artillery assets.

I don't buy the alt-kike anti-McMaster bullshit. Whatever it takes to get the job done. More important is what our objectives are.

No, its just that the Taliban have been making gains all year. A new strategy is needed. The Afghan National Army has had a very rough year. Its a complete stalemate right now.

If the US is going all-out and planning to crush with overwhelming force, I hope we use the troops and not private contractors. Contractor numbers aren't reported to the public, in terms of amount deployed, and amount killed.

How about getting the fuck out of Syria? Should free up some resources to fight for israel more. What's another couple billion spent for the kikes in the name of freedom.

No plan apart from "kill every single sandnigger in Afghanistan" is going to bring peace to Afghanistan.

You have no idea about insurgencies and COIN operations. It's not even a war between the USA and the taliban, it's just a bunch of tribal conflicts in a country that only exists on maps. If you wanted to end this, you'd have to put there a government that can actually function and knows how to deal with these tribes. But that only works in third world countries if you build a dictatorship, simply because you can't just tell goatherders to play nice with each other and pay all their taxes. You have to aim some guns at them to make them listen. And the USA must build a so-called liberal democracy that can't do that with its people, therefore this whole project is doomed to fail.

In that case, maybe the CIA should stop funding them.

Yeah. The CIA is responsible and control everything yes? Grow up.

Bannon had to go because he was standing in the way of reescalation, so obviously Trump's decision is reescalation. And just like that he bent the knee to the neocon agenda, and he's lost me. No more dumb wars for Israel, ever. We might as well have elected Jeb Bush at this point.
I bet once we send more thousands to get blown up by Muslims for Israel and so the neocons can loot trillions from the treasury to the point they crash the economy again, I bet you magically see an end to the Mueller investigation, I bet all these crazy antifa protest riots magically stop. I bet the media starts sucking Trump's dick nonstop all of a sudden. All the Never-Trumpers magically start saying Trump is the best president of all time. All the "We gotta impeach Trump because he's crazy" talk disappears overnight. And so on and so fort.

9/10 chance we get a 9/11-tier false flag to go along with the announcement to "bring the country together" and unite us against our common foe, whoever the new big bad muslim supervillain they fabricate this time now that Al-Baghdadi's plot arc is almost finished.

Holy shit I mean this stuff writes itself. They are out of ideas and I guess we just do this same nonsense every 10 years or so until the masses of people go full French revolution and just start chopping off heads of everyone in power left and right.
I suspect we're already at that point and the next big false flag WILL unite Americans, only against their own abusive government instead of a foreign foe. If they hit us with a big false flag when it is SO fucking obvious what they are leading up to then you are going to see a lot of Masonic temples firebombed and shit, lots of city halls raided and inhabitants executed on the spot, none of this shit where you hold them hostage and give them a chance to escape, they'll just be executed on the spot.

Just look at Trump's tweet: he already let the cat out of the bag. "Our country will soon come together as one!" OVER WHAT, HMMM? The next 9/11?

Which is likely what they have planned. McMaster is going to run it, and he's one of those dudes who thinks America only loses wars because politicians get in the way (of generals killing everything that breathes). So enjoy McMaster unleashed and brutalizing Afghans, thereby inflaming all muslims in the entire world against the west. The fundamentalists will have no problem recruiting everyone into jihad after McMaster spends a year raping Afghanistan.

Why not just burn all of the Opium fields and fuck off?

No, but the CIA is responsible for funding and providing support to Al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and ISIS.

Hey bro. Why don't you go to Helmand Province Afghanistan and tell them what a good buddy of theirs you are. Im sure they'll like you a lot with such a level head oh have. They just want to left alone after all.

This is probably what's gonna happen with Afghanistan


This plan was already floated a while ago. An article from June 15


For comparison and context's sake, pic related shows the proposed number of troops versus historical numbers of troops that the US has had in Afghanistan.

What does Afghanistan have to do with Israel?

Unless the Kikes really REALLY like Opium I don't see the connection.

He is a sand nigger.

Mistakes were made. Yes. Blame Georgetown University. Etc.etc.and others.

I for one look forward to Walmart brand death squads


Yay, another US war in Afghanistan to protect the CIA's opium reserves!

We finish up aggjansidtan and win the drug war then remove kikel filth from out beautiful planet then we all drink some beers and play horseshoes or make battle cruisers and take this quadrant of the galaxy once and for all
I'm cool either way


Good goy


I really don't like this strategy of doing just enough to try and keep the Taliban from gaining ground but not enough to wipe them out. Our strategists should just try and finish it already. All of Europe and America. NATO. Just get 500,000 infantry together. With support. Send them in and finish this damn war. Its not that crazy an idea. I mean come the fuck on.

The goal isn't to win.

or gtfo which has the benefit of not having white Americans die and destroys the CIAs heroin business which hurts cartels and leads to less white Americans overdosing

Funny, because I figured a 500,000 or so troop surge would be received horribly by Trump supporters who are tired of pointless wars.

He really can't win in this situation, can he?

Let me guess.

Keep perpetual war going so that the CIA can forever watch over their precious opium.

I fucking love you brother
Seriously no homo
I'm just grateful to be here with you dudes

Who knows…unfortunately it is highly probable that we'll do a surge of sorts and many young men will die in what would likely be nothing more than more of the same.

I'm thinking that perhaps the best move, however, would to announce a full withdrawl. Let them dissolve into an even more fucked up and fractured tribal wasteland.

We've been there trying to win influence for nearly 80 years. It hasn't and probably won't work no matter what…I mean what is our end game??? Leave them be and they'll dissolve what's left of their land quick enough. The Russians don't have the resources to enter anytime soon and the Chinese aren't going there either. Cut our losses and focus on fights that are winnable.

Believe in the me that believes in you.

contracts open to any american citizen
a license to kill afghanis if you will

islam already wants you dead
we should kill them all, in self-defense

Why waste my time. They don't need my help at all. I'll just sit here at home eating popcorn while America bankrupts itself again. I dunno, maybe there's enough gas left in the engine for another bailout, but I doubt it.

The big killer is going to be when America loses yet again, but this time can't blame its loss on 'mah pc politicians',since the generals will be running the white house, secretary of defense, and nsc.

When there's no one left to blame but the military itself, I guess America will just have to accept that no, it was never as badass as it thought it was.

Pretty much. They're just doing what they feel is the minimum necessary to fend off the Taliban. They should just try and end it like an actual war. Not this support and counter insurgency with some special forces blah blah blah shit. Hell, even 300,000 infantry would probably be enough to finish it quickly. Its just a lack of willpower and boldness and actually wanting to win with some sense of urgency.

Anyone know what the best time to plant a big ol tree is? 25 years ago. I'm planting some as soon as I can

If he doesn't stay in, all future terrorist attacks will be blamed on Trump for exciting terrorist groups with a major victory. If he stays in, all future terrorist attacks will be blamed on Trump for not letting sandniggers live their pitiful existences in peace.

He's staying in.
Get ready for some real fun user

Why not just do what Pershing did and dip all the bullets in pigs blood?

Oh please. 4,000 people won't do shit. Trump's sending in half a million like
said. And they're just going to kill everyone in sight.

It's literally impossible. Afghans resisted mongols for 150 years, until they won and the Mongols didn't have a single peaceful day with them.
Afghanistan is the place where empires go to die, every empire worth it's salt occupied Afghanistan and got utterly destroyed there.

You have to pacify Afghanistan to take Iran dumbass. As soon as the Afghans aren't causing trouble, then you can send another 100k jarheads off to get blown up in Persia. Because any existential threat to Israel must be eliminated, paid for with American blood and treasure. Because Israel pays handsomely for the American politicians who call the shots.

To take Persia you need to pacify Russians, CHinks and Norks first, because they won't just sit and watch.

The real enemy are the Chinks.

Goddamn soulless commie bastards.

Don't fall for that shit. Yes, he supported the deal with Iran, but if you read the Brooking's institute's policy paper "Which path to Persia" (it is online believe it or not) then you'd know that the deal is part of the path to war. They wrote that America won't support a war with Iran unless they can be convinced Iran is evil, and the paper recommends to give Iran a deal that is "too good to be true" and then make it look like Iran broke the deal and can't be trusted, so Americans will feel betrayed and DEMAND war with Iran. McMaster is in on this shit, and all the crap about him being pro-muslim is just standard red-herring. I'm sure when Iran "breaks the deal" that McMaster will "feel most betrayed of all" and will "with a heavy heart regret that war is now the only course of action". Total bullshit. More dead americans for Israel. More trillions down the drain.

Your life as an American is literally just to be a battery for Israel's Goy War Machine. You are only allowed enough to live and reproduce, and all the surplus value you create is taxed and flated to power the war machine.

how is this for a strategy, destroy all military equipment and leave nothing behind when withdrawing


They don't want me dead. I've hedged my bets, brother.

You can try killing the 1.5 biillion muslims. Good luck with that. They'll all be coming for you when McMaster is finished making a fool of himself.

You don't plant trees in a desert, you let semitic sandniggers squabble over useless territory.

Because muslims really aren't afraid of that nonsense. Maybe ask a muslim if they really believe that someone forcing pigs blood on you makes you go to hell. They're crazy but not crazy AND stupid.

Fuck off Chang

Killing 1.5 billion Muslims would be extremely easy, in all reality.

And the Muslim is no better than the Jew.

That's actually the plan. Plus 3 billions of niggers and Jews.

I'm feeling all sorts or wizard like these days
I made an effigy to burn tomorrow during the eclipse to our God and our ancestors.
I made my wand from walnut and hickory and cherry and oak wood. Hard and powerful.

Yes they are. They're completely fucking insane, you double-nigger mudslime apologist.

The filthy third world dirty people and their dirty semitic demon worship go in the same hole as the Jew and his.

Just wait. After America makes it look like Iran broken the nuclear deal, Russia and China won't have an argument to defend Iran. And that was the entire point of making the deal in the first place. To win the moral high ground by making it look like Iran broke the deal.

I'm sorry, but did you see the psyop Qatar pulled on the world, user? They literally paid team Hillary and Obama to destroy Libya, start Arab spring revolutions, and arm and train 'rebels' in Syria. Qatar taking out all its competition, through America, almost as good as the Jews were at manipulating American politics.

That's not stupid. Crazy yes, but not stupid. And definitely not insane, because they did have purpose, and worked to achieve it.

Then why did Iran agree to begin with?

Cause kang nigger said here here is a pallet of cash box nood cocaine nigger nigger Islam etc

Yeah, funny that… Its almost like it wasn't the fucking Qatarans at all, isn't it? Who does that remind you of?
Oh, well, would you look at that…

You wanna know what they are, user? Inbred. About 50%+ of them worldwide. And the rest are murderously insane, to the point of starting trouble with nations that could wipe them out in the blink of an eye. Let's not even get into the ridiculous shit they believe in.

nice try alt-left, but you're still a faggot

$1 Trillion Trove of Rare Minerals Revealed Under Afghanistan

Anyone who's been over there knows that there is only 2 REAL solutions to the Afghanistan war:

#1. Leave
#2. Nerve gas the entire population of Afghanistan

And, we all know that the Pentagon cucks don't have the balls for #2 and they'll never do #1. So endless war it is.



Wow. China gives Africans niggerball stadiums for their minerals. We should do the same for our new greatest ally.


False flag to attack NK? Where's Israel's German made sub. I suspect Israel is getting itchy to use that sub.

It would be a false flag to attack Syria. North Korea is more the Samson Option approach, Syria is the "expand greater israel and cuck Russia's oil industry" approach.

There's nothing there but pomegranate orchards, opium fields, mud houses, sheep and wrecked infrastructure the Soviets and squabbling tribes blew up long before the U.S. got sucked in. It's a complete wasteland filled with stone age retards. You gotta see it to believe it.

At this point we should withdraw every soldier from Afghanistan. What would be best, ultimately, is that Iran annexed the region.

It was always a complete wasteland with goatfuckers. And that wasteland sucked in and dissolved the Mongol Horde, the Persian Empire, Alexander the Great, the British Empire and the USSR. And now it's sucking in the US.
The war goes on for 16 years, yet no progress has been made and no progress will be made. US will die just like the rest.

I'd read that before I went there and thought naw, we'll crush them. Then I saw it first hand and became a believer. We have zero reason to be their. None. There's nothing left to destroy and nothing to capture or exploit.

I was in Iraq too. At least the argument could be made we wanted to control their oil. But Afghanistan? Mining Lapis Lazuli, smoking hash and buggering boys is about as far as these savages can ever think ahead. That and fucking Westerners out of aid money.

It's no wasteland. The people of Afghanistan are Persian by blood, and the place used to be a real home to Aryan peoples. Genghis did massive damage, but never truly broke Afghanistan, the Persian Empire drew its strength from its mountains, and Alexander the Great was held aghast against its power. See, none of these attacking armies could break the body of Afghanistan. Instead, it would be the hearts and minds of the place that would fall to the same evil that destroyed the rest of Persia, broke the power of the Greeks, and is now hoping to do the same to Britain.

Islam became the scourge the ruined the middle east.

War vs China and Russia soon?

In the north primarily, the south are closer to the lower caste indians
The Persian related population is probably 20-35% and mostly those that are already Shiites which are 15-20% of the Afghan population

I doubt the South is closer to Untouchables. Some admixture is to be expected, but not to the point you're suggesting. But none of this is important, what matters is that the place gets its management reformed, and I think Iran's government could do the job. What do you think?

The Iranian government already supports the northern alliance (what became the current gov) and already has as much influences/controls as it can without deploying large amounts of troops to control the Sunni south
Pakistan with its Wahhabi/Salafist influences is the larger concern and while Iran may influence some militias the Paki Sunnis is the much larger threat and will obviously support the Taliban with its majority support of the Sunni population of Afhanistan

See what I'm saying? Islam has them divided. What Afghanistan and Iran need is to both be unified by Blood and Soil. Both have nothing to lose, and everything to gain if they can rekindle their unity with the Flame of Zoroaster. Both Islam and Judaism would piss themselves were such a day to come - Iran already has Zoroastrian undercurrents within its population, it's just a matter of time before we hear of it.


You must be honest to god retard even by Holla Forums standards if you think you can win a war in Afghanistan when you have no end goals whatsoever.

You're just stuck there for all eternity because your politicians too much of spineless cowards to admit that there is no legit reason for staying there, fighting de-facto US sponsored foe to keep illegimate US-funded government in place.

If you're bitching about how Taliban must go, then good luck with that, they're not going anywhere as they are part of the Pakistan's defense strategy regarding their western border.

You'll generally see that whenever anyone posts in support of starting/continuing any of these pointless sandpit wars, they always disregard any concept of end goals and instead simply fantasize about it being more like starting a crusade or somehow killing off islam entirely.
They are all either government shills or some kind of pupal-stage neocons, eager to kill/die for Israel and Saudi Arabia.

Why Afghanistan though?

There's no 1488d chess happening here.
We can't afford more troops in Afghanistan.
It would accomplish nothing. With all the dangerous muzzies in Europe now, we'd be better off invading Amsterdam.

They don't want the war to end. The goal is never to win. They could end the war years ago but they didn't.

In other words, this is the continuation of a Proxy War against Iran. Similarly in Yemen, notice we haven't heard much of that theater of war lately?

Goddamit me
In seven years during the next eclipse it will be centered
I hope yours works just right today user

Yes. How are we going to get our opium if that keeps going on?

t. fellow white

People voted Trump because he promised we would stay the fuck out of foreign conflicts.

Fuck this turncoat.

And? None of our fucking concern. CIAniggers created the Taliban, you can hold them accountable and responsible for whatever happens. No more invasions, no more American soldiers dying for kikes. Fuck you.

This too.

Invade Afghanistan? Fuck you orange nigger, let's get to the bottom of who's behind ISIS so we can hold them accountable for all the islamic terrorist attacks in Europe. The fucking gall.

So did Bush Jr.

It's the CIA you dummy. The US figured out during Vietnam that the American people have no stomach for war, but the CIA must still project power, so they do it through air strikes and proxy armies.

I'm not talking about alphabet agencies, names nigger.

Yes and he was a kike puppet.

You are retarded. Israel being behind ISIS is common knowledge.

Israel and US both. I already know that faggot you replied to is a shill because he tried to deflect away from the culprits.

Fuck your faceless organizations, you damn well know we're talking names and faces here. Who gave the order to fund and supply terrorists? Fucking who did it!? Who arranged for the funds? Who arranged for the weapons and equipment? Who arranged for the medical supplies? Who arranged for vehicles? Who arranged for the training of these terrorists? Who actually supervised their training?

Fucking. Who.

Fuck your invasion of Afghanistan you orange kike.

You funny guy

We rape your country last

Jews first. That solves the islamic problem in Europe.

Maybe we should just leave them with the Taliban, and if they like them. If they don't like them, they can shoot them, everyone has an AK.

sounds about right, and nice digits

Go fight them yourself then, shit kike.

US military need to send the degenerates to die there. They will be burdens on the society when they come back so it's best to stop them from coming back. Is this unethical?

Iiterally who the fuck cares?

Um…the people who want the people to get addicted to the op-drugs for shekels.

"Victory" in Afghanistan is impossible. Virtually the entire population wishes to live under Sharia law. Western style democracy will never take hold.

Full withdrawal now. Give a stern warning to those who run the country that if they ever allow the Taliban or any terrorist groups to operate in the country unmolested then they will be held personally responsible.

No, it's not our problem to fix it for them.

Because the Saudis already one Yemen so now it's just Iran guerrillas vs the Saudis military.


People who don't think Afghanistan is winnable have been reading too much liberal/libertarian propaganda. It is possible, and no it's not muh neocon 'surge' bullshit, either.

We team up with Russia, pound Islamic extremists down a bit and install a benevolent strongman like Qaddafi

CIAniggers care.



Retard detected


Nice Knives I only have a couple chef's knives


I can't believe how low this place has fallen. Reddit destroyed Holla Forums

I clearly remember that Trumpstein was already kvetching about Iran and voicing his support for Israel in the same breath even before he got elected.

Looking at the map, i think i understand why that orange bitch wants to invade Afghanistan. Spoilers: it has fucking nothing to do with the Taliban.

As usual, Scheuer is absolutely correct

If Trump wants an excellent pick to replace Banon, he'd get on the phone with Scheuer.


The opioid epidemic in the US can be traced back to the CIA opium fields in Afghanistan. All these "pain relief clinics" that turn soccer moms into junkies would've never come into existance without the ZOG ivansion of Afghanistan and the destruction of the Taliban who had burned all the poppy fields.


Same with Bacha Bazi/fucking young boys, that massively increased after the US invasion as well since the Taliban would execute people for it while US troops were told to turn a blind eye

Fun fact: Bill Clinton was considering allowing the Taliban as the official Afghan gov but it was Jay Lenos retarded feminist wife that whined about muh womens rights and got him to change opinion and bomb the Taliban

Already being reported Trump is going to be sending more troops into Afghanistan. Fucking McMaster and Pence sold him on it.

That's very awkward. The women shouldn't have the voting rights.

It's not confirmed yet.

In this case it was probably Mattis who pushed for it.

Deeper involvement = more troops


The Yemen Missile Crisis is over, user.

Good. This will bankrupt zog even faster and we can have our civil war while I'm still young enough to fight in it.

It too bad all the newfags and shills ITT think there is anything to be won except for the kikes. I was a jarhead in Iraq. It's pointless. There never was a valid causus belli. Now fuck off, shills, and go back to lurking, newfags.

There is no reason to support kike wars that do not, literally, have a valid US CB.

Nigger they just hit a main oil refinery a few weeks ago
The missiles will keep coming from the Houthis

The part i was calling you a retard for was claiming the Saudis won, when they failed all objectives and hold less territory now than last year
Also the Houthis are not "Iran guerillas" the are Shiites and anti-Saudi but that is about the only similarity with Iranians, the Houthis have threatened to fight with Iran before if Iranian influence becomes too strong and threatens their independence
They aren't really a traditional proxy army or guerilla army either, yes there are groups that are guerilla units but there is still a formal military structure since the Houthis/Ali Abdullah Saleh (President before the Saudi invasion) used to be the actual government and majority of the Yemen military and they have access to most of the former military stockpiles which is why the war and missiles wont end(especially since they are modifying SAMs to SSMs). Most of the commanders and higher ranking officers stayed with the Houthis including the republican guard and the Houthi leadership is much like a conventional military structure compared to a militia/guerilla group.

Except as a way to harm and bankrupt the US government.

They don't understand the politics. US military is there to protect the opium farms but they don't care about the afghans nor yanks. It's a total fraud and bluepilled yanks believe anything coming out of lying politicians's mouths so there is no end yo the wars that have no benefits for USA but for the kikes.

Or we can do what the Russians did with Chechnya, and just pay them off.

Dr. Michael Scheuer: Another 2000 Troops Going To Afghanistan… For What?


Drug trafficking Jews.

How much did they paid them off?

Mike Scheuer is a godamn gem. He's probably on the list of the 100 or so people on this whole planet who is not completely insane.

Really is /r/the_Donald here…

Fuck off Israel is based.

The Jewish Sackler Bros have been in the opium pushing business for a long time.

Both, my man. But jews first, I agree.

Why not both at the same time?

Based Scheuer.

Reminder that if we had elected Ron Paul in 2008 Scheuer would be in and we'd be out


You could always nuke the place. No one's ever tried that before

Because they didn’t do it right. I know it’s hard to stomach–it’s apparently even hard for nonwhites to stomach–but it has to be done RIGHT.

No, there are too many Afghans in Iran as is
The Iranian government letting in too many foreign Shiites which are mostly darker and more fundamentalist than most Iranians and the least likely to bring Iran back to its Zoroastrian/Aryan roots, this is already a problem that is discussed

Looks like McMaster got a memo showing his cut of the opium and triangle trade shekels.

Can you not build a representative government out of the region's tribes?

Is that IDF ROE?

Glad to hear you at least survived that kike war.

Confirmed for shill who wants US to waste soldiers on Afghanistan for jews. DOTR will come for you.

Jews first, then mudslimes. In that fucking order, no exceptions.

Now fuck off CIAnigger, fight your own wars.

Great we elected another Bush didn't we?
None the less, I guess international policy doesn't correlate with national policy, I pray Trump will at least start ww3 or a civil war.

You're correct about the engagement you were involved in (Iraq), there was no casus belli there. But there is a perceived casus belli in Afghanistan, they harbor terrorists. Trump stated that he was going after terrorists, one would be safe in assuming he was earnest in his pursuit of stopping terrorism. Stopping terrorism only leads to one outcome; the exposure of Israeli involvement in said terror. I'll withhold judgement on Trump until the smoke clears from the announcement and we start to see the results of his decision today.

Meant for

Someone on my local news already pointed out that Trump is using the exact same words as Obama for the justification of the Afghan invasion.

Also you can't stop terrorism without changing the minds of people in Afghanistan, the Taliban has been resurging time and again because their ideology finds a lot of fertile ground; the people there want the Taliban, had this not been the case then Taliban would've been long gone.

So now Trump comes with his sad excuse that he's only going to 'kill terrorists', while everyone and his grandma knows that this doesn't fucking work. And to top it all off he's now talking exactly like Obama (muh blank cheque, muh measurable results). Face it; the goal isn't to 'kill terrorists'. Trump is lost. Out of nowhere he now comes with some lame excuse to invade Afghanistan and he can't even justify it. He had benefit of the doubt before, now he's lost that. It's over.


Will this mean Afghani refugees fleeing war coming over to seek asylum in Europe and America?

What happened to the promises of withdrawing from offshore wars? Trump has so far INCREASED involvement in Afghanistan and Syria, and is constantly saber rattling against Iran and Norks. This is in direct opposition of what he had promised, right after Bannon left too. Neocons control the white house now.

the charter trade company model works really well for pacifying places you want to extract wealth from places you don't want to waste government resources on
imagine a 21st century equivalent to the british east india company


Here's a question I'll throw at you, Shlomo:




Opium and lithium, you dumb fucking cunt

Europe might have been lost and humiliated, but will never have to live like obedient subhumans with delusion of grandeur.


Neocon kikes and communists are literally two sides of the same shekel.

wait, are we talking about gommunism?