Hi Holla Forums, I made a video game with a couple of anons

Hi Holla Forums, I made a video game with a couple of anons
It's not much, but I hope you have fun

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how do you make a game

whats it about


That's cool, I made a game once.
But you're never gonna play it.
Cause I'm not a faggot who shares things.


What the hell? A game by that name came out 10 years ago? What kind of jewish trick is it?


oh fuck me

Was it an inspiration or just pure (((coincidence)))?

pure (((coincidence)))
i have no clue about that other game

Doesn't look too bad, I'll try it out.

it's a (((coincidence)))
for real though

Monitoring thread

Fucking hell, I really hope that is a genuine coincidence.

The original title was just Shadow Quest. I added Obscura after in order to make it sound less generic. Now it just sounds like I plain ripped off another game.
Fuck me.

Here's a protip: use Hebrew names. No one recognizes them and jews think its clever and you're a fellow (((chosen)))

Well I gave it a try. 10/10

Wait RGSS-RTP went missing? I thought he was pronouced dead at the scene of the car crash.

this must mean that
sandy hook was staged.

Put more effort and use Game Maker Studio you hack autist.

I should probably package the RPG Maker XP RTP with it, shouldn't I?

Nevermind, deleting "standard" in the game.ini fixed it.


Call it Neon Genesis Obscura: Saturn Shoah

Fuck my shit up.

You need to install the RPG Maker XP RTP and put Standard back in the Game.ini file
I released and updated version packaged with the RPG Maker XP RTP

Could you make a 32-bit version? It looks neat.

Redownload the game, I accidentally uploaded the wrong build like a fucking retard.

RPG Maker XP doesn't have support for 32-bit exports, I'm afraid.


Well I redownloaded the package and installed it and it does launch now and doesn't crash (at least after I downloaded the correct build), except that there isn't any text anywhere other than the post battle results. Maybe it requires a computer reboot but I m not doing that now.
I guess the music isn't bad.

Oh good, I'm not the only one with just black textless boxes

Funnily enough I had text before installing RPG Maker XP RTP.

I mean, I'm down to just listen to the soundtrack though, wherever that came from was a good place

ur game sux

The guy who made it is named Friko Braun.

Here's his bandcamp:

top quality tunes.


Fuck, forgot to package the font aswell.
I am so sorry, huge fuckups.


bump so it doesn't die in the morn

people forgot lostboy.exe so fast

It ain't lostboy you dumb jew

Remember when someone put it up on steam greenlight?

Fun times

If it's not now it will be soon.

Time to put denuvo on it.

It's such a long way down

why is the character a fucking nigger?


That movie was so awful.


Porn when?