Isn't it amazing how quickly Wii U emulation is progressing? This is from Decaf, the open souce alternative to Cemu...

Isn't it amazing how quickly Wii U emulation is progressing? This is from Decaf, the open souce alternative to Cemu. A few weeks ago it couldn't even properly display most games and look at it now. Soon i will be able to play Sm4sh on my PC, sweeet.

Isn't the WiiU just an overclocked Wii, which is just an overclocked Gamecube?

The graphics look amazing here

It is? Wouldn't surprise me really.

Power wise, it's more of an overclocked PS3.

I've heard that the Wii U is very similar to the Wii, so that has helped the development.

It's pretty impressive, but what is more impressive thought is the fact that in [CURRENT YEAR] we still can't make some PS2 games work fine on modern machines.

We can't even emulate the original fucking Xbox

here's the problem: the tablet controller.

using a tablet or something maybe?

I suppose. But you can play most games with a regular controller, and the wii u tablet is mostly used for showing more info then needed for playing the hame.


needs wide range front facing mic, capacative touch screen, resistive touch screen and gyro.

some games*

not a capacative touch screen, just resistive. my mistake.

Ahh i see, then buying a wii u gamepad might be the best solution, its still cheaper and better than buying the console.

then you're settling for inaccuracy. the good thing about the wii u is it outputs at 1080p, and can provide accurate wii, gc, and obviously wii u experience. plus good emulation for in theory, up to gen 5. maybe even ps2/dc is possible.

That is because it would take an entire reverse engineering of the xbox's custom version of direct X. A huge feat for someone to do for free.

Wished Hyrule Warriors could be emulated in a short time. Fuck them for wanting to buy the 3DS version to get the code for Linkle and the other characters. And fuck them for the season passes, like millions are patiently waiting for fucking Hyrule Warriors.



I'm really exited about this, cemu, and citra. I've been wanting to play another monster hunter game after finishing unite and p3rd.

Have you tried the PS2 games? They are pretty fun, i used to have a blast with the online on those, it surprisingly lasted longer than the online of Tri.

Did you got lost nintendrone?

To be fair Wii U piracy is good enough that you can only not play online games, which is a problem for emulation as well. Wii U's are pretty cheap used, right?

Wait, Wii U piracy exists now?

It has for months now, and it's super easy. Nintendo hasn't updated the Wii U's firmware in months if I'm correct, and it works on current firmware. Just slap some stuff on an SD card and you can play any game you want. The only problem is you can't play anything online, but hardly any Nintendo games have online as a main attraction. Splatoon suffers most from this, MK8 and Smash 4 do a little as well. Basically it's great if you want to play the 10 good games on Wii U. Also, the virtual Wii was easily hacked too, so you've got that for all your Wii related needs. It's basically the best Nintendo emulator box of all time.

3DS emulator when? I want to play Monster Hunter on a non-shit platform.

No USB support tho. Even so tdoes the Wii U even have 10 good gamesv? Ive played
Didnt like it as much as 64, DD,Wii or DS
Felt fun for first hour or so, after that it felt stale and not as good as other Super Mario entries
Easily the least fun smash. I preffeeed Brawl despite all the bullshit

Neat and decent game

I think homebrew adds some usb support? Probably should have been there from the start. Also play Wonderful 101, it's great. I don't care how, just do it. Also, ignore drawing on the gamepad to make the unite morphs, they dedicated a stick to it so just make them fighting game input style.

Problem is you HAVE to use USB sticks, which are fragile as fuck, and really not meant for constant reading/writing.

Wait, nevermind i got that shit backwards.

I'm also confused about the lack of a 3ds emulator.
There's enough homebrew shit going on with it that it really seems like some enterprising person should have done it by now.

What the hell are you niggers talking about? Citra has been around for over a year.

Didnt like it as much as 64, DD,Wii or DS

I don't know why, but I really couldn't get into the DS and Wii versions that much. Mario Kart 8 turned out to be a pleasant surprise for me.

Similar thing with Smash 4, it reminds me of the n64 version in the sense that I can see myself going back to it, even after a new title comes out.

Still runs like shit user.

Speak for yourself, I was emulating Ace Combat games perfectly last week.

It helps having an overclock i7-2600k I suppose.

so when is a fully functional 3DS and PS3 emulator coming out?

I wanted to play this game in HD, but I don't have a PS3 & it would not run with Wii U exploits. This emulator is still too laggy to play the full game & has some glitches so it looks like my only recourse is to get a PS3 & softmod it, or play it on my 3DS at a very low resolution.

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Well, if only performance's an issue (no crashes, no graphical glitches, completely functional) then it is really impressive. I guess I should start looking into what wiiu games I can start playing

3DS is in an odd state where it's so easy to pirate on and homebrew for combined with being so easily obtained that there's really not any demand for an emulator at this point in time.

Remember that emulators in general are hobby projects made by one or more enterprising autists.

Not really. The console is 5 years old and counting with a potential successor on the way and the Power PC architecture is incredibly well documented and thanks to the Dolphin crew emulators were bound to spring up fast. It also doesn't have the best hardware which also means that lower tier PCs can run it.

Why are you trying to mislead poor retards into a flamewar OP?

Both the WiiU and the 3ds emulators run like shit. Retarded pirate fags who are no better than console warriors at this point will tout anything.

>mfw these are the types of faggots "fans" that would send nintendo an email about fan projects

id say the wii u has a fairly ok library of games. It has kinda dried up lately though, star fox zero was prretty meh and I haven't personally played pokken.

I don't own a Wii U, I've just played these games at my brother's house. He doesn't own that game.

That still doesn't add up to 10 good games. How is that fairly ok? If we are comparing it to the PS4 and Xbone then sure, but for a console thats been out for 5+ years that's really underwhelming. Its not even cheap or as hackable as the Wii.

Call me back when i can play MHTri in multiplayer with people online.

Providing one example isn't going to refute that claim in the slightest since it was heavily implied that most PS2 games work fine.

Try running Shadow of the Colossus properly.

This is an imageboard for Christ's sake just post a damn image.

can you fucking ban this faggot, mods
jesus christ

My only guess is that you are a retarded poor nigger.

If you have money to spend… than buying the system, even used if you wanted to avoid giving Nintendo anything wouldn't be a problem.

If you feel the need to justify the money you pour into a PC to play emulators that won't match up to the real thing for a good while, and actually fucking settling for less… well you're pretty retarded yourself.