ITT: Post vidya music embeds and rate other anons' embeds

OPTIONAL: Write a little review of the embed you're replying to.

Starting it off with a sick as hell, fast tune.

Contributing some comfy. Say what you want about Blizzard or the game, but their music is pretty aight.

Not terribly bad, but you made me turn up my comp thinking it was too quiet. 7/10

Here ya go. This game may have not been great, but its got a good soundtrack.



That actually sounds great. Really should play some of the Megaman games outside of some of the NES ones and X on SNES. Is it true the Battle Network series apparently has some of the most corniest jokes ever?

Wait, did Raiden 5 actually come out? As for the song that build up is so worth it.



I still say X4 has the best soundtrack of the franchise, but I'd say Transmission has second place for me. Battle Network series is great (though Network Transmission had the benefit of being on the Gamecube, which is why it sounds so spectacular compared to the GBA stuff). In Battle Network 3 onwards, there is a system where you can program Megaman.EXE with bonuses, one of which is a humor drive where if you talk to him, he'll make jokes, usually based on where you are ingame.


Fuck, forgot to post vidya music.


Yea, for the Xbone, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that you didn't hear about it. The coolest part is that the music is completely synced up with the stages. Just look at 51:48 for the last stage and how it plays out.


Good Song, nice variety in the channels. Also points for using GBC sound channels capcom.



I like Ethereal sounding music.


It's ok, doesn't really remind me of a mother song at all and I just don't like the funky beats of this song at all. SO a 3/5 due to that fresh voice in the song.

This is my thread now, It belongs to me.

That's a terrible review, but I agree. It's a nice song, but something about it seems off, it's like they don't have that same MOTHER magic.

Because it's not being made my japanese rock musicians and videogame composers like the actual MOTHER games?


It's TOO energetic? I'm unsure, I really like the song, but it feels off if you're trying to make it fit the Earthbound style. I'm probably just not used to mother being taken into someone else's hands is all.

It sure as hell sounds better than Undertale's battle theme, that's for sure. Toby really disappointed with a good chunk of the soundtrack.










Comfy as fuck song uggg I'm excited for that game, I hope they have those area crossfades to different styles of the song like BK1&2.

I feel like I wanna figure out if the musicians for Katamari games have solo albums, cause I need more.


A great song, the fast pace synth work mixing with the electric guitar gives this song energetic fast pace and provides a noticeable edge to it that sounds pretty cool.




Everett Bradley is my baby








No, user. The Artist created the music. The credits go like this:
1. God
2. Artist
3. Blizzard

Haven't played the Star Force series so I wouldn't know about any other good music in the series, but a vid an user posted long ago introduced me to this actually nice theme.

ive seen so much mega man shit in so many threads. Are you the same guy posting mega man wherever you can?


I played the living shit out of Blood Money and only now do I see the "SIN" in the background.

The most beautiful song i've ever heard.

this was unused in SMT3 what do you guys think about it