Does Pennywise the Dancing Clown poop?

Does Pennywise the Dancing Clown poop?

Does filling an eleven year old's little womb with your seed really makes you think gooder?


In the book he has a daughter who says he shat her out so yeah, I guess.

Since he's an inter-dimensional entity, his physiology is probably completely different than your standard earthly mammal. There's no telling how he would "poop".

what do you think it smells like? haha

For science, right fellow redditor?

do you think he gets embarrassed when he poos? haha



If you were the 6th and final male member of the Losers Club would you still fuck Beverly at the tail end of a gangbang?


It's called the Losers Club for a reason

what did she mean by this?

There's no child gangbang in the TV special universe, it doesn't exist in that canon :)

after the black guy? no, I don't want to get AIDS


Do you think they will retcon Beverly + Ben in order to push Beverly + Billy for some stupid reason?

I'd imagine they want to push Beverly + Mike for some reason

Does it matter? It's not like this film was well directed or anything.

name a better adaptation of It

hint: you can't

Killer Klowns from Outer Space

user The Shining was kino because it had nothing to do with the book

My favorite part of The Shining was how furious Stephen King was afterwards :)

If she had long hair yes.

Finally watched this the other day. Wildly overrated. Bev was qt though. Glad she rekt her pedo dad.

did It (the book) start the "clowns are scary" meme?

that would be john wayne gacy

the movie cowboy?





lgbt+ icon :)

Please don't do this