It's above 80% you can't miss. Just take the shot goy

It's above 80% you can't miss. Just take the shot goy.




Wow, found the idiot who doesn't understand probability.

You really have no idea what tactics means. Hint: It's not random luck.

luck =/= tactical

so Final Fantasy Tactics means Final Fantasy Bad Luck?


Dealing with bad outcomes and adapting is part of strategy games that have RNG, getting pissy at missing 80% shots is some faggot shit.

Feels good.

I thought these games straight up told you a higher probability to hit than the actual probability to hit you have and told you a lower probability for enemies to hit than they actually have.

It would be less misleading to represent chance as a fraction instead of percentage, eg. "1:200 critrate" instead of "0.5% critrate".

It's the same shit, it's only misleading if you don't understand math.

One you stop being a retarded faggot, you will realize that if RNG decides to really fuck you over, there is literally no amount of adaptation or planning that can stop it.

Just admit you faggots are taking 50% shots against sectoids with better aim than your rookies, then whining like a babby.

You're giving an extreme example to justify your faggot tree, more often than not, you will be able to use a backup plan (if you had one to begin with).
Your exampel is [nNot even extreme as in, a 1 in a 100 chance, it's a 1 in 100000000 just from the numbers you gave.
I'm not saying it's impossible, one time a series of events screwed me really fucking bad in SMTIII, i did the math using numbers I found in guides and in the wiki, and it was absurdly low, like less than a 1 in a million chance, I simply could not have done anything to prevent it.
Instead of having a flaming anus about it I loaded a save from 30 minutes before that shit happened and kept playing.

That'd be 80%

plus dodge and environment modifiers

0.00003% to roll a rare item says fuck all, while 1:32365 says that getting a rare item may take around 32365 rolls.

what do you mean people can win at blackjack consistently!? that's a fucking rigged ass RNG bullshit game that you can't win! I don't understand what risk management means you math nerd pissbaby

God, I miss the old tip threads.

Nice post, user. Try again.


You can convert percentages to fractions and vice versa, it's the same shit represented in different ways, if you want to know how many ogres you need to kill to get a +6 two handed diamond melting club and the game gives you a drop rate in %, you can convert it to a fraction to get an idea.
I agree that for situations like this, fractions are more convenient, but the percentage is not misleading.



People who don't understand games very well have this skewed view where if there's even any hint of randomness to something, it can't be a good strategy game, and other dumb shit like that.
From my experience, it's because their basis for what a strategy game is is chess, and that's fine, games that don't have randomness to them are often better than games that do, in my opinion, but failing to understand why shit like calculated gambles, thinking about risk versus rewards, or working to increase a rate of success have a place in strategical games to me just shows the person played his first match of Civ or Xcom last week and is mad at some poor outcomes.




Aren't you the one missing the game's point?
You think what you're seeing is a literal representation of what's going on, but the game is just following previously established rules that govern how the hit rates work based on several variables.
It's your fault for being a retard and assuming shit then getting mad at it because you don't know the rules clearly.

how the fuck is it an "assumption" when the game says "this shot is 100% likely to hit"

If the game says 100% and it misses then it's the game being shit.
When it's 95% and it misses that's a whole different story.

Mis-handling chance in strategic games is as much at fault as retarded casuals who scream "I MISSED MY 90% SHOT SHIT GAME FUCKING RNG"; not doing it consistently or correctly informing the player is a one way ticket for you game to be infuriating and unbalanced.
If you fuck up then the game turns into street-shitting matches of spammed AoE guaranteed/multi-hit damage with the AI teleporting while in fog of war and your hit chances being "90% but actually 82%, and we didn't count their 20% concealment".

Success rates being capped, especially at arbitrary shit like 95%, meaning you always fail one in twenty shots, is the absolute worst and immediately damns a game to shittyness.

90% chance and miss? well there was a 10% chance i do miss…

100% and miss? it was at that point i knew X-COW wasn't worth my time, there is no excuse for that shit.

Okay buddy.

Shitposting aside if you'd like games where you aim your shot instead of chances you might want to try Frozen Synapse, Tastee Lethal Tactics or Steamworld Heist.

We can all agree that the only way to make everyone happy is to turn the series into real-time, am I right?

Abandonware MS-DOS-tier gameplay:

Future of video games (also called REAL-TIME GAMES):

Isn't it good to be part of Real-time strategy/tactics Master Race or what?

Agreed. Apocalypse is my favorite.

Completely different genres that provide completely different things, why are you even comparing them?


But each time you miss an >80% shot the virtual probability of it gets higher.
virtual probability =/= real probability


But they mean the same.

This is why xcom EU/EW>xcom2

quads confirm you are RNGsus

Do you get mad at Monopoly because it forces you to go bankrupt sleeping in hotels instead of letting you spend your night in a perfectly livable thimble?

All that image shows is that the visual aspect of FiraXCOM games don't affect jack shit and might as well represent the game with a radar screen and dots representing enemies, cover and allies.

The only thing you're a master of is a master of masturbaiting. Or dick sucking.
