Why did the mods delete the other thread?

Please tell me how this advances your cause other than harm innocent workers and destroy their property.

Other urls found in this thread: trower

Because nobody here can make a thread about how fuckinf dumb anarchists are without hotpocketsbgettibg asshurt.

We need a leftychan.

Wait this is anarchist territory?


No such thing


Please fuck off.

Even though 7/11 is a big corporation, its workers are all labour and working class.

I'd bring my AR and point it at the people trying to smash the store, harm the workers and loot the business

Not working class. They still earn a living through exploitation.


So let me get this straight, Democratic votes burn and loot in democratically majority neighbourhoods where they live? What the fuck is wrong with these people, is it that easy to whip them into frenzy?
Btw all this chaos is used as propaganda for creating even more right-wing republican sympathizers

it was a cooperative?

Nigga I think what the tankie is trying to say is that in a capitalist society workers starve unless they are exploited. Which means fucking up one store does nothing to 7/11 but may have a real impact on the lives of the workers who are exploited there. Unless the system is toppled as a whole looting and pillaging may just end up fucking other workers over.

They utilise exploitation to a degree. Also the petit bourgeoisie have historically been incredibly pro-fascism. Especially in Germany. They voted for the Nazis in droves.

Social Democracy at the barrel of a gun

Anarchists are some of the dumbest shits to ever exist.

It's all fine by me, libtards throwing a tantrum, poltards attacking them, the rest being scared of what's going on… Only something good can come from this.

Why not? Is there a better way for them to discredit themselves in front of their own members?

Good keep destroying stores, harming the ability of workers to make wages to feed their families.

I won't sympathize with you retards when you get shot dead by the police or one of the store owner/workers. Anarchkiddies are a blight.

A guy stops you on the street, aims a gun at you, and asks:

What do you answer? :^)

many lulz comrade

Stein. :^)

I get that but you can't really control this type of shit. If you're calling for the violent overthrow of the capitalist system you need to get used to the fact that businesses are going to get fucked up in the process. Playing respectability politics while advocating for revolution Is absurd. The mere fact that your willing to use violence is going to turn most people off. Stealing a hot dog roller isn't the make or break point.

Is it desirable? No. Is it constructive? No. Should we be clutching are pearls because of it? Fuck no.

For the last three days Holla Forums has been moaning that the protesters are not radical enough and actually not leftist at all. Now the protesters are too radical.

Seriously you larping fucktards, how many excuses for your passivity do you have left?

Those votes belonged to Madame president, you had no right stealing them.

No, don't let this retard tell you anything, look at his flag.

I live in Texas, and this is a red state, boy.

Come on, lad, even the retards on Holla Forums are getting wise to this meme.

My experience is that most of us are simply saying these protestors are stupid liberals who comfortably expected Hillary. Whether they are too violent or not enough is completely irrelevant, as their cause has nothing to do with ours and cannot be subverted by us.

Bitch please, we're not liberals

violence isn't good for the sake of it. I mean I don't really care if Porky's business loses profits but still, the fetish of violence some on the left have is off putting.

Those "innocent workers" are white men though.

Because you went

Liberal retards smash a couple stores

That news story in your picture was like a few blocks away from me. I went there for about 5 minutes but there was a lot of people so I left.

Nobody gives a shit about your retarded idpol.

you do realize most small businesses are self-employed or employ people within their families, right?


I thought the point was to expropriate property, not just smash it.


a lot of people on the left are just there to act violent and use it as an outlet

typical idpol ledditor

Drumpf must go


this is a bit confusing, first time i looked at this subchan, I don't even know for what opinion the OP stands for, it's clear that I'm not operating on the same page and not really understanding at first glance, ofcourse I didn't follow here. so my post isn't targeted to anyone in particular, just in general.

It appears to me, that this subchan was made because pol was percieved as "right" which is my analysis and I think it's a perception based on the fact that majority of the left people live inside a globalist artificial constructed left-right paradigm, not to say that many people on the right don't, ofcourse they do, like in ukraine, both the neonazis and the US radicals are benefitting the same hidden force in the big picture, the US ones are just a different flavor, different label (left) and a few other characteristics such as being more feminine as well as milktoast and weak (fluoridated aspartamed mountain dewed unhealthy zit faced drug-intoxicated couch potato college kids)

However that does not mean they cannot reach the heights of cruelty as ukraine's neonazis and ISIS, the US ones simply aren't being commanded in that way on purpose to look good on the outside but to try to provoke a violent response from the target population.

The point of a successful and civilized country is a balance. What the globalists did is they took all the traits of compassion and care and increased it to the extreme and put a label on it, left. Then they took all the traits of independence and security and increased that to the extreme and called it right.

So you have the globalist creating this extremes, attaching some beliefs to it and because they're extremes they can pit them against each other, so the facists are thesis and communists are anti-thesis and when they fight all they do is carry out what has been designed to happen in order to get out synthesis and the synthesis is the result of what want to achieve.

So the whole idea of this chan, even if it's meant as good, is fundamentally crippled because the borderline or nonviolent leftists have percieved the anti-globalist pol as "right", but the resistance is merely having to use the features to fight globalists that simply by coincidence happen to be part of their extreme "right", the key differentiator is that the anti-globalist movement is not using the same cruel and extreme tactics against them, I do not support nor I will tolerate using false flags in the name of fighting evil.

Everyone else that's not under this control shouldn't pick a side in this paradigm, this is the ultimate mistake of any good liberal that follows classic ideas and only thinks there's more ways to achieve similar results as conservative type mindset look for, you should not lable yourself as a "middle" or "borderline "insert label", this is a trap and you shouldn't be part of this artificial paradigm and labels part of a weaponized program of divide and conquer.

Yet I see communist and facist flags with some of the users, it's so unfortunate people mindlessly fall into these cults that have been put out there.

Please define globalism

Do you mean anti ethnic nationalism? Or like opposition to trade

When was the last time someone killed an entire board room?

Instead we get school shootings and 7-11s being burned to the ground.

globalism is an empty buzzword. used by people romanticising the past before world capitalism


Contradiction in terms.

Not the working class.

The "left-right paradigm" has its roots in the French Revolution, when the nobles and clergy/royalists sat to the right in the French parliament and the commons/revolutionaries sat to the left.

It has nothing to do with the ebil globalist boogeyman.

We're not fighting "globalists". We're fighting capitalism.

This is a communist board. International communism is our goal.

something something divine violence

The petit-bourgeois (small business owners) in Weimar helped Hitler take power. Perhaps more so than any other group.

In Russia they also had their own version of small business owners. After taking power Stalin offered to work with them but instead, out of spite and pure ideology, they killed millions of livestock, destroyed crops and burned farmland all across the country to the ground. This ushered in famine and disease.

Moral of the story? Fuck the petit-bourgeois.

2016 the year Holla Forums became /liberalpol/

Stop burning and looting stores you fucking dumb ass anarchists. You have hurt the cause greatly.

There are like 2 huge threads condemning the trump protests right now, where people are echoing MSNBC style arguments against rioting.
Whatever this board is, it sure as hell ain't a communist board.

What about co-ops?

So it would only be a communist board if we suppressed the opinions of anyone who disagreed with the protests? Sounds exactly like what reactionaries think communism is. I think I've got a good board for you, user:
>>>Holla Forums

vid related, black bloc and their ilk are retarded monkeys

I think a superior distinction is that between transnationalism and globalism. Transnationalism maintains the existence of national borders, of which modern megacorporations and classical colonial empires are emblematic, but solely for the purpose of exploiting arbitrage between them in ways that would be impossible for a single internally consistant legal code. True globalism is about creating legal, political, economic, and social harmony, gradually rendering national borders unnecessary.

pic related, porky is never touched by these antics

Haha, stay butthurt spiteful leftist.
This is the exact reason why you will never achieve your "worker's paradise". The moment anyone does better than the mean you will pull them down out of spite, even if they came from a humble working class background.

Not that I disagree with you, but the people protesting are liberals

They dont want socialism or workers co-ops, they want hillary

Literally #notmycomrades

no one's condemning protest as an action itself, instead we criticise their reason for their protest; that is, they are not protesting capitalism or state power, they are protesting on their belief that trump is a "racist" or "misogynist." they don't care about real issues, they're just upset that the mean, nasty man won the election

Okay, to the best (somewhat) of my ability in these 10 minutes. This has to be a summary since otherwise I'd have a book here. And this is way too complex for me to pull out of my head and put on paper without good effort and I don't have that kind of time right now.

The term "Globalist" is what the resitance uses is a colloquial term for a network of ruthless secret societies and families which have connections to satanism and go way back in history, they have corrupted and exploited various scientists to join their cause, they particularly like evil pscychopaths, killers, rapists, so that's why even individuals who aren't part of any family or society they tend to join in with the club.

These people have created the modern banking system as we know it, they have created the social control mechanism called communism and facsism to be installed on top of their conquered lands, like an operating system, the base hardware is still the same (fiat banking, money out of thin air) so no matter what OS is installed on top they are always in control more or less, and they have a constant agenda to consolidate power, therefore globalism is what they promote and what they strive for. They want to consolidate power absolutely, so it's clear they want to eventually have power over the whole world.

Capitalism is another counterfeit, because they still control the underbelly, the stock markets (casino)

Because capitalism has some good traits it satisfies most people from trying to reverse engineer it and thus provides a basis for a group which will go against another group, that's why the public is always arguing between 2 options that already exist, because everyone is still under the left-right paradigm, people don't have any ability to imagine anything outside capitalism or

Globalism is already mostly achieved technically, most countries have the same underbelly, all the banks operate as one, they are all compatible, funds can be converted easily, they don't have borders.

In a true independent system each country would have a totally different kind of system (for the sake of the argument, it would be more groups rather) so usual trade and currency echange wouldn't be possible, because the conversion process wouldn't work, you would have to come up with an agreement for this many cows you will send them this many eggs. This system may be practically most difficult, but it ensures more independence.

The globalists offer a solution (trojan horse) which is a compromise, and they say that why don't we create this global system and then all countries could easily trade with currency without having to exchange goods,

However they do this with no input from anyone else, they do this with unfair and immoral means, through the use of simple deception and psychological operations. They operate as a military while they pose as civilians.

The globalists are all about selling COMFORT, that's how corporations marketing psychological agenda works, they want to dumb down the population and to offer them COMFORTABILITY, less work, easier, so people think less and are less active in the real world.

One of the most dumb and primary PR pushes of the European Union was "no " that was basically doing the trick, when I wasn't awake back then, I heard it on the TV, everywhere, oh see we need to join EU cause you can go through the border without . This ofcourse worked on the population that's already domesticated and they don't have capability to think everything into play, they don't tink into the future, they don't think risks, nor they do think about national security as a country, this is a weak point, it is a compromise, it's a tradeoff, and many people were fine with making such a tradeoff, but this is giving them too much credibility, no, most people have no idea how much of a compromise this is, what's the point of a country if it has no border, then the country is only a piece of paper in some fancy place sorrounded by bricks and concrete.

Technically you could have a good form of globalism, but the bad ones would just hide behind it, piggyback on it and take it over later. So that's why the resistance just doesn't want to go that way because it's too risky.

Same with gun control, you can have good gun control, but the gun grabbers cannot be trusted and it's usually criminals who benefit overwhelmingly from gun control so we rather not even try goign there.

What we do believe is that there is no need for the good-type globalism that the evil globalists to, we believe each country and the whole world can be more successful, more safe, more prosperous, more healthy, without the international insitutions promising "the only way to peace".



Every US patriot or any other patriot serving and protecting it's own country has some nationalism inside, this is not a problem if this nationalism isn't used for immoral and unfair things. It's not a problem if this nationalism is used to defend against legitimate enemies.

The radical leftists, minions of these globalists, use compassion and care to the extreme, they care so much about humans that they also care about poor terrorists pouring through the borders, they care so much they want the government (consolidation of power) to take care of everything in anyone's life.

The radical right, minions of these globalists, have no compassion but nationalism to the extreme, eg, kill everyone else that doesn't look like us even if he's innocent and doesn't want to hurt us.

In both of these cases, chaos is made, blood is spilled, stress, fear and sadness is generated, this is the enegry that feeds the supposable shadow force operating even at a higher level than globalists themselfs.

Some little stress and fear is good, when teaching children, if you frighten them a bit so they get the message to stay off the road then it is benefitial, this is limited short and can be high-peak stress, and when you exercise and when you're in fitness your mussles and cellls are under stress. however the activity generates benefitial chemicals in the brain which infact improve mood, thinking and lower psychological stress later down the line when you rest, the most damaging is chronic long term stress and fear.

That's why lightning storm strike close by every now and then is less damaging than having background WiFi turned on all the time, because low-level persistent pulsing electromagnetic radiation can be more damaging than occasional short burts of very high levels. Remember, cell phones are connected to tower even when you don't call so that's all radiating in the background.

Why are petty bourgs so disgusting

I never said that, nor do I believe it. Stop putting words in my mouth, user. The overwhelming amount of communist and socialist organizations in the US and abroad support the action. This is why I don't think this board has a very strong communist or socialist tendency. Only a super minority of the American left in general hold these condescending attitudes towards street protesters. Holla Forums could best be labeled mixed tendency, since we got everyone from Asserites to SocDems to Anarchists. But certainly not a uniform "communist board".

Get ur boots on the ground and start handing out marxist propaganda my man

What is the point of these riots anyways? What do they want to achieve? If they thought the system was rigged, then they should've started being butthurt long before le orange man won.


yes i'm sure the blm/gay "rights" crowd will be receptive to propaganda that says class and wealth are the issue, not "white supremacy" and "homophobia"

This makes a lot of sense the only thing I disaree with is:

Okay user maybe you should stay at home on your computer then. That'll speed up the revolution.

i don't live in america. also these protests are doing nothing to "speed up the revolution," so if you think i'm not helping you should feel the same about them

I'm fine with violence, but violence needs to be purposeful and organized to reap desirable results. "Burn and break some shit whenever I get mad" is counterproductive and we should distance ourselves from these sorts of actions.


Then you are part of the globalists, or working for them without your knowledge, or a group working off the ideas of the globalist but independently.

The biggest problem of your goal is expansionism, not the communism it self, eg, spreading something for the sake of spreading it, you will not be welcome by humble patriots who seek balance and basic justice without grandiose visions of paradise.

If you speak for this board then that's why this board exists, because you have goals of expansionism and conquest that the pol board does not. Which is a pity because you will be fought against and will never be welcome by the ones who are fighting the globalists, even if your goals may be peaceful, in the end, how you will achieve it will not be peaceful because you would have to attack us and defeat us, by doing that you will be in effect spreading your idea unfairly and by violence, which doesn't make you any different from the globalists. You can have communism where you agree and where your followers agree, as long as you do not seek to poke at others.

The resistance believes that the fight against globalists is just because we are merely taking back what the globalists have unfairly stolen from us, our work, our lives, our potential, when our goals are successful we do not intend to conquer anything more for the sake of spreading the ideas we believe in are good, at least that is my stance and I will not be endorsing those who may go outside of this.

We are not for forcefully spreading any country's culture to other places, for example, as the globalists do, eg as one of the suspected globalist mouthpieces Michio Kaku said that english language and the american apparel culture of Jeans will rule the world everywhere supposably co-existing with local culture. I do not believe Michio Kaku speaks for the USA firstly, I do not endorse that idea because he and whoever is behind him is spreading such ideas unfairly without the consulation of everybody else, therefore has no credibility to speak for the whole world and impose global rules and orders.

At least I believe that there is no need for conquest and eradication of all the cultural diversity to achive good things that the globalists never could provide.

You are trying to achieve ideas which are common talking points, that is our understanding and thus we see you as corrupt and not legitimate, nonlegitimacy of ideas means that you're merely following what you've been born into, indoctrinated into, most people are born into the globalist left-right paradigm so they are automatically corrupt by default, some people more, some people less.


We also believe that unjustified expansionism for no good reason (survival) is a primitive characteristic of biological entities, commonly associated with animals, fierce territoriality is also associated with the supposable reptilian mindset and the dark spirits that may be behind the satanic globalists forces, these dark globalist forces are known to be deceptive and engage in betrayal, and even if you believe you may have your own, supposably good version of communism, we cannot take that risk and so if you are determined on international domination then you will be met with the full force of the resistance as the traditional globalists are.

We also have reason to believe that the ideas spread by these globalists are illegitimate to our true natural behavior because they have been created by people who seek nothing but destruction for the sake of it, these people are engaged in rape and child sacrifice, you don't even see this in the animal kingdom or rarely, there is some primitive competition in the same species but nothing like we face from the globalists, they may truly be genetically incompatible, co-existance and cooperation may ultimately not be possible.

And idea how communism could work:
A country is created by a supercontract of all the people, which in practise is hardly true unfortunately, this contract is called the constitution, you may be able to find likeminded people who will agree to such a communist contract, but all the land has been taken, you would have to find a civilization that is ready to sell or donate some of that land, then you'd have to create your paradise inside of those borders without poking anyone else, without using any immorality that globalists use, and then we may see if it's possible, what kind of a result it is and how it works for the long term. However we would need full insight and observation from the start, If we don't have an insight from the beginning, how can we believe you in the end that all those people speak the truth and are sentient beings with free will?, they could all be souless biological androids, so it's not easy to just let someone off the hook and then 20 years later then get nukes and betray.

We also do not believe we can be the policeman of the universe, even if what we believe is good and correct, if you are capable of some diplomacy then you could and should consider this offer: Mars is vacant (..but you never know)

are you channeling Francis E. Dec or what

Well that's more complicated, not my opinion tho. trower

embrace pacifism bruh

A. No one cares about small businesses, everyone involved with them is overworked and underpaid, that's how they compete with big capital
B. The rioting aspect of these protests are always played up by right-wing media to discredit the vast majority of protesters who are just marching through the street

Nigga please, what exactly are we interested in spreading besides communism.

If this is stitched-together pasta, I'm impressed.

If this is actually OC, I'm very worried.

it reads like a Kojima sperg out

That was more deeper, but i can summarize these protests as benefitial to the globalists.

I have the understanding that these protesters may have been victims of psychological warfare and therefore I do not want to hurt them, it is in my, and that is how the resistance against the globalist feels as well, attacking these protesters physically, blaming them, killing them and spilling their blood would have only helped the globalists in the big strategical picture.

However I'm not disagreeing with these supposably leftist protesters as like I'm a fanboy of the right, this is a key difference.

If this board understood the big picture it would be way more healthy to try to adopt and what the true liberals stood for from the long ages of the beginnings of the USA, it was still strong 100 years ago, but has been so erased because radical extremes have infiltrated the classic left. And a lot of these MOVEON protesters actually getting paid, legally bribed to say go way overboard they would do on their own, it's supposably a non-profit, well the activists still get paid, with money from mega billionare donors.

And the left you have today is unfortunately way different than it originally was, so I'm not channeling anything, but I'm openly reaching out to give you guys a warning that these protests are not organic and shouldn't represent the true liberalism and you shouldn't defend them cause you will be associated with all the evil things the masters of these radical protesters stand for.

The resistance against the NWO and the globalists are not some kind of a machine tearing everything down and imposing everything, we're just fighting the ones who want to force us into something they believe is good but which we believe is a lie, like vaccines, they say it'll help us, we believe it's a lie because we know what kind of people are behind them, we're not trying to force you anything, you really like vaccines, go ahead but be warned, just don't force it on us, yes, we believe that the idea of herd immunity is bogus. If you take vaccine and that vaccine is suppose to work, what do you have to fear for then, if you then care for others so much that you want to force them to take a vaccine, then you're the one who's intolerant, intolerant of other's taking the "risk" by not taking something that may save them.

If you are a liberal, the peaceful one hopefully, and you are perhaps young, or confused and don't know which side to really support, and don't know much about this globalism or what the pol board is really doing, then simply watch and learn, because don't take bribes to poke the resistance, and nobody's going to come to your house from the resistance and pol, you can have your liberal stuff in your house, you can have shared bathrooms, you can have your threesomes, gay lesbian whatever, just don't force those things on other children and on laws on the whole country, see we're more tolerant then your leftist "firends" in the media and govt tell you, we're not trying to ban gays, the islamic wahhabists and salafists (isis) they kill them on sight.

That was not a threat, fear the pol, no, that's a fact, I'm trying to warn you against the powerful leftists who are exploiting you and you think they're your friends, and putting you out there to fight with the police while they stay behind in their rich offices.

It's not even that great, I'm exhausted from the election. And have to do chores now anyway.

Yes but it did came from all my head with no teleprompters, takes knowledge and understanding which wasn't easy to achive, takes real effort, the internet is nowadays infested with so much distractions than it was some time ago, not only are corporations involved in social engineering for marketing purposes but so is access to young people especially heavily inexperienced sub 15-year old which are the ones who have not learned yet to not jump to conclusions and freak out, they are very reactionary when they hear stuff, so they tend to be the ones who make a lot of crazy comments on youtube videos.

Ofcourse, the educational system is made to prolong that evolvement and grow-up period so you have college kids acting almost the worst now, heavily brainwashed and also sick from all the unhealthy food and toxic drug-prone culture, ofcourse they're not taken seriously, and they're surprised, they unfit for basic communication almost, let alone complex political decision making.

And these are some schools doing this, it's not like every school in the US is freaking out as big as this, and psychotropic drugs like Xanax and Prozac are just not very good, they just make it even worse, exercise and healthy lifestyle would go better than just enjoying life and partying and expecting a pill to fix everything.

Being young is also, being vulnerable to scams and deception, it makes sense, ofcourse the young college kids have been the ones who were most strongly brainwashed by the media lying how Trump was racist, while he only said banning muslims temporairly, the media cut the part out where he said "until we figure out what's going on", everyone that listened the whole speech understood that it meant temporairly as he used the word "until" which the media censored.

The young also haven't learned from life, so their culture and souls are weak, easily bribed.

All that said, I forgot to mention, i'm not a fanboy of trump and I don't agree with everything trump said, stuff on torture and going after their families (terrorists) so just so there's no confusion, I'm not defending trump at all, he can still do some compromises and betrayals on some of the things this is only the start so nobody can be sure what's going to happen.

Oh and it's not my point to come here and lecture, just wanted to put that point across, and not to hijack threads, it's unfortunately so encompassing that's why it takes so much words to explain it.

But here's an advice if you think this is all weird, justg save it and screenshot it and read it in a few months or years, maybe it'll make more sense later when you have more past experiences to compare it to.

oh look, a tankie who's actually a fascist, color me shocked

The moment someone stops defending their own argument (and descends into opinion after opinion) then you can just ignore them even if it's amusing

No kidding?

And guess what? We'll win.

The Philosophers Did Nothing Wrong

That has one of the worst worker exploitation records of any corporation in recent history did you forget?

7/11 workers get utterly exploited out the ass. They are forced to work like 80 hour weeks yet get paid only for 20.

fuck off



Yet working-class people work there who simply want to make money to feed their families

When you smash up where they work at, that cannot happen this they lose their job and begin to despise your movement.

Anarchkiddies are fucking stupid.

you know it isn't hard to find work at a gas station right

those jobs are total shit and the people that have them don't treasure them

Well they can't do it in Republican neighbourhoods because the working class there is well armed, hates them, and would be ecstatic at a legal opportunity to shoot them.

That's why Democrat riots, BLM, etc, always stick to their communities. Because if they bring their niggershines to ours we'll fucking kill them.

True globalism is a spook.

We're communist bucko. We want a revolution. Take your NWO conspiracy theories and pretentious dialogue somewhere else, this particular protest is of no use to us. That being said, these people are more likely to support our cause than fascist, and we should neither condemn or support them but look at it as an opportunity. We aren't classic liberals and have no want to restore classic liberalism which is a perversion of the philosophers you derive it from.



every territory is anarchist territory

tankie and stalinfags are mad they get cucked on a daily basis

damn alex woke af

the same gas stations you keep smashing up?

They may not like their jobs but it's all they have to make a living.

Anarchists are so fucking dumb.

muh argument to moderation

This, until I hear about boardrooms being shot up, every "riot" is pure spectacle involving one member of a group beating up on another member of the same group as collaborative theater.