Overwatch - what happened to the name and email fields and why am I only noticing this now edition

- New castle siege type map on its way (pic related)
- Bastion short tomorrow
- No news on sombra

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First for never ever sexualizing the tomboy.

Does anyone have any videos of actual high-level Overwatch gameplay that's amazing to watch?
>inb4 >inb4 >inb4 >inb4

I want to cum inside Tracer. And have her rewind to undo the conception.

That´s an interesting question. If she rewinds, does your cum also get sucked back into your penis? I mean rewind probably affects her and her alone. But if your penis is inside her vagina, is your penis and cum also rewinded?

feels sad man.

So is there a reason why Mercy can't res him? Or is this another "why didn't Cloud use a Phoenix Down on Aerith?".

Seeing as you don't get your bullets back, I don't think you'd get your CUM either.

Probably a timed thing, only able to res the recently deceased

Looks like hes been there for 30 years.

Look up that one Korean girl that played Zarya and everyone got ass mad about. She would actually rocket jump with her alt fire.

where's that chubby girl, i want her porn nao

Literally every german one way street ever.
But damm, I like the map already.

If the payload knocks down the door… does that mean it's a hybrid map where you escort first, THEN cap a point?


Getting the girth of her ult increased to make her paunch.

I recently discovered that I'm pretty fucking good with Tracer. And naturally my performance with D.Va is in the fucking trash.

Actually scratch that, just watched a video where it seems you've got to capture the payload like normal. Shame.

Is it really true that rank 65+ is top 7% of players in Overwatch?

Instead of complaining about not getting the thing you want. Lets all try to share the cool stuff we did get instead.

I still only play Zarya


Do you not play Competitive, or did you buy a golden gun?

Ignore that, I see that you're level 21 in the corner.

Yeah I recently bought it because getting the blonde Zarya was necessary to keep playing the game. Still haven't paid for a single box, just gritted my teeth until I got it.

60+ is top 6%

The average skill level is 24.

She is all im chasing so i can be RUSSIA STRONK without tumblr or edgehog hair.

Source? I was thinking it was just like Route 66 where the the payload is ready and doesn't need to be captured.

vidoe description, first hybrid map. ones capping payload to assault a castle ones a tower defence.

The video description says it's payload/assault.
Escort the payload to the door. Once the payload has destroyed the door you continue pushing until you capture a corpse.
Assault is Overwatch's special snowflake name for asymmetrical CP.

It's been 30 years. Can't revive a skeleton.


They kept saying she was cheating and aimbotting, turns out there are actual cheaters in OW but then Blizzard won't do the same about those (put them on a controlled environmet to "disprove" the cheating claims)

Yeah they confirmed it's the standard hybrid (same as numbani and hollywood) in blue post. Reverse-hybrid would be pretty nice though.

Average is 55, it drops off fast.

The absolute skill of a 65 though is still pretty shit in the scheme of things. They might be in the top 3% or somesuch, but they are still only barely competent enough to not suicide charge and trickle in half the time.

Why would they? Easy to prove they are cheating to a reasonable degree. Hard to prove someone ISN'T cheating. Why they even bothered I don't really know but good on them I guess.

I'm pretty sure the only characters I HAVEN'T gotten new skins (that have them) for are Lucio and Genji. I've only gotten one each from tracer and zarya.

Summer loot boxes seem to favor the skin drops heavily. I haven't gotten nearly as many of the intros or victory poses even though they are supposed to be more common loot. Voices and sprays of course, but common slots don't even count.

I think Tracer and D.va play actually quite similar. They both are more backline harassers, who create openings in which their team can push through. Although Tracer is a bit more satisfying to play.

I guess.

Not really the same at all. They both are flankers, or at least CAN flank, but DVa does a lot of work from the front line as well. Tracer is all about murdering healers in one magdump.

I can see the aimbot "lock" (though strange he isn't getting headshots), but I don't see your point. Is this someone still getting away with it? I doubt it's the same person with zarya)

Is in fact someone getting away with it with the support of Blizzard saying that their killcams are not reliable (despite some other proof on live streams around, a pro player in fact.

It's not the same person who RJ'd with Zarya

But they are a pro-player Blizzard refuses to ban because they don't want to harm muh competitive scene



There is a video of said player I think where he is "proving" he can do that because he has high DPI on his mouse and how he shoots in between twiches, on training robots, still not as consistent as his tournament plays.

There is this gem too.

But doesn't High Noon snap the crosshair?

The snap occured AFTER high noon did its thing, those guys at the left were snapped at for regular attacks.


So what's everybody's rank and level? Also mains. I finally made it back up to 60 in competitive and I'm level 68. Tracer/Torbjorn.


Rank 29 (I know, pretty low), Level 70 I think.

No offense, but how do you get so low? I think I started around 50.

I started on 35, I got as low as 22, mostly because I never had a team to play on competitive, I assume my skills are not that good, maybe I'll be on Bronze or Silver at most on season 2.

Rank 58, level 98. Stopped playing ranked after the placement matches because it's terrible.
I fucking wish, I'll stick to filling the goddamn team every game.

It doesn't, high noon leaves your crosshair exactly where you put it when you fire. Furthermore, while it can show people through walls it can only do that if they wander into sight and then back out during its activation, the guy in the stairs never gets marked because he doesnt move into LoS so even though you can tell there's someone there because of partical effects the crosshair snapping to it is not only mechanically suspicious it's also strategically suspicious.

disgusting trash

I can't even do that

Rank 56, Level 55, Junkrat/Reiny/Zara/Support (Mercy, Zen, Lucio in that Order)

I know what you mean. I try to fill, but I'm terrible with healers and most tanks aside from D.Va. I'm assuming you're on PC?

Sure thing, Mr. Trips

rank 68
level 340
all of the support classes, mostly mercy/lucio though.

I was worried since I got two losses in a row at the beginning, but I ended up with 6 wins at the end. Probably not gonna play comp again.

For me usually tank or healer is left before I have an idea of what I'd like to play this time.
I guess I could call Reinhardt my main since I can't get myself to play other tanks on defense, seems like a bad choice otherwise.
I'll be trying to play Winston and Symmetra though because apparently I need to "learn to counter Genji." by being a detriment to my team in every other way.

Best girl continues to be best girl

I pretty much only use Winston in KOTH matches because that's where his kit really shines. D.Va is a solid tank on defense, her ult can scatter the enemy team and she can flank to take down healers.

Rank 41 comp. It's pretty fun, but I can't play comp too much since half my friends are people who can't have fun in competitive and just play super seriously.

PTR nerfed Genji and there are cries already, apparently his ULT got cut to 6 seconds and his double jump doesn't reset after wall jump, not sure if there are more changes, Zeny is getting a discord nerf too, oh, and Hanzo once again fires trucks instead of arrows at 30% more speed.

I love Reinhardts, they always give me tons of charge when they go in and giving you another +200HP so often lets you just go completely ballistic on the enemy. And the ult synergy with just his basic attacks is amazing. Its beatuiful.

It's Taimou, don't know who he plays for e-sports hurr durr but he's a pro player that uses some form of aim assist.

"w-well, it doesn't matter if i'm getting cucked, because it doesn't personally affect me!!"

How do you do it? I decided I was going to main her after I picked the game up, but I ditched it double quick after getting fed up by teammates running off all over the place and leaving me chasing them. Do you also use her pistol? I hardly ever see Mercy using them.

I like Genji nerfs, but I hope they revert the double jump reset, that seems like lowering his skill ceiling for no reason.

Damn, that's just blatant.

Level 80, never touched comp. pure cancer always lays in comp.

The reset was kind of weird IMO, but at least he won't be a TF2 Scout on steroids now.

Depends, I have found more cancer in QP myself.

I hope they go further and remove a passive entirely.
Either that or give everyone 1-2 new passive(s)/movement abilities and give Symmetra a new skill by making her shield a passive that's always applied.

Yeah, I always hate it when they take away skill ceiling.

Probably cause I am the QP cancer.

Mercy can use her pistol but it's not a particular necessary skill to pick up for a few reasons, the main of which being that you should either be constantly topping everyone off from chip damage, amping your best damage dealer, or hiding so that you aren't destroyed by a sudden deluge of Ults.

Mercy requires a lot of finesse with decision making - you have to make fast decisions constantly, and especially questionable decisions depending on how shitty your teammates are. If your teammates are spreading around, you'll want to either pocket one of them that is going to accomplish something, stick with the tank, or spam "Group Up" and not budge until you actually have several people to go in with.

I remember someone recently talking about how as part of their getting better they started learning not to chase, e.g. if a Reaper at 50 HP Wraiths away, chasing them is almost always suicidal because where the fuck did they think the Reaper was going anyway? But as a Mercy it's kind of different - if your teammate chases, you have to make the decision to pocket them and hopefully help secure the kill with them but in the process leave the rest of your team, or leave them to die like the dumbass they are and be temporarily put in a 5v6 situation.

Other than that it's just a lot of situational awareness - sometimes you just gotta tap out of a situation if it's getting too spicy and hope that everyone dies mostly clumped together so you can swoop in and save their dead asses.

Dash around your teammates like a tracer on crack.
If Roadhog hooks, damage boost his asap.
Otherwise, sometimes damage is better than healing is a head on fight.
A Reinhardt hammering for instance.

Has three uses:
Once, for targets your team ignores. Generlly every flanker ever, also great against ulting Pharahs.
You can hunt Tracer with it. Go for headshots, obviously.

Second, as covering fire. The projectile speed is slow, so you can just throw a bunch of them at an area and deter enemies from going there.

Thrid, in a similar role to the damage boost.
This depends on whatever ally you could be boosing. A 76 without ult isn't that good of a Target unless you're trying to avoid fire, since your own blaster adds more damage than your boost.
But that's up to you to figure out. It's certainly not a bad weapon.

Any PTR news for her btw?

I'll admit I haven't seen much high level Genji play, but the only time I saw a Genji played well he was using that to jump all over the place. It just seems like using that is what separates weeaboos who instalock a ninja from people who are decent at the game.

If they remove or nerf something It would be his right click instead of his passives.

I don't know why I'm even defending him, he's probably my least played character next to Roadhog.

Unless you stack all Reins or keep using Spamzo and then complain about losing a match I don't think so.

Stacking all Reins, THERE'S an idea.

Caduceus Staff's heal was increased by 20%. I think this will make using the pistol a lot more lucrative as you'll top people off faster and have more spare downtime to do other things to generate Ult. It could be a nice compromise to make Mercy a bit more active in battle, but I think she's always going to be a character of extreme balance because of how her Ultimate is the rawest form of a snowball denial in the game.

I assume everyone knows it but aside from projectile speed Mercy's pistol has no recoil.

In this case his double jump reset is one of those things that make Winston and his other counters kind of useless as counters.

Meh. I like it, getting outhealed by the Nigger was annoying, but I was hopeing for something like HPS down to 40, now increasing by 20% every sec while on a target, up to 80HPS.
Maybe add a sepearte 50% boost for out-of-combat healing on her too.

Oh well. You take when you can get.

That thing isn't a helmet, it's his head.

Yeah Mercy was kind of the definitive throughput healer and then Ana came along and had a kit that was entirely devoted to making Mercy redundant aside from the Ult, hilariously making Mercy even more of a pick that you would take only for the Ult.

Personally I'd like them to just change the Ult to instead have a series of charges and you can only resurrect one person at a time. Some of my favourite decisions to make as Mercy were whether to res a single person or not to try and halt a snowball, but with the Ult charge nerf that just became too risky of an action.

I don't mind the ult being reduced to 6 seconds but I hope they add a rule that using deflect during the ult pauses the timer for the duration of the deflect.

Both. It's basicly what keeps his skull together.

I want the emote where she pulls out that holo thing of loli Pharah, and use it every time I kill one.
But you're right, they do have a similar role (in wich they're still outclassed by Lucio)

Current rank: 57
Next reward tier: 60
do want

the other half also moves out of the way or charges in before you finish healing them up.

Don't get me started on trying to heal a Genji

assuming the changes to live as they are, shitting on genji while making hanzo viable again feels like the very definiton of "you win some, you lose some"


so is lucio suppose to be Kek?


ya i had to stop using mercy since that patch since hur dur billion years to ult only to get picked off by the tracer or genji your entire team ignores to poke tanks all game.

being a support is suffering in this game like holy shit zen and lucio are the only two supports maybe ana on attack to play. since you have to rely 4 other people to actually manage to do their roles right, most of my games are my dps can't fucking kill a single enemy the whole fucking match while theirs steamrolls the whole group over and over again only to finally be killed by a stray shot by me as a support

Just your average subhuman unjustifiably pleased with his "conquest" of European wealth. They all wear the same expression.

Ana is unfortunately built on flawed game design. Having to aim to heal in games is retarded, always will be. Also doesn't help that they gave a scope to a role that ought to be aware of the conditions of their teammates at all times.

Comp 47 (shit, I know. My placements were done with randoms and got me on a 7 game losing streak. Once I got a team things improved) Level 65. Usually play Ana, Soldier or Reinhardt.

That's true, sexualizing a ten year old boy would be pretty gay.

B-but he's native brazilian

So where do you think Zen is after this patch? It seems like Mercy is better since they both have the same damage buff and she has almost doubled healing but Zenyatta can still heal, discord, and attack at the same time.

Zeny will still have some use either complementing Mercy on the individual healing or giving a small boost to other teammates while the pocket has some heavy loads.

The pocket has some heavy loads for Mercy alright

I think they're getting the nerf wrong here, The problem wasn't Zen's debuff, it was his own damage. He can put out a ridiculous amount of damage when played decently, even without his discord, way more than Lucio, and a considerable more than Mercy's weapon, and his weapon alone has gotta be equal to her damage buff.

But I hope mercy is back in the game now, I'd much rather play her over Zen, and every competitive game I was getting asked to switch off Mercy for Zen.

You very clearly have no fucking clue of what you're talking about.
There is no flawed design about having to aim to heal your teammates, absolutely none. It forces you to either git gud and hit those shots (which is made easier by having a small "grace" compensation for your shit skills, as teammates' hitboxes are larger than their enemy counterpart) which is pretty fun.
The scope is also pretty damn useful, as it outright removes the bullet travel time, allowing you to heal from safety / hit retarded teammates that just can't stay still. If you can't keep track of your team as is right now, you're just shit.

Bumplock when?
This fucking cancer needs to die and you redditors need to fuck off.

You're right, you can start by killing yourself

Oh Eurocucks, don't be so mad.

Man, you see some stupid shit while scrolling some days.

Welcome to Holla Forums.

And in return gain literally all of civilisation and technology that exists and have ever existed.

But hey if you don't like that tradeoff there are plenty of jungles, forests and wilderness you can disappear into where you don't have computers, houses, or even fire. You're free to live like that too.

Go masturbate to your gamer gurl Korean moeblob somewhere else you fucking nigger.
This game is shit and the only good thing it brought was porn.

That just reminded me of something I saw on Penn n' Teller's BS, extreme vegans that eat everything raw and criticize everything "unnatural" about cooking.

I've seen better guro on fucking deviantart

Listen. I get that this is Quick Play. I get that, occasionally, I'll be playing with people who want to have fun more than they want to win.

But fuck you I'm leaving.

good one

that is Deviantart you nigger

I once won a quickplay game with 5 Symmetras and a Lucio. It was absolutely absurd.

i hope so to I want to bully the other team so hard with heals that they wouldn't be able to stop me from healing and rezzing my team over and over again.

i mean hell just before the patch went out i was getting pretty gud at dodging genji ults but tracer is still a problem since she can be everywhere at once where genji has a cd on his dash if he did not kill anyone

And I said I've seen better, also


yup, about what ive come to expect of you right wing teenagers

How fucking new are you?

where did you get that from?

One could ask you that. Enjoy your ban, btw :^)


but you're the redditfag here


solid comeback, still meeting every expectation

look at his first post, the white obama


Here's a freebie.


Is there more? Revese image turns up empty?


I also have no idea where the Holla Forums shit came from. Aren't you just an angry Holla Forums poster? You guys are always trying to blame Holla Forums for every little thing.


I dunno, it's an Overwatch thread, isn't porn dumps the whole point?

You can keep it.

this kills the game

You can go be a cuck somewhere else.

thats ridiculous. did they filter anything else?
ez game ez life?

Sometimes I wish Diva's plugsuit didn't include hard soles, I am a sucker for socks and stockings.

Either this is bait or you're gravely mistaken about the board demography- even accounting for approximately 25% of answers being deliberately fraudulent you aren't fooling anyone.

Either way, kill yourself.



Artist is Marui Maru

rank 82 prestige 4 level 72

THANKS user!!!

Holla Forums and Holla Forums didn't even exist here back then.



all youre doing is making an ass of yourself and your board

Rank of 58, placed on 60 but got royally screwed in the early days of the season by the worthless KotH maps, went as low as 52 I think. Level 78.

Mains are Pharah, Genji, Zarya, Dva, Mei and Lucio depending on the situation.

When you do something a shitton you eventually get good at it if you're not a retard.

.. Roadhog.
The new D.Va buff for her shields is my bane.

got any webms?

Holla Forums has been around since 2011. If you weren't painfully ignorant you'd know that.

I was one of the original mods back in the days before Hotwheels and his migrants invaded and to be fair, made it an infinitely better place.

I made one of the original ED articles.

encyclopediadramatica.se/index.php?title=Holla Forums&oldid=156636

oh fuck yes

shills have always been trying to seperate Holla Forums and other boards. Just ignore it, it makes them mad.

Check IDs. I'm not the same guy.

globally? thank goodness

I demand a fucking picture taken of your screen with a timestamp for this.
Also, PRESTIGE 4?!?
The fuck dude?


I assume, since supports `(+ Zarya and Dad) already have it for themselves only.
I just wonder why the hell this wasn't already there during Alpha

mercy has like 10 seconds to rez you. his soul is no longer with the body

I noticed that a second after I posted

Ah, seems I didn't know I was in /vg/ and was a fool to make another thread concerning Overwatch.

So what do you think about this?

Mods locked the thread discussing the "gg ez" censor. I guess dangerous precedents aren't worth talking about when it's started in a game that the Holla Forums hivemind says is cancer.

This "gg ez" thing isn't exclusive to Overwatch and you can bet a lot of games are going to adopt this tactic. This won't be exclusive to Overwatch. Mark my words. And when it becomes full blown cancer, there'll be nobody to blame but the faggots who were too far up their ass to recognize they could have called that shit out when it began, no matter what video game it came from.

Hopefully there's an option to turn it off. Probably took a few minutes to make so It's not like they wasted time that could have been spent elsewhere.

This makes me kek heartily but it's cancer all the same. People just need to stop being so thin skinned and just ignore banter if it hurts their feefees.

Yeah, talk about filters huh.


The only balance changes I liked were Genji and D.Va's nerfs, and Mercy and Mei's buffs. I can understand Blizz wanting to make Mercy worth using while the other healers are about, but there is no reason why Lucio needed a nerf to his Amp It Up's speed boost when 100% of Lucios use it only when the round begins or after respawning.

A nerf to McCree's ult is something I can live with, since it's basically D.Va's ult with more utility but within a 150-degree field of vision, but it's a considerable playstyle nerf since it's now useless if you don't kill at least one player with it. Zenyatta's changes are weird.

Winston didn't get buffed. Is there a reason why he didn't get a buff besides Quick Play existing?

It only encourages people to be passive-aggressive, which is worse than directly calling someone a faggot.

There, I beat their half-assed word filter

For me gg loses all its meaning, no need for ez to trigger my autism, but far from getting salty I just think "gg" has gotten to a point where no matter how shit, dirty, one-sided or cancerous the round was, someone will say it as if their brains couldn't think of any better remarks, smug or not, if you want to be salty just do it, if you want to be smug then do it.

What happened to Diva on PTR? better yet, can you link me to the patch notes? I can't find them anywhere since I don't have PTR installed and the forums don't seem to have them anywhere.


Overwatch is a shit game OP, you should kill yourself for shilling this shitty game and stepping outside of Tumblr and Reddit to do so.

This is more severe. This is no longer switching certain words or phrases. It's changing entire logs of dialogue into a new one. It's not like "gg ez" got changed to " " or any other word. No, it switched out the entire line and changed it to another.

What happens when a video game company decides to do this with more words (or organization of letters.) There are a number of gaming companies that already censor an asinine number of words. Sometimes the game's own terminology is censored. But I don't think you fully grasp where this mechanic is going.

This mechanic is going to be used to "shadow-censor" your words. Games will stop telling you you got censored and will force everyone else to see entire sentences or paragraphs you didn't write even though it doesn't show the same on your client.

But it's just a filter, right? Nah, there's no way this can be abused. Carry on.

Thanks user.

Please be respectful about the game in this holy general thread, thank you.

theyll already ban you for holocaust jokes. now theyre holocausting shit talk oy vey

if gg ez is all there is its probably just a joke. it might not even go live.

There does not appear to be a single rank 82 in global rankings with prestige 4 level 72, nor within a 50 level range of that.

Yesterday there was a feminazi that wanted Blizzard to add voice changer utilities to the game so she could mask the fact that she is a GAMR GURRRL cuz muh online harassment against wimyn.

There was once a site called Holla Forums that was around in 2011, but it has nothing to do with this site.
This site has been around since 2013, and Holla Forums and Holla Forums were both made in September of 2014.
Ask Mark if you don't believe me.


I doubt that'll happen. But I also wouldn't be surprised if it did.

She's too stupid to realize she can add the filter herself without needing the company to do it for her.

This is fucking stupid.

is that what it means, you will be yanked to pigdick regardless? its such strange wording.
knowing buzzard this might be laying the groundwork to nerf him.

I would rather have that, at least they'd be putting some thought and feeling into it.

Blizzard has always had merry go round balance issues

Passive-aggressive behavior is girly behavior. It tells other people that you aren't willing to be plainly aggressive like a big guy would.

Of course it won't, as shitty as the forums are when it comes to feedback in general only 2-3 whiteknights came to support her, one of them even made a comparison between voice chat "toxicity" and real street stalking and raping.

Basically, if he hooks you "from behind a wall" then the wall will break the chain.

Hastily mashing out "Return g g Return" is a habit for people at this point, they don't care about its meaning, it's just "that thing everybody does at the end of the match."

It's like you don't understand the way any information about Sombra was delivered to us up to this point.

She may be revealed the day after the summer games event ends.



It's real

That's a doctor being a doc

But what's more appropriate for post-game sore loser talk? Being a big, whiny baby, or being a big, whiny man/guy

Get out /bane/

"Either git gud and hit those shots" or what? You seemed to start a sentence there and got too distracted by your brackets to end it properly.

You've just summed up the entire problem with Ana, you shouldn't be expecting your teammates to keep still for you. You're supposed to make yourself difficult to hit when playing a shooter, but that translates to making yourself difficult for Ana to heal. It's not simply a question of "git gud" since if it's another player playing Ana then you're dependant on their ability to aim just to keep you alive.

Also scopes by design limits how much is on your screen which means you aren't paying attention to the status of all your teammates. And "healing from safety" just means you aren't with your team making yourself an easy target for Genjis and the like. There might be some value in that if she has mass resurrection ultimate like Mercy but her ult actually requires her to be with her teammates.

Why do you think TF2's Medic was designed with a lock-on with his healing beam? Why do you think 3/4s of the healing roles in Overwatch don't involve aiming to heal?

Is this confirmed?

If it's true I may be utterly fucked.

This is the true cancer that League of Legends created. It's made people think that being "toxic" should be a bannable offense and be censored.

well i got banned for shitting on jews twice now. yes, me.
youll probably be fine if no one reports you, and im sure its also half to do with the whimsy of whoever happens to judge your chatlog/posts. i say that because ive gotten away with it more times than i can count, im surprised im not banned more often.

Every single match, I'm a politically charged douchebag. So I'm surprised I haven't been banned. I didn't know they were even banning people.

Here's what i don't understand:

They censor gg ez.
Ok fine, it's a dick thing to say.
They don't censor gg.
Fine, gg just means good game and it's pretty neutral, people getting mad at gg are insecure.
But what puzzles me is that they don't censor ez.

What the fuck is the point of censoring gg ez if you're not gonna censor ez?
In what possible context would "ez" ever be used if not in an inflammatory, derogatory context or together with gg to form gg ez, just separated in two chat messages instead of one?
Makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

There is a difference between banter and being plain rude, people should be more creative than 'gg ez'.

But it's not, it's negative because it's a meme at this point.

reminder that overwatch is made by sjws and the director has a jewish last name

heres some more details, i was banned from heroes of the storm the first time for shit talking in game, going into very deep detail why a certain player or two were in fact jewish and how thats a terrible thing.
the other time was the overwatch forums, where i was only banned from the forums and not the game.

the reason i think its a joke is because if you ever go on the overwatch forums there is almost always a thread up whining about the specific phrase "gg ez".

Now we just need the real bumplock when user to show up, he's late.

Words change meaning over time but "gg" to me will never be negative.
I grew up on Quake 3 and UT, "gg" back then just meant good game and that was it.

I'm stretching for this one, but "ez" could be used neutrally. I can't think of a good example, perhaps telling someone to "take it easy" could be shortened down to "ez". Unlike gg ez, there's some wiggle room for ez.

well sure, ez just means easy.


So hang on, if Blizzard really does have a problem with "ez" does that mean they're going to remove D.Va's "is this easy mode" line?


Lol, it's true.

sorry, i couldn't give less a shit about the ARG thing or w/e it's called. by "no news on sombra" i meant we still don't have any substantial information such as release date/abilities, etc.


Season 1 just closed, I think.

Now I just need 8 more wins for a golden Weapon.
To Mercy or to Reinhardt…
This is a tough one

Mercy, gold staff is the bomb

I think of it as an application of proper game design to interpersonal communication.

While quick and efficient, 'gg ez' isn't very fun for those on the receiving end to interact with.
If the only way to get people to be more creative is to 'nerf' their go-to option, then let it be so.

Well shit, guess it's a good time as any to practice my McCree and Tracer.

Speaking of for anyone that wanted golden weapons now's the time to get them. They've issued the rewards including competitive points already but for some reason haven't raised the prices of golden guns yet.

Yer' a cheeky bugger m8

They'll multiply existing points by 10 aswell.
Nthing in the system changes, exept that draw matches will exist and everyone get's 0.3 points now.
Wich is why they scaled the system up so they can make it 3.

There, I fixed it. I noticed it after I posted but I didn't bother to correct since it didn't add anything useful, my mistake either way for being an ADHD idiot.
What do you mean? Ana IS meant to be the highest skill-ceiling support without a doubt, something that is rewarded by also having the greatest burst healing, highest base heal per second (which unfortunately changed with the most recent PTR update buffing mercy) and a guaranteed, long range and long duration stun if you can hit it.
I'll concede that Anas shouldn't be THAT far away from the team and will promptly be killed by stray flankers, and I'll also concede that she shouldn't need the teammate to stay still (which is part of my point), but the scoped-shot having no travel time also means it'll be far easier to heal your almost dead Genji in the backline or Pharah mid-air other than healing from far away as you close the distance to your team.
Ana's scope barely even zooms the screen, its only purpose is for the hitscan shot.
What is Crusaders Crossbow?

Fucking blizzard do that shit when I'm not playing

Is this worth playing or is it just tf2 with different meme characters?


It's pretty fun honestly and somewhat more enjoyable than the shitfest TF2 became. Not really worth dumping 40 bucks though, unless you don't give a shit about money.

It's fun, but not worth 40 bucks, wait a year and see if they get more maps and the community isn't dead.

It's hilarious how many people are happy to throw down the bantz but can't take a little in return.

Yeah I figured. Seems silly not to allow user created maps, but I guess that's Blizzard for you.

its beyond silly, custom maps and servers are why tf2 has/had the life span it does/did.
however, the game would likely be pretty broken in many user made maps/settings. they didnt really design it with that kind of flexibility in mind, but i wish they did. balancing the game around ults doesnt help with that.

The game's designed for a casual audience who want to hit a button and find a match with no hassle. Custom maps would mean implementing a server browser and giving people the shit to host.

Prepare for abuse

I don't think it will be dead in a year, but I think we'll see a heavy decline after christmas at the latest.

you could even use their own weapon against them

meta memes


Yeah but that takes too long time type. Now you can spam "gg ez" and get a different shitpost each time. Then, you can type "faggot" afterwards.

its almost like he is playing the game in slow motion like every movement is done for a reason

auto hotkey

You should make wuxia novels

in any case i have a feeling this is only going to cause people to shit post harder

even though I have 63~ hours or so on Zenyatta, the nerfs were justified. Still gonna keep playing him.

i wish it was TF2 classic
its more like current year TF2 that limits its playability

i'm kinda pissed about that

the edgelord is the best

He can still double jump after a wall climb, he just cant double jump, wall climb and then double jump again. You get one double jump after leaving the ground and that's it.

seems like an unnecessary change to me but what do i know

my favorite thing about playing genji was that bullshit ninja mobility, it was fun

I would say about 80% of the people that play genji can't properly play him, same with Ana


You couldn't be farther from the truth

actually landed with a match seagull and against him.
then someone from his stream notice my voice a few days later

spectating him while i was dead his movements are pretty smooth

Dear Lord, it begins.

i use him as a hit/run support and sniper killer, what's considered the "right' way?

Actually I think you play it as it was intended, but his balance right now makes him a DPS flanker hybrid who can dish out tons of damage and consistently pop 3-4 ults per round, which by themselves can wipe an entire team with little to no help.

is mercy gud again so i can get her golden weapon for her

damn son.

Well at least SOMETHING good is going to come out of this season with or without Zenyatta nerfs. Seriously Zarya's is the ultimate salt generating emote and Tracer is adorable.

I've never played Overwatch before, what are the differences and strengths between the different toons you can play as?

Not yet, wait until the patch goes live on the official release.


hard work and dedication

for real though if you're in solo queue just find the best player on your team and pocket them, let the rest be distractions while you two tear shit up. If you can, go in a group with one or two reliable players to stick around.
Learn the maps so you know all the LOS to avoid snipers, and hiding places. Stay within visible range of 2 or more allies if you can (hard to do with random idiots)
Only use the pistol if you can guarantee headshots. if you can it's one of the best weapons in the game. You wouldn't believe how many thirsty reapers I've baited into narrow hallways full of pistol spam.
Probably solid advice for any character but turn up your volume and learn what each character's footsteps sound like, you can detect most flankers long before they round the corner that way.

bumplock when?

Projection's a funny thing isn't it, kiddo?

resaged :^)

make it stop

I think the truly hilarious part is that there are Blizzard devs who got genuinely assblasted enough to think that this is worth censoring.

How the fuck did that go down?

lol, gold and silver had little to no value to those savages, that's why they they traded all of their gold for basic tools like knives and axes and other basic tools. The value of gold and silver comes primarily from the fact that europeans started using it as money and started to buy it up for amounts that had always baffled the natives.

I personally say no challenge whatsoever or very easy game at the end of each game

Well, at least I got to rank 74 with him in time for the nerfs.

Poor Genji. I just want the triple jump back.

The game is extraordinarily slow compared to other competitive games. It's even slower than that slow-mo mess shootmania.

About time.

I think the truly hilarious part is that people make such a big deal out of this funny little change.

gg ez filter doesn't work on my country

We can still call each other shitlords, jews, and niggerfaggots, but heaven forbid someone says gg ez after shitrolling a whole team.

Some variety would be appreciated, yea! You guys need a filter to start thinking for yourself.


Let's hope the PTR gives them time to realize they fucked it up.

Only changed projectiles, not character hitboxes. Still a profoundly stupid change, though.

I was under the impression that the projectile hitboxes were the only problem, not character ones, which is why the only issues are with Hanzo and Roadhog.

Maybe it is and I'm just mistaken. I said character hitboxes were also bad based on how the change also slightly affected hitscan attacks.

i fucking hate the fucking crates, they really kill the high. thank christ they're just cosmetics

Never played as much ranked as I wanted to. Got placed at 52 and ended this season at 60.

no way in hell you got 54 with lucios pea shooter, who'd you get it with

elims are not KB's.

you tag a guy for 1% dmg on someone with lucio and you get an elimination.

i know that, but in my experience to reach 50~ elims even without all killing blows its gotta be one long ass king of the hill fight

i give it a year before the game's dead.

Pretty sure it was a Junkrat game


hanzo never feels like the huge of a threat, getting OHKd by his scatter can be annoying but this isn't a game devoid of some bullshit moves

mei is annoying because people who like mei are annoying


Anyone else feel like Pharah's kinda shitty right now? I don't know if it's maybe because of the projectile changes or she just always was and I didn't realize it since I've barely touched her since beta but it kinda feels like there's no good reason to pick her over soldier or mccree if you want to be a damage dealer. Sure she can get to some better places because of her mobility but the rocket launcher shoots so slowly and does such disappointing damage on everything but direct hits that it seems like you'll always just get better results brute forcing your way straight through people on the ground paths with the hitscan guys than flanking around and trying to kill with rockets before someone plinks you. Her ult and concussion rocket also seem super underwhelming, the former only marginally better than high noon for not getting yourself killed and the latter being really inconsistent with how far it knocks people away.

Fuck off, I just lost a game on Temple of Anubis because two Hanzos took turns ulting us off the point whenever we made any solid ground. Fuck Hanzo and his bullshit.

don't sleep on the fact she can fire and forget though, its not as erratic as junkrats, but if you're grouped up behind a shield or something the rockets are pretty useful at shaking up enemy ranks

I usually pick her when the enemy team has a Zarya and Reaper while not having anyone who can snipe me. You're right though she does feel a little weaker these days but as long as you're getting direct hits she's pretty effective.

soared to 52, then dropped to 47. Kept getting golds while my teams sucked incredible levels of ass.

I am afraid to touch ranked now because it's a roll of the dice each time.

I main Zarya, Mei, Lucio, and Pharah, but I can play literally anyone to a degree of success because I'm not a mouth breathing retard.

Comp season 1 is ogre and Jeff Kaplan in his infinite wisdom didn't let us play competitive in the off season for competitive points.

Mei pisses me off because choice is to drop my shield and charge her only to get fucking melted by Zenyatta or keep the shield up and get frozen because what the fuck is that soldier next to me shooting at? Fucking kill Mei before she locks me down. Nah that's cool bro, just chase after that Reaper who wraith-formed away instead.

Now I'm not sure if it's Mei who pisses me off or just my teammates.

Teammates, they should be able to two shot mei, let alone having her hump your shield.

This is my new ringtone.


At least once season 2 placements are a soft reset, meaning your rank from S1 carries over somewhat. Although it'll be a problem for the people who got put into 40s.

Rank 59 I think it was, not even level 40.

I cheesed placement matches with Pharah a bit after the Fan the Hammer McCree nerf and my only real counter seemed to be S76. Luckily all of the ones I encountered were pretty garbage.

Havent played much since then. I just can't get up to it when I don't have a dedicated and competent group. I'd rather lose when everyone is doing their job but we got outplayed, rather than the stress pugs bring.

sounds like your problem is with shitty teammates, not mei.

having one method to deal damage outside of her ult is pretty lousy considering her slow rate of fire. sonic boom apparently used to heavily damage shields, and her rockets used to deal headshots. i think thats her biggest issue really, how piss poor she is at killing someone before they have a chance to react.
you would have to direct hit, concussion blast to confound and perhaps line up another direct hit.
shes always going to be kind of risky to play in a game thats not shy about including hitscan weapons but her mobility isnt "that" useful when the maps are this straightforward. occsaionally she can hit people frmo behind and do so at a safer range than other flankers, but will likely struggle to land any kills on people who are aware of her becuase of how ridiculous the heals are in this game, and mercy is about to get even worse for her to deal with.

Trying PTR comp, gonna solo queue support all the way.

So far 2 wins, 2 losses, 1 draw. I was rank 68 as a support main in season 1.

Oh, I forgot to add:
Her pistol has passive reload.
So just take it out, fire a bit, then swich to your staff and reload while you do healing.

You can't be this pathetic


That's /r9k/.
/r9k/ would make a real-life tank battle pathetic.

What were you doing on cuckchan? No don't answer that just kill yourself.

Joke's on him, I play Mei and she's about to be buffed.

Normally the kneejerk reaction to complaining about having to aim is to "git gud" but that doesn't work when it comes to healers because suddenly I'm relying on their ability to shoot straight, not my own.

As a healer you need to be constantly looking around you so you can see the instant a teammate is in trouble and needs your help. You aren't doing that if you are scoped focusing on one area to get hitscan shots in.

One of the many, many examples of Valve forgetting their own game design principles when adding shit to TF2. Point is both they and Blizzard only included aim-to-heal as an afterthought (in Valve's case I'm pretty sure they were looking for an excuse to implement a weapon that could be used in that medieval mode gimmick) since lock-on healing is much more sensible game design.

4 win, 5 loss, 1 draw, placement rank 2403

Boy do I love playing as junk rat vs scrubs

This is even worse than being pulled through walls which at least seemed possible.

Not really a "buff", they are just placing you back where he actually caught you rather than trying to pull you through the wall.

buff? its not going to have much of an impact on her matchups, rather just place on a team

i swear thats happened to me before on release. as tracer id blink to dodge roadhooks and it would latch on to where i wasnt any more, but id still get stunned and pulled back from where i was before i ever blinked. as if the hook followed me through the blink

Ended this season at 53 with 58 as top so that's ok I suppose

Thank fuck they are changing rank system so you can't drop down continously so that may help let people not get stuck in hell with 3 genjzos

Mercy buff is nice, zen nerf isnt a big deal, dva nerf isnt a big deal
All seems good to me

No this is fair. Its almost what should happen. Honestly this is just proof of how Blizz can't code for shit. You shouldn't be able to move after you get hooked. Especially not like Genji did. But since Blizz can't code you don't stop, you get sent back to the original position instead.

I love playing against Junkrat, period. But D.va is the best to play against.

Mei buff doesnt really help her much and still see her as useless as widow, torb and bastion in ranked though
Not paid much attention to hanzo but saw some saying its pretty broken right now

Well the problem with Hanzo seems to be his reliability, which was buffed. So anyone who was decent at him before could be a monster now. Especially with the wonky hitboxes.

Discord down from 50% to 30%. His own damage is about the same w/ discord (right click is probably worse), but his usefulness to the team as a damage boost is pretty shit.

30% is basically where a damage boost doesn't hit any useful breakpoints. At best certain characters can 1-shot tracer with it (eg hanzo bodyshot).

On squishies.
On tanks it is still significant.

As a Zarya player let me tell you that that's absolute horseshit. Discord orb is basically me on 30% charge and its a humongous difference between that an normal damage. And you have no cooldown on using discord orb either. There's also the fact that its 30% damage from all sources and holy shit that's a lot. Just don't run around for solo kills.

significant enough to offset the mediocre heal?

Aye. They did buff his damage so his own damage stays the same, and Zen dishes out a lot of it.
He also still has his ult.

FYI, Zen had exactly the same DPS (without discord) as Mercy prior to this change. They only increased it by 15%.

In theory. But Mercy's less likely to hit all her shots because they're slow.
Besides, he heals while attacking. Mercy doesn't.

Point is with how much people denigrate her weapon as a "peashooter", zen's damage isn't really impressive, only his discord.

Its more zen can damage boost heal and damage at the same time while mercy is 1 at a time

With zen you should be doing all 3 at the same time thats what he does
Mercy you do what is needed and you also have one of the strongest ults in the game

Other thing with zen is his range
Both characters are good though and I dont feel the nerf hurt him too much while the mercy buff is nice

Why not just have the chain break? It already means instant death for most heroes, if you leave line of sight during the grab then you've earned the right to escape him.


I think i´m fine with Hanzos other buffs, but reversing the hitboxes is just plain fucking retarded, because it makes the game feel so random.

If your problem with healers lies in the fact that they would actually need skill in order to correctly heal you, then it's not a "design problem" because you're relying on your teammates skill for something in a team based game, there are several other ways a healer could have trouble in healing you aside from actually missing you, think mispositioning or lack of awareness.
Actually having more variables and making it harder to play something for greater gain is excellent design in my opinion, not only is it more fun and engaging, it also rewards you with greater efficiency.
Once again, the scope is used only for hitscan shooting far away targets, no one in their right mind would stay 24/7 on their scope unless their position allows them to do this, but by then, they'll probably be quite vulnerable to flankers from being so far away. Either way, you can't be healing more than one person at a time so you'll always be focusing on "one area" at a time, be it the teammates right beside you or your flankers in the backline, sometimes someone will have to die.

It's not that they're particularly powerful, but they just aren't fun to deal with.

I did a pretty good job as Mei in my last competitive match, everyone in my team liked it, ice walls and all, I couldn't believe it myself.

It was Nepal, village map, we're talking about the enemy main entrance to the center area
Saw a Mei blocking off out Roadhog.
They proceeded to reason it in VC.

Road was mad. I laughed. We won.

Too often enemy Meis only know how to stall and be annoying with the ice wall and ice block. So they'll end up doing shit like ice blocking to block me from getting on to the objective failing to realize I was dying and she just covered my retreat or she'll block a main entrance failing to realize I was going into a side entrance to flank and she just covered me.

Tomboys are built for sex. I'd know, I married one.

Lets just hope you don't get any sons you might accidentally rape.

You lucky bastard

Ups, i thought i´d spoilered that.

best girl

This hardens my hammer.

Video just made me want a singleplayer game during the omnic crisis even more.


remove clang

Shit, I didn't even know robots could have PTSD

He just accessed the memory of an other unit to figure out what happened.
Bliz already told us that while Bastion's main combat program was lost -hence the curiousity he displayes- his core programming remains and takes over when he is in percieved danger.

I think he meant the Woodpecker

Point still stands.
His combat programming has no clue what nature is.
He didn't get a flashback, he percieved a fireing enemy, at wich point said cure programming took over.

Which functions exactly like PTSD. He heard a noise which his "brain" interpreted as battle and responded to it as if he was in a battle. Not sure how much more PTSD you can get.

One is a mental disorder, one is intended programming

One can argue that PTSD is a result of intense programming though

One can also argue that human and omnics are the same.

Omnics seem pretty sentient for me, isn't it also possible that they'd have developed what you'd call a "mind" by now as well? what's not to say that it could develop into PTSD?
Heck, Bastion has probably lost what was the core functionality of his main programming and he still works.

If we were talking Zen, fine.
But Bastion is a massproduced gun, desinged to run in, kill some noobs and then die like every other Bastion unit. He has no personality.
Well, he started to gain it once his main programming was lost, but again, PTSD =/= part of your core programming takeing over to do what is your sole purpose.
His main programming was what made him able to follow orders, pick targets ect.
The highlight where his targeting systems follow the bird shows how the subsystems are intact, but he doesn't react like a regular Bastion presumably would.
Same with the objective marker in the short.
His core programming is basicly
It doesn't allow for logic. It just allows for bullets.

I need to sleep now.

You sound really autistic.

Fair enough, you won me. There is no "Trauma" for it to become an PTSD anyway, but it has some similar elements, like for instance the assimilation of the woodpecker sound to gunfire triggering (Yes, sue me) its "PTSD", but that was most likely its core programming taking over for a few moments.

Well I mean, they apparently have souls since mercy can revive them;especially when you revive a training bot and they talk about seeing a white light and such

That's just the flash from the activation of a robot's optics. Don't try to pretend omniggers have souls.

Where does it say Mercy needs souls to revive? Never heard that.

Maybe not necessarily a soul but it shows that whatever qualities it takes for something to be considered alive Omnics have them.

All it really shows is that she can restore them. Something like nanomachines could easily just restore a thing or person back to an undamaged state and create an electrical shock to restart the function of the heart or machine parts.

therapist here. tl;dr, you're wrong and you're right.

PTSD is adaptive behavior, designed to survive whatever FUBAR situation a person (or organism, animals can get PTSD too) is in. the behavior we use to symptomize "PTSD" is only considered maladaptive in a certain context. the behaviors themselves are often "ingrained" or "in the bones" of a person, much akin to muscle memory, essentially turning it into "core programming."

plus like said, omnics are basically sentient now anyway. bastion may be "less sentient" than say, zenyatta, but i'd liken it to the difference between a child and an adult, with the same potential for growth.

New thread when?

Small reminder that Mercy is simultaneously the Lich King and the Huey Emmerich of Overwatch's lore.