Blumpf Dog-whistles Neo-nazis Again!

Blumpf Dog-whistles Neo-nazis Again!

The madman is the god of salty tears.

shills are going to screech at me but I still believe he's only doing this shit to appease the kikes. Pretending to buy into their little false flag.

Once this shit blows over it'll be back to business as usual.

inb4 "Muh cheese"

The tweets by him and Don Jr convinced me he knew cucking to the media wouldn't satisify them, and he did it anyways just to prove it. Not to mention it's really fucking obvious at this point when he's being himself, and when he's playing the game.

Love him or hate him, there is little doubt that Trump is the first major online troll President. What a timeline!

shit thread, shill


It's fine. We must build an army anyway. A true army.

go away fbi

Skittybot pls. learn to go home kthxbai.

No. We need RWDS to be a reality. There will come a day they make us illegal.


Anhero you newfag. The term skiddie comes from script-kiddie which you probably are you pleb!

You type like it's your first day on the job.

Sure thing you doublenigger.

You just learn that one today?

The 90's called, they said the ATF wants a word with you. RWDS are functionally illegal. The only reason 3%ers get away with it is because they're stupid and civic as hell.

You're digits notwithstanding, you are showing ur newfeg levels user. :^)

muh overton window

The best part is how much he infuriates the shills on this board. The drama it causes is like fresh chicken nuggies on discount.

fbi user already knew that though

He's not wrong though. I don't know if we need an "army" per se, but we definitely need to start forming ideologically consistent armed mutual aid groups, if only so we can resist effectively when the CIAniggers decide to start killing us. The kikes are going to go into overdrive soon.

No. Just saying that we must be prepared for a Turner diaries style scenario.
I'm not calling for violence although I think we should but that's just my personal opinion fuck pr just saying we need to be far more heavily armed to survive what might occur.

I see mr fbi user got his fellow officer to try and help him out.

So practice your 2nd amendment rights and be done with it. That's all you need for defense.

Burn you Reddit tier kike

Word you're looking for is "militia"

True enough. But the real lulz force-multiplier is out in the broader world. Especially seeing the MSM circlejerk each other other over his latest outrages will never grow old tbh.

When the fuck did we stop posting gore to scare these faggots away?

Not really, being alone gets you swarmed and you die.
Also, without a functional grenade equivalent you will have some serious trouble flushing enemies.

Thank You Trump.

Fuck the RINOs

A cat is fine too.

So get your fucking family to shoot and then just lock the house down if shit hits the fan. Jesus christ fuck off with your militia shit, I'm not falling for it you fucking alphabet faggot.

There is nothing I said that was promoting violence kike. Fuck off with your fbi boogeyman shit.

I guess. I'm thinking if one of us gets knocked off by the feds, we know that's the signal to go underground. I would think we need a IRL group for that though. I don't think the feds have the logistics capability to go after 50,000 people across the nation all at once.


Please don't fucking tell me you're one of the idiots Sessions has working this crackdown on white nationalists.

I think he's dog-whistling to the Jack Posobiec crowd, not us.
Or are we that crowd?

you fail to understand that we already know that individual's will be prosecuted. we already know a large group needs to light the fire. we know that if we form anywhere, we will be infiltrated by you.

our best defense is to stay in the cracks here, own guns and ammo, and redpill our friends and family with time.

Or are you a coward who wouldn't even kill kikes on the day of the rope?

and and then consider suicide you dumb faggot.

also, I love how you post with a familiar picture every time. you blend in real nicely, bucko.

I'm not saying we should meet up. No I'm saying we should grow groups out of the people around us.
I thought our strength was our stand alone nature.
I've only been able to build a team of 4.



Massive redpills directly in the comments of what the president retweeted, like literally the third thing and some fucking direct screenshot of Holla Forums REEE

you forgot east german stasi and DEA

Or maybe your just a newfag and you have me mistaken for a fucking kike.

Not everybody has family. I lost mine in the bush wars.


Who the fuck is Posobiec anyways? Last I heard his name he was talking about Gerbils or something while trying to cover for Laura Loomer.
vid motherfucking related

Nah, kikes don't work in alphabet agencies, you guys just work for them.

Holla Forums is a board of peace, off thyself.
that or offer me a job, since unlike you I didn't need a fucking powerpoint presentation to learn all the hip trendy white nationalist lingo.
Of course you know where to call me if need be so this will be my resume


that'll be the next one

Heh, sometimes the memes seem to write themselves around here.

I don't fucking care. Stop shilling. He hasn't done a god damn thing for us. I'm done supporting the king of half measures until he names Antifa as a terrorist organization.

That's a sentiment that even the saltiest shill simply cannot refute. Trump trolls the fuck out of everyone. He is the first POTUS that does shit for the lulz.



The smartest thing to do is to operate as if we have no allies in the government.

well m8 I wouldn't talk about it openly

fuck off trumpcuck

Alright alright we all believe you user. Two words:
Just chill for a bit yea?

Get a new script


Never correct an enemy when he is making a mistake, just laugh at him even harder for his complete incompetence.

K. Enough posting for me for on night.
Death to Israel.


Too little, too late.

TBH I would've still voted for him simply because of this characteristic alone. Obviously someone who's a loose cannon isn't going to be overly quick to get in lockstep with anyone else. His $billions and his general "Fuck off" attitude confirmed to me very early on he was the man for the job tbh.

Stop replying to intl and leftypol. There will come a time for a Wehrmacht. Until then, train and prepare.


I'm sure our 1,000+ shiny new shill newfriend UIDs will have plenty to say about this.


It's remarkable how many of them have swarmed out of the fucking blue.

Damn OP you sure love them cocks.