TF2: Heavy is cucked. Not big surprise


Summer is shit as is TF2.
Leave and never come back.

As a guy who dumped 3000+ hours into TF2

Please let it fucking die


TF2C is still better, and TF2C still sucks.


TF2C is fucking dead, ran into the ground by incompetent developers


Please Valve just let this game die peacefully

How does it feel like having a fat penis in your rump?


If only Alpha didn't have to shove his underage dick into everything.

Well, I sure as hell am not playing tumblrwatch if that's the case.

They're both shit, mate.

Thanks for the reminder, OP. I completely forgot I still had it installed.

Yeah, I should be playing SMBX.


Also now that TF2 is so bloated it doesn't run on my mid-end computer what are some good multiplayer FPS?

stay cucked you degenerate, go complain on steam forums that you need buffs or something

Heavy > Pyro

Thats not most refined nacho goblin.

Alpha owns alot of Arena Shooters that he doesn't play, he also owns Life is Strange


good job, your favourate class is only 8th worst in the game!

Feels good to main a class that's played at international LANs, but I suppose you couldn't relate to that. :^^^^^)


Makes sense that they'd update a class that doesn't do anything before one that's actually functional. But what would be really nice is if they'd find some developers who actually gave a fuck.


inb4 its a shotgun that a month later it gets patched so the heavy and the soldier too can equip it, because robin cant accept his favorite class NOT getting a new weapon

Remember when Alpha was saying he was gonna kill himself becuase someone sent him logs of some sparkledick furfaggot railing Link and he ended up fapping to it? What ever became of that?



But didn't Robin leave TF2's team?

Medic's my favorite, but If I had to choose between Heavy and Pyro, I'll pick Heavy.

this is a not big surprice

Now the medic vs engineer vs scout

I'm convinced it was rigged from the fucking start and they shouldn't have even bothered holding a phony war because of the metric they went by, 44% Heavy to 56% Pyro. Those percentages were supposed to be the actual userbase divide on the issue and not the scores being kept track of in matchmaking as they claimed, but guess what they went by so Pyro would win.

Was better at first but it got run into the fucking ground and Alphablaster's autistic shitfits about muh server purity didn't do Holla Forums's enjoyment of the game any favors long-term

nigga please

TF2 could be a better game if it had singleplayer mode.

what the fuck is this weebshit, why does it get posted everywhere on this board?

Seriously newfag?

I've been off the computer for a while.

Cropped porn, nothing special.

Nice try nigger but that "weebshit" has been a thing for like a fucking year

he probably fell for the brote team pill of "ironically" buying walking simulators

Don't you mean like a fucking decade, newfag?

Valve devs no longer play TF2 and only listens to the competitive players and makes updates revolving around that.

Remember, it took 9 months for the CSGO update for TF2 to come out, and the next comic has been delayed for release next year.

TF2 needs to be officially closed and released open source or something similar for usermade content to be put in game.

They only had content made for the Pyro so they purposefully rigged it.


I admit POTG is fucking bait to keep you playing more


You dumb nigger. They did similar with Soldier v Demoman too, retard. I don't know how you weren't expecting this.


Tone and theme =/= Artstyle

Get it through your thick skull artstyle fags.

The hats ruin the silhouettes, has nothing to do with either.

I don't even keep track of tf2 and bollocks to actually going to the site. Spoonfeed me please, what the shit is going on?

They're gonna another round of class updates in probably 50 years or so, to decide whether they did heavy or pyro first they had another war similar to soldier demo war only it's purely points based and you didn't have to be playing your class/kill the other class.

Blizzard did it, they made a game more casual than Hearthstone.

They don't even listen to the comp players, I remember that b4nny cocksucker who was pretty much the only comp influence on Meet Your Match was just as fucking baffled as everyone else by the changelog.

Sounds about right.

Soldier v Demoman was back when Valve employees actually wanted to work on TF2 and it was still rigged so I thought they'd care so little it'd actually be an honest vote

Had a recent War update between Heavy and Pyro claiming that votes would be counted by each point scored in competitive or casual matchmaking after taking a side would be a vote, with the winning class receiving a class update down the line. Final results were instead decided by the actual userbase split between the classes rather than the points scored by either side, probably since Team Pyro was full of some of the most oblivious bottom-of-the-scoreboard retards I've ever seen.

No they fucking don't you retarded fucker.

Remind me again why soldier demo war was rigged, and why this one was rigged too?

Or to be short:

What are the actual changes though?

Read decide to do first, there is no update, it was just to determine what they "worked on" first. Ergo pyro class update isn't anywhere near out.

Soldier v Demo was rigged because the competition was for most kills would get new items. Demoman got the most kills, but the team said that Soldier "fought with more spirit", so they got the new shit instead. I believe it was Direct Hit, Gunboats, and some other stuff?

Nothing yet. Rumor is though the content for the winner is already ready since They're finally going to use workshop weapons

Valve knew that people on either side were hacking (primarily Soldiers killing Demomen, top soldier at the time was killing ~100 demomen a minute) and did nothing to stop it, no chance in hell that Demoman was going to get the Direct Hit or the Gunboats. Especially the Gunboats since it was explicitly a secondary item, and Demo's secondary is the sticky launcher.

This one was rigged because they're not following their own criteria to decide the winner; instead of points counted they're going by the actual userbase schism between both classes. It tallied out with 44% of the playerbase picking Heavy and 56% of the playerbase picking Pyro, and the current blog-post declaring the winner goes by the schism:

"Well, it's been a tight race, everybody. Five weeks of ballistic trauma and charred corpses later, we've crowned our glorious king of war: All hail the PYRO. Winning in a 56% to 44% split, Team Pyro has fried, burnt and scorched its way through a smoldering mountain of enemies and into a brand new class pack, featuring new weapons, new cosmetics and rebalances, to be shipped in a future update. Congrats to Team Pyro!"

That's not what happened, they awarded soldier more points for winning the propaganda contest and that won them the war.

But They removed points on both sides for cheating, they said demoman had more fake points than soldier or something
What is this about the direct hit? Do you fuckers have terrible memory or something? The war was that both demo and solider were going to get a set of weapons, but the winner gets a single exclusive weapon for them only ergo soldier's base set was DH, Buff banner, and equalizer, with demo getting Scottish resistance, targe, and headlander.

And also that's wrong, they literally changed the coding to make sticky the primary and grenade the secondary as was reflected in crafting but didn't change what numbers they were assigned to. Just like how the wee booties replace grenade launcher the gunboats would of replaced grenade launcher too.

reminds me of LoL's Hall of Fame.

There's no real "teams" at valve. The reason why TF2 doesn't have attention is because there's not many that feel working on it, so it's pretty much somewhere in between 5-10 people.
Basically Robin probably got tired of working with TF2's spaghetti code a long time ago.

Tradecucks detected.

you are one stupid turd


They should just make tf3 where they have 3 main classes each with 3 subclasses



when is there gonna be porn of that thing anyways?

Fucking w+m1 noobs wom by sheer numbers.

I still play TF2, and I feel disgust to those pyro "mains"

Sometimes some kid talks through the mic an I seriously think Whith with kind of faggots I am playing this match?

I am one of them, just older?

user, that's actually a game I want to make.

tribes 2? dystopia?

We both are sadly

Yes I'd say you are.

I shit you not it's not exaggerated in the slightest.

People post these PotG webumms all over, they seem to actually be proud of their non-accomplishment.




People who play Overwatch should be shot.

sauce? I am out of decent stuff to watch



Honestly think thats a necessary addition, the projectiles in Overwatch aren't as effective as projectiles in Quake. If Hanzo and Genji had too high of a skill floor and too low of a return nobody would play them. Think about this, would you really play Hanzo if he was basically a Huntsman sniper from TF2?

also, I do agree that hitscan weapons should not have a generous hitbox.



I see this video keeps being posted, despite how old it is and that hitboxes were fixed already.
If you wanna complain about the game, at least post actual problems it has, not shit that has been fixed months ago.


But in all seriosness, this has nothing to do with "skill floor". Projectiles are easier to miss and can be dodged, so they get a buff to their damage (directly in base damage or indirectly with hitbox size) to compensate for this.
If you have a weapon that hits all the time for 100 damage and one that misses half the shots but deals 200 damage, you still have 100 DPS for both guns.

It's also a mistake to believe that projectiles reward proper aim more than hitscan as that's an oversimplification.
Projectiles usually have neat tricks like arcing trajectories, bouncing or AoE that require knowing how to aim the gun and when to use them specifically for maximun advantage, like shooting Rivets with Tolbjorn at someone in high ground but behind cover. You'll be able to hit them while they can't hit you.

The really sad thing is that most of those jokes were used in later seasons.

dubs of a salty bady

People who voice their opinion about shit they don't know about should shut the fuck up more often.

There's a timer up top that tells you the attacking team had less than a minute to push the objective. That guy actually killed 3 people (half the other team) including their Support and Tank.
He got PotG because that was the winning move, the other team did not manage to pull together a push to take the point after that.

He could have been fucked if Ana had tranq'd him, if Junkrat left a trap behind him or that Reaper actually came back to help his team.
And the route he is taking is almost never taken by the defending team, that was an unexpected surprise attack by him.
There's more to that than you want to see, but none of that matters because it happens in a game you don't like.




Tribes Ascend if you feel like playing a good fast shooter. Not many players anymore but you can still find a server at any time.

Wow, how skilled he is, what a tactical move.

You just described your average Soldier Main, by the way.

How quick you kids forgot.


Too bad UT2K4 is only the same map in all servers or faggots running that Balistics shit.



So start your own?

Shit's not hard.

What an amazing idea! I'm sure I'd be the very first person to try such an amazing solution and this never happened and failed before because everyone else already moved to other games and the only faggots left behind are more interested in CoD Tournament instead.

just use a natascha

The hitboxes were already fixed.

anyone got that picture of him in an emotionless state while wearing a MAGA cap

Where is this superior game? Mind showing it to us?
