Skip video to 2:30

Other urls found in this thread:"widow's peak"&oq="widow's peak"&gs_l=img.3..0l10.41.3314.0.3463.….0…1.1.64.img..3.12.1228…0i10k1.31f6w9VxFxY




most likely bullshit/disinfo but MFW if true
please god let there be a lot of dead lefties




we already saw ur shitty OC in the last thread.

Roadkill Nights with the #RoadkillRight when?

Illuminati confirmed…
Has the real driver been ID'd yet? Since someone said before that it wasn't that Joel guy.

I've been busy with family stuff for the past few days. Can someone give me a very brief tl;dr of all of this Charlotte stuff? I'm hearing shit about WN's marching but I assume it's more "Everyone is a Nazi if I don't like them" stuff. Now there's a car of peace situation?

its been confirmed

the second pic he posted isn't shitty


hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha your life is posting on the internet hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha you act tough but you have zero self esteem hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha that is why you are 100% fueled by the approval of internet strangers hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

You're now up to date.

Oh I thought someone showed that the car had been sold?

if a car gets sold you dont keep the same license plate?

obvious cop Richard Spencer*

If you haven't figured this out yet you are literalyl the most retarded fucking person on the planet, wait, why I am I acting like I am surrounded by people with brains when I am posting in the safe space fan club for a candidate in a fake rigged election hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


awww lil self esteem baby has no argument :)

I win hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Thank you.

Could be a false flag. But I'm happy we got at least one confirmed dead leftist out of this.




Looks like he hit all the right people. Do we have any name of the one who died?



Then why is he denying it on Faceberg right now?



please kill yourself as soon as possible

I don't, but judging by the photo above, it's likely the nog in the air or the white with the back tattoo.

Is that nigger wearing air jordans?

Well they didnt dodge it did they?








clipped out the webm for you guys




So there's info going around it's some Trump-hating open borders guy that did it, but apparently he's claimed to be misidentified on Facebook.

Not sure anymore at this point.

Here, have one that isn't shit.

You are trying way too hard. Go get some fresh air or something.



Just filter the bots.

> (((Rebel Media))) agent in place.
Now I'm starting to wonder if this was STAGED.


You're adding nothing to this thread, if you want a real discussion on this topic, than act like an actual adult instead of insulting people. You can act all smug and stuff but everybody here knows that you're the only one here that's mad.

1 race the car race


Atleast they created a blaze.


Wait who drove the car into which crowd? Antifa into the white nationalist parade or white nationalists into an antifa parade?

enhanced image of driver

Don't know who drove the car, it definitely hit Antifa commie scum.

antifa into antifa parade


No white nationalists were injured, user.

Godspeed Centipede

Its safe to say these kids wont be playing in the road no more.

antifa got wrecked so most likely WN startig up some right wing death cars. Im gonna b laffin tho if it wasnt a WN driving the car


Joel is not the car owner. Car owner lives in Ohio


appears legit

Plot thickens. Wonder what the narrative will be over the coming days?



It's not a bot, it's probably some Twitter user asshurt that people are laughing at the pain of a political group infamous for total ideological control and flagrant violence against dissenters.

Yeah, I was afraid of that.




The floor is white rule.

Quiet Jew.

If they supposedly arrested the guy, then why haven't the police come out with his identity?

Coulter's Law.

For any of several not-good reasons.

Probably don't want to get him lynched. If it was a clusterfuck of a guy panicking when antifa hit his car, which I think it was, then it's not malice nor terrorism.

Cops probably want to step lightly since I imagine antifa would riot if the cops said 'It wasn't terrorism.' Although maybe antifa should riot just so we can watch the national guard cave their fucking skulls in

really makes you think.

If this guy gets instantly acquitted we will see the chimpout of the century


Guy is a mudslime…


State police helicopter crash near Charlottesville.

It's involuntary manslaughter at the very least my dude.


He's such a god damn fucking cuck. Even more than Paul Ryan.


Affirmative action pilot?

Double happiness..

That looks like a typical lefty fuckwit, I'm sure his account is accurate and unbiased

today is a good day.



For a moment, I thought it was the whites getting hit, but then when I found out it was cucks and faggots, I stopped caring.

Depends on the charges. I think the police are slow to identify him because they're waiting until they have charges ready, and they are investigating whether they have the evidence to make it a more serious charge than involuntary manslaughter.


Not if he can prove self defense. There were dents from rocks and it was hit with a baseball bat once before the collision.


oh fuck, they're battling their own fate

No, Jeb!, no!

lol, this guy….

Has anyone else stopped to wonder why the hell Virginia cops are in NC?


Charlotteville, VA is not Charlotte, NC

Don't forget the link.
Wow, Jeb! I think you should wait a bit longer before reacting to recent happenings on twatter.

kek is smiting our enemies

alex jones named the jew
heres a potato vid

Theory: It was CIA in the car. The Helicopter crash was evacuating the CIA man from the scene. But to tie up loose ends they killed him too.



stfu jeb!, nobody likes you

Probably the same reason it was feds in unmarked vehicles that arrested the driver and made the locals go inside.

fuck off


Nah fuck you man, fucking racist nazi #resist

And….the Eclipse is still 9 days away!

dat "where the fucking cops at" kek


Chimpouts when?

See even Paul Rhino Ryan didn't say white supremacy.


what did they mean by this?


Anybody know what is the logo on the sticker on the window of the Tundra truck?

This is called double think. It's when your brain is so powerful it can hold two conflicting ideas at the same time.

Shriner's children's hospital.

Bingo, this goy has got it

Both sides at this march are being led by CIA-spooks and jews

Thread theme. Praise kek for the dead commie.

a tailtavistock is not a window.


Honestly, saying you want to preserve and protect your country is now bigotry to these fucktards? Or is simply being white enough to qualify you as an eternal bigot? Fuck these assholes. Can Ryan get the boot in the midterms?

Nice dubs, Kek blessed your post, faggot! Eat some tendies and you will be blessed.

The “Brennan Gilmore” that provided the most popular video worked for the US State Department (foreign service)

He was also a campaign Chief of Staff for Tom Perriello

the fuck kind of wordfilter does this place have?

shit, my bad

this can't be real
2017 is insane

In all seriousness, the helicopter crash could give impetus to seriously embolden the police state against WN. We need to get out in front of it with counter narratives, etc. or else it could turn into a waco.

Helos crash all the time, retard.


So why did the helicopter crash? Surprisingly little information considering how many people are there

waveriding vehicles
they make surfboards and jet skis, really common to see these stickers in VA and NC

But who cares, the fashy goys led by Rebel Media have got it all in control…

i didn't mean in the literal sense, friend

God Speed Centipede


The helicopter crashed on it's own, it had nothing to do with events at the rally, dumbass.

Ah, nice, yours is better than mine.


That's what THEY want you to think!

well meme'd

now it's a guac party


2 dead in the police chopper


Refusing to be displaced, replaced and, fundamentally, genocided is bigotry and supremacism
You already know this, user.



An image of the driver, who appears to be plotting his route in advance that morning before the attack, have been released by Charlottesville police.


You're about 4 hours late noob

So what did the helicopter record that was so problematic they decided to manpad it?


This was just posted, waiting to see any confirmation.

I like this one

No we didnt

I'm sorry, but I'm checkin' them there quads.

Here's an idea. There was no copter crash. It's being faked to retire the person that was the car's driver. It also will cause the media to loose focus on today's dumpster fire of a protest.

Instant classic!



That, or the driver will have a recent arrest and IMDB page.

He still has his dick. He accidentally tweeted it out in the reflection of part of his shower. I still haven't managed to bleach it out of my memory yet.


wtf my face disappeared

I think in these times, it's important to think about the real victim of this attack, the person driving the Challenger. He is going to be the victim of a lot of hate for who he is, what he's done, and what he believes.

Attacks with cars running over people because of ideological differences are just part and parcel of living in a big city. We've been dealing with this for years now.


At least he wrecked a piece of shit.

topp kek, good work

Cops obviously saw the false flag and CIA had to take them out.

No they don't, idiot. Helicopter crashes happen, but are rare.


Is this KEK Magic?
Is KEK Magic real?

Hope he gets disbarred for posting regardless of truth. Knowingly endangering a person as an officer of the court is against the law.


make it so

Know how expensive they are to replace after a nigger bounces off it?



I think he's saying that the car that hit Antifa has no sunroof.

The look of a chimp who realizes he's not the biggest in the jungle.

Nothing quite so based as super fashy jews leading the dissent

Did you know that that (((freemasons))) and kikes often include numerical signifiers in their false flag attacks?

Some people are bitching at him on Twitter right now saying it was very irresponsible to release this information before the police investigation. Others are already clamoring that he is a registered Republican. He's going "I'm just releasing the registration, not saying anything about the driver"

This seems like a case for the RWSS.

Cleaned up image of the driver just released by the local police department's official Twitter account.

my bad didn't know Rebel Media was involved with the event, much less running it



oh shit, they are in here lol

Attention all leftists reading this: we want your blood

That guy's a fucking monster. How is he not in prison for life?

Am I correct to conclude we still have no clue who the driver was?
It does seem pretty certain they drove into Antifa/counter-protesters, right?
The heli crash seems to be an accident?
I was busy all day today and then this happens out of nowhere, I've been reading through three threads at once and it still isn't quite clear to me what the fuck actually happened.

Leftists reading this:


Excuse me sir. Would you mind crawling into this oven right here? Just go ahead and crawl right in sir.

Do these people hear themselves?

Would Paul Ryan make the same Tweet about BLM riots?

Yes. I don't think we have seen anything that proves the identity of the driver yet


This is pretty much everyday driving for Dodge Challenger owners I've noticed.

it's hilarious that they don't see that we're ridiculing them with their bullshit
how are these cretins so blissfully unaware?

everything that happened today is probably actually all unrelated, but the media kikes will try everything they can to spin it all on the whites

Whoever it is I don't blame them if reports of the commies attacking their car with bats are true.

Not even close, faggot.

Yes, the site that told us it was that joel-cuck guy is where everyone got the VIN from. Looks like they took that VIN and used it in other VIN lookups. But if that site was wrong about the current owner, it could be wrong about the VIN too.

These guys need to realize getting ran over is just part and parcel of protesting in the street.

Anyone find it suspicious how tinted the side windows were? Possible false flag?

Lazy jew reporters lurking here for breaking news instead of doing the work themselves.

where was this piece of shit when ANTIFA was burning the town and shooting Trump supporters?

Godspeed Centipede.

Isn't it possible to look up plates and see who it was?

Why do you give such undue praise to their intelligence?

busy being a cuck

If there are lefties lurking here, I wonder how they honestly react when confronted with facts and statistics like how blacks commit overwhelmingly more crimes than whites, etc.

Do they just do what Yuri said and become physiologically incapable of understanding or recognizing it?

Isn't that the ultra-left leaning mayor of Charlotville?

I'm just curious how many people who stood up for the muslims doing this shit in Europe are going to condemn this attack.

I'm calling it now, the driver acted in self defense.
If he was trying to cause extra harm he would have drove into the sidewalks.
Can't wait to see the lib rage when he's released.


Gardner critiqued President Donald Trump's 2017 executive order to impose a ban on travel to the U.S. by citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, saying: "While I am supportive of strengthening our screening processes and securing our borders, a blanket travel ban goes too far. I also believe that lawful residents of the United States should be permitted to enter the country. I urge the Administration to take the appropriate steps to fix this overly broad executive order."[51]

In college, Gardner switched from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party

lurk more, better yet, go back to wherever the fuck you came from, you fucking faggot.

inb4 video games made him do it

Have we started the fire brother?

They need to keep everything in the right/left (((false dichotomy))) - can't be letting people know that third position political stances, exist, can they

probably being a filthy kike somewhere

Yes this will surely trigger them.


Btw, he posted a screencap of cuckchan, not here.

My first thought was "kike runs over some gentiles and blames it on white supreeeemists"

I'm also curious if any leftists lurking here would argue that it's due to environment and poverty while knowing it's a fact that poor whites commit less crimes than rich blacks.

damn they gots buckwheat

Does VA have any of those laws which were drafted after the nogs started protesting in streets protecting drivers who hit people in the road?

It was an unauthorized protest according to the state police who used that as reason to disperse the crowd. So the libs cannot defend themselves being in the street.


I came from recently fucking your mom.

jews were directly and indirectly responsible for both


I'll take things that never happened for 2000 alex

Looks like he's lurking cuckchan 2.



I believe it because I would say that



I'd bet on Vegas odds that this cuck insists there's no growing islamic threat in Europe.

That poor car.

not to this kike I wouldn't

I bet he's not even lurking 8ch

Some will get converted even this late in the game: the ones able to accept the world for what it is and not make up endless rationalizations for easily explainable facts.


We need talk about car control

she came

From a legal viewpoint, VA protestors are not allowed to block traffic so they are in the wrong by being in the road in the first place…
But the real legal key is the person/people that threatened the driver would actually be help responsible for the drivers action.
So with ample evidence, we may see an antifa take a vehicular manslaughter charge for killing a fellow antifa.

I took screen-caps of the OPs thread and started trying to spread it on cuckchan. BANNED for posting this.

Trying to get as many eyes as I could to see and save this

Probably, especially considering

That's most of these fucking NPCs, a very small percentage will convert though.


Can somebody give me a quick rundown?

What the fuck is this?! Is it the goddamned racewar?

I was just going to ask about this. Illegal or no, it seems fucking crazy for a lawyer to dox a random citizen. He's going to get himself fired at the very least.

TFW you realize you are ANTIFA on ANTIFA violence.

This is unbelievably awesome. I'm horny right now.

Fucking wew

I think I know the legal doctrine that you are talking about.

If I do X action and Y person reacts accordingly causing Z to be killed. X is responsible for Y's actions.

Wtf is that called.

It popped into my head when I heard that a helicopter had gone down. I wonder if who ever institavistockd the protest could be held responsible for their deaths as the police officers would not have been in the air had the protest not gone on.

I should go to law school.

We are travelling to places we never knew we could go.

No way

I will spread on cuckchan as much as possible before being banned.

Now you are caught up.

Post this on cuckchan , spread this.

They aren't unaware, the average liberal is more racist and xenophobic than any of those I've met on Holla Forums or anything related to it. They're just conditioned to always assume their race is at fault and to expect nothing of others because of historical oppression so they blame themselves for it. It makes them really easy to control, but all their actions are inherently racist as a result.

Reminds me of that time when Davis Aurini was said to be the shooter of whatever-that-was because some "reporter" saw a picture in a joke Reuters twitter account.

I want to believe

And also a police helicopter crashed, killing two agents of the illegitimate occupational regime. Well deserved, good riddance!

not the same car, this one didn't have the hood stripes

Communist, stay off our board

You're on the next flight.

I posted this in the original thread, but I may as well get it going here too.

Whether that OP is legitimate or not, the image he posted is a treasure trove of information. We could theoretically pinpoint the exact location the car was stopped at using artifacts within the picture.
Learning this could be useful, it could help us determine
a) the driver's destination; whether he was headed for a highway to make a getaway or if he (intentionally?) got himself cornered by the police in some bumfuck residential area
b) who lives at the addresses in the surrounding location, so we can keep tabs on them in case OP (who abruptly stopped posting) really did suicide by two shots from the back of the head.

I drew up a map using what information I could gather from the picture. Street A is the street the car crashed on, Street B is the road at that intersection in the background of the image, and Street i is the street that the woman is standing at.

We could use the names on the street sign (fig. a on the map) to find the street that the car is on and we could use the bus stop sign (fig. b) to pinpoint the exact location. Can anyone read the streets on that goddamn sign? The bottom one (street B on my map) looks like "West—" to me, and they both seem to be Roads from what I can tell.

Also relevant to note that there is a camera on the stoplight behind the car. If there really were other vehicles that apprehended the driver, there would theoretically be other video evidence of it out there.

Kinda spooped. I made the pic of the screenshots in and tried spreading it around cuck/pol/ and managed to post in about 10 threads before I was banned and all of my posts were scrubbed. I'm trying to get this info out there for eyes to see and it's being SHUT DOWN

xddd how do elections work?

All anti-whites get the rope, "following orders" isn't an excuse.

Fuck off, chelsea.

He was even getting police union endorsements. Fuck off faggot.

As much as I agree with you, you're sounding like a fucking commie.

Fuck the Charlottesville cops. They should be mowing down these commies, not helping them.


Shocking photos of Joel Vangheluwe, a well-known neo-nazi, white supremacist, and underground street racer, have recently surfaced showing him viciously berating an Indian co-worker before sexually assaulting her.

Nigger you aren't welcome here.

You are clearly some paid shill.

hang yourself

Gently hitting on people at apex can induce rotation to minimise understeer

Nice work, user. I can't make out the street signs in the original photo however.

What did he mean by this?

This. In fact, being a cuck for monetary gain is even worse, so something like burning at the stake is more deserved


I just don't understand our species most of the time.

So did plenty of cuckservatives.

If you violently attack whites who are standing up for our racial interests you get the rope this isn't a difficult concept.


Can't wait for the DotR. Seems like it's just months away now.

i tried checking Charlottesville area transit bus routes to find the streets but the website is down.
100% spooped

odd, you guys notice in the picture of the "suspect" the speed limit sign say 30mph while in the first picture the speed limit sign says 25 mph

Also, intersection is busy enough to have a traffic light. Any traffic engineer anons know about a central list of traffic light locations in Charlottesville or perhaps Albemarle County?




I think we should give boil their heads with literal melting pot of shit.

Yep, me too. It's been down for hours. Tried earlier to see the Cville police department site. All of appears down.

absolute faggot, lurk more. the regime is a punch and judy show. the police are not on our side and they never will be. just look at the britbongs ffs, their pigs dont even patrol the streets they just sit inside looking for "hate crimes" (aka twitter posts) to charge.

Any vid-edit fags that would edit the crash footage so that the General Lee's horn sound from Dukes of Hazzard plays as the dodge crashes into the commies??

boil their heads with literal melting pots of shit*

Yeah, the same thing was true for me. This is what made me sure that we've struck gold here. Either their website servers are overloaded because of everyone else investigating them or alphabet soup have just taken down the website completely to prevent investigations or their web operators are just fucking incompetent
This along with the fact that information OP shared is being censored has me convinced that there's some foul play going on here.


Rebel media live streaming the moment this occurred is just (((pure cohencidence))) silly goy. Stop spreading conspiracy on the internet, it's anti-semitic.

Not all humans are as intelligent as you are. A lot of smart people struggle with accommodating other people that are either unable, or take 5x as long to understand what seem like basic concepts to them.

But it's a double edged blade. Smart folks are better at identifying risks and dangers, but women appreciate men who take risks, even if they don't fully understand the risks they're taking.

Perhaps along Preston Ave? Bus stop map here:

Was that other dude being arrested one of the ones chasing the fucker down?

By "sounding like a commie" you mean that I sound like a revolutionary, which puts me in good company: Adolf Hitler, who embraced the revolutionary spirit and symbolism of socialism.

No ill will here, but the Challenger taking her with them would be über lulz. Just imagine that.

Oh, a fucking nazbol.

Any pictures of the dead red?


A missed opportunity.

I need one now

About as revolutionary as an insane asylum.

Every time.

Use google maps to confirm

James Alex Fields Jr. vs driver what do you think?

Poor sports car.

Need good old boys playing at the end when he reverses. Never meanin no harm.


These people are like fucking car magnets

Left Mouth is too small.
Eyebrows are higher and more prominant on the right
No glasses on the right

Here's what I got. I got banned from cuckchan for posting "dox".



well they do have a habit of congregating RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING ROAD

Blocking streets normally reserved for cars can be dangerous.

That's because they like to stand in front of them and pretend nothing will ever happen to themselves, like they do with everything.

Or the clip of Roscoe climbing out of the car and and saying "That was a horrendous crash."

What's insane is cucking for cops when they contrived to break up your rally upon the initiation of leftist violence.

They're nothing but mercenaries who serve the ruling class.



You're so close, but so far.

meant for

So this lawyer just doxed a guy as an unconfirmed terrorist?

https:[email protected]/* */,-78.4743177,17z

Not buying it, even looking at the images in their current state. The man in the car has a much stronger nose and a lower hairline, for starters. Even then it looks like a shop, I've seen a few shops in my time and can tell from some of the pixels.

Is this the first confirmed fatality in a while, though? I know I've seen a few people run over in BLM protests but I don't think I heard of anyone dying.



Anti-cop is anti-White. You'll do the hanging.

The ruling class are plutocrats and bourgeois cosmopolitans, and they must be overthrown by the White working class.

This is what I'm getting from different places. I don't mean to push it as him 100%, and yes that other pic does look like shooped. From what I'm reading they say the kid didn't want to do it out of being malicious, but because the car was being attacked.

They keep trying to scrub this pic from any chan


That's a funny way to say "kikes and more kikes"

Because you're doxing the wrong faggot, it wasn't the kid.


Yes pretty much. Some people in the feed were saying it was wrong to do it, others jumped right on the Republican thing.

So, will Antifa still riot this night over the car of peace?

(((cnn))) had a long clumsy and rambling placeholder article with a lot of pictures of lefties looking like thugs and druggies, attacking appropriately dressed conservatives, and just before I could save the pics the page got force-reloaded to a cucked anti-white journalistic vomit with bullshit pictures
I tried to search my cache to find the pics, but the only remnants of the interesting pics are miniature cropped versions
anyone know how to find them, if they're still on my computar?

beware, cuckery →

Oh yeah I see you're doing, (((Cosmopolitans))) hehe.

From Twitter.


Working on it in Jewgle Earth with bus stops enabled. Slow going.


That's exactly what the infographic says you nog with no reading comprehension.

Good Night My Sides

Nice find.

Maybe it's just my imagination, but did that car move? It barely looks like the same location.

cohencidencal surnames there…hmmm
someone really shouldn't call his mom pretending to be an investigator to confirm stuff…family6.png


Why would you leave that shit on there then?

bumpbitches pic related

to be fair the antifa faggots were blocking traffic , what did they expect to happen?

what are you imblying?
they were incompetent enough to let unfiltered data flow through their edition process, but deleted their slippage before it could be grabbed



Didn't virginia cause this by forcing both of the protestors in huge numbers to mix and didnt do their "policing" job seriously. Timeline goes something like this.

The riot police and national guard were nowhere to be found after that intial break up 12 hours ago

The cheeks are wrong.


Are you in good hands?


I seriously just made and posted this picture a few posts back.

how many people showed up to the protest?

Watching the vid on Daily Mail and this guy caught my eye…

How much of a hipster fag do you have to be to bring an old timey daguerreotype to a protest? I bet he can't wait to get back to his dark room to see if he got clear B&W shots of the car mowing into people.

Same location, different angle. Did you see the location on the map posted above?

I don't want their blood, it has GRIDS. I just want them as fertilizer.

Here's another.
The tweet was screen capped in the first thread but no one went to get the images.


Guys, I got an idea to generate free energy, pic related.

Fucking rekt

Pretty much.

That was perfect; thank you! Many lulz were enjoyed.

99% sure that's Dexter behind the wheel.


Re-read it, nigger. Especially the red text.




If I jump in front of your car that's known as suicide. Fucking hippies still saying dude.

Car location discovered.
And it correlates with the images has been posting.

It's on the intersection of Bleinheim and Monticello Ave.
Visit the location in google maps: the street sign, the bus stop, the yield sign in the background. Everything checks out.

I did. I'm wondering why would you add text instead of just omitting the shit about Joel in the first place though. Why include the stuff about him and then go out of your way to tell the viewer to ignore it if he's not connected?

I'm a peaceful driver, and I've just been attacked by your peaceful protest. Now I'm panicking, and I'm hitting the gas in my muscle car. Whoops! Your rear bumper, and a few dozen leftists, are smashed to pieces; and if you've got cut-rate insurance, you could be paying for this yourself. So get Allstate, and you can save money and be better protected from Mayhem like me.

Monticello Ave at Blenheim Ave Southbound
Charlottesville, VA 22902

That faggot's intent is likely to counter the bullshit people have been pushing about the kid. The damage was already done to the kid, this is his attempt at damage control of a sort.

It seems plausible with the way the media is so quick to capitalize on this shit.

Somebody get Terry on this shit.


Check for houses in the area with security cameras on them so we can figure out if OP is dead.

can anyone run the plates on the silver car?

looking for an angle of the red van in the front of the pile up.. need plates too. why were they parked there, who's cars are they, etc?

I'm going to start renting boxramp trucks and parking them conveniently pointing towards antifa protests hoping next user is willing to utilize to maximum effect.

Uh oh, we've beenwarned. Time to pack up lads!

Oh shit get the velcro out and glue him to the ceiling.

They were probably stopped by the crowd. The fucks caused this themselves.

I didnt think these kind of black people were real
t. rural yuropoor

I'm quaking

What's all that in his trunk?

Go into your nearest major city, Eurofriend.

You'll see this filth in person right quick.

bruh smdh nigpypo can you just not

For a moment I thought it said GOD PK ME someone sure did get PK'd on that car

I played the video without sound and all I could gather is

Nice joke, I live in a 98% white country. we have six or so niggers in our city

Looks like a CD holder trays, also lel@ the blood under the right side.

Special feature?


show him some traps, looks low test and hungry for white cock

Driver has Widow's peak, James doesn't. Widow's peaks are genetic. If you don't know what one is, think Jack Nicholson's hairline (his is extreme).

You in Poland, user? If so, is it worth visiting as a burger? I used to like Germany and continental Europe, and then they decided things were going too well and decided to start ruining things.

If it wasn't an accident, it was definitely CIA niggers in the car. You have no chance of getting away when you use your car.


Go watch some Group B videos, you'll have fun

Is Widow's peak a white feature?

I can't tell for sure whether the driver in that picture has a Widow's Peak, but even looking at the two faces they look like completely different people.

Godspeed Centipede!

this doesn't look right, the greenish house with the dark roof, i don't see it. the roofs all look different
i think monticello rd is right though

Croatia. Don't know about Kurwaland, but, Croatia is nice in the summer, if you can get over the spaghettiniggers and angry Slovenians who insist they have a right to our sea. We have some comfy roman architecture in the coastal cities, and you can go from the beach to hiking on a mountain in under an hour. Plus, it's cheap as shit as we're not an economic powerhouse, thanks to communism.


No. Google returns whites only for a while, but shitskins start filling in:"widow's peak"&oq="widow's peak"&gs_l=img.3..0l10.41.3314.0.3463.….0…1.1.64.img..3.12.1228…0i10k1.31f6w9VxFxY

Yeah, it was definitely an intentional setup.

I actually wouldn't be surprised if Spencer himself had sicced the cops on the crowd after he figured they weren't listening to him or his kosher nationalism scheme.

Look at this motherfucker's hair. Looking like Beavis and Butthead. Nigger's over here with a Hank Hill cut trying to act like hot shit.

It is right, check the other thread where the active investigation is happening

Good shit user


well the tinfoil goyim keep saying it's 'organized' probly mainstream poz narrative, i would like dox on that silver car if pozzible, since we have plates. it is more local than the ohio hit n run charger.

lol fam. i thought of..

The doublethink required to cry about this stuff while spouting "punch a nazi".

same here

lmao wtf


niggers are the least of our worries, you should see that kike from prison break chimping out, doing some thought guy impersonation

what a scumbag

ANTIFA shot trump supporters? when? how did i miss that happening?

Get this cuck shit off the board. Meme magic is real.



Not necessarily, any tryhard/mid life crisis normie with a Charger is going to try and do fast and furious shit and drift, etc. to show off. He might just be good at driving, adrenaline junkie, etc.

I thought that nigger looked familiar, I just watched his new show yesterday. He plays a cucked father pretty accurately.


You're Pure Mayhem
Necessary Mayhem

yfw it just turns out to be an Asian driver

Who's the guy that hit the car right before it goes into the crowd? You can hear a small audible thump and then the screams start.

Have any of you faggots been keeping up with Dr. Scheuer's articles? The man has been correct about literally EVERYTHING the past 20 years and he says we're close to civil war:

Patience, it is said, is a blessing, but, in this case, much more than an additional bit of patience will kill the republic. Americans have watched for far too long the lawlessness of both the bipartisan governing elite and the absolute unwillingness of their elected representatives to enforce and abide by the law. As patience runs out, the question becomes what to do?
Do Americans sit back as if they are addled and neutered cattle — like the British, French, Germans, and Canadians — and let both parties continue to do as they will, bankrupting the country; eradicating Christianity; destroying American culture, history, and nationalism; starting more wars to kill and maim their children; and deliberately create a mongrel population of peasants that is devoid of thinking, self-sufficient, liberty-loving adults and is dominated by the illiterate, non-English-speaking, and government-worshiping scum of Third World?
Or, do citizens perform their duty as Mr. Jefferson, the other founders, and their 2nd Amendment defined it, and risk all in an effort to slay the hardening tyranny and its champions, a tyranny that seems to be the overriding goal of most members of both parties, their prized, pampered, favored, and often deviant minorities, the media, the lawyers, and the academy?
Perhaps now, more than ever before, the decision of whether the republic is to survive must not be left to a corrupt, lawless, and effeminate national government and its acolytes. This decision must be grasped from them by an armed citizenry that is ready, when the time comes, to administer quick and decisive justice to those who have knowingly brought the republic to this lawless and utterly intolerable pass.
North Carolina’s James Iredell, a too-little-known member of the Founding fraternity, wrote an essay in 1775 — that is,before Jefferson’s Declaration — called “To the Inhabitants of Great Britain and Principles of an American Whig.” In the essay, Iredell stated that
“government being only the means of securing freedom and happiness to the people, whenever it deviates from this end, and their freedom and happiness are in great danger of being irrevocably lost, the government is no longer entitled to their allegiance, the only consideration for which it could be justly claimed or honorably pledged being basely and tyrannically withheld.” (2)

So is there any verifiable info on what actually happened yet? Was he being pelted by rocks and shit from Antifa and he got the fuck out as rumors suggest.

Is the car playing German marching music or did someone edit that into the video?

From the vids, it looks like this:

It gets cloudy after the impact though, as apparently the driver was picked up by the feds and there's a lot of bullshit about. Could be a false flag.

Also, no official data released about driver, which seems to align with Coulter's Law.

After seeing the reaction, I really thought I missed some kind of update on the happening, but…
The Guardian -

Fox News -

USA Today -
(Yeah, no, you're not allowed to mix numbers like that and blame them all on the protest.)

We don't know who the driver was.
We don't know if it's an accident or not.
Some sources say it "may" be criminal, others are implying it is ("treated as"), others claim it "is".
Yet everybody's already out of the woodwork to call him a white nationalist terrorist. Because.
The Guardian:

Fox News:
Let's ignore what the Obama administration institavistockd for the past eight years. Nah, it's Trump in only six months.

Ruptly's stream showed some WNs in a parking lot surrounded by leftists shouting at them to go home. Of course, when people got into a car, the leftists would throw things at it and chase after it. At precisely the moment a car left the parking lot and turned left, the feed terminated. Interesting that other feeds that were supposedly live also died at the same time.

I'm not saying that this was the same car, a left turn from that parking lot leads directly to the crash location if I remember that area correctly. It has been several years. It is, however, very circumstantial.

It was dubbed, dubs.

Such disgusting people.

Also– can anyone else believe we're living to see "The Turner Diaries" come true? The SPLc/ADL and the rest of the gang of Jews beat up Whites so much–in the news, movies ("django" and all the other nigger bullshit) and now it looks like they've memed the White NAtionalists they kept talking about into reality.


Brennan Gilmore is a democratic political operative and was a foreign service agent in Hillary's US State Department. Quite a person to just randomly film the best (or only?) video of this event.

Funny how the media and politicos have no problem calling the right bigots, white supremacists, nazis, etc but couldn't name one thing that has been said in Charlotteville in the past 48 hours that was any of those things. The rally was for patriotism, protecting our country, our culture, our borders, and our history and they get slammed for it.

Meanwhile, the left, antifaggots, and BLM show up and start a fucking riot, but that's OK.

The driver of the car hasn't even been identified yet, let alone confessed a motive, if there was any. But he's automatically branded a white supremacist domestic terrorist. Real fucking cute.



Sounds like he was an anti-Trump supporter

Nigga you're almost 3 hours late at this point


is that a foot that goes flying?

To be honest I don't even care if he was our guy and did it on purpose. If we disavow this it's just more useless appeasement. We should encourage it like the mudslimes do.

It's too late for PR now; we're at war.

What I got off Twitter. Will post more as I get it.

meme responsibly man, you were only two off from cucking everyone here

how is this the same person?


I don't understand this logic. It would clearly be a terrorist attack if the guy expressly tried to drive people over; not panic and indirectly cause one measly fatality and then speed off.

Besides, if an actual 'white supremacist' did a terrorist attack, it'd be a Tim MacVeigh-level event with explosives, guns, and all of that.

Just got a name. Checking now.

James Fields, 20, charged with murder after driving his car into protesters in Charlottesville.

rly m8? u wasted u dubz on that.. smdh..

i wonder where the kuk was trying to go? assuming thiz izn't a CIA operative. what reason would a goy have to drive down into the middle of town, 4th street ends in another block, surely he didn't plan on making a turn at the intersection.

who/why was parked at 4th n water st?

From what I've been reading as I look for more news, people are lamenting that Trump isn't declaring this a terrorist act but he'll declare what happens in Europe terrorist attacks.

they're not

They desperately need a white terrorist for PR purposes. They'll take what they can get.

Fellow White People?

No shit Sherlock

So I'm right. The driver DEFINITELY wasn't 20. Or this same fucking guy. James Fields is such a fucking fed name, like Bob Stone.

It's a mixed bag of "fellow white people" and niggers.

i heard aids turns fruits into vegetables

Trucks of peace AND cars of peace?
Now that's what I call a race war.

lee park for reference.

We already knew the name

But if it was a white guy, wouldn't it have been announced as such damn near immediately?



you do know who the second guy you posted is, don't you?

a turret is a good idea though


Except the guy didn't come out of his car to shank some counter-protesters after he crashed his ride, and didn't shout "white power" in the process. It's impossible to compare that situation to France, the UK and Germany. In Europe, each attack involved trucks, driven by people whose job had nothing to do with driving or moving charges. When one attack succeeded, others using the exact same modus operandi started to appear. That's enough to know they were deliberately trying to cause as much damage as possible. I'm sure these people complaining about Trump not calling it a terrorist act are not acknowledging the fact that every perpetrator in Europe was coming from the middle-east (where terror attack are a custom), they were all "coincidentally" sharing the same political and religious views, and none of them had any reason to drive a truck in pedestrian areas. It was all just an isolated crime by lone wolves that happened to have the same motives and used the same tactics to attack the same part of the world. Weird.

We should have kept it to ourselves. Webm for everyone.

Empty platitude after empty platitude, endlessly spewing debunked talking points, shifting the blame onto the people whose only intention was to have a peaceful demonstration. I'm fucking sick of these people.

How can you be charged with premeditated murder and failing to stop at an accident?

There should be nothing illegal about hitting a person in the road if they are not legally using the crosswalk. Niggers jaywalk all the fucking time, and then you have these sad fucks pretending anybody gives a shit about their "movement".

Hopefully now, Antifa and BLM will learn to stay the hell off the roads and leave peoples' cars alone.

Do we have any info on this guy? I want to know whether he was /ourguy/, /theirguy/, or /bystander/.

Also, the charges don't mean jack shit. A lot of that is just political dickwaving.

Hol' up, this office looks like a BIG GUY

Twitter seems to be settling back down into its usually garbage. But this shit is just too weird, too setup. I usually don't like to throw around "false flag", but I never trusted Spencer and I knew something retarded was going to happen today, but not at this magnitude. The police just all of a sudden flip and revoke their permit, push into the crowd and force them to scatter into Antifa's line. This allowed them to target individual people leaving the area. I was watching streams where they were hitting people leaving over the head with pipes and really fucking them up. Then everyone regroups two miles away at a park and hear that the National Guard is mobilizing to come arrest them so they leave. Then this car crash shit, and then a fucking helicopter crash. What the fuck?

Hey man you're telling me. I was just explaining why they were so eager to claim it was terrorism. They're assblasted that Trump declares the truck attacks as terrorism when it's "not all muslims" "religion of peace". They're just reaching for this so hard so they can claim hypocrisy and Trump is actually a super duper demon Nazi that's protecting these. CNN is already claiming that Trump REFUSES to disavow the "Nazis" when he has done so multiple times on Twitter.

Nogs aren't people

A. Wyatt Mann strikes again.

It doesn't help that the fat kike, kike and jew of Holla Forums leaked a game and had one of his mouthbreathing followers make dozens of youtube videos with a watermark

No, some nigger's shoe because coons are too stupid to tie them up properly.

They deserve it.

You're illiterate.

For you.

Nigger, you have to leave.

As much as that would make me suspect a false flag honestly that would be at a minimum. White people get shit done when they set their minds to it.

the white polo khaki pants uniform is from the white rally

With what's been going on, I'm more willing to bet that this is a false flag. But the (((altright))) has been controlled Opposition anyhow.

Car rams into crowd of people. Response: run up behind it.

People are fucking dumb. At least half the population needs to be sterilized.

Is it because they were evolved to please their white masters?

Probably each other. There's a tribe somewhere in Africa where the boys don't become men until they perform oral sex on their elders and ingest their semen. Not even joking.

I've seen so many faggots start walking in front of roads when the road is full of cars running 35 +mph if your gonna jaywalk at least have commonsense and run when the road is empty

Apparently they have his booking photo.

SHEEEEEIIIT, so you be sayin we wuz dick suckers n sheeeeeeiiit?

Seems like it's him.


doesn't appear to be the same shirt as the guy sitting on the ground in the arrest pic

Here's an interesting thought:

Jails usually put who are charged with more serious crimes into different county corrections clothing.

If the change in (de)acceleration isn't great enough, then the bags don't deploy. Hard to tell from the video how fast he was going and how quickly he came to a full stop to determine whether they should have deployed but were disabled.

He was definitely there for the rally.

airbags can be surprisingly expensive to refill but aren't necessary by law in all cases so might have popped them earlier and just not gotten new ones

gives the location to the car on Google map. From there I can see the rusty fence and the "SPEED LIMIT 35" sign under which the officers are standing (>>10391279), but Google Map doesn't have the "SPEED LIMIT 25" sign on the other side of the road (the one going down, toward the historic downtown)… so, if is legit (it's the car) then maybe one lane is limited at 35 and the other at 25, and the 25 signs were added after the Google car mapped the area? Some elements seem to be attached to the pole of the sign in the picture with the two officers, they cannot be seen on Google map. Plus the bushes around seem much thicker.

Sorry, I'm just ranting at that point. Their "I want it too" mentality pisses me off to no end.

prior to booking photos?

Did they shave him?

What's his background? Any social media?

Well it is the weekend, and I don't think you can get bailed out (if he can even be bailed out). So they probably had him change already since he'll be going to jail from the holding cell.


What the fuck is wrong with this thread? ->

That's because you're being played.

Someone posted a Twitter account, but I closed out the page like a dumb ass before I saved it. It said his name, but not his pic. Also mentioned something about a DD-214 which means military. Earlier posts I saw mentioned that he was in the military. I'm looking for it again, it's somewhere in this conversation if anyone wants to help me look for it. I don't know if it was taken down.

not happening

If he's on our side then obviously it's bad. They are still going to try and pin this helicopter shit on us.

Browsers have this magical thing called "History"…

Why is he wearing a white & black striped shirt in his booking photo? In every other picture (suspect being arrested, photo of driver in car) is of a person wearing an all white shirt?

I've had a few beers shut up lol. Here it is.

Are you actually this retarded?

Nevermind, this says Indianapolis. I don't know if he created this while in the military or if it's the wrong guy.

what's that song from? make it yourself?
the main motive is really nice, though the plane scene stuff and especially the upper line of the synthwave are somewhat out of place


Here's a tip, don't forget it (works in most browsers) Ctrl+Shift+T

If it means anything, there are three bases in Indianapolis.

Like I said, this is just what someone else posted. So it might not be him. But it's the only thing I've seen in regards to social media.



I can't have been the only one that knew, from the moment this broke, that there'd be some major shenanigans afoot

WorldStar HipHop is ambivalent about the entire ordeal.

Google maps and Google Earth imagery is from 2012.

halfway to the interstate and he pulls over to plead with the cops?

Has anyone seen what was going on before the car incident? All these cameras caught the crash, ergo they were recording events prior to the crash. Why don't any show more than 3 seconds before the crash? My gut feeling is that antifa were terrorizing the driver, and he rightfully plowed his way through them in self defense. I think this is why they only upload the crash, and not the moments leading up to it.


The fence in the picture looks to be 20-30 years old. Fence matches old and new photos.

Good. Get off OUR streets.

FUCKING GOOD. I wish more died.


Nice quads of four user

Here's one. The guy is playing with a little drone for about the first three minutes. But after that is a good chunk of time before the crash.

It looks like they were having their celebratory parade after vanquishing the evil nazis. Here's another video with a few minutes before the car comes, again showing their parade.

I didn't include the times when the car hits because I assume you wanted to see what was going on beforehand.

"move bitch get out the way" a black girl says while laughing… LOL, nigger likeability at its best

He's a Neocuck shill like the rest of them lul.

They have high-res photos of his plate and the interior of the dodge, even if he manages to ditch the car his DNA evidence is all over the vehicle.

And the police could ask for cell phone records of all active phones in the immediate vicinity at the time, if he has one on him it'll be pretty difficult to prove he wasn't the one driving the Challenger.

If he had planed this right, the car should have been stolen or no plates, no cell or prepaid instead, wearing a sky mask, gloves and a hairnet. He should also have a getaway car at the ready and a alibi.


of truth

t. Anglin

What a laughing stock.

If anyone cares. Sorry, just posting news coming in as I get it.

tragic coincidence, rip Mr.Bates

checking those quad of quads
they all deserve to burn for their role in accelerating the eradication of whites.

* t. (((anglin)))

Holy shit, look at the kvetching nigger back there nodding his black head.

It is very likely that the ciangigers hacked that car to make it stall. Also and this. What needs to be done is twofold. A dox on the actual driver of the car(hint it is not sam hyde).

And a investigation into the car itself because there could be evidence of electronic hijack either in the form of diagnoses data or a physical device used to fuck with the car. A physical device is much more likely than a cellular modem hack because the cianiggers are stupid niggers.

What Holla Forums has so far is a faked liscense plate as evidenced by and . With lotsa it's a shoah in the last few threads by shills/cianiggers as evidenced this was planned and lack of investigation information by them also see for roots in facebook.
Copy paste from another thread.

This is how the world works now, sadly. The only way to win is to provoke the other side into attacking you and then crying victim.

aint karma a bitch

how did the helicopter even crash?


can you read?



if this guys daughter was raped by a nigger he would applaud the diversifying of his bloodline. people like this have no right to live in this world


Worthless mercenary.

they expect one of us in the wreckage


Given that he backed out for 2 or so blocks I'm guessing he hit e high st. would have taken him out of the way of the crash with main roads big enough to weave. Da fuck do I know I wasn't there.

Although I don't like to dabble in conspiracies, modern cars can be hijacked by simply hooking up a malicious Arduino or raspberry pi board to the central BUS. I can agree with you there.

I'll like to do my own investigation into the matter but I need help:

Can anyone point me to a website where I can look up plates or registrations?

I would, but you gave it to the third world.

Unrelated to the crash, but I think it kind of sets the tone of what was going on, and maybe what caused it.

spread this everywhere you see someone talking about "muh white supermasts terrorism"

If the radiator were damaged, the coolant could have leaked and the engine seized/overheated.

If he did he would have been killed. Hell, that's probably why he ran through the crowd in the first place.
Assuming he can afford a decent lawyer, he will likely be acquitted, and you can expect a chimp out.
helicopter crash site video 30 min after crash.

Most feds are retarded. That's why Putin openly calls American IC a laughing stock. Too busy with their high tech Jew toys.
Its like the movie Central Intelligence, on the Facebook comments, the CIA agents name is "bob stone" just like CPP "Bob Stone" who was the literal name of the agent who owned the Vodka Company @ 577 Pakala. They have the balls to do shit like this in the open. They flaunt it at us because they know they can because normies will never pick up on it. Its their way of giving us the finger. I think of them as 'fuck you breadcrumbs.'


I didn't imply that you fucking nigger
I am saying to use this to push push our agenda retard

How long before the crash was this?

"I hope they all die"
"Your people are animals"
But… but the nice people on TV told me they were peacefully counter-protesting.


Nice digits

Don't post a picture of this man as an example of who we are. He is a cuck who willingly participated in a defamatory ad against us.

I'm not exactly sure. I know immediately after police broke up the rally people regrouped about two miles away. The only thing that was said on the stream where they regrouped was that there was some stupid modern art, it was a metal dinosaur, like a stegosaurus or something. Probably not important.


The fact that these normalfags feel totally comfortable saying this shit under their real name and face speaks volumes.


Wrong cops. The ones who died in the crash were from Virginia, not North Carolina.

Anyone who promotes this shit is obviously a shill

i can't wait

Maybe if your generation hadn't sold our country to kikes and shitskins no action would be needed.


What would you do if you were in his position?

Look at Berkley. They disrupt a talk and when there's nothing else to do, when they were all alone they started fucking the place up. Meanwhile the police did nothing and the media refused to call that terrorism. When you have "white supremacists" assembling alone there's nothing happening. And then, you add "feed nail to their dogs, break windows and burn garbage cans" antifa showing up and suddenly shit hits the fan again… I wonder why?!

It's Him
Ok, my question now is why would the CIA commit this flaseflag?

The reason I brought up the two miles away thing is because I don't know where the people were when they posted that they were getting bricks thrown at them. The stream I was watching shown a lot of people regrouping about two miles away, it was on a hill. Someone started saying that the NatGuard was on their way to arrest them and they turned off their stream. If anyone wants to know where they regrouped I can watch this video I have where a guy is talking about it after the fact.


He's not wrong though. This is rules for radicals 101. Call it "if you kill your enemies, they win" all you want, but the truth is that it's better in the long run for you to be physically removed by force for your ideas. It causes an "allure of the forbidden", in the same way that teens in the 60s went for hippie and civil rights bullshit. Different politics, but the same tactics are valid.

The biggest threat is them doing damage control and painting the rally as being "muh violent skinheads" just because some antifa got BTFO by a car of peace

sounds like a tribe of black chrischans

I was watching the same. I think that was James Allsup's stream, some eceleb fag who's friends with Baked Alaska - who conveniently got "maced" and disappear for the entire afternoon.

Pull out of the taiwanese ladyboy's asshole and put on my shoe lifts.

I would not call a defeat a victory.

imagine being this much of a mad gay little nigger boy

I agree with others that are saying this is way too convenient.


Edited, and it was the Horst Wessel Lied.

They truly can do no right.

It was probably him. I was watching Baked Alaska's stream. I'm familiar with him, but don't really follow Eceleb shit. Some other guy took over his camera and was heading to this meet up. On the way they were tailed by Antifa and BLM.

Here's the breakdown video I'm watching if anyone is interested. Like I said, I'm not really into the Eceleb shit so I don't know who is who. So I apologize if this guy is one of them. The title says Hunter Wallace being interviewed by Peter Sweden.

What kinda dirt did the Jews have on this guy to make him take the fall?

Do you even into Strategy of Tension?



It took years but I'm glad finally they can't play the "muh establishment" card anymore. They are the establishment now.

Hitler never said to give up the streets.


The beer hall putsch failed too. And I hate to make the comparison, but MLK was jailed and had the hoses and dogs set on his niggers too. The point is that standing up and making a scene, even if you get BTFO on the short term, can still result in a long term win.

Am bluepilled, please bear with me

If this is indeed a flaseflag, why does the government shut down right wing protests? When it is already more than evident that the communists want everyone who disagrees with them dead, that includes members of the CIA. It just seems so preposterous that they would be aiding declared enemies of the state. Also, this simply adds more fuel to the fire, if right wingers aren't allowed the right of public assembly then they will become extremists. They won't be speaking into a microphone anymore, they will fight back in kind and it might erupt into a civil war. Unless the CIA wants that?

Well you dont keep people motivated by saying shit like OH FUCK MAN WE ARE FUCKED WE ARE 100% FUCKED ITS GAME OVER


Goebbels didn't account for the power of the internet - the largest gathering of the collective Aryan conscious.

You can recognize a defeat without acting like that.

This is pure and utter bullshit from cowards.

so then look for the men who held their ground against the red horde of degenerates and traitors

This is a fair point.

huge if true

I'm in full agreement there.

fuck man what the fuck
post gore of niggers and humans
dont post arbitrary animal cruelty
we're not fucking niggers jesus christ

lmfao these nogs are hilarious, they dont give a shit about these dumb white leftists


What were they supposed to do? Attack the police?

NYT article earlier corrected the record on James Field's age from 33 to 20.



How do you think Trump got elected? Internet meme power is getting the Supreme Court stacked in our favor for the rest of my life, most likely. Oh, and the democrats are done due to the internet. ???
Mein Kampf was "just" a book, before it was "just" a small political ideology, before it was everything. It was an idea and then it was a weapon of mass destruction. A meme can transcend communication. Its more powerful than a book.

City of Cville objectively conspired to violate the UTRs civil rights by ignoring a federal injunction and refusing to enforce the state of emergency order on Antifa/dindu rioters. This is an open and shut case, kikes and CIA niggers are trying to turn this around on us and implement more totalitarian fuckery/domestic terrorism label before we have a chance to get out under their thumb and fight back. The most important thing to do is push this as a civil rights issue and point out Terry's role in causing all of this


videofags and editorfags need to start working on video compilations of all the shit antifa has done through tweets and videos from today.

It's quite clear this is a false flag. somehow with all those people there, no one got a shot of the front of the car? There's multiple videos/pictures of the side tinted windows and back but somehow there's not a single picture of this guy driving the car. The jews are using this to attack us, we need to stop them in their tracks by showing what the commie scum have been doing today and put a stop to their whole muh right wing terrorist.

Gas yourself and then lurk two years. The cianiggers don't give a shit it is fake jews/kikes that want a civil war against whites ASAP or world war 3. Zionist occupied governments want whites dead as soon as possible before they realise what is happening to them(geonocide).

You mean like Hitler did? Beer Putsch hall ring any bells?
and NSDAP grew stronger still.

This is where they really fucked up. They wasted no time getting the utr people out of there, but let violent communist march around for hours when they weren't even the ones with the permit.

So the CIA found an identical car and switched the plates? That means that an innocent citizen takes the fall.

This is just my personal opinion, and doesn't reflect on Holla Forums. But I do not trust Richard Spencer. I knew some weird fuckery was going to happen when this shit was announced. Especially since they were trying to lure everyone there, it was a major thing that was advertised all over Twitter. "If you're not here, you're wrong".

Now what happened, was the police broke the rally up, smashing everyone's ranks and forcing them into Antifa. Antifa and BLM are almost like calvary, they like to target lone stragglers instead of hitting a group. So once the police smashed the group, it was free reign for them to start targeting people heading back to their cars (pic related). Of course the media isn't going to show this. The media and Antifa are going to claim that through their sheer will they dispersed the evil Nazis. It looks like a huge fucking win for them. And then what happens immediately after, some evil neonazi plows his car into peaceful protesters because he just couldn't handle multiculturalism.

To me, it looks like it was a honeypot. A trap. They had a permit to gather there, then all of a sudden they revoked it and threw everyone to the wolves. They declared a state of emergency yet allowed BLM and Antifa to parade through the streets, which was then attacked. It's a major moral victory for the left.

Basically tl;dr, police allowed Antifa to riot while shutting down actual peaceful protesters. They'll never show pics like this on the news.

How is it in our favor? I haven't heard a single person that was on Trump's list even consider things like freedom of association(not having to let niggers in) back into law.



nigger's nose holes are like god damn jet engines

The alternative? Do I really need to spell out what that would look like? I wouldn't be surprised if Hillary would have appointed Chelsea Manning.
Look how many posts Holla Forums has per year in growth. That's a small army. That's an ideology filling a lot of people. If we can organize a little better, /k/ style with identifiers - when DOTR comes, we'll have the opportunity to meet IRL and seize control
When Anons transcend to the opposite duality. It will be beautiful.

entirely correct.

I just woke up. Wtf is happening? Did a leftie drive into the unite the right crowd? Is this radical left wing terrorism?

Honestly… they fucking deserved it. I hope it was an angry white person. Sieg!

Antifa was hit, unsure of driver's allegiance, suspected false flag or maybe everyone on Holla Forums is a cocksucking faggot and the guy driving the car was part of the RWDS

I really wasn't expecting anymore news from Twitter. But here's this. I'm still watching for any social media. I'll start including links to this since I can't verify or disprove it.

The nominees aren't in our favor they're just normal conservatives.
This I can get behind though. Even though you should be getting real life groups together well before DOTR, you're not going to be able to operate well with people you just met.

With that haircut is was obvious he was there for the rally.

good work faggot, checked

no sunroof in that pic either

So am guessing it's the Jews that give the CIA, the Marxists and these ((Alt-right groups)) their orders? Are they the sole cause of all of this?

its so I know who not to shoot

If these people had any sense, they would know that you never, ever, corner a wounded animal.

state orchestrated false flag
< unite the right was possibly a fed setup
< spencer probably a fed and involved in honeypotting the entire right wing into it
< kike goverment of charlottesville revokes permit last minute
< CV police force do nothing to prevent antifa and leftists attacking right wing ralliers
< "right wing protester and totally not a fed" mows down some faggot commies
< smears entire right wing with kebab-tier attack

top kek come on, do you believe this shit? they pull out the family crisis actors every false flag.

This to me shows that America is disintegrating. We've now reached a point where, much like shitty Latin American dictatorships or African countries, the government in multiple parts of the country now openly ignores the law and just does whatever the hell they want, using the power of their office and command of the state's enforcement arms to attack and destroy their political enemies while ignoring the hooligans on their side. Berkeley has been like that for a long time. Virginia just showed that they're in that place too. California now allows people who are actual Communists to participate in government. Chicago is controlled by a former IDF captain. Minnesota protects Somalian police who kill white women because the officer was annoyed. Any place in the country, if you're in a Democrat controlled city and you're a white man, you have no rights and the government will help anyone who attacks you.

Why did they blur that dude's back tattoo?

so fucking blatant

Whole thing was a set up from beginning to end. Shills have been hitting Holla Forums for months trying to get names, encouraging joining groups, meetings, etc. and the idiots fall for it every time. The FBI (and splc) did the exact thing before blowing up the Murrah building, in fact this is starting to look an awful lot like that operation. They got better at setting up the patsy and getting their guy away clean, but the basic framework is the same. Penetrate the 'white nationalists/NAZIs' groups, pull off the FF, blame the morons that fell for it. Works every time. Bet there is going to be some kind of round-up/raids on EBIL NADZEES in the coming weeks, too. Better hope your opsec is good, faggots.

Did the driver know they were antifa or did the think they were unite the right? How far apart erre the two groups?

yes goys don't organize

The article goes on if you really want to read it. But remember, the most important information isn't in the headline, but in the first two paragraphs of the article. Well…it used to be like that. Anyway, here's a screenshot and a link. There's more after what I captured but it's just run of the mill rhetoric.



No this was clearly a false flag trying to frame le ebil nazis are just as bad as muslims. Muh right wing terrorism has been their narrative since it happened.

I can't figure out any reason. I found the original and it appears to be a guitar/tree with roots or something like that.

Maybe it identifies some individual that they don't want you to know about? Really not sure

they didn't want people to get aids from how faggy it was.

We don't know, we know that UtR was forced to split up basically at some point and by the time this happened Antifa and BLM were parading through the streets, but the guy might have been late on getting information if he was antifa himself and was planning on driving through a bunch of UtR protestors.
tl;dr we don't actually know a great deal, we're trying to find the identity of the driver by license plates and photos we have, if you want to learn more read the thread

it was a joke

He probably didn't know there were more cars in front of him, he was trying to take out the whole damn street but the cars stopped him. False flag of "white terror" which it would be terror if it's politically motivated, or did someone snap. What is strange is that you have to be a bit deranged to choose to throw everything away on purpose for something so toxic to our cause. If he was redpilled he would have known that this would be spun against us and that it's possibly the worst choice of how to act for the movement, especially at this time. It's either a FF, or he's a dumb ass who jumped the gun.

Could be used to identify him.

what should I edit the blurb to?

Toledo Blade is run by Russian Kikes the Block family. They own most of the media in Toledo and are tight with the government/police unions that run that city, and are anti-white as fuck.

I noticed that other cited witness in the story "Matt Korbon" seems to be a student that has a lot of ties to shit like Vice, Buzzfeed, and is generally described in terms like "Storytelling"

Is that Sam Hyde?

I think car man's nose and cheeks are different.

Don't be fucking stupid. He's right. And what I said earlier still stands. It's good to organize, but heading to a fucking meetup like this? It's stupid, and you see what happens? You meet up with a bunch of idiots throwing up Roman salutes and wearing swastikas. The media eats that shit up.

You want to meet up? You do it. You organize local meetups. In your fucking neighborhood. You don't drive five hours to a state you don't live in and meet up with a shady "alt-right" guy that's obviously a setup.

YES! Organize. Get active. Get active with people in your community. But YOU have to be the leader, or a friend that you know. Not some fucking Eceleb on the internet you fucking fool.



3 man cells, no names, no kikes.

This. Organizing should be done at the local level. Sniff out people you know who might be candidates for the redpill. Then slowly drop the redpills. Rinse and repeat, until you have your personal band of natsocs with practically zero chance of CIA nigger infiltration. Everyone does this, and you have "cells" of natsocs all over the place that can then coordinate from there.


Yeah, no shit. The alt-kike is controlled opposition and this was a honeypot set up by its (((leaders))). Something was inevitably going to happen, and it did.

That isn't the problem here, yid.

bad news fellas, he's /ourguy/

An eyewitness that saw him getting arrested claimed he looked middle eastern, on the lighter side but not "caucasian pale". Hardly conclusive, but given he's been in custody for a while now without his identity being released, Coulter's Law does suggest that he's not white.

So did someone steal the car?

I don't know about this, just watched the car ram video now. So it was a car hitting ANTIFA people or nationalists?

Are there any gentiles in the Aut-Right?

They were holding nigger lives matter signs, who do you think they were

Look for Yuri Bezmenov/Tomas Schuman book's "love letter to America" (it's easy to find). There's a TL;DR here (the other books are interesting but not as informative IMO)

There are plenty of reasons why you may want to create a falseflag. Let's say I want to take some of your constitutional rights away. Except you won't let me if I tried, because said rights gives you enough power to rebel against my will. I'd have to find a way you'd gladly give up on those rights. Now let's say I have an amazing excuse for passing some legislation that will take those rights away from you. Could I make a bogeyman scary enough so that you'd be willing to give away that right? Come on, it's just one small meaningless right you've never had to use… and since I'm protecting you, there's no reason you'll ever use it anyway! Look at those scary people who will stop at nothing.

But that's not enough; I want to make the monster threatening to your values. And for that, I need useful idiots. And I need to embolden them. I need them loud and obnoxious so the silent majority can see the struggle, I want them weak too: because strong people don't need new laws to "protect them" from everybody else, but also because it'll be easier to get rid of them when I've go everything in place. And if I have none, I could AstroTurf the shit out of them, that'll do the job.

Maybe you can come up with other reasons to have these things happening over and over again. Politics are PR. People enjoy a good drama. Nobody cares about good news. You want a terrible accident by the road side, something entertaining.

I thought we were all chosen here :^)

That's shopped and you have no archive link cianigger. Try harder.

Can you not see all the commie shit in pics? A possible WN ran into a bunch of antifaggots.

The video is shit quality, but thanks for telling me.



They will say that pepe the frog radicalized him, lol

This idiot jumped the fucking gun… did he not think for a moment about the consequences for not himself but the movement?

Kill yourself.

Feels sad man.

black people wouldnt be in the Unite the Right crowd

Thanks mate.

James Fields mother is Samantha Bloom. Isn't Bloom a name cryptokikes use?

Why doesn't anyone know proper OPSEC? Do you really need to signal what a "fashy goy" you are on your normalfag social media account?

So why would this guy be our guy?

It's good news. People are taking matters into their own hands.
Yeah, people who get called genocidal for saying they're allowed to exist should be very concerned what catladies on facebook call them.

There are two options before us, we either use this to escalate even further and begin our Beer Hall Putsch, or we can let this kill us and slowly stagnate into oblivion.
He hasn't ended the movement, he has truly begun it!

you are so behind that you are probably a shill

Not crypto, it's an open jewish surname.

Funny how he immediately stops nodding when Thomas Jefferson and George Washington are mentioned

He really went all in kek. Part of me knows it's bad for us but the other part says hey man, nice shot

Oops, that's actually a reference to this Toledo Blade article

Are you retarded?

today is George Soros' birthday. this whole thing was orchestrated.

I just really hope that you die. I am sick of fucking mouth breathing NPCs like you calling shill on fucking everything. I just watched the video on liveleak and I post about what I find and I am now a shill? Everything's a shill now? Please, just fucking die.



It needs the voice over guy from the Dukes of Hazard saying something like "It looks like the Duke boys have got themselves into some trouble now." or something like that.

It really is a gift to that kike

good shit

Do you think we'd win?

8 of diamonds to signify Holla Forums Holla Forums
Psyops bullet through skull patch for interchan Holla Forums
Have either one in a pocket or be able to recite hitlers speech about the apostles and how he came to hate them from memory.
Use meme referencing cues. But Holla Forums memes that havent spread. Whatever they are that day.
Yes we may get a few infiltrators but any that arent 100 percent committed to the cause will be put on the front lines anyways and fed only enough info for them to do their compartmentalized job thus minimizing their damage

Fingers crossed

Of course!

Civil War II: Electric Boogaloo


Kill the damn kikes first and foremost. Damnit.

Yeah, have you seen how niggers shoot? Someone post that webm of that nigger talking about how little white girls can shoot better than your average nigger.


Only the Globalists, regardless of race.
Zionists/Orthodox shall be deported to Israel. African Nationalists shall be sent to Nigeria.

Well, he had sweet quads.

We would not be against petty thugs, we'd be against America itself.


You are an NPC because you just use a generic response on someone who just isn't up to fucking speed on the news. I just woke up and I am a shill now for posting an image that I found on liveleak. This is so damn stupid that I don't have anything more to say. Hive mentality at it's best. You couldn't just tell me that the image is outdated and post a better one, you couldn't act like a human being, couldn't you? Bot.

My sister was in it and I caught her in the video, not telling you which one though to prevent doxxing from any Antifa that sees this. I eavesdropped in on her conversation with the parents and figured out a few things, I was working that day. Only one in family who does not support the left and Antifa is me. My parents are sideline cheerleaders and left early, my sister is deep enough to be on the "front lines" of these operations that are close to home.

The incident was not staged in that there are no crises actors, I can't speak for the driver's motivations, but if it was "staged" then the driver killed actual people for political reasons if he was made to be a political fall guy, but I cannot confirm or deny who the driver is since not even my sister knows since she didn't catch the driver's face, my family including my sister only knows the driver based off of the news reports.

I repeat, this was either a lone wolf operation or a seriously fucked up leftist scheme, it's clear they're going to be using this as their talking point, the man's status is too perfect to not use in a media blitz. The man they're saying is the driver, and the one they're reporting as arrested for the crime is James Alex Fields Jr, who they report registered as Republican though they did not report who he votes for. He's also an army vet apparently, his status is too perfect to pass up.

What's more, the people in the vids they say are alt-right do not match up with any alt-right group i've seen, and carried black equipment and flags, It's very possible that they organized to act as controlled opposition for the Antifa group, and Antifa on the ground were identifying them as nazis so it's possible the Antifa is being used to create a narrative. The Antifa is also very splintered, as my sister identified several groups, one being hers which she did not name, and the others within the Antifa groups did not have names to identify except for one that I caught in the echoes of the hallway.

That group was called the Democratic Socialists within the Antifa side, and according to my sister, who was a frontline fighter (who mind you tries to stop people from fighting and actually saved a few from the crash), they basically did jack shit and didn't help, which is hilarious considering the name. My sister is apparently unaware that nazis were a socialist party apparently, despite "fighting" them.

From what I can tell, the ground area where these areas take place are basically disorganized war zones based on what my sister was saying, she's talking about tactics and group movements that coincide with war tactics.

Rebel Media was there, and that itself is suspicious considering they actually caught the fucking crash live.

Lawyers, lawyers, lawyers. Cannot stress that enough. The deepest pockets and most fuckery comes from nameless, faceless kike attorneys.

fuck off


They're only our enemy because they are on our land. They need to go home.

I know lots of real deal people who you might run into during that possible time period and none of them know or give a shit about Holla Forums memes because none of them voluntarily ruined their lives by spending most of them shitposting on mongolian pottery forums


I agree, they have to return to the pits of hell with their father Satan.

Is it just me or does that dude have that MK Ultra stare

If you aren't a shill, your IQ is closer to 60 than the triple digits.

Fine then 14 words and what they want america to be. Really press them on it.
At a distance though. If they are white and not left or wit non whites they are alright.

The marks i mentioned above can be used for determining who to use to send discreet info or some shit


I think that's the governor of VA, not the mayor of Charlottesville. But still a gigantic faggot who doesn't seem to understand why there are thousands of evil fascists marching in the street. What a useless cuck.

Kill yourself. I just won't waste my time on this shit. You fucking retards legitimately made a heated argument over me just waking up and posting an outdated image instead of correcting me. This is stupid and I have no time for this.

Link to next thread

A singular soldier going beyond words, because they;all the protesters and people like them wouldn't listen and are working to guarantee the bolshevism of the country. This would have been far, far bigger of an event if there hadn't been cars in front of him. I don't think he knew there were, he only saw people. This is bad but bad things happen when you back people into corner, they strike.

Anyone else willing to die for the cause please reflect on what that means and how your actions will create either a detriment or a victory for the movement. Please consider playing long ball, do not be hasty.


sargon is radicalizing those kekistani faggots into killing lefties.


I am investigatin this facebook.
So far only Buzzfeed and Heavy garbage feminists sites reported on it.

This could easily be faked.

Try to dig more about this profile, try to figure out if it changed URL.

Only thing that mentions his name on this fb page is URL, IF HE WANTED TO BE ANONYMOUS…. WHY USING REAL NAME IN URL?
(but he was clearly retarded so everything is possible)