What did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this?

He is taking the form of other youtubers to exploit them for their money. He's growing stronger.

we are getting dumber

He's not a satanist anymore. He even admitted that he was just being edgy when he was younger.

You have to pick if you are going to dedicate yourself to only Christiandom or not. Because if you do, I have a loooooooong list of things you shouldn't be doing, like using this very site, watching capekino that literally claims norse gods (pagans) are right, and even shows like Married With Children, who inspite of its understanding of the male plight, still normalize the destruction of the christian nuclear family.

Then again, you're here and joking

The same logic applies to listening to Styx. At least he is open about his beliefs, unlike hollyweird satanists that lie about it and shove hidden messages everywhere.

Like any of the anons here care. You're talking to like 80% discordians, 10% satanists, and 10% atheists. Don't listen to the arguments of any of these subversives like

If you actually listened to his beliefs, you'd know that he's not a satanist.

I didn't claim he was, but he broke off the official satanist groups because they were stupid, but he still believes in satanist ideas like synchronicity, he believes in old gods and entities, etc… he is just 'his own kind of satanist'. And most certainly not a Christian or an atheist.

Synchronicity first popped up in psychology. It's not a "satanist idea".

If you watched his occult videos you would know that is not what he means by that and that it comes from very old pagan literature.

pagan != satanism

Only hardcore christian fundamentalists think paganism and satanism is the same thing.

I can't see what kind of gymnastic move you would have to do to make that case, but whatever you say bud.

I don't think you understand the terms you're using at all.

Pagan means literally 'the original religion of the land', before being shown the truth of christ, applied to any and all native beliefs that are non-christian.
Christians used to 'christianize' pagan religions, by adopting things from them into christianity itself (like christmas).
Satanism is another christianized pagan religion that happens to find satan as a true deity, being unfairly miss-characterized by the mainstream christianity, but they don't worship evil and they don't want go to hell.

[citation needed]

Satan itself is a pagan concept borrowed, for starters. Its a christianized version of the cult of the bull/goat, which is widespread in pagan religions. Baal for instance. And while in polytheistic religions he was 'the angry/vengeful god' which wasn't exactly evil, in christianity it becomes le faec of evil.

Roman pagan people continued to believe in baal even after going christian and tada, you get the satanist variety of christianity.

Stopped reading there. No, it's fucking not.

Why is it not consistent throughout all the abrahamic religions then? While the concept of a 'tempting entity that makes us do evil' exist deep into judaic religions, satan itself only came to be much later, during roman times, because romans loved worshipping bulls and burning people inside metal bulls and doing all sorts of things to goats.

Satan is a Jewish invention

It is tho, Its literally satan posing as pagan "gods" to fool those people and bring them further from the light of the God

Satan started as God's accusing angel who tested man's faith in Judaism; he was then merged with the rebel angel Lucifer to become the enemy of both God and man in Christianity. Popular depictions of Satan eventually (mostly very late) included elements that might have been taken from pagan religions, but there's zero evidence of a pre-Christian Satanic religion.

Let me unpack what you are saying:
Satanism is not a christianized pagan religion because it has aspects that were invented later by christians, and all the other pagan stuff in satanism which is much older is just aesthetics™

For the record, I'm agnostic, but everything you said was wrong.

Jesus broke bread with whores, murderers, tax collectors and various other sorts of sinners. A big part of christianity is leading by example and trying to save others.

It doesn't at all though. First off, the movies assert the Asgardians weren't really gods but aliens with advanced technology and generally just refers to them as "demigods". Additionally Captain America drops that great line "There's only one god ma'am, and I don't think he dresses like that."

Wrong, at the end of the day Al's wife and kids may be parasites, but at the end of the day deep down they do love eachother. They've had numerous opportunities to cheat and they don't. In the end they always stay together. They also directly mock the left with the Darcys, a leftist couple right next door where the wife divorces her well-meaning but miserable beta husband, is constantly mocked for being dykish, flat and looking like a bird, and eventually uses her wealth to buy a prettyboy younger chad husband who lives off her money, but behind her back is banging every other broad he's alone with while leaving her childless.

Equating consuming pre-recorded media of someone else's belief with interacting with them to convert them is absurd. But I give you that it would justify a christian coming to 8ch.

One line doesn't make it so the interpretation is that "those are just aliens but God is real", its much more likely the view here is atheist saying there are no real gods. Cap is literally a time traveler from an 'older time'. And that is just one of many examples of media christians shouldn't consume, such as Harry Potter.

Good goy.


heh im jew

Pick one