LPers and Streamers, Cancer?

So how much are LPers like cancer or jews? I notice they are coming to No Mans Sky and actually acting like it's a good game. What's your opinion of them Holla Forums?

Pics related, top liked comment on No mans Sky steam page calls them out for their Jewish tricks, it's nott he first comment you see though….

A lot of youtube game reviewers said the game was shit because it had no content. But what I find hilarrious though is that game journos are saying the exact opposite.

Let's Players are the same as everyone else. People who want to make a living by doing as little as possible. Being people, they're also subject to all of the same things that make other people shit.

Dunkey and Broteam both shat on it



Brote streamed it for a bit until the viewers begged him to play something else.

commentators comment
critics appraise
bloggers are online
journalists are everywhere

i think self-recording has a few categories:
instructional and educational
video log (vlog)
performance entertainment
commentary, critique, blog/journalism, etc

Of course, specially in Youtube, talented artists getting fucked in the ass, they give up and start joining the LPlayers circlejerk.

see pic related for reference

The point with this people is that because they don't have any diploma, it will get harder for them in the future when LPers fall into oblivion.

Man, I sure as fuck didn't grow in an environment like this.
Where I'm from, we value work and know these people who want easy money for nothing will get fucked more often than not.

Live streamers can't fake gameplay, there's a limit to how much damage control, assuming they want to, a person can do when the raw footage is right there for you to judge for yourself.

People will always pander to an audience. NMS is shit, but there will be people who know it's shit but LP/stream it and claim it's great because they can shekels from the NMS cultists. It's just another niche market.

well thats nice of them, instead of just not leaving his ass to find something better to watch

what youtubers do you watch faggots?

name some, the ones i follow are too slow to make content

jimdrim, dankey, vital str1ke
thats about it, are there others? i dont know

the only jewtubers that do lets plays that I saw just acted like retards and shat on the game because they were too busy trying to be funny to follow simple instructions.
I mean the game deserves to be shat on sure but I really don't understand the appeal of watching someone blatantly ignore the tutorials and then complain that the game is shit because they don't know what they're doing.

oney did a couple of episodes with guys from TheBestGamers

accurced farms (ross scott)

I like boats and boatgirls.



Ya'know, is it just me, or is oney becoming less funnier as time goes on?

I can't even watch his old cartoons anymore.

in fact, if I ever ran into him, I'd probably just punch him in the face, and I have no idea why.

I have the same problem with filthy frank, used to find his shit funny, but now I have a violent dislike of the guy.

I wouldn't hit frank though, he might seize up.


my power ranger can beat up your power ranger

Some idiots are stubborn. So much so they don't want to have to face the facts and realised they were duped and lost shekels on a fool's man's sky.

people keep going instead of fessing up, were hardly seeing anything new

For the last time, they're not from thebestgamers!

I don't watch any LPers or streamers, someone give me a pat on the head.

The entire video game world is full of jewcancer


At least we play video games. Some jew it up, but others haven't.

streamers are going to have to grasp at some serious straws to say no mans sky is good, because the game is full of fucking nothing leaving the streamers nothing to talk about while streaming it

i like him on sleepycast but i skipped around this LP a little bit and it seems terrible

Who's we, friend shiller?

Pirated it out of morbid curiosity, I played for maybe 30 minutes before quitting. This is the first game I can think of that made me motion sick. Even if you crank the FOV to 100 it feels like it's just horizontal FOV and it's really zoomed in. Also random stuttering I've read about was annoying as fuck.

Not worth talking about.

To be fair to those who watch NMS streams, it's probably more fun to watch someone else talk than it is to play it for yourself.

whoever made that is a moron

No, user, YOU are the moron.

frank got old and fucking tired
at this point he's just doing gross stuff for his retarded fanbase, rather than his own amusement, which gets really obvious in all his videos in the past 12 months

I mean I know he needs to take the show some places

but I still miss the aspect of a pretty chill aussie-jap college student sitting down and screaming his mind at the computer screen with a mind-bending satirical persona

I just want a decent, funny vidya podcast or a channel that does complete and informative playthroughs ala Proton Jon's superman 64's playthrough. Is there anything like that?

The concept of "let's play" enables contentless games, because the let's players can use the empty shell as a template to create their own entertainment.

Reminder that kids today don't like videogames. They like to watch shoutcasters act like a faggot while playing a game. Then the kid goes out and buys the same game, not because he wants to actually play it, but because his friends got it too because the "cool youtube guy" plays it, so he can't be any worse than his friends.

This phenomenon of not falling behind your friends has always been there. It's a tribal survival mechanism to prove your usefulness. The problem is that it has degenerated from having the best baseball glove to this shit.

Fucking cancer jewtube. I remember before this shit started and developers didn't have it as an excuse to make their games shit.

Thebestgamers or in their absense rockcock64, when he uploads instead of shitposting in twitter. I mostly see them for their streams, there's always some crazy shit happening when they do it.

It really depends on the streamer, but almost all but a few are garbage. Brote is the only one I try and keep up with, something he earned with that watch-through of Life is Strange.

More pathetic than that, though, I've been waiting five years for a good computer game equivalent to Half in the Bag. It doesn't absolutely need anyone with development experience, but it needs that same kind of dry humor and cynicism that I see from Mike every video without fail.

It also needs to be written with an earnest tone of consumer advocacy, because computer games rarely have any kind of service guarantee. Steam only followed in Origin's footsteps with a refund process of some kind because Warner was outright selling a broken computer program.

The feature presentation of talking over computer games has reached its apex. Computer games need good, independent reviewers, as they always have needed.

I'd fucking do it but I guarantee no one would watch and I'm shit at video editing.

Well, I'm tired of this cycle. I've seen this happen about five or six times.

I'm forming a production committee. Anyone reading this who wants to join should send an email to the address on this post with a plan and what they have to implement it. Sitting around shitposting isn't going to make anything better. There needs to be people who speak up when things like file related are taken to be gospel.

The only two good ones I can think of are Oneyplays and AdamPlaze. Hell, Oney even wanted to stop playing like ten seconds into No Man's Sky.

I don't think people saying its good makes them a jew, its just means they have abnormally shit taste. The game is by far the worst to some out this year but some idiots were always going to to enjoy it, some people enjoy sonic 06 and defended that when it came out.

I mean I guess I'll send something. Somehow I don't believe it'll develop into anything.

I've been waiting for someone else to make them well for too long.

sent ;^)

for real actually

They'll defend a lot. It's usually an intense case of buyer's remorse by people who understandably don't want to waste money on garbage, so they fix it by lowering their standards.

It's easier than talking about how little confidence publishers and retailers have in their product that they have to give it the same return policy as perishable foods and toiletries.