Chinese paper says China should stay neutral if North Korea attacks first...

Chinese paper says China should stay neutral if North Korea attacks first, If USA attacks North Korea first China will kick USA's Ass
BEIJING (Reuters) - If North Korea launches an attack that threatens the United States then China should stay neutral, but if the United States attacks first and tries to overthrow North Korea's government China will stop them, a Chinese state-run newspaper said on Friday.
President Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric toward North Korea and its leader on Thursday, warning Pyongyang against attacking Guam or U.S. allies after it disclosed plans to fire missiles over Japan to land near the U.S. Pacific territory.
China, North Korea's most important ally and trading partner, has reiterated calls for calm during the current crisis. It has expressed frustration with both Pyongyang's repeated nuclear and missile tests and with behavior from South Korea and the United States that it sees as escalating tensions.
The widely read state-run Global Times, published by the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily, wrote in an editorial that Beijing is not able to persuade either Washington or Pyongyang to back down.
"It needs to make clear its stance to all sides and make them understand that when their actions jeopardize China's interests, China will respond with a firm hand," said the paper, which does not represent government policy.
"China should also make clear that if North Korea launches missiles that threaten U.S. soil first and the U.S. retaliates, China will stay neutral," it added.
"If the U.S. and South Korea carry out strikes and try to overthrow the North Korean regime and change the political pattern of the Korean Peninsula, China will prevent them from doing so."
China has long worried that any conflict on the Korean peninsula, or a repeat of the 1950-53 Korean war, could unleash a wave of destabilizing refugees into its northeast, and could end up with a reunified county allied with the United States.
North Korea is a useful buffer state for China between it and U.S. forces based in South Korea, and also across the sea in Japan.
The Global Times said China will "firmly resist any side which wants to change the status quo of the areas where China's interests are concerned".
"The Korean Peninsula is where the strategic interests of all sides converge, and no side should try to be the absolute dominator of the region."

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Format your OP properly faggot.

eat a dick motherfucker, you visit kike run, you green text it, and you go fuck yourself you fucking kike.

kill yourself

sage and report.

Whatever Lo Chin, you're are not fooling anyone here. Or to put it how you would say it…

eat a dick I doubt you know anything about Joe Namith or Roger Staubach for fucking immigrant Jew cunt. Do you know who Tony Dorsett or Tom Landry is? Eat a fucking dick kike.

Is that you maltard?

Kek, how exactly do they plan on doing that? The US has a much more powerful military.

Like always OP is a faggot. Learn how to make a thread, you nigger. Lurk 14,88 years more!


Reminder that China hasn’t won a war in 400 years.
They massively outnumbered the enemy–sometimes 1,000 to 1–in every conflict and they still lost. Even when they had technological parity with the enemy (rather than spear-wielding medieval fucksticks vs. Europeans with guns), they still lost. You have to go back to the 1600s and find them slaughtering Russian migrants in Manchuria to find a war where they beat a foreign power, and it’s debatable whether you can call “sending soldiers to massacre unarmed peasants who have no military support” a war. Not that their centuries of humiliating failure have prevented them from declaring victory, like when they attacked unarmed fishing boats and declared it a victory over the Philippines. Or when they invaded Vietnam, achieved none of their stated objectives, took disproportionate casualties, were driven out, and then declared victory anyway. They’re in the habit of lying to save face and try to look less incompetent. Basically, every war with China goes the same way: China rushes the enemy with millions of screaming soldiers. Millions of screaming soldiers get slaughtered while inflicting less than dire casualties on the enemy. China retreats in defeat, then announces that they really won after all and only pulled out because they were tired of playing. China quivers in impotent rage as it relives the Opium Wars over and over.
The Korean War! Communists invaded South Korea and China alone sent in 1.5x as many troops as every country supporting South Korea. China took overwhelming losses and pulled out of the war. At the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, China had an American unit surrounded and outnumbered 40 to 1. The American unit broke out and destroyed 40% of the entirety of Chinese military strength in North Korea, thoroughly humiliating China in the process. The invasion of South Korea was defeated and both sides agreed to a ceasefire that continues to this day. Result: American victory, humiliating loss for China
The Vietnam War! America gets dragged into France’s conflict because of commies, again. The American forces consistently rape the North Vietnamese army and VC guerrillas, but wasn’t allowed to end the war because politicians didn’t want them invading North Vietnam or Cambodia. America eventually pulled out of the war because of communist sympathizers at home swaying politicians, not because of any military losses. North Vietnam was utterly incapable of beating South Vietnam while America was in the war. China then decided to invade Vietnam. The entire war lasted less than a month. China, which massively outnumbers Vietnam, invaded a country that was already exhausted from decades of constant war. China invaded with 6 to 1 numerical superiority and suffered more casualties than Vietnam, lost 420 tanks (vs. 185 Vietnamese tanks). China retreated, leaving Vietnam in control of Cambodia, the Spratly Islands, and basically every other piece of territory China wanted to claim. China remains butthurt to this day and still claims they won the war and are the rightful owners of the Spratly Islands.
Is a picture starting to be formed here? China has been destroyed by multiple ethnic and political groups in what is now modern China for centuries. Then China was destroyed by the Mongols. Repeatedly. Then the Japanese. Then the French. Then the British. Then the Germans. Then the Japanese again. Then the Russians, several times. Then the Americans. Then the Japanese again. Then the Americans and South Koreans. Then the Vietnamese. Even fucking India, a country that gives incompetence a new meaning, has given China as much shit as China has given it.
So whose turn is it to make China their bitch this time? Their tactics are shit and consist entirely of human wave frontal assaults, which suck when going up against fortifications, machine guns, artillery, armor, air support, and basically anything that isn’t a bunch of spearchucking savages like the millions of Chinese rushing at you in a screaming horde.

China would hand over the Civilian NK Gov. to the US if NK does nuke to save face. NK would have China's military bum rush, and the NK military would allow the NK civilian government to be replaced.

Reminder that The Islamic Republic of France has more nuclear weapons than China.

The Chinks have the nuclear triad though, France doesn't.

Well a chink bomber would be seen on OTH RADAR about 3,000 miles away from the US coast and there'd be 5 hours for it to be intercepted by 1,000 fighter jets.

It's not the bombers which are dangerous but the "boomers". But since Chinese boomers are supposedly quite loud that shouldn't be a problem either.

Pre-emptively nuke china and make a peace deal with north korea maybe even get them to help us fuck China up

Not using the powerful satellite space lasers to hit the engines with a heat pulse that'll cause their engines to burn out.

I don't get why you'd mention triads then - the frogs have SLBMs too.

Why the fuck would China risk another World War just to maintain a buffer zone?
They'd cut their losses and accept the Norks being defeated.

Since you mentioned bombers.

The point is that having the nuclear triad makes a true nuclear power since it pretty much guarantees second strike capability but of the three delivery modes taken by themselves, submarines are the most dangerous.

This reminded me of my middle school history teacher who said China will be a superpower because they could send waves and waves of soldiers at us. I was practically a child at that time and even doubted how retarded that sounds.


not only that but the USA has an insane amount of influence over their economy as well

North Korea is a massive leveraging asset for the Chinese. A half-crazed semi-nuclear nation that only listens to China?

They wouldn't. Nor would the US or NK. Norks are only threatening. They've been doing that for decades, it's an old tradition by now.


And yet cuckservatives want Putin to be an enemy.
If we go to war with China, we'll probably be able to bomb a quarter of their nukes on the ground, and shoot down another quarter. More if they also launched at South Korea, Japan, and Western Europe.
If Russia were our full ally, China wouldn't be able to get a single shot off.


Russia would get involved. Russia has already pre-positioned troops and material at the North Korean border. I am an
american and I am sick of the NSA, CIA, FBI, members of Congress, the Senate, the US Justice Department, the UN? what the heck is there actually worth fighting for? the JEWS? Darnit, I don't think so.

China is economic power house and able to bribe your politicians following the Saudi example

Nice pasta.

On whose side? Russia, while nominally allied with China, doesn't really have a dog in this fight.

Not if we install nationalism into the hearts of the people.

Not necessarily
The soviet mobile railway ICBMs were considered to be an even larger threat by NATO and were specifically listed in bans/arms reductions whereas submarines were a lesser issue
The soviets would use multiple decoys for each real railway ICBM and they would often do things like change directions in a tunnel, the fact that they were constantly moving made them extremely hard to track and underground/mountain railway passes protected against most nuclear attacks

Theyre also bringing them back now

He samefagged, and doesn't understand I filtered him.

holy fuck i never heard of this shit before that's insane

Say what you will about soviets, that's pretty cool.

Whats even more insane is the fact that they maintained and still have a "strategic steam reserve" of steam driven and oil/coal powered trains to keep rail transport/trade moving in the event of a EMP attack or nuclear war
Presumably they would likely keep moving their mobile ICBMs as well

meant to add
assuming that modern electronics wouldn't work

this really activates my almonds
ensuring MAD and steam trains, oh boy


How the fuck does Pakistan develop nuclear weapons while their citizens live in absolute shit conditions?

They didn’t. Kikes gave them to them.

I should have seen that coming. I cannot imagine all the dick waving these pseudo-pajeets do when threatened by India.

How would china ever survive in a world without the US economy?

Nice guy, he used to come into my gas station all the time. He has brain problems now, and often forgets he bought a lotto ticket already when he comes back in later that day. And the courts made him broke with that NFL head injury lawsuit.

OP is a tremendous faggot, though.

Next you'll say, "I was only pretending to be retarded".

Best Korea is China's little bitch, when the Supreme Leader misbehaves China lets every other country bully him until the brink of war.

But make no mistake: at the end the commies will defend each other.

So much for military expertise.

If Trump can´t control the neocons, better have a fight over Korea than Kaliningrad.

China got thousands of miles of underground tunnels.

ZOG information wall. (((They))) don´t want people to know that sort of thing.
Even better.

Nice try, Chaim!

So why does modern China exist?

Are you retarded? If they let the US that close to China's mainland they have already lost a world war.
Would the US allow Russia to stage a massive military build up in Quebec? No.

Why are you guys delusional

what they don't mention in that image is half those dynasties are foreign invaders owning all of chink land
most of their history can be summed up as warlike northen (mongol) steppe horse barbarians ride in, destroy their untrained unarmored spear wielding peasent militias and then proceed to declare themselves emperor
chinese people work hard for foreign conqueror so they don't get killed
chinese outnumber and outbreed foreign conqueror so they culturally assimilate them
without warlike foreigners chinese state degrades, peasent revolts ensue and a new conqueror rols in

this cycle continue for centuries because the mongol invaders looked similar to the ethnic chinese, only when europeans moved in, a sense of chink nationalism occured due to obvious differences
and be assured the europeans pawned the chinks, and they were a civilization with organised armies, they don't have the excuse of indian or african tribespeople

the most commonly known chinese dynasties in the west ming for the vases and qing for colonial periods were both mongol overlords

>>>Holla Forums

Fuck off, you goddamn retard.
Are you autistic or illiterate? How the fuck is that a question?

typical, american understanding of the Chinese. Honestly, you sound like a complete moron to not understand the vast numbers of citizens in comparison to the west. Seriously, picture a fully functioning, modern NYC with a population of 50 to 60 million.

One thing that concerns me greatly is, one of the reason the US was so capable during WWI and WWII was it's industry and economic base. That is no longer there. And frankly as a white person I am so seriously less inclined to support America since it's information age betrayal (it's kiked NSA & CIA) and strong leanings towards a full police state than I would have been say 25 years ago.

Not that it will burn your fucking fingers but pick up a book you dumb ass and read a little bit of Chinese history to educate yourself.

Fucking r/the_donald transplants honestly believe the retarded g*d emperor memes

Thereby confirming what everyone has known: NK is China's proxy for a first strike.

whatever makes you think i am a burger
i liked btw the part where you countered my argument that chinese dynasties are in fact mongol overlords

as to your counter of current chinese population levels they have had that throughout history the only result has been death on a biblical scale
for chinese have never had and still do not have any force projection

btw the PLA is only 4 times larger than the us army and all of there underequiped soldiers mean nothing when they are freezing in a foxhole somewhere in the mountains of the korea china border region

also pick up a book and educate yourself without mentioning what to educate is a leftard antidiscussion trick

25 years of Foal-Eagle military games have brought us to this. It has always been stupid one dimensional policy. The North Koreans are the same people that rejected the USS Sherman rolling into town in 1864. And the US and South Korea has been taunting them for 50+ years, for fuck sake leave them alone, can't people live in peace for fucks sake.

because you so foolish it's not worth my time educating you on how the Jurchins intermarried into the Song dynasty, or how the Machus over threw the Yuan, or why and how the Qing came to power.

The Chinese want to live in peace, just like I want to live in peace, and engage in business, and have a family but you know what, here in America, American men can't have families, because for the most part they can't afford them, because US politicians and business leaders have sold out those jobs to the Chinese. Now I don't want to go back as far as when Pat Buchanan was saying all of this as a warning in 1996 so I'd rather just say fuck you and filter your ignorant ass.

And I am not a lefttard you fucking moron


Hi, chink. Your country has been shit for half a millennium, and before that it was even shittier.

Yeah China hacked Russia to hack Trump to provoke another defensive reaction out of North Korea with his wargames and invasion of North Korea rethoric so China can launch a war no one except Israel and their pawns actually want instead of just outlasting whtie genocide and watching Americans become literally niggers and crumble all on their own.

Whatever keeps your pecker afloat, ling.

I hope the Chinks enjoy nuking California as much as I will before we turn Asia into irradiated rubble.


Trumps reply

China proceeds to stop fucking around.

That's just a paper too, and they have no real power on what the Chinese government will do. I highly doubt that China would ever go into war with the US unless their direct assets, land or property were threatened, not just tangible, abstract "interests" in NK. They offer nothing to China anymore other than a liability. China has always been focused on trade and business for history because that where their skills are. Doing this they became a large country but they are very much not united or organized, so when it comes to war they will either back down, or try and fail.

Webm related.

They're getting worse by the day, my friend.

Russia is like if preppers became a nation

This kills the Chink.

Fucking wish a nigger would, this global pow-wow is long overdue

Use mongols that weren't even a term before Genghis Khan, is to retarded to know that the Mongol Conquest of Song and Qing conquest of Ming were done through Chinese defectors that would end up ruling the new Empire anyway.
He doesn't give an exploation where these so called steppe nomads went, Xiongnu, Xianbei etc oh wait they got genocided.

Holyfuck, you are an idiot
Huaxia civilizations whos ancestors came from tribes around the Yellow river, subjugating neighboring tribes and kingdoms
Starts the idea of a Celestial Empire, fucks barbarians, so much the Xiongnu would later form a confederation that would bite the early Han Dynasty in the ass.
Conquer the separate kingdoms after the fall of the Qin, would be a tributary of the Xiongnu until Emperor Wu of Han launched campaigns against the Xiongnu, the Xiongnu settlements would be haunted down and killed, forcing them to retreat to the west. Han Dynasty is seen as a golden age, expansion rival that of Rome.
Because of lots of dead chinks, Jin court invite foreign barbarians to settle in China, ends in disasters Jin become balkanized
Barbarian kingdoms and Hua kingdoms battle each others out, barbarians get genocided by Ran Min
Dynasty formed by aristocracy from Touba clan, unifies all under heaven, get conquered by Tang shortly after their failed invasion against Goguryeo
Cuck the nomads into worshiping the Emperor as the father of tengri, forces the Turkic people to flee westward, a new golden age and expansion that even surpassed the Han
another period without an Empire
Song Dynasty is another golden age in Chinese history, constantly fighting the other prender dynasties
Jin and Xia get conqured by the Mongols because Jin cannot even divide and conquer barbarians right. Song alone fighting the Mongols.
Kublai Khan decide to conquer Song once and for all, recruit Chinese scholars and generals.
drive out the Mongols, Yongle Emperor makes the Mongols clans tributaries, Jurchen clan become integrated into Hua culture, other become vassals.
Ming in decline, famine, plagues ravage the country after the little ice age.
Shun and Western Xia get formed by rebel leaders
After Aisin Gioro unify the Jurchen tribes he demand self governance from the Ming.
Shun Dynasty sack Beijing, Ming Emperor hangs himself. Manchus are invited into China proper to quell the rebellions.
Manchus capture Beijing
Hey, wouldn't it be nice to become ruler of all the world???
Manchu identity is fairly new, become intertwined with the Huaxia identity.

As you can see, only two foreign Dynasties ruled China proper, aka the Central Kingdoms. That being Yuan and Qing.



Is it wrong from me to actually want this shit to go down with North Korea?

Not on Holla Forums it isn't.

It finally struck me a few moments ago, if you look at the recent press conferences Trump has been continually reiterating that he would much rather resolve everything with diplomacy, but that he is also prepared for the other alternative. It reminded me of someone.

A great war for survival would probably raise the white birthrate level to exponential levels. It'd probably not be optimal as a lot would be lost but that can all be rebuilt. Truly the only thing which would doom the white race is if nothing at all happens and the west slowly dies in bed, I don't think that'll happen, there's no drama in that ending.

North Korea is important to both sides as a buffer state. If the USA takes North Korea, it's one less ally for them even though the chinks don't think much of Best Korea to begin with as cable leaks

How about you get the fuck out because you clearly don't belong.

Ming were remove mongol peasants

That is the reason they build their military resorts on the Philipines coast no?

“Their land”, including all of the South-China sea, Bhutan, Sikkim, Ladakh, Tibet, Taiwan, Mongolia (all of it), Manchurian (including Russian Far-East). Not to forget their suzerainty over Korea and Vietnam.

The game needs an update.
China has no idea what the fuck to do right now with India squeezing their won tons. They have a shit-ton of bodies they can throw at things but they have no idea what to do other than zerg. Having us move into their dog's yard has them worried but they are too cowardly to deal with the fat fuck.
The only thing China does well is colonize like insects. They just move in and you can't get rid of them without chemicals and fire.