ITT: things that piss off game devs

ITT: things that piss off game devs

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My penis weanus

fuck you, i almost spilled my drink

critics they can't buy off.
white people.
white heterosexual people.


Consumers demanding a finished product.

Nude mods.


Not when the devs themselves include a dick monster.

More like "a finished, working product by launch." So many games get stuck with needing day one patches, or are borked an might possibly get patched down the line. If the developer (or publisher, if they're calling the shots) feel like it's worth doing.

Putting in effort.

having fun.

making the game


good game mechanics

Legitimate criticism

Replacing niggers with whites

Wasn't Dragon Age 2 generic fantasy with some added edge?

Fucking Hamburger Hepler


Critically thinking consumers.

Always wondered about this, I think since videogames started to grow big again companies wanted to improve their games with writers and other humane studies graduates, and those of course are brainwashed and pretentious idiots who don't even like videogames, and probably are the barrel bottom of their camps.

Because they are embarrassed. In their minds they should be writing novels and getting sucked off for it by the literary critics; or writing million dollar screen plays for Hollywood. This is despite the fact they probably can't actually hack it in either of these fields.
They almost certainly view video games as beneath them, even though the odds are on them being a shit writer.

An actual game.

Porn of their precious characters

Did anyone remember to send Ken Lavine Elizabeth porn today?

Eh, I think only nu-male fags like those at blizzard or levine are afraid of that.
I'm sure Wayforward has tons of great Shantae 34s which they'll never share.

I hate to say it, but she does sort of have a point
They do let you skip through dialog, which in a bioware game is like them shooting themselves in the foot, since the games are all story-focused, with the combat generally being fucking awful and just an excuse to get to the next conversation

I still don't understand how or why. Most games that were buggy during the PS2 or Xbox gen were crucified for it, it's one thing to have a freak accident glitch that only occurs probably once and can barely be replicated, but now it seems most games have gotten rid of their QA staff in favor of having players to do it for them.

It's interesting though, because with the PS2 and Xbox generation, or even before then, there were some games with very fun stories and gameplay mechanics, and they were loved because of that. And now we just have games written for and by pretentious asshats who actually hate their audience. It's interesting, I think video games for some reason is the industry that allows that, if it happened anywhere else they'd be mocked out of it.

I never finished Dragon Age 1

I was stuck in the fade for fuck knows how long and I just gave up. I wanted to see what happened, but not enough to bother continuing.


Never got that excuse in my own years as illustrator. "We pay you with exposure" is one of the most common excuses flying out there on why people dont want to pay artists.

I think in previous generations the developers probably did a lot of the writing themselves, and thus had an actual passion for what they were writing. Or its the fact that in this generation western develops suddenly felt the need to compensate for a perceived lack artistic merit with 'deep' stories and pseudo-intellectual themes to the games detriment.

is that man going to finish his mashed potatoes?


Can I choose suicide?

It certainly showed in the games. Ironically its developers compensating this generation that brought their downfall. It really does reflect the western gaming sector's low self esteem.

Devs and 'devs' today have it so much better

When Richard Garriot was making Ultima before he got cosmic radiation he said he wanted each new Ultima to be on a new engine.
Imagine that now, hah, what a fucking loser.


Also devs and journos being literally in bed with each other
online distribution platforms

Being a dev must be a paradise compared to 80s and 90s

Dying is what I choose

Don't tell them that, or else they'll block you on twitter and the fanboys will threaten you and say "You have no idea what you're talking about!"


Her point, as I recall from several interviews, was that games shouldn't have gameplay because all she wants to do is skip to the part where the pretty men get their perfect penises out and fuck each other.

She wanted gay porn. That's all. She didn't care about the games, but Bioware was so fucking high on the smell of their own farts that they hired this misshapen fanfiction writer to fulfil their need for "diverse" writing.. and as it turns out, the hambeast had no interest in games and only wanted to write more amateur erotic fiction with some elves and magic involved.

The fact that games can be simply patched digitally now, rather than risk a pricy recall of physical copies if the game is broken, most likely results in a lot of laziness.

I choose Todd Howard, we'll spend an evening playing Fallout 4 together and drinking beers.

This is only really true if you're can make it in the big indie cliques. Otherwise you're still going to be vulnerable to criticism, especially when starting out. Fans don't come out of thin air, but critics do.

The issues with devs and journos not understanding the boundaries of what they should and shouldn't be doing with each other (and not only in terms of sex for favorable coverage) goes back quite a ways. This is from 1994.

shes also a jew

There is a good point but it's not the one she's making.

See, people talk about "accessibility in games," which to me sounds like a fucking great idea. Yes, let's seriously consider what the physical demands of gaming really are, and see how much of that is really necessary, or how we can accommodate different control systems or cues.

I can't find the picture, but Legends of Grimrock originally didn't have big arrow buttons for movement as an option, but someone asked for them because they were paralyzed from the neck down and it would be easier to click on buttons with their mouth-controller (or whatever they're called), and so the devs added them as an option.

That is what I think of when someone says "accessibility in games." Or, like, not making color-cued objects happen to all be the exact same shade of grey when viewed by the colorblind. And so on. And really, there is nobody here whose RSI which as been slowly but surely advancing towards crippling disability over their lives wouldn't be helped by reducing the required number of clicks for things that don't actually need them.

But what they really mean is, "turn it into a movie." Hambuger Helper's idea is the ultimate expression of that: what she proposes to do is like putting a wheelchair ramp on the line to a roller-coaster that just leads to the exit.

Which is basically the laziest form of working towards "accessibility," since it's basically just not making the game. Easiest thing ever.

I disagree. I'm starting to see that trend pop up in multiple mediums where the people in charge are going full Coriolanus on their audience. Go hang out on Holla Forums and look at the shit directors, script writers, and their ilk spew out against anyone who dares criticize their precious crap. I believe it has more to do with the generation taking the helm now than a specific medium at this point.

Almost, user. Almost.

How did they ask if they were paralysed?

Pure coincidence.
Now that I think about it, how come there's so many fucking Jews apparently everywhere, but I've probably met two in my entire lifetime so far?

Dear God. Video game journalism has been a screw job from day one hasn't it?

I remember a couple rags back in the early to mid nineties being alright, but other than that, yeah.

Not of the epic proportions that it is today but yeah.

That image reminds me of

It was thru the game's forum. If you can use a mouse then you can type with this, though I assume dedicated cripple-rigs have better interfacing software.

(There are even mouse controls that only depend on moving your eyes, so you can use a computer even if that's all you can still control.)

Oh, for sure. They found what's effective and that's been in full swing for a majority of my lifetime.
Some would mark the downfall of gaming somewhere in 2007, but I'd say the release of the original Xbox was the beginning of the end. I'd never seen so many nigger and Chads taken into the fold as then.

straight white males
straight Christian males
trump supporters
gamer gate
meat eaters
men who lift
youtubers like samuel hydeberg
closed borders
people who love their country
people who see thru their bullshit
pirates, ironic since most of them are socialists
anti weed laws
people with useful degrees and skills

How's the smell of your own colon?

But he didn't say chicks with dicks.

found the nu male cuck

If I made something, I wouldn't mind if people porned it.

I mean, it would feel weird, but nonetheless, the more attention you give a product, the better for your sake. Some of it won't even be canon, either.
Also, Calm down it's just a drawing.

As a side-note, how do I learn how to take huge-ass screenshots? I'm a bit too lazy to take individual screenshots and splice it

I only support the last three tbh.

You did quite well, niggerbrain, but you'll need more training to defeat me.



I'm fucking crying.

The problem with that comic book is it compares the rate of rapes and not the rate of child abuse/rape. I haven't seen those numbers anywhere and I hope they are lower in Japan. I assume they would be since the pedophiles have some kind of outlet there.

You can judge a character's success by how much porn is made of it.

Not that many devs give a shit if you make porn of characters in their games or not.

The backlash you see is mostly from publishers, or devs that are trying to grow as a studio, the reason is that they want to keep their product to the widest possible audience and porn of the characters might become associated with the game over time and it might turn some of that target audience off.

This is why blizzard kneejerked over Overwatch porn, there was a HUGE amount of it and currently they're still in the phase of getting new players into it (their target goal in terms of numbers seems to be the entire fucking planet, so that's the widest possible audience).
If this was, let's say, 2 years after the game was released, they wouldn't have reacted to it, but right now they need the brand to be estabilished and solidified as the kind of vision they're pushing for it, it's too fresh and they think porn could damage it's image by associating the two things too much.

There's some ways to handle this with more grace, it's actually an interesting subject, in japan devs care less but it's important to understand that fictional nudity, sex etc of characters is seen differently from the average japanese person, even the lowest common denominator, there's a big cultural difference in that regard between the west and the easy, fictional sex is less taboo in japan, while RL sex is more, while in the west fictional sex is more taboo and RL sex is less.

It's a very interesting situation, it would be cool to try and figure out how to handle when your game is getting a lot of porn, while keeping the brand it's own thing, especially in the earliest post release period.

What are you doing on Holla Forums? I understand not being a nazi, but not supporting Trump is pure degeneracy.

I know there is absolutely no way these two are connected but Im just gonna keep believing that they are

Don't you know, user? Papa Trumpu will make anime great again.

Into the gas chamber.

You always had to take it with a grain of salt. Like with Nintendo Power, a Nintendo published game getting good scores? What a coincidence. One of the only fighting games on N64 being called a must play? Wonder why. And if you didn't have a whole lot of friends with the newest games and no rental store in short distance, you had to take their word for it and live with it if you bought it and didn't like it

It just wasn't that bad as a kid to the boiling point it reached from 2010-2014.

I seriously wonder why this is allowed now though. Like why should I want to support devs that shit on their players?

We need that outlet here, man.

I agree! I hope my character gets LOTS of porn made of her.
She is 5 after all

I'm not feeling him, honestly.
I don't mind if he wins, but if I had an option, I'd vote Gary Johnson or Jill Stein.
ANYONE but Hillary is good in my book, maybe more Gary than Jill though.

I fucking dare you, I got a gun.

I agree completely making pornographic drawings of children is pointless and makes absolutely no sense.

the common enemy of all software developers is the marketing department

You know. You should know who you voting for better.

Remove the faces and it's okay

You better literally do it. Skin their faces alive.

Wow fuck Gary Johnson how could a libertarian support a bill that just adds tons and tons of regulations to trade deals and laws in general.

He also wants to triple the amount of private prisons we have in the country.

That I could anticipate less government run facilities is what a libertarian wants the TPP thing makes no sense though.

I already knew this and it still pisses me off that anyone thinks this chest puffing retard is at all a worthy candidate. Hope he dies on his next ego-driven mountain climb.

You do know private prisons are subsidized by states and cost more than the government run prisons right?

She's also fictional.

Any way you slice it, we need less prisons and less prisoners. It's too fucking expensive and only serves to make things worse by creating an entire populace of unemployable violent criminals whose only place is back in prison.

Yeah man, give into the hivemind. Don't you want to be cool, man?

But wait, there's more

I know private prisons are all kinds of fucked and I don't agree with them at all. Just saying privatizing prisons is in line with being a libertarian candidate. The TPP which is just a bunch of additional trade regulations makes no sense on any level.

I honestly do not care about this election enough, I think they're all pretty fucking terrible, I'm only here for the memes.

to Jill "Wi-Fi Melts our Brains" Stein I go.


Any vote that Trump loses is a vote for Hillary.

You should pirate his books, they're all pretty good.

legalize all the drugs
all of them
every single one of them
I wanna see teenagers shooting meth and getting their little methed out holes pounded
Anyone get the reference?


I'd typically argue this, but the other two candidates are a tiny majority this time, and the elections being three months away don't help.

Hmmm. I'll think about it.

Almost laughed, but you ruined it with Ritsu.
Kill yourself.

Fucking classic.
Following peoples' instructions is a great way to fuck with people. You'd think that people would have learned to be more specific, given how long normalfags have been shitting up the internet.

Every single vote for trump is our contribution into the better future of America and entire world in general.

Every vote he loses means Hillary will have more chances. Jill and Gary have 0 chances to win. They exist to mix up votes, and steal them from main candidates.

Every vote going to any of these third party non-entities is a vote not going to Hillary.

Trump has a strong voterbase, especially if he harps on the 2nd amendment issue and associates Hillary with gun control.

At this point, Hillary has to work on ways to not lose voters, while Trump only has to maintain his already strong contingent of supporters.

At this point, I'm voting for him specifically because I believe in forcing people to suffer through their own poor decisions.

Yeah, those muslims and illegal mexicans will suffer for sure for not being able to enter USA. And jews too, especially Soros and TPP donors.

They acan just kill him like they did whit JFK, stop sperguing whit the personality cult.

I wonder why all those trumpfobiac people appeared just after Soros documents were leaked.

Pure coincidence i guess.

I wouldn't call your bluff on that.
He needs a guard that thinks like him, and looks like him, and acts like him, but is a stronger version of him.

new housing programs, man

you've lived a charmed life, clearly

Wait what, explain.

Still not worth more than 5$ a design

It boggles my mind to think there's so many people who clearly knew nothing about Trump before last year, despite him being in the public eye for-fucking-ever.
Exactly why this is going to be so sweet for me. You clearly didn't think things through, and as a result, I shall feed on your tears in just a few months. Fuck, I'm getting hard just thinking about it.
The only reason I'm not voting for her is because her presidency won't cause nearly as much butthurt. The point of no return has already come and gone, and there's absolutely no way this is going to turn out okay.

Granted, the former is obviously the more entertaining choice, but no matter who wins, I win.


Underrated Post

We're around Holla Forums more often than the other groups, so it's like going to the convenience shop across the street as opposed to going a mile to the regular grocery store. Hell, they'll deliver right to our door.

Then don't even bother making a game if you want to skip gameplay, hell don't even bother playing games at all and go watch a movie or read a book.

Yeah but Holla Forums on suicide watch might result in them shitting up this board even more.

Googled a bit, it's about George Soros funding on stuff like the trump tower, like him being the man pulling Trump's strings

They said something similar when he started running too because he donated to the Clinton foundation among other things. People saying that he was just a false candidate that would fold once he got the nomination to make it easy for Hilary to win.

Can I choose to make sweet love with a bottle of bleach?

these days that is a hard sell for most people to buy in

he may be just buying influence, even if Trump wins and keeps his promises, there are other politicians behind that wont approve his agenda.

Holla Forums is going to deliver salt to our doorstep regardless of who wins.
Trump has my vote simply because Monica Lewinski's Boyfriend's wife is such a terrible choice, and he's the hottest candidate on the field.

Does this magical evening with Todd involve adventure and dragons? If so, Todd.
If not, Todd. he seems like the sort of guy you could down a few beers with and banter.

nah , shit was fucked back then too. It was just easier to cover up things with the internet being at it's infancy or non-existant


Honestly, I'd probably openly react positively to R34 being made of my own content. Perhaps publicly share it every once in a while. If you can't learn to laugh or fap to stuff based off of your own content, you're probably doing something wrong.


Anyone that takes ten years to learn anything not related to STEM or law doesn't deserve to be hired anywhere.

Are you baiting or are you just 12?
Not even retarded people are retarded enough to like both Johnson and Stein.

You've got a lot to learn, grasshopper.

I've always said things were stupid as fuck since someone shit out a third caveman, and the only thing that's changed is that information is more accessible now.

user the guys who'd explode at any and all things that could tangentially be related to Holla Forums in any way shape or form even imaginary has finally cut that shit out Holla Forums being on suicide watch will simply reinvigorate those same Anons only now they'll be spamming shit about how Holla Forums is on suicide watch.

Eh, in truth the idea he was a false candidate was pretty much there from the very beginning. Most Holla Forumsacks who did support him that weren't shills hired to promote the candidate that paid them supported him because he was funny to watch and entertaining therefore he was the best candidate. Also it was more or less believed that the reason he was doing this to begin with was to promote some new hotel as a big ad stunt.

Then he started going all in past the point where he was expected to drop out.

Do you actually think that any of the other republican candidates stood a better chance than him?

They couldn't even get the registered republicans to vote for them , how could've they ever hoped to swing the "moderates" their way

Joke's on you thanks to Todd Howard's magical power of lies when you actually go to sleep with him, he becomes an attractive woman

i indeed get the reference, and i also think we should legalize every drug but i do feel that doctors and other medical professionals shouldn't be allowed to deal with overdoses.

You overdose you are basically on your own.

There is also some The Office shit going on

This reminds me of the artists on Tumblr.
It's a sort of… "issue" among them, where they get upset at each other for giving commissions for such small prices.
The general idea is that, despite them being crappy doodles from unknown dumbasses on Tumblr just drawing fanart of something they don't have a copyright hold on, they deserve to be paid minimum wage and that it should be treated like a service job.
So they insist you should pay them $50 for a single, barely-colored, backgroundless doodle of a character because it took them 7 hours.

Artists are fucked in the head.

I hope trump wins just for the butthurt it will cause. I don't even like him as an option but in the end it doesn't matter since international banking and trans-national corporations run the world anyway. Trump won't be able to do anything that will actually fix the US, only pay lip service.

"Fuck your idea of 'realism,' just make a goddamn game that isn't shit you fucking faggots."

That's the first thing that comes to mind when I think about devs.

Because labor =/= value dumbass.

Haha yeah he will never win, says increasingly nervous man for 88th time.

Like the others said it wasn't her point, however your point is well taken by me.

Being able to skip dialogue in a story driven game is fucking retarded and they should stop allowing it. I have a habit of accidentally skipping through shit sometimes and then get mad because I can't ever have that convo again without loading the last save, which who knows how long ago was the last save.

Yeah, a magical evening involving a baseball bat, duct-tape and all the youtube videos of todd telling us about how great skyrim and fallout was gonna be.

Nice interpretation of the vietnamese getting shot, 10/10 I couldn't even top it with SFM.

Can be that considered incest?

$15 for a dirty, shit stained, doodle that looks like it belongs to sesame street.

At this point, there is no legitimate reason i have found to not support trump. Could you please explain?

Some people support no one, I bet the US election this year will have a record low turnout. Most people hate both Hilary and Trump.

oh wait, sorry for trying to make a constructive post in a useless shitpost of a thread

That's not game devs, that's Westerners.

They do need to pick a better quick workflow, but they seek higher wages because they get paid under minimum wage for the amount of labor that they put into commissions. It takes between 3-8 hours for artists to complete a commission, so $15 for it would be less than $5 per hour.

That art looks simple to do, but what makes it tough is that you're not given free reign most of the time. You're expected to give exactly what the commissioner wants. You spend time learning, brainstorming, and revising (redoing the art again) than solely drawing itself.

Give commercial art a try before you knock it. There's a good reason why freelance and concept artists rarely go for commissions because they're paid like crap and treated like crap.

enlight me user

Good point. Although Trump is projected to get more votes than obama.

If you want story without gameplay getting in the way why not try reading, watching TV / movies, going to a theater ect.

All these mediums have story but only vidya has gameplay.

Trump got more votes in the primarys than any other republican candidate in history. Not nearly as many people hate him as you might think.

Why do game devs bitch? They should have picked a real engineering major that you do actually get paid for your experience.

probably being pushed by publishers to take a decent thing and water it down until its complete shit

or spending hours making models and animations and then being told to censor them

crafting a perfect level only for the playtesters provided by the publisher to be too fucking retarded to play it so you have to water that down too

Fun fact, his VP is a gun grabber.

And that's how you get people like this making video games.

1v1 me

you think that's not true? whether you like trump or not that isn't the factor, a massive amount of people consume biased media and they just think trump is hitler right off the get go without looking into his policies or anything

these are the same fools who vote hilary because she's a woman and don't look into her policies or her absolutely fucking horrifying track record.

the average person is a complete fucking idiot, and don't think im necessarily pro-trump either, he bullied the weakling republican nominees off the fucking stage because they were gutless shitheads, that doesn't make him the best thing since sliced bread, but he's certainly the best thing we can pick from right now

maybe he is not a burger?

People that actually enjoy playing videogames

Jesus christ I can't fucking breath, call an ambulance

The qt on the left is a trap now so it's ok.

I'm voting him because he's the only major candidate against the TPP, among other reasons.

The irony in this statement is profound.

But Hillary is against TPP too!

wtf im correcting a record



Her comment is stupid, but she is a writer and it does not really matter if a writer cares about the gameplay or not.

It kind of does in a video game. You can't just write a book or a movie script and expect it to work as a game.

True, but you can write a video game script without caring about the gameplay.

And end up with a plot that doesn't make any sense in the context of what is actually happening. I guess that's fine if the aim is to get an excuse to whine that the deep social commentary just can't work because you were forced to write the script for an action game.

If the scrip is being used during the action then it can be a bit of a different issue, but in an RPG then it doesn't not make much of a difference.
Why do you think that the scrip would not make any sense just because they are not interested in the combat? Unless they are not communicating with the rest of the developers then they should be able to match the script to the rest of the game.
A writer wanting to write social commentary instead of a good script is a different issue.

If you think plot being separate from the gameplay is acceptable, especially for an RPG, fine. Your opinion is shit, though.

Xiba from Soul Calibur V is a trap now?

I know plenty of famous characters that have very little porn, like R2-D2.

Give a example of that so that i know what the hell you are talking about.

Yeah, I saw it on /cuteboys/

Interactive fiction. People like to watch a movie that they can influence - slow it down in parts and explore the set, have the main character talk to that person in the background, in good ones even affect the plot. They want a sotry they can affect, and the only equivalent to that I can think of are Choose Your Own Adventure books in literature.

Male faces can be beautiful too.
If you gonna be a bisexual/faggot be it ernestly, or else you end with enabling trannyshit.


A writer is a low pay job, stupid.

Because they wanted to work for the movies but since even the television didn't want them they had to go for a subpar industry.

Yell all you want but videogames are still considered shit by writers despite the amount of money it generates and the good stories it can creates.

Most of them (barring the religious types) doesn't advertise their ethnicity so blatantly that anyone around wouldn't miss it.

Gary is a cuck that ended up supporting the TPP, Jill is the only decent candidate in the race.
That fucker not only supports NSA surveillance but he wants to actually expand it because the thinks it isn't intrusive enough.

Jill is anti-NSA, anti-TPP, and wants to get the fuck out of the middle east which are easily the three most important issues to give a shit about. Trump has the latter two down, Johnson has the first and the third, and Clinton has arguably none but who knows because she's so wishy-washy about the first two.

In GTA IV, Niko Bellic is very reserved and regrets the atrocities he has committed in the past. When you're actually playing the game however, you'll often find yourself mowing down innocent cops or civilians with no fucks given.

Not being able to enforce artificial monopolies on their products.
Not being able to exercise complete control over the user's computer.
Honest reviews of their shitty games.
People who want to play their games their own way.

That's what you think.

Depends on where you live, I know a ton since I grew up in Scottsdale AZ which is pretty much Israel 2: even hotter edition.

If you think the only result of Killary winning is Holla Forums on suicide watch, you really have no clue what is going on. It will mean the end of the white race. If you are white, you and all your loved ones will live a life of horrible suffering in the near future in that scenario.

That is a good example. I think there was one in Assassin's creed 3 where the MC complains about having to kill a few people unnecessarily even though you kill people all the time just to move around.
However, not being interested in the gameplay is not the same as ignoring what happens during the gameplay. It just means that they would have no interest in playing the game for the gameplay. If they did end up playing it it would be for the story only.

Jews occupy influential positions to a large degree, so naturally a bottom feeder like you would have little contact with them. A lot of them also don't scream "I'm a white-people-hating kike" all the time.



I have this

Back in my day, people with no interest in the gameplay and playing for the story would just use cheat codes

Too bad that's not an option anymore since cheats are now DLC if they are even included, and if you wanna actively hax you need to go through a myriad of trainers with compatibility issues if not straight up viruses and it's not worth the effort compared to just typing showmethemoney in the game chat

Yeah, and?

While it gets shit for things, I did appreciate this in Spec Ops. Walker is steadily losing it in the story, and the game reflects it; he starts losing his professional demeanor, swearing and yelling, he starts hallucinating and finishing off foes become sadistic and vicious.

I'm a Nazi and I don't support Trump because Hitler, and Mussolini had more charm and leadership in their toenails then Trump has in his entire tanned body. Obviously I support Trump over Hillary, but that doesn't mean I like Trump. If I could have someone else I would, and at this point it looks like he's basically trying to throw the election by saying stupid shit he simply doesn't need to.

That's consistency between character and plot, I was talking about consistency between writing (both of the above) and gameplay. Spec Ops is a poor example of this because at any given point it is a traditional slow cover shooter that does not account for the player disagreeing with the actions of the protagonist (you can't turn around after finishing your mission).

Ah, true.

Friendly reminder that Hitler ruined fascism for ever. Friendly reminder that Jews took part in the creation of fascism in Italy.

Why do people assume professionals will work for free if you are an acquaintance of them?
She doesn't even say pls or anything
She sounds socially retarded

The artist lifestyle is that of a hobo to begin with. It would be unfair to actual hardworking people to pay them a human wage - especially when you can just outsource that shit to Chinese artists who know what they're actually worth.

i'd rather have the pride of my own nation thank you very much

The other three is aright though

this tbh
The whole fucking world will watch on what goes down there. I'm betting that chimpouts will happen by the dozens when trump wins

Because people don't appreciate designers. Most people (companies included) think you're just doodling and having fun.

There's a difference between artists and designers. And I hope you're kidding, practically anything you see that's aesthetically pleasing someone got paid to design. You pay for a chink you get the respective quality.

In the words of a nigger
"Hillary will say anything and change nothing."

Better to pay a chink than some limp-wristed leftist faggot. The only whites that draw are queers.

I'll give you that.

I don't think you understand, user.
Let's take, for example, this tumblr artist. Bevsi.
$40 for two shitty poses with no background.

If you go to her redbubble, which is mostly just full of fanart (another problem with these artists being that if a company demands they take down their work because they don't have any copyright claim on it and didn't have permission to make money off it, they get offended), she expects people to pay nearly $30 for actual doodles.

Tumblr artists are just crazy in general, though. If you ever argue with them about anything, they go mental. It's kind of entertaining. I remember this one was a fan of Attack on Titan and made 2nd pic related, and when I pointed out she does the same thing, she got really angry and started complaining about how she only does what her fans want and how she gets paid $30,000 a week and works for Dreamworks and simultaneously goes to the best art school in the country. Basically a bunch of lies.

I gotta say, tumblr can be real shit, but it's fun to occasionally harass dumbasses on it.


B-b-but user, Bruce Timm…

I thought we were talking internet commission-level artists, not actual professionals.
That said, I'm pleasantly amazed that even one professional artist exists who isn't a piece of human trash.

Why do most artists on tumblr draw in almost exactly the same style? Round faces and limbs, big eyes, pastel/bubble-gum colors, sparkly shit for backgrounds etc. It's mostly stronk wymyn of color, too.
I don't remember deviantards from the 2000's being this "samey", not even the weebs.

Nigger, Shadman charges like 200 dollars for one commission last I heard. And you have a few furry artists here and there who can do the same.
It's a market. You offer something unique that no other artist has (or you make your customers think you do) and you can raise prices however you want, because they'll pay for it. You can't just start as a nobody and charge $1000 right away though, doesn't work like that.

I respect shadman as a person but not an artist, I DO admit that his art has a sort of…artstyle.

It's weird but it's there, I remember how determined the fucker was even after he got expelled from school and kicked from his home.
Shad is a motherfucker.


Well, as you know Tumblr is a hugbox for the most part. They don't get criticism that they should change things up and try something new, so all of them draw in this pseudo-pixar garbage style. Most of the time if one big name artist uploads a tutorial on how to draw a specific thing, you'll see a bunch of them ape it. There's no experimentation.
So yeah, they don't really bother trying to improve or learn anything new. It's why few of them will work as actual professionals. It's also why you rarely see games in the trademark tumblr style.

He basically fucks up on every aspect of figure drawing, but he was smart and dedicated enough to pander to the people who like it anyway or don't know any better. That's why he's so popular now.

stealing a man's kitkat isn't cool


Now that I think about it, tumblr doesn't even have a proper comment system, just reblogs. People can't really critique anyone's art, just pass it further. I guess that kinda feeds to the copycat/hugbox mentality.

Trump wants more manufacturing jobs (to rip away from china and gain independence from their penny workers, who are literally paid nuts for their work as far as money is concerned), and according to the Florida Chamber of Commerce, for every 1 job in manufacturing made, 2 support jobs are ensured.

Someone has to make the shit yes, but a person has to refine the material and process it and a person has to transport it, if you want a simple example of how a job chain works.

You can write a comment on a post, though nobody will really look at those unless the post asks for advice. You can send a question or message directly, but if you bother telling a hack artist how to improve they'll see it as a personal attack.
There's a good amount of people on there mostly porn artists that are receptive to this kind of stuff though.

I made a visual novel and I'm still waiting for some rule 34 of it.

I also know that some japanese authors like to see doujins of their works. The beta nu male thing is some shit of the west.

How can be someone so pitty he had to spend so much time in fucking up with someone? I mean, he sure is creative, but he is wasting everyone's money.

Also, as said, stealing a man's kitkat isn't cool. We are no savages.

and when polls came around about "who here trusts the media!"

About 94 percent said fuck no. Your narrative about the normalfag boogeyman does not hold up.

Seriously, shut the fuck up about that shit, it's uneducated and annoying. People aren't fucking sheep. They have their own opinions and thoughts.

For fuck's sake the only person voting for hillary in my house is my dad, and he's mentally ill. Literally, post-gulf war he was diagnosed with PTSD and Borderline Personality Syndrome, and that second bit sure as fuck wasn't from the war, because it came from his bad childhood in an abusive family and constantly changing households.

I repeat, to enlarge your faith in humanity:


And my family is democratic. sis is voting for bernie, mom won't make that desicion, and I'm voting for trump.

Remember, you filthy serfs: We're entitled to your non-refundable $60 AND your good graces, so shut up and play our game until you like it.

You shouldn't have faith in humanity, as human nature is mutable and easily coerced; you should have faith in good systems instead, ones which give predictable results. You have to understand that a system based on public opinion is inherently flawed as a system (I'm no fan of democracy because of this), but predictably creates results based on input.

That said, the playing field has demographically changed toward integrated marketing systems involving social media messages and away from top-down media, which has changed to give Hillary less outreach. That's about all I can say.

As for the old boomers unable to be reached by social media messages, we will have to wait until the debates.

Most don't accept lower wages like Ruan Jia, but some Chinese artists accept lower wages because the cost of living is significantly lower in China than it is in the US and UK.

Sorry that we didn't take your free request user.

Your mother's a good woman. I respect people who refuse to choose between two choices they don't like.

I'm hoping that Trump loses so that the caustic attitudes of alt-right and 1488 white nationalists can finally fade away once and for all.


Someone is angry because he wasted his life away playing videogames and didn't develop any skills.

The butthurt will be palpable no matter who loses. The only question is if the butthurt will come from here or if people will bring it here.

Did you just call Hitler a queer?

I'm going to be completely honest with you guys, I'm voting for Trump because every normalfag I know hates him and I have nothing left to lose in the worst-case scenario. If this was any other election cycle I'd either vote third party or use the two hours of paid time off that I'm legally entitled to on election day to stay at home and watch anime.

I don't loathe Trump. In fact, I think Trump is way better than Hillary for his stance on economics. He wants to lower taxes, remove the exploitable loop holes, and add foreign tariffs to encourage corporations to create more jobs around here.

The only thing that's preventing me from voting him is the crowd who's voting for him for all the wrong reasons. They think that he's the incarnate of Hitler who will bring back all the white babies while gassing the Jews, when he's just a moderate with an anti-immgiration stance. Ten to twenty years ago, his would have been normal.

Funny enough, that's the reason most Hillary voters give for why they hate him. It's almost funny how awful they think he is just because he's a blowhard.

I want to make an unrelated observation with my uninformed opinion and say that the way I see it, for the average joe politics are a lot like video games.

For video games, entering the hobby means playing the popular titles with big review scores that people are always talking about. That doesn't mean Gamer Joe is a sheep or a normalfag with no brain, it just means that's the information he is privy to because he knows nothing about video games and wants to listen to people that do, e.g. reviewers. Unbeknownst to him, the people that do are biased and you can't really fault him for not knowing any better, since vidya review websites weren't supposed to be, you know, corrupt, especially since for most people it's just a small hobby. I get that you should take everything in life with a grain of salt or else you're just being naive, but as a Joe freshly wanting to be introduced to this hobby, he doesn't really know how to or want to look past what Google gives him as its search result for best games ever, only to be greeted by No Man's Sky. Getting informed by sifting through the lies seems like a lot of effort that shouldn't even be there in the first place, and the worst part is that he's not even aware of this, not because he's dumb, but because he can't realistically be expected to know this.

So the way I see it, politics do the same thing. Joe Average's career has nothing to do with politics and all he's thinking about is getting a new car and asking out the waitress from the coffee shop. He doesn't care about politics enough to inform himself past what his morning newspaper is saying or what his friends think (that are probably in the same boat as him), and I think that's a majority. Sure the information is there for him if he's willing to get to it, but for him it's probably enough to just read what people familiar with politics are saying and adopt their opinion and vote. Again, that doesn't mean he's dumb or disinterested or sheep, it just means information shouldn't be this hard to reach. This is what I think people are referring to when they point out to the normalfag boogeyman, not that they're retarded, just uninformed.

I know I'm probably wrong here in many aspects, but please give me a counter-argument so I can stop believing this.

I do not see how or why that would prevent a person from voting for somebody. Are you one of those autists that wouldn't play a game just because leddit likes it as well?

Holla Forums GTFO

It's not that I hate the candidate, it's just that I don't want that alt-right cancer to reach the mainstream because they think that behavior is socially acceptable.

I can agree with what you said with voting for him, though the idiots acting as if he's suddenly going to gas the jews is historical and shows how delusional Holla Forums is

Another reason I want him in is because of pissing off primarily the politically correct bullshit narrative going on, in fact, I wish to see these people in tears when someone they despise gets into office, maybe then they'll erase themselves from this earth or finally wake up.

But also improving relations with Russia as well, by far every other candidate wants to say Russia is our enemy

Neither is rioting on the streets, disrupting people's lives and publicly shaming them, though I don't see stormfags do much of that outside of the internet.
It doesn't matter whether you vote Hillary or Trump if you make that argument.

Hilarious beyond comprehension

Are you that singular guy who goes into every thread around this time and complains about Holla Forums for no reason?

god damnit

your dad doesn't exist and you just made up a convincible story to appeal to emotion.
nice try, faggot.

Well Trump isn't Hitler no, he's Bismarck.

Jill will never win and supporting her is just throwing a vote away. At most she will get third place, and nothing she did will habe been of consequence.

user, voting for someone you support isn't throwing your vote away.

Pretty gud

Suddenly our shitty industry makes sense when you imagine that it's a womyn with low self esteem

I don't remember Trump being at the bottom of the ocean

You are all wrong, Trump is Lex luthor

One thing that really makes me think is that how is he going to pull all that off without getting rid of the jews?

Well, I could argue it is when nothing comes of it. Unless this is a period when a third party arrives and takes over another party, nothing will happen because the third party loses. I don't believe it is one of those times, so any third party candidate will just take votes from the main parties and will simply disappear once they lose.


But I'm referring to Otto von Bismarck.

What's your point? You don't vote for someone because you want them to win, you vote for them because they represent your ideals. And you definitely don't jump ship to someone else just because the person you actually liked got beaten.

I'm sure his work is of the highest quality and not just the first thing he thought he could shit out.
Seriously, if it takes you 10 minutes to do it's probably a rough sketch that someone already gave you the idea for, and if the sketch is that damn rough, you weren't needed in the first place.

One of my dreams is someday seeing porn of my female characters.

I don't understand this meme. Trump is politically correct when it suites him. Remember "My African American"? Why not "Mah Nigga"? What is he afraid of, the media calling him racist?

There's a difference between pushing it and committing political suicide.

Not a chance, chimpouts only did occur monthly under king Nigger's authority. Trump has support from black republicans, he's the only one not wanting chimpouts between Obongo and KKKillary.

Making gameplay in their game.


Considering the amount of cheating Hillary is pulling already I'm going to agree with that one.

This election is going to be insanely close, what's worse is if Hillary wins I don't think there's going to be another election any time soon.

He said he pisses off the politically correct bullshit narrative. Read any libshit papers, Huffington Post will have a real seizure like what they had a few months ago.

You can vote for people you like, but sometimes you have to vote for who has the better chance to win. If you always agree with third party, you will be watching as someone else wins in the general election pretty often.
You have to soemtimes, because the person you wanted loses and now you have to find someone else.

You might not agree with Trump, but this is basically true. No matter what side are you on, you know he is a better candidate than Shitllary.

You should still fuck off with the political discussion to Holla Forums or /politics/

Sage for offtopic political discussion

I'm sorry, I didn't know I lived in one of those countries where people were forced to go to elections. I've heard this argument before and it doesn't stick.

There's generally a process where you send your client a sketch to see if he's fine with the idea. Sending them a finished draft right away is a bad idea because if they decline it you wasted a lot of time for nothing.

You are not forced, but don't try to complain when someone you hate wins

No, I think I will. Go try and scare people into your side somewhere else.

If you people didn't have an IQ of about 70 combined you'd understand that just NOT REPLYING would stop all political discussion on Holla Forums


Because people never samefag to keep discussions going, right?

I know that, I replied only because the thread was already derailed and there is no hope for it anyways

Yeah, but in that case you're not paying them for the rough, but the finished product. Doesn't seem to be the case here. And regardless, in cases where you'd actually be making decent money, you're typically going to have to go through revisions more so than "rough draft"

That shit is incredible. Great art.

Watching SLEEPYCAST has taught me that even the best artists live hobo lives, barring the very upper echelon of professionals. I mean, the guys on Sleepycast are sort of retarded too, but that's part of why the podcast is so great.

You need to learn to read, mate. I already said you vote for people who represent you.


And then you don't vote when your candidate of choice loses.

Yeah, why would you vote for someone you don't like? That's silly and downright cowardly.

Yeah the politically enlightened like us sit on our asses all day and virtue signal online. We truly are the revolution.

I wished this happened in Canada last election, everyone wanted Harper to lose, Harper only ever won because there is only one conservative party and a gazillion socialist ones, so all socialists ended up voting for their own preferred brand of socialism while every conservative were kinda forced to vote for center-left Harper even if they didn't like him.

But then CBC/Radio-Canada were the most butthurt about Harper since he cut their funds and told them to earn their own fucking money. Trudeau on the other hand promised them money from taxpayers, so CBC started to shill for Trudeau, saying "he looks prime minister material", never reporting on his gaffes, saying he's experiencing a surge in popularity, always making him seem as if he's even votable. Come the election night, people just want to vote Harper out, they check the (((news))), Turdeau and leading? I'll vote for him then! So CBC told taxpayers to vote for Trudeau so that he could take money from them and give it to CBC, that's even worst than bribery, it's bribery plus theft, as expected from the Corruption party. And the populace? More on somnolent than ever before.

Oh its not like these people make decisions that matter or affect you in anyway. Instead of voting for someone who at least shares some important views to your own, lets allow the candidate who is you least favorite to win, just because your special candidate lost, great idea.

I've talked with a bunch of devs (mostly MMO devs) over the year and I'd say that I've had far more interactions with game devs than your average game.

One thing they all have in common is that they dislike armchair specialists and have a strong tendency to ignore pretty much everything gamers have to say, at least until there's overwhelming negative feedback going on. But that's not hate. What they hate more than anything is when they realize that someone who, to them, seemed like an armchair game dev being actually right and be more capable than they are at their own job. No exceptions.

I think you got this wrong. You generally don't get paid up front and you don't get paid for just delivering a rough. Most freelancers calculate how many hours they've worked on the job and use that as a basis.
It's not uncommon that the client suddenly tells you to fuck off, makes off with whatever work you've done and hires someone else to finish it for them. They're still bound by the contract (that you hopefully made them sign at the beginning) to pay you for the work you did do. Most of my teachers in my graphic design course worked as freelancers before and they all made that mistake because they trusted the client not to fuck them over.

Dude just wait for your perfect candidate while virtue signaling online. Surely one day a perfect candidate will magically appear before you and you will finally have a person to vote for.

Unless of course they're one of the heretics that leave the toilet paper facing the wall instead of the toilet. Then the candidate is utter shit and needs to be crucified.

Democracy's a shitty system, so who cares?

And I bet they are all nu-males. The reason why they are so petty effeminate queers. A man would only want to make the best game and/or make the most money.

Deal with it, I don't make bad decisions unless I'm forced to. If I'm dragged to a restaurant I don't like, I'll just drink water and talk with people while they eat. Just go out and vote and stop… wait, what's the other guy calling it? Virtue signalling?

Yeah the politically enlightened like us just sit on our asses and virtue signal online. Fuck voting.

Okay but in the picture, he's expecting money for a rough.
That's the issue

What disturbs me more than anything else is just the sheer number of developers that are nu-males, and I've noticed one common quality among them. They are completely incompetent.

They can't code, they can't draw, they can't make music, they are completely useless. They even seem to hate video games, treat it as some unclean filth that they are going to save.

It's one of the main reasons I tend to stick to emulation, I don't want to support these kinds of people.

I honestly don't know if everyone was always assholes/spineless cunts or it's because if releasing a videogames suddenly turns you into an asshole/spineless cunt.

Exaggeration and the artist probably has a huge ego. Nobody in their right mind is going to send a client a 10 minute sketch and call it finished, no matter how good you are.

Passionate devs still exist. Like me.

post sales figures and key codes nigga

Then if anything you better hope Trump wins because that would likely defuse a lot of the growing anger. Hillary would just be a focus to galvanize them much like how 8 years of Obama has.

Also, outside of Holla Forums the alt-right is mostly made up of little "l" libertarians, constitutionalists, and various and sundry types of traditionalist. They mostly just want to have the right to be left alone.

Amateur dev.
Look, I'm trying, okay?

You sometimes have to think strategically instead of clinging into your ideals too much. If you can find a candidate who has a better chance of winning, and has some views that you agree with and rest that you can tolerate, you should vote for him. Why?

That's also why I'm quite happy with the current situation of Poland, as maybe it will give rise to more right-wing parties, libertarian parties and anything in between making the typical leftist parties unimportant

Yeah but that's why the picture is stupid as fuck.

No dude. We are the politically enlightened. We don't vote unless its the perfect candidate.

It's the same in all tech.

If you see someone 22-35 in tech, it's a nu-male with pussy thirst who think they'll be able to quench that thirst by acting nu-male.

Inferiority complex and getting treated like shit, also being a nu-male means you hate other guys, guess who play video games?

You're in a gym and you need a spotter, who is more likely to see that and help you? The buff manly guy or the nu-male? Of course it'll be the buff guy, him being confident and manly will bring him to help you, the nu-male on the other hand just wants to see you fail to be able to pretend he's better, plus he's too low-self esteem to even talk to you.

Hi Holla Forumsautist

Social signalling SJW spotted.

Have you ever had to deal with the two-party system? It's rarely a case of who has the views you agree with, but who you hate the most and don't want to see in office. Either you vote for one person or the other person will get in and ruin everything.

Here, the rise of more parties wouldn't mean a thing unless they were actively drawing away massive amounts of voters from the big two. But you shouldn't vote for anyone but the big two because you're throwing your vote away. It's sort of a catch 22.

Go away Holla Forums, hillary supporter, satanist, green party, tea party, jill stein, libertarian, communist, transhumanist, burgeoise, natsoc, racist, homophobe, transvestite, homosexual, black, asian, indian, white, male, woman and toilet paper facing the wall person

Best case scenario is for both the big parties in a two party system to self destruct and splinter into many different parties.

Go away masterchief

Sadly I doubt that would ever happen. Even if we were to kill political parties, a new system would be made under a different name and shit would still be the same.

Not about political enlightenment or anything like that. A child can figure out that democracy sucks when teachers make the class vote. A teenager can figure out that democracy sucks when they understand that the popular high school kids' opinions are worth more than the scrawny genius kid. An adult can figure out democracy sucks when he sees incompetent coworkers get promoted because they present a good image to their boss(es).

Once you start understanding that democracy is a flawed system, it's not hard to keep pointing out the flaws. Sure, it kinda works but it's still pretty bad. Sure, I could go vote, but it'd be voting for someone who's more interested in getting re-elected and not getting impeached/assassinated instead of a person who's going to be doing what needs to be done to make his nation better, even if it pisses off people who'd rather things stay the same.

Its CAPTAIN KING to you kiddo.

Yeah so we should all sit on our asses and do nothing. That will show them all how intelligent and revolutionary we are.

Was gonna write a really long post but I had a flash of genius and will be able to keep things brief: significant changes to the structure of democratic countries won't happen until the population is forced to change, either through violence or desperation. It's the only way to fight the inevitable oligarchy that forms up when a democracy is the system in place. Too bad almost everyone who had the that kind of power to implement change were either psychopaths or called Cincinnatus.

Yeah so lets all sit on our asses and never vote. VIVA LA REVOLUTION!

Ya, let's go block a street or two for a few hours, that'll produce some changes!

Sorry I am not voting for Bernie Sanders Jill Steinberg. You will have to find some desperate nu-male or some feminist or something. Tumblr is a good place to find them I hear.

Damn –I forgot how to do the line through letters thing–. Sucks.

git gud

lol faggot

Oh my goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood

I mean shit, last times were some hobo begging for change and then jar jar binks acting as a sidekick for a 90 year old grandpa. Now it's fucking Bastion. What's the next one gonna be? Stay tuned and find out in 4-5 years!

All I get from your post is that you're a really uh… disturbed individual.

I care as much about america as I do about syria. They're both on the news a lot and generate a lot of talk, but ultimately they have no tangible effect on my daily life.

Maybe you're american and you're shocked to learn that not every other human being on the planet is poised to suck your cock. Maybe you're a kind and good person and you're shocked to know that there are people who don't care about starving kids in africa. Maybe you're an average person who still hasn't learned that people who have different interests and goals and life than you and you're deeply disturbed by this unknown. But in the end, you're just one out of a few faceless billions, and until you give me reason to care, I simply won't.

You can think I'm selfish or disturbed, but for me it's about living without stressing out about insignificant stuff. If you want to live your life worrying about what Sergei does in his daily life in Russia or what work ethics Kyousuke has in Japan or what Jean-Holy had to eat in Haiti, that's your prerogative.

Again, we got that in Canada and it's not solving any single thing.

I have no idea why you are on about any of that. You like to sit on your ass and do nothing and ramble on about things that don't matter. I can tell you're a real intellectual.

You wrote all this you care :^-)

There, I simplified the reply chain so you can understand the flow of events better.

Not giving any fucks about one thing doesn't mean I'm incapable of caring about anything else.

I cared just enough to read your first 5 words.

what the fuck is going on in this thread

I have no idea what the fuck you are on about. You are clearly disturbed.

OP makes a politically charged thread and thread turns to politics.

I've clearly laid out my thought process using a simple enough vocabulary. You're either using the word disturbed improperly, are completely lacking in empathy (which, coming from me, says a lot about you) or just plain dumb.

Your thought process is disturbed.

Araki must truly be a god among artists.

A third party will never have that kind of power as long as people have the same mentality as you. Be the change you want to see. Noone in the two party system is going to change embed related because it would go against their party's self interests, so we have to just do whatever we can to support a third party until they finally get elected and make it way easier for this to happen again by fixing first past the post (with the alternative vote). I'd happily stomach a bunch of shitty candidates if this happened eventually, even Hillary.

technically something handmade can cost quite a bit if you include materials and count labor as minimum hourly wage