"Different recruitment/hiring process for employees dependent on color of their skin"

"Different recruitment/hiring process for employees dependent on color of their skin"

Report this shit to the Labor Department

Other urls found in this thread:



No, I WANT google to continue hiring niggers and mentally ill trannies. I want to see the catastrophic fuckups when a nigger somehow manages to invalidate all backups and wipes out half of gmail. Let's not interrupt our enemy while they are making mistakes. Also, what do you even need google for these days? Just remove them from your life.

I'm not even surprised anymore. Progressivism is about destroying white men and nothing else.

I think this guy is right.


Agree with the sentiment, but look at the bigger picture. If Google gets into major legal trouble for anti-white hiring discrimination, that's big news and will go a long way towards taking up whites. Keep the end goal in mind– waking up our people.

I work in a small shop where over the past 3 years we had 2 diversity hires. Both were nigger men, and I could tell they were affirmative action hires because they didn't know SHIT about carpentry or maintenance. Both were fired within a few weeks for being incompetent, dangerous, slow to learn, and failure to communicate. Seriously, one guy would just mumble and the other guy was practically mute. Glad to say our shop has returned to all-white and I hope our bosses learned their lesson. It still amazes me how they were able to get jobs here in the first place. Couldn't trust these people with a tape measure let alone be responsible for the safety of our crew and the people using what we make.

And there are people here who want to put their information on the (((Google cloud))). Freaks like this seriously make me want to throw up.

I'd extend that to include demonstrating to these faggot cesspools that their time has passed and they don't get to keep shoving disgusting diversity down our throats at every turn.

Honestly, Google is going no where.


Someone needs to push to get that link for the different recruiting hiring process for niggers. we all know about (((afirmative action))) being anti white but I want to see it officially posted on googles guidelines.

if(applicant.Race == Races.WHITE && applicant.Gender == Genders.MALE) { application.PutInTrash(); EmailHandlerFactoryDispatcher.SendDelayedEmailResponse(7);}

You'd be surprised how vulnerable some of these tech companies are. At least block your ads.

It seems that way. About 4-5 five years ago I really felt differently. They were moving strongly into AI, buying interesting companies like Boston Dynamics, developing their Google Fibre, and of course pushing the self driving car. All products you could see being extremely viable, but now they seem to be bogged down with stupid ideas like policing the internet and hiring üntermenchen. They really seemed to lose their way after Google Glass was such a catastrophic failure. (Not to mention Orkut, Google Wave, Google+…)

I am filled with unimaginable disgust and hatred that I can't describe when I see one of those degenerates.

Where are the dox of these shitheads ?

Doxing 101, friend. Instructions below

First, to get their email, you need to get a Yahoo email. Follow the steps as in the embedded video. You'll have to open your Yahoo email, go to your contacts, and then import contacts from Facebook and sign in. Now you have their email.
This might not work as some Facebook friends don't have an email, for some reason
If you don't have them as a contact in FB, you can try to guess their email. See this video: youtube.com/watch?v=bQnO6Yv9SnE

Second, to get the password, there must be a website that they have registered to be hacked and have had their database leaked. How do you check? Go to haveibeenpwned.com and paste their email into the field and hit Enter. (If you have other emails of theirs, try them, too)
Now, if their email has been leaked, the site will tell you when and to which site that has happened to. This is a crucial piece of info. If you get nothing, go to pwnedlist.com and paste the emails. You'll get a date of a leak. That date might not be accurate, but keep it in mind.

Third, look up that leak. There are many ways to do this: You can look up the news about it and maybe find a download link, you can find news about it with the name of the file and look that up, you can look up in halfchan's archive, you can look up in plebbit (those two almost always have that shit), you can look up the file in file search engines, if the page of the leak is down you can look it up in archive.org, you can go to leakforums.org and look for it there… be creative.
If you used pwnedlist, grab that date and go to hackmageddon.com. Look up the specific timeline that has that date. Seomtimes the date might not be accurate, so look into the month prior. Once you get to the timelines, look for "SQLi", because that's how databases are usually leaked. Now you look up the file the same way you did before.
Once you've found the file, just ctrl+f and look up the email.
Note: Sometimes the files might be TOO BIG, like 5 MB and even up to 10 GB. In that case, download a program called large text file viewer. It instantly opens up the file with no problem, but the search function takes long depending on he file size.

Fourth: The passwords are usually hashed in MD5, so go to crackstation or any other cracking site and post the hash to get the password. The more unusual the password, the less likely you will get it, though. If you're not sure how the password was hashed, look up any program or site that can recognize hashes to tell you how it was hashed and then look up a cracker for that. If the hashed are salted, though… I don't know what to do about it. Sorry. (if you know, please tell us)

Congratulation! Now you have their email and password!

Fifth (optional): Go to your Yahoo email and import YOUR TARGET'S FB contacts. Now you can dox their friends and family easier.

Some leaked files are hard to find, so if you'd like, I'll post links to them, but on a condition:
There are some files I want. If you can get them for me, I will post/upload one file of your choice for each one you post.
I have tons, but here are the big ones listed on haveibeenpwned that you might be interested in:

What I want in return is any of the remaining ones listed on haveibeenpwned. And to show that I am serious, here's the Yahoo one: mediafire.com/download/769gk65ix183vbd/yahoo-disclosure.txt.bz2
Happy hunting.

Some links might be dead, though

So you don't end up victim to the techniques has given, start using a password manager. There's lots of good ones out there, but the point is to have a unique randomly generated password for each site you go to. If you're not doing this in current year, you're begging to be owned.

Good, reminder that you drumpfkins cant get away with racism in the workplace.

>For example, there is a broad consensus in all American companies that everyone should be treated blablabla and that sexual harassment or other mistreatment of employees should not be tolerated.

t. Jewgle employee with bright shining glasses on displaying their cognitive dissonance.

Ironically enough, regressives can't even survive w/o whitey and all our achievements. Prosperity always follows the White Man. As he goes, so goes their gravy train.

Stop it.

>>>Holla Forums


Make sure you CC the White House.

To the bog for all of them.

Trump needs to make Jewgle pay for the wall with fines.

lol in trouble from WHO? Do you know how much G pays in state and local taxes? They completely own those jurisdictions.

The FED.gov isn't going to do a thing to G. They are one in the same.

More like they still are. If anything survives it'll be that, because that would demand the greatest talent, and attract a lot of ultra-rich clients. With breakthroughs in AI they could shift their focus on becoming an automation roll-out industry (at least for the AI software/hardware manufacturing part). The whole tech sector itself is likely to evolve towards that soon as well.

If they were strategic about it cleaning house, they could dispose of their SJW pets by partitioning them off into expendable sectors, soon to be replaced by automation. At least then it doesn't look like a discrimination issue once the mass lay-offs happen, rather a redundancy one.

That’d work in the case of a company that didn’t have unlimited resources. Google can simply hire twice (or more) the amount of ineffective staff to get the job done. They clearly maintain a core of staff with actual abilities to oversee the diversity hires.

Don’t underestimate the lengths that subversives will go to destroy society. They seem illogical to those who think logically but remember their true aim, which is to divide/conquer and rule.

google might own california but they don't own the federal government, and they have offices all over the fucking the place. i don't know if they have any in any red states though

The rot from within is real. If this is what is powering the company they will soon end up being like IBM and Microsoft. Mediocracy awaits.

In case the site-owners are using the same salt for all passwords (They should be generating a different salt for every password but most will be too lazy to do that) you could find a random username/account that is also in an unsalted leak
which would put bruteforcing the salt in the realm of possibility but other than that it is the kind of thing were technicality is defeated by the fact that you don't have a quantum computer and 9 million hours of computing time at hand.

Once Google solves self-driving cars, then robot waifus are next on the docket. TBH I'm OK with this.


mandatory labor camps for you.

Progressivism, liberlism, anything current left is all about everything being ant-white
lot of truths this coming year that will show just where our country stands, or doesn't stand anymore

There's nothing I'd love more than for Trump to go full Teddy Roosevelt and trustbuster their ass. As well as a few other companies who come to mind.

I'd imagine conversational chatbots would be the next big thing. Because that would mean no longer needing humans (especially SJWs and diversity hires) in their business to maintain a tailored public image. Just make the AI avatars look like whatever race/identity you want.

They can take my steering wheel from me when they can pry it from my cold dead hands.

lolnewp. muh robowaifu is fully tooled up.

Fair enough. But trust me, satisfactory gynoid robot bodies will be easy compared to the required AI advances to allow for /comfy/ /robowaifu/'s. Chatbots are relatively child's play in comparison, though obviously precursors.

He's a kike. This is not about whites. The kikes are demanding special treatment. Once they get special treatment suddenly they'll stop trying to help whites. That's all this is about. Just see his picture:


kikes. Such as the kike who wrote the screed. You can tell it wasn't written by a white man, because it's a bunch of screwball schizophrenic crap.

They've got an office in the Austin Texas area, iirc.

Who's got the gas?

Lots of miners out there these days with plenty of teraflops at there disposal.

Not necessarily everyone with a big beak is a kike. Mediterranean whites commonly have that nose, and D'Amore is an italian surname.

Furthermore, we all know that diversity quotas don't count for jews. Look at the stats for entry into major industries and ivy league schools, and you'll see tons and tons of jews. Their fellow kikes inside the institutions hook them up and move them to the top of the pecking order

Aquiline features are a Greco-Roman trait from way back in the day, not to mention many ancient Vikings often had big noses.

How do you keep your password manager from getting hacked?

Fuck off shill
Your attack already failed and got shut down in the other thread.

full document, with sources that were removed by (((news outlets)))
https: //assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3914586/Googles-Ideological-Echo-Chamber.pdf

Yeah I bet "she" has a big tool, alright.

I fear it will rot slowly.

Thanks for the link. The guy's writing says "POZAF", but the very fact he calls out women's shortcomings is decidedly non-PC.

And workplace can't get away with niggers and vaginas.

So they can do what? Applaud it? Who the fuck do you think pushed for this shit in the first place?

Is this the same DOJ that protected Clinton during the Clinton server scandal?

Looks like if you want a job at Google you should post your LinkedIn on Tumblr.

Pen and notebook by your desk

If you are an low level user, on your desk. Mid level to high level, on you AT ALL TIMES.

If you suspect you are being under surveillance, write on paper, keep on you, read about memory expansion, endless memory and keep on your head.

Paper can't get hacked, but you still can get your pw stolen.

You forgot that race doesn't exist and gender is a spectrum, bigot. The proper code is therefore

if(applicant.Race || applicant.Gender) {

how about you use hypercomplex maths problems requiring the conscious use of mental processes that you auto-hypnotically prevent you from accessing when some free-will conditions are not met?

False on both occasions. They will only go to lengths that are free or profitable for them (short term or long term)

Google will slowly rot as it gets piled up with worthless and useless data.

Google office and chat and gtalk are complete failures. Google chrome is shit and spyware, google smartphones are trash that nobody likes, chromebooks were a flop as well.

Youtube is bleeding money everyday and gmail is completely unprofitable from day one.

They can't afford to fuck up, not anymore.

If you have half-efficient team, hiring more people makes it quarter as efficient not more efficient.

Same as one rotten apple will spoil whole basket of apples.

Youtube demonetization happened because they are running out of money. It is easiest to kill off those that don't contribute anything.

It will go same way as MTV and History channel, only for inbreds and degenerates, it is just a matter of time.



Do you think that just maybe, the leftie idiosyncrasy of coming up with long-winded and nonsensical sexual orientation is a misguided attempt to channel the drive for titular honoraries that are often added to a person's name in functional societies as recognition for actual prestige and achievement?

also agree with this user, google is already toast let them finish the job

Or better yet:

if(applicant.Race || !(applicant.Gender > 0 && applicant.Gender < 1)) {



Actually your post is quite profound. Indeed, the leftist mindset is, at some of its deepest, that of a priori needing to conduct witch hunts against newer and newer terms – no matter what terms. It's about constantly at war with language, no matter what in it. The entire nonbinary gender nonsense is not about gender at all, really; what it is about is simply vilifying common sense. The left has never felt the need to object to existence of binary genders, or biological races, or non-made-up personal identities, at all. Not really. What it is really after is the power trip, the right which they give themselves to approach any person who uses the terms normally and attack them, 'oi, the way you use that term is offensive'. Oftentimes, they are not even able to articulate why that use is 'offensive' in the first place, and wait for the purported 'offender' to come up with a guilt-induced explanation: 'hmm, hmmm, what could have been offensive about what I said? oh, it must have been…'.

It is a variant of the good old appeal to ignorance, except in terms of being offensive rather than of being wrong. In addition to saying 'science can always be wrong', people might often say 'what you said was offensive', and count on you to confess your 'wrongdoing' (after you come up with it in the first place).

(The wider reason it is being done is, of course, to discourage people from using language at all, as language is a vector of truth, truth is a subtype of correctness, existence of correctness implies necessity of its pursuit, and leftists are lazy fucks who don't want to exert themselves. And this in turn is just an evolutionary adaptation, but that's another story.)

(wew checked)
I lol'd

North american indian

"Progressivism" is about destroying society.

White men just happen to be the largest group holding our society together.

So if I understand you–and correct me if I'm wrong here–what you're really saying is that deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball?

Yeah, that seems like it might be a reasonable explanation.


No google will be run by AI soon, and the niggers and trannies will be the dumb asses carrying out the orders, to stupid to realize they are working for the Jew.

The (((Labor Department))) is on board with this.

Also, this.

Tell Trump or Sessions and THEN the labour will act. Not before because I'm sure they are cucked as all labour departments in the west.

Cars are already remotely controlled. Remember Michael Hastings?

I see the wisdom on both sides of this. All I really have to add is that Google can afford to hire an army of lawyers to fight a lawsuit brought against them so maybe we should go with the let nature take its course and let them hire a bunch of incompetents route. Wish I had something more intelligent to contribute.

This. Make them go the way of Yahoo.

The tech industry in 2017.

Confirmed for never having worked in an office.


Yup. I updated the list. Dumbass didn't even look at his own image.

Paper money - Bitcoin, cash only if necessary
Video cam - Phone
Handheld scanner - Phone
GPS - Phone
Micro Camera - Phone
Voice changer - Phone app
Minidisc/CD-ROM/VCR - Phone/Tablet
Laser pointer - Now green or better
Private Eye - Google Glass
Combination Briefcase - Now with bump-proof Medeco lock
Lockpick gun - Bump keys
Laptop - Laptop or Tablet+Cloud
Voltmeter - Multimeter, handheld scope, USB logic analyzer
Stun gun - Glock 26
Monocular 10x25mm - Nikon P900, DJI Mavik Pro

Dumbass in question:


It would make more sense for them to be *both* disabled and supervised.

Who cares. Let them push white out of the retard industry that is Silicon Valley and programming. It just turns them into fucking Communists betas anyways

You fucking nerds produce absolute shit programming and that's why I'm talking shit on a fucking image board

Enjoy your goy box on wheels

Yep, phones ARE spy tools.

Shush now, goy, we've almost finished memory holing that one.

Going with this.

1976 Ford or nothing.

They open their offices in swing states and import their filth and degeneracy! Look what fucking happened to portland! It was NOT like that ten years ago!!!!

If anyone has any good video editing skills, replacing Luke Wilson's face with James Damore's face and the rest of the cast with SJW's from Google and Sjw's in the audience in this courtroom scene from Idiocracy, would be a great way to mock the rational and empirical stupidity of SJW's on the stuff that James Damore spoke about in his memo.


"That is not OK" of the CEO from google would be great to mock.

I'll take a self-driving Toyota made by glorious Japanese, thanks.

What prog language is that, and how did you put it in that window?

I agree, but it will be a long wait.
Speaking from experience, the decent staff will just have more work loaded onto their shoulders and end up carrying the weak staff until they break down or burn out.
It takes quite a while to play out.

[code] tags

Its amazing to me how many people there are on Holla Forums who still think Google is just a private company. They're a CIA proxy, hoping their shekels just dry up is hopeless, as long as lots of people are still using them they'll stick around.

We have to make an example of Google or all other companies will start dong the same thing.

DHCP is used to get an IP address dynamically. Your computer or tablet or whatever uses that to get a local IP address on your Wifi/LAN from your router.

As far as why it says that on the bus, dunno.





What happens if decline to answer what your race on the application?



Can you post that image in a format which doesn't make me squint at it to read?


This is true, all of their successful products were made 10 years ago. Search/adsense/gmail/youtube/maps/android. Those are the products that have actually "succeeded" (in market share, if not profitability). But they were all made a decade ago. What has google created recently that's actually successful?

Jack shit.

The issue is that they were built up by very competent people before going SJW. It will take them decades to die, if they ever even do. At this point they actually see search (their core business) as no longer something to care about aside from the ability of manipulating people, and it drives up their stock price because (((corrupt))) policies made by the government want those acts of influence. Just look at AT&T, IBM, etc - once you reach the level you no longer have owners but shareholders and the CEO is a replaceable cog the company doesn't die off without seriously fucking up - Hell, even Nokia is still sort of around and Microsoft bought them with the express purpose of killing them years ago.

Accelerationism is jewish leftist invention.


We'll start with the samefags.

This could've all been avoided if the 80s/90s nerds kept to themselves instead of being convinced that they would feel the inside of a woman if they brought them on board.

Could try to allow Hooktube embeds.

Sadly… this. And the thing is, back in the 90s and even more so in the 80s, nerds were seen as uncool and socially undesirable. Movies and TV routinely mocked them for being socially awkward and acted like their penchant for specialized knowledge in fields like science and technology were worthy of ridicule. Once computer technology became ubiquitous in the lives of normies, many of those nerds became wealthy, so Chad and Stacy suddenly decided that tech and geek stuff in general was "cool" and barged their way into it. Now here we are and women are being forced into tech to make normies happy, while the white male nerds who created the industry in the first place are being forced out in the name of (((diversity))).

tl:dr; women ruin everything.

Women ruin everything, but if it weren't for the cucked males in every industry that has been successful without their influence - they would not have a grip on the workplace culture.

Traitors always die first, then we can put women back in line.

Best begin it sooner than later then user.


Fuck that film.

tron tier cgi

I can't wait to see their face when the war tribunal reads the charges while they are perplexed by the fact that the right side of history now faces trial for attempted genocide.