Trump responds to the Norks, promises that their threats will be met with
Power. The likes of which this world has NEVER seen before

How good is this timeline? Is it time to roll out the space-based weapons?

Other urls found in this thread:–North_Korea_relations

Rolling dubs for this winter to be nuclear.

Dragons confirmed.

North Korea is only being targeted because they supply weapons to Israel's enemies, like Iran–North_Korea_relations

This more Jewish bullshit from Trump's owners.

Oh by the way, kill yourself:

G-guys the Trump meme is going to far. It was just a prank. Impeach.

It's muh weapons of mass destruction all over again.

I am rather disappointed that a little pipsqueak state such as North Korea could force the US hand to use or show weapons the world has never seen before…. it's kind like showing your dick to your future wife's mother before you begin to date her. It's asking for trouble down the road.

No. The amount they export is laughably small. You are thinking of China, Pakistan, and Russia. Their arms trade is massive.

get out.

Thread theme.

Aslong as NK manage to nuke the US im happy.

No, they're not.


If his weapons obliterate China in the process, I am ok with this. We're going to end up having to battle them at some point, might as well get it over with.

From the Jewish perspective, yes, you are correct. But the Koreans as a race are a problem.

I think the way things are going it's high time the Chinese and the Russian begin supplying every tin horn dictator or terrorist cell anywhere with man portable shoulder fired anti aircraft missiles.




The US is has run out of "cheap" wars and is rapidly running out of even "possible" wars. It's nothing but desperate thrashing from a dying empire in the face of formerly "regional powers" showing little to no respect for its military capability and fading economic power.

No shit-for-brains, it's not at all what the kikes want for the world. They want a world controlled by "enlightened corporations" like Google, think tanks formulating policy like the Council of Foreign Relations, and all backed up with the military might of America, the ultimate golem. Juche-soviet style nonsense is irrelevant to everyone but the norks, and was never even a policy the soviet kikes endorsed, because it precluded worldwide revolution in favor of national isolation/civic nationalism.

Press F for China.


With every post, you reveal yourself to be less and less informed. North Korea is closest in form to National Socialist Germany, they value their race above all else.

We might as well attack the antmen while they're still busy churning out fake food to poison us with, and before they start actually drilling with weaponry -

- t. Leiningen versus the Antmen

We're being hit hard today.

Zero effort from you faggots. Warmonger elsewhere.

He absolutely blew you the fuck out and that's your retort? Fuck off.

As pozzed as that show can be, two episodes ago they redpilled their massive audience on Jewish ties to the slave trade and funding both sides of every war. That is of course assuming people make the connection between Jews and the Iron Bank.

North Korea is an isolationist ethno-state you stupid fucking mongoloid. READ A BOOK

It has nothing to do with the level to which anyone is informed. It's a deliberate line of discussion designed to create an external enemy that must be attacked/reigned in/dealt with in some fashion. Anything to stop people from wondering why the target isn't Marseille, Jersey City, or Malmo.

If there is a ground invasion, it will be a bloodbath that will make Vietnam seem like paradise. Nothing like invading a country that is 90% mountainous terrain and full of brainwashed gook guerrillas who do not care if they live or die. This will be yet another kike war in which everyone loses but the kikes.


While that is in fact an accurate parallel, I am POZ-itive that the Jew-kike showrunners did not intend to create it. GoT is fucking goddamned degenerate CANCER, and it should be mocked relentlessly.

I bet their AA defenses are shit. They have no navy to speak of. We could literally sit off the coast with carriers and destroyers and just bomb them back into the fraction of the stone age they escaped. And then China has a refugee problem that makes Europe's look like practice mode.

All whites need to refuse to serve, as simple as that. Allow the niggers and the spics to get their legs blown off for Zion.

I liked it better when Trump spoke for himself.

Can someone explain to me, it's not a complicated statement to make but it appears to me more and more that once someone is elected President of the US they only read what they are told to read as if they have been taken hostage by aliens…. this is so bizarre of Trump, it's a very simple statement to make and yet without reading it, it seems Trump is completely unprepared to say it.

I think you mean "Americans". You know they are resopnisblke for most toppled governments by "freedom fighters"

Yeah, I'm not joining Gog, Zog, or Magog.

I'll let someone else die for the fucking kikes.



Communist societies don't have ethno-centricism. Obviously Norks aren't NatSoc, but they sure as fuck aren't typical commies either. Most importantly, they aren't an actual threat to white people.

Trump has said things regarding NK for a while now already tho.
This is just a smoke screen as it has been in the past, remember how the US Battleships were on their way to NK and then suddenly went WOOPS we're near Syria now

Yeah, that would be common sense. Except the moment the war ignites, every single hooknose in the Senate, Congress, White House and pretty much everywhere will start pushing for a ground invasion.
Screencap and save this if you don't believe me.

Are you sure? By what policy, or government program do we know that NK is even close to national socialist? Yeah, they love all the civic nationalist symbolism, but that's just remnants from the Soviet era. The leadership doesn't seem to care about the people, and we have little idea what the people themselves think. That being said, you're probably right that they instinctively have more healthy attitudes towards race.

You're really just blathering at this point. I never mentioned the protocols, and every bit of evidence from today's world, and what jewish powerholders are doing, suggests that I'm right, and you're a sperg.

the difference is I hope the United States loses because it has been corrupted to it's core by the Jews

Are they activated, though?

Reminder of what's going to end up happening


I do believe you, but now we have actual competent people in the military. I'm not sure your prognosis is a given from the start, if a likely possibility.

Daily reminder that north Korea, Syria and Iran are the only two countries without a Rothschild's bank.

Two decades ago the list included Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Cuba.

More wars for Israel in shitty Third-World countries that are no real threat to us.
Yay. I am not yet tired of winning.
Woohoo. Yeah.

Not being amped to die for ZOG…Er, I mean for Trump…You're not amped to die for Trump?
You're a bad slave, and nobody likes a bad goy.

Watch the video I linked, or read the book The Cleanest Race, they value the purity of their bloodline very highly.


My fucking sides !
Thank you, user.
green text formatting fails cuz posting using bug


wewlad someone didn't read up on their body language communication techniques from the cold war.

Not just that, but my noggin's already joggin', and my applins are well on the way to snapplin'.

The people running the military now are by and large the same exact people from the last administration and the one before that, save for old age retirements and the odd pro-fag promotion.


I'd love to see the evidence for and against this.


Fuck, I was having a pretty good day today, gf by the pool. Oh well, always be ready for DOTR.


Who /druggie/ here?

It just doesn't seem worth it considering this country is filled to the brim with degenerate faggots, animal like niggers, untold millions of spics, chinks running industry, and kikes brainwashing our youth to hate God, not start families, and to demand we import unlimited 3rd world barbaric muslims.

Fuck I hate this country.

Please God let it happen, i'm sick and tired of all this shit.


Take a day trip to Toronto, and you'll soon find your American Patriotism again, believe me.

Fuck off, nerd


What a spot on parallel. I need to read that story soon.

Best Korea seems like it's an arrogant shithole of a country, but the amount of kvetching the media does about a seemingly irrelevant and isolated island makes me a little wary.

Nah, you misunderstand what's happening here. They just want to die but they dont have the balls to kill themselves. They want to see millions of whites die. They're no better than kikes. They aren't hoping the nukes stay on the west coast. These assholes want Nork to hit the heartland. They dont care about white people. They dont belong on Holla Forums. They are kikes through and through.


Trump will made D-War real

except for you know, they actually have them, have threatened to use them, and are perfecting the technology to actually deliver.

I once applied for UoT since they live close to where my folks lived across the border. We went up to visit the campus. There were so many fucking indians and chinese there even my own mother told me not to transfer.

No, I don't think that's it at all. I think they've reached the logical conclusion that North Korea isn't going to use nuclear weapons on the United States [and likely can't do it anyway] but are instead used as a prop by the current American government to distract from the muddy-race shithole this country actually is. You want another foreign adventure. You'll probably promise that a land war in Asia to end empty threats is the only way to purge the nigger-raghead population explosion in the Mid-Atlantic. Or the only way to end jewish influence in America is to make sure the defense contractors they own majority stakes in get a massive windfall. You don't have a credible argument so you try to dress it up in emotional language.


Time to glass them. They've gone on too far.

Use the nationalism from the war to our advantage



kinda what happens when they threaten to nuke you and your two most important vassal states

the funny part is when they try to claim all of that shit while also forgetting that everybody already known north korea is a vassal state of china.
Is China based and national socialist?

End your life, retard.

Don't forget the spics, have you noticed how many spics don't die in Asia?

Hitler and the NSDAP raised their people out of poverty and starvation instead of plunging them into it. Giving lip service to racial purity means nothing.

So then why do we need to go to war with a bunch of starving peasants?

You are getting your sources from an old meme. The flips recently got rid of their Rothschild bank just before ISIS showed up in the Philippines, and Russia got rid of theirs too just before this muh Russia shit popped up in the news

When did I ever say that, faggot?


Nuclear Winter is Coming

This war has nothing to do with Israel, it has an attainable goal, it actually is a threat to us and it can easily strengthen our ties to non kosher nations like Russia.

Explain where the issue is

Nice. Got my hat and coat all ready to go

Seriously? I thought even you shills agreeded Israel had supported both sides of every war since Napoleon.

LOL saved.


Then why is Foreign Affairs, the propaganda outlet for the Council on Foreign Relations, a semite-driven think tank, shilling for crackdowns on North Korea? https ://
Which is what? Installing democracy? Don't make me laugh.
Any country is potentially a threat to us, Should we go to war with them since war is, according to the neocon kikes and enablers, already inevitable? Maybe a preemptive strike or seven?
How in the everlasting fuck would going to war with NK improve our relations with Russia, an ally of China? And Russia's non-kosher status is extremely debatable.

Because they want to segway war from Korea to Iran.

Glassing them and having SK take over

Kike probably detected

Yeah, kike detected.


You're so fucking stupid it hurts. I bet when they finally fucking figure out how to get a missile in the air, you'll still be spouting your retarded shit.


Why are you here faggot? This place is for those with IQ's over 150. North Korea is National Socialist.

North Korea is being targeted because it's a proxy state of China that they tell to sperg out whenever they want something out of America or America wants something out of them.

If we want good trade deals then NK must be dealt with.



They're getting desprate.

Nations that possess nuclear weapons aren't really proxies for anyone. China has no real problems with North Korea so why would they do anything other than the token fuel sanctions they slap on them every once in a while to make Washington shut up?

You want a real blackpill, lurkers? Just read what "conservatives" here keep shilling for.

Yeah dude, jews love North Korea.

PR reasons why Trump might rattle swords and exchange banter with NK:

The only pros i see with starting an actual war with NK:
But this only applies if we go in effective Blitzkrieg style instead if kikestyle just sending white men to death in the thousands. Other than that, it's really useless to wage an actual war against NK. I hope Trump is just dick waving.

The jewish endgame is the Talmudic "jewish utopia", ruled by the Noahide Laws. Communism and capitalism are just tools for getting there.

Don't you have a John Birch Society meeting to attend?

There is a difference between oil adventure and a leader claiming to want to nuke us.

And then get nuked off the face of the earth in response? Use your head, moron.


The enemies are all right here on the mainland, nigger lover.

You realize the korean war already happened once right? Think north korea had stellar aa and the US didn't have naval/air superiority before?
It's a long ass distance from the US mainland. With tens of millions of koreans going total war. Plus the south is the side stacked with the hipster faggots like the california coast so they make shit allies. With a border featuring china + russia, who can send in reinforcements anytime they want to fuck with the US.


Im wating for him to say his favorite word, lel.

No, obviously we can't.


You’re a fucking retard who has zero comprehension of how war is conducted and what it implies. Shut the fuck up about things you don’t understand. China hasn’t won a war in 400 years and would be committing suicide by supporting the North. Russia doesn’t want to support the North in the first place. You know nothing about geopolitics, either. Fucking kill yourself.

Shoo chaim.

Does it look like hes reading something at 0:08 , 0:11, 0:14 and 0:17? Look at his eyes, seems a little weird? Why would you need to read such a short simple threatening statement? Am I crazy? And the way hes holding his arms like that, has he ever done that? Did something happen???


I don't care what the reasons for the war are. I just hope NK manages to get a nuke off and it takes out LA county. This place needs to burn.

Hmmmm, you sound like a fanny flustered kike.

how? why?

Who gives a shit? Threatening the US is going over the line. Nuke them, along with the whole of the mideast, but especially the cunts who had the audacity to threaten the US. Anything short of wiping them off the face of the Earth is just pathetic on our part and they aren't worth invading, nuke them and be done with it, no costly war.


They had them in Iraq too, the CIA gave them to them and that's how they knew they had them. They just couldn't find the fucking things for over a decade after engaging.
The "it's x all over again" only applies if we invade with boots on the ground. If we nuke them the problem just goes away.


I live in Orange County - 30 miles from Los Angeles. How fucked am I?

I meant while giving a speech to the media kek but noted


Niggers threaten, rob, rape, murder hundreds of White people in the US weekly, if not daily. Funny you don't seem to moved by that.

Not wanting Zog bots on your border is a threat?

Trump has made it clear he is taking care of both.

You have to go back endkike.

North Korea has the most submarines of anybody and the US hasn't been developing ASW capabilities as fast as other areas (granted DPRK's subs are mostly shitty early Soviet surplus diesel-electric subs that produce a lot of sound).

Funny thing is they haven't even threatened the US




He's going to call you a tranny next


You are trying hard to fit in and doing poorly. Glassing north korea will also make for a great media cover while we send in the National Guard into chicago and build wall to protect ourselves from "foreign invaders"

Maybe you should go back to.


Kek you guys are shilling that drumpf is just a puppet narrative at full force.

NK hasn't actually done anything wrong, their actions are simply a reaction to their safety being therethened and they are too autistic to use diplomacy. Imagine what USA would do is russia opened a military base in mexico, put missle defence on the boarder, and was flying bombers over US skys. They'd freak the fuck out and threathen to nuke the planet. But when US does the same things to others then it's fine and "self defence".

What's the shill response in this thread? I'm sure there's a ton of it.
Is it that North Korea isn't actually a threat, that Israel wants this war, or that North Korea is actually NatSoc?
I just home from work.

The jews and the military industrial complex fully realize how detestable and irredeemable they are at this stage. They've given up any pretense of turning that around and just stick with calling anyone who recognizes their bullshit for what it is a jew.

North Korea isn't a real threat to the people of the United States. Niggers, spics, jews, domestic communists, filthy dotheads our government wants to clique up with to oppose China, those are threats to the American people. North Korea calling Washington's bluff and making them look impotent is a threat to Raytheon, Lockheed, Rand, OskKosh, General Dynamics, and the contracts they want to secure from our government and other vassals.

The second one hardcore.

It's fucking irritating, holy shit. When the warhead's in the air, they'd still be saying that shit.

Get the fuck out with that normie meme, reddit.

They are desperately trying to pit us against Trump, this isn't about Korea.

Get gassed

If North Korea launches a nuclear weapon at the United States [or Japan or South Korea] they will cease to exist. It's not going to happen.

It's a marxist state, paid shill.

North Korea is saying they're going to strike Guam.

Reported. Kill yourself, kike.

They can't even strike South Korea. They're not a threat.

Make me faggot. Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and at some point, Kim's either finally gonna figure his shit out, or just get lucky and it'll work.

At this point at the pure mention of "Drumpf's owners" I just filter that shit. I don't have time or energy to waste on them, and I don't want to give them (you)'s.

Somehow, I feel like Kim's actually retarded enough to not know this, or know it and not care.

Like clockwork

Not disagreeing with that you're typing, but you have shit taste in memes user-kun. Like- the "woah" meme is rageface 9gager tier.

I didn't even think about the "woah" meme, I just think Crash's face in the original Crash is funny.

Oh, you "feel" that way? Sounds like you just consume a lot of jewish media.

That has to be a smokescreen. The US's largest bases in the region are in Japan and North Korea just tested a missile that can hit anywhere in the US. Blowing up Guam would delay a complete offensive by a few months at most.

They've been blustering for literal decades, ever since that dipshit Bill Clinton decided it was a good idea to give nuclear material to North Korea. Even Fat Kimmy is smart enough to know that if he hit the US or any US ally with a nuke, the US would retaliate with so many nukes that North Korea would spend the next thousand years glowing green and the Korean race would lose 90% of their numbers. He won't do anything.

Woah, it's almost like you didn't counteract my point at all. Lemme guess, muh based NatSoc society is next, yeah? Fuck off.

I know we get some men in the service posting now and then. Any of you men in the service have a general feel for things? Anyone taking it seriously or is it strictly posturing as of yet?

Fat Kim's relatives will coup him though if he looks weak.

Two birds with one stone, day of the rake inbound.

You don't have a point outside of "I think this guy who the jewish media tells me is a lunatic is a genuine lunatic who wants to get every last one of his citizens killed".

NO PLEASE- Nuke Commiefornia (preferably San Fagcisco) instead! Why must Fatty The Third tease me like this!?


Real rational there my guy.

It's not complicated. Other countries don't have duty to be invaded by the US whenever its treasury is getting low.

The entire conflict is over the DPRK not having a Rothschild owned central bank, just like what happened to Libya.

If dubs, full blown nuclear conflict will break out between the Norks and everyone else.

If trips, China gets nuked first.

Way to out yourself homie.




Checked holy dubs

I've picked up some bad habits from my gym. Texas is only 43% white and I need to get the fuck out of here.

If the policy of previous administrations doesn't matter, then why is North Korea even a threat? Bush labeled them the Axis of Evil, it was Truman who committed troops to that war in the first place without a formal declaration of war at that.


Oh. Now I get it. Filtered.




Not WWIII but the Norks are gonna hold a lot of the world hostage.

Honestly, it's hard to get animated about the possibility of a conflict with NK. They're an irrelevant backwater that happens to have nuclear weapons technology and rattles their sabre every few years just to remind people they exist. I don't see myself supporting a war on the other side of the world unless it's for the extermination of Israel, ISIS, and/or Saudi Arabia (or at least its kike ruling family).

Fuck off shill.


Not if you are a Jewish billionaire

It starts, lad.


It's already been meme'd, no dememeing.

Don't worry, it would probably take at least quints to pull something of that scale off.

You absolute madman!

If only we had memed more responsibly, we could have avoided this.

Hold the fuck up.


Steers and Queers, if any state deserves a nuke, it's yours.

Sounds like some Flash Gordon shit.

Well FUG. That was unexpected.

Alright, then.
Let loose the doggos of war.


Hope so.

All you had to do is meme responsibly.


This is the perfect metaphor for the "keyboard warrior" meme thx saved

Honest to god, I would laugh my fucking ass off if he used North Korea to get wartime powers and send Hilldawg to prison.


ZOG strikes yet again

B-2 Nuclear Stealth Bombers Deployed

He can also enforce sedition laws much more easily during war time. All the (((media))) could be locked up.


Wew lad.

I'll save you the trouble kike.

Fucking fuck let her rip I guess


There is no reason you should cheer for ZOG declaring war upon another country. spend your resources on deportation instead.



I would be erect for a week. Make it happen Trump, please.



You don't seem to understand how fucked up the internal situation of your country is

Welcome to the Sacred Temple of the Infinite Happenings

This is what you wanted, no?


Don't we have b-2s in Guam?

Is this how it begins?


They know. It's a feature not a bug. They don't want to remove internal pressure and genocidal threats from the White population of America. They need them permanently on edge and under constant threat. Got to move them to a new subdivision. Got to get them to fork out for thousands of dollars of private school tuition. Got to get them going to niche private colleges out of state. Got to strip them of domestic opportunities and funnel them into the military – where they make up a disproportionate number of combat troops [and are dumb enough to think this is a good thing]. Got to dump another trillion dollar Halliburton/Raytheon/General Dynamics bill on their heads.

There's a lot of money in bombing Korea or at least keeping that threat stoked. Not so much money in domestic stability and zero niggers to justify a police state.

Fuck yeah my man

Could this all be a 42D chess move?

B-2s are permanently based in Missouri, but they do take turns with B-52s to maintain a permanent bomber presence on the base. I'm not sure if the B-2s have been there since the civil war in Syria began.

This. They dindu nuffin.

That I can endorse.

Nuke them NOW!




You're up wind of the fallout, you're as good as a 3rd limb growing out of your forehead.

Checked! War Powers confirmed. Man the dubs are off the charts tonight. Eclipse Nuclear War coming.

You live in Orange County, you're already fucked.

88s SIEG HEIL, let slip the doggos of war!






Still not an argument, kike shill.

Why do I feel like something eerily close to this will actually happen? Much like the time Trump bombed an airport with nothing on it, I think that these global tensions will be solved in some really obtuse back-room way.

Close counts in horseshoes hand grenades and nuclear warfare


Aren't we against wars?

I can imagine Bannon running into the Oval Office to convince Trump to absorb a first strike on California… "It'll make them more sympathetic to your response… and it helps our 2020 chances!!!".

Anti-War, but pro happening. Lurk 2 years and you'll find out why.

t. california

Trump, August 8, 2017
Truman, August 6, 1945



God Trudeau is such a fucking cuck.

The kike shills are real kids

So its confirmed Trump is not fucking around here. Good.

"Dehumanize and face to bloodshed"
The irony of best Korea MAGA

Wew dubs Satan

"In three or four years" This was back in 1999!

Their AA defenses are incredibly formidable. With their more advanced mobile systems stored deep in granite caves, and tens of thousands of MANPADS widely distributed in strategic locations. You might think they dont matter but jets have to go sub-sonic and drop altitude to bomb anything. Even the most advanced aircraft n the US arsenal is still vulnerable to them.

Expecting different from what he is.

Try harder.

So this Truman guy is single handedly responsible for creating anime?

pretty much yeah

I think NK has a shitload of subs. All the pics I've seen of them look like rust buckets so they probably just kept everything in service but still the numbers are impressive.

This might be real:

NK #1 most subs. Would anyone be surprised if they were filled with sawdust though?

The HMS Onslow in Sydney is the only sub I've been on, I wonder how NK subs line up? Wiki says Onslow was from '68.

Other than that, jesus christ all the fucken shill cunts in this thread. I'm not replying to you but your insincere and snarky leading questions are unconvincing. You sound like a triggered Steven Molanneueuxuex peaking on antipsychotics.

Sorry I used the same link as you. They've got nucular and have probably solved prop cavitation by now, what kind of things do you think the US might be holding back? I dunno shits crazy, wiki says the Onslow took out the Carl Vinsen during a wargame. Not Carl Vincent!



Don't be fooled by the Soviet-looking uniforms. DPRK is an ethno-nationalist state that is fully aware of the danger posed by kikes. They do not have any territorial ambitions. DPRK backs Assad. This is from first-hand experience there. Don't believe kike media.

Gee I wonder why the Norks are building nukes and preparing for war? I wonder what could make them feel uneasy….

Checked. You are spot-on, user.

They've actually removed every reference to communism and Marx from their constitution and are completely purging everything non Juche.

Juche is basically just Korean national socialism.

Holy fucking shit, you will NEVER trick us.

Even the US backs Assad these days. That means nothing.



Wouldn't this backfire? Bombing the Norks with fire isn't going to make world respect USA with love. Souks are living below nork country so they will be affected. USA already had many oversea wars and neglected the yanks in USA. Just please focus on the domestic matters that needs the urgent attention s.

I would never underestimate a foe however if the US waits till the wind is blowing right and glasses NK the shear devastation of multiple blasts like that would have most of them surrendering and running for the boarders not to mention the fallout.Nukes have gotten better since the ones used on japan.

I really don't see how NK is a threat tbh and wonder what forces are at work externally against them to have that chink kim running his mouth.He is obviously scared to death or just nuts.

A war means ignoring domestic issues. War is not popular. War means one term presidency.

Verbal threats against NK aren't going to work
and declaring a "red line" only backs Trump into a corner tbh

Even if they were crypto communists, ethnic homogenous Juche is infinitly better than the abomonation that is south Korea.

Yes, this whole thing stinks of fucking jew.

Remember lads, always stay locked and loaded and have a damn good supply of gas, spam, and water stockpiled.

…how could Trump's cruise missile strike on a Syrian air base also hit a Christian village? tf you talking about

There used to be a website which tracked port calls of Navy vessels. Does anyone have that?

Just smelling it now?

The "empty runway" was being used to launch planes defending the region from ISIS. The strike allowed ISIS to take out a Christian village with no consequences. This meme that the airstike didn't hurt anyone, is complete bullshit, and pure revisionism.

He bombed a Syrian airbase that was covering a Christian village. ISIS took the opportunity to launch an attack, and managed to slaughter the Christians living there. Have you been living under a rock or something? This was pretty big (for Holla Forums standards) when it came out

He probably comes form /r/the_donald where they rewrite everything that actually happened.

The (((rodents))) failed in syria and are assblasted their ME expansion just took it in the ass from the Russians intervening now they are pivoting to NK for MIC shekkels.

This is precisely NorKor's reasoning. They frequently publish it.

go away shill



They mean US bombers flying over Korea from Guam.

I wonder how the shills can still accuse Trump of being a kike plant after he changed US policy to help Assad.
Go ahead and post that wall picture or something already.

Looks really feminine or gay

Americans are sick of foreign wars that bankrupt our nation and kill our men.

You realize like, every president who's ever been president during a war was reelected, right?

Your already dead. Embrace the end.

Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he married his children off to Jews and has allowed Israel to commandeer the White House.

It means they back Assad.

Okay, he gets re-elected, it still means ignoring domestic issues, and usually there is a political niggerlash. Bush's wars helped create the political backlash leading to Obama.

marrying your daughter off to jewish bankers for financial gain is.. .uh…. "chess", I think

I don't think he is a kike plant I think he might be being misled into a fucking kike trap with nk.

They get him involved in this shit then turn on him and use it against him later considering the democ-rats are in shambles and the (R)deep state fags are getting btfo too.

Seems to me this is deep state fuckery.

Literally NK who? Those fuckers ain't shit neither were the Iraqi's and the wmd bullshit.

Not just his daughter.

This would be an actual war. I don’t think it is going to happen. America doesn’t fight wars.

Why do you do this?

c h e c k
h c
e e
c h
k c e h c


I doubt it, continuation war here we come.

Eric is actually the only one not involved with a Jew. His wife isn't Jewish, and there was no chuppa at the wedding. That is not a chuppah in the background.

Checked.brutal dubs user

muh sides.

No one who is genuine on Holla Forums is going to enlist. We're not dumb enough to leave our women at home in a nation full of non-whites while we go off and fight some Gook Peasants who never did anything to us. I'd sooner fight for North Korea than I would fight for the United States of Zog.

To save Anime


He is freaked the fuck out to the point of shitting his pantsuit

what the fuck man.

im getting out of the army soon and you pull this shit on me

nukes in 30 minutes i guess

Yea just think of all the problems white men wouldn't have if all the jews were gassed.
It would be heaven on earth and RIP Zundel 88 quadrillion checks


the only reason you'd enlist is during peace time as something like artillery so you can gain military experience, without having to get deployed (and if you do no chance of dying) and you can leave after two years

Kek speed user

I would make a fantastic artillery man
t. oil lease operator

Trumpniggers will never understand why going to war with one of the only countries that doesn't have a rothschild bank is a bad thing.

I hope it happens and it's another vietnam anyway lmoa, USA has lost every war it's been in since WWII.


You should hang yourself with your nylons faggot


They understand it perfectly fine. They're perfectly okay with niggers and jews. They have zero issues with usury. You should have seen them foaming at the mouth to defend gook Elaine Chao who was shilling for nationwide private toll highways. They want to ring up huge bills on behalf of defense contractors and keep the White population suppressed at home. That's what they want. White Nationalism gets in the way of the military industrial complex.

He's consistent. Bravo.

who cares less dirty nigger brown "people".

Is this confirmed because that would really highlight the jews being behind this.

What an awful idea, sounds like a good way to deliver all the city dwelling niggers to the rest of the country.
I've noticed the based nigger shit and based nationalist yid shit around here too, very annoying.

long term? not a win
you should research Saddam he was actually pretty based
he was a shitlord throughout his kangaroo court trial
like when the judge asked who he was at the beginning he just said 'youre an iraqi you know who i am'
and he was right said he was the only man who can keep iraq in line and his people obedient
removed him and the countries just a war torn shithole full of jihadis now with a corrupt us installed puppet government that has about as much power over the country as Somalias government has control over somalia

There are only 3 countries on the planet without red shield banks, those are NK, Iran, and Syria. What do all 3 have in common?

I just posted this with these digits in the other Nork thread:

I'm pretty sure she was proposing foreign, Asian capital to build it, too.


Nope. You think trump hasn't thought this out to completion? Gas the norks , roll up chinks in the process (while unifying the peninsula) and oops the yids get vaporized but hey shit happens in war and then we all have a BBQ and drink some cold beers

Is this irony?

No. It's very accurate.

I know a guy that did exactly that and ended up maintaining howitzers.Most go in for no real sense of muh country that gets instilled later instead more often financial/educational reasons although there are some who go in to become killing machines like S.E.A.Ls or Green Berets (SAG) guys usually bad asses before the military.

They have dictators instead of degenerate democracatic governments?

gulf 2 was retarded but saying that gulf 1 was a failure is just a lie. not that gulf 1 or any of the wars in the past few decades are really justified.

I was more saying it as an insult like "damn CIA niggers" than to mean actual pavement ape darkies.
I don't want rich liberal homos or beaners with weed money around me either m8.

How would attacking NK and China who oppose Israel do anything to vaporize yids?
China would run a full on train on the US military tbh, why the living fuck do you think this is a good idea?
More dead, brainwashed whites sound good to you? Because that's what war with NK and China gets us.

Also Russia and China are allied so that's going to work out really well for the US who couldn't even handle some desert niggers with toyota trucks and cold war era rocket launchers.

DDG, democratic degenerate governments, also known as duckduckgo. LOL I didn't even think of that as I typed it.

There is an old Korean War 1 towed artillery at my local vfw, I would just bet that with a good grinder and a couple of wheels and a welder and some time I could get her running again. It still has good rifling in it

The most important thing to remember is as follows:
When the Korean War ends, we must force Congress to NOT PAY FOR RECONSTRUCTION.
We gave tens of billions to rebuild Germany. We gave tens of billions to rebuild Japan. We gave tens of billions to rebuild South Korea. We gave tens of billions to rebuild Taiwan. WHAT HAVE WE RECEIVED IN RETURN? ABSOLUTELY FUCKING NOTHING BUT COMPETITORS ON THE WORLD STAGE. Vote out anyone who even so much as suggests that US taxpayer dollars go to the reconstruction of the Korean Peninsula. Kill anyone who actually votes for it.

this is your brain on capitalism

You mean to enslave GermanY? The kikes gained quite a bit from that.

Because they're the type of regime-changing kikes that run the American military and intelligence agencies
Oh, you mean the country headed by a coven of witches with deeper kike influence than in China? Have you been conscious any time in the last 70 years?
Why, because geopolitically any country can potentially be a threat to American interests (by that I mean the interests of the government apparatus, no white people).
Oh shit I forgot, Putin is the savior of the white race! My bad! Go to Moscow, stand on a street corner and say the holocaust never happened then, I'm sure the proud and based Russkies will embrace you with open arms!

Irans not a dictatorship

not a failure but gulf war 1 was literally defending a small cabal of saudi superjews who called themselves kuwaitis and horded a shit tonne of oil
Saddam just felt like 'fuck the arabs im taking that oil for my country instead of them sitting on it and using it to buy tigers and european sex slaves'

I'll check your dubs but am dubious about your desert war claim my man. We both know that our army dudes were hamstringed from the start with rules of engagement that were beyond egregious. So maybe we side with Russia and China on this one and remove the dear fat kimmy and be done with that. Certainly you aren't in favor of best Korea. If so feel free as fuck to move there. If someone says I'm going to nuke you what do YOU do friend?
No war with Russia , no war with chinks yet. Fuck north korea

Sorry, I've just seen Holla Forums go full ancap when it comes to transportation over the last year

Trump is just pissed that the Norks think they have a monopoly on Crazy Enough To Do It. He's calling the bluff on the hand they've played for decades.

Is it seriously happening? Why now?

Why? I can understand hating Jong-un, but do you hate Koreans? Why does that side of the planet need to be a nuclear wasteland forever?

How is that a response?

How is THAT a response?


I hope you get drafted

South Korea and Japan are American puppet states
so's Germany mostly
Abe is trying to make his country more independent now which is fair really since Americas structured their entire economy for their own gain so that both countries are entirely reliant on one another
Taiwan relies on America and is their loyal slave in return for the agreed protection from communist China
America enslaves the nations it defeats in war
it also enslaves its allies who suffer damaged infrastructure as a result of war with debt bondage
France, UK, Italy all took out billion dollar loans from the USA after WWII to help rebuild infrastructure and industry
they paid back all those loans with interest amounting to about a trillion dollars just before the GFC hit the world

Why now? Cause we are winning again and ( ((they))) cannot stand that. Be glad it lasted this long at least.

Looks like I won't be sleeping for the next 24 hours

The last two went to war and had two terms. NK is justified in the eyes of most americans so they can't hold it against him.


Yes, I know. So you think ✡this system✡ is okay? It should be perpetuated?

Fucking excuse me?! Do you have a source on that shit? Holy fuck.


The last two went to war and had two terms. NK is justified in the eyes of most americans so they can't hold it against him.

user. Don't die for zog. If this war starts we will get as many white men as possible to avoid the draft. Then we will the get the strong wemyn and the niggers and spics to die for zog. after which crime rates dissapear and we have our white nation again, ready and willing for removal of zog.


There's a difference between, for example, funneling money into Africa for it to be laundered, and donating some concrete so Hiroshima isn't a fucking hole.
Oh, wait, hold on:

Oh, so you're LITERALLY a steroid-filled neo-nazi with tattoos and shit. Sorry, I thought you were making legitimate points for a minute.

Lmao getter done user. Godspeed

It just came up on my news feed. Might be fake, it's only been up for a few minutes. Is this a reputable site?

May be so, but it doesn't help that the norks are just fucking dumb. They're not potential allies because they're too stupid to read the mood, threatening to nuke Americans openly like this is so fucking idiotic and basically forces Trump to respond. No POTUS could sit there and watch a guy who publicly says he's going to nuke America when he gets nukes, get nukes. It doesn't matter that he probably wouldn't actually do it, the dumb shit has set things up so that Trump has to thwart him. What a retard.

As an ally, NK would be an Italy-tier liability, there is no good reason to try to keep the filthy gooks alive.

Get comfy its going to be a good one.

had a longer post that got eaten, but basically said that Trump's body language doesn't match his words and I don't think he's actually going to go to war and isn't expecting an attack from norks, basically they're both just posturing.



Those dudes are good. Don't getcha finger pinched

Spoiler that shit, user.
kek please let us annex and rake cucknadia


south koreans are jewish

I don't even care at this point. I just want to see somebody get blown up. It doesn't matter who.


yet I really can't see how it benefits the U.S. regardless of what our sheeple think who are being brainwashed by the oooohhh i a threat bs from kikes.Is this a play for the msm,the mic and their deep state shareholders.Tanking ratings by kike media would go through the roof with war coverage and all the same ole (((rats))) will get their dividends.

It's not about supporting, of course white people need to support white people, cuz lord knows no one else will.
Point is that you're ideology is more colonialist, primitive, and knee-jerk than what the rest of us believe in, which is national socialism. Calling anyone else "filthy" or what-have-you simply assassinates your own character. Shitty societies fail, and then we don't hear from them again. It's as simple as that.

That guy in the back must be his Father.

The South Koreans are the goodest goyim, and are trying to destroy glorious Nippon from within. Read up on some Japanese nationalist groups, it's pretty interesting.



Just kill yourself. Literally no one here will be tricked by your bullshit.
Yes, only caring about your actual people is "primitive" in the eyes of globalist marxist kikes like you. But only in your eyes. Not anyone else's.
Again, you should kill yourself.
So… what I said. Not what you said. The opposite of what you said entirely. Got it, thanks.
You mean nonwhite societies.

For some reason white zogbots are massive oil drillers. The US Military is pure evil, I wouldn't be surprised if part of Basic Training and Boot Camp is indoctrinating white men into being turned on by nog ass.

Wild hope in best Korea from nature's front lines - confirmed.



fuck all chinks, nips are honorary and hate koreans they are like asian niggers from what I gather.

Checked Satan

Do you cadreniggers even think before you post?

Even with the population becoming rapidly red pilled most people still dont understand a damned thing about such. Especially in the military. There are a lot of good old boys in there that dont like niggers, and the vast majority of the infantry is highly right leaning but Id doubt if a full 2% know the jew and what it does.

There is a point at which people are beyond saving, the right leaning plebs not the fucking sodomites will follow us if they are shown a worthy leader among us. Not everyone has the mind of a leader, and those who don't, by definition, have the minds of followers and thus will follow the strongest man who embodies a message which they can come to agree with. read some Jung, faggots

and all of you faggots

Its very obvious that china is ordering north korea to behave this way. Its very obvious that over the past decade the kikes started increasing their connections with china at a rate which can only be described as full chutzpah. Its very obvious that those loans the kikes gave to china were only ever intended to give china a huge budget for the construction of fortified islands and "ghost cities whose construction only had the purpose pf keeping the economy floating" extremely reinforced combat positions with defenses designed around the weakness shown of the US Military in Iraq i.e. irregular MOUT combat It is very obvious that the kikes just rolling over when the chinks had being inflating the value of their currency and then deflated it as soon as the major construction had finished implies china renegging on the loans was always part of the plan. It is also extremely obvious that the whole russia thing was a red herring used to distract from chinas military movements over the past 3 months **a whole lot of military assets moved from the east coast and central china to the western border of china.

This shit is there plan, it always was their plan. This is how ww3 goes kinetic. Either china attacks and invades india or the us deals with korea which prompts china to respond by attacking india and reinforcing north korea not out of interest in saving the norks but because it is a key tactical position for the defense of china

Immediately following that Pakistan will go for india and Saudi Arabia finishes its descent into civil war, Occupation and pacification of Syria is well under way……..

See thats the thing right there.. This was their plan, still is their plan and always will be their plan. But several key things changed. Their destabilization of qatar which would mean the us loses its most important air base in the region never materialized, it got blown the fuck out by global leaks, who so thoroughly blew them the fuck out that the kikes backed down even though most people didnt even hear about that leak. Syria not only still stands but isis has been all but annihilated and is spiraling the drain with only the option of fighting retreat available to them. The US is now providing training and support to fucking hezbollah of all fucking things, which amounts to providing iran training and support.

They are going to get their big war, hell they are going to get the civil wars too, but none of it is going to go according to plan. The niggersun rises soon and Dyewos-Pater will return.

You know that sticky at the top of Holla Forums? I think there's a link to Mein Kampf, and other related literature there. Good primers on what Holla Forums and national socialism is all about. You can keep regurgitating your redneck shit all you want, but I'm the only one who'll listen to you. No one else on Holla Forums reads this bullshit.


(self check)

Oh FUG. Not again.


(self heil)

I wish Holla Forums would make better titles that actually describe the topic. Instead of "FIRE AND FURY" maybe write "Trump warns North Korea". This is current events, not a fantasy novel. I skip reading some threads because I think they might be clickbait/shitposts, when if you make a useful title I'd know its something actually interesting
thats just, like, my opinion, man

Koreans are the beaners of the east, they abuse welfare programs in Japan and are far more likely to commit crimes than the local Japanese. They are also used as a wedge issue by the united nations to remove free speech from Japans constitution.
Koreans have no history or tradition which means they, like niggers, are extremely easy to mobilize by communist leaders (an entirely deracinated group has no cultural defense against that kinda propaganda)
Koreans WE WUZ over the rest of asia's(and the worlds) traditions, they claim they invented/had/built/was the katana, samurai, the ironclad, judo, sumo, confucious, the great wall of china, bhudda, hell I've even seen them claim they owned the whole island of kyushu and a whole host of other things.

The only actual thing they've "invented" is spicy sauerkraut

I've had a lot of Korean friends over the years but there is a lot to hate about them as a group

Serious question for you fellow warmongering anons:

Do you genuinely think that North Korea would strike the US first?

The only way I can possibly see that happening is either:

I mean.. they have to know that they're outgunned and that the US could turn their entire country into a paved glass parking lot, right?

I'm full NatSoc, we need an American Whites only Autobahn.

Do you really believe NK has threatened the US? there's no way war propaganda is real, right?
I'm not in favor of them, so much as I am against going to war with them. I don't give a fuck what some gook whackjob does with his country. It's not my land and never has been, not my people's lad and not the land of anyone who's allied with my people.

I say let Japan and South Korea sort it out, let them uncuck themselves and be prepared to do something in the case the norks get pissy.

Great post my man
My tism makes me the asshole grammar Nazi

At the risk of sounding like a libtard… does it really have to come to conflict? If Trump invited FatBoy to the White House, and had a nice long discussion over a 'beautiful piece of cake', surely a peaceful resolution could result. Kim could even play some basketball with all his favorite niggers. I'm not even kidding here, Trump claims to be a 'great negotiator', why resort to options someone like a Bush or McCain would choose in solving this problem.

HEIL'D again

You're the worst shill this month.

End your life, nerd.

"Fire and fury" is what Trump and Truman said.
"Fire and fury" is habbening title.
"Fire and fury" is pre glassing talk.
Big words. Big title. Big meaning.

Upgrade to shill filter 2.0 required.

You do sound lefty faggotish for sure. They refuse to negotiate. This is suited up , 31 seconds before kickoff , you're hosting the championship game - on the front line , looking at the dude you're about to level out

yeah well thats what happens when instead of a warrior caste rising to the top and becoming the kings of your nation your country is instead ruled by a merchant elite like Korea
the King of Korea historically was just the guy who (((merchant'd))) his way to richest guy in the country who could afford the most mercenaries

I can confirm that's not the case. These people are indoctrinated as kids in schools/churches. You can see this type of behavior even in the smallest towns in the US.

I find that having red text in every single post and repeating people's points adding "lol" is the most sure-fire sign of troll infeastation.
Anyway, I'll leave you with one simple statement, that even a monkey can understand. Pro-white does not mean anti-anything-else. Nazi Germany was a model for every single country to follow. Yes, even Israel and sub-Saharan Africa. The supremacy of whites is a statistical observation, not some kind of fucking iron-clad prophecy.

I agree yet you are not taking into account the feral (((rodents)))

again stymied by fucking (((rodents))) they need goys to be at war so the focus doesn't turn internal and remove then exterminate the parasites entirely.

And you sir, sound like a boomer eager to "free the shit outta 'em".

I am a nerd. Admitted.
Dammmit I'll end it buddy

And those rodents have been building up China and several other asian countries that oppose china

Either way, shit's going to get 200% full insane soon, and once again the kikes will be financing it. Depopulate and profit, a good distraction from all the niggers flooding into Europe too.

This tbh, I'd rather see kim playing niggerball than get nuked or emp'd

Shit man. They ought to pay you shills less. You're a goddamn joke.

It's both you dunce.

< Always give your enemy space to retreat.


Donald Trump v Kim Jong Un

That's like saying Intel is God's gift to microprocessors. Sure, for the majority of their existence they were on top, but there are a bunch of single-year periods where AMD smacked the ever-living shit out of them. Athalon and their push into the server market comes to mind.
History is the same way. Whites are P1, and in this game, P1 gets a bunch of slight advantages. But they don't win every time.

Here you go.



(((their))) entire MO, time to stop falling for it tell them to gtfo or get gassed.Simply tell them fuck off new era now and your jew bullshit isn't part of it BYE .

Fuck man I'm in my early thirties
A little right for your tastes eh?

she's not bad looking

I'm all for "give peace a chance", until it's no longer an option. The offer should be made, if only so that it is on the record that it was tried. If have no problems using the big stick if all else fails.

I would love it.
Seriously irl I would volunteer to help build it. I have experience in commercial/industrial construction




dammit, you posted it faster than I could



The hive mind is very, very real.

I'd imagine most everything is talk now. A nuclear attack in the wrong area could ensure the end of everything. Basically you just get nukes for nuclear deterrence… though it gets scary when you get the people who don't care if they sacrifice everything for a nuke attack.

The whole culture and government is modelled off of a Stalinist cult of personality. Kim Il Sung was trained by Stalin personally…


You talk like a faggot.

they really are suicidal arent they?

If whites didnt win every time the kikes would have the niggers or the gooks as their main host. Fact is we win. We win always and we win flawlessly. Especially if we feel that our back is against the wall. White man feeling genuinely threatened is when we invent metallurgy, or nuclear weapons.

Regardless of how you look at it whites won world war 2. Had those whites serving the zog had a clue about the lies things would have went much differently. But they did not have the internet back then so learning of the lies wasnt possible in any measurable way.

heheheh almost got me to talk. I had 3 paragraphs typed out before my better judgement kicked in. Its not ready yet but just wait so many shill narratives are about to be btfo

White Power is a historical fact the kikes have been perpetually ass blasted by so they try every little heel nipping dirty subversive trick they can to out the only race that can and will when provoked destroy them.

You don't need to type out ome long post about it. The only time whites lose is when they are fighting against themselves. Thus, why kikes exploit that weakness by getting the more left minded people to view white conservatives with revulsion, and get the more right minded people to view white leftists with revulsion. If you think whites, actual whites, of any kind are your enemy, then you've already fallen for a Jewish trick.

Welp. That was the cutest thing I've seen in a coons age. God bless blood thirsty kawaii Nippon grils.

Are you Nipponanon?

I just hope someone has cameras set up in Guam. We have pictures of pretty much every mushroom cloud in history and I'd hate for the next one to go undocumented.

Many of you are being misled by jewish agenda.
NK is not "based" but shouldn't be targeted as an enemy either.

Cowards. Norks shouldn't be praised. A monkey who likes other monkies and their subhuman monkey race above all else still has no place in the land of man.

Threatening to nuke white lives from the face of the Earth must be met with nukes to match. This is better than the day of the rope, this is TDOTN. We all voted for Trump, but now he's being ousted as a Jew shill just because you weak-willed faggots got niggerpilled by major media outlets. Grow up mentally.

There will never be a second season

>The only time whites lose is when they are fighting against themselves.

kike caviar

Just say no with your vote and the upbringing of your most valuable resource (((they))) are attacking.Your white children.



He sounds like he's on drugs. Take your mouthbreathing zog puppet and stuff him please. Best korea did nothing wrong and the only reason they're targeted is because they won't multiculturalize and everyone knows it.

Literally is wordfiltered now?

Welp, that confirms it. Trump is a total kike.

Drumpf is bloodline descendant of Edward III, tribe of Dan so yes, technically, kike is correct. No wonder all his offspring have married edomites.

I believe strongly this entire NoKo narrative is AI-scripted, and no ICBMs or nuke warheads exist. The decision to ramp up toward conflict between NATO and BRICS has been triggered by something (pedogayte?).

If you believe one word the WaPo (NYT) zionist rag tells us via MSM, then I have a bridge to sell you on mars.

Or the fact that un is threatening to nuke us. That too for a (you)

Trump is German. Go fuck yourself.

Threatening to nuke you if you don't stop pushing your kikery on them. With their not even 1950s level toy nukes.

Get bent, zogbot.

I could make a gun type fission weapon. For fucks sake Moab and actual uranium abandoned mines are within keeping distance of right here. I'll bet I could rig up a gas powered centrifuge or some sort of gaseous diffusion through a membrane and get enough 238 to do the trick. The dragons tail was 1kg right?

Sage for double post

she doth protest too much

Do you have a point hidden in there that you didn't manage to put into words?

You should look up the definition of the word protest.

No, Canuck, We too have grown wise to the yellow menace

Yeah ya dumb cunt shill
Hey Holla Forums watch this
2 7/8" pipe smooth bore - 1.33 kg uranium male with a 4034imr load into a .66kg uranium female in a 12" casing. Did I get close to a fat man?

Yes, making nukes are easy. There's still no point to be seen in your ramblings. Do you want zog to bombard every crevice, crack and basement in the entire world, is that your point?

"Unifying the peninsula" does not advance our interests, however defined.

Apparently the North has rare earth metals that China currently has a monopoly on.

and then you woke up to a mushroom cloud chink.

deadly piece of white equipment still in use.Like white made nuclear bombs wasn't (((eintsiten))) he was a fucking idiot jew that ofc road on the backs of white german physicist and scientist.The jew hate is real and fact checked and validated

You can count on it because neither the US nor DPRK would benefit from a war. Also, the (((media))) never report that the "threats" from both sides are always conditional, i.e. "if you fuck with us, we'll nuke you."


We need worldwide population of less than five hundred million humans (all White of course).

Do you mean Kim Jong Un or Seth Rogen?

calm down nigger the jew will be thrown out that is a recurring cyclical fact proven over many millennium.

(((You))) don't know what the fuck you're typing about.

Good point. Funny how we've never seen a photo or video of any alleged Nork nuclear test. If they really had nukes, they'd be showing the mushroom cloud(s) on every TV newscast, just like they show their 60 year old Mig-21s… every night for 25 years.

Correct, user.

They were supposed to be underground tests, but yeah I'm generally not buying into this threat.

Their testing is done underground.

Video and photos can be manipulated. We have other means of detection

Checked. Even underground tests are filmed and showed off to the world when they're successful.

Get your priorities straight. Jews don't even have children anymore, in 75 years there even won't be any liberal jews left due to unprecedented race-mixing. only hassidics.

No doubt. But surely a nation that claims to be a nuclear armed nation would show off a successful test., especially when they are claiming to deter aggression. They haven't. They're bluffing, and Trump knows it.

1488 chess.

shills Trump hating ./thread grow up bitches same tired old shit and I been banned more times than you point out the jew rat in his family there is no turning back it will be as good as the ppl want it regardless of you fucking jew rats what don't you get about the freedom a populist president has idiots that is literally the keys to the empire and he won and sent all msm in the dirt face first now starting to slam the deep state assholes who need to stfu and retire in the dirt too so what they do gassed kim gook to distract from MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!! FUCK YOU !!

we got us a true wizard here dudes pay the fuck attention
This is why I like you user

When did we start admitting niggers into the board?

Checked. We didn't


you couldn't be calling a pure aryan from germany a nigger unless you a a subversive fucking hook nose mind you I am cut up epitome of a german soldier little rat and never forget the lie you were taught ovens open bitch

Fucking good. The dog has been allowed to bite and nip without so much as a newspaper on the nose. so many years of weak responses from cucks. Dogs don't get it until they get bit back. Trump just took a bite out of the fuckers.

Now what? Respond gooks. Give us a fucking reason.

They have tested both nukes and now ICBMs separately. Eat shit moishe.

Drumpf (real name) you might want to research.

Since you believe anything you are told, may I interest you in a fine bridge I have for sale on mars? I'm having a blowout sale.

The showroom? Oh yes, here just step through this oven door, don't mind the hissing sound its just part of the display.

Die shitting, hebe.


run to the borders your are about to get glassed because of shit talking and posturing by a fat disgusting korean chink POS that thinks its ok to threaten our honorary nippons.

How about you fucking newfags graduate 8th grade before posting?

im sorry my german blood lineage prevents me from understanding what you mean.

perhaps if you said it from behind this oven door i might understand you better.

8th grade where you come from in white countries ppl are full fledge adults gook an don't need a tiger mommy to train us to be good little slaves instead we invented everything you enjoy now and think you can take credit for however any where you go turns to absolute shit in absence of the white man whore.

It's a German name, you leftist goon shill.

>If I use the word gas then they'll never know who I really am
You're not foolin' anyone

again wrong on both counts.

do i really need to spoonfeed you mor-an-ons?

moral of this lesson: a name does not necessarily reveal genetic bloodlines.

for example, rothschild (real name bauer) - very edomite, but with a german sounding name.

lenin, trotsky… sound familiar?

i bet not, because you were educated with a banana and an inner tube.

Nope, just Holla Forums outing themselves for the 9th time in a row.

Eat shit and die, civic nationalist. You're an abject failure at your job.


no thanks, shillenstein

Honestly, all the Nork panic is theater. North Korea is a godsend to the Deep State. It allows the US to have a permanent presence in East Asia and contain the rising economic power of China. It also rallies Japan, S. Korea, and the Philippines around the US while forming a rift with China. East Asians are bandwagoners so they will emulate and defer to the strongest power, which is still the US. Gooks hate each other, but they'd rather follow a fellow yellow than a round-eye. The US knows this and have been desperately trying to keep an East Asian economic block from forming.

The plan was for the US to saber rattle and find "new evidence" of North Korea's nuclear capabilities every so often which has been functional since the mid-1990s and use it to justify more military presence. But along came Trump. Trump wants to scale back US military presence in Asia, and wants S. Korea and Japan to pay for their own defense. This means he actually wants Kim Jong-Un gone. Without a nuclear North Korea the US has no reason to be in Asia.

So Trump gave China a choice: get rid of Fat Kimmy and we give you favored trade deals OR the US military will forever remain within a few hundred miles of your borders and we wage a trade war. Trump is still trying to force China to act, but I think it's a lost cause.

Why guam? Starting to sound like those missiles that could reach anywhere in America are not able to reach quite as far as the media claimed.

lol get the fuck out of here, claiming nukes and bombs dont exist is spook shit, although im having trouble imagining what agency you're with I imagine its either esaleen or tavistock since you're too much of a retard to figure out vpns after you've been banned.

This man is right, you talk like a faggot AND your shits all fucked up.
Dont come in here with your fooseball reference and your zogbot media stance and try to tell us shit.

We're not going to set up another bank in north korea for (((them))).. Or perhaps we are it's really starting to look that way.

I live in Washington.
I feel safe because I know that Seattle and Vancouver has so many Chinese agents in them that they are safely off any firing list.

Fucking again with this Drumpf shit.
His grandfather was named Trumpf.
This is the German spelling of Trump. When the family came to America, they anglicized it by dropping the f. I want all follower of Current Year man to leave this place.

Just about every non-Anglo name got Ellis Islanded to shit when people migrated to America. I can't fathom why libshits think this is particularly funny or somehow damning.

They're trying to get back at him for outing Jon Liebowitz.


White phosphorous in the cities, napalm in the jungles, VX in the deserts, we have a plan. Kill all the slant-eyed men.

Exactly, (((their))) birth rates have been shit for a while, the only ones who have above replacement level are Orthodox.

there seriously are not ovens built big enough for the amount of kikery i have to face presently.

nonetheless i persist. thankfully i have an endless supply of gas, thanks to a healthy appetite for mexican cuisine.

Now after reading the following, please go fuck yourselves, in the ear, in the other ear. And repeat.

Apollo Rising – The Dangerous Donald Drumpf (Trump) Occult/MAFIA Agenda
January 11, 2017

Shortly after emigrating to New York, the German named Frederich Christ Drumpf and his Scottish wife Mary Ann McLeod took on a much more Anglican surname of Trump after arriving at Ellis Island. The literal English translation of Drumpf is “Trump Card” – aka the “Joker” – i.e. the 53rd card in a normal deck of 52 playing cards that has power over all other cards even in the mystical Tarot deck – as well as over the Ace, King, or Queen in the traditional deck. On the evening of June 14, 1946, during a total eclipse of the moon, Mary Ann Trump gave birth to a boy and named him Donald John Trump. While I do not personally subscribe to Hindu teachings or their mystical beliefs, I do find it somewhat interesting that according to something called Rajs-Tama tradition, children born under a full lunar eclipse may well be “most conducive for negative energies (i.e. demons) to utilize their evil nigger soul energy to harm humankind” as well as to potentially “sow the seeds of destruction of humankind”. I understand that for this reason, Hindu “holy men” are called immediately to attend to mothers who are unfortunate to give birth during an eclipse in order to block these inherent “nigger evils” from overpowering the newborn.

So, what’s in a name? According to the website forebears.lo, Donald is an “Anglicization of the Scottish Gaelic name, Domhanll, which means world-ruler.” Furthermore, the website claims: “John: Trump’s middle name is the English derivative of the Hebrew name, Yohanan, which means Graced by Yahweh.” So, it would appear that the name Donald John Trump literally means: “Ruler of the World, Graced by God, and at the same time being a powerful WILD CARD”. This is all the more interesting to note that this 70 year old man was literally born under a full eclipse of the moon.

I submit that often Hollywood movies that are supposedly fiction are actually touching reality. One such film was Stanley Kubrich’s final film titled Eyes Wide Shut wherein he exposed the very real Satanic power base of not only the Hollywood elite, but the ruling “master race” masquerading as “God’s Chosen People” who covertly seeks to control the world and wipe out all vestiges of biblical Christianity. Another such movie was released in 1997, titled “The Devil’s Advocate” starring Keanu Reeves as Kevin Lomax, and Al Pacino as John Milton/Satan.

wow nothing suspicious about that at all!

Wow. That was kike crap for sure indeed!


i have an oven with your kike name on it reserved just for you.

No we should focus on the traitors because if USA start the war then the traitors will exploit it to get away with it so no thank.



this fucking meme again…

You mean last summer?

Those digits get me thinkin…

It's amazing to me how quickly "memes" change. It's the same old crap, and the same oh so taxing "oh, I won't explain it" crap, but the jews have lists of explanations & usage manuals, anyway. It's fucking dumb.

Pink text is very new, it only appeared a few weeks or so ago. Use it however you see fit. Sometimes I do an alternating green/pink text as a question/response format. Or greentext to quote somebody directly then pinktext to paraphrase them in a derogatory way.

Do whatever you think will make sense.


Well, for the purposes of pol, I nominate the use of pinktext to be for quotes or fake quotes of pinkos of any variety - SJW, kike-lovers, John McCain.


Christ, you're as bad as SJW with your rules about speaking, and "meme" ebonics.

Or conform or get out immigrant.

It seems some of you pussies need some discipline.

Am i the only one that thinks china put NK up to this as a distraction from their aggressions towaeds India?

I'm sure they didn't, though they could have manipulated him into doing it (ie fed him false info - or true info, actually). Kim is legitimately a fucking idiot. He's a huge-ass baby, like Trudeau.

I think Shariablue is having it's funding cut, since they're now hiring actual niggers, robots, and Turks, by the looks of it.

checked for sharia-treason lowering quality of operations.

[Citation Needed]

Vietnam was a paradise, if you look at KDR. It was a pretty clear military victory on the part of the US. We lost politically because of communist hippie jews back home making the war unpopular.

Korea was pretty fucking good, too, especially for the Marines. Look at it this way. The Norks trained the literal communist niggers in the bush wars of Rhodesia, and to a man, every single white Rhodesian says it was the best time they've had in their lives, just gunning down niggers in the bush with no problem whatsoever. It was a joke of a war. And the Norks have barely changed tactics or equipment since, if at all in most cases.

youre not successfully invading north korea, its 80% mountainous with 50% forest cover. they have legitimate and numerous AA defense and the terrain to decimate ground armor. and trumps comments are being replayed on nork state media over and over just further motivating them to eat our children. fuck you are retarded. if this war occurs, whites are fucked seeing as america (the last hope) will collapse.



Jesus christ you need to go back to reddit

If dubs war within 48 hours

I'm just a white piggu American, so she probably hates me too, but God damn I'd fucking smash.

Dubs confirmed for wizard level virgin neckbeard.


more people need to realize this

You've never been to either Korea have you?

Cry more, people on the internet like to have fun and meme mr serious pants.

The only difference is Bush tried to play the whole "welcomed as liberators" and "we will win the hearts and minds meme". Trump just threated to rain fire and fury down from the sky. The plan isn't to liberate NK, but annihilate it and then have our south korean good and the chinks to come in and clean up the rubble in the aftermath.



where do you find this information? i don't doubt it, but also i see it repeated so often with no sources backing it up.





it is a controlled by kikes, the reason Nkorea has not been leveled is it is used as a puppet state for the Li family ut of China, one of them there 13 families all in kike cahoots

trs niggers gassed there is no good jew now or ever.Enjoy your shekels until we come an hang you.

Nkorea is kike controlled puppet state, annihilate it

I hope the norks hit California with all they've got before we bomb them into oblivion. I doubt anything will happen though. Trump is just showing the world if anyone, anywhere, wants to fuck with us that we will rain down catastrophic hellfire on them and their loved ones to the point we will wipe countries off the map. Sometimes you have to make an example of someone to send a message and NK is so small the threat of retaliation is 0 and any of the larger nations like Russia and China wouldn't risk the lives of millions of their people to retaliate either. I hope he bombs those slant eyed commies into the abyss.

Kek smiles upon this happening. Praise Kek!

There is no fucking way a single icbm makes it to the continental US unless it's another 9/11.

checked trips of truth.
There is also a pizza𝒈𝒂𝒕𝒆 angle to it.

National Socialism worked. NK is a failed state propped up by China and international aid groups.

ID: 526faf confirmed as Holla Forums shill.

Woop I'm an idiot. Those are two different shills. I must have messed up highlighting the IDs.

I can just imagine little Kim trembling.
He's bluffing and he'll do shit.
And when that's obvious he'll be overthrown.

You obviously thing anyone will go on the side of a failed marxist state?

All of the proper sensible timelines ended in total nuclear annihilation decades ago, which means that the only surviving timelines left for us to exist in are the silly bonkers timelines.

Is a ancient spelling (hasn't been in use for at least 400 years) for the german word "Trumpf" and Trumpf is german for Trump you retarded shill.

You retards always do this and you're always let down. Kek's fucking with you.

Talk shit get hit.

niggers unironically call him drumpf on boards like Holla Forums
we've allowed a petri dish of tumblreddit to infect parts of the site. for what purpose?
because it's funny?

Bring it on man! Grow some balls, I'll boil your missiles up into the exosphere.

You think I'm scared? I have a fucking unicorn faggot. Go ahead an kiss my-[connection lost]

I don't think they would strike the US, they maybe would gamble on a striking South Korea and assume we would puss out of our agreement and not go to war to defend them or same thing with Japan even. They sunk a South Korean military vessel two years ago or so and not only we did nothing, South Korea did nothing as well good sailors died on it. I don't think they fear or respect either of us to be honest, it's not that they think they would win a long protracted war with us, it's they don't think we will stand by our allies if it meant confronting China.



quality larping and shitposting

We won't be carpet bombed. It's only large cities and military installations that will be targeted in a nuclear war. If you're not in any of those places, and you have stockpile of food and water your chances of survival go way up. You need to be self-sufficient though. Being able to grow food is critical when your supply runs out.

Oh no, we should have went with Hillary!

Doesn't even need to reach the U.S or even obliterate a city to have rippling global consequences. A nuclear warhead detonated at high attitude near Japan, would be enough to disrupt the regional economy, communications and cause electrical infrastructure damage. I wouldn't be surprised that's actually the biggest concern.

It would also be a good reason why China doesn't want the norks to go full retard either, and such an event would impact them too.

I don't want Trump to bomb anyone (except Isreal) since if he does it once, it's just going to snowball into full neocon "bomb everyone" rhetoric.

While I wouldn't mind killing commie gooks in principle alone, I just feel like it would put a warmonger on the ballot next election


that's not how meme magic works you little shit

who would be retarded enough to want the west coast destroyed? there's great land and nature over there that should be preserved for future generations to enjoy, just sounds like the logic of a bunch edgelord preteens that would jack off to torturing an animal

Do you also believe there's a New World Order on Mars?

No, you don't get to do that. You have a 1/10 chance of getting dubs, which is far far higher than the probability of full blown nuclear war. You can't just skew the probability and then engage in wishful thinking. If dubs, this Danish model will join my harem. (Ignore the above, rolling anyways)

I don't care about having fun, or memes, I care about the fact that you're a goddamn parrot who exists only repeat precanned responses when they see an appropriate trigger.

t. kim jong il

You ain't just whistlin' Dixie, Jackson.

You don't just invoke dubs, fool.

My planefu gets to preemtively strike the gooks!

Triple double checked, Best Korea isn't ZOG

What are the odds on this Rain Man?

Well there are actually 54 cases of dubs (or better) in the thread, and with 599 posts, we would expect ~60. So it seems, less than mathematically expected.

I asked once but got no response so here it goes again.

Does anyone have the link to the website which tracks the port calls of US Navy vessels.

I have looked for it for a long time and found nothing.

Body language experts please weight in.

Why is the president folding his arms, slightly bending over and trying to make himself look small? It looks like he's being defensive.

Remember, Holla Forums:

Trump is the avatar of Kek, ancient god of chaos, the egregore WE helped meme into reality.

When you look at the rhetoric in that context, it makes more sense.

Could be as simple as a deepstate goon fucking with the A/C in the room.

Everyone else looks ok.

Maybe he just under a lot of stress?

Yeah what was the deal with the crossed arms? It didn't really seem like a serious threat because of that. I'm kinda confused now.

Goddammit I searched some keywords for this in the thread but didn't notice the user a few posts above asking the same thing.


I think this is primarily due to him being seated. He's 6'2", if he were standing the same posture means he's standing over and right in the face of most people.

Also worth considering that he's from the business world, and has essentially always been his own boss. He's also a big personality. I could see those two factors leading to his version of intimidating someone during negotiation involving lots of prolonged quiet periods and uncomfortable eye contact, that ends with him leaning over the table and quietly saying that he's going to rain nuclear hellfire down on Pyongyang

I swear to Christ, if we invade North Korea, I'm going over there and fucking impregnating half the population in exchange for boxes of crackers.

I will have something to brag about when I die.

No. Fat man was an implosion bomb. That is a gun type bomb. Aka Little Boy type bomb.

Hitting guam cuts off one of the way points for deployment of assets into the Korean Theater. If they also strike Japan (EMP preferably ) They've cut off the staging area for the mission to retake Korea. In doing so, this allows KJU to take the entire Peninsula and strengthen fortifications in key positions while the U.S. reestablishes supply lines.
Ideally, Midway and Hawaii would also be hit, thus pushing forces all the way back to California.
The key here is time. Time to entrench now conquered south Korean territory in order to destroy any ground operation that would attempt to beachhead and take back the peninsula. Their tactic depends on the U.S. not using our Nuclear arsenal. Though they could also feasibly launch a single missile and have a detonation at 500 miles, effectively stopping anything from being launched (And the U.S. from functioning).

Something's not right. KJU shouldn't be this emboldened unless if something is also at play that is not currently being accounted for…
Either KJU is also counting on the leftists to initiate a….

Oh. Hey there's a scenario… Leftys pulling a coup and launching a civil war while forces are occupied trying to take back the peninsula…

North Korea isn't good at making weapons and this is a Jewish lie.

Russia supplies Iran just like they supply everyone American doesn't


North Korea is a fucking tool of Russia and a niggermail chip for China.

They're fucking Hammer and Sickle for a reason you Alt-Kike disinfo good goy

nigger mail

GOD DAMN IMKIKEY we need to use the color nigger
Cuckchan is doing this shit now, stop copying DESU!


Not… really. The Third Reich's deficit had blown up bigly by 1939, which even Goebbels had begun to worry about how they were gonna pay it off.

Fascism, like communism, just doesn't work in the long run, practically.

Wew lads.

Not new, I meant to mention I remembered this.

Well this belongs in the memory hole.
After all, the legendary killer needs people to think she's always called Trump a quick reason to have nuclear war with NK or some bullshit.

Trump was given a few key words to use, and it was stressed to him NOT to divert from these. His stress was from not saying what he'd actually rather have said to the short fat fuck.


The overt homoerotic fetishism of ziocucks never surprises me. Your minds are wracked with animalthink and blind desire.

Argue any time

oy vey oh man goy user suppoyt israel or you're a shill for neo-conservative jews that own Trump administration the jews in israel

ITT: zionist occupied Holla Forums

You need to leave. Go sell some more David Dickenson books.

its afraid

LA going to catch a nuke?

And yet these hosts supported Hillary, who's proposed actions against Syria would have guaranteed an escalation towards nuclear war with Russia. They should be grateful for every day things haven't blown up yet thanks to dodging that bullet.



I'm just not too concerned with North Korea's long range capabilities. I also am of the belief that China probably has some really deep infiltration within North Korea that likely fucks their shit up if the Norks get to close to actually making a functioning rocket because actually hitting any meaningful target would be bad for business.
The biggest threat imo with the entire situation is if North Korea falls China will probably take any radioactive or enriched materials and sell it on the nigger market.

Trump just said


President Donald Trump on Thursday ramped up his rhetoric on North Korea again, saying his warning of bringing "fire and fury" on the isolated nation may not have gone far enough.

"If anything, maybe that statement wasn't tough enough," he told reporters at his New Jersey golf club.

When asked what could be tougher than "fire and fury," the president responded: "we'll see." He also did not comment on whether the U.S. is considering a pre-emptive strike on North Korea.

"The people of this country should be very comfortable, and I will tell you this: If North Korea does anything in terms of even thinking about attack, of anybody that we love or we represent or our allies or us, they can be very, very nervous," Trump said. "I'll tell you why, and they should be very nervous. Because things will happen to them like they never thought possible."

"Fire and fury" wasn't tough enough, Trump says now "They'd better get their act together or they are going to be in trouble like few nations have ever been in trouble."

War imminent!

Fire and Fury for his (((Neocon))) Masters

wtf has been going on the past 40 years you fucking moron. My aunt bought a shit-box Toyota in 1975 or so. Now look at a Toyota and look at Detroit. Fucking moron fell off the stupid wagon last night

Kim raughs at the face of orange ape and state of Israel

Mr. Titor, in your time do we manage to finally eradicate the jew?

Toyota is a Japanese company…

So, I think we can all agree, if the norks nuke rats we kill kikes back.



Reminder: nobody wins in a headbutt or nuclear warfare

outed, zogboy?


Very nice

They want to annex South Korea but idgaf anyway

this was fresh off the guardian…

Tbh it's just not a very good meme, only he uses it.

Kill yourself, kike.


this person thinks its 'unfortunate' that there is apparently no plan to eradicate white people

Would you happen to have a direct link for this?



low test skeleton

keep projecting

It's still autistic stalinism, as denoted by their "Juche 106 years", counting their from the birth of Kim Il sung instead of doing like china/japan and using calendars with years based on their ancient folklore which funnily enough was stamped out by communism.


NORTH KOREA: Reports that North Korea is moving Hwasong-14, Hwasong-12 missiles. Unclear if launches are imminent.


The 'artist' Andrew Marlton.


Chinese and Russians don't supply that sort of thing to just anyone.
It's the USA who does that.

Great job, faggot. Way to ruin your IP.


The main reason the norks even pursue nukes is the US invasion force that's been camped on their doorstep for decades.
Without that constant threat of invasion and subjugation along with the USA's unceasing efforts to cut it off from any potential allies and isolate it. Then the norks wouldn't be half as bugfuck crazy as they are.

Checked trips
I saw that faggot in another thread say the same exact thing , not redtext though.

Many here have been begging to see a nuclear weapon used in their lifetime, you fuckers should have memed responsibly.

I'm great with glassing the entire peninsula , all of china, all of streetshitterland and the jew filth all at the same time
It is about to kick off for real.

I wouldn't expect it.
The Chinks have stated publicly now that if the Norks strike first they'll remain neutral.

North Korea is only useful to them if the status quo is maintained.

If the U.S. takes preventative measures, they promised to stop the reunification, so I do hope to see the Chinese zerg waves absolutely decimated. Why the hell not? If you put off the China problem a few decades, it'll be much harder to deal with.

go back to 4chan newfag, come back when you learn to read greentext

I am saying to you that it ironic for you to spout anti-communist shit when you support a politician who is controlled by the same tribe of kikes that created and led communism. You Trump idolaters are just useful idiots.

It may boil down to a matter of guilt vs shame.

In a guilt based society, a person's sins and flaws are internalized. In a shame based society a person's shins and flaws reflect on those they are associated with.

Is North Korea a guilt or shame based society? If it is a shame based one, they may be forced to act in an effort to save face.

At which point they are fucked.


Essentially what China is saying that they'll prevent a US invasion but they'll let the USA kerbstomp the norks if the norks start a fight.

China wants north korea as a buffer state between it and the US vassal state of south korea.
A good buffer state keeps quiet.

Another thing to consider is, if the Norks are claiming they can hit Hawaii, the Chinese are ALSO within range of those missiles. In fact, pretty much all of China is in that range.

This has to make certain people nervous in the aftermath of him having his brother offed.

Stop shitting your pants you dumb golem

Such arrogance on the part of the Chinese though, they're attempting to limit American options of a first strike. I hope they are ignored, and any aggression curtailed. I'd like to see their ant armies crushed, and their artificial islands returned to the ocean.


Killing his half brother was a sensible move on his part.
Having a blood relative running around freely outside north korea wasn't acceptable as he could easily be grabbed by the CIA and used as a front for a coup attempt.

By killing him that potential danger is avoided.

The Chinese don't want a situation where they have a land border with a US vassal state.
Because such an instance would likely result in war, which is unprofitable for them.
The USA has been desperate for a means to present a credible military threat to China for a long time now. So far nothing they've done has worked on that front.
So the Chinese fear is that if the yanks get control of North Korea they'll feel emboldened to start flexing their muscles more and making greater demands.

Which considering the frequently unreasonable nature of US demands is something to be concerned about.

Stein supporters will get the Mugabe treatment by their pets.

To everyone saying that NK is being fought against because they aren't ZOG, you need to ask yourselves if China is ZOG. If China is a part of ZOG (hint: it is), the NK is ZOG as well. Just because they sell missiles to Iranians doesn't mean they are pro-white or even anti-kike.

Stop projecting, we know it's all zog. The elite family that runs China is jew-mixed blood. We know NK is being covertly used by the kikes to boogeyman for their war agenda with Trump. This is how jews get away with playing everyone off against each other, they want us to argue over what is/isn't jewish when it's all jewish and the white families across the world are the real targets. Know your enemy anons, the Trump shills are out in full force on this board.

German (((news outlets))) are blasting against best korea like there's no tomorrow. What the fuck is going on, burgertards? Are (((they))) finally going to use Trump to conquer the last few independent states on this planet, namely Iran, Best Korea and Cuba?

I want to kill communists.

Stop buying this myth. All wars are jewish wars. Anybody celebrating MIC (not just military industrial complex, but the media industrial complex) programs is an honorary jew. Trump's neocohen puppetmasters that work for the Rothschilds are behind this.

Call a spade a spade, and we can turn those golems on their jew masters. We need to destroy the alt-kike program that has hijacked our community and obtain public credibility. We need our own golems, not in the jew sense but in the european collective sense.

I sense this. It is just so blatantly in-your-face…I mean there are the biggest media outlets right now shouting that evil evil Kim is going to kill us all and they do not even bother to cite him directly or show a video of him announcing shit. It's just MUH KIM and maps with NK in the center and circles of his alleged range of weaponry.