Our Holla Forums has been compromised by a government front to misdirect, discredit, disrupt and otherwise neutralize individuals, groups, and information that poses a threat to the established political paradigm. This is done to eliminate the threat of "radical" political opposition inside the United States. Today's "COINTELPRO" is a current classified program now operated by a govt Joint Task Force consisting of agents from the U.S. Army Special Forces, Federal Bureau of Investigation, National Security Agency, and Central Intelligence Agency.

Infiltrating the host and posing as it's userbase, the task force has been waging psychological warfare on legitimate individuals that seek intelligent discussion of alternate political ideas. They limit the information discussed by using censorship tactics such as sliding, distorting, or outright removing sensitive subject matter. They harass users that they deem a credible threat to the program or it's prescriptive facade. Task Force agents routinely point the finger at non-collaborating, yet genuine, users.

Infiltrators quietly provide scripted information and spread false rumors or exaggerate news to provoke tension within their target and undermine unity, detracting from tactical focus. Recently they've been overly promoting functions that gather the personal data of the target for monitoring, like IP addresses, by using source links to compromised or honeypot domains and dissemination of exploited files that discretely broadcast their use and user. These actions are seamless, invisible, and thus, extremely complicated.

Attempts to mobilize community opposition may be able to affect the program's ability to discredit and disrupt , as well as incessant monitoring. It is clear, however, that we currently lack the power to eliminate such intervention. While fighting hard to end disruptive action, we need also to study the forms it takes and prepare ourselves to cope with it as effectively as we can. Do not let paranoia immobilize you. Do not refuse to accept everything you encounter; but do audit and analyze the information, including all claims or accusations. The results of paranoia and overreaction to evidence can be just as disruptive as a disruptive campaign.

Be aware of:

Guidelines for a brighter and better Holla Forums of tomorrow; a blast to the past
you could have prevented this
1. Threads should encourage discussion rather than to provoke replies. The best threads are the ones that are open ended, where an OP's opinion on a topic isn't introduced as the main point. Threads should be made for the purpose of OP wanting to talk about something rather than to loudly proclaiming his viewpoint as if Holla Forums is his personal blog. The health of a board is dependent on the quality of its threads. Even goodposters turn to shitposters in shitty threads. Who can blame them?
2. Comments on threads should be relevant to the topic of the thread to a reasonable degree. One or two off topic remarks is just the flow of normal conversation. Two users arguing about something tangentially related to the OP or a comment is normal, while multiple posts in a conductive thread trying to push a completely different issue that has nothing to do with the topic at all is not.
3. "off topic" should be defined as any thread that has absolutely nothing to do with politics, world news, society in general, things directly relevant to Holla Forums (meta discussion) or current events. Most "off topic" threads are made in good faith; users asking everyone on Holla Forums how they feel about a certain topic. Examples are like "What does Holla Forums think about this band." "What guns does Holla Forums own?" "Is Holla Forums straight?" however, too many of these threads can clog up the board.
4. Users have the responsibility to self moderate. if you see a post that upsets you, think about whether or not it's a genuine retard or a troll before you reply. You're all internet veterans, you should know this.

nice try, D&C shillbot

lol stay mad

you CIA suck horse cock

Everyone has a psyop to run.

(1) and (2). OP sure struck a nerve with (((someone))). How about we use this thread as a log of all observed topics that are shilled for/against?



You're going to have to do better than that.

Yeah, well, the government has also been infected by Holla Forums memes, so chalk it up to yet another instance of "Kikes fucking with powers they don't understand and getting strangled by their own golem". Enjoy the weaponized autism, it's on the house. No, we insist :^)

Wise old chink once say: Dictating rules of etiquette on imageboard like trying to push shoreline back with broom, you fat weeaboo faggot"

Welcome to Holla Forums
This is what we struggle here on the day to day.
I go to the gym to sharpen my body.
I go here to sharpen my wit.
If a bunch of fools want to help add various canned replies to my arguments against politicians, governments, red tapes of all types, taxes, and various forms of behavior control then let them do it. I can argue them all and make them appear as obvious shills.
The end of such threads is always either a straight delete and a ban for the IP that made fools out of government paid shills but for the time it lasts their are enough views to warrant replies to lengthy shillposts if you have the time to spare.

check this, its good to know

Yes, it I was more referring to current narratives/agendas than general practice.

>OP sure struck a nerve with (((someone)))



Checked and heiled.

Been hitting the cough syrup again, kikey? Your site is dying.

No, you don't say, who woulda fucking guessed. There is an entire section in the board rules sticky on these kikes.


We know OP, this place has been shilled to hell since the elections. It was always a little shilled.

but go and look at the archive's from befor the elections
And you can see how bad it is.

That's a lot of buzzwords desu. Did you get written up or something?


its shilled because this site did something that they desperately want to pin on the russians, but are too embarrassed to admit to the public, that a bunch of faggots who do it for free on a Mongolian throat singing appreciation forum kicked their face into the dirt. And to this day remember that this is why the russian narrative persists. Doesn't mean that we wont survive, we have been through shit before and came out just fine. They come in waves.

No surprise that a trannylover is a mentally ill faggot.