Sociology’s Stagnation Part II: Genetic Confounding

Sociology’s Stagnation Part II: Genetic Confounding

Other urls found in this thread:–45

Go on…

I saw this study a few days ago, very interesting and showing the importance of Race Realism across the study of human populations in really any methodology.

The study in the OP is interesting, I remember seeing it through scihub and it doesn't say anything about IQ or intelligence heritability, it has a few charts that that list it as "brain function" with a .5 heritability in young age and going as far as .7 in adulthood.

Bump for valuable thread.

Anthropology had this covered. We had segregation. Then anthropology was too stringent and they wanted an "ology" to bullshit in.

And anyone who looks at twin studies and says traits are 100% nonheritable are either demons or idiots.

bump for interest

Here's a study on IQ:

B-But I thought race was just a skin color?!

can a pseudoscience stagnate?

Sociology came in with the Frankfurt school Jew Commies and was the main tool of critical theory and cultural marxism.

It replaced Civics classes to create a generation of idiot plebs who don't understand what America is.

Such a study will make absolutely zero difference to the average person.

tl;dr there is a lot lot lot of things to educate people on – lots of nonarguments which people use that must be debunked – before the society is ready for even the most basic studies.

It doesn't have to.
You need mental gymnastics to think that behavior and belief patterns are influenced by genes but then somehow intelligence is not.
What is it with the polar shilling lately? "IT IS EITHER 100% HITLER OR IT IS A JEW" Just shut the fuck up.

Defeatism shilling.
GENETICS is the foundation of all life.
No one can deny this and say truth matters in the same breath.

Hardly defeatism. Just giving some more examples for the well-known fact that if someone hopes to change another person's mind using facts, they are being deeply naive. If you go out only understanding reality and not people's fallacious ways in which they react to attempts to explain said reality, you are going to lose.

Happy 15th birthday kid.
You don't go all autist with facts at people who still think LGPTOQXIE is a good idea. You will however use them to get the insane ones shrieking and win the silent listeners to your side.

Also, fun fact: as far as you insist that people have intrinsic capacity to accept facts, which can always be appealed to in order to effect their comprehension, you are guilty of environmentalism yourself. It would be quite ironic for someone who (rightfully) accepts the importance of genes to fall victim to the sentiment that the genetics does not influence people's capacity to accepts facts concerning nature/nurture in the first place.

Now watch as through the magic of liberalism everything becomes the fault of epigenetics, ie. we should invest even more into their early childhood so niggers can have equal outcomes

Glad we agree.

Indeed. 'Yes, okay, genetic influence is real, but what if its, like, ENVIRONMENTAL GENETICS?' Truly an equivocator's dream.

Indeed. 'Yes, okay, genetic influence is real, but what if its, like, ENVIRONMENTAL GENETICS?' Truly an equivocator's dream.

Christcucks do it every day, dubsman.

Literally everyone says that truth matters. In fact, the more someone says it, the less truthful they probably are.

I get what you anons mean. Liberals will do exactly what you are demonstrating here. And they will have to rely on the lemmings' ignorance of biology to get the idea to spread. Unfortunately, the truth in this case has much greater memetic friction because it is more difficult a concept. However, anons, we can work on ways to explain epigenetics that lower the friction and give the truth a chance to out the leftist mischaracterization in a timely fashion.

Please stick around for the next part, I'm not going to explain it perfectly but hopefully it will help. So, epigenetics is essentially genetic memory that is stored by polymerization (carboxylation, really, but biochemfags may see why I'm dumbing it to polymerization in a bit). Genes can be turned on and off by addition of chemical functional groups which make it much harder for ribosomes to translate that gene into protein. Like lots of other polymers, once the gene is "polymerized" into the off position, it requires lots of chemical energy to break the bond holding the polymer together (/demethylate or decarboxylate the gene) / turn the gene back on.

In practice, I'll tell you about a mouse study from a couple of years ago. First, they kept some female rats in near starvation and got them pregnant with sperm from males who were fed normally. Then they observed the genes and the fatness of the resulting offspring. The fast metabolism genes were turned off not in the daughter rats but only in the granddaughter rats. This was because the original mother rat was starving and that *extreme* environmental stimulus was enough to generate the necessary chemical environment in granddaughter germ cells to turn off the fast metabolism genes. This is because the daughter rat formed all the eggs of her lifetime in the womb under starvation conditions. So those fast metabolism genes were only turned off for her granddaughters. Since the epigenetic memory formation MAINLY MATTERS with germ cells, as this affects the default on/off state of genes in all other cells later on, the fatness of the rats worked out as follows: mother - starvation thin. Daughter - normal (mom's eggs weren't formed under starvation conditions). Granddaughter - fat even under restricted calories.

This is why (every decent) culture evolved to keep such a high standard of protection for women through their childbearing years. This is also why the grandchildren of the Great Depression are such tubs of lard.

See, the environment makes a massive difference in the chemical environment of a single cell. This can have major impacts on epigenetics/genetic memory. But once a person is a plethora of cells, each and every one of them is subject to a different microchemical environment.

So, how can we dumb this down to make my fucked up explanation a lot more intuitive and spreadable to counteract the leftists and their straw man of environment being the only thing that matters?



You might be interested in "The Dutch Hunger" and how fetal malnutrition apparently leads to schizophrenia.–45

Intredasting. Thanks for the links.